-- A spawner (NUKEBUTTON+3) of colored TRANSPORTERSTAR+4 sprites in a helical -- arrangement. local require = require local math = require("math") local con = require("con") local xmath = require("xmath") local gv = gv local actor = actor local player = player local sprite = sprite local gameactor = gameactor module(...) -- Dual-typed per-actor array: if a broken nuke switch is not enabled, -- start game tic of when it was enabled otherwise. -- NOTE: for objects that are not supposed to be deleted such as this one, it -- would also be OK to use a plain table. local nukeswStart = con.actorvar(false) -- This one should be a per-actor variable because it holds info about -- "volatile" actors. local starPal = con.actorvar(0) require("end_gamevars") local bangvec = xmath.bangvec local angvec = xmath.angvec local D = require("CON.DEFS") local GTICSPERSEC = gv.GTICSPERSEC -- color per decasecond local COLOR = { 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 } gameactor { D.TRANSPORTERSTAR+4, flags = actor.FLAGS.NOCLIP, move = con.move{100}, movflags = actor.MOVFLAGS.geth, func = function(aci) -- NOTE: this is prettier than calling it 'a', even if 'act' is used to -- denote an action in other places: local act = actor[aci] if (act:has_action(0)) then act:set_action(1) -- TODO: actor constructors, i.e. 'init' callbacks local spr = sprite[aci] local decasec = math.floor((gv.gametic - nukeswStart[spr.owner])/(GTICSPERSEC*10)) local pal = COLOR[decasec+1] if (pal ~= nil) then starPal[aci] = pal end -- At one point, we stop coloring the spawned stars. This tests -- per-actor variable resetting to the default value. spr.pal = starPal[aci] end if (act:checkbump()) then con.killit() end end } local CS = sprite.CSTAT local SPAWNSPERTIC = 10 --> 300/second --> 18000 per minute local TWOPI = 2*math.pi gameactor { D.NUKEBUTTON+3, -- destroyed end-of-level nuke switch function(aci) local spr = sprite[aci] for pi in player.all() do -- XXX: how to emulate "use switch" distance checking code, but in -- an actor-centric fashion? if (not nukeswStart[aci] and player.holdskey(pi, "OPEN") and (player[pi].pos - spr):len2sq() < 256^2) then -- Enable us. nukeswStart[aci] = gv.gametic spr.cstatbits:clear(CS.TRANS_BITMASK) spr.cstatbits:set(CS.TRANS1) break end end local startgtic = nukeswStart[aci] if (not startgtic) then return end local hei, zofs = spr:getheightofs() local radius = hei/2 for i=0,SPAWNSPERTIC-1 do -- Make one second go once round the circle, spawning -- SPAWNSPERTIC*GTICSPERSEC stars. local ii = ((gv.gametic*SPAWNSPERTIC)%(GTICSPERSEC*SPAWNSPERTIC)) + i local v = (radius/16)*angvec(ii*TWOPI/(GTICSPERSEC*SPAWNSPERTIC)) local circvec = xmath.vec3(0, v.x, 16*v.y):rotate(spr.ang) local pos = spr^(zofs + radius) + 256*bangvec(spr.ang) + circvec con.insertsprite{D.TRANSPORTERSTAR+4, pos, spr.sectnum, aci, actor.STAT.ACTOR, xrepeat=3, yrepeat=3, ang=spr.ang} end end }