.586P EXTRN _MV_HarshClipTable : dword EXTRN _MV_MixDestination : dword EXTRN _MV_MixPosition : dword EXTRN _MV_LeftVolume : dword EXTRN _MV_RightVolume : dword EXTRN _MV_SampleSize : dword EXTRN _MV_RightChannelOffset : dword CODE SEGMENT PUBLIC USE32 'DATA' ASSUME cs:CODE,ds:CODE ;================ ; ; MV_Mix8BitMono ; ;================ ; eax - position ; edx - rate ; ebx - start ; ecx - number of samples to mix ALIGN 16 PUBLIC _MV_Mix8BitMono _MV_Mix8BitMono: ; Two at once pushad mov eax, dword ptr [esp + 0*4 + 9*4] mov edx, dword ptr [esp + 1*4 + 9*4] mov ebx, dword ptr [esp + 2*4 + 9*4] mov ecx, dword ptr [esp + 3*4 + 9*4] mov ebp, eax mov esi, ebx ; Source pointer ; Sample size mov ebx, _MV_SampleSize mov byte ptr [apatch7+2],bl mov byte ptr [apatch8+2],bl mov byte ptr [apatch9+3],bl ; Volume table ptr mov ebx, _MV_LeftVolume ; Since we're mono, use left volume mov dword ptr [apatch1+4],ebx mov dword ptr [apatch2+4],ebx ; Harsh Clip table ptr mov ebx, _MV_HarshClipTable add ebx, 128 mov dword ptr [apatch3+2],ebx mov dword ptr [apatch4+2],ebx ; Rate scale ptr mov dword ptr [apatch5+2],edx mov dword ptr [apatch6+2],edx mov edi, _MV_MixDestination ; Get the position to write to ; Number of samples to mix shr ecx, 1 ; double sample count cmp ecx, 0 je short exit8m ; eax - scratch ; ebx - scratch ; edx - scratch ; ecx - count ; edi - destination ; esi - source ; ebp - frac pointer ; apatch1 - volume table ; apatch2 - volume table ; apatch3 - harsh clip table ; apatch4 - harsh clip table ; apatch5 - sample rate ; apatch6 - sample rate mov eax,ebp ; begin calculating first sample add ebp,edx ; advance frac pointer shr eax,16 ; finish calculation for first sample mov ebx,ebp ; begin calculating second sample add ebp,edx ; advance frac pointer shr ebx,16 ; finish calculation for second sample movzx eax, byte ptr [esi+eax] ; get first sample movzx ebx, byte ptr [esi+ebx] ; get second sample ;ALIGN 4 mix8Mloop: movzx edx, byte ptr [edi] ; get current sample from destination apatch1: movsx eax, byte ptr [2*eax+12345678h] ; volume translate first sample apatch2: movsx ebx, byte ptr [2*ebx+12345678h] ; volume translate second sample add eax, edx ; mix first sample apatch9: movzx edx, byte ptr [edi + 1] ; get current sample from destination apatch3: mov eax, [eax + 12345678h] ; harsh clip new sample add ebx, edx ; mix second sample mov [edi], al ; write new sample to destination mov edx, ebp ; begin calculating third sample apatch4: mov ebx, [ebx + 12345678h] ; harsh clip new sample apatch5: add ebp,12345678h ; advance frac pointer shr edx, 16 ; finish calculation for third sample mov eax, ebp ; begin calculating fourth sample apatch7: add edi, 1 ; move destination to second sample shr eax, 16 ; finish calculation for fourth sample mov [edi], bl ; write new sample to destination apatch6: add ebp,12345678h ; advance frac pointer movzx ebx, byte ptr [esi+eax] ; get fourth sample movzx eax, byte ptr [esi+edx] ; get third sample apatch8: add edi, 2 ; move destination to third sample dec ecx ; decrement count jnz mix8Mloop ; loop mov _MV_MixDestination, edi ; Store the current write position mov _MV_MixPosition, ebp ; return position exit8m: popad ret ;================ ; ; MV_Mix8BitStereo ; ;================ ; eax - position ; edx - rate ; ebx - start ; ecx - number of samples to mix ALIGN 16 PUBLIC _MV_Mix8BitStereo _MV_Mix8BitStereo: pushad mov eax, dword ptr [esp + 0*4 + 9*4] mov edx, dword ptr [esp + 1*4 + 9*4] mov ebx, dword ptr [esp + 2*4 + 9*4] mov ecx, dword ptr [esp + 3*4 + 9*4] mov ebp, eax mov esi, ebx ; Source pointer ; Sample size mov ebx, _MV_SampleSize mov byte ptr [bpatch8+2],bl ; Right channel offset mov ebx, _MV_RightChannelOffset mov dword ptr [bpatch6+3],ebx mov dword ptr [bpatch7+2],ebx ; Volume table ptr mov ebx, _MV_LeftVolume mov dword ptr [bpatch1+4],ebx mov ebx, _MV_RightVolume mov dword ptr [bpatch2+4],ebx ; Rate scale ptr mov dword ptr [bpatch3+2],edx ; Harsh Clip table ptr mov ebx, _MV_HarshClipTable add ebx,128 mov dword ptr [bpatch4+2],ebx mov dword ptr [bpatch5+2],ebx mov edi, _MV_MixDestination ; Get the position to write to ; Number of samples to mix cmp ecx, 0 je short exit8S ; eax - scratch ; ebx - scratch ; edx - scratch ; ecx - count ; edi - destination ; esi - source ; ebp - frac pointer ; bpatch1 - left volume table ; bpatch2 - right volume table ; bpatch3 - sample rate ; bpatch4 - harsh clip table ; bpatch5 - harsh clip table mov eax,ebp ; begin calculating first sample shr eax,16 ; finish calculation for first sample movzx ebx, byte ptr [esi+eax] ; get first sample ;ALIGN 4 mix8Sloop: bpatch1: movsx eax, byte ptr [2*ebx+12345678h] ; volume translate left sample movzx edx, byte ptr [edi] ; get current sample from destination bpatch2: movsx ebx, byte ptr [2*ebx+12345678h] ; volume translate right sample add eax, edx ; mix left sample bpatch3: add ebp,12345678h ; advance frac pointer bpatch6: movzx edx, byte ptr [edi+12345678h] ; get current sample from destination bpatch4: mov eax, [eax + 12345678h] ; harsh clip left sample add ebx, edx ; mix right sample mov [edi], al ; write left sample to destination bpatch5: mov ebx, [ebx + 12345678h] ; harsh clip right sample mov edx, ebp ; begin calculating second sample bpatch7: mov [edi+12345678h], bl ; write right sample to destination shr edx, 16 ; finish calculation for second sample bpatch8: add edi, 2 ; move destination to second sample movzx ebx, byte ptr [esi+edx] ; get second sample dec ecx ; decrement count jnz mix8Sloop ; loop mov _MV_MixDestination, edi ; Store the current write position mov _MV_MixPosition, ebp ; return position EXIT8S: popad ret ;================ ; ; MV_Mix16BitMono ; ;================ ; eax - position ; edx - rate ; ebx - start ; ecx - number of samples to mix ALIGN 16 PUBLIC _MV_Mix16BitMono _MV_Mix16BitMono: ; Two at once pushad mov eax, dword ptr [esp + 0*4 + 9*4] mov edx, dword ptr [esp + 1*4 + 9*4] mov ebx, dword ptr [esp + 2*4 + 9*4] mov ecx, dword ptr [esp + 3*4 + 9*4] mov ebp, eax mov esi, ebx ; Source pointer ; Sample size mov ebx, _MV_SampleSize mov byte ptr [cpatch5+3],bl mov byte ptr [cpatch6+3],bl add bl,bl mov byte ptr [cpatch7+2],bl ; Volume table ptr mov ebx, _MV_LeftVolume mov dword ptr [cpatch1+4],ebx mov dword ptr [cpatch2+4],ebx ; Rate scale ptr mov dword ptr [cpatch3+2],edx mov dword ptr [cpatch4+2],edx mov edi, _MV_MixDestination ; Get the position to write to ; Number of samples to mix shr ecx, 1 ; double sample count cmp ecx, 0 je exit16M ; eax - scratch ; ebx - scratch ; edx - scratch ; ecx - count ; edi - destination ; esi - source ; ebp - frac pointer ; cpatch1 - volume table ; cpatch2 - volume table ; cpatch3 - sample rate ; cpatch4 - sample rate mov eax,ebp ; begin calculating first sample add ebp,edx ; advance frac pointer shr eax,16 ; finish calculation for first sample mov ebx,ebp ; begin calculating second sample add ebp,edx ; advance frac pointer shr ebx,16 ; finish calculation for second sample movzx eax, byte ptr [esi+eax] ; get first sample movzx ebx, byte ptr [esi+ebx] ; get second sample ;ALIGN 4 mix16Mloop: movsx edx, word ptr [edi] ; get current sample from destination cpatch1: movsx eax, word ptr [2*eax+12345678h] ; volume translate first sample cpatch2: movsx ebx, word ptr [2*ebx+12345678h] ; volume translate second sample add eax, edx ; mix first sample cpatch5: movsx edx, word ptr [edi + 2] ; get current sample from destination cmp eax, -32768 ; Harsh clip sample jge short m16skip1 mov eax, -32768 jmp short m16skip2 m16skip1: cmp eax, 32767 jle short m16skip2 mov eax, 32767 m16skip2: add ebx, edx ; mix second sample mov [edi], ax ; write new sample to destination mov edx, ebp ; begin calculating third sample cmp ebx, -32768 ; Harsh clip sample jge short m16skip3 mov ebx, -32768 jmp short m16skip4 m16skip3: cmp ebx, 32767 jle short m16skip4 mov ebx, 32767 m16skip4: cpatch3: add ebp,12345678h ; advance frac pointer shr edx, 16 ; finish calculation for third sample mov eax, ebp ; begin calculating fourth sample cpatch6: mov [edi + 2], bx ; write new sample to destination shr eax, 16 ; finish calculation for fourth sample cpatch4: add ebp,12345678h ; advance frac pointer movzx ebx, byte ptr [esi+eax] ; get fourth sample cpatch7: add edi, 4 ; move destination to third sample movzx eax, byte ptr [esi+edx] ; get third sample dec ecx ; decrement count jnz mix16Mloop ; loop mov _MV_MixDestination, edi ; Store the current write position mov _MV_MixPosition, ebp ; return position EXIT16M: popad ret ;================ ; ; MV_Mix16BitStereo ; ;================ ; eax - position ; edx - rate ; ebx - start ; ecx - number of samples to mix ALIGN 16 PUBLIC _MV_Mix16BitStereo _MV_Mix16BitStereo: pushad mov eax, dword ptr [esp + 0*4 + 9*4] mov edx, dword ptr [esp + 1*4 + 9*4] mov ebx, dword ptr [esp + 2*4 + 9*4] mov ecx, dword ptr [esp + 3*4 + 9*4] mov ebp, eax mov esi, ebx ; Source pointer ; Sample size mov ebx, _MV_SampleSize mov byte ptr [dpatch6+2],bl ; Right channel offset mov ebx, _MV_RightChannelOffset mov dword ptr [dpatch4+3],ebx mov dword ptr [dpatch5+3],ebx ; Volume table ptr mov ebx, _MV_LeftVolume mov dword ptr [dpatch1+4],ebx mov ebx, _MV_RightVolume mov dword ptr [dpatch2+4],ebx ; Rate scale ptr mov dword ptr [dpatch3+2],edx mov edi, _MV_MixDestination ; Get the position to write to ; Number of samples to mix cmp ecx, 0 je exit16S ; eax - scratch ; ebx - scratch ; edx - scratch ; ecx - count ; edi - destination ; esi - source ; ebp - frac pointer ; dpatch1 - left volume table ; dpatch2 - right volume table ; dpatch3 - sample rate mov eax,ebp ; begin calculating first sample shr eax,16 ; finish calculation for first sample movzx ebx, byte ptr [esi+eax] ; get first sample ;ALIGN 4 mix16Sloop: dpatch1: movsx eax, word ptr [2*ebx+12345678h] ; volume translate left sample movsx edx, word ptr [edi] ; get current sample from destination dpatch2: movsx ebx, word ptr [2*ebx+12345678h] ; volume translate right sample add eax, edx ; mix left sample dpatch3: add ebp,12345678h ; advance frac pointer dpatch4: movsx edx, word ptr [edi+12345678h] ; get current sample from destination cmp eax, -32768 ; Harsh clip sample jge short s16skip1 mov eax, -32768 jmp short s16skip2 s16skip1: cmp eax, 32767 jle short s16skip2 mov eax, 32767 s16skip2: add ebx, edx ; mix right sample mov [edi], ax ; write left sample to destination cmp ebx, -32768 ; Harsh clip sample jge short s16skip3 mov ebx, -32768 jmp short s16skip4 s16skip3: cmp ebx, 32767 jle short s16skip4 mov ebx, 32767 s16skip4: mov edx, ebp ; begin calculating second sample dpatch5: mov [edi+12345678h], bx ; write right sample to destination shr edx, 16 ; finish calculation for second sample dpatch6: add edi, 4 ; move destination to second sample movzx ebx, byte ptr [esi+edx] ; get second sample dec ecx ; decrement count jnz mix16Sloop ; loop mov _MV_MixDestination, edi ; Store the current write position mov _MV_MixPosition, ebp ; return position exit16S: popad ret CODE ENDS END