/* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Ryan C. Gordon. and James Bentler This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Originally written by Ryan C. Gordon. (icculus@clutteredmind.org) Adapted to work with JonoF's port by James Bentler (bentler@cs.umn.edu) */ /* * A reimplementation of Jim Dose's FX_MAN routines, using SDL_mixer 1.2. * Whee. FX_MAN is also known as the "Apogee Sound System", or "ASS" for * short. How strangely appropriate that seems. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "duke3d.h" #include "cache1d.h" #if (!defined __WATCOMC__) #define cdecl #endif #define _NEED_SDLMIXER 1 #include "sdl_inc.h" #include "music.h" #define __FX_TRUE (1 == 1) #define __FX_FALSE (!__FX_TRUE) #define DUKESND_DEBUG "DUKESND_DEBUG" #ifndef min #define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #ifndef max #define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif int MUSIC_ErrorCode = MUSIC_Ok; static char warningMessage[80]; static char errorMessage[80]; static FILE *debug_file = NULL; static int initialized_debugging = 0; static int external_midi = 0; static int music_initialized = 0; static int music_context = 0; static int music_loopflag = MUSIC_PlayOnce; static Mix_Music *music_musicchunk = NULL; // static char *music_songdata = NULL; // This gets called all over the place for information and debugging messages. // If the user set the DUKESND_DEBUG environment variable, the messages // go to the file that is specified in that variable. Otherwise, they // are ignored for the expense of the function call. If DUKESND_DEBUG is // set to "-" (without the quotes), then the output goes to stdout. static void musdebug(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; if (debug_file) { fprintf(debug_file, "DUKEMUS: "); va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(debug_file, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); fprintf(debug_file, "\n"); fflush(debug_file); } // if } // musdebug static void init_debugging(void) { const char *envr; if (initialized_debugging) return; envr = getenv(DUKESND_DEBUG); if (envr != NULL) { if (Bstrcmp(envr, "-") == 0) debug_file = stdout; else debug_file = fopen(envr, "w"); if (debug_file == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "DUKESND: -WARNING- Could not open debug file!\n"); else setbuf(debug_file, NULL); } // if initialized_debugging = 1; } // init_debugging static void setErrorMessage(const char *msg) { Bstrncpy(errorMessage, msg, sizeof(errorMessage)); // strncpy() doesn't add the null char if there isn't room... errorMessage[sizeof(errorMessage) - 1] = '\0'; musdebug("Error message set to [%s].", errorMessage); } // setErrorMessage // The music functions... char *MUSIC_ErrorString(int ErrorNumber) { switch (ErrorNumber) { case MUSIC_Warning: return(warningMessage); case MUSIC_Error: return(errorMessage); case MUSIC_Ok: return("OK; no error."); case MUSIC_ASSVersion: return("Incorrect sound library version."); case MUSIC_SoundCardError: return("General sound card error."); case MUSIC_InvalidCard: return("Invalid sound card."); case MUSIC_MidiError: return("MIDI error."); case MUSIC_MPU401Error: return("MPU401 error."); case MUSIC_TaskManError: return("Task Manager error."); //case MUSIC_FMNotDetected: // return("FM not detected error."); case MUSIC_DPMI_Error: return("DPMI error."); default: return("Unknown error."); } // switch assert(0); // shouldn't hit this point. return(NULL); } // MUSIC_ErrorString int MUSIC_Init(int SoundCard, int Address) { // Use an external MIDI player if the user has specified to do so char *command = getenv("EDUKE32_MUSIC_CMD"); const SDL_version *linked = Mix_Linked_Version(); if (SDL_VERSIONNUM(linked->major,linked->minor,linked->patch) < MIX_REQUIREDVERSION) { // reject running with SDL_Mixer versions older than what is stated in sdl_inc.h initprintf("You need at least v%d.%d.%d of SDL_mixer for music\n",SDL_MIXER_MIN_X,SDL_MIXER_MIN_Y,SDL_MIXER_MIN_Z); return(MUSIC_Error); } external_midi = (command != NULL && command[0] != 0); if (external_midi) Mix_SetMusicCMD(command); init_debugging(); musdebug("INIT! card=>%d, address=>%d...", SoundCard, Address); if (music_initialized) { setErrorMessage("Music system is already initialized."); return(MUSIC_Error); } // if SoundCard = 1; music_initialized = 1; return(MUSIC_Ok); } // MUSIC_Init int MUSIC_Shutdown(void) { musdebug("shutting down sound subsystem."); // TODO - make sure this is being called from the menu -- SA if (external_midi) Mix_SetMusicCMD(NULL); MUSIC_StopSong(); music_context = 0; music_initialized = 0; music_loopflag = MUSIC_PlayOnce; return(MUSIC_Ok); } // MUSIC_Shutdown void MUSIC_SetMaxFMMidiChannel(int channel) { musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_SetMaxFMMidiChannel(%d).\n", channel); } // MUSIC_SetMaxFMMidiChannel void MUSIC_SetVolume(int volume) { volume = max(0, volume); volume = min(volume, 255); Mix_VolumeMusic(volume >> 1); // convert 0-255 to 0-128. } // MUSIC_SetVolume void MUSIC_SetMidiChannelVolume(int channel, int volume) { musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_SetMidiChannelVolume(%d, %d).\n", channel, volume); } // MUSIC_SetMidiChannelVolume void MUSIC_ResetMidiChannelVolumes(void) { musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_ResetMidiChannelVolumes().\n"); } // MUSIC_ResetMidiChannelVolumes int MUSIC_GetVolume(void) { return(Mix_VolumeMusic(-1) << 1); // convert 0-128 to 0-255. } // MUSIC_GetVolume void MUSIC_SetLoopFlag(int loopflag) { music_loopflag = loopflag; } // MUSIC_SetLoopFlag int MUSIC_SongPlaying(void) { return((Mix_PlayingMusic()) ? __FX_TRUE : __FX_FALSE); } // MUSIC_SongPlaying void MUSIC_Continue(void) { if (Mix_PausedMusic()) Mix_ResumeMusic(); } // MUSIC_Continue void MUSIC_Pause(void) { Mix_PauseMusic(); } // MUSIC_Pause int MUSIC_StopSong(void) { //if (!fx_initialized) if (!Mix_QuerySpec(NULL, NULL, NULL)) { setErrorMessage("Need FX system initialized, too. Sorry."); return(MUSIC_Error); } // if if ((Mix_PlayingMusic()) || (Mix_PausedMusic())) Mix_HaltMusic(); if (music_musicchunk) Mix_FreeMusic(music_musicchunk); // if (music_songdata) // Bfree(music_songdata); music_musicchunk = NULL; // music_songdata = NULL; return(MUSIC_Ok); } // MUSIC_StopSong // Duke3D-specific. --ryan. // void MUSIC_PlayMusic(char *_filename) int MUSIC_PlaySong(unsigned char *song, int loopflag) { MUSIC_StopSong(); music_musicchunk = Mix_LoadMUS_RW(SDL_RWFromMem((char *) song, g_musicSize)); if (music_musicchunk != NULL) { // !!! FIXME: I set the music to loop. Hope that's okay. --ryan. Mix_PlayMusic(music_musicchunk, -1); } // if return MUSIC_Ok; } void MUSIC_SetContext(int context) { musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_SetContext().\n"); music_context = context; } // MUSIC_SetContext int MUSIC_GetContext(void) { return(music_context); } // MUSIC_GetContext void MUSIC_SetSongTick(unsigned int PositionInTicks) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(PositionInTicks); musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_SetSongTick().\n"); } // MUSIC_SetSongTick void MUSIC_SetSongTime(unsigned int milliseconds) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(milliseconds); musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_SetSongTime().\n"); }// MUSIC_SetSongTime void MUSIC_SetSongPosition(int measure, int beat, int tick) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(measure); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(beat); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(tick); musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_SetSongPosition().\n"); } // MUSIC_SetSongPosition void MUSIC_GetSongPosition(songposition *pos) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pos); musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_GetSongPosition().\n"); } // MUSIC_GetSongPosition void MUSIC_GetSongLength(songposition *pos) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pos); musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_GetSongLength().\n"); } // MUSIC_GetSongLength int MUSIC_FadeVolume(int tovolume, int milliseconds) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(tovolume); Mix_FadeOutMusic(milliseconds); return(MUSIC_Ok); } // MUSIC_FadeVolume int MUSIC_FadeActive(void) { return((Mix_FadingMusic() == MIX_FADING_OUT) ? __FX_TRUE : __FX_FALSE); } // MUSIC_FadeActive void MUSIC_StopFade(void) { musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_StopFade().\n"); } // MUSIC_StopFade void MUSIC_RerouteMidiChannel(int channel, int cdecl(*function)(int event, int c1, int c2)) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(channel); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(function); musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_RerouteMidiChannel().\n"); } // MUSIC_RerouteMidiChannel void MUSIC_RegisterTimbreBank(unsigned char *timbres) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(timbres); musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_RegisterTimbreBank().\n"); } // MUSIC_RegisterTimbreBank void MUSIC_Update(void) {}