#!/bin/bash # build debug/release x86/x86_64/ppc versions of mapster32 and eduke32 on OS X cd .. # Variable presets: buildppc=1 build86=1 build64=1 buildmain=1 buildtools=0 installtools=0 builddebug=0 buildrelease=1 pack=1 iamhelix=0 dummy=0 doclean=0 package=package lastrevision= # Enforce OS: if [ `uname -s` != Darwin ]; then echo This script is for OS X only. exit 1 fi # Detect and account for OS X version: darwinversion=`uname -r | cut -d . -f 1` if [ `expr $darwinversion \< 9` == 1 ]; then echo OS X 10.5 is the minimum requirement for building. exit 1 fi if [ `expr $darwinversion \< 10` == 1 ]; then build64=0 # x86_64 is disabled by default on Leopard to avoid the additional hassles of getting libvpx installed into a PowerPC environment. fi if [ `expr $darwinversion \> 9` == 1 ]; then buildppc=0 # PPC is disabled by default on Snow Leopard for ease of installation. fi # All defaults can be overridden with the command-line parameters. # Parse arguments: for i in $*; do case $i in # onlyzip, helix: For Helixhorned's convenience. onlyzip) buildmain=0 buildtools=0 pack=1 ;; helix) iamhelix=1 buildppc=0 build86=1 build64=1 buildmain=1 buildtools=1 builddebug=0 pack=1 ;; debughelix) iamhelix=1 buildppc=0 build86=0 build64=1 buildmain=1 buildtools=0 builddebug=1 buildrelease=0 pack=1 ;; dummyhelix) iamhelix=1 buildppc=0 build86=0 build64=0 buildmain=0 buildtools=0 builddebug=0 buildrelease=0 pack=0 dummy=1 ;; clean) buildppc=0 build86=0 build64=0 buildmain=0 buildtools=0 builddebug=0 buildrelease=0 pack=0 doclean=1 ;; # For the convenience of universal distributors: dist) buildppc=1 build86=1 build64=1 buildmain=1 buildtools=0 builddebug=1 pack=1 ;; disttools) buildppc=1 build86=1 build64=1 buildmain=0 buildtools=1 builddebug=1 pack=0 ;; full) buildppc=1 build86=1 build64=1 buildmain=1 buildtools=1 builddebug=1 pack=1 ;; # misc. installtools) buildppc=0 build86=0 build64=0 buildmain=0 buildtools=0 builddebug=0 pack=0 installtools=1 ;; --buildppc=*) buildppc=${i#*=} ;; --build86=*) build86=${i#*=} ;; --build64=*) build64=${i#*=} ;; --main=*) buildmain=${i#*=} ;; --tools=*) buildtools=${i#*=} ;; --debug=*) builddebug=${i#*=} ;; --pack=*) pack=${i#*=} ;; --lastrev=*) lastrevision=${i#*=} ;; *) echo "usage: ./osxbuild.sh [options]" echo "options:" echo " [--buildppc=<0|1>] [--build86=<0|1>] [--build64=<0|1>]" echo " [--debug=<0|1>]" echo " [--main=<0|1>] [--tools=<0|1>]" echo " [--pack=<0|1>]" echo "presets:" echo " [onlyzip] [dist] [disttools] [full] [installtools]" exit 1 ;; esac done # Mandatory disabled settings enforced: if [ `expr $darwinversion \< 9` == 1 ]; then build64=0 # x86_64 support did not exist before Leopard. fi if [ `expr $darwinversion \> 10` == 1 ]; then buildppc=0 # PPC is disabled on Lion and up because support has been removed from the SDKs. fi # Detect versioning systems and pull the revision number: rev=$(svn info 2> /dev/null | grep Revision | awk '{ print $2 }') vc=svn if [ -z "$rev" ]; then vc=git rev=$(git log | grep 'git-svn-id:' | head -n 1 | sed -E 's/.*\@([0-9]+).*/\1/') echo "Detected git repository, revision r$rev" fi if [ -n "$rev" ]; then # throw the svn revision into a header. this is ugly. echo "s_buildRev = \"r$rev\";" > source/rev.h else rev=unknown vc=none fi function dobuildtools () { make veryclean local cmdline="$2" eval $cmdline if [ $? ]; then echo buildtools: "$1" build succeeded. else echo buildtools: "$1" build failed. exit 1 fi } function dobuildem() # build EDuke32 and Mapster32 { make veryclean local cmdline="$2" eval $cmdline if [ $? ]; then echo $1 build succeeded. cp "Mapster32.app/Contents/MacOS/mapster32" mapster32.$1 cp "EDuke32.app/Contents/MacOS/eduke32" eduke32.$1 else echo $1 build failed. exit 1 fi } # A little factoring: commonargs="OSX_STARTUPWINDOW=1 WITHOUT_GTK=1" if [ $buildppc == 1 ] || [ `expr $darwinversion = 9` == 1 ]; then commonargs="$commonargs DARWIN9=1" fi if [ `expr $darwinversion = 10` == 1 ]; then commonargs="$commonargs DARWIN10=1" fi if [ $doclean == 1 ]; then cd build rm -f *{.x86,.x64,.ppc} cd .. fi # Building the buildtools: if [ $buildtools$installtools != 00 ] && [ -d "build" ]; then makecmd="make -k" if [ $buildtools == 1 ]; then rm -f *{.x86,.x64,.ppc} make veryclean EXESUFFIX_OVERRIDE=.debug make veryclean if [ $build64 == 1 ]; then if [ $builddebug == 1 ]; then dobuildtools "x86_64 debug" \ "ARCH='-arch x86_64' EXESUFFIX_OVERRIDE=.debug.x64 $commonargs RELEASE=0 BUILD32_ON_64=0 USE_LIBVPX=1 $makecmd utils" fi dobuildtools "x86_64 release" \ "ARCH='-arch x86_64' EXESUFFIX_OVERRIDE=.x64 $commonargs RELEASE=1 BUILD32_ON_64=0 USE_LIBVPX=1 $makecmd utils" fi if [ $build86 == 1 ]; then if [ $builddebug == 1 ]; then dobuildtools "x86 debug" \ "EXESUFFIX_OVERRIDE=.debug.x86 $commonargs RELEASE=0 BUILD32_ON_64=1 USE_LIBVPX=0 $makecmd utils" fi dobuildtools "x86 release" \ "EXESUFFIX_OVERRIDE=.x86 $commonargs RELEASE=1 BUILD32_ON_64=1 USE_LIBVPX=0 $makecmd utils" fi if [ $buildppc == 1 ]; then if [ $builddebug == 1 ]; then dobuildtools "PowerPC debug" \ "ARCH='-arch ppc' EXESUFFIX_OVERRIDE=.debug.ppc $commonargs RELEASE=0 BUILD32_ON_64=0 USE_LIBVPX=0 $makecmd utils" fi dobuildtools "PowerPC release" \ "ARCH='-arch ppc' EXESUFFIX_OVERRIDE=.ppc $commonargs RELEASE=1 BUILD32_ON_64=0 USE_LIBVPX=0 $makecmd utils" fi mkdir -p tools echo buildtools: Creating fat binaries. utils=`make printutils && EXESUFFIX_OVERRIDE=.debug make printutils` for i in $utils; do binaries= for j in ${i}.{x86,x64,ppc}; do if [ -f "$j" ]; then binaries="$binaries $j" fi done if [ -n "$binaries" ]; then lipo -create $binaries -output $i || exit 1 # ln -f -s $i tools/$i || exit 1 cp -f $i tools/$i || exit 1 fi done fi if [ $installtools == 1 ]; then if [ -d "/opt/local/bin" ]; then echo buildtools: Installing to MacPorts search path. for i in $utils; do if [ -f "$i" ]; then cp -f "$i" "/opt/local/bin/" || exit 1 fi done fi if [ -d "/usr/local/bin" ]; then echo buildtools: Installing to Homebrew search path. for i in $utils; do if [ -f "$i" ]; then cp -f "$i" "/usr/local/bin/" || exit 1 fi done fi fi cd .. fi if [ $doclean == 1 ] || [ $buildmain == 1 ]; then rm -f {eduke32,mapster32}{.debug,}{.x86,.x64,.ppc,} rm -rf {$package/,}{EDuke32,Mapster32}{.debug,}.app fi # The build process itself: if [ $buildmain == 1 ]; then if [ $iamhelix == 1 ]; then makecmd="make -j 2" else makecmd="make" fi if [ $build64 == 1 ]; then if [ $builddebug == 1 ]; then dobuildem debug.x64 "ARCH='-arch x86_64' $commonargs RELEASE=0 BUILD32_ON_64=0 $makecmd" fi if [ $buildrelease == 1 ]; then dobuildem x64 "ARCH='-arch x86_64' $commonargs RELEASE=1 BUILD32_ON_64=0 $makecmd" fi fi if [ $build86 == 1 ]; then if [ $builddebug == 1 ]; then dobuildem debug.x86 "$commonargs RELEASE=0 BUILD32_ON_64=1 USE_LIBPNG=0 USE_LIBVPX=0 $makecmd" fi dobuildem x86 "$commonargs RELEASE=1 BUILD32_ON_64=1 USE_LIBPNG=0 USE_LIBVPX=0 $makecmd" fi if [ $buildppc == 1 ]; then if [ $builddebug == 1 ]; then dobuildem debug.ppc "ARCH='-arch ppc' $commonargs RELEASE=0 BUILD32_ON_64=0 USE_LIBPNG=0 USE_LIBVPX=0 $makecmd" fi dobuildem ppc "ARCH='-arch ppc' $commonargs RELEASE=1 BUILD32_ON_64=0 USE_LIBPNG=0 USE_LIBVPX=0 $makecmd" fi fi # clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere, clean up, clean up, everybody do your share if [ "$vc" == "svn" ]; then svn revert "source/rev.h" elif [ "$vc" == "git" ]; then git checkout "source/rev.h" fi # Duplicating .app bundles for debug build: if [ $builddebug == 1 ] || [ $pack == 1 ]; then for i in Mapster32 EDuke32; do if [ -d "$i.app" ]; then cp -RP "$i.app" "$i.debug.app" fi done fi # Begin assembling archive contents: echo Creating fat binaries. success=$dummy if [ $dummy == 0 ]; then for i in {eduke32,mapster32}{.debug,}; do binaries= for j in ${i}.{x86,x64,ppc}; do if [ -f "$j" ]; then binaries="$binaries $j" success=1 fi done if [ -n "$binaries" ]; then lipo -create $binaries -output $i app=${i//eduke32/EDuke32} app=${app//mapster32/Mapster32}.app cp -f $i "$app/Contents/MacOS/${i%.debug}" mv -f "$app" "$package/" fi done fi # Almost done... if [ $success == 1 ]; then cd $package echo "Generating README.OSX and Changelog.txt" # Output README.OSX: let "darwinversion -= 4" echo "This archive was produced from revision $rev by the osxbuild.sh script." > README.OSX echo "Built on: Mac OS X 10.$darwinversion" >> README.OSX echo "EDuke32 home: http://www.eduke32.com" >> README.OSX echo "OS X build discussion on Duke4.net: http://forums.duke4.net/topic/4242-building-eduke-on-mac-os-x/" >> README.OSX echo "The 64-bit build in this archive has LibVPX (http://www.webmproject.org/code/)" >> README.OSX echo "from MacPorts (http://www.macports.org/) and" >> README.OSX echo "LibPNG from Fink (http://www.finkproject.org/) statically linked into it." >> README.OSX # Generate Changelog: if [ -z $lastrevision ]; then lastrevision=$(ls -A1 eduke32-osx* | tail -n1 | cut -d- -f3 | cut -d. -f1) if [ -z $lastrevision ]; then let lastrevision=rev-1 elif [ $lastrevision -lt $rev ]; then let lastrevision+=1 else let lastrevision=rev-1 fi fi echo "Using r$lastrevision as last revision for change log" if [ "$vc" == "svn" ]; then svn log -r $rev:$lastrevision > Changelog.txt elif [ "$vc" == "git" ]; then commitid=$(git log --grep="git-svn-id: .*@$lastrevision" -n 1 | grep -E '^commit ' | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}') # Get the commit messages and strip the email addresses git log $commitid..HEAD | sed 's/<.*@.*>//g' > Changelog.txt fi # Package if [ $pack == 1 ]; then arfilename="eduke32-osx-$rev.zip" echo "Packing distribution into $arfilename" rm -f "$arfilename" zip -r -y "$arfilename" * -x "*.svn*" "*.git*" "*.dll" fi cd .. fi