//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2005 - EDuke32 team This file is part of EDuke32 EDuke32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "compat.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // JBF #include "compat.h" #include "a.h" #include "build.h" #include "cache1d.h" #include "pragmas.h" #include "mmulti.h" #include "baselayer.h" #include "function.h" extern int conversion; extern int shareware; #define VOLUMEALL (shareware==0) #define PLUTOPAK (conversion==14) #define VOLUMEONE (shareware==1) #define MAXSLEEPDIST 16384 #define SLEEPTIME 24*64 #define BYTEVERSION_13 27 #define BYTEVERSION_14 116 #define BYTEVERSION_15 117 #define BYTEVERSION_JF 162 // increase by 3, because atomic GRP adds 1, and Shareware adds 2 #define BYTEVERSION (BYTEVERSION_JF+(PLUTOPAK?1:(VOLUMEONE<<1))) // JBF 20040116: different data files give different versions #define NUMPAGES 1 #define AUTO_AIM_ANGLE 48 #define RECSYNCBUFSIZ 2520 //2520 is the (LCM of 1-8)*3 #define MOVEFIFOSIZ 256 #define FOURSLEIGHT (1<<8) #define MAXVOLUMES 7 #include "types.h" #include "file_lib.h" #include "develop.h" #include "gamedefs.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "util_lib.h" #include "mathutil.h" #include "function.h" #include "fx_man.h" #include "config.h" #include "sounds.h" #include "control.h" #include "_rts.h" #include "rts.h" #include "soundefs.h" #include "music.h" #include "namesdyn.h" #include "funct.h" #define TICRATE (120) #define TICSPERFRAME (TICRATE/26) #define MAXCACHE1DSIZE (16*1048576) // #define GC (TICSPERFRAME*44) #define NUM_SOUNDS 1500 /* #pragma aux sgn =\ "add ebx, ebx",\ "sbb eax, eax",\ "cmp eax, ebx",\ "adc eax, 0",\ parm [ebx]\ */ #define ALT_IS_PRESSED ( KB_KeyPressed( sc_RightAlt ) || KB_KeyPressed( sc_LeftAlt ) ) #define SHIFTS_IS_PRESSED ( KB_KeyPressed( sc_RightShift ) || KB_KeyPressed( sc_LeftShift ) ) #define RANDOMSCRAP EGS(s->sectnum,s->x+(TRAND&255)-128,s->y+(TRAND&255)-128,s->z-(8<<8)-(TRAND&8191),SCRAP6+(TRAND&15),-8,48,48,TRAND&2047,(TRAND&63)+64,-512-(TRAND&2047),i,5) #define PHEIGHT (38<<8) // #define P(X) printf("%ld\n",X); #define WAIT(X) ototalclock=totalclock+(X);while(totalclock=(B) && (PN)<=(E)) #define KILLIT(KX) {ResetActorGameVars(KX);deletesprite(KX);goto BOLT;} #define IFMOVING if(ssp(i,CLIPMASK0)) #define IFHIT j=ifhitbyweapon(i);if(j >= 0) #define IFHITSECT j=ifhitsectors(s->sectnum);if(j >= 0) #define AFLAMABLE(X) (X==BOX||X==TREE1||X==TREE2||X==TIRE||X==CONE) #define IFSKILL1 if(player_skill<1) #define IFSKILL2 if(player_skill<2) #define IFSKILL3 if(player_skill<3) #define IFSKILL4 if(player_skill<4) #define rnd(X) ((TRAND>>8)>=(255-(X))) typedef struct { short i; int voice; } SOUNDOWNER; #define __USRHOOKS_H enum USRHOOKS_Errors { USRHOOKS_Warning = -2, USRHOOKS_Error = -1, USRHOOKS_Ok = 0 }; typedef struct { signed char avel, horz; short fvel, svel; unsigned long bits, bits2; } input; #define sync dsync // JBF 20040604: sync is a function on some platforms extern input inputfifo[MOVEFIFOSIZ][MAXPLAYERS], sync[MAXPLAYERS]; extern input recsync[RECSYNCBUFSIZ]; extern long movefifosendplc; typedef struct { char *ptr; volatile char lock; int length, num; } SAMPLE; struct animwalltype { short wallnum; long tag; }; extern struct animwalltype animwall[MAXANIMWALLS]; extern short numanimwalls,probey,lastprobey; extern char typebuflen,typebuf[141]; extern char MusicPtr[72000*2]; extern long msx[2048],msy[2048]; extern short cyclers[MAXCYCLERS][6],numcyclers; extern char myname[32]; struct savehead { char name[19]; int32 numplr,volnum,levnum,plrskl; char boardfn[BMAX_PATH]; }; struct user_defs { char god,warp_on,cashman,eog,showallmap; char show_help,scrollmode,clipping; char user_name[MAXPLAYERS][32]; char ridecule[10][40]; char savegame[10][22]; char pwlockout[128],rtsname[128]; char overhead_on,last_overhead,showweapons; short pause_on,from_bonus; short camerasprite,last_camsprite; short last_level,secretlevel; long const_visibility,uw_framerate; long camera_time,folfvel,folavel,folx,foly,fola; long reccnt; int32 runkey_mode,statusbarscale,mouseaiming,weaponswitch,drawweapon; // JBF 20031125 int32 democams,color,pcolor[MAXPLAYERS],msgdisptime,statusbarmode; int32 m_noexits,noexits,autovote,automsg,idplayers; int32 entered_name,screen_tilting,shadows,fta_on,executions,auto_run; int32 coords,tickrate,levelstats,m_coop,coop,screen_size,lockout,crosshair; int32 wchoice[MAXPLAYERS][MAX_WEAPONS],playerai; int32 respawn_monsters,respawn_items,respawn_inventory,recstat,monsters_off,brightness; int32 m_respawn_items,m_respawn_monsters,m_respawn_inventory,m_recstat,m_monsters_off,detail; int32 m_ffire,ffire,m_player_skill,m_level_number,m_volume_number,multimode; int32 player_skill,level_number,volume_number,m_marker,marker,mouseflip; }; struct player_orig { long ox,oy,oz; short oa,os; }; extern char numplayersprites; extern char picsiz[MAXTILES]; extern long fricxv,fricyv; struct player_struct { long zoom,exitx,exity,loogiex[64],loogiey[64],numloogs,loogcnt; long posx, posy, posz, horiz, ohoriz, ohorizoff, invdisptime; long bobposx,bobposy,oposx,oposy,oposz,pyoff,opyoff; long posxv,posyv,poszv,last_pissed_time,truefz,truecz; long player_par,visibility; long bobcounter,weapon_sway; long pals_time,randomflamex,crack_time; char aim_mode,auto_aim,weaponswitch; short ang,oang,angvel,cursectnum,look_ang,last_extra,subweapon; short ammo_amount[MAX_WEAPONS],wackedbyactor,frag,fraggedself; short curr_weapon, last_weapon, tipincs, horizoff, wantweaponfire; short holoduke_amount,newowner,hurt_delay,hbomb_hold_delay; short jumping_counter,airleft,knee_incs,access_incs; short fta,ftq,access_wallnum,access_spritenum; short kickback_pic,got_access,weapon_ang,firstaid_amount; short somethingonplayer,on_crane,i,one_parallax_sectnum; short over_shoulder_on,random_club_frame,fist_incs; short one_eighty_count,cheat_phase; short dummyplayersprite,extra_extra8,quick_kick; short heat_amount,actorsqu,timebeforeexit,customexitsound; short weaprecs[16],weapreccnt; unsigned long interface_toggle_flag; short orotscrnang,rotscrnang,dead_flag,show_empty_weapon; // JBF 20031220: added orotscrnang short scuba_amount,jetpack_amount,steroids_amount,shield_amount; short holoduke_on,pycount,weapon_pos,frag_ps; short transporter_hold,last_full_weapon,footprintshade,boot_amount; int scream_voice; char gm,on_warping_sector,footprintcount; char hbomb_on,jumping_toggle,rapid_fire_hold,on_ground; char name[32],inven_icon,buttonpalette; char jetpack_on,spritebridge,lastrandomspot; char scuba_on,footprintpal,heat_on; char holster_weapon,falling_counter; char gotweapon[MAX_WEAPONS],refresh_inventory,*palette; char toggle_key_flag,knuckle_incs; // ,select_dir; char walking_snd_toggle, palookup, hard_landing; char /*fire_flag,*/pals[3]; char return_to_center, reloading, movement_lock[4]; long max_secret_rooms,secret_rooms,max_actors_killed,actors_killed; long runspeed; short sbs, sound_pitch; }; extern char tempbuf[2048], packbuf[576]; extern long gc,max_player_health,max_armour_amount,max_ammo_amount[MAX_WEAPONS]; extern long impact_damage,respawnactortime,respawnitemtime; #define MOVFIFOSIZ 256 extern short spriteq[1024],spriteqloc,spriteqamount; extern struct player_struct ps[MAXPLAYERS]; extern struct player_orig po[MAXPLAYERS]; extern struct user_defs ud; extern short int moustat; extern short int global_random; extern long scaredfallz; extern char buf[1024]; //My own generic input buffer #define MAXQUOTELEN 128 extern char *fta_quotes[MAXQUOTES],*redefined_quotes[MAXQUOTES]; extern char scantoasc[128],ready2send; extern char scantoascwithshift[128]; //extern fx_device device; extern SAMPLE Sound[ NUM_SOUNDS ]; extern int32 VoiceToggle,AmbienceToggle; extern SOUNDOWNER SoundOwner[NUM_SOUNDS][4]; extern char playerreadyflag[MAXPLAYERS],playerquitflag[MAXPLAYERS]; extern char sounds[NUM_SOUNDS][BMAX_PATH]; // JBF 20040531: adding 16 extra to the script so we have some leeway // to (hopefully) safely abort when hitting the limit extern long script[MAXSCRIPTSIZE+16],*scriptptr,*insptr,*labelcode,labelcnt,defaultlabelcnt,*labeltype; extern char *label,*textptr,error,warning,killit_flag; extern long *actorscrptr[MAXTILES],*parsing_actor; extern long *actorLoadEventScrptr[MAXTILES]; extern char actortype[MAXTILES]; extern char *music_pointer; extern char music_fn[MAXVOLUMES+1][11][13],music_select; extern char env_music_fn[MAXVOLUMES+1][13]; extern short camsprite; // extern char gotz; extern char inspace(short sectnum); struct weaponhit { char cgg; short picnum,ang,extra,owner,movflag; short tempang,actorstayput,dispicnum; short timetosleep; long floorz,ceilingz,lastvx,lastvy,bposx,bposy,bposz; long temp_data[10]; }; extern struct weaponhit hittype[MAXSPRITES]; extern input loc; extern input recsync[RECSYNCBUFSIZ]; extern long avgfvel, avgsvel, avgavel, avghorz, avgbits, avgbits2; extern long numplayers, myconnectindex; extern long connecthead, connectpoint2[MAXPLAYERS]; //Player linked list variables (indeces, not connection numbers) extern short screenpeek; extern int current_menu; extern long tempwallptr,animatecnt; extern long lockclock,frameplace; extern char display_mirror,loadfromgrouponly,rtsplaying; extern long movefifoend[MAXPLAYERS], groupfile; extern long ototalclock; extern long *animateptr[MAXANIMATES], animategoal[MAXANIMATES]; extern long animatevel[MAXANIMATES]; // extern long oanimateval[MAXANIMATES]; extern short neartagsector, neartagwall, neartagsprite; extern long neartaghitdist; extern short animatesect[MAXANIMATES]; extern long movefifoplc, vel,svel,angvel,horiz; extern short mirrorwall[64], mirrorsector[64], mirrorcnt; #define NUMKEYS 19 extern long frameplace, chainplace, chainnumpages; #include "funct.h" extern char screencapt; extern short soundps[NUM_SOUNDS],soundpe[NUM_SOUNDS],soundvo[NUM_SOUNDS]; extern char soundpr[NUM_SOUNDS],soundm[NUM_SOUNDS]; extern long soundsiz[NUM_SOUNDS]; extern char level_names[MAXVOLUMES*11][33]; extern long partime[MAXVOLUMES*11],designertime[MAXVOLUMES*11]; extern char volume_names[MAXVOLUMES][33]; extern char skill_names[5][33]; #define MAXGAMETYPES 32 extern char gametype_names[MAXGAMETYPES][33]; extern int gametype_flags[MAXGAMETYPES]; extern char num_gametypes; enum gametypeflags { GAMETYPE_FLAG_COOP = 1, GAMETYPE_FLAG_WEAPSTAY = 2, GAMETYPE_FLAG_FRAGBAR = 4, GAMETYPE_FLAG_SCORESHEET = 8, GAMETYPE_FLAG_DMSWITCHES = 16, GAMETYPE_FLAG_COOPSPAWN = 32, GAMETYPE_FLAG_ACCESSCARDSPRITES = 64, GAMETYPE_FLAG_COOPVIEW = 128, GAMETYPE_FLAG_COOPSOUND = 256, GAMETYPE_FLAG_OTHERPLAYERSINMAP = 512, GAMETYPE_FLAG_ITEMRESPAWN = 1024, GAMETYPE_FLAG_MARKEROPTION = 2048, GAMETYPE_FLAG_PLAYERSFRIENDLY = 4096, GAMETYPE_FLAG_FIXEDRESPAWN = 8192, GAMETYPE_FLAG_ACCESSATSTART = 16384, GAMETYPE_FLAG_PRESERVEINVENTORYDEATH = 32768 }; extern char level_file_names[MAXVOLUMES*11][BMAX_PATH]; extern char num_volumes; extern int32 SoundToggle,MusicToggle; extern short last_threehundred,lastsavedpos; extern char restorepalette; extern short buttonstat; extern long cachecount; extern char boardfilename[BMAX_PATH],waterpal[768],slimepal[768],titlepal[768],drealms[768],endingpal[768]; extern char cachedebug,earthquaketime; extern char networkmode; extern char lumplockbyte[11]; //DUKE3D.H - replace the end "my's" with this extern long myx, omyx, myxvel, myy, omyy, myyvel, myz, omyz, myzvel; extern short myhoriz, omyhoriz, myhorizoff, omyhorizoff, globalskillsound; extern short myang, omyang, mycursectnum, myjumpingcounter; extern char myjumpingtoggle, myonground, myhardlanding,myreturntocenter; extern long fakemovefifoplc; extern long myxbak[MOVEFIFOSIZ], myybak[MOVEFIFOSIZ], myzbak[MOVEFIFOSIZ]; extern long myhorizbak[MOVEFIFOSIZ]; extern short myangbak[MOVEFIFOSIZ]; extern short weaponsandammosprites[15]; //DUKE3D.H: typedef struct { short frag[MAXPLAYERS], got_access, last_extra, shield_amount, curr_weapon; short ammo_amount[MAX_WEAPONS], holoduke_on; char gotweapon[MAX_WEAPONS], inven_icon, jetpack_on, heat_on; short firstaid_amount, steroids_amount, holoduke_amount, jetpack_amount; short heat_amount, scuba_amount, boot_amount; short last_weapon, weapon_pos, kickback_pic; } STATUSBARTYPE; extern STATUSBARTYPE sbar; extern short frags[MAXPLAYERS][MAXPLAYERS]; extern long cameradist, cameraclock, dukefriction,show_shareware; extern char networkmode, movesperpacket; extern char gamequit; extern char pus,pub,camerashitable,freezerhurtowner,lasermode; extern char syncstat, syncval[MAXPLAYERS][MOVEFIFOSIZ]; extern signed char multiwho, multipos, multiwhat, multiflag; extern long syncvalhead[MAXPLAYERS], syncvaltail, syncvaltottail; extern long numfreezebounces,rpgblastradius,pipebombblastradius,tripbombblastradius,shrinkerblastradius,morterblastradius,bouncemineblastradius,seenineblastradius; extern char stereo,playerswhenstarted,everyothertime; extern long myminlag[MAXPLAYERS], mymaxlag, otherminlag, bufferjitter; extern long numinterpolations, startofdynamicinterpolations; extern long oldipos[MAXINTERPOLATIONS]; extern long bakipos[MAXINTERPOLATIONS]; extern long *curipos[MAXINTERPOLATIONS]; extern short numclouds,clouds[128],cloudx[128],cloudy[128]; extern long cloudtotalclock,totalmemory; extern long stereomode, stereowidth, stereopixelwidth; extern long myaimmode, myaimstat, omyaimstat; #define IFISGLMODE if (getrendermode() >= 3) #define IFISSOFTMODE if (getrendermode() < 3) #define TILE_SAVESHOT (MAXTILES-1) #define TILE_LOADSHOT (MAXTILES-3) #define TILE_TILT (MAXTILES-2) #define TILE_ANIM (MAXTILES-4) #define TILE_VIEWSCR (MAXTILES-5) extern char useprecache; enum events { EVENT_INIT, EVENT_ENTERLEVEL, EVENT_RESETWEAPONS, EVENT_RESETINVENTORY, EVENT_HOLSTER, EVENT_LOOKLEFT, EVENT_LOOKRIGHT, EVENT_SOARUP, EVENT_SOARDOWN, EVENT_CROUCH, EVENT_JUMP, EVENT_RETURNTOCENTER, EVENT_LOOKUP, EVENT_LOOKDOWN, EVENT_AIMUP, EVENT_FIRE, EVENT_CHANGEWEAPON, EVENT_GETSHOTRANGE, EVENT_GETAUTOAIMANGLE, EVENT_GETLOADTILE, EVENT_CHEATGETSTEROIDS, EVENT_CHEATGETHEAT, EVENT_CHEATGETBOOT, EVENT_CHEATGETSHIELD, EVENT_CHEATGETSCUBA, EVENT_CHEATGETHOLODUKE, EVENT_CHEATGETJETPACK, EVENT_CHEATGETFIRSTAID, EVENT_QUICKKICK, EVENT_INVENTORY, EVENT_USENIGHTVISION, EVENT_USESTEROIDS, EVENT_INVENTORYLEFT, EVENT_INVENTORYRIGHT, EVENT_HOLODUKEON, EVENT_HOLODUKEOFF, EVENT_USEMEDKIT, EVENT_USEJETPACK, EVENT_TURNAROUND, EVENT_DISPLAYWEAPON, EVENT_FIREWEAPON, EVENT_SELECTWEAPON, EVENT_MOVEFORWARD, EVENT_MOVEBACKWARD, EVENT_TURNLEFT, EVENT_TURNRIGHT, EVENT_STRAFELEFT, EVENT_STRAFERIGHT, EVENT_WEAPKEY1, EVENT_WEAPKEY2, EVENT_WEAPKEY3, EVENT_WEAPKEY4, EVENT_WEAPKEY5, EVENT_WEAPKEY6, EVENT_WEAPKEY7, EVENT_WEAPKEY8, EVENT_WEAPKEY9, EVENT_WEAPKEY10, EVENT_DRAWWEAPON, EVENT_DISPLAYCROSSHAIR, EVENT_DISPLAYREST, EVENT_RESETPLAYER, EVENT_INCURDAMAGE, EVENT_AIMDOWN, EVENT_GAME, EVENT_PREVIOUSWEAPON, EVENT_NEXTWEAPON, EVENT_SWIMUP, EVENT_SWIMDOWN, EVENT_GETMENUTILE, EVENT_SPAWN, EVENT_LOGO, EVENT_EGS, EVENT_DOFIRE, EVENT_PRESSEDFIRE, EVENT_USE, EVENT_PROCESSINPUT }; // store global game definitions enum gamevarflags { MAXGAMEVARS = 1024, MAXVARLABEL = 26, GAMEVAR_FLAG_NORMAL = 0, // normal GAMEVAR_FLAG_PERPLAYER = 1, // per-player variable GAMEVAR_FLAG_PERACTOR = 2, // per-actor variable GAMEVAR_FLAG_USER_MASK = 3, GAMEVAR_FLAG_DEFAULT = 256, // allow override GAMEVAR_FLAG_SECRET = 512, // don't dump... GAMEVAR_FLAG_NODEFAULT = 1024, // don't add to 'default' array. GAMEVAR_FLAG_SYSTEM = 2048, // cannot change mode flags...(only default value) GAMEVAR_FLAG_READONLY = 4096, // values are read-only (no setvar allowed) GAMEVAR_FLAG_PLONG = 8192, // plValue is a pointer to a long GAMEVAR_FLAG_SYNCCHECK = 16384 // check event sync when translating }; typedef struct { long lValue; char *szLabel; unsigned long dwFlags; long *plValues; // array of values when 'per-player', or 'per-actor' } MATTGAMEVAR; extern MATTGAMEVAR aGameVars[MAXGAMEVARS]; extern MATTGAMEVAR aDefaultGameVars[MAXGAMEVARS]; extern int iGameVarCount; extern int spriteflags[MAXTILES], actorspriteflags[MAXSPRITES]; extern inline int checkspriteflags(short sActor, int iType); extern inline int checkspriteflagsp(short sPicnum, int iType); enum spriteflags { SPRITE_FLAG_SHADOW = 1, SPRITE_FLAG_NVG = 2, SPRITE_FLAG_NOSHADE = 4, SPRITE_FLAG_PROJECTILE = 8, SPRITE_FLAG_DECAL = 16, SPRITE_FLAG_BADGUY = 32 }; extern short spritecache[MAXTILES][3]; extern int g_iReturnVarID; extern int g_iWeaponVarID; extern int g_iWorksLikeVarID; extern int g_iZRangeVarID; extern int g_iAngRangeVarID; extern int g_iAimAngleVarID; extern int g_iLoTagID; // var ID of "LOTAG" extern int g_iHiTagID; // ver ID of "HITAG" extern int g_iTextureID; // ver ID of "TEXTURE" extern char g_bEnhanced; // are we 'enhanced' (more minerals, etc) extern char g_szBuf[1024]; #define NAM_GRENADE_LIFETIME 120 #define NAM_GRENADE_LIFETIME_VAR 30 extern long *aplWeaponClip[MAX_WEAPONS]; // number of items in clip extern long *aplWeaponReload[MAX_WEAPONS]; // delay to reload (include fire) extern long *aplWeaponFireDelay[MAX_WEAPONS]; // delay to fire extern long *aplWeaponHoldDelay[MAX_WEAPONS]; // delay after release fire button to fire (0 for none) extern long *aplWeaponTotalTime[MAX_WEAPONS]; // The total time the weapon is cycling before next fire. extern long *aplWeaponFlags[MAX_WEAPONS]; // Flags for weapon extern long *aplWeaponShoots[MAX_WEAPONS]; // what the weapon shoots extern long *aplWeaponSpawnTime[MAX_WEAPONS]; // the frame at which to spawn an item extern long *aplWeaponSpawn[MAX_WEAPONS]; // the item to spawn extern long *aplWeaponShotsPerBurst[MAX_WEAPONS]; // number of shots per 'burst' (one ammo per 'burst' extern long *aplWeaponWorksLike[MAX_WEAPONS]; // What original the weapon works like extern long *aplWeaponInitialSound[MAX_WEAPONS]; // Sound made when initialy firing. zero for no sound extern long *aplWeaponFireSound[MAX_WEAPONS]; // Sound made when firing (each time for automatic) extern long *aplWeaponSound2Time[MAX_WEAPONS]; // Alternate sound time extern long *aplWeaponSound2Sound[MAX_WEAPONS]; // Alternate sound sound ID extern long *aplWeaponReloadSound1[MAX_WEAPONS]; // Sound of magazine being removed extern long *aplWeaponReloadSound2[MAX_WEAPONS]; // Sound of magazine being inserted extern short timer; enum weaponflags { WEAPON_FLAG_HOLSTER_CLEARS_CLIP = 1, // 'holstering' clears the current clip WEAPON_FLAG_GLOWS = 2, // weapon 'glows' (shrinker and grower) WEAPON_FLAG_AUTOMATIC = 4, // automatic fire (continues while 'fire' is held down WEAPON_FLAG_FIREEVERYOTHER = 8, // during 'hold time' fire every frame WEAPON_FLAG_FIREEVERYTHIRD = 16, // during 'hold time' fire every third frame WEAPON_FLAG_RANDOMRESTART = 32, // restart for automatic is 'randomized' by RND 3 WEAPON_FLAG_AMMOPERSHOT = 64, // uses ammo for each shot (for automatic) WEAPON_FLAG_BOMB_TRIGGER = 128, // weapon is the 'bomb' trigger WEAPON_FLAG_NOVISIBLE = 256, // weapon use does not cause user to become 'visible' WEAPON_FLAG_THROWIT = 512, // weapon 'throws' the 'shoots' item... WEAPON_FLAG_CHECKATRELOAD = 1024, // check weapon availability at 'reload' time WEAPON_FLAG_STANDSTILL = 2048, // player stops jumping before actual fire (like tripbomb in duke) WEAPON_FLAG_SPAWNTYPE1 = 0, // just spawn WEAPON_FLAG_SPAWNTYPE2 = 4096, // spawn like shotgun shells WEAPON_FLAG_SPAWNTYPE3 = 8192, // spawn like chaingun shells WEAPON_FLAG_SEMIAUTO = 16384, // cancel button press after each shot WEAPON_FLAG_RELOAD_TIMING = 32768, // special casing for pistol reload sounds WEAPON_FLAG_RESET = 65536 // cycle weapon back to frame 1 if fire is held, 0 if not }; #define TRIPBOMB_TRIPWIRE 1 #define TRIPBOMB_TIMER 2 #define PIPEBOMB_REMOTE 1 #define PIPEBOMB_TIMER 2 // custom projectiles enum projectileflags { PROJECTILE_FLAG_HITSCAN = 1, PROJECTILE_FLAG_RPG = 2, PROJECTILE_FLAG_BOUNCESOFFWALLS = 4, PROJECTILE_FLAG_BOUNCESOFFMIRRORS = 8, PROJECTILE_FLAG_KNEE = 16, PROJECTILE_FLAG_WATERBUBBLES = 32, PROJECTILE_FLAG_TIMED = 64, PROJECTILE_FLAG_BOUNCESOFFSPRITES = 128, PROJECTILE_FLAG_SPIT = 256, PROJECTILE_FLAG_COOLEXPLOSION1 = 512, PROJECTILE_FLAG_BLOOD = 1024, PROJECTILE_FLAG_LOSESVELOCITY = 2048, PROJECTILE_FLAG_NOAIM = 4096, PROJECTILE_FLAG_RANDDECALSIZE = 8192, PROJECTILE_FLAG_EXPLODEONTIMER = 16384, PROJECTILE_FLAG_RPG_IMPACT = 32768 }; typedef struct { int workslike, extra, cstat, extra_rand, hitradius, range; short spawns, sound, isound, vel, decal, trail, tnum, drop, clipdist, offset, bounces, bsound, toffset; signed char sxrepeat, syrepeat, txrepeat, tyrepeat, shade, xrepeat, yrepeat, pal, velmult; } proj_struct; extern proj_struct projectile[MAXTILES], thisprojectile[MAXSPRITES], defaultprojectile[MAXTILES]; // logo control enum logoflags { LOGO_FLAG_ENABLED = 1, LOGO_FLAG_PLAYANIM = 2, LOGO_FLAG_PLAYMUSIC = 4, LOGO_FLAG_3DRSCREEN = 8, LOGO_FLAG_TITLESCREEN = 16, LOGO_FLAG_DUKENUKEM = 32, LOGO_FLAG_THREEDEE = 64, LOGO_FLAG_PLUTOPAKSPRITE = 128 }; extern char numl, condebug; #define MAXCHEATLEN 20 #define NUMCHEATCODES (signed int)(sizeof(cheatquotes)/sizeof(cheatquotes[MAXCHEATLEN])) extern char cheatkey[2]; extern char cheatquotes[][MAXCHEATLEN]; extern short weapon_sprites[MAX_WEAPONS]; extern int redefined_quote_count; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif