@echo off setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set targets=eduke32 mapster32 set PATH=C:\devkitPro\devkitPPC\bin;C:\devkitPro\msys\bin;C:\MinGW\bin;C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin;%PATH% pushd "%~dp0.." set wiidir=platform\Wii :: Detect versioning systems and pull the revision number: for /f "delims=" %%G in ('svn info 2^>^&1 ^| grep Revision ^| cut -d " " -f 2') do @set rev=%%G if not "%rev%"=="" set vc=svn if "%rev%"=="" for /f "delims=" %%G in ('git svn info 2^>^&1 ^| grep Revision ^| cut -d " " -f 2') do @set rev=%%G if not "%rev%"=="" set vc=git if "%rev%"=="" set vc=none if not "%rev%"=="" echo s_buildRev = "r%rev%";>source\rev.h if "%rev%"=="" set rev=XXXX :: Get the current date: for /f "delims=" %%G in ('"C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin\date.exe" +%%Y%%m%%d') do @set currentdate=%%G :: Build: set buildparameters=PLATFORM=WII %* make veryclean %buildparameters% make OPTLEVEL=2 LTO=0 %buildparameters% for %%G in (%targets%) do if not exist "%%~G.elf" goto end :: Package data: if not exist apps mkdir apps for %%G in (%targets%) do xcopy /e /q /y %wiidir%\apps\%%~G apps\%%~G\ for %%G in (%targets%) do for %%H in (.elf) do if exist "%%~G%%~H" move /y "%%~G%%~H" "apps\%%~G\boot%%~H" for %%G in (%targets%) do for %%H in (.elf.map) do if exist "%%~G%%~H" del /f /q "%%~G%%~H" for %%G in (%targets%) do "echo.exe" -e " r%rev%\n %currentdate%" | "cat.exe" "%wiidir%\%%~G_meta_1.xml" - "%wiidir%\%%~G_meta_2.xml" >"apps\%%~G\meta.xml" :: We don't want to package all the stuff, most of it is for Mapster32 and dev materials. :: However, do throw in the licenses: if exist "package\*.txt" copy /y "package\*.txt" "apps\eduke32\" xcopy /e /q /y /EXCLUDE:%wiidir%\xcopy_exclude.txt package apps\mapster32\ "ls.exe" -l -R apps 7z.exe a -mx9 -t7z eduke32-wii-r%rev%.7z apps -xr!*.svn* :end :: Clean up revision number: if "%vc%"=="svn" svn revert source\rev.h if "%vc%"=="git" git checkout source\rev.h endlocal goto :eof