local con = require("con") local bit = require("bit") local math = require("math") local rs = con.rotatesprite local DOT1x5 = 3135 local BAR1x5 = 3163 local function draw_hline_dotted(x1, x2, y, pal,stat) for x=x1,x2,2 do local pl = player[0] local tile = (x==x1 or x==x2) and BAR1x5 or DOT1x5 if (pl.curr_weapon==2) then x = x + 16*math.sin(2*math.pi*gv.totalclock/120) elseif (pl.curr_weapon==1) then x = x + (pl.ang - 1024)/100 end rs(x,y, 65536, 0, tile, 0,pal,stat, 0,0,gv.xdim-1,gv.ydim-1) end end local function draw_two_hlines(y, stat) if (player[0].curr_weapon ~= 3) then stat = bit.bor(stat, 8) end draw_hline_dotted(0,160, y, 0, stat) -- XXX: rotatesprite(*, 320, ...) with stat 1024 and classic draws out of -- bounds (wraps to lower left corner). (Or is it the left one? In any case, -- weird stuff happens.) draw_hline_dotted(162,318, y, 2, stat) end local function rotatesprite_test() local stats = { [0]=0, 256, 512, 1024 } for i=0,3 do local stat = stats[i] draw_two_hlines(50+25*i, stats[i]) end -- NUKEBUTTON rs(30,170, 32768, 2047*((gv.totalclock/240)%1), 142, 0,0,8+1024, 0,0,gv.xdim-1,gv.ydim-1) end gameevent(gv.EVENT_DISPLAYREST, rotatesprite_test)