-- Random walker as updatesector() timing test, for Lunatic-m32 -- Load with: lua "require 'randwalk'" local ffi = require "ffi" local ffiC = ffi.C local geom = require "geom" local stat = require "stat" local function printf(fmt, ...) print(string.format(fmt, ...)) end -- set to nil to disable saving positions g_posns = {} -- [STATS, TIMES] = RANDWALK(N, SPRITENUM, MINLEN, MAXLEN [, RANDOFS [, FUNCI [, LOGFN]]]) function randwalk(N, spritenum, minlen, maxlen, randofs, funci, logfn) -- Set the random seed to an arbitrary but fixed value so that the "random" walk -- is deterministically reproducible for particular arguments. math.randomseed(834572183572) randofs = randofs or 0 for i=1,randofs do math.random() end local funcnames = { "updatesector", "updatesectorbreadth", "updatesectorz" } local funcs = { updatesector, updatesectorbreadth, updatesectorz } local updatesectorfunc = funcs[funci] -- stats local st = { all=stat.new(), succ=stat.new(), fail=stat.new() } local times = {} local successp = {} local pos = geom.tovec3(sprite[spritenum]) local sectnum = sprite[spritenum].sectnum for i=1,N do --[[ -- get random integers for the displacement local ax,ay,az = math.random(minlen,maxlen), math.random(minlen,maxlen), math.random(minlen,maxlen) -- random signs local sx,sy,sz = math.random(0,1), math.random(0,1), math.random(0,1) sx, sy, sz = 2*sx-1, 2*sy-1, 2*sz-1 -- {0,1} -> {-1,1} ax, ay, az = sx*ax, sy*ay, sz*az --]] ---[[ local ang = 2*math.pi*math.random() local len = math.random(minlen, maxlen) local ax, ay, az = len*math.cos(ang), len*math.sin(ang), 0 --]] local newpos = pos + geom.ivec3(ax,ay,az) local t = ffiC.gethitickms() local newsect = updatesectorfunc(newpos, sectnum) t = ffiC.gethitickms()-t st.all:add(t) times[i] = t successp[i] = (newsect >= 0) if (newsect >= 0) then st.succ:add(t) pos = newpos sectnum = newsect else st.fail:add(t) end if (g_posns ~= nil) then g_posns[i] = pos end end local stallres = st.all:getstats() print("====================") printf("Random %s walk starting with sprite %d", funcnames[funci], spritenum) printf("Hop length: [%d .. %d], RNG offset: %d, %s", minlen, maxlen, randofs, logfn) printf("-- Times [ms] (total=%f)", N*stallres.mean) print("All: ".. tostring(stallres)) print("Succeeded: ".. tostring(st.succ:getstats())) print("Failed: ".. tostring(st.fail:getstats())) if (logfn ~= nil) then local logfile, errmsg = io.open(logfn, "w") if (logfile == nil) then printf("Couldn't open log file \"%s\" for writing: %s", logfn, errmsg) else logfile:write(" \t \t \t\t\n") for i=1,N do if (g_posns ~= nil) then logfile:write(string.format("%s %d %d %d %d\n", tostring(times[i]), successp[i] and 1 or 0, g_posns[i].x, g_posns[i].y, g_posns[i].z)) else logfile:write(string.format("%s %d\n", tostring(times[i]), successp[i] and 1 or 0)) end end logfile:close() end end return st, ts end