//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2005 - EDuke32 team This file is part of EDuke32 EDuke32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "duke3d.h" #include "mouse.h" #include "osd.h" #include extern char inputloc; extern int recfilep; //extern char vgacompatible; short probey=0,lastprobey=0,globalskillsound=-1,last_probey=0; int last_menu; short sh,onbar,buttonstat,deletespot; short last_zero,last_fifty,last_onehundred,last_twoohtwo,last_threehundred = 0; static char menunamecnt; static CACHE1D_FIND_REC *finddirs=NULL, *findfiles=NULL, *finddirshigh=NULL, *findfileshigh=NULL; static int numdirs=0, numfiles=0; static int currentlist=0; static int function, whichkey; static int changesmade, newvidmode, curvidmode, newfullscreen; static int vidsets[16] = { -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 }; static int curvidset, newvidset = 0; static char *mousebuttonnames[] = { "Left", "Right", "Middle", "Thumb", "Wheel Down", "Wheel Up" }; extern int gotvote[MAXPLAYERS], votes[MAXPLAYERS], voting; void cmenu(short cm) { current_menu = cm; if ((cm >= 1000 && cm <= 1009)) return; if (cm == 0) probey = last_zero; else if (cm == 50) probey = last_fifty; else if (cm == 100) probey = last_onehundred; else if (cm == 202) probey = last_twoohtwo; else if (cm >= 300 && cm < 400) probey = last_threehundred; else if (cm == 110) probey = 1; else probey = 0; lastprobey = -1; } #if 0 void savetemp(char *fn,long daptr,long dasiz) { FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen(fn,"wb")) == (FILE *)NULL) return; fwrite((char *)daptr,dasiz,1,fp); fclose(fp); } #endif #define LMB (buttonstat&1) #define RMB (buttonstat&2) #define WHEELDOWN (buttonstat&16) #define WHEELUP (buttonstat&32) ControlInfo minfo; short mi, mii; static int probe_(int type,int x,int y,int i,int n) { short centre, s; s = 1+(CONTROL_GetMouseSensitivity()>>4); { CONTROL_GetInput(&minfo); mi += minfo.dz; mii += minfo.dyaw; } if (x == (320>>1)) centre = 320>>2; else centre = 0; if (!buttonstat || buttonstat == 16 || buttonstat == 32) { if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_UpArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_PgUp) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_8) || mi < -8192 || WHEELUP) { mi = mii = 0; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_UpArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_8); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_PgUp); MOUSE_ClearButton(WHEELUP_MOUSE); sound(KICK_HIT); probey--; if (probey < 0) probey = n-1; minfo.dz = 0; } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_DownArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_PgDn) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_2) || mi > 8192 || WHEELDOWN) { mi = mii = 0; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_DownArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_2); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_PgDn); MOUSE_ClearButton(WHEELDOWN_MOUSE); sound(KICK_HIT); probey++; minfo.dz = 0; } } if (probey >= n) probey = 0; if (centre) { // rotatesprite(((320>>1)+(centre)+54)<<16,(y+(probey*i)-4)<<16,65536L,0,SPINNINGNUKEICON+6-((6+(totalclock>>3))%7),sh,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); // rotatesprite(((320>>1)-(centre)-54)<<16,(y+(probey*i)-4)<<16,65536L,0,SPINNINGNUKEICON+((totalclock>>3)%7),sh,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(((320>>1)+(centre>>1)+70)<<16,(y+(probey*i)-4)<<16,65536L>>type,0,SPINNINGNUKEICON+6-((6+(totalclock>>3))%7),sh,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(((320>>1)-(centre>>1)-70)<<16,(y+(probey*i)-4)<<16,65536L>>type,0,SPINNINGNUKEICON+((totalclock>>3)%7),sh,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else rotatesprite((x<<16)-((tilesizx[BIGFNTCURSOR]-4)<<(16-type)),(y+(probey*i)-(4>>type))<<16,65536L>>type,0,SPINNINGNUKEICON+(((totalclock>>3))%7),sh,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Space) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Enter) || (LMB && !onbar)) { if (current_menu != 110) sound(PISTOL_BODYHIT); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Space); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_Enter); MOUSE_ClearButton(LEFT_MOUSE); return(probey); } else if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Escape) || (RMB)) { onbar = 0; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Escape); sound(EXITMENUSOUND); MOUSE_ClearButton(RIGHT_MOUSE); return(-1); } else { if (onbar == 0) return(-probey-2); if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_4) || ((buttonstat&1) && (WHEELDOWN || mii < -256))) return(probey); else if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_6) || ((buttonstat&1) && (WHEELUP || mii > 256))) return(probey); return(-probey-2); } } static inline int probe(int x,int y,int i,int n) { return probe_(0,x,y,i,n); } static inline int probesm(int x,int y,int i,int n) { return probe_(1,x,y,i,n); } static int menutext_(int x,int y,short s,short p,char *t) { short i, ac, centre; y -= 12; i = centre = 0; if (x == (320>>1)) { while (*(t+i)) { if (*(t+i) == ' ') { centre += 5; i++; continue; } ac = 0; if (*(t+i) >= '0' && *(t+i) <= '9') ac = *(t+i) - '0' + BIGALPHANUM-10; else if (*(t+i) >= 'a' && *(t+i) <= 'z') ac = toupper(*(t+i)) - 'A' + BIGALPHANUM; else if (*(t+i) >= 'A' && *(t+i) <= 'Z') ac = *(t+i) - 'A' + BIGALPHANUM; else switch (*(t+i)) { case '-': ac = BIGALPHANUM-11; break; case '.': ac = BIGPERIOD; break; case '\'': ac = BIGAPPOS; break; case ',': ac = BIGCOMMA; break; case '!': ac = BIGX; break; case '?': ac = BIGQ; break; case ';': ac = BIGSEMI; break; case ':': ac = BIGSEMI; break; default: centre += 5; i++; continue; } centre += tilesizx[ac]-1; i++; } } if (centre) x = (320-centre-10)>>1; while (*t) { if (*t == ' ') { x+=5; t++; continue; } ac = 0; if (*t >= '0' && *t <= '9') ac = *t - '0' + BIGALPHANUM-10; else if (*t >= 'a' && *t <= 'z') ac = toupper(*t) - 'A' + BIGALPHANUM; else if (*t >= 'A' && *t <= 'Z') ac = *t - 'A' + BIGALPHANUM; else switch (*t) { case '-': ac = BIGALPHANUM-11; break; case '.': ac = BIGPERIOD; break; case ',': ac = BIGCOMMA; break; case '!': ac = BIGX; break; case '\'': ac = BIGAPPOS; break; case '?': ac = BIGQ; break; case ';': ac = BIGSEMI; break; case ':': ac = BIGCOLIN; break; default: x += 5; t++; continue; } rotatesprite(x<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,ac,s,p,10+16,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); x += tilesizx[ac]; t++; } return (x); } int menutext(int x,int y,short s,short p,char *t) { return(menutext_(x,y,s,p,stripcolorcodes(t))); } static void bar_(int type, int x,int y,short *p,short dainc,char damodify,short s, short pa) { short xloc; char rev; if (dainc < 0) { dainc = -dainc; rev = 1; } else rev = 0; y-=2; if (damodify) { if (rev == 0) { if (*p > 0 && (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_4) || ((buttonstat&1) && (WHEELDOWN || mii < -256)))) // && onbar) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_LeftArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_4); MOUSE_ClearButton(WHEELDOWN_MOUSE); mii = 0; *p -= dainc; if (*p < 0) *p = 0; sound(KICK_HIT); } if (*p < 63 && (KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_6) || ((buttonstat&1) && (WHEELUP || mii > 256)))) //&& onbar) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_RightArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_6); MOUSE_ClearButton(WHEELUP_MOUSE); mii = 0; *p += dainc; if (*p > 63) *p = 63; sound(KICK_HIT); } } else { if (*p > 0 && (KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_6) || ((buttonstat&1) && minfo.dyaw > 256))) //&& onbar) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_RightArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_6); *p -= dainc; if (*p < 0) *p = 0; sound(KICK_HIT); } if (*p < 64 && (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_4) || ((buttonstat&1) && minfo.dyaw < -256))) // && onbar) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_LeftArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_4); *p += dainc; if (*p > 64) *p = 64; sound(KICK_HIT); } } } xloc = *p; rotatesprite((x<<16)+(22<<(16-type)),(y<<16)-(3<<(16-type)),65536L>>type,0,SLIDEBAR,s,pa,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if (rev == 0) rotatesprite((x<<16)+((xloc+1)<<(16-type)),(y<<16)+(1<<(16-type)),65536L>>type,0,SLIDEBAR+1,s,pa,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); else rotatesprite((x<<16)+((65-xloc)<<(16-type)),(y<<16)+(1<<(16-type)),65536L>>type,0,SLIDEBAR+1,s,pa,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } static inline void bar(int x,int y,short *p,short dainc,char damodify,short s, short pa) { bar_(0,x,y,p,dainc,damodify,s,pa); } static inline void barsm(int x,int y,short *p,short dainc,char damodify,short s, short pa) { bar_(1,x,y,p,dainc,damodify,s,pa); } static void modval(int min, int max,int *p,short dainc,char damodify) { char rev; if (dainc < 0) { dainc = -dainc; rev = 1; } else rev = 0; if (damodify) { if (rev == 0) { if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_4) || ((buttonstat&1) && minfo.dyaw < -256)) // && onbar) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_LeftArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_4); *p -= dainc; if (*p < min) *p = max; sound(PISTOL_BODYHIT); } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_6) || ((buttonstat&1) && minfo.dyaw > 256)) //&& onbar) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_RightArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_6); *p += dainc; if (*p > max) *p = min; sound(PISTOL_BODYHIT); } } else { if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_6) || ((buttonstat&1) && minfo.dyaw > 256)) //&& onbar )) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_RightArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_6); *p -= dainc; if (*p < min) *p = max; sound(PISTOL_BODYHIT); } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_4) || ((buttonstat&1) && minfo.dyaw < -256)) // && onbar) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_LeftArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_4); *p += dainc; if (*p > max) *p = min; sound(PISTOL_BODYHIT); } } } } #define MENUHIGHLIGHT(x) probey==x?-(sintable[(totalclock<<4)&2047]>>12):6 // #define MENUHIGHLIGHT(x) probey==x?-(sintable[(totalclock<<4)&2047]>>12):probey-x>=0?(probey-x)<<2:-((probey-x)<<2) #define SHX(X) 0 // ((x==X)*(-sh)) #define PHX(X) 0 // ((x==X)?1:2) #define MWIN(X) rotatesprite( 320<<15,200<<15,X,0,MENUSCREEN,-16,0,10+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1) #define MWINXY(X,OX,OY) rotatesprite( ( 320+(OX) )<<15, ( 200+(OY) )<<15,X,0,MENUSCREEN,-16,0,10+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1) extern int loadpheader(char spot,struct savehead *saveh); static struct savehead savehead; //static int32 volnum,levnum,plrskl,numplr; //static char brdfn[BMAX_PATH]; short lastsavedpos = -1; static void dispnames(void) { short x, c = 160; c += 64; for (x = 0;x <= 108;x += 12) rotatesprite((c+91-64)<<16,(x+56)<<16,65536L,0,TEXTBOX,24,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(22<<16,97<<16,65536L,0,WINDOWBORDER2,24,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(180<<16,97<<16,65536L,1024,WINDOWBORDER2,24,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(99<<16,50<<16,65536L,512,WINDOWBORDER1,24,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(103<<16,144<<16,65536L,1024+512,WINDOWBORDER1,24,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); for (x=0;x<=9;x++) minitext(c,48+(12*x),ud.savegame[x],2,10+16); } void clearfilenames(void) { klistfree(finddirs); klistfree(findfiles); finddirs = findfiles = NULL; numfiles = numdirs = 0; } int getfilenames(char *path, char kind[]) { CACHE1D_FIND_REC *r; clearfilenames(); finddirs = klistpath(path,"*",CACHE1D_FIND_DIR); findfiles = klistpath(path,kind,CACHE1D_FIND_FILE); for (r = finddirs; r; r=r->next) numdirs++; for (r = findfiles; r; r=r->next) numfiles++; finddirshigh = finddirs; findfileshigh = findfiles; currentlist = 0; if (findfileshigh) currentlist = 1; return(0); } long quittimer = 0; void check_player_color(int *color,int prev_color) { int i, disallowed[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22 }; for (i=0;i<(signed)(sizeof(disallowed)/sizeof(disallowed[0]));i++) { while (*color == disallowed[i]) { if (*color > prev_color) (*color)++; else (*color)--; i=0; } } } void sendquit(void) { int i; if (gamequit == 0 && (numplayers > 1)) { if (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME) { gamequit = 1; quittimer = totalclock+120; } else { tempbuf[0] = 254; tempbuf[1] = myconnectindex; for (i=connecthead;i >= 0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { if (i != myconnectindex) sendpacket(i,tempbuf,2); if ((!networkmode) && (myconnectindex != connecthead)) break; //slaves in M/S mode only send to master } gameexit(" "); } } else if (numplayers < 2) gameexit(" "); if ((totalclock > quittimer) && (gamequit == 1)) gameexit("Timed out."); } void menus(void) { CACHE1D_FIND_REC *dir; short c,x,i; long l,m; char *p = NULL; getpackets(); { if (buttonstat != 0 && !onbar) { x = MOUSE_GetButtons()<<3; if (x) buttonstat = x<<3; else buttonstat = 0; } else buttonstat = MOUSE_GetButtons(); } if ((ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) == 0) { walock[TILE_LOADSHOT] = 1; return; } ps[myconnectindex].gm &= (0xff-MODE_TYPE); ps[myconnectindex].fta = 0; x = 0; sh = 4-(sintable[(totalclock<<4)&2047]>>11); if (bpp > 8) { long x,y,y1=0,y2=ydim; for (y=y1;y= 1000 && current_menu <= 2999 && current_menu >= 300 && current_menu <= 369)) vscrn(); if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Q) && current_menu >= 0 && (current_menu > 502 || current_menu < 500) && current_menu != 20003 && current_menu != 20005 && current_menu != 210 && current_menu != 603 && current_menu != 10001 && !(current_menu > 359 && current_menu < 370)) { last_menu = current_menu; last_probey = probey; cmenu(502); } switch (current_menu) { case 25000: gametext(160,90,"SELECT A SAVE SPOT BEFORE",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,90+9,"YOU QUICK RESTORE.",0,2+8+16); x = probe(186,124,0,1); if (x >= -1) { if (ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~MODE_MENU; } break; case 20000: x = probe(326,190,0,1); gametext(160,50-8,"YOU ARE PLAYING THE SHAREWARE",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,59-8,"VERSION OF DUKE NUKEM 3D. WHILE",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,68-8,"THIS VERSION IS REALLY COOL, YOU",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,77-8,"ARE MISSING OVER 75%% OF THE TOTAL",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,86-8,"GAME, ALONG WITH OTHER GREAT EXTRAS",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,95-8,"AND GAMES, WHICH YOU'LL GET WHEN",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,104-8,"YOU ORDER THE COMPLETE VERSION AND",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,113-8,"GET THE FINAL TWO EPISODES.",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,113+8,"PLEASE READ THE 'HOW TO ORDER' ITEM",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,122+8,"ON THE MAIN MENU IF YOU WISH TO",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,131+8,"UPGRADE TO THE FULL REGISTERED",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,140+8,"VERSION OF DUKE NUKEM 3D.",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,149+16,"PRESS ANY KEY...",0,2+8+16); if (x >= -1) cmenu(100); break; case 20001: rotatesprite(160<<16,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(160,24,0,0,"NETWORK GAME"); x = probe(160,100-18,18,3); if (x == -1) cmenu(0); else if (x == 2) cmenu(20010); else if (x == 1) cmenu(20020); else if (x == 0) cmenu(20002); menutext(160,100-18,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0,"PLAYER SETUP"); menutext(160,100,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),0,"JOIN GAME"); menutext(160,100+18,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),0,"HOST GAME"); break; case 20002: case 20003: rotatesprite(160<<16,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(160,24,0,0,"PLAYER SETUP"); if (probey == 2) { switch (ud.team) { case 0: x = 3; break; case 1: x = 21; break; } } else x = ud.color; rotatesprite((280)<<16,(37+(tilesizy[APLAYER]>>1))<<16,49152L,0,1441-((((4-(totalclock>>4)))&3)*5),0,x,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if (current_menu == 20002) { x = probe(40,50,16,7); switch (x) { case -1: cmenu(202); probey = 3; break; case 0: strcpy(buf, myname); inputloc = strlen(buf); current_menu = 20003; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_Enter); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); break; case 1: ud.color++; if (ud.color > 23) ud.color = 0; check_player_color((int *)&ud.color,-1); updateplayer(); break; case 2: ud.team = 1-ud.team; updateplayer(); break; case 3: AutoAim = (AutoAim == 2) ? 0 : AutoAim+1; updateplayer(); break; case 4: ud.weaponswitch = (ud.weaponswitch == 3) ? 0 : ud.weaponswitch+1; updateplayer(); break; case 5: ud.mouseaiming = !ud.mouseaiming; updateplayer(); break; case 6: cmenu(20004); break; } } else { x = strget(200,50-9,buf,30,0); while (Bstrlen(stripcolorcodes(buf)) > 10) { buf[Bstrlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; inputloc--; } if (x) { if (x == 1) { if (buf[0]) { Bstrcpy(myname,buf); } // send name update } KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_Enter); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); current_menu = 20002; updateplayer(); } } menutext(40,50,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0,"NAME"); menutext(40,50+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),0,"COLOR"); { int ud_color = -1, aaim = -1, ud_weaponswitch = -1, ud_maim = -1, ud_team = -1; ud_color = ud.color; aaim = AutoAim; ud_weaponswitch = ud.weaponswitch; ud_maim = ud.mouseaiming; ud_team = ud.team; modval(0,23,(int *)&ud.color,1,probey==1); modval(0,1,(int *)&ud.team,1,probey==2); modval(0,2,(int *)&AutoAim,1,probey==3); modval(0,3,(int *)&ud.weaponswitch,1,probey==4); modval(0,1,(int *)&ud.mouseaiming,1,probey==5); check_player_color((int *)&ud.color,ud_color); if (ud_color != ud.color || aaim != AutoAim || ud_weaponswitch != ud.weaponswitch || ud_maim != ud.mouseaiming || ud_team != ud.team) updateplayer(); } menutext(40,50+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),0,"TEAM"); menutext(40,50+16+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),0,"AUTO AIM"); menutext(40,50+16+16+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),0,"WEAPON SWITCH"); menutext(40,50+16+16+16+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),0,"AIMING TYPE"); menutext(40,50+16+16+16+16+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),0,"MACRO SETUP"); if (current_menu == 20002) { gametext(200,50-9,myname,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),2+8+16); } { char *s[] = { "Auto","","","","","","","","","Blue","Dk red","Green","Gray","Dk gray","Dk green","Brown", "Dk blue","","","","","Red","","Yellow","","" }; gametext(200,50+16-9,s[ud.color],MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),2+8+16); } { char *s[] = { "Blue", "Red" }; gametext(200,50+16+16-9,s[ud.team],MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),2+8+16); } { char *s[] = { "Off", "Full", "Hitscan" }; gametext(200,50+16+16+16-9,s[AutoAim],MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),2+8+16); } { char *s[] = { "Off", "On pickup", "When empty", "Both" }; gametext(200,50+16+16+16+16-9,s[ud.weaponswitch],MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),2+8+16); } gametext(200,50+16+16+16+16+16-9,ud.mouseaiming?"Held":"Toggle",MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),2+8+16); break; case 20004: case 20005: rotatesprite(160<<16,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(160,24,0,0,"MACRO SETUP"); if (current_menu == 20004) { x = probesm(24,45,8,10); if (x == -1) { cmenu(20002); probey = 6; } else if (x >= 0 && x <= 9) { strcpy(buf, ud.ridecule[x]); inputloc = strlen(buf); last_probey = probey; current_menu = 20005; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_Enter); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); } } else { x = strget(26,40+(8*probey),buf,34,0); if (x) { if (x == 1) { Bstrcpy(ud.ridecule[last_probey],buf); } KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_Enter); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); current_menu = 20004; } } for (i=0;i<10;i++) { if (current_menu == 20005 && i == last_probey) continue; gametextpal(26,40+(i<<3),ud.ridecule[i],MENUHIGHLIGHT(i),0); } gametext(160,144,"UP/DOWN = SELECT MACRO",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,144+9,"ENTER = MODIFY",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,144+9+9,"ACTIVATE IN GAME WITH SHIFT-F#",0,2+8+16); break; #if 0 case 20010: rotatesprite(160<<16,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(160,24,0,0,"HOST NETWORK GAME"); x = probe(46,50,80,2); if (x == -1) { cmenu(20001); probey = 2; } else if (x == 0) cmenu(20011); menutext(40,50,0,0, "GAME OPTIONS"); minitext(90,60, "GAME TYPE" ,2,26); minitext(90,60+8, "EPISODE" ,2,26); minitext(90,60+8+8, "LEVEL" ,2,26); minitext(90,60+8+8+8, "MONSTERS" ,2,26); if (ud.m_coop == 0) minitext(90,60+8+8+8+8, "MARKERS" ,2,26); else if (ud.m_coop == 1) minitext(90,60+8+8+8+8, "FRIENDLY FIRE",2,26); minitext(90,60+8+8+8+8+8, "USER MAP" ,2,26); gametext(90+60,60,gametype_names[ud.m_coop],0,26); minitext(90+60,60+8, volume_names[ud.m_volume_number],0,26); minitext(90+60,60+8+8, level_names[MAXLEVELS*ud.m_volume_number+ud.m_level_number],0,26); if (ud.m_monsters_off == 0 || ud.m_player_skill > 0) minitext(90+60,60+8+8+8, skill_names[ud.m_player_skill],0,26); else minitext(90+60,60+8+8+8, "NONE",0,28); if (ud.m_coop == 0) { if (ud.m_marker) minitext(90+60,60+8+8+8+8,"ON",0,26); else minitext(90+60,60+8+8+8+8,"OFF",0,26); } else if (ud.m_coop == 1) { if (ud.m_ffire) minitext(90+60,60+8+8+8+8,"ON",0,26); else minitext(90+60,60+8+8+8+8,"OFF",0,26); } menutext(40,50+80,0,0,"LAUNCH GAME"); break; case 20011: c = (320>>1) - 120; rotatesprite(160<<16,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(160,24,0,0,"NET GAME OPTIONS"); x = probe(c,57-8,16,8); switch (x) { case -1: cmenu(20010); break; case 0: ud.m_coop++; if (ud.m_coop == 3) ud.m_coop = 0; break; case 1: if (!VOLUMEONE) { ud.m_volume_number++; if (ud.m_volume_number == num_volumes) ud.m_volume_number = 0; if (ud.m_volume_number == 0 && ud.m_level_number > 6) ud.m_level_number = 0; if (ud.m_level_number > 10) ud.m_level_number = 0; } break; case 2: ud.m_level_number++; if (!VOLUMEONE) { if (ud.m_volume_number == 0 && ud.m_level_number > 6) ud.m_level_number = 0; } else { if (ud.m_volume_number == 0 && ud.m_level_number > 5) ud.m_level_number = 0; } if (ud.m_level_number > 10) ud.m_level_number = 0; break; case 3: if (ud.m_monsters_off == 1 && ud.m_player_skill > 0) ud.m_monsters_off = 0; if (ud.m_monsters_off == 0) { ud.m_player_skill++; if (ud.m_player_skill > 3) { ud.m_player_skill = 0; ud.m_monsters_off = 1; } } else ud.m_monsters_off = 0; break; case 4: if (ud.m_coop == 0) ud.m_marker = !ud.m_marker; break; case 5: if (ud.m_coop == 1) ud.m_ffire = !ud.m_ffire; break; case 6: // pick the user map break; case 7: cmenu(20010); break; } c += 40; // if(ud.m_coop==1) gametext(c+70,57-7-9,"COOPERATIVE PLAY",0,2+8+16); // else if(ud.m_coop==2) gametext(c+70,57-7-9,"DUKEMATCH (NO SPAWN)",0,2+8+16); // else gametext(c+70,57-7-9,"DUKEMATCH (SPAWN)",0,2+8+16); gametext(c+70,57-7-9,gametype_names[ud.m_coop],0,26); gametext(c+70,57+16-7-9,volume_names[ud.m_volume_number],0,2+8+16); gametext(c+70,57+16+16-7-9,&level_names[MAXLEVELS*ud.m_volume_number+ud.m_level_number][0],0,2+8+16); if (ud.m_monsters_off == 0 || ud.m_player_skill > 0) gametext(c+70,57+16+16+16-7-9,skill_names[ud.m_player_skill],0,2+8+16); else gametext(c+70,57+16+16+16-7-9,"NONE",0,2+8+16); if (ud.m_coop == 0) { if (ud.m_marker) gametext(c+70,57+16+16+16+16-7-9,"ON",0,2+8+16); else gametext(c+70,57+16+16+16+16-7-9,"OFF",0,2+8+16); } if (ud.m_coop == 1) { if (ud.m_ffire) gametext(c+70,57+16+16+16+16+16-7-9,"ON",0,2+8+16); else gametext(c+70,57+16+16+16+16+16-7-9,"OFF",0,2+8+16); } c -= 44; menutext(c,57-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),PHX(-2),"GAME TYPE"); sprintf(tempbuf,"EPISODE %ld",ud.m_volume_number+1); menutext(c,57+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),PHX(-3),tempbuf); sprintf(tempbuf,"LEVEL %ld",ud.m_level_number+1); menutext(c,57+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),PHX(-4),tempbuf); menutext(c,57+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),PHX(-5),"MONSTERS"); if (ud.m_coop == 0) menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),PHX(-6),"MARKERS"); else menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),1,"MARKERS"); if (ud.m_coop == 1) menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),PHX(-6),"FR. FIRE"); else menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),1,"FR. FIRE"); if (VOLUMEALL) { menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),boardfilename[0] == 0,"USER MAP"); if (boardfilename[0] != 0) gametext(c+70+44,57+16+16+16+16+16,boardfilename,0,2+8+16); } else { menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),1,"USER MAP"); } menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(7),PHX(-8),"ACCEPT"); break; case 20020: case 20021: // editing server case 20022: // editing port rotatesprite(160<<16,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(160,24,0,0,"JOIN NETWORK GAME"); if (current_menu == 20020) { x = probe(46,50,20,3); if (x == -1) { cmenu(20001); probey = 1; } else if (x == 0) { strcpy(buf, "localhost"); inputloc = strlen(buf); current_menu = 20021; } else if (x == 1) { strcpy(buf, "19014"); inputloc = strlen(buf); current_menu = 20022; } else if (x == 2) {} KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_Enter); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); } else if (current_menu == 20021) { x = strget(40+100,50-9,buf,31,0); if (x) { if (x == 1) { //strcpy(myname,buf); } KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_Enter); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); current_menu = 20020; } } else if (current_menu == 20022) { x = strget(40+100,50+20-9,buf,5,997); if (x) { if (x == 1) { //strcpy(myname,buf); } KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_Enter); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); current_menu = 20020; } } menutext(40,50,0,0,"SERVER"); if (current_menu != 20021) gametext(40+100,50-9,"server",0,2+8+16); menutext(40,50+20,0,0,"PORT"); if (current_menu != 20022) { sprintf(tempbuf,"%d",19014); gametext(40+100,50+20-9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); } menutext(160,50+20+20,0,0,"CONNECT"); // ADDRESS // PORT // CONNECT break; #endif case 15001: case 15000: gametext(160,90,"LOAD last game:",0,2+8+16); sprintf(tempbuf,"\"%s\"",ud.savegame[lastsavedpos]); gametext(160,99,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); gametext(160,99+9,"(Y/N)",0,2+8+16); if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Escape) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_N) || RMB) { if (sprite[ps[myconnectindex].i].extra <= 0) { if (enterlevel(MODE_GAME)) backtomenu(); return; } KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_N); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Escape); ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~MODE_MENU; if (ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Space) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Y) || LMB) { KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); KB_ClearKeysDown(); FX_StopAllSounds(); if (ud.multimode > 1) { loadplayer(-1-lastsavedpos); ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_GAME; } else { c = loadplayer(lastsavedpos); if (c == 0) ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_GAME; } } probe(186,124+9,0,0); break; case 10000: case 10001: c = 60; rotatesprite(160<<16,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(160,24,0,0,"ADULT MODE"); x = probe(60,50+16,16,2); if (x == -1) { cmenu(201); probey = 0; break; } menutext(c,50+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),PHX(-2),"ADULT MODE"); menutext(c,50+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),PHX(-3),"ENTER PASSWORD"); menutext(c+160+40,50+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0,ud.lockout?"OFF":"ON"); if (current_menu == 10001) { gametext(160,50+16+16+16+16-12,"ENTER PASSWORD",0,2+8+16); x = strget((320>>1),50+16+16+16+16,buf,19, 998); if (x) { if (ud.pwlockout[0] == 0 || ud.lockout == 0) strcpy(&ud.pwlockout[0],buf); else if (strcmp(buf,&ud.pwlockout[0]) == 0) { ud.lockout = 0; buf[0] = 0; for (x=0;x= 0) wall[animwall[x].wallnum].picnum = wall[animwall[x].wallnum].extra; } current_menu = 10000; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_Enter); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); } } else { if (x == 0) { if (ud.lockout == 1) { if (ud.pwlockout[0] == 0) { ud.lockout = 0; for (x=0;x= 0) wall[animwall[x].wallnum].picnum = wall[animwall[x].wallnum].extra; } else { buf[0] = 0; current_menu = 10001; inputloc = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); } } else { ud.lockout = 1; for (x=0;x>1,512,TILE_LOADSHOT,-32,0,4+10+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); dispnames(); sprintf(tempbuf,"PLAYERS: %-2ld ",savehead.numplr); gametext(160,156,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); sprintf(tempbuf,"EPISODE: %-2ld / LEVEL: %-2ld / SKILL: %-2ld",1+savehead.volnum,1+savehead.levnum,savehead.plrskl); gametext(160,168,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); if (savehead.volnum == 0 && savehead.levnum == 7) gametext(160,180,savehead.boardfn,0,2+8+16); gametext(160,90,"LOAD game:",0,2+8+16); sprintf(tempbuf,"\"%s\"",ud.savegame[current_menu-1000]); gametext(160,99,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); gametext(160,99+9,"(Y/N)",0,2+8+16); if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Space) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Y) || LMB) { lastsavedpos = current_menu-1000; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); KB_ClearKeysDown(); if (ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } if (ud.multimode > 1) { if (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME) { loadplayer(-1-lastsavedpos); ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_GAME; } else { tempbuf[0] = 126; tempbuf[1] = lastsavedpos; tempbuf[2] = myconnectindex; for (x=connecthead;x>=0;x=connectpoint2[x]) { if (x != myconnectindex) sendpacket(x,tempbuf,3); if ((!networkmode) && (myconnectindex != connecthead)) break; //slaves in M/S mode only send to master } getpackets(); loadplayer(lastsavedpos); multiflag = 0; } } else { c = loadplayer(lastsavedpos); if (c == 0) ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_GAME; } break; } probe(186,124+9,0,0); if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_N) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Escape) || RMB) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_N); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Escape); sound(EXITMENUSOUND); if (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME) { ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~MODE_MENU; if (ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } } else { cmenu(300); probey = last_threehundred; } } break; case 1500: if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Space) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Y) || LMB) { KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); cmenu(100); } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_N) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Escape) || RMB) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_N); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Escape); if (ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~MODE_MENU; sound(EXITMENUSOUND); break; } probe(186,124,0,0); gametext(160,90,"ABORT this game?",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,90+9,"(Y/N)",0,2+8+16); break; case 2000: case 2001: case 2002: case 2003: case 2004: case 2005: case 2006: case 2007: case 2008: case 2009: rotatesprite(160<<16,200<<15,65536L,0,MENUSCREEN,16,0,10+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(160<<16,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(160,24,0,0,"SAVE GAME"); rotatesprite(101<<16,97<<16,65536L>>1,512,TILE_LOADSHOT,-32,0,4+10+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); sprintf(tempbuf,"PLAYERS: %-2ld ",ud.multimode); gametext(160,156,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); sprintf(tempbuf,"EPISODE: %-2ld / LEVEL: %-2ld / SKILL: %-2ld",1+ud.volume_number,1+ud.level_number,ud.player_skill); gametext(160,168,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); if (ud.volume_number == 0 && ud.level_number == 7) gametext(160,180,boardfilename,0,2+8+16); dispnames(); gametext(160,90,"OVERWRITE previous SAVED game?",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,90+9,"(Y/N)",0,2+8+16); if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Space) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Y) || LMB) { inputloc = strlen(&ud.savegame[current_menu-2000][0]); cmenu(current_menu-2000+360); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); break; } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_N) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Escape) || RMB) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_N); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Escape); cmenu(351); sound(EXITMENUSOUND); } probe(186,124,0,0); break; case 990: case 991: case 992: case 993: case 994: case 995: case 996: case 997: case 998: c = 160; if (!VOLUMEALL || !PLUTOPAK) { //rotatesprite(c<<16,200<<15,65536L,0,MENUSCREEN,16,0,10+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(c<<16,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(c,24,0,0,current_menu == 998 ? "ABOUT EDUKE32" : "CREDITS"); l = 8; } else { l = 3; } x = probe(0,0,0,1); if (x == -1) { cmenu(0); break; } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_4) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_UpArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_PgUp) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_8) || WHEELUP) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_LeftArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_4); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_UpArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_PgUp); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_8); sound(KICK_HIT); current_menu--; if (current_menu < 990) current_menu = 990+l; } else if ( KB_KeyPressed(sc_PgDn) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Space) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_DownArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_2) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_9) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_6) || LMB || WHEELDOWN) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_PgDn); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_RightArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_Enter); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_6); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_9); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_2); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_DownArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Space); sound(KICK_HIT); current_menu++; if (current_menu > 990+l) current_menu = 990; } if (!VOLUMEALL || !PLUTOPAK) { switch (current_menu) { case 990: gametext(c,40, "ORIGINAL CONCEPT",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9, "TODD REPLOGLE",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9, "ALLEN H. BLUM III",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9, "PRODUCED & DIRECTED BY",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9+9, "GREG MALONE",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "EXECUTIVE PRODUCER",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "GEORGE BROUSSARD",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "BUILD ENGINE",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9,"KEN SILVERMAN",0,2+8+16); break; case 991: gametext(c,40, "GAME PROGRAMMING",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9, "TODD REPLOGLE",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9, "3D ENGINE/TOOLS/NET",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9, "KEN SILVERMAN",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9+9+9, "NETWORK LAYER/SETUP PROGRAM",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "MARK DOCHTERMANN",0,2+8+16); break; case 992: gametext(c,40, "MAP DESIGN",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9, "ALLEN H BLUM III",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9, "RICHARD GRAY",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9, "3D MODELING",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9+9, "CHUCK JONES",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9+9+9, "SAPPHIRE CORPORATION",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "ARTWORK",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "DIRK JONES, STEPHEN HORNBACK",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "JAMES STOREY, DAVID DEMARET",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9,"DOUGLAS R WOOD",0,2+8+16); break; case 993: gametext(c,40, "SOUND ENGINE",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9, "JIM DOSE",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9, "SOUND & MUSIC DEVELOPMENT",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9, "ROBERT PRINCE",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9+9, "LEE JACKSON",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "VOICE TALENT",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "LANI MINELLA - VOICE PRODUCER",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,40+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "JON ST. JOHN AS \"DUKE NUKEM\"",0,2+8+16); break; case 994: gametext(c,60, "GRAPHIC DESIGN",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,60+9, "PACKAGING, MANUAL, ADS",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,60+9+9, "ROBERT M. ATKINS",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,60+9+9+9, "MICHAEL HADWIN",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,60+9+9+9+9+9, "SPECIAL THANKS TO",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,60+9+9+9+9+9+9, "STEVEN BLACKBURN, TOM HALL",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,60+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "SCOTT MILLER, JOE SIEGLER",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,60+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "TERRY NAGY, COLLEEN COMPTON",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,60+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "HASH INC., FORMGEN, INC.",0,2+8+16); break; case 995: gametext(c,49, "THE 3D REALMS BETA TESTERS",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,49+9+9, "NATHAN ANDERSON, WAYNE BENNER",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,49+9+9+9, "GLENN BRENSINGER, ROB BROWN",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,49+9+9+9+9, "ERIK HARRIS, KEN HECKBERT",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,49+9+9+9+9+9, "TERRY HERRIN, GREG HIVELY",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,49+9+9+9+9+9+9, "HANK LEUKART, ERIC BAKER",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,49+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "JEFF RAUSCH, KELLY ROGERS",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,49+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "MIKE DUNCAN, DOUG HOWELL",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,49+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "BILL BLAIR",0,2+8+16); break; case 996: gametext(c,32, "COMPANY PRODUCT SUPPORT",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,32+9+9, "THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES WERE COOL",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,32+9+9+9, "ENOUGH TO GIVE US LOTS OF STUFF",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,32+9+9+9+9, "DURING THE MAKING OF DUKE NUKEM 3D.",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,32+9+9+9+9+9+9, "ALTEC LANSING MULTIMEDIA",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,32+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "FOR TONS OF SPEAKERS AND THE",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,32+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "THX-LICENSED SOUND SYSTEM",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,32+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9, "FOR INFO CALL 1-800-548-0620",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,32+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9,"CREATIVE LABS, INC.",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,32+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9,"THANKS FOR THE HARDWARE, GUYS.",0,2+8+16); break; case 997: gametext(c,50, "DUKE NUKEM IS A TRADEMARK OF",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,50+9, "3D REALMS ENTERTAINMENT",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,50+9+9+9, "DUKE NUKEM",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,50+9+9+9+9, "(C) 1996 3D REALMS ENTERTAINMENT",0,2+8+16); if (VOLUMEONE) { gametext(c,106, "PLEASE READ LICENSE.DOC FOR SHAREWARE",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,106+9, "DISTRIBUTION GRANTS AND RESTRICTIONS",0,2+8+16); } gametext(c,VOLUMEONE?134:115, "MADE IN DALLAS, TEXAS USA",0,2+8+16); break; case 998: l = 10; goto cheat_for_port_credits; } break; } // Plutonium pak menus switch (current_menu) { case 990: case 991: case 992: rotatesprite(160<<16,200<<15,65536L,0,2504+current_menu-990,0,0,10+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); break; case 993: // JBF 20031220 rotatesprite(160<<16,200<<15,65536L,0,MENUSCREEN,0,0,10+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(c<<16,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,0,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(160,24,0,0,"ABOUT EDUKE32"); cheat_for_port_credits: if (conversion == 13) l = (-2); gametext(160,38-l,"GAME PROGRAMMING",0,2+8+16); p = "Richard \"TerminX\" Gobeille"; minitext(161-(Bstrlen(p)<<1), 39+10-l, p, 4, 10+16+128); minitext(160-(Bstrlen(p)<<1), 38+10-l, p, 8, 10+16+128); gametext(160,57-l,"\"JFDUKE3D\" AND \"JFBUILD\" CODE",0,2+8+16); p = "Jonathon \"JonoF\" Fowler"; minitext(161-(Bstrlen(p)<<1), 58+10-l, p, 4, 10+16+128); minitext(160-(Bstrlen(p)<<1), 57+10-l, p, 8, 10+16+128); gametext(160,76-l,"ORIGINAL \"POLYMOST\" RENDERER",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,76+8-l,"NETWORKING, OTHER CODE",0,2+8+16); p = "Ken \"Awesoken\" Silverman"; minitext(161-(Bstrlen(p)<<1), 77+8+10-l, p, 4, 10+16+128); minitext(160-(Bstrlen(p)<<1), 76+8+10-l, p, 8, 10+16+128); gametext(160,103-l,"RENDERING FEATURES",0,2+8+16); p = "Pierre-Loup \"Plagman\" Griffais"; minitext(161-(Bstrlen(p)<<1), 104+10-l, p, 4, 10+16+128); minitext(160-(Bstrlen(p)<<1), 103+10-l, p, 8, 10+16+128); gametext(160,122-l,"LICENSE AND OTHER CONTRIBUTORS",0,2+8+16); { const char *scroller[] = { "This program is distributed under the terms of the", "GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the", "Free Software Foundation. See GNU.TXT for details.", "", "Thanks to the following people for their contributions:", "", "Adam Fazakerley", "Ed Coolidge", "James Bentler", "Javier Martinez", "Jeff Hart", "Jonathan Smith", "Jose del Castillo", "Lachlan McDonald", "Matthew Palmer", "Peter Green", "Ryan C. Gordon", "", "EDuke originally by Matt Saettler", "", "--x--", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; const int numlines = sizeof(scroller)/sizeof(char *); for (m=0,i=(totalclock/104)%numlines; m<6; m++,i++) { if (i==numlines) i=0; minitext(161-(Bstrlen(scroller[i])<<1), 101+10+10+8+4+(m*7)-l, (char*)scroller[i], 4, 10+16+128); minitext(160-(Bstrlen(scroller[i])<<1), 100+10+10+8+4+(m*7)-l, (char*)scroller[i], 8, 10+16+128); } } p = "Visit www.eduke32.com for news and updates"; minitext(161-(Bstrlen(p)<<1), 136+10+10+10+10+4-l, p, 4, 10+16+128); minitext(160-(Bstrlen(p)<<1), 135+10+10+10+10+4-l, p, 8, 10+16+128); } break; case 0: c = (320>>1); rotatesprite(c<<16,28<<16,65536L,0,INGAMEDUKETHREEDEE,0,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if (PLUTOPAK) // JBF 20030804 rotatesprite((c+100)<<16,36<<16,65536L,0,PLUTOPAKSPRITE+2,(sintable[(totalclock<<4)&2047]>>11),0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); x = probe(c,67,16,6); if (x >= 0) { if (ud.multimode > 1 && x == 0 && ud.recstat != 2) { if (movesperpacket == 4 && myconnectindex != connecthead) break; last_zero = 0; cmenu(600); } else { last_zero = x; switch (x) { case 0: cmenu(100); break; //case 1: break;//cmenu(20001);break; // JBF 20031128: I'm taking over the TEN menu option case 1: cmenu(202); break; // JBF 20031205: was 200 case 2: if (movesperpacket == 4 && connecthead != myconnectindex) break; cmenu(300); break; case 3: KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); cmenu(400); break; case 4: cmenu(990); break; case 5: cmenu(500); break; } } } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Q)) cmenu(500); if (x == -1 && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME || ud.recstat == 2)) { ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~MODE_MENU; if (ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } } if (movesperpacket == 4) { if (myconnectindex == connecthead) menutext(c,67,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),PHX(-2),"NEW GAME"); else menutext(c,67,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),1,"NEW GAME"); } else menutext(c,67,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),PHX(-2),"NEW GAME"); // menutext(c,67+16,0,1,"NETWORK GAME"); menutext(c,67+16/*+16*/,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),PHX(-3),"OPTIONS"); if (movesperpacket == 4 && connecthead != myconnectindex) menutext(c,67+16+16/*+16*/,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),1,"LOAD GAME"); else menutext(c,67+16+16/*+16*/,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),PHX(-4),"LOAD GAME"); if (!VOLUMEALL) { menutext(c,67+16+16+16/*+16*/,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),PHX(-5),"HOW TO ORDER"); } else { menutext(c,67+16+16+16/*+16*/,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),PHX(-5),"HELP"); } menutext(c,67+16+16+16+16/*+16*/,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),PHX(-6),"CREDITS"); menutext(c,67+16+16+16+16+16/*+16*/,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),PHX(-7),"QUIT"); break; case 50: c = (320>>1); rotatesprite(c<<16,32<<16,65536L,0,INGAMEDUKETHREEDEE,0,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if (PLUTOPAK) // JBF 20030804 rotatesprite((c+100)<<16,36<<16,65536L,0,PLUTOPAKSPRITE+2,(sintable[(totalclock<<4)&2047]>>11),0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); x = probe(c,67,16,7); switch (x) { case 0: if (movesperpacket == 4 && myconnectindex != connecthead) break; if (ud.multimode < 2 || ud.recstat == 2) cmenu(1500); else { cmenu(600); last_fifty = 0; } break; case 1: if (movesperpacket == 4 && connecthead != myconnectindex) break; if (ud.recstat != 2) { last_fifty = 1; cmenu(350); setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } break; case 2: if (movesperpacket == 4 && connecthead != myconnectindex) break; last_fifty = 2; cmenu(300); break; case 3: last_fifty = 3; cmenu(202); // JBF 20031205: was 200 break; case 4: last_fifty = 4; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); cmenu(400); break; case 5: if (numplayers < 2) { last_fifty = 5; cmenu(501); } break; case 6: last_fifty = 6; cmenu(500); break; case -1: ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~MODE_MENU; if (ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } break; } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Q)) cmenu(500); if (movesperpacket == 4 && connecthead != myconnectindex) { menutext(c,67 ,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),1,"NEW GAME"); menutext(c,67+16 ,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),1,"SAVE GAME"); menutext(c,67+16+16 ,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),1,"LOAD GAME"); } else { menutext(c,67 ,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),PHX(-2),"NEW GAME"); menutext(c,67+16 ,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),PHX(-3),"SAVE GAME"); menutext(c,67+16+16 ,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),PHX(-4),"LOAD GAME"); } menutext(c,67+16+16+16 ,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),PHX(-5),"OPTIONS"); if (!VOLUMEALL) { menutext(c,67+16+16+16+16 ,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),PHX(-6),"HOW TO ORDER"); } else { menutext(c,67+16+16+16+16 ,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),PHX(-6)," HELP"); } if (numplayers > 1) menutext(c,67+16+16+16+16+16 ,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),1,"QUIT TO TITLE"); else menutext(c,67+16+16+16+16+16 ,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),PHX(-7),"QUIT TO TITLE"); menutext(c,67+16+16+16+16+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),PHX(-8),"QUIT GAME"); break; case 100: rotatesprite(160<<16,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(160,24,0,0,"SELECT AN EPISODE"); x = probe(160,VOLUMEONE?60:60-(num_volumes*2),20,VOLUMEONE?3:num_volumes+1); if (x >= 0) { if (VOLUMEONE) { if (x > 0) cmenu(20000); else { ud.m_volume_number = x; ud.m_level_number = 0; last_onehundred = x; cmenu(110); } } if (!VOLUMEONE) { if (x == num_volumes /*&& boardfilename[0]*/) { //ud.m_volume_number = 0; //ud.m_level_number = 7; currentlist = 1; last_onehundred = x; cmenu(101); } else { ud.m_volume_number = x; ud.m_level_number = 0; last_onehundred = x; cmenu(110); } } } else if (x == -1) { if (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME) cmenu(50); else cmenu(0); } c = 80; if (VOLUMEONE) { menutext(160,60,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),PHX(-2),volume_names[0]); menutext(160,60+20,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),1,volume_names[1]); menutext(160,60+20+20,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),1,volume_names[2]); if (PLUTOPAK) menutext(160,60+20+20,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),1,volume_names[3]); } else { for (i=0;i 0) { while (KB_KeyPressed(sc_End)?seeker->next:seeker->prev) seeker = KB_KeyPressed(sc_End)?seeker->next:seeker->prev; if (seeker) { if (currentlist) findfileshigh = seeker; else finddirshigh = seeker; sound(KICK_HIT); } } else if ((KB_KeyPressed(sc_PgUp)|KB_KeyPressed(sc_PgDn)) > 0) { seeker = currentlist?findfileshigh:finddirshigh; i = 6; while (i>0) { if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_PgDn)?seeker->next:seeker->prev) seeker = KB_KeyPressed(sc_PgDn)?seeker->next:seeker->prev; i--; } if (seeker) { if (currentlist) findfileshigh = seeker; else finddirshigh = seeker; sound(KICK_HIT); } } else { char ch2, ch; ch = KB_Getch(); if (ch > 0 && ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'))) { if (ch >= 'a') ch -= ('a'-'A'); while (seeker) { ch2 = seeker->name[0]; if (ch2 >= 'a' && ch2 <= 'z') ch2 -= ('a'-'A'); if (ch2 == ch) break; seeker = seeker->next; } if (seeker) { if (currentlist) findfileshigh = seeker; else finddirshigh = seeker; sound(KICK_HIT); } } } } gametext(40+4,12+32,"DIRECTORIES",0,2+8+16); if (finddirshigh) { dir = finddirshigh; for (i=0; i<2; i++) if (!dir->prev) break; else dir=dir->prev; for (i=2; i>-2 && dir; i--, dir=dir->next) { if (dir == finddirshigh) c=0; else c=16; minitextshade(40,1+12+32+8*(3-i),dir->name,c,0,26); } } gametext(40+4,8+32+40+8-1,"MAP FILES",0,2+8+16); if (findfileshigh) { dir = findfileshigh; for (i=0; i<4; i++) if (!dir->prev) break; else dir=dir->prev; for (i=4; i>-4 && dir; i--, dir=dir->next) { if (dir == findfileshigh) c=0; else c=16; minitextshade(40,(8+32+8*5)+8*(6-i),dir->name,c,2,26); } } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_4) || ((buttonstat&1) && minfo.dyaw < -256) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_6) || ((buttonstat&1) && minfo.dyaw > 256) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Tab)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_LeftArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_4); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_RightArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_6); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Tab); currentlist = 1-currentlist; sound(KICK_HIT); } onbar = 0; probey = 2; if (currentlist == 0) x = probe(50,12+32+16+4,0,3); else x = probe(50,8+32+40+40+4,0,3); if (probey == 1) { if (currentlist == 0) { if (finddirshigh) if (finddirshigh->prev) finddirshigh = finddirshigh->prev; } else { if (findfileshigh) if (findfileshigh->prev) findfileshigh = findfileshigh->prev; } } else if (probey == 0) { if (currentlist == 0) { if (finddirshigh) if (finddirshigh->next) finddirshigh = finddirshigh->next; } else { if (findfileshigh) if (findfileshigh->next) findfileshigh = findfileshigh->next; } } if (x == -1) { clearfilenames(); boardfilename[0] = 0; if (ud.multimode > 1) { sendboardname(); cmenu(600); probey = last_probey; } else cmenu(100); } else if (x >= 0) { if (currentlist == 0) { if (!finddirshigh) break; strcat(boardfilename, finddirshigh->name); strcat(boardfilename, "/"); Bcorrectfilename(boardfilename, 1); cmenu(101); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); } else { if (!findfileshigh) break; strcat(boardfilename, findfileshigh->name); ud.m_volume_number = 0; ud.m_level_number = 7; if (ud.multimode > 1) { sendboardname(); cmenu(600); probey = last_probey; } else cmenu(110); } clearfilenames(); } break; case 110: c = (320>>1); rotatesprite(c<<16,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(c,24,0,0,"SELECT SKILL"); x = probe(c,70,19,4); if (x >= 0) { switch (x) { case 0: globalskillsound = JIBBED_ACTOR6; break; case 1: globalskillsound = BONUS_SPEECH1; break; case 2: globalskillsound = DUKE_GETWEAPON2; break; case 3: globalskillsound = JIBBED_ACTOR5; break; } sound(globalskillsound); ud.m_player_skill = x+1; if (x == 3) ud.m_respawn_monsters = 1; else ud.m_respawn_monsters = 0; ud.m_monsters_off = ud.monsters_off = 0; ud.m_respawn_items = 0; ud.m_respawn_inventory = 0; ud.multimode = 1; if (ud.m_volume_number == 3) { flushperms(); setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); clearview(0L); nextpage(); } newgame(ud.m_volume_number,ud.m_level_number,ud.m_player_skill); if (enterlevel(MODE_GAME)) backtomenu(); } else if (x == -1) { cmenu(100); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); } menutext(c,70,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),PHX(-2),skill_names[0]); menutext(c,70+19,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),PHX(-3),skill_names[1]); menutext(c,70+19+19,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),PHX(-4),skill_names[2]); menutext(c,70+19+19+19,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),PHX(-5),skill_names[3]); break; case 230: #if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL) rotatesprite(320<<15,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(320>>1,24,0,0,"ADVANCED VIDEO"); c = (320>>1)-120; { int io, ii, yy, d=c+160+40, enabled; char *opts[] = { "Widescreen", "-", "Hightile textures", "Precache textures", "GL texture compression", "Cache textures on disk", "Compress disk cache", "-", "Models", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", NULL }; yy = 37; for (ii=io=0; opts[ii]; ii++) { if (opts[ii][0] == '-' && !opts[ii][1]) { if (io <= probey) yy += 4; continue; } if (io < probey) yy += 8; io++; } onbar = 0; x = probesm(c,yy+5,0,io); if (x == -1) { cmenu(203); probey = 7; break; } yy = 37; for (ii=io=0; opts[ii]; ii++) { if (opts[ii][0] == '-' && !opts[ii][1]) { yy += 4; continue; } enabled = 1; switch (io) { case 0: if (x==io) glwidescreen = 1-glwidescreen; modval(0,1,(int *)&glwidescreen,1,probey==io); gametextpal(d,yy, glwidescreen ? "On" : "Off", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 1: if (x==io) usehightile = 1-usehightile; modval(0,1,(int *)&usehightile,1,probey==io); gametextpal(d,yy, usehightile ? "On" : "Off", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 2: enabled = usehightile; if (enabled && x==io) useprecache = !useprecache; if (enabled) modval(0,1,(int *)&useprecache,1,probey==io); gametextpal(d,yy, useprecache && enabled ? "On" : "Off", enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):15, 0); break; case 3: enabled = usehightile; if (enabled && x==io) glusetexcompr = !glusetexcompr; if (enabled) modval(0,1,(int *)&glusetexcompr,1,probey==io); gametextpal(d,yy, glusetexcompr && enabled ? "On" : "Off", enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):15, 0); break; case 4: enabled = (glusetexcompr && usehightile && useprecache); if (enabled && x==io) glusetexcache = !glusetexcache; if (enabled) modval(0,1,(int *)&glusetexcache,1,probey==io); gametextpal(d,yy, glusetexcache && enabled ? "On" : "Off", enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):15, 0); break; case 5: enabled = (glusetexcompr && usehightile && useprecache && glusetexcache); if (enabled && x==io) glusetexcachecompression = !glusetexcachecompression; if (enabled) modval(0,1,(int *)&glusetexcachecompression,1,probey==io); gametextpal(d,yy, glusetexcachecompression && enabled ? "On" : "Off", enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):15, 0); break; case 6: if (x==io) usemodels = 1-usemodels; modval(0,1,(int *)&usemodels,1,probey==io); gametextpal(d,yy, usemodels ? "On" : "Off", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; default: break; } gametextpal(c,yy, opts[ii], enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):15, 2); io++; yy += 8; } } #endif break; case 200: rotatesprite(320<<15,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(320>>1,24,0,0,"GAME SETUP"); c = (320>>1)-120; { int io, ii, yy, d=c+160+40, enabled; char *opts[] = { "Crosshair", "Level stats", "-", "Screen size", "Status bar size", "-", "Run key style", "-", "Detail", "Shadows", "Screen tilting", "-", "Show opponent weapon", "Demo playback cameras", "Record demo", "-", "-", "-", "More...", NULL }; yy = 37; for (ii=io=0; opts[ii]; ii++) { if (opts[ii][0] == '-' && !opts[ii][1]) { if (io <= probey) yy += 4; continue; } if (io < probey) yy += 8; io++; } onbar = (probey == 2 || probey == 3); x = probesm(c,yy+5,0,io); if (x == -1) { cmenu(202); break; } yy = 37; for (ii=io=0; opts[ii]; ii++) { if (opts[ii][0] == '-' && !opts[ii][1]) { yy += 4; continue; } enabled = 1; switch (io) { case 0: if (x==io) ud.crosshair = (ud.crosshair==3)?0:ud.crosshair+1; modval(0,3,(int *)&ud.crosshair,1,probey==io); { char *s[] = { "OFF", "ON [100%]", "ON [50%]", "ON [25%]" }; gametextpal(d,yy,s[ud.crosshair], MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; } case 1: if (x==io) ud.levelstats = 1-ud.levelstats; modval(0,1,(int *)&ud.levelstats,1,probey==io); gametextpal(d,yy, ud.levelstats ? "Shown" : "Hidden", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 2: { int i; i = ud.screen_size; barsm(d+8,yy+7, (short *)&ud.screen_size,-4,x==io,MENUHIGHLIGHT(io),PHX(-5)); if (i < ud.screen_size && i == 8 && ud.statusbarmode == 1 && bpp > 8) { ud.statusbarmode = 0; if (ud.statusbarscale != 100) ud.screen_size = i; } else if (i > ud.screen_size && i == 8 && ud.statusbarmode == 0 && bpp > 8) { if (ud.statusbarscale != 100) { ud.statusbarmode = 1; ud.screen_size = i; } } } break; case 3: { short sbs, sbsl; sbs = sbsl = ud.statusbarscale-37; barsm(d+8,yy+7, (short *)&sbs,8,x==io,MENUHIGHLIGHT(io),PHX(-5)); if (x == io && sbs != sbsl) { sbs += 37; setstatusbarscale(sbs); } } break; case 4: if (x==io) ud.runkey_mode = 1-ud.runkey_mode; modval(0,1,(int *)&ud.runkey_mode,1,probey==io); gametextpal(d,yy, ud.runkey_mode ? "Classic" : "Modern", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 5: if (x==io) ud.detail = 1-ud.detail; modval(0,1,(int *)&ud.detail,1,probey==io); gametextpal(d,yy, ud.detail ? "High" : "Low", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 6: if (x==io) ud.shadows = 1-ud.shadows; modval(0,1,(int *)&ud.shadows,1,probey==io); gametextpal(d,yy, ud.shadows ? "On" : "Off", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 7: if (x==io) ud.screen_tilting = 1-ud.screen_tilting; modval(0,1,(int *)&ud.screen_tilting,1,probey==io); gametextpal(d,yy, ud.screen_tilting ? "On" : "Off", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; // original had a 'full' option case 8: if (x==io) ud.showweapons = 1-ud.showweapons; modval(0,1,(int *)&ud.showweapons,1,probey==io); ShowOpponentWeapons = ud.showweapons; gametextpal(d,yy, ShowOpponentWeapons ? "On" : "Off", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 9: if (x==io) ud.democams = 1-ud.democams; modval(0,1,(int *)&ud.democams,1,probey==io); gametextpal(d,yy, ud.democams ? "On" : "Off", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 10: if (x==io) { enabled = !((ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME) && ud.m_recstat != 1); if ((ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME)) closedemowrite(); else ud.m_recstat = !ud.m_recstat; } if ((ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME) && ud.m_recstat != 1) enabled = 0; gametextpal(d,yy,ud.m_recstat?((ud.m_recstat && enabled && ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME)?"Recording":"On"):"Off",enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):15,enabled?0:1); break; case 11: if (x==io) cmenu(201); break; default: break; } gametextpal(c,yy, opts[ii], enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):15, 2); io++; yy += 8; } } break; case 201: rotatesprite(320<<15,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(320>>1,24,0,0,"GAME SETUP"); c = (320>>1)-120; { int io, ii, yy, d=c+160+40, enabled; char *opts[] = { "Parental lock", "-", "HUD weapon", "FPS counter", "-", "Automatic voting", "Send MP messages to all", "Display other player IDs", "-", "Show startup window", #ifdef _WIN32 "Release notification", #else "-", "-", #endif "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "Previous page", NULL }; yy = 37; for (ii=io=0; opts[ii]; ii++) { if (opts[ii][0] == '-' && !opts[ii][1]) { if (io <= probey) yy += 4; continue; } if (io < probey) yy += 8; io++; } x = probesm(c,yy+5,0,io); if (x == -1) { cmenu(200); probey = 11; break; } yy = 37; for (ii=io=0; opts[ii]; ii++) { if (opts[ii][0] == '-' && !opts[ii][1]) { yy += 4; continue; } enabled = 1; switch (io) { case 0: if (!NAM) { if (x==io) cmenu(10000); } else enabled = 0; break; case 1: if (x==io) { ud.drawweapon = (ud.drawweapon == 2) ? 0 : ud.drawweapon+1; } modval(0,2,(int *)&ud.drawweapon,1,probey==io); { char *s[] = { "Off", "On", "Icon" }; gametextpal(d,yy, s[ud.drawweapon], MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; } case 2: if (x==io) ud.tickrate = 1-ud.tickrate; modval(0,1,(int *)&ud.tickrate,1,probey==io); gametextpal(d,yy, ud.tickrate ? "On" : "Off", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 3: if (x==io) { ud.autovote = (ud.autovote == 2) ? 0 : ud.autovote+1; } modval(0,2,(int *)&ud.autovote,1,probey==io); { char *s[] = { "Off", "Vote No", "Vote Yes" }; gametextpal(d,yy, s[ud.autovote], MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; } case 4: if (x==io) ud.automsg = 1-ud.automsg; modval(0,1,(int *)&ud.automsg,1,probey==io); gametextpal(d,yy, ud.automsg ? "On" : "Off", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 5: if (x==io) ud.idplayers = 1-ud.idplayers; modval(0,1,(int *)&ud.idplayers,1,probey==io); gametextpal(d,yy, ud.idplayers ? "On" : "Off", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 6: if (x==io) ForceSetup = 1-ForceSetup; modval(0,1,(int *)&ForceSetup,1,probey==io); gametextpal(d,yy, ForceSetup ? "On" : "Off", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; #ifdef _WIN32 case 7: i = checkforupdates; if (x==io) checkforupdates = 1-checkforupdates; modval(0,1,(int *)&checkforupdates,1,probey==io); if (checkforupdates != i) lastupdatecheck = 0; gametextpal(d,yy, checkforupdates ? "On" : "Off", MENUHIGHLIGHT(io), 0); break; case 8: #else case 7: #endif if (x==io) cmenu(200); break; default: break; } gametextpal(c,yy, opts[ii], enabled?MENUHIGHLIGHT(io):15, 2); io++; yy += 8; } } break; // JBF 20031205: Second level options menu selection case 202: rotatesprite(320<<15,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(320>>1,24,0,0,"OPTIONS"); c = 50; onbar = 0; x = probe(160,c,18,7); last_twoohtwo = probey; switch (x) { case -1: if (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME) cmenu(50); else cmenu(0); break; case 0: cmenu(200); break; case 1: cmenu(700); break; case 2: { int dax = xdim, day = ydim, daz; curvidmode = newvidmode = checkvideomode(&dax,&day,bpp,fullscreen,0); if (newvidmode == 0x7fffffffl) newvidmode = validmodecnt; newfullscreen = fullscreen; changesmade = 0; dax = 0; for (day = 0; day < validmodecnt; day++) { if (dax == sizeof(vidsets)/sizeof(vidsets[1])) break; for (daz = 0; daz < dax; daz++) if ((validmode[day].bpp|((validmode[day].fs&1)<<16)) == (vidsets[daz]&0x1ffffl)) break; if (vidsets[daz] != -1) continue; if (validmode[day].bpp == 8) { vidsets[dax++] = 8|((validmode[day].fs&1)<<16); vidsets[dax++] = 0x20000|8|((validmode[day].fs&1)<<16); } else vidsets[dax++] = 0x20000|validmode[day].bpp|((validmode[day].fs&1)<<16); } for (dax = 0; dax < (long)(sizeof(vidsets)/sizeof(vidsets[1])) && vidsets[dax] != -1; dax++) if (vidsets[dax] == (((getrendermode()>=2)<<17)|(fullscreen<<16)|bpp)) break; if (dax < (long)(sizeof(vidsets)/sizeof(vidsets[1]))) newvidset = dax; curvidset = newvidset; cmenu(203); } break; case 3: if (ud.recstat != 1) cmenu(20002); break; case 4: currentlist = 0; case 5: case 6: if (x==6 && !CONTROL_JoyPresent) break; cmenu(204+x-4); break; } menutext(160,c, MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0,"GAME SETUP"); menutext(160,c+18, MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),0,"SOUND SETUP"); menutext(160,c+18+18, MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),0,"VIDEO SETUP"); menutext(160,c+18+18+18, MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),ud.recstat == 1,"PLAYER SETUP"); menutext(160,c+18+18+18+18, MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),0,"KEYBOARD SETUP"); menutext(160,c+18+18+18+18+18, MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),0,"MOUSE SETUP"); menutext(160,c+18+18+18+18+18+18,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),CONTROL_JoyPresent==0,"JOYSTICK SETUP"); break; // JBF 20031206: Video settings menu case 203: rotatesprite(320<<15,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(320>>1,24,0,0,"VIDEO SETUP"); c = (320>>1)-120; #if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL) x = 8; #else x = 5; #endif onbar = (probey == 4); if (probey == 0 || probey == 1 || probey == 2) x = probe(c,50,16,x); else if (probey == 3) x = probe(c,50+16+16+22,0,x); else x = probe(c,50+62-16-16-16,16,x); if (probey==0 && (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightArrow))) { sound(PISTOL_BODYHIT); x=0; } switch (x) { case -1: cmenu(202); probey = 2; break; case 0: do { if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow)) { newvidmode--; if (newvidmode < 0) newvidmode = validmodecnt-1; } else { newvidmode++; if (newvidmode >= validmodecnt) newvidmode = 0; } } while ((validmode[newvidmode].fs&1) != ((vidsets[newvidset]>>16)&1) || validmode[newvidmode].bpp != (vidsets[newvidset] & 0x0ffff)); //OSD_Printf("New mode is %dx%dx%d-%d %d\n",validmode[newvidmode].xdim,validmode[newvidmode].ydim,validmode[newvidmode].bpp,validmode[newvidmode].fs,newvidmode); if ((curvidmode == 0x7fffffffl && newvidmode == validmodecnt) || curvidmode == newvidmode) changesmade &= ~1; else changesmade |= 1; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_LeftArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_RightArrow); break; case 1: { int lastvidset, lastvidmode, safevidmode = -1; lastvidset = newvidset; lastvidmode = newvidmode; // find the next vidset compatible with the current fullscreen setting while (vidsets[0] != -1) { newvidset++; if (newvidset == sizeof(vidsets)/sizeof(vidsets[0]) || vidsets[newvidset] == -1) { newvidset = -1; continue; } if (((vidsets[newvidset]>>16)&1) != newfullscreen) continue; break; } if ((vidsets[newvidset] & 0x0ffff) != (vidsets[lastvidset] & 0x0ffff)) { // adjust the video mode to something legal for the new vidset do { newvidmode++; if (newvidmode == lastvidmode) break; // end of cycle if (newvidmode >= validmodecnt) { if (safevidmode != -1) break; newvidmode = 0; } if (validmode[newvidmode].bpp == (vidsets[newvidset]&0x0ffff) && validmode[newvidmode].fs == newfullscreen && validmode[newvidmode].xdim <= validmode[lastvidmode].xdim && (safevidmode==-1?1:(validmode[newvidmode].xdim>=validmode[safevidmode].xdim)) && validmode[newvidmode].ydim <= validmode[lastvidmode].ydim && (safevidmode==-1?1:(validmode[newvidmode].ydim>=validmode[safevidmode].ydim)) ) safevidmode = newvidmode; } while (1); if (safevidmode == -1) { //OSD_Printf("No best fit!\n"); newvidmode = lastvidmode; newvidset = lastvidset; } else { //OSD_Printf("Best fit is %dx%dx%d-%d %d\n",validmode[safevidmode].xdim,validmode[safevidmode].ydim,validmode[safevidmode].bpp,validmode[safevidmode].fs,safevidmode); newvidmode = safevidmode; } } if (newvidset != curvidset) changesmade |= 4; else changesmade &= ~4; if (newvidmode != curvidmode) changesmade |= 1; else changesmade &= ~1; } break; case 2: newfullscreen = !newfullscreen; { int lastvidset, lastvidmode, safevidmode = -1, safevidset = -1; lastvidset = newvidset; lastvidmode = newvidmode; // find the next vidset compatible with the current fullscreen setting while (vidsets[0] != -1) { newvidset++; if (newvidset == lastvidset) break; if (newvidset == sizeof(vidsets)/sizeof(vidsets[0]) || vidsets[newvidset] == -1) { newvidset = -1; continue; } if (((vidsets[newvidset]>>16)&1) != newfullscreen) continue; if ((vidsets[newvidset] & 0x2ffff) != (vidsets[lastvidset] & 0x2ffff)) { if ((vidsets[newvidset] & 0x20000) == (vidsets[lastvidset] & 0x20000)) safevidset = newvidset; continue; } break; } if (newvidset == lastvidset) { if (safevidset == -1) { newfullscreen = !newfullscreen; break; } else { newvidset = safevidset; } } // adjust the video mode to something legal for the new vidset do { newvidmode++; if (newvidmode == lastvidmode) break; // end of cycle if (newvidmode >= validmodecnt) newvidmode = 0; if (validmode[newvidmode].bpp == (vidsets[newvidset]&0x0ffff) && validmode[newvidmode].fs == newfullscreen && validmode[newvidmode].xdim <= validmode[lastvidmode].xdim && (safevidmode==-1?1:(validmode[newvidmode].xdim>=validmode[safevidmode].xdim)) && validmode[newvidmode].ydim <= validmode[lastvidmode].ydim && (safevidmode==-1?1:(validmode[newvidmode].ydim>=validmode[safevidmode].ydim)) ) safevidmode = newvidmode; } while (1); if (safevidmode == -1) { //OSD_Printf("No best fit!\n"); newvidmode = lastvidmode; newvidset = lastvidset; newfullscreen = !newfullscreen; } else { //OSD_Printf("Best fit is %dx%dx%d-%d %d\n",validmode[safevidmode].xdim,validmode[safevidmode].ydo,,validmode[safevidmode].bpp,validmode[safevidmode].fs,safevidmode); newvidmode = safevidmode; } if (newvidset != curvidset) changesmade |= 4; else changesmade &= ~4; if (newvidmode != curvidmode) changesmade |= 1; else changesmade &= ~1; } if (newfullscreen == fullscreen) changesmade &= ~2; else changesmade |= 2; break; case 3: if (!changesmade) break; { long pxdim, pydim, pfs, pbpp, prend; long nxdim, nydim, nfs, nbpp, nrend; pxdim = xdim; pydim = ydim; pbpp = bpp; pfs = fullscreen; prend = getrendermode(); nxdim = (newvidmode==validmodecnt)?xdim:validmode[newvidmode].xdim; nydim = (newvidmode==validmodecnt)?ydim:validmode[newvidmode].ydim; nfs = newfullscreen; nbpp = (newvidmode==validmodecnt)?bpp:validmode[newvidmode].bpp; nrend = (vidsets[newvidset] & 0x20000) ? (nbpp==8?2:3) : 0; if (setgamemode(nfs, nxdim, nydim, nbpp) < 0) { if (setgamemode(pfs, pxdim, pydim, pbpp) < 0) { setrendermode(prend); gameexit("Failed restoring old video mode."); } else onvideomodechange(pbpp > 8); } else onvideomodechange(nbpp > 8); restorepalette = 1; vscrn(); setrendermode(nrend); curvidmode = newvidmode; curvidset = newvidset; changesmade = 0; ScreenMode = fullscreen; ScreenWidth = xdim; ScreenHeight = ydim; ScreenBPP = bpp; } break; case 4: break; #if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL) case 5: if (bpp==8) break; switch (gltexfiltermode) { case 0: gltexfiltermode = 3; break; case 3: gltexfiltermode = 5; break; case 5: gltexfiltermode = 0; break; default: gltexfiltermode = 3; break; } gltexapplyprops(); break; case 6: if (bpp==8) break; glanisotropy *= 2; if (glanisotropy > glinfo.maxanisotropy) glanisotropy = 1; gltexapplyprops(); break; case 7: if (bpp==8) break; cmenu(230); break; #endif } menutext(c,50,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0,"RESOLUTION"); sprintf(tempbuf,"%ld x %ld", (newvidmode==validmodecnt)?xdim:validmode[newvidmode].xdim, (newvidmode==validmodecnt)?ydim:validmode[newvidmode].ydim); gametext(c+154,50-8,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),2+8+16); menutext(c,50+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),0,"VIDEO MODE"); sprintf(tempbuf, "%dbit %s", vidsets[newvidset]&0x0ffff, (vidsets[newvidset]&0x20000)?"Polymost":"Classic"); gametext(c+154,50+16-8,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),2+8+16); menutext(c,50+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),0,"FULLSCREEN"); menutext(c+154,50+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),0,newfullscreen?"YES":"NO"); menutext(c+16,50+16+16+22,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),changesmade==0,"APPLY CHANGES"); menutext(c,50+62+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),PHX(-6),"BRIGHTNESS"); { short ss = ud.brightness; bar(c+167,50+62+16,&ss,8,x==4,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),PHX(-6)); if (x==4) { ud.brightness = ss; setbrightness(ud.brightness>>2,&ps[myconnectindex].palette[0],0); } } #if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL) menutext(c,50+62+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),bpp==8,"FILTERING"); switch (gltexfiltermode) { case 0: strcpy(tempbuf,"NEAREST"); break; case 3: strcpy(tempbuf,"BILINEAR"); break; case 5: strcpy(tempbuf,"TRILINEAR"); break; default: strcpy(tempbuf,"OTHER"); break; } menutext(c+154,50+62+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),bpp==8,tempbuf); menutext(c,50+62+16+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),bpp==8,"ANISOTROPY"); if (glanisotropy == 1) strcpy(tempbuf,"NONE"); else sprintf(tempbuf,"%ld-tap",glanisotropy); menutext(c+154,50+62+16+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),bpp==8,tempbuf); menutext(c,50+62+16+16+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(7),bpp==8,"ADVANCED SETTINGS"); #endif break; case 204: rotatesprite(320<<15,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(320>>1,24,0,0,"KEYBOARD SETUP"); c = (320>>1)-120; onbar = 0; x = probe(0,0,0,NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS); if (x==-1) { cmenu(202); probey = 4; } else if (x>=0) { function = probey; whichkey = currentlist; cmenu(210); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); KB_ClearLastScanCode(); break; } // the top of our list m = probey - 6; if (m < 0) m = 0; else if (m + 13 >= NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS) m = NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS-13; if (probey == gamefunc_Show_Console) currentlist = 0; else if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_4) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_6) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Tab)) { currentlist ^= 1; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_LeftArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_RightArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_4); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_6); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Tab); sound(KICK_HIT); } else if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Delete)) { KeyboardKeys[probey][currentlist] = 0; CONTROL_MapKey(probey, KeyboardKeys[probey][0], KeyboardKeys[probey][1]); sound(KICK_HIT); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Delete); } for (l=0; l < min(13,NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS); l++) { p = CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(m+l); if (!p) continue; strcpy(tempbuf, p); for (i=0;tempbuf[i];i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitextshade(70,34+l*8,tempbuf,(m+l == probey)?0:16,1,10+16); //strcpy(tempbuf, KB_ScanCodeToString(KeyboardKeys[m+l][0])); strcpy(tempbuf, (char *)getkeyname(KeyboardKeys[m+l][0])); if (!tempbuf[0]) strcpy(tempbuf, " -"); minitextshade(70+100,34+l*8,tempbuf, (m+l == probey && !currentlist?0:16),2,10+16); //strcpy(tempbuf, KB_ScanCodeToString(KeyboardKeys[m+l][1])); strcpy(tempbuf, (char *)getkeyname(KeyboardKeys[m+l][1])); if (!tempbuf[0]) strcpy(tempbuf, " -"); minitextshade(70+120+34,34+l*8,tempbuf, (m+l == probey && currentlist?0:16),2,10+16); } gametext(160,144,"UP/DOWN = SELECT ACTION",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,144+9,"LEFT/RIGHT = SELECT LIST",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,144+9+9,"ENTER = MODIFY DELETE = CLEAR",0,2+8+16); break; case 210: { int32 sc; rotatesprite(320<<15,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(320>>1,24,0,0,"KEYBOARD SETUP"); gametext(320>>1,90,"PRESS THE KEY TO ASSIGN AS",0,2+8+16); sprintf(tempbuf,"%s FOR \"%s\"", whichkey?"SECONDARY":"PRIMARY", CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(function)); gametext(320>>1,90+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); gametext(320>>1,90+9+9+9,"PRESS \"ESCAPE\" TO CANCEL",0,2+8+16); sc = KB_GetLastScanCode(); if (sc != sc_None || RMB) { if (sc == sc_Escape || RMB) { sound(EXITMENUSOUND); } else { sound(PISTOL_BODYHIT); KeyboardKeys[function][whichkey] = KB_GetLastScanCode(); if (function == gamefunc_Show_Console) OSD_CaptureKey(KB_GetLastScanCode()); else CONTROL_MapKey(function, KeyboardKeys[function][0], KeyboardKeys[function][1]); } cmenu(204); currentlist = whichkey; probey = function; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc); } break; } case 205: rotatesprite(320<<15,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(320>>1,24,0,0,"MOUSE SETUP"); c = 60-4; onbar = (probey == (MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2); if (probey < (MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2) x = probesm(73,40,8,(MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2+2+2); else x = probesm(40,128-((MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2)*9,9,(MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2+2+2); if (x==-1) { cmenu(202); probey = 5; break; } else if (x == (MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2) { // sensitivity } else if (x == (MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2+1) { // mouse aiming toggle if (!ud.mouseaiming) myaimmode = 1-myaimmode; } else if (x == (MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2+2) { // invert mouse aim ud.mouseflip = 1-ud.mouseflip; } else if (x == (MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2+2+1) { //advanced cmenu(212); break; } else if (x >= 0) { //set an option cmenu(211); function = 0; whichkey = x; if (x < (MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2) probey = MouseFunctions[x>>1][x&1]; else probey = MouseFunctions[x-4][0]; if (probey < 0) probey = NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS-1; break; } for (l=0; l < (MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2; l++) { tempbuf[0] = 0; if (l < (MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2) { if (l&1) { Bstrcpy(tempbuf, "Double "); m = MouseFunctions[l>>1][1]; } else m = MouseFunctions[l>>1][0]; Bstrcat(tempbuf, mousebuttonnames[l>>1]); } else { Bstrcpy(tempbuf, mousebuttonnames[l-(MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)]); m = MouseFunctions[l-(MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)][0]; } minitextshade(c+20,36+l*8,tempbuf,(l==probey)?0:16,1,10+16); if (m == -1) minitextshade(c+100+20,36+l*8," -NONE-",(l==probey)?0:16,2,10+16); else { strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(m)); for (i=0;tempbuf[i];i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitextshade(c+100+20,36+l*8,tempbuf,(l==probey)?0:16,2,10+16); } } gametextpal(40,122,"SENSITIVITY",MENUHIGHLIGHT((MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2),2); gametextpal(40,122+9,"MOUSE AIMING TOGGLE",!ud.mouseaiming?MENUHIGHLIGHT((MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2+1):15,2); gametextpal(40,122+9+9,"INVERT MOUSE AIM",MENUHIGHLIGHT((MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2+2),2); gametextpal(40,122+9+9+9,"ADVANCED...",MENUHIGHLIGHT((MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2+2+1),2); { short sense; sense = CONTROL_GetMouseSensitivity()-1; barsm(248,128,&sense,2,x==(MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2,MENUHIGHLIGHT((MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2),PHX(-7)); CONTROL_SetMouseSensitivity(sense+1); } if (!ud.mouseaiming) modval(0,1,(int *)&myaimmode,1,probey == (MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2+1); modval(0,1,(int *)&ud.mouseflip,1,probey == (MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2+2); gametextpal(240,122+9, myaimmode && !ud.mouseaiming ? "On" : "Off", !ud.mouseaiming?MENUHIGHLIGHT((MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2+1):15, 0); gametextpal(240,122+9+9, !ud.mouseflip ? "On" : "Off", MENUHIGHLIGHT((MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2+2), 0); if (probey < (MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2) { gametext(160,164,"UP/DOWN = SELECT BUTTON",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,164+9,"ENTER = MODIFY",0,2+8+16); } break; case 211: rotatesprite(320<<15,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if (function == 0) menutext(320>>1,24,0,0,"MOUSE SETUP"); else if (function == 1) menutext(320>>1,24,0,0,"ADVANCED MOUSE"); else if (function == 2) menutext(320>>1,24,0,0,"JOYSTICK BUTTONS"); else if (function == 3) menutext(320>>1,24,0,0,"JOYSTICK AXES"); x = probe(0,0,0,NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS); if (x==-1) { if (function == 0) { // mouse button cmenu(205); probey = whichkey; } else if (function == 1) { // mouse digital axis cmenu(212); probey = 3+(whichkey^2); } else if (function == 2) { // joystick button/hat cmenu(207); probey = whichkey; } else if (function == 3) { // joystick digital axis cmenu((whichkey>>2)+208); probey = 1+((whichkey>>1)&1)*4+(whichkey&1); } break; } else if (x >= 0) { if (x == NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS-1) x = -1; if (function == 0) { if (whichkey < (MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2) { MouseFunctions[whichkey>>1][whichkey&1] = x; CONTROL_MapButton(x, whichkey>>1, whichkey&1, controldevice_mouse); } else { MouseFunctions[whichkey-(MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)][0] = x; CONTROL_MapButton(x, whichkey-(MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2), 0, controldevice_mouse); } cmenu(205); probey = whichkey; } else if (function == 1) { MouseDigitalFunctions[whichkey>>1][whichkey&1] = x; CONTROL_MapDigitalAxis(whichkey>>1, x, whichkey&1, controldevice_mouse); cmenu(212); probey = 3+(whichkey^2); } else if (function == 2) { if (whichkey < 2*joynumbuttons) { JoystickFunctions[whichkey>>1][whichkey&1] = x; CONTROL_MapButton(x, whichkey>>1, whichkey&1, controldevice_joystick); } else { JoystickFunctions[joynumbuttons + (whichkey-2*joynumbuttons)][0] = x; CONTROL_MapButton(x, joynumbuttons + (whichkey-2*joynumbuttons), 0, controldevice_joystick); } cmenu(207); probey = whichkey; } else if (function == 3) { JoystickDigitalFunctions[whichkey>>1][whichkey&1] = x; CONTROL_MapDigitalAxis(whichkey>>1, x, whichkey&1, controldevice_joystick); cmenu((whichkey>>2)+208); probey = 1+((whichkey>>1)&1)*4+(whichkey&1); } break; } gametext(320>>1,31,"SELECT A FUNCTION TO ASSIGN",0,2+8+16); if (function == 0) { if (whichkey < (MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2) sprintf(tempbuf,"TO %s%s", (whichkey&1)?"DOUBLE-CLICKED ":"", mousebuttonnames[whichkey>>1]); else Bstrcpy(tempbuf, mousebuttonnames[whichkey-(MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)]); } else if (function == 1) { Bstrcpy(tempbuf,"TO DIGITAL "); switch (whichkey) { case 0: Bstrcat(tempbuf, "LEFT"); break; case 1: Bstrcat(tempbuf, "RIGHT"); break; case 2: Bstrcat(tempbuf, "UP"); break; case 3: Bstrcat(tempbuf, "DOWN"); break; } } else if (function == 2) { static char *directions[] = { "UP", "RIGHT", "DOWN", "LEFT" }; if (whichkey < 2*joynumbuttons) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"TO %s%s", (whichkey&1)?"DOUBLE-CLICKED ":"", getjoyname(1,whichkey>>1)); else Bsprintf(tempbuf,"TO HAT %s", directions[whichkey-2*joynumbuttons]); } else if (function == 3) { Bsprintf(tempbuf,"TO DIGITAL %s %s",getjoyname(0,whichkey>>1),(whichkey&1)?"POSITIVE":"NEGATIVE"); } gametext(320>>1,31+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_End)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_End); probey = NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS-1; sound(KICK_HIT); } else if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Home)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Home); probey = 0; sound(KICK_HIT); } m = probey - 6; if (m < 0) m = 0; else if (m + 13 >= NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS) m = NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS-13; for (l=0; l < min(13,NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS); l++) { if (l+m == NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS-1) strcpy(tempbuf, " -NONE-"); else strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(m+l)); for (i=0;tempbuf[i];i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitext(100,51+l*8,tempbuf,(m+l == probey)?0:16,10+16); } gametext(320>>1,161,"PRESS \"ESCAPE\" TO CANCEL",0,2+8+16); break; case 212: rotatesprite(320<<15,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(320>>1,24,0,0,"ADVANCED MOUSE"); c = (320>>1)-120; onbar = (probey == 0 || probey == 1 || probey == 2); if (probey < 3) x = probe(c,46,16,7); else if (probey < 7) { m=50; x = probesm(c+10,96+16-(10+10+10),10,7); } else { x = probe(c,146+16-(16+16+16+16+16+16),16,7); } switch (x) { case -1: cmenu(205); probey = (MAXMOUSEBUTTONS-2)*2+2+2+1; break; case 0: // x-axis scale case 1: // y-axis scale case 2: // mouse filter break; case 3: // digital up case 4: // digital down case 5: // digital left case 6: // digital right function = 1; whichkey = (x-3)^2; // flip the actual axis number cmenu(211); probey = MouseDigitalFunctions[whichkey>>1][whichkey&1]; if (probey < 0) probey = NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS-1; break; } menutext(c,46,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0,"X-AXIS SCALE"); l = (MouseAnalogueScale[0]+262144) >> 13; bar(c+160+40,46,(short *)&l,1,x==0,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),0); l = (l<<13)-262144; if (l != MouseAnalogueScale[0]) { CONTROL_SetAnalogAxisScale(0, l, controldevice_mouse); MouseAnalogueScale[0] = l; } Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s%.2f",l>=0?" ":"",(float)l/65536.0); gametext(c+160-16,46-8,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),2+8+16); menutext(c,46+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),0,"Y-AXIS SCALE"); l = (MouseAnalogueScale[1]+262144) >> 13; bar(c+160+40,46+16,(short *)&l,1,x==1,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),0); l = (l<<13)-262144; if (l != MouseAnalogueScale[1]) { CONTROL_SetAnalogAxisScale(1, l, controldevice_mouse); MouseAnalogueScale[1] = l; } Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s%.2f",l>=0?" ":"",(float)l/65536.0); gametext(c+160-16,46+16-8,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),2+8+16); menutext(c,46+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),0,"DEAD ZONE"); l = MouseFilter>>1; bar(c+160+40,46+16+16,(short *)&l,2,x==2,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),0); MouseFilter = l<<1; menutext(c,46+16+16+16+8,/*(MENUHIGHLIGHT(3))+(MENUHIGHLIGHT(4))+(MENUHIGHLIGHT(5))+(MENUHIGHLIGHT(6))-24*/0,0,"DIGITAL AXES ACTIONS"); if (MouseFilter == 0) Bsprintf(tempbuf," OFF"); else if (MouseFilter < 48) Bsprintf(tempbuf," LOW"); else if (MouseFilter < 96) Bsprintf(tempbuf," MED"); else if (MouseFilter < 128) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"HIGH"); gametext(c+160-16,46+16+16-8,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),2+8+16); gametext(c+10,90+16,"UP:",MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),2+8+16); if (MouseDigitalFunctions[1][0] < 0) strcpy(tempbuf, " -NONE-"); else strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(MouseDigitalFunctions[1][0])); for (i=0;tempbuf[i];i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitextshade(c+10+60,91+16,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),0,10+16); gametext(c+10,90+16+10,"DOWN:",MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),2+8+16); if (MouseDigitalFunctions[1][1] < 0) strcpy(tempbuf, " -NONE-"); else strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(MouseDigitalFunctions[1][1])); for (i=0;tempbuf[i];i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitextshade(c+10+60,91+16+10,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),0,10+16); gametext(c+10,90+16+10+10,"LEFT:",MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),2+8+16); if (MouseDigitalFunctions[0][0] < 0) strcpy(tempbuf, " -NONE-"); else strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(MouseDigitalFunctions[0][0])); for (i=0;tempbuf[i];i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitextshade(c+10+60,91+16+10+10,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),0,10+16); gametext(c+10,90+16+10+10+10,"RIGHT:",MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),2+8+16); if (MouseDigitalFunctions[0][1] < 0) strcpy(tempbuf, " -NONE-"); else strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(MouseDigitalFunctions[0][1])); for (i=0;tempbuf[i];i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitextshade(c+10+60,91+16+10+10+10,tempbuf,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),0,10+16); break; case 206: rotatesprite(320<<15,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(320>>1,24,0,0,"JOYSTICK SETUP"); x = probe(160,100-18,18,3); switch (x) { case -1: cmenu(202); probey = 6; break; case 0: case 1: cmenu(207+x); break; case 2: cmenu(213); break; } menutext(160,100-18,0,0,"EDIT BUTTONS"); menutext(160,100,0,0,"EDIT AXES"); menutext(160,100+18,0,0,"DEAD ZONES"); break; case 207: rotatesprite(320<<15,10<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(320>>1,15,0,0,"JOYSTICK BUTTONS"); c = 2*joynumbuttons + 4*(joynumhats>0); x = probe(0,0,0,c); if (x == -1) { cmenu(206); probey = 0; break; } else if (x >= 0) { function = 2; whichkey = x; cmenu(211); if (x < 2*joynumbuttons) { probey = JoystickFunctions[x>>1][x&1]; } else { probey = JoystickFunctions[joynumbuttons + (x-2*joynumbuttons)][0]; } if (probey < 0) probey = NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS-1; break; } // the top of our list if (c < 13) m = 0; else { m = probey - 6; if (m < 0) m = 0; else if (m + 13 >= c) m = c-13; } for (l=0; l>1)); x = JoystickFunctions[(l+m)>>1][(l+m)&1]; } else { static char *directions[] = { "Up", "Right", "Down", "Left" }; sprintf(tempbuf, "Hat %s", directions[(l+m)-2*joynumbuttons]); x = JoystickFunctions[joynumbuttons + ((l+m)-2*joynumbuttons)][0]; } minitextshade(80-4,33+l*8,tempbuf,(m+l == probey)?0:16,1,10+16); if (x == -1) minitextshade(176,33+l*8," -NONE-",(m+l==probey)?0:16,2,10+16); else { strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(x)); for (i=0;tempbuf[i];i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitextshade(176,33+l*8,tempbuf,(m+l==probey)?0:16,2,10+16); } } gametext(160,149,"UP/DOWN = SELECT BUTTON",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,149+9,"ENTER = MODIFY",0,2+8+16); break; case 208: case 209: case 217: case 218: case 219: case 220: case 221: case 222: { int thispage, twothispage; rotatesprite(320<<15,10<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(320>>1,15,0,0,"JOYSTICK AXES"); thispage = (current_menu < 217) ? (current_menu-208) : (current_menu-217)+2; twothispage = (thispage*2+1 < joynumaxes); onbar = 0; switch (probey) { case 0: case 4: onbar = 1; x = probe(88,45+(probey==4)*64,0,1+(4< 2) { if (thispage == ((joynumaxes+1)/2)-1) cmenu(208); else { if (current_menu == 209) cmenu(217); else cmenu(current_menu+1); } } break; case 4: // bar if (!twothispage && joynumaxes > 2) cmenu(208); case 0: break; case 1: // digitals case 2: case 5: case 6: function = 3; whichkey = ((thispage*2+(x==5||x==6)) << 1) + (x==2||x==6); cmenu(211); probey = JoystickDigitalFunctions[whichkey>>1][whichkey&1]; if (probey < 0) probey = NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS-1; break; case 3: // analogues case 7: l = JoystickAnalogueAxes[thispage*2+(x==7)]; if (l == analog_turning) l = analog_strafing; else if (l == analog_strafing) l = analog_lookingupanddown; else if (l == analog_lookingupanddown) l = analog_moving; else if (l == analog_moving) l = -1; else l = analog_turning; JoystickAnalogueAxes[thispage*2+(x==7)] = l; CONTROL_MapAnalogAxis(thispage*2+(x==7),l,controldevice_joystick); { extern int32 mouseyaxismode; // player.c mouseyaxismode = -1; } break; default: break; } Bsprintf(tempbuf,(char *)getjoyname(0,thispage*2)); menutext(42,32,0,0,tempbuf); if (twothispage) { Bsprintf(tempbuf,(char *)getjoyname(0,thispage*2+1)); menutext(42,32+64,0,0,tempbuf); } gametext(76,38,"SCALE",0,2+8+16); l = (JoystickAnalogueScale[thispage*2]+262144) >> 13; bar(140+56,38+8,(short *)&l,1,x==0,0,0); l = (l<<13)-262144; if (l != JoystickAnalogueScale[thispage*2]) { CONTROL_SetAnalogAxisScale(thispage*2, l, controldevice_joystick); JoystickAnalogueScale[thispage*2] = l; } Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s%.2f",l>=0?" ":"",(float)l/65536.0); gametext(140,38,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); gametext(76,38+15,"DIGITAL",0,2+8+16); if (JoystickDigitalFunctions[thispage*2][0] < 0) strcpy(tempbuf, " -NONE-"); else strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(JoystickDigitalFunctions[thispage*2][0])); for (i=0;tempbuf[i];i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitext(140+12,38+15,tempbuf,0,10+16); if (JoystickDigitalFunctions[thispage*2][1] < 0) strcpy(tempbuf, " -NONE-"); else strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(JoystickDigitalFunctions[thispage*2][1])); for (i=0;tempbuf[i];i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitext(140+12+72,38+15,tempbuf,0,10+16); gametext(76,38+15+15,"ANALOG",0,2+8+16); if (CONFIG_AnalogNumToName(JoystickAnalogueAxes[thispage*2])) { p = CONFIG_AnalogNumToName(JoystickAnalogueAxes[thispage*2]); if (p) { gametext(140+12,38+15+15, strchr(p,'_')+1, 0, 2+8+16); } } if (twothispage) { gametext(76,38+64,"SCALE",0,2+8+16); l = (JoystickAnalogueScale[thispage*2+1]+262144) >> 13; bar(140+56,38+8+64,(short *)&l,1,x==4,0,0); l = (l<<13)-262144; if (l != JoystickAnalogueScale[thispage*2+1]) { CONTROL_SetAnalogAxisScale(thispage*2+1, l, controldevice_joystick); JoystickAnalogueScale[thispage*2+1] = l; } Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s%.2f",l>=0?" ":"",(float)l/65536.0); gametext(140,38+64,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); gametext(76,38+64+15,"DIGITAL",0,2+8+16); if (JoystickDigitalFunctions[thispage*2+1][0] < 0) strcpy(tempbuf, " -NONE-"); else strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(JoystickDigitalFunctions[thispage*2+1][0])); for (i=0;tempbuf[i];i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitext(140+12,38+15+64,tempbuf,0,10+16); if (JoystickDigitalFunctions[thispage*2+1][1] < 0) strcpy(tempbuf, " -NONE-"); else strcpy(tempbuf, CONFIG_FunctionNumToName(JoystickDigitalFunctions[thispage*2+1][1])); for (i=0;tempbuf[i];i++) if (tempbuf[i]=='_') tempbuf[i] = ' '; minitext(140+12+72,38+15+64,tempbuf,0,10+16); gametext(76,38+64+15+15,"ANALOG",0,2+8+16); if (CONFIG_AnalogNumToName(JoystickAnalogueAxes[thispage*2+1])) { p = CONFIG_AnalogNumToName(JoystickAnalogueAxes[thispage*2+1]); if (p) { gametext(140+12,38+64+15+15, strchr(p,'_')+1, 0, 2+8+16); } } } if (joynumaxes > 2) { menutext(320>>1,twothispage?158:108,SHX(-10),(joynumaxes<=2),"NEXT..."); sprintf(tempbuf,"Page %d of %d",thispage+1,(joynumaxes+1)/2); gametext(320-100,158,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); } break; } case 213: case 214: case 215: case 216: { // Pray this is enough pages for now :-| int first,last; rotatesprite(320<<15,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(320>>1,24,0,0,"JOY DEAD ZONES"); first = 4*(current_menu-213); last = min(4*(current_menu-213)+4,joynumaxes); onbar = 1; x = probe(320,48,15,2*(last-first)+(joynumaxes>4)); if (x==-1) { cmenu(206); probey = 2; break; } else if (x==2*(last-first) && joynumaxes>4) { cmenu((current_menu-213) == (joynumaxes/4) ? 213 : (current_menu+1)); probey = 0; break; } for (m=first;m4) { menutext(32,48+30*(last-first),0,0,"NEXT..."); sprintf(tempbuf,"Page %d of %d", 1+(current_menu-213), (joynumaxes+3)/4); gametext(320-100,158,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); } break; } case 700: case 701: c = (320>>1)-120; rotatesprite(320<<15,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(320>>1,24,0,0,"SOUND SETUP"); onbar = (probey == 2 || probey == 3); x = probe(c,50,16,7); switch (x) { case -1: if (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME && current_menu == 701) { ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~MODE_MENU; if (ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } } else cmenu(202); probey = 1; break; case 0: if (FXDevice >= 0) { SoundToggle = 1-SoundToggle; if (SoundToggle == 0) { FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); } onbar = 0; } break; case 1: if (MusicDevice >= 0 && (numplayers < 2 || MusicToggle)) { MusicToggle = 1-MusicToggle; if (MusicToggle == 0) MUSIC_Pause(); else { if (ud.recstat != 2 && ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME) { if (music_fn[0][(unsigned char)music_select] != NULL) playmusic(&music_fn[0][(unsigned char)music_select][0]); } else playmusic(&env_music_fn[0][0]); MUSIC_Continue(); } } onbar = 0; break; case 4: if (SoundToggle && (FXDevice >= 0)) { VoiceToggle = (VoiceToggle == 2) ? 0 : VoiceToggle+1; } onbar = 0; break; case 5: if (SoundToggle && (FXDevice >= 0)) AmbienceToggle = 1-AmbienceToggle; onbar = 0; break; case 6: if (SoundToggle && (FXDevice >= 0)) { ReverseStereo = 1-ReverseStereo; FX_SetReverseStereo(ReverseStereo); } onbar = 0; break; default: onbar = 1; break; } menutext(c+160+40,50,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),(FXDevice<0),SoundToggle && FXDevice >= 0?"ON":"OFF"); menutext(c+160+40,50+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),(MusicDevice<0||(numplayers > 1 && !MusicToggle)),(MusicToggle && (MusicDevice >= 0))?"ON":"OFF"); menutext(c,50,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),(FXDevice<0),"SOUND"); menutext(c,50+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),(FXDevice<0)||SoundToggle==0,"SOUND VOLUME"); { l = FXVolume; FXVolume >>= 2; bar(c+167+40,50+16+16,(short *)&FXVolume,4,(FXDevice>=0)&&x==2,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),SoundToggle==0||(FXDevice<0)); if (l != FXVolume) FXVolume <<= 2; if (l != FXVolume) FX_SetVolume((short) FXVolume); } menutext(c,50+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),(MusicDevice<0||(numplayers > 1 && !MusicToggle)),"MUSIC"); menutext(c,50+16+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),(MusicDevice<0)||MusicToggle==0,"MUSIC VOLUME"); { l = MusicVolume; MusicVolume >>= 2; bar(c+167+40,50+16+16+16, (short *)&MusicVolume,4, (MusicDevice>=0) && x==3,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3), MusicToggle==0||(MusicDevice<0)); MusicVolume <<= 2; if (l != MusicVolume) MUSIC_SetVolume((short) MusicVolume); } menutext(c,50+16+16+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),(FXDevice<0)||SoundToggle==0,"DUKE TALK"); menutext(c,50+16+16+16+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),(FXDevice<0)||SoundToggle==0,"AMBIENCE"); menutext(c,50+16+16+16+16+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),(FXDevice<0)||SoundToggle==0,"FLIP STEREO"); { char *s[] = { "OFF", "LOCAL", "ALL" }; menutext(c+160+40,50+16+16+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),(FXDevice<0)||SoundToggle==0,s[VoiceToggle]); } menutext(c+160+40,50+16+16+16+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),(FXDevice<0)||SoundToggle==0,AmbienceToggle?"ON":"OFF"); menutext(c+160+40,50+16+16+16+16+16+16,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),(FXDevice<0)||SoundToggle==0,ReverseStereo?"ON":"OFF"); break; case 350: cmenu(351); screencapt = 1; displayrooms(myconnectindex,65536); //savetemp("duke3d.tmp",waloff[TILE_SAVESHOT],160*100); screencapt = 0; break; case 360: case 361: case 362: case 363: case 364: case 365: case 366: case 367: case 368: case 369: case 351: case 300: c = 320>>1; rotatesprite(c<<16,200<<15,65536L,0,MENUSCREEN,16,0,10+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(c<<16,19<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if (current_menu == 300) menutext(c,24,0,0,"LOAD GAME"); else menutext(c,24,0,0,"SAVE GAME"); if (current_menu >= 360 && current_menu <= 369) { sprintf(tempbuf,"PLAYERS: %-2ld ",ud.multimode); gametext(160,156,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); sprintf(tempbuf,"EPISODE: %-2ld / LEVEL: %-2ld / SKILL: %-2ld",1+ud.volume_number,1+ud.level_number,ud.player_skill); gametext(160,168,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); if (ud.volume_number == 0 && ud.level_number == 7) gametext(160,180,boardfilename,0,2+8+16); x = strget((320>>1),184,&ud.savegame[current_menu-360][0],19, 999); if (x == -1) { // readsavenames(); ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_GAME; if (ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } goto DISPLAYNAMES; } if (x == 1) { if (ud.savegame[current_menu-360][0] == 0) { KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); cmenu(351); } else { if (ud.multimode > 1) saveplayer(-1-(current_menu-360)); else saveplayer(current_menu-360); lastsavedpos = current_menu-360; ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_GAME; if (ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Escape); sound(EXITMENUSOUND); } } rotatesprite(101<<16,97<<16,65536>>1,512,TILE_SAVESHOT,-32,0,2+4+8+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); dispnames(); rotatesprite((c+67+strlen(&ud.savegame[current_menu-360][0])*4)<<16,(50+12*probey)<<16,32768L-10240,0,SPINNINGNUKEICON+(((totalclock)>>3)%7),0,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); break; } last_threehundred = probey; x = probe(c+68,54,12,10); if (current_menu == 300) { if (ud.savegame[probey][0]) { if (lastprobey != probey) { loadpheader(probey,&savehead); lastprobey = probey; } rotatesprite(101<<16,97<<16,65536L>>1,512,TILE_LOADSHOT,-32,0,4+10+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); sprintf(tempbuf,"PLAYERS: %-2ld ",savehead.numplr); gametext(160,156,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); sprintf(tempbuf,"EPISODE: %-2ld / LEVEL: %-2ld / SKILL: %-2ld",1+savehead.volnum,1+savehead.levnum,savehead.plrskl); gametext(160,168,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); if (savehead.volnum == 0 && savehead.levnum == 7) gametext(160,180,savehead.boardfn,0,2+8+16); } else menutext(69,70,0,0,"EMPTY"); } else { if (ud.savegame[probey][0]) { if (lastprobey != probey) loadpheader(probey,&savehead); lastprobey = probey; rotatesprite(101<<16,97<<16,65536L>>1,512,TILE_LOADSHOT,-32,0,4+10+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else menutext(69,70,0,0,"EMPTY"); sprintf(tempbuf,"PLAYERS: %-2ld ",ud.multimode); gametext(160,156,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); sprintf(tempbuf,"EPISODE: %-2ld / LEVEL: %-2ld / SKILL: %-2ld",1+ud.volume_number,1+ud.level_number,ud.player_skill); gametext(160,168,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); if (ud.volume_number == 0 && ud.level_number == 7) gametext(160,180,boardfilename,0,2+8+16); } switch (x) { case -1: if (current_menu == 300) { if ((ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME) != MODE_GAME) { cmenu(0); break; } else ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~MODE_MENU; } else ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_GAME; if (ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } break; case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: if (current_menu == 300) { if (ud.savegame[x][0]) current_menu = (1000+x); } else { if (ud.savegame[x][0] != 0) current_menu = 2000+x; else { KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); current_menu = (360+x); ud.savegame[x][0] = 0; inputloc = 0; } } break; } DISPLAYNAMES: dispnames(); break; case 400: case 401: if (VOLUMEALL) goto VOLUME_ALL_40x; case 402: case 403: c = 320>>1; if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_4) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_UpArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_PgUp) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_8)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_LeftArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_4); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_UpArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_PgUp); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_8); sound(KICK_HIT); current_menu--; if (current_menu < 400) current_menu = 403; } else if ( KB_KeyPressed(sc_PgDn) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_DownArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_2) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_9) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Space) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_6)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_PgDn); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_RightArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_Enter); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_6); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_9); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_2); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_DownArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Space); sound(KICK_HIT); current_menu++; if (current_menu > 403) current_menu = 400; } if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Escape)) { if (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME) cmenu(50); else cmenu(0); return; } flushperms(); rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,ORDERING+current_menu-400,0,0,10+16+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); break; VOLUME_ALL_40x: c = 320>>1; if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_4) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_UpArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_PgUp) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_8) || WHEELDOWN) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_LeftArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_4); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_UpArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_PgUp); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_8); sound(KICK_HIT); current_menu--; if (current_menu < 400) current_menu = 401; } else if ( KB_KeyPressed(sc_PgDn) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_RightArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_DownArrow) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_2) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_9) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Space) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_6) || LMB || WHEELUP) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_PgDn); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_RightArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_Enter); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_6); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_9); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_2); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_DownArrow); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Space); sound(KICK_HIT); current_menu++; if (current_menu > 401) current_menu = 400; } x = probe(0,0,0,1); if (x == -1) { if (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME) cmenu(50); else cmenu(0); return; } flushperms(); switch (current_menu) { case 400: rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,TEXTSTORY,0,0,10+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); break; case 401: rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,F1HELP,0,0,10+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); break; } break; case 500: case 502: c = 320>>1; gametext(c,90,"Are you sure you want to quit?",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,99,"(Y/N)",0,2+8+16); if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Space) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Y) || LMB) { KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); sendquit(); } x = probe(186,124,0,1); if (x == -1 || KB_KeyPressed(sc_N) || RMB) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_N); quittimer = 0; if (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_DEMO && ud.recstat == 2) ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_DEMO; else { if (current_menu == 502) { cmenu(last_menu); probey = last_probey; } else if (!(ps[myconnectindex].gm & MODE_GAME || ud.recstat == 2)) cmenu(0); else ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~MODE_MENU; if (ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } } } break; case 501: c = 320>>1; gametext(c,90,"Quit to Title?",0,2+8+16); gametext(c,99,"(Y/N)",0,2+8+16); if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Space) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Y) || LMB) { KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_DEMO; if (ud.recstat == 1) closedemowrite(); cmenu(0); } x = probe(186,124,0,0); if (x == -1 || KB_KeyPressed(sc_N) || RMB) { ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~MODE_MENU; if (ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } } break; case 601: displayfragbar(); rotatesprite(160<<16,29<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(320>>1,34,0,0,&ud.user_name[myconnectindex][0]); sprintf(tempbuf,"Waiting for master"); gametext(160,50,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); gametext(160,59,"to select level",0,2+8+16); if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Escape)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Escape); sound(EXITMENUSOUND); cmenu(0); } break; case 602: if (menunamecnt == 0) { // getfilenames("SUBD"); getfilenames(".","*.MAP"); if (menunamecnt == 0) cmenu(600); } case 603: { int plrvotes = 0, j = 0; x = probe(186,124,0,0); if (voting != myconnectindex) ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~MODE_MENU; if (x == -1) { if (voting == myconnectindex) { Bmemset(votes,0,sizeof(votes)); Bmemset(gotvote,0,sizeof(gotvote)); tempbuf[0] = 18; tempbuf[1] = 2; tempbuf[2] = myconnectindex; for (c=connecthead;c>=0;c=connectpoint2[c]) { if (c != myconnectindex) sendpacket(c,tempbuf,3); if ((!networkmode) && (myconnectindex != connecthead)) break; //slaves in M/S mode only send to master } voting = -1; } cmenu(0); } for (i=0;i (numplayers>>1)) || (!networkmode && myconnectindex == connecthead)) { if (plrvotes > (numplayers>>1) || !ps[myconnectindex].i || (!networkmode && myconnectindex == connecthead)) { if (ud.m_player_skill == 3) ud.m_respawn_monsters = 1; else ud.m_respawn_monsters = 0; if ((gametype_flags[ud.m_coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_ITEMRESPAWN)) ud.m_respawn_items = 1; else ud.m_respawn_items = 0; ud.m_respawn_inventory = 1; for (c=connecthead;c>=0;c=connectpoint2[c]) { resetweapons(c); resetinventory(c); } mpchangemap(ud.m_volume_number,ud.m_level_number); if (voting == myconnectindex) adduserquote("VOTE SUCCEEDED"); newgame(ud.m_volume_number,ud.m_level_number,ud.m_player_skill+1); if (enterlevel(MODE_GAME)) backtomenu(); return; } else if (j == numplayers) { Bmemset(votes,0,sizeof(votes)); Bmemset(gotvote,0,sizeof(gotvote)); voting = -1; tempbuf[0] = 18; tempbuf[1] = 2; tempbuf[2] = myconnectindex; tempbuf[3] = 1; for (c=connecthead;c>=0;c=connectpoint2[c]) { if (c != myconnectindex) sendpacket(c,tempbuf,4); if ((!networkmode) && (myconnectindex != connecthead)) break; //slaves in M/S mode only send to master } Bsprintf(fta_quotes[116],"VOTE FAILED"); FTA(116,&ps[myconnectindex]); ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~MODE_MENU; } } else { gametext(160,90,"WAITING FOR VOTES",0,2); } break; } case 600: c = (320>>1) - 120; if ((ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME) != MODE_GAME) displayfragbar(); rotatesprite(160<<16,26<<16,65536L,0,MENUBAR,16,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(160,31,0,0,&ud.user_name[myconnectindex][0]); x = probe(c,57-8,16,8); modval(0,num_gametypes-1,(int *)&ud.m_coop,1,probey==0); if (!VOLUMEONE) modval(0,num_volumes-1,(int *)&ud.m_volume_number,1,probey==1); i = ud.m_level_number; modval(0,ud.m_volume_number == 0?6+(boardfilename[0]!=0):MAXLEVELS-1,(int *)&ud.m_level_number,1,probey==2); if ((gametype_flags[ud.m_coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_MARKEROPTION)) modval(0,1,(int *)&ud.m_marker,1,probey==4); if ((gametype_flags[ud.m_coop] & (GAMETYPE_FLAG_PLAYERSFRIENDLY|GAMETYPE_FLAG_TDM))) modval(0,1,(int *)&ud.m_ffire,1,probey==5); else modval(0,1,(int *)&ud.m_noexits,1,probey==5); if (probey == 1) if (ud.m_volume_number == 0 && ud.m_level_number > 6+(boardfilename[0]!=0)) ud.m_level_number = 0; while (level_names[(ud.m_volume_number*MAXLEVELS)+ud.m_level_number] == NULL) { if (ud.m_level_number < i || i == 0) ud.m_level_number--; else ud.m_level_number++; if (ud.m_level_number > MAXLEVELS-1 || ud.m_level_number < 0) { ud.m_level_number = 0; break; } } switch (x) { case -1: ud.m_recstat = 0; if (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME) cmenu(50); else cmenu(0); break; case 0: ud.m_coop++; if (ud.m_coop == num_gametypes) ud.m_coop = 0; break; case 1: if (!VOLUMEONE) { ud.m_volume_number++; if (ud.m_volume_number == num_volumes) ud.m_volume_number = 0; if (ud.m_volume_number == 0 && ud.m_level_number > 6+(boardfilename[0]!=0)) ud.m_level_number = 0; if (ud.m_level_number > MAXLEVELS-1) ud.m_level_number = 0; } break; case 2: ud.m_level_number++; if (!VOLUMEONE) { if (ud.m_volume_number == 0 && ud.m_level_number > 6+(boardfilename[0]!=0)) ud.m_level_number = 0; } else { if (ud.m_volume_number == 0 && ud.m_level_number > 5) ud.m_level_number = 0; } if (ud.m_level_number > MAXLEVELS-1) ud.m_level_number = 0; break; case 3: if (ud.m_monsters_off == 1 && ud.m_player_skill > 0) ud.m_monsters_off = 0; if (ud.m_monsters_off == 0) { ud.m_player_skill++; if (ud.m_player_skill > 3) { ud.m_player_skill = 0; ud.m_monsters_off = 1; } } else ud.m_monsters_off = 0; break; case 4: if ((gametype_flags[ud.m_coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_MARKEROPTION)) ud.m_marker = !ud.m_marker; break; case 5: if ((gametype_flags[ud.m_coop] & (GAMETYPE_FLAG_PLAYERSFRIENDLY|GAMETYPE_FLAG_TDM))) ud.m_ffire = !ud.m_ffire; else ud.m_noexits = !ud.m_noexits; break; case 6: if (VOLUMEALL) { currentlist = 1; last_probey = probey; cmenu(101); } break; case 7: if (voting == -1) { if (ps[myconnectindex].i) { Bmemset(votes,0,sizeof(votes)); Bmemset(gotvote,0,sizeof(gotvote)); votes[myconnectindex] = gotvote[myconnectindex] = 1; voting = myconnectindex; tempbuf[0] = 18; tempbuf[1] = 1; tempbuf[2] = myconnectindex; tempbuf[3] = ud.m_volume_number; tempbuf[4] = ud.m_level_number; for (c=connecthead;c>=0;c=connectpoint2[c]) { if (c != myconnectindex) sendpacket(c,tempbuf,5); if ((!networkmode) && (myconnectindex != connecthead)) break; //slaves in M/S mode only send to master } } if ((gametype_flags[ud.m_coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_PLAYERSFRIENDLY) && !(gametype_flags[ud.m_coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_TDM)) ud.m_noexits = 0; cmenu(603); } break; } c += 40; //if(ud.m_coop==1) gametext(c+70,57-7-9,"COOPERATIVE PLAY",0,2+8+16); //else if(ud.m_coop==2) gametext(c+70,57-7-9,"DUKEMATCH (NO SPAWN)",0,2+8+16); //else gametext(c+70,57-7-9,"DUKEMATCH (SPAWN)",0,2+8+16); gametext(c+70,57-7-9,gametype_names[ud.m_coop],MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),2+8+16); if (VOLUMEONE) { gametext(c+70,57+16-7-9,volume_names[ud.m_volume_number],MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),2+8+16); } else { gametext(c+70,57+16-7-9,volume_names[ud.m_volume_number],MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),2+8+16); } gametext(c+70,57+16+16-7-9,&level_names[MAXLEVELS*ud.m_volume_number+ud.m_level_number][0],MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),2+8+16); gametext(c+70,57+16+16+16-7-9,ud.m_monsters_off == 0 || ud.m_player_skill > 0?skill_names[ud.m_player_skill]:"NONE",MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),2+8+16); if (gametype_flags[ud.m_coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_MARKEROPTION) gametext(c+70,57+16+16+16+16-7-9,ud.m_marker?"ON":"OFF",MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),2+8+16); if (gametype_flags[ud.m_coop] & (GAMETYPE_FLAG_PLAYERSFRIENDLY|GAMETYPE_FLAG_TDM)) gametext(c+70,57+16+16+16+16+16-7-9,ud.m_ffire?"ON":"OFF",MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),2+8+16); else gametext(c+70,57+16+16+16+16+16-7-9,ud.m_noexits?"OFF":"ON",MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),2+8+16); c -= 44; menutext(c,57-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(0),PHX(-2),"GAME TYPE"); if (VOLUMEONE) { sprintf(tempbuf,"EPISODE %ld",ud.m_volume_number+1); menutext(c,57+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),1,tempbuf); } else { sprintf(tempbuf,"EPISODE %ld",ud.m_volume_number+1); menutext(c,57+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(1),PHX(-3),tempbuf); } sprintf(tempbuf,"LEVEL %ld",ud.m_level_number+1); menutext(c,57+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(2),PHX(-4),tempbuf); menutext(c,57+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(3),PHX(-5),"MONSTERS"); if (gametype_flags[ud.m_coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_MARKEROPTION) menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),PHX(-6),"MARKERS"); else menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(4),1,"MARKERS"); if (gametype_flags[ud.m_coop] & (GAMETYPE_FLAG_PLAYERSFRIENDLY|GAMETYPE_FLAG_TDM)) menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),0,"FR. FIRE"); else menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(5),0,"MAP EXITS"); if (VOLUMEALL) { menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),0,"USER MAP"); if (boardfilename[0] != 0) gametext(c+70+44,57+16+16+16+16+16,boardfilename,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),2+8+16); } else { menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(6),1,"USER MAP"); } menutext(c,57+16+16+16+16+16+16+16-9,MENUHIGHLIGHT(7),voting!=-1,"START GAME"); break; } if ((ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) != MODE_MENU) { vscrn(); cameraclock = totalclock; cameradist = 65536L; } }