//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors Copyright (C) 2019 Nuke.YKT This file is part of NBlood. NBlood is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" // Must come before everything else! #include #include #include "compat.h" #include "blood.h" #include "inifile.h" #include "razemenu.h" BEGIN_BLD_NS GAMEOPTIONS gGameOptions; GAMEOPTIONS gSingleGameOptions = { 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3600, 1800, 1800, 7200 }; int gSkill = 2; int gNextLevel; // fixme: let this contain a full level number. char BloodIniFile[BMAX_PATH] = "BLOOD.INI"; bool bINIOverride = false; IniFile *BloodINI; void levelInitINI(const char *pzIni) { if (!fileSystem.FileExists(pzIni)) I_Error("Initialization: %s does not exist", pzIni); BloodINI = new IniFile(pzIni); strncpy(BloodIniFile, pzIni, BMAX_PATH); } void levelOverrideINI(const char *pzIni) { bINIOverride = true; strcpy(BloodIniFile, pzIni); } void levelClearSecrets(void) { gSecretMgr.Clear(); } void levelSetupSecret(int nCount) { gSecretMgr.SetCount(nCount); } void levelTriggerSecret(int nSecret) { gSecretMgr.Found(nSecret); } void CheckSectionAbend(const char *pzSection) { if (!pzSection || !BloodINI->SectionExists(pzSection)) I_Error("Section [%s] expected in BLOOD.INI", pzSection); } void CheckKeyAbend(const char *pzSection, const char *pzKey) { assert(pzSection != NULL); if (!pzKey || !BloodINI->KeyExists(pzSection, pzKey)) I_Error("Key %s expected in section [%s] of BLOOD.INI", pzKey, pzSection); } void levelLoadMapInfo(IniFile *pIni, MapRecord *pLevelInfo, const char *pzSection, int epinum, int mapnum) { char buffer[16]; pLevelInfo->SetName(pIni->GetKeyString(pzSection, "Title", pLevelInfo->labelName)); pLevelInfo->Author = pIni->GetKeyString(pzSection, "Author", ""); pLevelInfo->music = pIni->GetKeyString(pzSection, "Song", ""); DefaultExtension(pLevelInfo->music, ".mid"); pLevelInfo->cdSongId = pIni->GetKeyInt(pzSection, "Track", -1); pLevelInfo->nextLevel = pIni->GetKeyInt(pzSection, "EndingA", -1); pLevelInfo->nextSecret = pIni->GetKeyInt(pzSection, "EndingB", -1); pLevelInfo->fog = pIni->GetKeyInt(pzSection, "Fog", -0); pLevelInfo->weather = pIni->GetKeyInt(pzSection, "Weather", -0); for (int i = 0; i < kMaxMessages; i++) { sprintf(buffer, "Message%d", i + 1); auto msg = pIni->GetKeyString(pzSection, buffer, ""); pLevelInfo->AddMessage(i, msg); } } static const char* DefFile(void) { int found = -1; if (userConfig.DefaultCon.IsEmpty() || userConfig.DefaultCon.CompareNoCase("blood.ini") == 0) { int numlumps = fileSystem.GetNumEntries(); for (int i = numlumps - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int fileno = fileSystem.GetFileContainer(i); if (fileno != -1 && fileno <= fileSystem.GetMaxIwadNum()) break; FString fn = fileSystem.GetFileFullName(i, false); FString ext = fn.Right(4); if (ext.CompareNoCase(".ini") == 0) { if (fileSystem.CheckNumForFullName(fn) != i) continue; if (found == -1) found = i; else { found = -1; break; } } } } if (found >= 0) return fileSystem.GetFileFullName(found); // The command line parser stores this in the CON field. return userConfig.DefaultCon.IsNotEmpty() ? userConfig.DefaultCon.GetChars() : "blood.ini"; } static FString cleanPath(const char* pth) { FString path = pth; FixPathSeperator(path); if (FileExists(path)) return path; if (path.Len() > 3 && path[1] == ':' && isalpha(path[0]) && path[2] == '/') { return path.Mid(3); } return path; } void levelLoadDefaults(void) { char buffer[64]; char buffer2[16]; int cutALevel = 0; levelInitINI(DefFile()); int i; for (i = 1; i <= kMaxEpisodes; i++) { sprintf(buffer, "Episode%d", i); if (!BloodINI->SectionExists(buffer)) break; auto cluster = MustFindCluster(i); auto volume = MustFindVolume(i); CutsceneDef &csB = cluster->outro; auto ep_str = BloodINI->GetKeyString(buffer, "Title", buffer); cluster->name = volume->name = ep_str; if (i > 1) volume->flags |= VF_SHAREWARELOCK; csB.video = cleanPath(BloodINI->GetKeyString(buffer, "CutSceneB", "")); csB.sound = soundEngine->FindSoundByResID(BloodINI->GetKeyInt(buffer, "CutWavB", -1) + 0x40000000); if (csB.sound == 0) csB.sound = soundEngine->FindSound(cleanPath(BloodINI->GetKeyString(buffer, "CutWavB", ""))); //pEpisodeInfo->bloodbath = BloodINI->GetKeyInt(buffer, "BloodBathOnly", 0); cutALevel = BloodINI->GetKeyInt(buffer, "CutSceneALevel", 0) - 1; if (cutALevel < 0) cutALevel = 0; int j; for (j = 1; j <= kMaxLevels; j++) { sprintf(buffer2, "Map%d", j); if (!BloodINI->KeyExists(buffer, buffer2)) break; auto pLevelInfo = AllocateMap(); const char *pMap = BloodINI->GetKeyString(buffer, buffer2, NULL); CheckSectionAbend(pMap); SetLevelNum(pLevelInfo, makelevelnum(i-1, j-1)); pLevelInfo->cluster = i; pLevelInfo->mapindex = j; pLevelInfo->labelName = pMap; if (j == 1) volume->startmap = pLevelInfo->labelName; pLevelInfo->fileName.Format("%s.map", pMap); levelLoadMapInfo(BloodINI, pLevelInfo, pMap, i, j); if (j == cutALevel) { CutsceneDef& csA = pLevelInfo->intro; csA.video = cleanPath(BloodINI->GetKeyString(buffer, "CutSceneA", "")); csA.sound = soundEngine->FindSoundByResID(BloodINI->GetKeyInt(buffer, "CutWavA", -1) + 0x40000000); if (csA.sound == 0) csA.sound = soundEngine->FindSound(cleanPath(BloodINI->GetKeyString(buffer, "CutWavA", ""))); } } } } void levelGetNextLevels(int *pnEndingA, int *pnEndingB) { assert(pnEndingA != NULL && pnEndingB != NULL); int nEndingA = currentLevel->nextLevel; if (nEndingA >= 0) nEndingA--; int nEndingB = currentLevel->nextSecret; if (nEndingB >= 0) nEndingB--; *pnEndingA = nEndingA; *pnEndingB = nEndingB; } void levelEndLevel(int secret) { int nEndingA, nEndingB; auto episode = volfromlevelnum(currentLevel->levelNumber); gGameOptions.uGameFlags |= GF_AdvanceLevel; levelGetNextLevels(&nEndingA, &nEndingB); switch (secret) { case 0: if (nEndingA == -1) { gGameOptions.uGameFlags |= GF_EndGame; } else gNextLevel = nEndingA; break; case 1: if (nEndingB == -1) { gGameOptions.uGameFlags |= GF_EndGame; } else gNextLevel = nEndingB; break; } } void levelTryPlayMusic() { FString buffer; if (mus_redbook && currentLevel->cdSongId > 0) buffer.Format("blood%02i.ogg", currentLevel->cdSongId); else { buffer = currentLevel->music; if (Mus_Play(currentLevel->labelName, buffer, true)) return; DefaultExtension(buffer, ".mid"); } if (!Mus_Play(currentLevel->labelName, buffer, true)) { Mus_Play("", "", true); } } END_BLD_NS