#pragma once #include #include "tarray.h" #include "scancodes.h" typedef uint8_t kb_scancode; extern kb_scancode KB_LastScan; typedef struct { const char* key; char* cmdstr; char repeat; char laststate; } consolekeybind_t; // This encapsulates the entire game-readable input state which previously was spread out across several files. enum { NUMKEYS = 256, MAXMOUSEBUTTONS = 10, }; extern consolekeybind_t CONTROL_KeyBinds[NUMKEYS + MAXMOUSEBUTTONS]; // Order is that of EDuke32 by necessity because it exposes the key binds to scripting by index instead of by name. enum GameFunction_t { gamefunc_Move_Forward, gamefunc_Move_Backward, gamefunc_Turn_Left, gamefunc_Turn_Right, gamefunc_Strafe, gamefunc_Fire, gamefunc_Open, gamefunc_Run, gamefunc_Alt_Fire, gamefunc_Jump, gamefunc_Crouch, gamefunc_Look_Up, gamefunc_Look_Down, gamefunc_Look_Left, gamefunc_Look_Right, gamefunc_Strafe_Left, gamefunc_Strafe_Right, gamefunc_Aim_Up, gamefunc_Aim_Down, gamefunc_Weapon_1, gamefunc_Weapon_2, gamefunc_Weapon_3, gamefunc_Weapon_4, gamefunc_Weapon_5, gamefunc_Weapon_6, gamefunc_Weapon_7, gamefunc_Weapon_8, gamefunc_Weapon_9, gamefunc_Weapon_10, gamefunc_Inventory, gamefunc_Inventory_Use = gamefunc_Inventory, gamefunc_Inventory_Left, gamefunc_Inventory_Right, gamefunc_Holo_Duke, gamefunc_Jetpack, gamefunc_NightVision, gamefunc_Night_Vision = gamefunc_NightVision, gamefunc_MedKit, gamefunc_Med_Kit = gamefunc_MedKit, gamefunc_TurnAround, gamefunc_SendMessage, gamefunc_Map, gamefunc_Map_Toggle = gamefunc_Map, gamefunc_Shrink_Screen, gamefunc_Enlarge_Screen, gamefunc_Center_View, gamefunc_Holster_Weapon, gamefunc_Show_Opponents_Weapon, gamefunc_Map_Follow_Mode, gamefunc_See_Coop_View, gamefunc_See_Co_Op_View = gamefunc_See_Coop_View, gamefunc_Mouse_Aiming, gamefunc_Toggle_Crosshair, gamefunc_Steroids, gamefunc_Quick_Kick, gamefunc_Next_Weapon, gamefunc_Previous_Weapon, gamefunc_Show_Console, gamefunc_Show_DukeMatch_Scores, gamefunc_Dpad_Select, gamefunc_Dpad_Aiming, gamefunc_AutoRun, gamefunc_Last_Weapon, gamefunc_Quick_Save, gamefunc_Quick_Load, gamefunc_Alt_Weapon, gamefunc_Third_Person_View, gamefunc_Toggle_Crouch, gamefunc_See_Chase_View, // this was added by Blood gamefunc_Turn_Around, gamefunc_Weapon_Fire, gamefunc_Weapon_Special_Fire, gamefunc_Aim_Center, gamefunc_Tilt_Left, gamefunc_Tilt_Right, gamefunc_Send_Message, gamefunc_BeastVision, gamefunc_CrystalBall, gamefunc_JumpBoots, gamefunc_ProximityBombs, gamefunc_RemoteBombs, gamefunc_Smoke_Bomb, // and these by ShadowWarrior (todo: There's quite a bit of potential for consolidation here - is it worth it?) gamefunc_Gas_Bomb, gamefunc_Flash_Bomb, gamefunc_Caltrops, NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS }; class InputState { // NOTE: This entire thing is mostly a band-aid to wrap something around MACT so that replacing it with a true event-driven system later // won't result in a total disaster. None of this is meant to live for long because the input method at use here is fundamentally flawed // because it does not track what triggered the button. struct ButtonStateFlags { bool ButtonActive; // Button currently reports being active to the client bool ButtonCleared;, // Button has been cleared by the client, i.e. do not set to active until no input for this button is active anymore. }; ButtonStateFlags ButtonState[NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS]; uint8_t KeyStatus[NUMKEYS]; public: bool BUTTON(int x) { return ButtonState[x].ButtonActive; } // Receive a status update void UpdateButton(int x, bool set) { auto &b = ButtonState[x]; if (!b.ButtonCleared) b.ButtonActive = set; else if (!set) b.ButtonCleared = false; } void ClearButton(int x) { ButtonState[x].ButtonActive = false; ButtonState[x].ButtonCleared = true; } void ClearAllButtons() { for (auto & b : ButtonState) { b.ButtonActive = false; b.ButtonCleared = true; } } uint8_t GetKeyStatus(int key) { return KeyStatus[key]; } void SetKeyStatus(int key, int state = 1) { KeyStatus[key] = (uint8_t)state; } void ClearKeyStatus(int key) { KeyStatus[key] = 0; } void ClearAllKeyStatus() { memset(KeyStatus, 0, sizeof(KeyStatus)); } bool AltPressed() { return KeyStatus[sc_LeftAlt] || KeyStatus[sc_RightAlt]; } bool CtrlPressed() { return KeyStatus[sc_LeftControl] || KeyStatus[sc_RightControl]; } bool WinPressed() { return KeyStatus[sc_LeftWin] || KeyStatus[sc_RightWin]; } bool ShiftPressed() { return KeyStatus[sc_LeftShift] || KeyStatus[sc_RightShift]; } bool EscapePressed() { return !!KeyStatus[sc_Escape]; } }; extern InputState inputState; inline bool BUTTON(int x) { return inputState.BUTTON(x); } inline uint8_t KB_KeyPressed(int scan) { return inputState.GetKeyStatus(scan); } inline void KB_ClearKeyDown(int scan) { inputState.ClearKeyStatus(scan); } inline bool KB_UnBoundKeyPressed(int scan) { return (inputState.GetKeyStatus(scan) != 0 && !CONTROL_KeyBinds[scan].cmdstr); } inline void KB_ClearKeysDown(void) { KB_LastScan = 0; inputState.ClearAllKeyStatus(); }