# Shared make information between Build engine and games ENGINELIB=libengine.a EDITORLIB=libbuild.a SDLCONFIG = /usr/local/bin/sdl-config ifeq ($(wildcard $(SDLCONFIG)),$(SDLCONFIG)) SDLROOT = /usr/local else SDLCONFIG = /usr/bin/sdl-config endif SDL_FRAMEWORK = 0 # Overridden for OSes that don't have the cutdown stdc++ that is supc++ STDCPPLIB=-lsupc++ BUILDCFLAGS= # GCC version, for conditional selection of flags. # This is easier than trying to squeeze it out of gcc --version: GCC_MAJOR ?= 4 ifeq (4,$(GCC_MAJOR)) F_NO_STACK_PROTECTOR := -fno-stack-protector # there are some link-time issues with stack protectors, so make it possible to override F_STACK_PROTECTOR_ALL ?= -fstack-protector-all F_JUMP_TABLES := -fjump-tables M_TUNE_GENERIC := -mtune=generic M_STACKREALIGN := -mstackrealign L_SSP := -lssp endif ifndef ARCH ifeq ($(findstring i686, $(shell uname -m)), i686) ARCH=-march=pentium3 $(M_TUNE_GENERIC) -mmmx # -msse2 -mfpmath=sse,387 -malign-double $(M_STACKREALIGN) else ARCH= endif endif # Detect the platform if it wasn't explicitly given to us from # the outside world. This allows cross-compilation by overriding # CC and giving us PLATFORM specifically. # ifndef PLATFORM uname=$(strip $(shell uname -s)) PLATFORM=UNKNOWN ifeq ($(findstring Linux,$(uname)),Linux) PLATFORM=LINUX endif ifeq ($(findstring BSD,$(uname)),BSD) PLATFORM=BSD endif ifeq ($(findstring MINGW,$(uname)),MINGW) PLATFORM=WINDOWS endif ifeq ($(findstring Darwin,$(uname)),Darwin) PLATFORM=DARWIN endif ifeq ($(findstring BeOS,$(uname)),BeOS) PLATFORM=BEOS endif ifeq ($(findstring skyos,$(uname)),skyos) PLATFORM=SKYOS endif ifeq ($(findstring QNX,$(uname)),QNX) PLATFORM=QNX endif ifeq ($(findstring SunOS,$(uname)),SunOS) PLATFORM=SUNOS endif ifeq ($(findstring syllable,$(uname)),syllable) PLATFORM=SYLLABLE endif endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),LINUX) RENDERTYPE=SDL BUILDCFLAGS+= -DHAVE_INTTYPES GTKCOMPAT32=0 ifeq ($(findstring x86_64,$(shell uname -m)),x86_64) ifeq (1,$(BUILD32_ON_64)) # On my 64bit Gentoo these are the 32bit emulation libs LIBS+= -m32 -L/emul/linux/x86/usr/lib BUILDCFLAGS+= -m32 # Override WITHOUT_GTK=0 GTKCOMPAT32=1 else override NOASM=1 endif endif endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),DARWIN) RENDERTYPE = SDL BUILDCFLAGS += -DHAVE_INTTYPES GTKCOMPAT32 = 0 SDL_FRAMEWORK = 1 # ASM won't work on PowerPC and currently throws errors on i386 too :-/ override NOASM = 1 endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),WINDOWS) RENDERTYPE ?= WIN BUILDCFLAGS+= -DHAVE_INTTYPES EXESUFFIX=.exe LIBS+= -lmingwex -lwinmm -L$(DXROOT)/lib -lwsock32 -lcomctl32 #-lshfolder # STDCPPLIB=-lstdc++ endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),BSD) RENDERTYPE=SDL BUILDCFLAGS+= -DHAVE_INTTYPES ifneq ($(findstring i386, $(shell uname -m)), i386) override NOASM=1 endif override NEDMALLOC=0 STDCPPLIB=-lstdc++ endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),BEOS) RENDERTYPE=SDL STDCPPLIB=-lstdc++ endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),SKYOS) RENDERTYPE=SDL EXESUFFIX=.app override NOASM=1 BUILDCFLAGS+= -DUNDERSCORES SDLCONFIG= SDLCONFIG_CFLAGS=-I/boot/programs/sdk/include/sdl LIBS+= -lSDL -lnet endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),QNX) RENDERTYPE=SDL override USE_OPENGL=0 override NOASM=1 STDCPPLIB=-lstdc++ LIBS+= -lsocket endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),SUNOS) RENDERTYPE=SDL override USE_OPENGL=0 override NOASM=1 STDCPPLIB=-lstdc++ LIBS+= -lsocket -lnsl endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),SYLLABLE) RENDERTYPE=SDL override USE_OPENGL=0 override NOASM=1 endif ifeq ($(RENDERTYPE),SDL) ifeq ($(SDL_FRAMEWORK),1) LIBS += -Wl,-framework,SDL SDLCONFIG_CFLAGS+= -I/Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Headers else ifneq ($(SDLCONFIG),) LIBS+= $(shell $(SDLCONFIG) --libs) SDLCONFIG_CFLAGS+=$(shell $(SDLCONFIG) --cflags) endif endif ifeq (1,$(WITHOUT_GTK)) HAVE_GTK2=0 else ifneq (No,$(shell pkg-config --exists gtk+-2.0 || echo No)) HAVE_GTK2=1 # On my 64bit Gentoo box I have Cairo enabled which means the libs list includes # -lpangocairo-1.0 and -lcairo, however the 32bit compatibility libraries don't # include cairo, so we need to filter out those -l switches in order to link ifneq ($(LINKED_GTK),0) ifeq ($(GTKCOMPAT32),1) LIBS+= $(shell pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0 | sed 's/\s-l\(pango\)\{0,1\}cairo\S*\s/ /g') else LIBS+= $(shell pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0) endif endif else HAVE_GTK2=0 endif endif else ifeq ($(RENDERTYPE),WIN) LIBS+= -mwindows -ldxguid endif endif BUILDCFLAGS+= -DRENDERTYPE$(RENDERTYPE)=1 ifneq (0,$(USE_OPENGL)) BUILDCFLAGS+= -DUSE_OPENGL endif ifneq (0,$(NOASM)) BUILDCFLAGS+= -DNOASM endif ifneq (0,$(LINKED_GTK)) BUILDCFLAGS+= -DLINKED_GTK endif ifneq (0,$(POLYMER)) ifneq (0,$(USE_OPENGL)) BUILDCFLAGS+= -DPOLYMER endif endif ifneq (0,$(NEDMALLOC)) BUILDCFLAGS+= -DNEDMALLOC endif ifeq ($(PRETTY_OUTPUT),1) BUILD_STARTED = printf "\033[K\033[1;36mBuild started using \"$(CC) $(OURCFLAGS)\"\033[0m\n" BUILD_ECHOFLAGS = printf "\033[K\033[1;36mEnded compilation in this directory using \"$(CC) $(OURCFLAGS)\"\033[0m\n" BUILD_FINISHED = printf "\033[K\033[1;36mBuild successful:\033[0m\n" COMPILE_STATUS = printf "\033[K\033[0mBuilding object \033[1m$@\033[0m...\033[0m\r" COMPILE_OK = printf "\033[K\033[0;32mBuilt object \033[1;32m$@\033[0;32m \033[0m\n" COMPILE_FAILED = printf "\033[K\033[0;31mFailed building \033[1;31m$@\033[0;31m from\033[0m \033[1;31m$<\033[0;31m!\033[0m\n"; exit 1 ARCHIVE_STATUS = printf "\033[K\033[0mCreating library archive \033[1m$@\033[0m...\033[0m\r" ARCHIVE_OK = printf "\033[K\033[0;32mCreated library archive \033[1;32m$@\033[0;32m \033[0m\n" ARCHIVE_FAILED = printf "\033[K\033[0;31mFailed creating library archive \033[1;31m$@\033[0;31m from\033[0m \033[1;31m$<\033[0;31m!\033[0m\n"; exit 1 LINK_STATUS = printf "\033[K\033[0;0mLinking executable \033[1m$@\033[0;0m...\033[0m\r" LINK_OK = printf "\033[K\033[0;32mLinked executable \033[1;32m$@\033[0;32m \033[0m\n" LINK_FAILED = printf "\033[K\033[0;31mFailed linking executable \033[1;31m$@\033[0;31m!\033[0m\n"; exit 1 else BUILD_STARTED = BUILD_ECHOFLAGS= BUILD_FINISHED = COMPILE_STATUS = COMPILE_OK = true COMPILE_FAILED = false; exit 1 ARCHIVE_STATUS = ARCHIVE_OK = true ARCHIVE_FAILED = false; exit 1 LINK_STATUS = LINK_OK = true LINK_FAILED = false; exit 1 endif