//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1997, 2005 - 3D Realms Entertainment This file is part of Shadow Warrior version 1.2 Shadow Warrior is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Original Source: 1997 - Frank Maddin and Jim Norwood Prepared for public release: 03/28/2005 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SWStatusBar : RazeStatusBar { static const String icons[] = { "PanelMedkit", "PanelRepairKit", "PanelCloak", "PanelNightVision", "PanelChemBomb", "PanelFlashBomb", "PanelCaltrops" }; enum EConstants { PANEL_HEALTH_BOX_X = 20, PANEL_BOX_Y = (174 - 6), PANEL_HEALTH_XOFF = 2, PANEL_HEALTH_YOFF = 4, PANEL_AMMO_BOX_X = 197, PANEL_AMMO_XOFF = 1, PANEL_AMMO_YOFF = 4, WSUM_X = 93, WSUM_Y = PANEL_BOX_Y + 1, WSUM_XOFF = 25, WSUM_YOFF = 6, PANEL_KEYS_BOX_X = 276, PANEL_KEYS_XOFF = 0, PANEL_KEYS_YOFF = 2, PANEL_ARMOR_BOX_X = 56, PANEL_ARMOR_XOFF = 2, PANEL_ARMOR_YOFF = 4, FRAG_YOFF = 2, INVENTORY_BOX_X = 231, INVENTORY_BOX_Y = (176 - 8), INVENTORY_PIC_XOFF = 1, INVENTORY_PIC_YOFF = 1, INVENTORY_PERCENT_XOFF = 19, INVENTORY_PERCENT_YOFF = 13, INVENTORY_STATE_XOFF = 19, INVENTORY_STATE_YOFF = 1, MINI_BAR_Y = 174, MINI_BAR_HEALTH_BOX_X = 4, MINI_BAR_AMMO_BOX_X = 32, MINI_BAR_INVENTORY_BOX_X = 64, MINI_BAR_INVENTORY_BOX_Y = MINI_BAR_Y, } TextureID PanelFont[10]; TextureID SmallSBFont[3][12]; HUDFont numberFont, miniFont; override void Init() { numberFont = HudFont.Create(BigFont, 0, Mono_Off, 1, 1); miniFont = HudFont.Create(SmallFont2, 0, Mono_Off, 1, 1); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) PanelFont[i] = TexMan.CheckForTexture(String.Format("PANEL_FONT_G%d", i), TexMan.Type_Any); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { SmallSBFont[0][i] = TexMan.CheckForTexture(String.Format("PANEL_SM_FONT_G%d", i), TexMan.Type_Any); SmallSBFont[1][i] = TexMan.CheckForTexture(String.Format("PANEL_SM_FONT_Y%d", i), TexMan.Type_Any); SmallSBFont[2][i] = TexMan.CheckForTexture(String.Format("PANEL_SM_FONT_R%d", i), TexMan.Type_Any); } } int tileHeight(String tex) { let img = TexMan.CheckForTexture(tex, TexMan.TYPE_Any); let siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(img); return int(siz.Y); } int tileWidth(String tex) { let img = TexMan.CheckForTexture(tex, TexMan.TYPE_Any); let siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(img); return int(siz.X); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DisplayPanelNumber(double x, double y, int number) { String buffer; buffer = String.Format("%03d", number); for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length(); i++) { let c = buffer.ByteAt(i); if (c < "0" || c > "9") { continue; } let tex = PanelFont[c - 48]; DrawTexture(tex, (x, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP); let siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(tex); x += siz.X + 1; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DisplaySummaryString(double x, double y, int color, int shade, String buffer) { for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length(); i++) { let ch = buffer.ByteAt(i); if (ch == " ") { x += 4; continue; } else if (ch == 0x5c) ch = 0; else if (ch == ":") ch = 11; else ch -= 47; let font_pic = SmallSBFont[color][ch]; DrawTexture(font_pic, (x, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, col:Raze.shadeToLight(shade)); let siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(font_pic); x += siz.X + 1; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DisplayTimeLimit(SWPlayer pp) { int seconds = 0;// gNet.TimeLimitClock / 120; let ds = String.Format("%03d:%02d", seconds / 60, seconds % 60); DisplaySummaryString(PANEL_KEYS_BOX_X + 1, PANEL_BOX_Y + 6, 0, 0, ds); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // todo: migrate to FFont to support localization // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DisplayTinyString(double xs, double ys, String buffer, int pal) { DrawString(miniFont, buffer, (xs, ys), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP); } void DisplayFragString(SWPlayer pp, double xs, double ys, String buffer) { DisplayTinyString(xs, ys, buffer, 0/*pp.DisplayColor()*/); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DisplayFragNumbers() { for (int pnum = 0; pnum < 4; pnum++) { String buffer; int xs, ys; int frag_bar; static const int xoffs[] = { 69, 147, 225, 303 }; ys = FRAG_YOFF; // frag bar 0 or 1 frag_bar = ((pnum) / 4); // move y down according to frag bar number ys = ys + (tileHeight("FRAG_BAR") - 2) * frag_bar; // move x over according to the number of players xs = xoffs[pnum]; buffer.Format("%03d", Raze.PlayerFrags(pnum, -1)); DisplayFragString(null/*&Player[pnum]*/, xs, ys, buffer); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DisplayFragNames() { for (int pnum = 0; pnum < 4; pnum++) { int xs, ys; int frag_bar; static const int xoffs[] = { 7, 85, 163, 241 }; ys = FRAG_YOFF; // frag bar 0 or 1 frag_bar = ((pnum) / 4); // move y down according to frag bar number ys = ys + (tileHeight("FRAG_BAR") - 2) * frag_bar; // move x over according to the number of players xs = xoffs[pnum]; DisplayFragString(null/*&Player[pnum]*/, xs, ys, Raze.PlayerName(pnum)); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This cannot remain as it is. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DisplayFragBar(SWPlayer pp) { // must draw this in HUD mode and align to the top center int i, num_frag_bars; int y; int numplayers = 1; if (numplayers <= 1) return; //if (gNet.MultiGameType == MULTI_GAME_COOPERATIVE) return; num_frag_bars = ((numplayers-1)/4)+1; for (i = 0, y = 0; i < num_frag_bars; i++) { DrawImage("FRAG_BAR", (0, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP); y += tileHeight("FRAG_BAR") - 2; } DisplayFragNames(); DisplayFragNumbers(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PlayerUpdateWeaponSummary(SWPlayer pp, int UpdateWeaponNum) { int x, y; int pos; int column; int WeaponNum, wpntmp; int colr, shade; String ds; WeaponNum = SW.RealWeapon(UpdateWeaponNum); static const int wsum_xoff[] = { 0,36,66 }; static const String wsum_fmt2[] = { "%3d/%-3d", "%2d/%-2d", "%2d/%-2d" }; pos = WeaponNum - 1; column = pos / 3; if (column > 2) column = 2; x = WSUM_X + wsum_xoff[column]; y = WSUM_Y + (WSUM_YOFF * (pos % 3)); if (UpdateWeaponNum == pp.WeaponNum()) { shade = 0; colr = 0; } else { shade = 11; colr = 0; } wpntmp = WeaponNum + 1; if (wpntmp > 9) wpntmp = 0; ds = String.Format("%d:", wpntmp); if (pp.WpnFlags & (1 << WeaponNum)) DisplaySummaryString(x, y, 1, shade, ds); else DisplaySummaryString(x, y, 2, shade + 6, ds); ds = String.Format(wsum_fmt2[column], pp.WpnAmmo[WeaponNum], SW.WeaponMaxAmmo(WeaponNum)); DisplaySummaryString(x + 6, y, colr, shade, ds); } void PlayerUpdateWeaponSummaryAll(SWPlayer pp) { for (int i = SW.WPN_STAR; i <= SW.WPN_HEART; i++) { PlayerUpdateWeaponSummary(pp, i); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DisplayKeys(SWPlayer pp, double xs, double ys, double scalex = 1, double scaley = 1) { double x, y; int row, col; int i; static const String StatusKeyPics[] = { "PANEL_KEY_RED", "PANEL_KEY_BLUE", "PANEL_KEY_GREEN", "PANEL_KEY_YELLOW", "PANEL_SKELKEY_GOLD", "PANEL_SKELKEY_SILVER", "PANEL_SKELKEY_BRONZE", "PANEL_SKELKEY_RED" }; let tex = TexMan.CheckForTexture("PANEL_KEY_RED", TexMan.Type_Any); let size = TexMan.GetScaledSize(tex); i = 0; for (row = 0; row < 2; row++) { for (col = 0; col < 2; col++) { if (pp.HasKey[i]) { x = xs + PANEL_KEYS_XOFF + (row * size.X); y = ys + PANEL_KEYS_YOFF + (col * size.Y); DrawImage(StatusKeyPics[i], (x, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, scale:(scalex, scaley)); } i++; } } // Check for skeleton keys i = 0; for (row = 0; row < 2; row++) { for (col = 0; col < 2; col++) { if (pp.HasKey[i + 4]) { x = xs + PANEL_KEYS_XOFF + (row * size.X); y = ys + PANEL_KEYS_YOFF + (col * size.Y); DrawImage(StatusKeyPics[i + 4], (x, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, scale:(scalex, scaley)); } i++; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PlayerUpdateInventoryPercent(SWPlayer pp, int InventoryBoxX, int InventoryBoxY, int InventoryXoff, int InventoryYoff) { String ds; int x = InventoryBoxX + INVENTORY_PERCENT_XOFF + InventoryXoff; int y = InventoryBoxY + INVENTORY_PERCENT_YOFF + InventoryYoff; if (SW.InventoryFlags(pp.InventoryNum) & SW.INVF_COUNT) { ds = String.Format("%d", pp.InventoryAmount[pp.InventoryNum]); } else { ds = String.Format("%d%%", pp.InventoryPercent[pp.InventoryNum]); } DisplayTinyString(x, y, ds, 0); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PlayerUpdateInventoryPic(SWPlayer pp, int InventoryBoxX, int InventoryBoxY, int InventoryXoff, int InventoryYoff) { int x = InventoryBoxX + INVENTORY_PIC_XOFF + InventoryXoff; int y = InventoryBoxY + INVENTORY_PIC_YOFF + InventoryYoff; DrawImage(icons[pp.InventoryNum], (x, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PlayerUpdateInventoryState(SWPlayer pp, double InventoryBoxX, double InventoryBoxY, int InventoryXoff, int InventoryYoff) { double x = InventoryBoxX + INVENTORY_STATE_XOFF + InventoryXoff; double y = InventoryBoxY + INVENTORY_STATE_YOFF + InventoryYoff; let flags = SW.InventoryFlags(pp.InventoryNum); if (flags & SW.INVF_AUTO_USE) { DisplayTinyString(x, y, "AUTO", 0); } else if (flags & SW.INVF_TIMED) { DisplayTinyString(x, y, pp.InventoryActive[pp.InventoryNum] ? "ON" : "OFF", 0); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DisplayBarInventory(SWPlayer pp) { int InventoryBoxX = INVENTORY_BOX_X; int InventoryBoxY = INVENTORY_BOX_Y; int InventoryXoff = -1; int InventoryYoff = 0; // put pic if (pp.InventoryAmount[pp.InventoryNum]) { PlayerUpdateInventoryPic(pp, InventoryBoxX, InventoryBoxY, 0, InventoryYoff); // Auto/On/Off PlayerUpdateInventoryState(pp, InventoryBoxX, InventoryBoxY, InventoryXoff, InventoryYoff); // Percent count/Item count PlayerUpdateInventoryPercent(pp, InventoryBoxX, InventoryBoxY, InventoryXoff, InventoryYoff); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int NORM_CANG(int ang) { return (((ang)+32) & 31); } enum EXY { COMPASS_X = 140, COMPASS_Y = (162 - 5), }; void DrawCompass(SWPlayer pp) { int start_ang, ang; int x_size = tileWidth("COMPASS_NORTH"); int x; int i; static const String CompassPic[] = { "COMPASS_EAST", "COMPASS_EAST2", "COMPASS_TIC", "COMPASS_TIC2", "COMPASS_MID_TIC", "COMPASS_MID_TIC2", "COMPASS_TIC", "COMPASS_TIC2", "COMPASS_SOUTH", "COMPASS_SOUTH2", "COMPASS_TIC", "COMPASS_TIC2", "COMPASS_MID_TIC", "COMPASS_MID_TIC2", "COMPASS_TIC", "COMPASS_TIC2", "COMPASS_WEST", "COMPASS_WEST2", "COMPASS_TIC", "COMPASS_TIC2", "COMPASS_MID_TIC", "COMPASS_MID_TIC2", "COMPASS_TIC", "COMPASS_TIC2", "COMPASS_NORTH", "COMPASS_NORTH2", "COMPASS_TIC", "COMPASS_TIC2", "COMPASS_MID_TIC", "COMPASS_MID_TIC2", "COMPASS_TIC", "COMPASS_TIC2" }; static const int CompassShade[] = { //20, 16, 11, 6, 1, 1, 6, 11, 16, 20 25, 19, 15, 9, 1, 1, 9, 15, 19, 25 }; ang = pp.GetBuildAngle(); if (pp.sop_remote) ang = 0; start_ang = (ang + 32) >> 6; start_ang = NORM_CANG(start_ang - 4); for (i = 0, x = COMPASS_X; i < 10; i++) { DrawImage(CompassPic[NORM_CANG(start_ang + i)], (x, COMPASS_Y), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, col:Raze.shadeToLight(CompassShade[i])); x += x_size; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawStatusBar(SWPlayer pp) { let wnum = pp.WeaponNum(); BeginStatusBar(false, 320, 200, tileHeight("STATUS_BAR")); if (hud_size == Hud_StbarOverlay) Set43ClipRect(); DrawImage("STATUS_BAR", (160, 200), DI_ITEM_CENTER_BOTTOM); screen.ClearClipRect(); DisplayPanelNumber(PANEL_HEALTH_BOX_X + PANEL_HEALTH_XOFF, PANEL_BOX_Y + PANEL_HEALTH_YOFF, pp.Health()); DisplayPanelNumber(PANEL_ARMOR_BOX_X + PANEL_ARMOR_XOFF, PANEL_BOX_Y + PANEL_ARMOR_YOFF, pp.Armor); if (wnum != SW.WPN_FIST && wnum != SW.WPN_SWORD) DisplayPanelNumber(PANEL_AMMO_BOX_X + PANEL_AMMO_XOFF, PANEL_BOX_Y + PANEL_AMMO_YOFF, pp.WpnAmmo[wnum]); PlayerUpdateWeaponSummaryAll(pp); /* if (gNet.MultiGameType != MULTI_GAME_COMMBAT) DisplayKeys(pp, PANEL_KEYS_BOX_X, PANEL_BOX_Y); else if (gNet.TimeLimit) DisplayTimeLimit(pp); */ DisplayKeys(pp, PANEL_KEYS_BOX_X, PANEL_BOX_Y); DisplayBarInventory(pp); DrawCompass(pp); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DisplayMinibarInventory(SWPlayer pp) { int InventoryBoxX = MINI_BAR_INVENTORY_BOX_X; int InventoryBoxY = MINI_BAR_INVENTORY_BOX_Y - 200; int InventoryXoff = 0; int InventoryYoff = 1; if (pp.InventoryAmount[pp.InventoryNum]) { PlayerUpdateInventoryPic(pp, InventoryBoxX, InventoryBoxY, InventoryXoff + 1, InventoryYoff); // Auto/On/Off PlayerUpdateInventoryState(pp, InventoryBoxX, InventoryBoxY, InventoryXoff, InventoryYoff); // Percent count/Item count PlayerUpdateInventoryPercent(pp, InventoryBoxX, InventoryBoxY, InventoryXoff, InventoryYoff); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Used in DrawHUD2() for determining whether a reloadable weapon is reloading. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool, int DoReloadStatus(int reloadstate, int ammo) { bool reloading = ammo == 0 && reloadstate != 2; if (ammo == 0 && reloadstate == 0) { reloadstate = 1; } else if (ammo) { reloadstate = 0; } return reloading, reloadstate; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawHUD1(SWPlayer pp) { BeginHUD(1, false, 320, 200); int x = MINI_BAR_HEALTH_BOX_X; int y = -26; DrawImage("MINI_BAR_HEALTH_BOX_PIC", (x, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP); x = MINI_BAR_HEALTH_BOX_X + 3; DisplayPanelNumber(x, y + 5, pp.Health()); let wnum = pp.WeaponNum(); if (wnum != SW.WPN_SWORD && wnum != SW.WPN_FIST) { x = MINI_BAR_AMMO_BOX_X; DrawImage("MINI_BAR_AMMO_BOX_PIC", (x, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP); x = MINI_BAR_AMMO_BOX_X + 3; DisplayPanelNumber(x, y + 5, pp.WpnAmmo[wnum]); } if (!pp.InventoryAmount[pp.InventoryNum]) return; // Inventory Box x = MINI_BAR_INVENTORY_BOX_X; DrawImage("MINI_BAR_INVENTORY_BOX_PIC", (x, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP); DisplayMinibarInventory(pp); } //========================================================================== // // Fullscreen HUD variant #1 // //========================================================================== void DrawHUD2(SWPlayer pp, SummaryInfo info) { BeginHUD(1, false, 320, 200); String format; double imgScale; double baseScale = numberFont.mFont.GetHeight() * 0.83125; // // Health // let img = TexMan.CheckForTexture("ICON_SM_MEDKIT", TexMan.Type_Any); let siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(img); imgScale = baseScale / siz.Y; DrawTexture(img, (1.5, -1), DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM, scale:(imgScale, imgScale)); let Health = pp.Health(); let MaxHealth = pp.MaxUserHealth(); if (!hud_flashing || Health > (MaxHealth >> 2) || (PlayClock & 32)) { int s = -8; if (hud_flashing && Health > MaxHealth) s += Raze.bsin(PlayClock << 5, -10); int intens = clamp(255 - 4 * s, 0, 255); let pe = Color(255, intens, intens, intens); format = String.Format("%d", Health); DrawString(numberFont, format, (24.25, -numberFont.mFont.GetHeight() + 2), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); } // // Armor // img = TexMan.CheckForTexture("ICON_ARMOR", TexMan.Type_Any); siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(img); imgScale = baseScale / siz.Y; DrawTexture(img, (80.75, -1), DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM, scale:(imgScale, imgScale)); format = String.Format("%d", pp.Armor); DrawString(numberFont, format, (108.5, -numberFont.mFont.GetHeight() + 2), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); // // Weapon // static const String ammo_sprites[] = { "", "ICON_STAR", "ICON_LG_SHOTSHELL", "ICON_LG_UZI_AMMO", "ICON_MICRO_BATTERY", "ICON_LG_GRENADE", "ICON_LG_MINE", "ICON_RAIL_AMMO", "ICON_FIREBALL_LG_AMMO", "ICON_HEART_LG_AMMO", "ICON_FIREBALL_LG_AMMO", "ICON_FIREBALL_LG_AMMO", "ICON_MICRO_BATTERY", "" }; int weapon = pp.WeaponNum(); String wicon = ammo_sprites[weapon]; if (wicon.length() > 0) { int ammo = pp.WpnAmmo[weapon]; bool reloadableWeapon = weapon == SW.WPN_SHOTGUN || weapon == SW.WPN_UZI; if (!reloadableWeapon || (reloadableWeapon && !cl_showmagamt)) { format = String.Format("%d", ammo); } else { int capacity; switch (weapon) { case SW.WPN_SHOTGUN: capacity = 4; break; case SW.WPN_UZI: capacity = pp.WpnUziType ? 50 : 100; break; } bool reload; [reload, pp.WpnReloadState] = DoReloadStatus(pp.WpnReloadState, ammo % capacity); int clip = CalcMagazineAmount(ammo, capacity, reload); format = String.Format("%d/%d", clip, ammo - clip); } img = TexMan.CheckForTexture(wicon, TexMan.Type_Any); siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(img); imgScale = baseScale / siz.Y; let imgX = 21.125; let strlen = format.Length(); if (strlen > 1) { imgX += (imgX * 0.855) * (strlen - 1); } if ((!hud_flashing || PlayClock & 32 || ammo > (SW.WeaponMaxAmmo(weapon) / 10))) { DrawString(numberFont, format, (-1.5, -numberFont.mFont.GetHeight() + 2), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT); } DrawTexture(img, (-imgX, -1), DI_ITEM_RIGHT_BOTTOM, scale:(imgScale, imgScale)); } // // Selected inventory item // img = TexMan.CheckForTexture(icons[pp.InventoryNum], TexMan.Type_Any); siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(img); imgScale = baseScale / siz.Y; int x = 165; DrawTexture(img, (x, -1), DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM, scale:(imgScale, imgScale)); PlayerUpdateInventoryState(pp, x + 3.0, -18.0, 1, 1); //PlayerUpdateInventoryPercent(pp, x + 3.5, -20.5, 1, 1); // function takes integer coordinates. PlayerUpdateInventoryPercent(pp, x + 3, -20, 1, 1); // // keys // DisplayKeys(pp, -25, -38, 0.8625, 0.8625); DoLevelStats(int(baseScale + 4), info); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawInventoryIcon(double xs, double ys, int align, int InventoryNum, int amount, bool selected) { double x, y; int INVENTORY_ICON_WIDTH = 28; x = xs + (InventoryNum * INVENTORY_ICON_WIDTH); y = ys; let tex = icons[InventoryNum]; DrawImage(tex, (x, y), align | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, amount ? 1. : 0.333); if (selected) { DrawImage("SelectionBox", (x - 5, y - 5), align | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // INVENTORY BAR // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DrawInventory(SWPlayer pp, double xs, double ys, int align) { if (!pp.InventoryBarTics) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < pp.InventoryAmount.size(); i++) { DrawInventoryIcon(xs, ys, align, i, pp.InventoryAmount[i], i == pp.InventoryNum); } } //========================================================================== // // Statistics output // //========================================================================== void DoLevelStats(int bottomy, SummaryInfo info) { StatsPrintInfo stats; stats.fontscale = 1; stats.spacing = 7; stats.screenbottomspace = bottomy; stats.statfont = SmallFont; if (automapMode == am_full) { stats.letterColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_SAPPHIRE; stats.standardColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_UNTRANSLATED; bool textfont = am_textfont; if (!am_textfont) { // For non-English languages force use of the text font. The tiny one is simply too small to ever add localized characters to it. let p = StringTable.Localize("$REQUIRED_CHARACTERS"); if (p.length() > 0) textfont = true; } if (!textfont) { stats.statfont = SmallFont2; stats.spacing = 6; } else stats.spacing = SmallFont.GetHeight() + 1; PrintAutomapInfo(stats, textfont); } // JBF 20040124: display level stats in screen corner else if (hud_stats && !(netgame /*|| numplayers > 1*/)) { stats.letterColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_RED; stats.standardColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_TAN; stats.completeColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_FIRE; PrintLevelStats(stats, info); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- override void UpdateStatusBar(SummaryInfo info) { let pp = SW.GetViewPlayer(); int nPalette = 0; double inv_x, inv_y; int align; if (hud_size == Hud_Nothing) { align = DI_SCREEN_RIGHT_BOTTOM; inv_x = -210; inv_y = -28; DoLevelStats(2, info); } else if (hud_size == Hud_full) { align = DI_SCREEN_CENTER_BOTTOM; inv_x = -80; inv_y = -40; DrawHUD2(pp, info); } else if (hud_size == Hud_Mini) { align = DI_SCREEN_RIGHT_BOTTOM; inv_x = -210; inv_y = -28; DrawHUD1(pp); DoLevelStats(30, info); } else { align = 0; inv_x = 80; inv_y = 130; DrawStatusBar(pp); DoLevelStats(-3, info); } DrawInventory(pp, inv_x, inv_y, align); } }