//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2005 - EDuke32 team This file is part of EDuke32 EDuke32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "duke3d.h" #include "types.h" #include "develop.h" #include "scriplib.h" #include "file_lib.h" #include "mathutil.h" #include "gamedefs.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "mouse.h" // JBF 20030809 #include "function.h" #include "control.h" #include "fx_man.h" #include "sounds.h" #include "config.h" #include "osd.h" #include "osdfuncs.h" #include "osdcmds.h" #include "scriptfile.h" //#include "crc32.h" #include "util_lib.h" #define VERSION " 1.4.0svn" #define HEAD "EDuke32"VERSION" (shareware mode)" #define HEAD2 "EDuke32"VERSION #define IDFSIZE 479985668 #define IDFILENAME "DUKE3D.IDF" #define TIMERUPDATESIZ 32 long cameradist = 0, cameraclock = 0; char playerswhenstarted; char qe,cp,usecwd = 0; static int32 CommandSetup = 0; static int32 NoSetup = 0; static int32 CommandSoundToggleOff = 0; static int32 CommandMusicToggleOff = 0; static char *CommandMap = NULL; static char *CommandName = NULL,*CommandNet = NULL; int32 CommandWeaponChoice = 0; char confilename[BMAX_PATH] = {"EDUKE.CON"}, boardfilename[BMAX_PATH] = {0}; char waterpal[768], slimepal[768], titlepal[768], drealms[768], endingpal[768]; char firstdemofile[80] = { '\0' }; int display_bonus_screen = 1, userconfiles = 0; static int netparamcount = 0; static char **netparam = NULL; int votes[MAXPLAYERS], gotvote[MAXPLAYERS], voting = -1; void setstatusbarscale(long sc) { ud.statusbarscale = min(100,max(10,sc)); vscrn(); } static inline long sbarx(long x) { if (ud.screen_size == 4) return scale(x<<16,ud.statusbarscale,100); return (((320l<<16) - scale(320l<<16,ud.statusbarscale,100)) >> 1) + scale(x<<16,ud.statusbarscale,100); } static inline long sbary(long y) { return ((200l<<16) - scale(200l<<16,ud.statusbarscale,100) + scale(y<<16,ud.statusbarscale,100)); } static inline long sbarsc(long sc) { return scale(sc,ud.statusbarscale,100); } void patchstatusbar(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2) { long scl, tx, ty; long clx1,cly1,clx2,cly2,clofx,clofy; scl = sbarsc(65536); tx = sbarx(0); ty = sbary(200-tilesizy[BOTTOMSTATUSBAR]); clx1 = scale(scale(x1,xdim,320),ud.statusbarscale,100); cly1 = scale(scale(y1,ydim,200),ud.statusbarscale,100); clx2 = scale(scale(x2,xdim,320),ud.statusbarscale,100); cly2 = scale(scale(y2,ydim,200),ud.statusbarscale,100); clofx = (xdim - scale(xdim,ud.statusbarscale,100)) >> 1; clofy = (ydim - scale(ydim,ud.statusbarscale,100)); rotatesprite(tx,ty,scl,0,BOTTOMSTATUSBAR,4,0,10+16+64,clx1+clofx,cly1+clofy,clx2+clofx-1,cly2+clofy-1); } int recfilep,totalreccnt; char debug_on = 0,actor_tog = 0,*rtsptr,memorycheckoveride=0; extern char syncstate; extern int32 numlumps; FILE *frecfilep = (FILE *)NULL; void pitch_test( void ); char restorepalette,screencapt,nomorelogohack; int sendmessagecommand = -1; char defaultduke3dgrp[BMAX_PATH] = "duke3d.grp"; char *duke3dgrp = defaultduke3dgrp; static char *duke3ddef = "duke3d.def"; extern long lastvisinc; // JBF 20031221: These ought to disappear when things mature extern int showmultidiags; extern int netmode, nethostplayers; extern char netjoinhost[64]; int startupnetworkgame(void); int processnetworkrequests(void); void setgamepalette(struct player_struct *player, char *pal, int set) { if (player != &ps[screenpeek]) { // another head player->palette = pal; return; } if (getrendermode() < 3) { // 8-bit mode player->palette = pal; setbrightness(ud.brightness>>2, pal, set); //pub = pus = NUMPAGES; return; } if (pal == palette || pal == waterpal || pal == slimepal) { if (player->palette != palette && player->palette != waterpal && player->palette != slimepal) setbrightness(ud.brightness>>2, palette, set); else setpalettefade(0,0,0,0); } else { setbrightness(ud.brightness>>2, pal, set); } player->palette = pal; } #define TEXTWRAPLEN (scale(35,ScreenWidth,320)) char colstrip[1024]; char *strip_color_codes(char *t) { int i = 0; while(*t) { if(*t == '^' && isdigit(*(t+1))) { t += 2; if(isdigit(*t)) t++; if(!(*t)) continue; } colstrip[i] = *t; i++,t++; } colstrip[i] = '\0'; return(colstrip); } int gametext_(int small, int starttile, int x,int y,char *t,char s,char p,short orientation,long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2) { short ac,newx,oldx=x; char centre, *oldt; centre = ( x == (320>>1) ); newx = 0; oldt = t; if(t == NULL) return -1; if(centre) { while(*t) { if(*t == '^' && isdigit(*(t+1))) { t += 2; if(isdigit(*t)) t++; if(!(*t)) continue; } if(*t == 32) {newx+=5;t++;continue;} else ac = *t - '!' + starttile; if( ac < starttile || ac > (starttile + 93) ) break; if(*t >= '0' && *t <= '9') newx += 8; else newx += tilesizx[ac]; t++; } t = oldt; x = (320>>1)-(newx>>1); } while(*t) { if(*t == '^' && isdigit(*(t+1))) { char smallbuf[3]; t += 1; if(isdigit(*(t+1))) { smallbuf[0] = *(t++); smallbuf[1] = *(t++); smallbuf[2] = '\0'; p = atol(smallbuf); } else { smallbuf[0] = *(t++); smallbuf[1] = '\0'; p = atol(smallbuf); } if(!(*t)) continue; } if(*t == 32) {x+=5;t++;continue;} else ac = *t - '!' + starttile; if( ac < starttile || ac > (starttile + 93) ) break; rotatesprite(x<<16,(y<<16)+(small?ScreenHeight<<15:0),65536,0,ac,s,p,small?(8|16):(2|orientation),x1,y1,x2,y2); if((*t >= '0' && *t <= '9')) x += 8; else x += tilesizx[ac];//(tilesizx[ac]>>small); if(t-oldt >= (signed)TEXTWRAPLEN-!small) oldt = t, x = oldx, y+=8; t++; } return (x); } inline int gametext(int x,int y,char *t,char s,short dabits) { return(gametext_(0,STARTALPHANUM, x,y,t,s,0,dabits,0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1)); } inline int gametextpal(int x,int y,char *t,char s,char p) { return(gametext_(0,STARTALPHANUM, x,y,t,s,p,26,0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1)); } inline int mpgametext(int y,char *t,char s,short dabits) { if(xdim >= 640 && ydim >= 480) return(gametext_(1,STARTALPHANUM, 5,y,t,s,0,dabits,0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1)); else return(gametext_(0,STARTALPHANUM, 5,y,t,s,0,dabits,0, 0, xdim-1, ydim-1)); } int minitext_(int x,int y,char *t,char s,char p,short sb) { short ac; char ch,cmode; cmode = (sb&256)!=0; sb &= 255; while(*t) { ch = Btoupper(*t); if(ch == 32) {x+=5;t++;continue;} else ac = ch - '!' + MINIFONT; if (cmode) rotatesprite(sbarx(x),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,ac,s,p,sb,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); else rotatesprite(x<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,ac,s,p,sb,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); x += 4; // tilesizx[ac]+1; t++; } return (x); } inline int minitextshade(int x,int y,char *t,char s,char p,short sb) { return (minitext_(x,y,(char *)strip_color_codes(t),s,p,sb)); } inline int minitext(int x,int y,char *t,char p,short sb) { return (minitext_(x,y,(char *)strip_color_codes(t),0,p,sb)); } void gamenumber(long x,long y,long n,char s) { char b[10]; //ltoa(n,b,10); Bsnprintf(b,10,"%ld",n); gametext(x,y,b,s,2+8+16); } char recbuf[180]; void allowtimetocorrecterrorswhenquitting(void) { long i, j, oldtotalclock; ready2send = 0; for(j=0;j<8;j++) { oldtotalclock = totalclock; while (totalclock < oldtotalclock+TICSPERFRAME) { handleevents(); getpackets(); } if(KB_KeyPressed(sc_Escape)) return; packbuf[0] = 127; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { if (i != myconnectindex) sendpacket(i,packbuf,1); if ((!networkmode) && (myconnectindex != connecthead)) break; //slaves in M/S mode only send to master } } } #define MAXUSERQUOTES 4 long quotebot, quotebotgoal; short user_quote_time[MAXUSERQUOTES]; char user_quote[MAXUSERQUOTES][178]; // char typebuflen,typebuf[41]; void adduserquote(char *daquote) { long i; for(i=MAXUSERQUOTES-1;i>0;i--) { Bstrcpy(user_quote[i],user_quote[i-1]); user_quote_time[i] = user_quote_time[i-1]; } Bstrcpy(user_quote[0],daquote); OSD_Printf("%s\n",strip_color_codes(daquote)); user_quote_time[0] = ud.msgdisptime; pub = NUMPAGES; } void getpackets(void) { long i, j, k, l; long other, packbufleng; input *osyn, *nsyn; sampletimer(); AudioUpdate(); if(ALT_IS_PRESSED && KB_KeyPressed(sc_Enter)) { if(setgamemode(!ScreenMode,ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight,ScreenBPP)) { OSD_Printf("Failed setting fullscreen video mode.\n"); if (setgamemode(ScreenMode, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, ScreenBPP)) gameexit("Failed to recover from failure to set fullscreen video mode.\n"); } else ScreenMode = !ScreenMode; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); restorepalette = 1; vscrn(); } // only dispatch commands here when not in a game if( !(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME) ) { OSD_DispatchQueued(); } if(qe == 0 && KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftControl) && KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftAlt) && KB_KeyPressed(sc_Delete)) { qe = 1; gameexit("Quick Exit."); } if (numplayers < 2) return; while ((packbufleng = getpacket(&other,packbuf)) > 0) { switch(packbuf[0]) { case 254: //slaves in M/S mode only send to master if (myconnectindex == connecthead) { //Master re-transmits message to all others for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != other) sendpacket(i,packbuf,packbufleng); } /* j = packbuf[1]; playerquitflag[j] = 0; j = -1; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { if (playerquitflag[i]) { j = i; continue; } if (i == connecthead) connecthead = connectpoint2[connecthead]; else connectpoint2[j] = connectpoint2[i]; numplayers--; ud.multimode--; Bsprintf(buf,"%s is history!",ud.user_name[i]); adduserquote(buf); if (numplayers < 2) sound(GENERIC_AMBIENCE17); if(i == 0 && networkmode == 0 ) */ gameexit( "Game aborted from menu; disconnected."); // } break; case 9: //slaves in M/S mode only send to master if (myconnectindex == connecthead) { //Master re-transmits message to all others for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != other) sendpacket(i,packbuf,packbufleng); } Bstrcpy(boardfilename,packbuf+1); boardfilename[packbufleng-1] = 0; if(boardfilename[0] != 0) { if ((i = kopen4load(boardfilename,0)) < 0) { Bmemset(boardfilename,0,sizeof(boardfilename)); sendboardname(); } else kclose(i); } if(ud.m_level_number == 7 && ud.m_volume_number == 0 && boardfilename[0] == 0) ud.m_level_number = 0; break; case 18: // map vote if (myconnectindex == connecthead) { //Master re-transmits message to all others for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != other) sendpacket(i,packbuf,packbufleng); } switch(packbuf[1]) { case 0: if(voting == myconnectindex && gotvote[packbuf[2]] == 0) { gotvote[packbuf[2]] = 1; votes[packbuf[2]] = packbuf[3]; Bsprintf(tempbuf,"GOT VOTE FROM %s",ud.user_name[packbuf[2]]); adduserquote(tempbuf); } break; case 1: // call map vote voting = packbuf[2]; Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s HAS CALLED A VOTE TO CHANGE MAP TO %s (E%dL%d)",ud.user_name[packbuf[2]],level_names[packbuf[3]*11 + packbuf[4]],packbuf[3]+1,packbuf[4]+1); adduserquote(tempbuf); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"PRESS F1 TO VOTE YES, F2 TO VOTE NO"); adduserquote(tempbuf); Bmemset(votes,0,sizeof(votes)); Bmemset(gotvote,0,sizeof(gotvote)); gotvote[voting] = votes[voting] = 1; break; case 2: // cancel map vote if(voting == packbuf[2]) { voting = -1; i = 0; for(j=0;j=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != other) sendpacket(i,packbuf,packbufleng); multiflag = 2; multiwhat = 0; multiwho = packbuf[2]; //other: need to send in m/s mode because of possible re-transmit multipos = packbuf[1]; loadplayer( multipos ); multiflag = 0; break; case 0: //[0] (receive master sync buffer) j = 1; if ((movefifoend[other]&(TIMERUPDATESIZ-1)) == 0) for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { if (playerquitflag[i] == 0) continue; if (i == myconnectindex) otherminlag = (long)((signed char)packbuf[j]); j++; } osyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifoend[connecthead]-1)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][0]; nsyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifoend[connecthead])&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][0]; k = j; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) j += playerquitflag[i]+playerquitflag[i]; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { if (playerquitflag[i] == 0) continue; l = packbuf[k++]; l += (long)(packbuf[k++]<<8); if (i == myconnectindex) { j += ((l&1)<<1)+(l&2)+((l&4)>>2)+((l&8)>>3)+((l&16)>>4)+((l&32)>>5)+((l&64)>>6)+((l&128)>>7)+((l&256)>>8)+((l&512)>>9)+((l&1024)>>10)+((l&2048)>>11); continue; } copybufbyte(&osyn[i],&nsyn[i],sizeof(input)); if (l&1) nsyn[i].fvel = packbuf[j]+((short)packbuf[j+1]<<8), j += 2; if (l&2) nsyn[i].svel = packbuf[j]+((short)packbuf[j+1]<<8), j += 2; if (l&4) nsyn[i].avel = (signed char)packbuf[j++]; if (l&8) nsyn[i].bits = ((nsyn[i].bits&0xffffff00)|((long)packbuf[j++])); if (l&16) nsyn[i].bits = ((nsyn[i].bits&0xffff00ff)|((long)packbuf[j++])<<8); if (l&32) nsyn[i].bits = ((nsyn[i].bits&0xff00ffff)|((long)packbuf[j++])<<16); if (l&64) nsyn[i].bits = ((nsyn[i].bits&0x00ffffff)|((long)packbuf[j++])<<24); if (l&128) nsyn[i].horz = (signed char)packbuf[j++]; if (l&256) nsyn[i].bits2 = ((nsyn[i].bits2&0xffffff00)|((long)packbuf[j++])); if (l&512) nsyn[i].bits2 = ((nsyn[i].bits2&0xffff00ff)|((long)packbuf[j++])<<8); if (l&1024) nsyn[i].bits2 = ((nsyn[i].bits2&0xff00ffff)|((long)packbuf[j++])<<16); if (l&2048) nsyn[i].bits2 = ((nsyn[i].bits2&0x00ffffff)|((long)packbuf[j++])<<24); if (nsyn[i].bits&(1<<26)) playerquitflag[i] = 0; movefifoend[i]++; } while (j != packbufleng) { for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if(i != myconnectindex) { syncval[i][syncvalhead[i]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = packbuf[j]; syncvalhead[i]++; } j++; } for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != myconnectindex) for(j=1;j=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != other) sendpacket(i,packbuf,packbufleng); } else if (((long)packbuf[1]) != myconnectindex) { //Master re-transmits message not intended for master sendpacket((long)packbuf[1],packbuf,packbufleng); break; } } Bstrcpy(recbuf,packbuf+2); recbuf[packbufleng-2] = 0; adduserquote(recbuf); sound(EXITMENUSOUND); pus = NUMPAGES; pub = NUMPAGES; break; case 5: //Slaves in M/S mode only send to master //Master re-transmits message to all others if ((!networkmode) && (myconnectindex == connecthead)) for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != other) sendpacket(i,packbuf,packbufleng); if(voting != -1) adduserquote("VOTE SUCCEEDED"); ud.m_level_number = ud.level_number = packbuf[1]; ud.m_volume_number = ud.volume_number = packbuf[2]; ud.m_player_skill = ud.player_skill = packbuf[3]; ud.m_monsters_off = ud.monsters_off = packbuf[4]; ud.m_respawn_monsters = ud.respawn_monsters = packbuf[5]; ud.m_respawn_items = ud.respawn_items = packbuf[6]; ud.m_respawn_inventory = ud.respawn_inventory = packbuf[7]; ud.m_coop = packbuf[8]; ud.m_marker = ud.marker = packbuf[9]; ud.m_ffire = ud.ffire = packbuf[10]; ud.m_noexits = ud.noexits = packbuf[11]; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { resetweapons(i); resetinventory(i); } newgame(ud.volume_number,ud.level_number,ud.player_skill); ud.coop = ud.m_coop; if (enterlevel(MODE_GAME)) backtomenu(); break; case 6: //slaves in M/S mode only send to master //Master re-transmits message to all others if ((!networkmode) && (myconnectindex == connecthead)) for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != other) sendpacket(i,packbuf,packbufleng); if (packbuf[2] != BYTEVERSION) gameexit("\nYou cannot play Duke with different versions."); other = packbuf[1]; for (i=3;packbuf[i];i++) ud.user_name[other][i-3] = packbuf[i]; ud.user_name[other][i-3] = 0; i++; j = i; //This used to be Duke packet #9... now concatenated with Duke packet #6 for (;i-j<10;i++) ud.wchoice[other][i-j] = packbuf[i]; ps[other].aim_mode = packbuf[i++]; ps[other].auto_aim = packbuf[i++]; ps[other].weaponswitch = packbuf[i++]; ps[other].palookup = ud.pcolor[other] = packbuf[i++]; if(sprite[ps[other].i].picnum == APLAYER) sprite[ps[other].i].pal = ud.pcolor[other]; break; case 7: //slaves in M/S mode only send to master //Master re-transmits message to all others if ((!networkmode) && (myconnectindex == connecthead)) for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != other) sendpacket(i,packbuf,packbufleng); if(numlumps == 0) break; if (SoundToggle == 0 || ud.lockout == 1 || FXDevice < 0 ) break; rtsptr = (char *)RTS_GetSound(packbuf[1]-1); if (*rtsptr == 'C') FX_PlayVOC3D(rtsptr,0,0,0,255,-packbuf[1]); else FX_PlayWAV3D(rtsptr,0,0,0,255,-packbuf[1]); rtsplaying = 7; break; case 16: movefifoend[other] = movefifoplc = movefifosendplc = fakemovefifoplc = 0; syncvalhead[other] = syncvaltottail = 0L; case 17: j = 1; if ((movefifoend[other]&(TIMERUPDATESIZ-1)) == 0) if (other == connecthead) for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { if (i == myconnectindex) otherminlag = (long)((signed char)packbuf[j]); j++; } osyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifoend[other]-1)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][0]; nsyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifoend[other])&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][0]; copybufbyte(&osyn[other],&nsyn[other],sizeof(input)); k = packbuf[j++]; k += (long)(packbuf[j++]<<8); if (k&1) nsyn[other].fvel = packbuf[j]+((short)packbuf[j+1]<<8), j += 2; if (k&2) nsyn[other].svel = packbuf[j]+((short)packbuf[j+1]<<8), j += 2; if (k&4) nsyn[other].avel = (signed char)packbuf[j++]; if (k&8) nsyn[other].bits = ((nsyn[other].bits&0xffffff00)|((long)packbuf[j++])); if (k&16) nsyn[other].bits = ((nsyn[other].bits&0xffff00ff)|((long)packbuf[j++])<<8); if (k&32) nsyn[other].bits = ((nsyn[other].bits&0xff00ffff)|((long)packbuf[j++])<<16); if (k&64) nsyn[other].bits = ((nsyn[other].bits&0x00ffffff)|((long)packbuf[j++])<<24); if (k&128) nsyn[other].horz = (signed char)packbuf[j++]; if (k&256) nsyn[other].bits2 = ((nsyn[other].bits2&0xffffff00)|((long)packbuf[j++])); if (k&512) nsyn[other].bits2 = ((nsyn[other].bits2&0xffff00ff)|((long)packbuf[j++])<<8); if (k&1024) nsyn[other].bits2 = ((nsyn[other].bits2&0xff00ffff)|((long)packbuf[j++])<<16); if (k&2048) nsyn[other].bits2 = ((nsyn[other].bits2&0x00ffffff)|((long)packbuf[j++])<<24); movefifoend[other]++; for(i=1;i packbufleng) initprintf("INVALID GAME PACKET!!! (%ld too many bytes)\n",j-packbufleng); while (j != packbufleng) { syncval[other][syncvalhead[other]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = packbuf[j++]; syncvalhead[other]++; } break; case 127: break; case 250: playerreadyflag[other]++; break; case 255: gameexit(" "); break; } } } extern void computergetinput(long snum, input *syn); void faketimerhandler() { long i, j, k; // short who; input *osyn, *nsyn; if(qe == 0 && KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftControl) && KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftAlt) && KB_KeyPressed(sc_Delete)) { qe = 1; gameexit("Quick Exit."); } sampletimer(); AudioUpdate(); if ((totalclock < ototalclock+TICSPERFRAME) || (ready2send == 0)) return; ototalclock += TICSPERFRAME; getpackets(); if (getoutputcirclesize() >= 16) return; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != myconnectindex) if (movefifoend[i] < movefifoend[myconnectindex]-200) return; getinput(myconnectindex); avgfvel += loc.fvel; avgsvel += loc.svel; avgavel += loc.avel; avghorz += loc.horz; avgbits |= loc.bits; avgbits2 |= loc.bits2; if (movefifoend[myconnectindex]&(movesperpacket-1)) { copybufbyte(&inputfifo[(movefifoend[myconnectindex]-1)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][myconnectindex], &inputfifo[movefifoend[myconnectindex]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][myconnectindex],sizeof(input)); movefifoend[myconnectindex]++; return; } nsyn = &inputfifo[movefifoend[myconnectindex]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][myconnectindex]; nsyn[0].fvel = avgfvel/movesperpacket; nsyn[0].svel = avgsvel/movesperpacket; nsyn[0].avel = avgavel/movesperpacket; nsyn[0].horz = avghorz/movesperpacket; nsyn[0].bits = avgbits; nsyn[0].bits2 = avgbits2; avgfvel = avgsvel = avgavel = avghorz = avgbits = avgbits2 = 0; movefifoend[myconnectindex]++; if (numplayers < 2) { if (ud.multimode > 1) for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if(i != myconnectindex) { //clearbufbyte(&inputfifo[movefifoend[i]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][i],sizeof(input),0L); if(ud.playerai) computergetinput(i,&inputfifo[movefifoend[i]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][i]); inputfifo[movefifoend[i]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][i].svel++; inputfifo[movefifoend[i]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][i].fvel++; movefifoend[i]++; } return; } for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != myconnectindex) { k = (movefifoend[myconnectindex]-1)-movefifoend[i]; myminlag[i] = min(myminlag[i],k); mymaxlag = max(mymaxlag,k); } if (((movefifoend[myconnectindex]-1)&(TIMERUPDATESIZ-1)) == 0) { i = mymaxlag-bufferjitter; mymaxlag = 0; if (i > 0) bufferjitter += ((3+i)>>2); else if (i < 0) bufferjitter -= ((1-i)>>2); } if (networkmode == 1) { packbuf[0] = 17; if ((movefifoend[myconnectindex]-1) == 0) packbuf[0] = 16; j = 1; //Fix timers and buffer/jitter value if (((movefifoend[myconnectindex]-1)&(TIMERUPDATESIZ-1)) == 0) { if (myconnectindex != connecthead) { i = myminlag[connecthead]-otherminlag; if (klabs(i) > 8) i >>= 1; else if (klabs(i) > 2) i = ksgn(i); else i = 0; totalclock -= TICSPERFRAME*i; myminlag[connecthead] -= i; otherminlag += i; } if (myconnectindex == connecthead) for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) packbuf[j++] = min(max(myminlag[i],-128),127); for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) myminlag[i] = 0x7fffffff; } osyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifoend[myconnectindex]-2)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][myconnectindex]; nsyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifoend[myconnectindex]-1)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][myconnectindex]; k = j; packbuf[j++] = 0; packbuf[j++] = 0; if (nsyn[0].fvel != osyn[0].fvel) { packbuf[j++] = (char)nsyn[0].fvel; packbuf[j++] = (char)(nsyn[0].fvel>>8); packbuf[k] |= 1; } if (nsyn[0].svel != osyn[0].svel) { packbuf[j++] = (char)nsyn[0].svel; packbuf[j++] = (char)(nsyn[0].svel>>8); packbuf[k] |= 2; } if (nsyn[0].avel != osyn[0].avel) { packbuf[j++] = (signed char)nsyn[0].avel; packbuf[k] |= 4; } if ((nsyn[0].bits^osyn[0].bits)&0x000000ff) packbuf[j++] = (nsyn[0].bits&255), packbuf[k] |= 8; if ((nsyn[0].bits^osyn[0].bits)&0x0000ff00) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[0].bits>>8)&255), packbuf[k] |= 16; if ((nsyn[0].bits^osyn[0].bits)&0x00ff0000) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[0].bits>>16)&255), packbuf[k] |= 32; if ((nsyn[0].bits^osyn[0].bits)&0xff000000) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[0].bits>>24)&255), packbuf[k] |= 64; if (nsyn[0].horz != osyn[0].horz) { packbuf[j++] = (char)nsyn[0].horz; packbuf[k] |= 128; } k++; packbuf[k] = 0; if ((nsyn[0].bits2^osyn[0].bits2)&0x000000ff) packbuf[j++] = (nsyn[0].bits2&255), packbuf[k] |= 1; if ((nsyn[0].bits2^osyn[0].bits2)&0x0000ff00) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[0].bits2>>8)&255), packbuf[k] |= 2; if ((nsyn[0].bits2^osyn[0].bits2)&0x00ff0000) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[0].bits2>>16)&255), packbuf[k] |= 4; if ((nsyn[0].bits2^osyn[0].bits2)&0xff000000) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[0].bits2>>24)&255), packbuf[k] |= 8; while (syncvalhead[myconnectindex] != syncvaltail) { packbuf[j++] = syncval[myconnectindex][syncvaltail&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)]; syncvaltail++; } for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != myconnectindex) sendpacket(i,packbuf,j); return; } if (myconnectindex != connecthead) //Slave { //Fix timers and buffer/jitter value if (((movefifoend[myconnectindex]-1)&(TIMERUPDATESIZ-1)) == 0) { i = myminlag[connecthead]-otherminlag; if (klabs(i) > 8) i >>= 1; else if (klabs(i) > 2) i = ksgn(i); else i = 0; totalclock -= TICSPERFRAME*i; myminlag[connecthead] -= i; otherminlag += i; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) myminlag[i] = 0x7fffffff; } packbuf[0] = 1; packbuf[1] = 0; packbuf[2] = 0; j = 3; osyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifoend[myconnectindex]-2)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][myconnectindex]; nsyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifoend[myconnectindex]-1)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][myconnectindex]; if (nsyn[0].fvel != osyn[0].fvel) { packbuf[j++] = (char)nsyn[0].fvel; packbuf[j++] = (char)(nsyn[0].fvel>>8); packbuf[1] |= 1; } if (nsyn[0].svel != osyn[0].svel) { packbuf[j++] = (char)nsyn[0].svel; packbuf[j++] = (char)(nsyn[0].svel>>8); packbuf[1] |= 2; } if (nsyn[0].avel != osyn[0].avel) { packbuf[j++] = (signed char)nsyn[0].avel; packbuf[1] |= 4; } if ((nsyn[0].bits^osyn[0].bits)&0x000000ff) packbuf[j++] = (nsyn[0].bits&255), packbuf[1] |= 8; if ((nsyn[0].bits^osyn[0].bits)&0x0000ff00) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[0].bits>>8)&255), packbuf[1] |= 16; if ((nsyn[0].bits^osyn[0].bits)&0x00ff0000) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[0].bits>>16)&255), packbuf[1] |= 32; if ((nsyn[0].bits^osyn[0].bits)&0xff000000) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[0].bits>>24)&255), packbuf[1] |= 64; if (nsyn[0].horz != osyn[0].horz) { packbuf[j++] = (char)nsyn[0].horz; packbuf[1] |= 128; } packbuf[2] = 0; if ((nsyn[0].bits2^osyn[0].bits2)&0x000000ff) packbuf[j++] = (nsyn[0].bits2&255), packbuf[2] |= 1; if ((nsyn[0].bits2^osyn[0].bits2)&0x0000ff00) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[0].bits2>>8)&255), packbuf[2] |= 2; if ((nsyn[0].bits2^osyn[0].bits2)&0x00ff0000) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[0].bits2>>16)&255), packbuf[2] |= 4; if ((nsyn[0].bits2^osyn[0].bits2)&0xff000000) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[0].bits2>>24)&255), packbuf[2] |= 8; while (syncvalhead[myconnectindex] != syncvaltail) { packbuf[j++] = syncval[myconnectindex][syncvaltail&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)]; syncvaltail++; } sendpacket(connecthead,packbuf,j); return; } //This allows allow packet resends for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (movefifoend[i] <= movefifosendplc) { packbuf[0] = 127; for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) sendpacket(i,packbuf,1); return; } while (1) //Master { for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (playerquitflag[i] && (movefifoend[i] <= movefifosendplc)) return; osyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifosendplc-1)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][0]; nsyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifosendplc )&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][0]; //MASTER -> SLAVE packet packbuf[0] = 0; j = 1; //Fix timers and buffer/jitter value if ((movefifosendplc&(TIMERUPDATESIZ-1)) == 0) { for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (playerquitflag[i]) packbuf[j++] = min(max(myminlag[i],-128),127); for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) myminlag[i] = 0x7fffffff; } k = j; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) j += playerquitflag[i] + playerquitflag[i]; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { if (playerquitflag[i] == 0) continue; packbuf[k] = 0; if (nsyn[i].fvel != osyn[i].fvel) { packbuf[j++] = (char)nsyn[i].fvel; packbuf[j++] = (char)(nsyn[i].fvel>>8); packbuf[k] |= 1; } if (nsyn[i].svel != osyn[i].svel) { packbuf[j++] = (char)nsyn[i].svel; packbuf[j++] = (char)(nsyn[i].svel>>8); packbuf[k] |= 2; } if (nsyn[i].avel != osyn[i].avel) { packbuf[j++] = (signed char)nsyn[i].avel; packbuf[k] |= 4; } if ((nsyn[i].bits^osyn[i].bits)&0x000000ff) packbuf[j++] = (nsyn[i].bits&255), packbuf[k] |= 8; if ((nsyn[i].bits^osyn[i].bits)&0x0000ff00) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[i].bits>>8)&255), packbuf[k] |= 16; if ((nsyn[i].bits^osyn[i].bits)&0x00ff0000) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[i].bits>>16)&255), packbuf[k] |= 32; if ((nsyn[i].bits^osyn[i].bits)&0xff000000) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[i].bits>>24)&255), packbuf[k] |= 64; if (nsyn[i].horz != osyn[i].horz) { packbuf[j++] = (char)nsyn[i].horz; packbuf[k] |= 128; } k++; packbuf[k] = 0; if ((nsyn[i].bits2^osyn[i].bits2)&0x000000ff) packbuf[j++] = (nsyn[i].bits2&255), packbuf[k] |= 1; if ((nsyn[i].bits2^osyn[i].bits2)&0x0000ff00) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[i].bits2>>8)&255), packbuf[k] |= 2; if ((nsyn[i].bits2^osyn[i].bits2)&0x00ff0000) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[i].bits2>>16)&255), packbuf[k] |= 4; if ((nsyn[i].bits2^osyn[i].bits2)&0xff000000) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[i].bits2>>24)&255), packbuf[k] |= 8; k++; } while (syncvalhead[myconnectindex] != syncvaltail) { packbuf[j++] = syncval[myconnectindex][syncvaltail&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)]; syncvaltail++; } for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (playerquitflag[i]) { sendpacket(i,packbuf,j); if (nsyn[i].bits&(1<<26)) playerquitflag[i] = 0; } movefifosendplc += movesperpacket; } } extern long cacnum; typedef struct { long *hand, leng; char *lock; } cactype; extern cactype cac[]; void caches(void) { short i,k; k = 0; for(i=0;i= 200) { Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Locked- %d: Leng:%ld, Lock:%d",i,cac[i].leng,*cac[i].lock); printext256(0L,k,31,-1,tempbuf,1); k += 6; } k += 6; for(i=1;i<11;i++) if (lumplockbyte[i] >= 200) { Bsprintf(tempbuf,"RTS Locked %d:",i); printext256(0L,k,31,-1,tempbuf,1); k += 6; } } void checksync(void) { long i; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (syncvalhead[i] == syncvaltottail) break; if (i < 0) { syncstat = 0; do { for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (syncval[i][syncvaltottail&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] != syncval[connecthead][syncvaltottail&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)]) syncstat = 1; syncvaltottail++; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (syncvalhead[i] == syncvaltottail) break; } while (i < 0); } if (connectpoint2[connecthead] < 0) syncstat = 0; if (syncstat) { printext256(4L,130L,31,0,"Out Of Sync - Please restart game",0); printext256(4L,138L,31,0,"RUN DN3DHELP.EXE for information.",0); } if (syncstate) { printext256(4L,160L,31,0,"Missed Network packet!",0); printext256(4L,138L,31,0,"RUN DN3DHELP.EXE for information.",0); } } void check_fta_sounds(short i) { if(sprite[i].extra > 0) switch(dynamictostatic[PN]) { case LIZTROOPONTOILET__STATIC: case LIZTROOPJUSTSIT__STATIC: case LIZTROOPSHOOT__STATIC: case LIZTROOPJETPACK__STATIC: case LIZTROOPDUCKING__STATIC: case LIZTROOPRUNNING__STATIC: case LIZTROOP__STATIC: spritesound(PRED_RECOG,i); break; case LIZMAN__STATIC: case LIZMANSPITTING__STATIC: case LIZMANFEEDING__STATIC: case LIZMANJUMP__STATIC: spritesound(CAPT_RECOG,i); break; case PIGCOP__STATIC: case PIGCOPDIVE__STATIC: spritesound(PIG_RECOG,i); break; case RECON__STATIC: spritesound(RECO_RECOG,i); break; case DRONE__STATIC: spritesound(DRON_RECOG,i); break; case COMMANDER__STATIC: case COMMANDERSTAYPUT__STATIC: spritesound(COMM_RECOG,i); break; case ORGANTIC__STATIC: spritesound(TURR_RECOG,i); break; case OCTABRAIN__STATIC: case OCTABRAINSTAYPUT__STATIC: spritesound(OCTA_RECOG,i); break; case BOSS1__STATIC: sound(BOS1_RECOG); break; case BOSS2__STATIC: if(sprite[i].pal == 1) sound(BOS2_RECOG); else sound(WHIPYOURASS); break; case BOSS3__STATIC: if(sprite[i].pal == 1) sound(BOS3_RECOG); else sound(RIPHEADNECK); break; case BOSS4__STATIC: case BOSS4STAYPUT__STATIC: if(sprite[i].pal == 1) sound(BOS4_RECOG); sound(BOSS4_FIRSTSEE); break; case GREENSLIME__STATIC: spritesound(SLIM_RECOG,i); break; } } inline short inventory(spritetype *s) { switch(dynamictostatic[s->picnum]) { case FIRSTAID__STATIC: case STEROIDS__STATIC: case HEATSENSOR__STATIC: case BOOTS__STATIC: case JETPACK__STATIC: case HOLODUKE__STATIC: case AIRTANK__STATIC: return 1; } return 0; } inline int checkspriteflags(short sActor, int iType) { int i; i = spriteflags[sprite[sActor].picnum]; i ^= actorspriteflags[sActor]; if(i & iType) return 1; else return 0; } inline int checkspriteflagsp(short sPicnum, int iType) { if(spriteflags[sPicnum] & iType) return 1; else return 0; } inline short badguypic(short pn) { //this case can't be handled by the dynamictostatic system because it adds //stuff to the value from names.h so handling separately if ((pn >= GREENSLIME) && (pn <= GREENSLIME+7)) return 1; if(checkspriteflagsp(pn,SPRITE_FLAG_BADGUY)) return 1; if( actortype[pn] ) return 1; switch(dynamictostatic[pn]) { case SHARK__STATIC: case RECON__STATIC: case DRONE__STATIC: case LIZTROOPONTOILET__STATIC: case LIZTROOPJUSTSIT__STATIC: case LIZTROOPSTAYPUT__STATIC: case LIZTROOPSHOOT__STATIC: case LIZTROOPJETPACK__STATIC: case LIZTROOPDUCKING__STATIC: case LIZTROOPRUNNING__STATIC: case LIZTROOP__STATIC: case OCTABRAIN__STATIC: case COMMANDER__STATIC: case COMMANDERSTAYPUT__STATIC: case PIGCOP__STATIC: case EGG__STATIC: case PIGCOPSTAYPUT__STATIC: case PIGCOPDIVE__STATIC: case LIZMAN__STATIC: case LIZMANSPITTING__STATIC: case LIZMANFEEDING__STATIC: case LIZMANJUMP__STATIC: case ORGANTIC__STATIC: case BOSS1__STATIC: case BOSS2__STATIC: case BOSS3__STATIC: case BOSS4__STATIC: //case GREENSLIME: //case GREENSLIME+1: //case GREENSLIME+2: //case GREENSLIME+3: //case GREENSLIME+4: //case GREENSLIME+5: //case GREENSLIME+6: //case GREENSLIME+7: case RAT__STATIC: case ROTATEGUN__STATIC: return 1; } return 0; } inline short badguy(spritetype *s) { return(badguypic(s->picnum)); } void myos(long x, long y, short tilenum, signed char shade, char orientation) { char p; short a; if(orientation&4) a = 1024; else a = 0; p = sector[ps[screenpeek].cursectnum].floorpal; rotatesprite(x<<16,y<<16,65536L,a,tilenum,shade,p,2|orientation,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); } void myospal(long x, long y, short tilenum, signed char shade, char orientation, char p) { short a; if(orientation&4) a = 1024; else a = 0; rotatesprite(x<<16,y<<16,65536L,a,tilenum,shade,p,2|orientation,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); } void myosx(long x, long y, short tilenum, signed char shade, char orientation) { char p; short a; if(orientation&4) a = 1024; else a = 0; p = sector[ps[screenpeek].cursectnum].floorpal; rotatesprite(x<<16,y<<16,32768L,a,tilenum,shade,p,2|orientation,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); } void myospalx(long x, long y, short tilenum, signed char shade, char orientation, char p) { short a; if(orientation&4) a = 1024; else a = 0; rotatesprite(x<<16,y<<16,32768L,a,tilenum,shade,p,2|orientation,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); } void invennum(long x,long y,char num1,char ha,char sbits) { char dabuf[80] = {0}; Bsprintf(dabuf,"%d",num1); if(num1 > 99) { rotatesprite(sbarx(x-4),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,sbits,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(sbarx(x),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[1]-'0',ha,0,sbits,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(sbarx(x+4),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[2]-'0',ha,0,sbits,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else if(num1 > 9) { rotatesprite(sbarx(x),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,sbits,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(sbarx(x+4),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[1]-'0',ha,0,sbits,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else rotatesprite(sbarx(x+4),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,sbits,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } void orderweaponnum(short ind,long x,long y,char ha) { rotatesprite(sbarx(x-7),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+ind+1,ha-10,7,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(sbarx(x-3),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+10,ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); minitextshade(x+1,y-4,"ORDER",26,6,2+8+16); } void weaponnum(short ind,long x,long y,long num1, long num2,char ha) { char dabuf[80] = {0}; rotatesprite(sbarx(x-7),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+ind+1,ha-10,7,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(sbarx(x-3),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+10,ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(sbarx(x+9),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+11,ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if(num1 > 99) num1 = 99; if(num2 > 99) num2 = 99; Bsprintf(dabuf,"%ld",num1); if(num1 > 9) { rotatesprite(sbarx(x),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(sbarx(x+4),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[1]-'0',ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else rotatesprite(sbarx(x+4),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); Bsprintf(dabuf,"%ld",num2); if(num2 > 9) { rotatesprite(sbarx(x+13),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(sbarx(x+17),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[1]-'0',ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else rotatesprite(sbarx(x+13),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } void weaponnum999(char ind,long x,long y,long num1, long num2,char ha) { char dabuf[80] = {0}; rotatesprite(sbarx(x-7),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+ind+1,ha-10,7,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(sbarx(x-4),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+10,ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(sbarx(x+13),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+11,ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); Bsprintf(dabuf,"%ld",num1); if(num1 > 99) { rotatesprite(sbarx(x),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(sbarx(x+4),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[1]-'0',ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(sbarx(x+8),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[2]-'0',ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else if(num1 > 9) { rotatesprite(sbarx(x+4),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(sbarx(x+8),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[1]-'0',ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else rotatesprite(sbarx(x+8),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); Bsprintf(dabuf,"%ld",num2); if(num2 > 99) { rotatesprite(sbarx(x+17),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(sbarx(x+21),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[1]-'0',ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(sbarx(x+25),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[2]-'0',ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else if(num2 > 9) { rotatesprite(sbarx(x+17),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(sbarx(x+21),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[1]-'0',ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else rotatesprite(sbarx(x+25),sbary(y),sbarsc(65536L),0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } void weapon_amounts(struct player_struct *p,long x,long y,long u) { int cw; cw = p->curr_weapon; if (u&4) { if (u != -1) patchstatusbar(88,178,88+37,178+6); //original code: (96,178,96+12,178+6); weaponnum999(PISTOL_WEAPON,x,y, p->ammo_amount[PISTOL_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[PISTOL_WEAPON], 12-20*(cw == PISTOL_WEAPON) ); } if (u&8) { if (u != -1) patchstatusbar(88,184,88+37,184+6); //original code: (96,184,96+12,184+6); weaponnum999(SHOTGUN_WEAPON,x,y+6, p->ammo_amount[SHOTGUN_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[SHOTGUN_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[SHOTGUN_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == SHOTGUN_WEAPON) ); } if (u&16) { if (u != -1) patchstatusbar(88,190,88+37,190+6); //original code: (96,190,96+12,190+6); weaponnum999(CHAINGUN_WEAPON,x,y+12, p->ammo_amount[CHAINGUN_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[CHAINGUN_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[CHAINGUN_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == CHAINGUN_WEAPON) ); } if (u&32) { if (u != -1) patchstatusbar(127,178,127+29,178+6); //original code: (135,178,135+8,178+6); weaponnum(RPG_WEAPON,x+39,y, p->ammo_amount[RPG_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[RPG_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[RPG_WEAPON]*9)+12-19* (cw == RPG_WEAPON) ); } if (u&64) { if (u != -1) patchstatusbar(127,184,127+29,184+6); //original code: (135,184,135+8,184+6); weaponnum(HANDBOMB_WEAPON,x+39,y+6, p->ammo_amount[HANDBOMB_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[HANDBOMB_WEAPON], (((!p->ammo_amount[HANDBOMB_WEAPON])|(!p->gotweapon[HANDBOMB_WEAPON]))*9)+12-19* ((cw == HANDBOMB_WEAPON) || (cw == HANDREMOTE_WEAPON))); } if (u&128) { if (u != -1) patchstatusbar(127,190,127+29,190+6); //original code: (135,190,135+8,190+6); if (VOLUMEONE) { orderweaponnum(SHRINKER_WEAPON,x+39,y+12, (!p->gotweapon[SHRINKER_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == SHRINKER_WEAPON) ); } else { if(p->subweapon&(1<ammo_amount[GROW_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[GROW_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[GROW_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == GROW_WEAPON) ); else weaponnum(SHRINKER_WEAPON,x+39,y+12, p->ammo_amount[SHRINKER_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[SHRINKER_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[SHRINKER_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == SHRINKER_WEAPON) ); } } if (u&256) { if (u != -1) patchstatusbar(158,178,162+29,178+6); //original code: (166,178,166+8,178+6); if (VOLUMEONE) { orderweaponnum(DEVISTATOR_WEAPON,x+70,y, (!p->gotweapon[DEVISTATOR_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == DEVISTATOR_WEAPON) ); } else { weaponnum(DEVISTATOR_WEAPON,x+70,y, p->ammo_amount[DEVISTATOR_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[DEVISTATOR_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[DEVISTATOR_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == DEVISTATOR_WEAPON) ); } } if (u&512) { if (u != -1) patchstatusbar(158,184,162+29,184+6); //original code: (166,184,166+8,184+6); if (VOLUMEONE) { orderweaponnum(TRIPBOMB_WEAPON,x+70,y+6, (!p->gotweapon[TRIPBOMB_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == TRIPBOMB_WEAPON) ); } else { weaponnum(TRIPBOMB_WEAPON,x+70,y+6, p->ammo_amount[TRIPBOMB_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[TRIPBOMB_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[TRIPBOMB_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == TRIPBOMB_WEAPON) ); } } if (u&65536L) { if (u != -1) patchstatusbar(158,190,162+29,190+6); //original code: (166,190,166+8,190+6); if (VOLUMEONE) { orderweaponnum(-1,x+70,y+12, (!p->gotweapon[FREEZE_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == FREEZE_WEAPON) ); } else { weaponnum(-1,x+70,y+12, p->ammo_amount[FREEZE_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[FREEZE_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[FREEZE_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == FREEZE_WEAPON) ); } } } void digitalnumber(long x,long y,long n,char s,char cs) { short i, j, k, p, c; char b[10]; //ltoa(n,b,10); Bsnprintf(b,10,"%ld",n); i = Bstrlen(b); j = 0; for(k=0;k>1); j = 0; for(k=0;k>1); j = 0; for(k=0;k= 0;i--) { overwritesprite(x-2,y,SCRATCH+4,s,0,0); x += tilesizx[SCRATCH+4]-1; } ni = n%5; if(ni) overwritesprite(x,y,SCRATCH+ni-1,s,p,0); } */ void displayinventory(struct player_struct *p) { short n, j, xoff, y; j = xoff = 0; n = (p->jetpack_amount > 0)<<3; if(n&8) j++; n |= ( p->scuba_amount > 0 )<<5; if(n&32) j++; n |= (p->steroids_amount > 0)<<1; if(n&2) j++; n |= ( p->holoduke_amount > 0)<<2; if(n&4) j++; n |= (p->firstaid_amount > 0); if(n&1) j++; n |= (p->heat_amount > 0)<<4; if(n&16) j++; n |= (p->boot_amount > 0)<<6; if(n&64) j++; xoff = 160-(j*11); j = 0; if(ud.screen_size > 4) y = 154; else y = (ud.drawweapon == 2?150:172); if(ud.screen_size == 4 && ud.drawweapon != 2) { if(ud.multimode > 1) xoff += 56; else xoff += 65; } while( j <= 9 ) { if( n&(1<inven_icon == j+1) rotatesprite((xoff-2)<<16,(y+19)<<16,65536L,1024,ARROW,-32,0,2+16,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); } j++; } } void displayfragbar(void) { short i, j; j = 0; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if(i > j) j = i; rotatesprite(0,0,65600L,0,FRAGBAR,0,0,2+8+16+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if(j >= 4) rotatesprite(319,(8)<<16,65600L,0,FRAGBAR,0,0,10+16+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if(j >= 8) rotatesprite(319,(16)<<16,65600L,0,FRAGBAR,0,0,10+16+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if(j >= 12) rotatesprite(319,(24)<<16,65600L,0,FRAGBAR,0,0,10+16+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { minitext(21+(73*(i&3)),2+((i&28)<<1),&ud.user_name[i][0],/*sprite[ps[i].i].pal*/ps[i].palookup,2+8+16); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%d",ps[i].frag-ps[i].fraggedself); minitext(17+50+(73*(i&3)),2+((i&28)<<1),tempbuf,/*sprite[ps[i].i].pal*/ps[i].palookup,2+8+16); } } void coolgaugetext(short snum) { struct player_struct *p; long i, j, o, ss, u; char permbit; p = &ps[snum]; if (p->invdisptime > 0) displayinventory(p); if(ps[snum].gm&MODE_MENU) if( (current_menu >= 400 && current_menu <= 405) ) return; ss = ud.screen_size; if (ss < 4) return; if (getrendermode() >= 3) pus = NUMPAGES; // JBF 20040101: always redraw in GL if ( ud.multimode > 1 && (gametype_flags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_FRAGBAR)) { if (pus) { displayfragbar(); } else { for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (ps[i].frag != sbar.frag[i]) { displayfragbar(); break; } } for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != myconnectindex) sbar.frag[i] = ps[i].frag; } if (ss == 4) //DRAW MINI STATUS BAR: { rotatesprite(sbarx(5),sbary(200-28),sbarsc(65536L),0,HEALTHBOX,0,21,10+16,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if (p->inven_icon) rotatesprite(sbarx(69),sbary(200-30),sbarsc(65536L),0,INVENTORYBOX,0,21,10+16,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if(sprite[p->i].pal == 1 && p->last_extra < 2) digitalnumber(20,200-17,1,-16,10+16); else digitalnumber(20,200-17,p->last_extra,-16,10+16); rotatesprite(sbarx(37),sbary(200-28),sbarsc(65536L),0,AMMOBOX,0,21,10+16,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if (p->curr_weapon == HANDREMOTE_WEAPON) i = HANDBOMB_WEAPON; else i = p->curr_weapon; digitalnumber(53,200-17,p->ammo_amount[i],-16,10+16); o = 158; permbit = 0; if (p->inven_icon) { switch(p->inven_icon) { case 1: i = FIRSTAID_ICON; break; case 2: i = STEROIDS_ICON; break; case 3: i = HOLODUKE_ICON; break; case 4: i = JETPACK_ICON; break; case 5: i = HEAT_ICON; break; case 6: i = AIRTANK_ICON; break; case 7: i = BOOT_ICON; break; default: i = -1; } if (i >= 0) rotatesprite(sbarx(231-o),sbary(200-21),sbarsc(65536L),0,i,0,0,10+16+permbit,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); minitext(292-30-o,190,"%",6,10+16+permbit + 256); j = 0x80000000; switch(p->inven_icon) { case 1: i = p->firstaid_amount; break; case 2: i = ((p->steroids_amount+3)>>2); break; case 3: i = ((p->holoduke_amount+15)/24); j = p->holoduke_on; break; case 4: i = ((p->jetpack_amount+15)>>4); j = p->jetpack_on; break; case 5: i = p->heat_amount/12; j = p->heat_on; break; case 6: i = ((p->scuba_amount+63)>>6); break; case 7: i = (p->boot_amount>>1); break; } invennum(284-30-o,200-6,(char)i,0,10+permbit); if (j > 0) minitext(288-30-o,180,"ON",0,10+16+permbit + 256); else if ((unsigned long)j != 0x80000000) minitext(284-30-o,180,"OFF",2,10+16+permbit + 256); if (p->inven_icon >= 6) minitext(284-35-o,180,"AUTO",2,10+16+permbit + 256); } return; } //DRAW/UPDATE FULL STATUS BAR: if (pus) { pus = 0; u = -1; } else u = 0; if (sbar.frag[myconnectindex] != p->frag) { sbar.frag[myconnectindex] = p->frag; u |= 32768; } if (sbar.got_access != p->got_access) { sbar.got_access = p->got_access; u |= 16384; } if (sbar.last_extra != p->last_extra) { sbar.last_extra = p->last_extra; u |= 1; } { long lAmount=GetGameVar("PLR_MORALE",-1, p->i, snum); if(lAmount == -1) { if (sbar.shield_amount != p->shield_amount) { sbar.shield_amount = p->shield_amount; u |= 2; } } else { if (sbar.shield_amount != lAmount) { sbar.shield_amount = lAmount; u |= 2; } } } if (sbar.curr_weapon != p->curr_weapon) { sbar.curr_weapon = p->curr_weapon; u |= (4+8+16+32+64+128+256+512+1024+65536L); } for(i=1;iammo_amount[i]) { sbar.ammo_amount[i] = p->ammo_amount[i]; if(i < 9) u |= ((2<gotweapon[i]) { sbar.gotweapon[i] = p->gotweapon[i]; if(i < 9 ) u |= ((2<inven_icon) { sbar.inven_icon = p->inven_icon; u |= (2048+4096+8192); } if (sbar.holoduke_on != p->holoduke_on) { sbar.holoduke_on = p->holoduke_on; u |= (4096+8192); } if (sbar.jetpack_on != p->jetpack_on) { sbar.jetpack_on = p->jetpack_on; u |= (4096+8192); } if (sbar.heat_on != p->heat_on) { sbar.heat_on = p->heat_on; u |= (4096+8192); } if (sbar.firstaid_amount != p->firstaid_amount) { sbar.firstaid_amount = p->firstaid_amount; u |= 8192; } if (sbar.steroids_amount != p->steroids_amount) { sbar.steroids_amount = p->steroids_amount; u |= 8192; } if (sbar.holoduke_amount != p->holoduke_amount) { sbar.holoduke_amount = p->holoduke_amount; u |= 8192; } if (sbar.jetpack_amount != p->jetpack_amount) { sbar.jetpack_amount = p->jetpack_amount; u |= 8192; } if (sbar.heat_amount != p->heat_amount) { sbar.heat_amount = p->heat_amount; u |= 8192; } if (sbar.scuba_amount != p->scuba_amount) { sbar.scuba_amount = p->scuba_amount; u |= 8192; } if (sbar.boot_amount != p->boot_amount) { sbar.boot_amount = p->boot_amount; u |= 8192; } if (u == 0) return; //0 - update health //1 - update armor //2 - update PISTOL_WEAPON ammo //3 - update SHOTGUN_WEAPON ammo //4 - update CHAINGUN_WEAPON ammo //5 - update RPG_WEAPON ammo //6 - update HANDBOMB_WEAPON ammo //7 - update SHRINKER_WEAPON ammo //8 - update DEVISTATOR_WEAPON ammo //9 - update TRIPBOMB_WEAPON ammo //10 - update ammo display //11 - update inventory icon //12 - update inventory on/off //13 - update inventory % //14 - update keys //15 - update kills //16 - update FREEZE_WEAPON ammo if (u == -1) { patchstatusbar(0,0,320,200); if (ud.multimode > 1 && (gametype_flags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_FRAGBAR)) rotatesprite(sbarx(277+1),sbary(200-27-1),sbarsc(65536L),0,KILLSICON,0,0,10+16,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } if (ud.multimode > 1 && (gametype_flags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_FRAGBAR)) { if (u&32768) { if (u != -1) patchstatusbar(276,183,299,193); digitalnumber(287,200-17,max(p->frag-p->fraggedself,0),-16,10+16); } } else { if (u&16384) { if (u != -1) patchstatusbar(275,182,299,194); if (p->got_access&4) rotatesprite(sbarx(275),sbary(182),sbarsc(65536L),0,ACCESS_ICON,0,23,10+16,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if (p->got_access&2) rotatesprite(sbarx(288),sbary(182),sbarsc(65536L),0,ACCESS_ICON,0,21,10+16,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if (p->got_access&1) rotatesprite(sbarx(281),sbary(189),sbarsc(65536L),0,ACCESS_ICON,0,0,10+16,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } } if (u&(4+8+16+32+64+128+256+512+65536L)) weapon_amounts(p,96,182,u); if (u&1) { if (u != -1) patchstatusbar(20,183,43,194); //Original code:(20,183,43,193); if (sprite[p->i].pal == 1 && p->last_extra < 2) digitalnumber(32,200-17,1,-16,10+16); else digitalnumber(32,200-17,p->last_extra,-16,10+16); } if (u&2) { long lAmount=GetGameVar("PLR_MORALE",-1, p->i, snum); if (u != -1) patchstatusbar(52,183,75,193); if(lAmount == -1) { digitalnumber(64,200-17,p->shield_amount,-16,10+16); } else { digitalnumber(64,200-17,lAmount,-16,10+16); } } if (u&1024) { if (u != -1) patchstatusbar(196,183,219,194); //Original code:(196,183,219,193); if (p->curr_weapon != KNEE_WEAPON) { if (p->curr_weapon == HANDREMOTE_WEAPON) i = HANDBOMB_WEAPON; else i = p->curr_weapon; digitalnumber(230-22,200-17,p->ammo_amount[i],-16,10+16); } } if (u&(2048+4096+8192)) { if (u != -1) { if (u&(2048+4096)) { patchstatusbar(231,179,265,197); } else { patchstatusbar(250,190,261,196); } //Original code:(250,190,261,195); } if (p->inven_icon) { o = 0; permbit = 0; if (u&(2048+4096)) { switch(p->inven_icon) { case 1: i = FIRSTAID_ICON; break; case 2: i = STEROIDS_ICON; break; case 3: i = HOLODUKE_ICON; break; case 4: i = JETPACK_ICON; break; case 5: i = HEAT_ICON; break; case 6: i = AIRTANK_ICON; break; case 7: i = BOOT_ICON; break; } rotatesprite(sbarx(231-o),sbary(200-21),sbarsc(65536L),0,i,0,0,10+16+permbit,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); minitext(292-30-o,190,"%",6,10+16+permbit + 256); if (p->inven_icon >= 6) minitext(284-35-o,180,"AUTO",2,10+16+permbit + 256); } if (u&(2048+4096)) { switch(p->inven_icon) { case 3: j = p->holoduke_on; break; case 4: j = p->jetpack_on; break; case 5: j = p->heat_on; break; default: j = 0x80000000; } if (j > 0) minitext(288-30-o,180,"ON",0,10+16+permbit + 256); else if ((unsigned long)j != 0x80000000) minitext(284-30-o,180,"OFF",2,10+16+permbit + 256); } if (u&8192) { switch(p->inven_icon) { case 1: i = p->firstaid_amount; break; case 2: i = ((p->steroids_amount+3)>>2); break; case 3: i = ((p->holoduke_amount+15)/24); break; case 4: i = ((p->jetpack_amount+15)>>4); break; case 5: i = p->heat_amount/12; break; case 6: i = ((p->scuba_amount+63)>>6); break; case 7: i = (p->boot_amount>>1); break; } invennum(284-30-o,200-6,(char)i,0,10+permbit); } } } } #define AVERAGEFRAMES 16 static long frameval[AVERAGEFRAMES], framecnt = 0; void tics(void) { long i,j; char b[10]; i = totalclock; if (i != frameval[framecnt]) { j=(TICRATE*AVERAGEFRAMES)/(i-frameval[framecnt]); if (ud.tickrate && !(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU)) { Bsprintf(b,"%ld",j>0?j:0); minitext(320-strlen(b)*4,ud.screen_size!=0?(ud.multimode>1&&ud.multimode<5?9:(ud.multimode>4?17:1)):1,b,(TICRATE*AVERAGEFRAMES)/(i-frameval[framecnt]) < 40?2:0,26); } framerate = j; frameval[framecnt] = i; } framecnt = ((framecnt+1)&(AVERAGEFRAMES-1)); } void coords(short snum) { short y = 8; if((gametype_flags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_FRAGBAR)) { if(ud.multimode > 1 && ud.multimode < 5) y = 16; else if(ud.multimode > 4) y = 24; } sprintf(tempbuf,"X= %ld",ps[snum].posx); printext256(250L,y,31,-1,tempbuf,0); sprintf(tempbuf,"Y= %ld",ps[snum].posy); printext256(250L,y+9L,31,-1,tempbuf,0); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Z= %ld",ps[snum].posz); printext256(250L,y+18L,31,-1,tempbuf,0); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"A= %d",ps[snum].ang); printext256(250L,y+27L,31,-1,tempbuf,0); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"ZV= %ld",ps[snum].poszv); printext256(250L,y+36L,31,-1,tempbuf,0); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"OG= %d",ps[snum].on_ground); printext256(250L,y+45L,31,-1,tempbuf,0); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"AM= %d",ps[snum].ammo_amount[GROW_WEAPON]); printext256(250L,y+54L,31,-1,tempbuf,0); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"LFW= %d",ps[snum].last_full_weapon); printext256(250L,y+63L,31,-1,tempbuf,0); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"SECTL= %d",sector[ps[snum].cursectnum].lotag); printext256(250L,y+72L,31,-1,tempbuf,0); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"SEED= %ld",randomseed); printext256(250L,y+81L,31,-1,tempbuf,0); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"THOLD= %d",ps[snum].transporter_hold); printext256(250L,y+90L+7,31,-1,tempbuf,0); } void operatefta(void) { long i, j, k, l; if(ud.screen_size > 0) j = 200-45; else j = 200-8; quotebot = min(quotebot,j); quotebotgoal = min(quotebotgoal,j); if(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_TYPE) j -= 8; quotebotgoal = j; j = quotebot; for(i=0;i TEXTWRAPLEN) { l -= TEXTWRAPLEN; j -= 8; } if (k > 4) mpgametext(j,user_quote[i],0,2+8+16); else if (k > 2) mpgametext(j,user_quote[i],0,2+8+16+1); else mpgametext(j,user_quote[i],0,2+8+16+1+32); j -= 8; } if ((klabs(quotebotgoal-quotebot) <= 16) && (ud.screen_size <= 8)) quotebot += ksgn(quotebotgoal-quotebot); else quotebot = quotebotgoal; if (ps[screenpeek].fta <= 1) return; if ((gametype_flags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_FRAGBAR) && ud.screen_size > 0 && ud.multimode > 1) { j = 0; k = 8; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i > j) j = i; if (j >= 4 && j <= 8) k += 8; else if (j > 8 && j <= 12) k += 16; else if (j > 12) k += 24; } else k = 0; if (ps[screenpeek].ftq == 115 || ps[screenpeek].ftq == 116 || ps[screenpeek].ftq == 117) { k = quotebot-8; /* for(i=0;i TEXTWRAPLEN) { l -= TEXTWRAPLEN; k -= 8; } } */ k -= 4; } if(fta_quotes[ps[screenpeek].ftq] == NULL) { OSD_Printf("%s %d null quote %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,ps[screenpeek].ftq); return; } j = ps[screenpeek].fta; if (j > 4) gametext(320>>1,k,fta_quotes[ps[screenpeek].ftq],0,2+8+16); else if (j > 2) gametext(320>>1,k,fta_quotes[ps[screenpeek].ftq],0,2+8+16+1); else gametext(320>>1,k,fta_quotes[ps[screenpeek].ftq],0,2+8+16+1+32); } void FTA(short q,struct player_struct *p) { if(fta_quotes[p->ftq] != NULL) { if( ud.fta_on == 1) { if( p->fta > 0 && q != 115 && q != 116 ) if( p->ftq == 115 || p->ftq == 116 ) return; p->fta = 100; if( p->ftq != q || q == 26 ) // || q == 26 || q == 115 || q ==116 || q == 117 || q == 122 ) { p->ftq = q; pub = NUMPAGES; pus = NUMPAGES; if (p == &ps[screenpeek]) OSD_Printf("%s\n",strip_color_codes(fta_quotes[q])); } } } else OSD_Printf("%s %d null quote %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,p->ftq); } void showtwoscreens(void) { if (!VOLUMEALL) { setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); flushperms(); //ps[myconnectindex].palette = palette; setgamepalette(&ps[myconnectindex], palette, 1); // JBF 20040308 fadepal(0,0,0, 0,64,7); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,3291,0,0,2+8+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); IFISSOFTMODE fadepal(0,0,0, 63,0,-7); else nextpage(); while( !KB_KeyWaiting() ) { handleevents(); getpackets(); } fadepal(0,0,0, 0,64,7); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,3290,0,0,2+8+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); IFISSOFTMODE fadepal(0,0,0, 63,0,-7); else nextpage(); while( !KB_KeyWaiting() ) { handleevents(); getpackets(); } } } /* void binscreen(void) { long fil; #ifdef VOLUMEONE fil = kopen4load("dukesw.bin",1); #else fil = kopen4load("duke3d.bin",1); #endif if(fil == -1) return; kread(fil,(char *)0xb8000,4000); kclose(fil); } */ extern long qsetmode; void gameexit(char *t) { if(*t != 0) ps[myconnectindex].palette = (char *) &palette[0]; if(numplayers > 1) { allowtimetocorrecterrorswhenquitting(); uninitmultiplayers(); } if(ud.recstat == 1) closedemowrite(); else if(ud.recstat == 2) { if (frecfilep) fclose(frecfilep); } // JBF: fixes crash on demo playback if(!qe && !cp) { if(playerswhenstarted > 1 && ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME && (gametype_flags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_SCORESHEET) && *t == ' ') { dobonus(1); setgamemode(ScreenMode,ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight,ScreenBPP); } if( *t != 0 && *(t+1) != 'V' && *(t+1) != 'Y') showtwoscreens(); } if (qsetmode == 200) Shutdown(); if(*t != 0) { //setvmode(0x3); // JBF //binscreen(); // if(*t == ' ' && *(t+1) == 0) *t = 0; //printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); if (!(t[0] == ' ' && t[1] == 0)) { wm_msgbox(HEAD2, t); } } uninitgroupfile(); //unlink("duke3d.tmp"); exit(0); } char inputloc = 0; short strget_(int small,short x,short y,char *t,short dalen,short c) { short ch; int i; while((ch = KB_Getch()) != 0) { if(ch == asc_BackSpace) { if( inputloc > 0 ) { inputloc--; *(t+inputloc) = 0; } } else { if(ch == asc_Enter) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_Enter); return (1); } else if(ch == asc_Escape) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Escape); return (-1); } else if ( ch >= 32 && inputloc < dalen && ch < 127) { ch = Btoupper(ch); if (c != 997 || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) { // JBF 20040508: so we can have numeric only if we want *(t+inputloc) = ch; *(t+inputloc+1) = 0; inputloc++; } } } } if( c == 999 ) return(0); if( c == 998 ) { char b[91],ii; for(ii=0;ii>11); i = Bstrlen(t); while(i > TEXTWRAPLEN-!small) { i -= TEXTWRAPLEN-!small; y += 8; } rotatesprite((x+(small?4:8))<<16,((y+(small?0:4))<<16)+(small?ScreenHeight<<15:0),32768,0,SPINNINGNUKEICON+((totalclock>>3)%7),c,0,small?(8|16):2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); return (0); } inline short strget(short x,short y,char *t,short dalen,short c) { return(strget_(0,x,y,t,dalen,c)); } inline short strgetsm(short x,short y,char *t,short dalen,short c) { return(strget_(1,x,y,t,dalen,c)); } inline short mpstrget(short x,short y,char *t,short dalen,short c) { if(xdim >= 640 && ydim >= 480) return(strgetsm(x,y,t,dalen,c)); else return(strget(x,y,t,dalen,c)); } void typemode(void) { short ch, hitstate, i, j, l; if( ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_SENDTOWHOM ) { if(sendmessagecommand != -1 || ud.multimode < 3 || movesperpacket == 4) { tempbuf[0] = 4; tempbuf[2] = 0; recbuf[0] = 0; if(ud.multimode < 3) sendmessagecommand = 2; if(typebuf[0] == '/' && Btoupper(typebuf[1]) == 'M' && Btoupper(typebuf[2]) == 'E') { Bstrcat(recbuf,"* "); i = 3, j = Bstrlen(typebuf); Bstrcpy(tempbuf,typebuf); while(i < j) { typebuf[i-3] = tempbuf[i]; i++; } typebuf[i-3] = '\0'; Bstrcat(recbuf,ud.user_name[myconnectindex]); } else { Bstrcat(recbuf,ud.user_name[myconnectindex]); Bstrcat(recbuf,": "); } Bstrcat(recbuf,"^0"); Bstrcat(recbuf,typebuf); j = Bstrlen(recbuf); recbuf[j] = 0; Bstrcat(tempbuf+2,recbuf); if(sendmessagecommand >= ud.multimode || movesperpacket == 4) { tempbuf[1] = 255; for(ch=connecthead;ch >= 0;ch=connectpoint2[ch]) { if (ch != myconnectindex) sendpacket(ch,tempbuf,j+2); if ((!networkmode) && (myconnectindex != connecthead)) break; //slaves in M/S mode only send to master } adduserquote(recbuf); quotebot += 8; l = Bstrlen(recbuf); while(l > TEXTWRAPLEN) { l -= TEXTWRAPLEN; quotebot += 8; } quotebotgoal = quotebot; } else if(sendmessagecommand >= 0) { tempbuf[1] = (char)sendmessagecommand; if ((!networkmode) && (myconnectindex != connecthead)) sendmessagecommand = connecthead; sendpacket(sendmessagecommand,tempbuf,j+2); } sendmessagecommand = -1; ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~(MODE_TYPE|MODE_SENDTOWHOM); } else if(sendmessagecommand == -1) { j = 50; gametext(320>>1,j,"SEND MESSAGE TO...",0,2+8+16); j += 8; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { if (i == myconnectindex) { minitextshade((320>>1)-40+1,j+1,"A/ENTER - ALL",26,0,2+8+16); minitext((320>>1)-40,j,"A/ENTER - ALL",0,2+8+16); j += 7; } else { Bsprintf(buf," %d - %s",i+1,ud.user_name[i]); minitextshade((320>>1)-40-6+1,j+1,buf,26,0,2+8+16); minitext((320>>1)-40-6,j,buf,0,2+8+16); j += 7; } } minitextshade((320>>1)-40-4+1,j+1," ESC - Abort",26,0,2+8+16); minitext((320>>1)-40-4,j," ESC - Abort",0,2+8+16); j += 7; if (ud.screen_size > 0) j = 200-45; else j = 200-8; mpgametext(j,typebuf,0,2+8+16); if( KB_KeyWaiting() ) { i = KB_GetCh(); if(i == 'A' || i == 'a' || i == 13) sendmessagecommand = ud.multimode; else if(i >= '1' || i <= (ud.multimode + '1') ) sendmessagecommand = i - '1'; else { sendmessagecommand = ud.multimode; if(i == 27) { ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~(MODE_TYPE|MODE_SENDTOWHOM); sendmessagecommand = -1; } else typebuf[0] = 0; } KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_1); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_2); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_3); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_4); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_5); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_6); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_7); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_8); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_A); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Escape); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); } } } else { if(ud.screen_size > 0) j = 200-45; else j = 200-8; hitstate = mpstrget(320>>1,j,typebuf,120,1); if(hitstate == 1) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); if(ud.automsg) { if(SHIFTS_IS_PRESSED) sendmessagecommand = -1; else sendmessagecommand = ud.multimode; } ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_SENDTOWHOM; } else if(hitstate == -1) ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~(MODE_TYPE|MODE_SENDTOWHOM); else pub = NUMPAGES; } } void moveclouds(void) { if( totalclock > cloudtotalclock || totalclock < (cloudtotalclock-7)) { short i; cloudtotalclock = totalclock+6; for(i=0;i>9); cloudy[i] += (sintable[ps[screenpeek].ang&2047]>>9); sector[clouds[i]].ceilingxpanning = cloudx[i]>>6; sector[clouds[i]].ceilingypanning = cloudy[i]>>6; } } } void drawoverheadmap(long cposx, long cposy, long czoom, short cang) { long i, j, k, l, x1, y1, x2=0, y2=0, x3, y3, x4, y4, ox, oy, xoff, yoff; long dax, day, cosang, sinang, xspan, yspan, sprx, spry; long xrepeat, yrepeat, z1, z2, startwall, endwall, tilenum, daang; long xvect, yvect, xvect2, yvect2; short p; char col; walltype *wal, *wal2; spritetype *spr; xvect = sintable[(-cang)&2047] * czoom; yvect = sintable[(1536-cang)&2047] * czoom; xvect2 = mulscale16(xvect,yxaspect); yvect2 = mulscale16(yvect,yxaspect); //Draw red lines for(i=0;i>3]&(1<<(i&7)))) continue; startwall = sector[i].wallptr; endwall = sector[i].wallptr + sector[i].wallnum; z1 = sector[i].ceilingz; z2 = sector[i].floorz; for(j=startwall,wal=&wall[startwall];jnextwall; if (k < 0) continue; //if ((show2dwall[j>>3]&(1<<(j&7))) == 0) continue; //if ((k > j) && ((show2dwall[k>>3]&(1<<(k&7))) > 0)) continue; if (sector[wal->nextsector].ceilingz == z1) if (sector[wal->nextsector].floorz == z2) if (((wal->cstat|wall[wal->nextwall].cstat)&(16+32)) == 0) continue; col = 139; //red if ((wal->cstat|wall[wal->nextwall].cstat)&1) col = 234; //magenta if (!(show2dsector[wal->nextsector>>3]&(1<<(wal->nextsector&7)))) col = 24; else continue; ox = wal->x-cposx; oy = wal->y-cposy; x1 = dmulscale16(ox,xvect,-oy,yvect)+(xdim<<11); y1 = dmulscale16(oy,xvect2,ox,yvect2)+(ydim<<11); wal2 = &wall[wal->point2]; ox = wal2->x-cposx; oy = wal2->y-cposy; x2 = dmulscale16(ox,xvect,-oy,yvect)+(xdim<<11); y2 = dmulscale16(oy,xvect2,ox,yvect2)+(ydim<<11); drawline256(x1,y1,x2,y2,col); } } //Draw sprites k = ps[screenpeek].i; for(i=0;i>3]&(1<<(i&7)))) continue; for(j=headspritesect[i];j>=0;j=nextspritesect[j]) //if ((show2dsprite[j>>3]&(1<<(j&7))) > 0) { spr = &sprite[j]; if (j == k || (spr->cstat&0x8000) || spr->cstat == 257 || spr->xrepeat == 0) continue; col = 71; //cyan if (spr->cstat&1) col = 234; //magenta sprx = spr->x; spry = spr->y; if( (spr->cstat&257) != 0) switch (spr->cstat&48) { case 0: break; ox = sprx-cposx; oy = spry-cposy; x1 = dmulscale16(ox,xvect,-oy,yvect); y1 = dmulscale16(oy,xvect2,ox,yvect2); ox = (sintable[(spr->ang+512)&2047]>>7); oy = (sintable[(spr->ang)&2047]>>7); x2 = dmulscale16(ox,xvect,-oy,yvect); y2 = dmulscale16(oy,xvect,ox,yvect); x3 = mulscale16(x2,yxaspect); y3 = mulscale16(y2,yxaspect); drawline256(x1-x2+(xdim<<11),y1-y3+(ydim<<11), x1+x2+(xdim<<11),y1+y3+(ydim<<11),col); drawline256(x1-y2+(xdim<<11),y1+x3+(ydim<<11), x1+x2+(xdim<<11),y1+y3+(ydim<<11),col); drawline256(x1+y2+(xdim<<11),y1-x3+(ydim<<11), x1+x2+(xdim<<11),y1+y3+(ydim<<11),col); break; case 16: if( spr->picnum == LASERLINE ) { x1 = sprx; y1 = spry; tilenum = spr->picnum; xoff = (long)((signed char)((picanm[tilenum]>>8)&255))+((long)spr->xoffset); if ((spr->cstat&4) > 0) xoff = -xoff; k = spr->ang; l = spr->xrepeat; dax = sintable[k&2047]*l; day = sintable[(k+1536)&2047]*l; l = tilesizx[tilenum]; k = (l>>1)+xoff; x1 -= mulscale16(dax,k); x2 = x1+mulscale16(dax,l); y1 -= mulscale16(day,k); y2 = y1+mulscale16(day,l); ox = x1-cposx; oy = y1-cposy; x1 = dmulscale16(ox,xvect,-oy,yvect); y1 = dmulscale16(oy,xvect2,ox,yvect2); ox = x2-cposx; oy = y2-cposy; x2 = dmulscale16(ox,xvect,-oy,yvect); y2 = dmulscale16(oy,xvect2,ox,yvect2); drawline256(x1+(xdim<<11),y1+(ydim<<11), x2+(xdim<<11),y2+(ydim<<11),col); } break; case 32: tilenum = spr->picnum; xoff = (long)((signed char)((picanm[tilenum]>>8)&255))+((long)spr->xoffset); yoff = (long)((signed char)((picanm[tilenum]>>16)&255))+((long)spr->yoffset); if ((spr->cstat&4) > 0) xoff = -xoff; if ((spr->cstat&8) > 0) yoff = -yoff; k = spr->ang; cosang = sintable[(k+512)&2047]; sinang = sintable[k]; xspan = tilesizx[tilenum]; xrepeat = spr->xrepeat; yspan = tilesizy[tilenum]; yrepeat = spr->yrepeat; dax = ((xspan>>1)+xoff)*xrepeat; day = ((yspan>>1)+yoff)*yrepeat; x1 = sprx + dmulscale16(sinang,dax,cosang,day); y1 = spry + dmulscale16(sinang,day,-cosang,dax); l = xspan*xrepeat; x2 = x1 - mulscale16(sinang,l); y2 = y1 + mulscale16(cosang,l); l = yspan*yrepeat; k = -mulscale16(cosang,l); x3 = x2+k; x4 = x1+k; k = -mulscale16(sinang,l); y3 = y2+k; y4 = y1+k; ox = x1-cposx; oy = y1-cposy; x1 = dmulscale16(ox,xvect,-oy,yvect); y1 = dmulscale16(oy,xvect2,ox,yvect2); ox = x2-cposx; oy = y2-cposy; x2 = dmulscale16(ox,xvect,-oy,yvect); y2 = dmulscale16(oy,xvect2,ox,yvect2); ox = x3-cposx; oy = y3-cposy; x3 = dmulscale16(ox,xvect,-oy,yvect); y3 = dmulscale16(oy,xvect2,ox,yvect2); ox = x4-cposx; oy = y4-cposy; x4 = dmulscale16(ox,xvect,-oy,yvect); y4 = dmulscale16(oy,xvect2,ox,yvect2); drawline256(x1+(xdim<<11),y1+(ydim<<11), x2+(xdim<<11),y2+(ydim<<11),col); drawline256(x2+(xdim<<11),y2+(ydim<<11), x3+(xdim<<11),y3+(ydim<<11),col); drawline256(x3+(xdim<<11),y3+(ydim<<11), x4+(xdim<<11),y4+(ydim<<11),col); drawline256(x4+(xdim<<11),y4+(ydim<<11), x1+(xdim<<11),y1+(ydim<<11),col); break; } } } //Draw white lines for(i=0;i>3]&(1<<(i&7)))) continue; startwall = sector[i].wallptr; endwall = sector[i].wallptr + sector[i].wallnum; k = -1; for(j=startwall,wal=&wall[startwall];jnextwall >= 0) continue; //if ((show2dwall[j>>3]&(1<<(j&7))) == 0) continue; if (tilesizx[wal->picnum] == 0) continue; if (tilesizy[wal->picnum] == 0) continue; if (j == k) { x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } else { ox = wal->x-cposx; oy = wal->y-cposy; x1 = dmulscale16(ox,xvect,-oy,yvect)+(xdim<<11); y1 = dmulscale16(oy,xvect2,ox,yvect2)+(ydim<<11); } k = wal->point2; wal2 = &wall[k]; ox = wal2->x-cposx; oy = wal2->y-cposy; x2 = dmulscale16(ox,xvect,-oy,yvect)+(xdim<<11); y2 = dmulscale16(oy,xvect2,ox,yvect2)+(ydim<<11); drawline256(x1,y1,x2,y2,24); } } for(p=connecthead;p >= 0;p=connectpoint2[p]) { if(ud.scrollmode && p == screenpeek) continue; ox = sprite[ps[p].i].x-cposx; oy = sprite[ps[p].i].y-cposy; daang = (sprite[ps[p].i].ang-cang)&2047; if (p == screenpeek) { ox = 0; oy = 0; daang = 0; } x1 = mulscale(ox,xvect,16) - mulscale(oy,yvect,16); y1 = mulscale(oy,xvect2,16) + mulscale(ox,yvect2,16); if(p == screenpeek || (gametype_flags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_OTHERPLAYERSINMAP ) ) { if(sprite[ps[p].i].xvel > 16 && ps[p].on_ground) i = APLAYERTOP+((totalclock>>4)&3); else i = APLAYERTOP; j = klabs(ps[p].truefz-ps[p].posz)>>8; j = mulscale(czoom*(sprite[ps[p].i].yrepeat+j),yxaspect,16); if(j < 22000) j = 22000; else if(j > (65536<<1)) j = (65536<<1); rotatesprite((x1<<4)+(xdim<<15),(y1<<4)+(ydim<<15),j, daang,i,sprite[ps[p].i].shade,/*sprite[ps[p].i].pal*/sector[ps[p].cursectnum].floorpal, (sprite[ps[p].i].cstat&2)>>1,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); } } } void palto(char r,char g,char b,long e) { long tc; /* for(i=0;i<768;i+=3) { temparray[i ] = ps[myconnectindex].palette[i+0]+((((long)r-(long)ps[myconnectindex].palette[i+0])*(long)(e&127))>>6); temparray[i+1] = ps[myconnectindex].palette[i+1]+((((long)g-(long)ps[myconnectindex].palette[i+1])*(long)(e&127))>>6); temparray[i+2] = ps[myconnectindex].palette[i+2]+((((long)b-(long)ps[myconnectindex].palette[i+2])*(long)(e&127))>>6); } */ //setbrightness(ud.brightness>>2,temparray); setpalettefade(r,g,b,e&127); if (getrendermode() >= 3) pus = pub = NUMPAGES; // JBF 20040110: redraw the status bar next time if ((e&128) == 0) { nextpage(); for (tc = totalclock; totalclock < tc + 4; handleevents(), getpackets() ); } } void displayrest(long smoothratio) { long a, i, j; char fader=0,fadeg=0,fadeb=0,fadef=0,tintr=0,tintg=0,tintb=0,tintf=0,dotint=0; struct player_struct *pp; walltype *wal; long cposx,cposy,cang; pp = &ps[screenpeek]; // this takes care of fullscreen tint for OpenGL if (getrendermode() >= 3) { if (pp->palette == waterpal) tintr=0,tintg=0,tintb=63,tintf=8; else if (pp->palette == slimepal) tintr=0,tintg=63,tintb=0,tintf=8; } // this does pain tinting etc from the CON if( pp->pals_time >= 0 && pp->loogcnt == 0) // JBF 20040101: pals_time > 0 now >= 0 { fader = pp->pals[0]; fadeg = pp->pals[1]; fadeb = pp->pals[2]; fadef = pp->pals_time; restorepalette = 1; // JBF 20040101 dotint = 1; } // reset a normal palette else if( restorepalette ) { //setbrightness(ud.brightness>>2,&pp->palette[0],0); setgamepalette(pp,pp->palette,0); restorepalette = 0; } // loogies courtesy of being snotted on else if(pp->loogcnt > 0) { //palto(0,64,0,(pp->loogcnt>>1)+128); fader = 0; fadeg = 64; fadeb = 0; fadef = pp->loogcnt>>1; dotint = 1; } if (fadef > tintf) { tintr = fader; tintg = fadeg; tintb = fadeb; tintf = fadef; } if(ud.show_help) { switch(ud.show_help) { case 1: rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,TEXTSTORY,0,0,10+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); break; case 2: rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,F1HELP,0,0,10+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); break; } if ( KB_KeyPressed(sc_Escape ) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Escape); ud.show_help = 0; if(ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } vscrn(); } if (tintf > 0 || dotint) palto(tintr,tintg,tintb,tintf|128); return; } i = pp->cursectnum; show2dsector[i>>3] |= (1<<(i&7)); wal = &wall[sector[i].wallptr]; for(j=sector[i].wallnum;j>0;j--,wal++) { i = wal->nextsector; if (i < 0) continue; if (wal->cstat&0x0071) continue; if (wall[wal->nextwall].cstat&0x0071) continue; if (sector[i].lotag == 32767) continue; if (sector[i].ceilingz >= sector[i].floorz) continue; show2dsector[i>>3] |= (1<<(i&7)); } if(ud.camerasprite == -1) { if( ud.overhead_on != 2 ) { if(pp->newowner >= 0) cameratext(pp->newowner); else { displayweapon(screenpeek); if(pp->over_shoulder_on == 0 ) displaymasks(screenpeek); } moveclouds(); } if( ud.overhead_on > 0 ) { smoothratio = min(max(smoothratio,0),65536); dointerpolations(smoothratio); if( ud.scrollmode == 0 ) { if(pp->newowner == -1 && !ud.pause_on) { if (screenpeek == myconnectindex && numplayers > 1) { cposx = omyx+mulscale16((long)(myx-omyx),smoothratio); cposy = omyy+mulscale16((long)(myy-omyy),smoothratio); cang = omyang+mulscale16((long)(((myang+1024-omyang)&2047)-1024),smoothratio); } else { cposx = pp->oposx+mulscale16((long)(pp->posx-pp->oposx),smoothratio); cposy = pp->oposy+mulscale16((long)(pp->posy-pp->oposy),smoothratio); cang = pp->oang+mulscale16((long)(((pp->ang+1024-pp->oang)&2047)-1024),smoothratio); } } else { cposx = pp->oposx; cposy = pp->oposy; cang = pp->oang; } } else { if(!ud.pause_on) { ud.fola += ud.folavel>>3; ud.folx += (ud.folfvel*sintable[(512+2048-ud.fola)&2047])>>14; ud.foly += (ud.folfvel*sintable[(512+1024-512-ud.fola)&2047])>>14; } cposx = ud.folx; cposy = ud.foly; cang = ud.fola; } if(ud.overhead_on == 2) { clearview(0L); drawmapview(cposx,cposy,pp->zoom,cang); } drawoverheadmap( cposx,cposy,pp->zoom,cang); restoreinterpolations(); if(ud.overhead_on == 2) { if(ud.screen_size > 0) a = 147; else a = 182; minitext(1,a+6,volume_names[ud.volume_number],0,2+8+16); minitext(1,a+12,level_names[ud.volume_number*11 + ud.level_number],0,2+8+16); } } } coolgaugetext(screenpeek); operatefta(); if( KB_KeyPressed(sc_Escape) && ud.overhead_on == 0 && ud.show_help == 0 && ps[myconnectindex].newowner == -1) { if( (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) == MODE_MENU && current_menu < 51) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Escape); ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~MODE_MENU; if(ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; cameraclock = totalclock; cameradist = 65536L; } walock[TILE_SAVESHOT] = 199; vscrn(); } else if( (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) != MODE_MENU && ps[myconnectindex].newowner == -1 && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_TYPE) != MODE_TYPE) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Escape); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); intomenusounds(); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_MENU; if(ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) ready2send = 0; if(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME) cmenu(50); else cmenu(0); screenpeek = myconnectindex; } } OnEvent(EVENT_DISPLAYREST, ps[screenpeek].i, screenpeek, -1); if(ps[myconnectindex].newowner == -1 && ud.overhead_on == 0 && ud.crosshair && ud.camerasprite == -1) { SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID,0,ps[screenpeek].i,screenpeek); OnEvent(EVENT_DISPLAYCROSSHAIR, ps[screenpeek].i, screenpeek, -1); if(GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID,ps[screenpeek].i,screenpeek) == 0) rotatesprite((160L-(ps[myconnectindex].look_ang>>1))<<16,100L<<16,ud.crosshair>1?65536L>>(ud.crosshair-1):65536L,0,CROSSHAIR,0,0,2+1,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); } if(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_TYPE) typemode(); else menus(); if( ud.pause_on==1 && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) == 0 ) menutext(160,100,0,0,"GAME PAUSED"); if(ud.coords) coords(screenpeek); tics(); // JBF 20040124: display level stats in screen corner if(ud.levelstats && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) == 0) { i = (ud.screen_size <= 4)?0:scale(tilesizy[BOTTOMSTATUSBAR],ud.statusbarscale,100); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Time: %ld:%02ld", (ps[myconnectindex].player_par/(26*60)), (ps[myconnectindex].player_par/26)%60); minitext(320-5*12,200-i-6-6-6,tempbuf,0,26); if(ud.player_skill > 3 || (ud.multimode > 1 && !(gametype_flags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_PLAYERSFRIENDLY))) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Kills: %ld",(ud.multimode>1 &&!(gametype_flags[ud.coop]&GAMETYPE_FLAG_PLAYERSFRIENDLY))?ps[i].frag-ps[i].fraggedself:ps[myconnectindex].actors_killed); else Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Kills: %ld/%ld",ps[myconnectindex].actors_killed, ps[myconnectindex].max_actors_killed>ps[myconnectindex].actors_killed? ps[myconnectindex].max_actors_killed:ps[myconnectindex].actors_killed); minitext(320-5*12,200-i-6-6,tempbuf,0,26); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Secrets: %ld/%ld", ps[myconnectindex].secret_rooms,ps[myconnectindex].max_secret_rooms); minitext(320-5*12,200-i-6,tempbuf,0,26); } if (tintf > 0 || dotint) palto(tintr,tintg,tintb,tintf|128); } void view(struct player_struct *pp, long *vx, long *vy,long *vz,short *vsectnum, short ang, short horiz) { spritetype *sp; long i, nx, ny, nz, hx, hy, hitx, hity, hitz; short bakcstat, hitsect, hitwall, hitsprite, daang; nx = (sintable[(ang+1536)&2047]>>4); ny = (sintable[(ang+1024)&2047]>>4); nz = (horiz-100)*128; sp = &sprite[pp->i]; bakcstat = sp->cstat; sp->cstat &= (short)~0x101; updatesectorz(*vx,*vy,*vz,vsectnum); hitscan(*vx,*vy,*vz,*vsectnum,nx,ny,nz,&hitsect,&hitwall,&hitsprite,&hitx,&hity,&hitz,CLIPMASK1); if(*vsectnum < 0) { sp->cstat = bakcstat; return; } hx = hitx-(*vx); hy = hity-(*vy); if (klabs(nx)+klabs(ny) > klabs(hx)+klabs(hy)) { *vsectnum = hitsect; if (hitwall >= 0) { daang = getangle(wall[wall[hitwall].point2].x-wall[hitwall].x, wall[wall[hitwall].point2].y-wall[hitwall].y); i = nx*sintable[daang]+ny*sintable[(daang+1536)&2047]; if (klabs(nx) > klabs(ny)) hx -= mulscale28(nx,i); else hy -= mulscale28(ny,i); } else if (hitsprite < 0) { if (klabs(nx) > klabs(ny)) hx -= (nx>>5); else hy -= (ny>>5); } if (klabs(nx) > klabs(ny)) i = divscale16(hx,nx); else i = divscale16(hy,ny); if (i < cameradist) cameradist = i; } *vx = (*vx)+mulscale16(nx,cameradist); *vy = (*vy)+mulscale16(ny,cameradist); *vz = (*vz)+mulscale16(nz,cameradist); cameradist = min(cameradist+((totalclock-cameraclock)<<10),65536); cameraclock = totalclock; updatesectorz(*vx,*vy,*vz,vsectnum); sp->cstat = bakcstat; } //REPLACE FULLY void drawbackground(void) { short dapicnum; long x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2,rx; flushperms(); switch(ud.m_volume_number) { default:dapicnum = BIGHOLE;break; case 1:dapicnum = BIGHOLE;break; case 2:dapicnum = BIGHOLE;break; } if (tilesizx[dapicnum] == 0 || tilesizy[dapicnum] == 0) { pus = pub = NUMPAGES; return; } y1 = 0; y2 = ydim; if( (ready2send && ps[myconnectindex].gm == MODE_GAME) || ud.recstat == 2 ) //if (ud.recstat == 0 || ud.recstat == 1 || (ud.recstat == 2 && ud.reccnt > 0)) // JBF 20040717 { if (ud.screen_size == 8) y1 = scale(ydim,200-scale(tilesizy[BOTTOMSTATUSBAR],ud.statusbarscale,100),200); else if((gametype_flags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_FRAGBAR)) { if (ud.multimode > 1) y1 += scale(ydim,8,200); if (ud.multimode > 4) y1 += scale(ydim,8,200); } } else { // when not rendering a game, fullscreen wipe #define MENUTILE bpp==8?MENUSCREEN:LOADSCREEN SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID,tilesizx[MENUTILE]==320&&tilesizy[MENUTILE]==200?MENUTILE:BIGHOLE, -1, -1); OnEvent(EVENT_GETMENUTILE, -1, -1, -1); if (GetGameVar("MENU_TILE", tilesizx[MENUTILE]==320&&tilesizy[MENUTILE]==200?0:1, -1, -1)) { for(y=y1;y 8) { // across top for (y=0; y> 1; x1 = xdim-x2; x1 -= x1%tilesizx[dapicnum]; for(y=y1-y1%tilesizy[dapicnum]; y 8 && ( ready2send || ud.recstat == 2 )) { y = 0; if((gametype_flags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_FRAGBAR)) { if (ud.multimode > 1) y += 8; if (ud.multimode > 4) y += 8; } x1 = max(windowx1-4,0); y1 = max(windowy1-4,y); x2 = min(windowx2+4,xdim-1); y2 = min(windowy2+4,scale(ydim,200-scale(tilesizy[BOTTOMSTATUSBAR],ud.statusbarscale,100),200)-1); for(y=y1+4;y=0;j=nextspritestat[j]) { if( sprite[j].picnum==1 && sprite[j].lotag==fofmode && sprite[j].hitag==sprite[floor1].hitag ) { floor1=j; fofmode=sprite[j].lotag; ok++; break; } } // if(ok==1) { Message("no floor1",RED); return; } if(fofmode==40) k=41; else k=40; for(j=headspritestat[15];j>=0;j=nextspritestat[j]) { if( sprite[j].picnum==1 && sprite[j].lotag==k && sprite[j].hitag==sprite[floor1].hitag ) { floor2=j; ok++; break; } } i=floor1; offx=sprite[floor2].x-sprite[floor1].x; offy=sprite[floor2].y-sprite[floor1].y; offz=0; if (sprite[floor2].ang >= 1024) offz = sprite[floor2].z; else if (fofmode==41) offz = sector[sprite[floor2].sectnum].floorz; else offz = sector[sprite[floor2].sectnum].ceilingz; if (sprite[floor1].ang >= 1024) offz -= sprite[floor1].z; else if (fofmode==40) offz -= sector[sprite[floor1].sectnum].floorz; else offz -= sector[sprite[floor1].sectnum].ceilingz; // if(ok==2) { Message("no floor2",RED); return; } for(j=headspritestat[15];j>=0;j=nextspritestat[j]) // raise ceiling or floor { if(sprite[j].picnum==1 && sprite[j].lotag==k+2 && sprite[j].hitag==sprite[floor1].hitag ) { if(k==40) { tempsectorz[sprite[j].sectnum]=sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorz; sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorz+=(((z-sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorz)/32768)+1)*32768; tempsectorpicnum[sprite[j].sectnum]=sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorpicnum; sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorpicnum=562; } else { tempsectorz[sprite[j].sectnum]=sector[sprite[j].sectnum].ceilingz; sector[sprite[j].sectnum].ceilingz+=(((z-sector[sprite[j].sectnum].ceilingz)/32768)-1)*32768; tempsectorpicnum[sprite[j].sectnum]=sector[sprite[j].sectnum].ceilingpicnum; sector[sprite[j].sectnum].ceilingpicnum=562; } draw_both = 1; } } drawrooms(x+offx,y+offy,z+offz,a,h,sprite[floor2].sectnum); animatesprites(x,y,a,smoothratio); drawmasks(); if (draw_both) { for(j=headspritestat[15];j>=0;j=nextspritestat[j]) // restore ceiling or floor for the draw both sectors { if(sprite[j].picnum==1 && sprite[j].lotag==k+2 && sprite[j].hitag==sprite[floor1].hitag) { if(k==40) { sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorz=tempsectorz[sprite[j].sectnum]; sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorpicnum=tempsectorpicnum[sprite[j].sectnum]; } else { sector[sprite[j].sectnum].ceilingz=tempsectorz[sprite[j].sectnum]; sector[sprite[j].sectnum].ceilingpicnum=tempsectorpicnum[sprite[j].sectnum]; } }// end if }// end for // Now re-draw drawrooms(x+offx,y+offy,z+offz,a,h,sprite[floor2].sectnum); animatesprites(x,y,a,smoothratio); drawmasks(); } } // end SE40 static void se40code(long x,long y,long z,long a,long h, long smoothratio) { int i; i = headspritestat[15]; while(i >= 0) { int t = sprite[i].lotag; switch(t) { // case 40: // case 41: // SE40_Draw(i,x,y,a,smoothratio); // break; case 42: case 43: case 44: case 45: if(ps[screenpeek].cursectnum == sprite[i].sectnum) SE40_Draw(i,x,y,z,a,h,smoothratio); break; } i = nextspritestat[i]; } } #endif static long oyrepeat=-1; void displayrooms(short snum,long smoothratio) { long cposx,cposy,cposz,dst,j,fz,cz; short sect, cang, k, choriz; struct player_struct *p; long tposx,tposy,i; short tang; long tiltcx,tiltcy,tiltcs=0; // JBF 20030807 p = &ps[snum]; if(pub > 0 || getrendermode() >= 3) // JBF 20040101: redraw background always { if(ud.screen_size > 8 || (ud.screen_size == 8 && ud.statusbarscale<100)) drawbackground(); pub = 0; } if( ud.overhead_on == 2 || ud.show_help || p->cursectnum == -1) return; smoothratio = min(max(smoothratio,0),65536); visibility = p->visibility; if(ud.pause_on || ps[snum].on_crane > -1) smoothratio = 65536; sect = p->cursectnum; if(sect < 0 || sect >= MAXSECTORS) return; dointerpolations(smoothratio); animatecamsprite(); if(ud.camerasprite >= 0) { spritetype *s; s = &sprite[ud.camerasprite]; if(s->yvel < 0) s->yvel = -100; else if(s->yvel > 199) s->yvel = 300; cang = hittype[ud.camerasprite].tempang+mulscale16((long)(((s->ang+1024-hittype[ud.camerasprite].tempang)&2047)-1024),smoothratio); #ifdef SE40 se40code(s->x,s->y,s->z,cang,s->yvel,smoothratio); #endif drawrooms(s->x,s->y,s->z-(4<<8),cang,s->yvel,s->sectnum); animatesprites(s->x,s->y,cang,smoothratio); drawmasks(); } else { i = divscale22(1,sprite[p->i].yrepeat+28); if (i != oyrepeat) { oyrepeat = i; setaspect(oyrepeat,yxaspect); } if(screencapt) { walock[TILE_SAVESHOT] = 199; if (waloff[TILE_SAVESHOT] == 0) allocache((long *)&waloff[TILE_SAVESHOT],200*320,&walock[TILE_SAVESHOT]); setviewtotile(TILE_SAVESHOT,200L,320L); } else if( getrendermode() == 0 && ( ( ud.screen_tilting && p->rotscrnang ) || ud.detail==0 ) ) { if (ud.screen_tilting) tang = p->rotscrnang; else tang = 0; if (xres <= 320 && yres <= 240) { // JBF 20030807: Increased tilted-screen quality tiltcs = 1; tiltcx = 320; tiltcy = 200; } else { tiltcs = 2; tiltcx = 640; tiltcy = 480; } walock[TILE_TILT] = 255; if (waloff[TILE_TILT] == 0) allocache(&waloff[TILE_TILT],tiltcx*tiltcx,&walock[TILE_TILT]); if ((tang&1023) == 0) setviewtotile(TILE_TILT,tiltcy>>(1-ud.detail),tiltcx>>(1-ud.detail)); else setviewtotile(TILE_TILT,tiltcx>>(1-ud.detail),tiltcx>>(1-ud.detail)); if ((tang&1023) == 512) { //Block off unscreen section of 90ø tilted screen j = ((tiltcx-(60*tiltcs))>>(1-ud.detail)); for(i=((60*tiltcs)>>(1-ud.detail))-1;i>=0;i--) { startumost[i] = 1; startumost[i+j] = 1; startdmost[i] = 0; startdmost[i+j] = 0; } } i = (tang&511); if (i > 256) i = 512-i; i = sintable[i+512]*8 + sintable[i]*5L; setaspect(i>>1,yxaspect); } else if (getrendermode() > 0 /*&& (p->rotscrnang || p->orotscrnang)*/) { setrollangle(p->orotscrnang + mulscale16(((p->rotscrnang - p->orotscrnang + 1024)&2047)-1024,smoothratio)); p->orotscrnang = p->rotscrnang; // JBF: save it for next time } if ( (snum == myconnectindex) && (numplayers > 1) ) { cposx = omyx+mulscale16((long)(myx-omyx),smoothratio); cposy = omyy+mulscale16((long)(myy-omyy),smoothratio); cposz = omyz+mulscale16((long)(myz-omyz),smoothratio); cang = omyang+mulscale16((long)(((myang+1024-omyang)&2047)-1024),smoothratio); choriz = omyhoriz+omyhorizoff+mulscale16((long)(myhoriz+myhorizoff-omyhoriz-omyhorizoff),smoothratio); sect = mycursectnum; } else { cposx = p->oposx+mulscale16((long)(p->posx-p->oposx),smoothratio); cposy = p->oposy+mulscale16((long)(p->posy-p->oposy),smoothratio); cposz = p->oposz+mulscale16((long)(p->posz-p->oposz),smoothratio); cang = p->oang+mulscale16((long)(((p->ang+1024-p->oang)&2047)-1024),smoothratio); choriz = p->ohoriz+p->ohorizoff+mulscale16((long)(p->horiz+p->horizoff-p->ohoriz-p->ohorizoff),smoothratio); } cang += p->look_ang; if (p->newowner >= 0) { cang = p->ang+p->look_ang; choriz = p->horiz+p->horizoff; cposx = p->posx; cposy = p->posy; cposz = p->posz; sect = sprite[p->newowner].sectnum; smoothratio = 65536L; } else if( p->over_shoulder_on == 0 ) cposz += p->opyoff+mulscale16((long)(p->pyoff-p->opyoff),smoothratio); else view(p,&cposx,&cposy,&cposz,§,cang,choriz); cz = hittype[p->i].ceilingz; fz = hittype[p->i].floorz; if(earthquaketime > 0 && p->on_ground == 1) { cposz += 256-(((earthquaketime)&1)<<9); cang += (2-((earthquaketime)&2))<<2; } if(sprite[p->i].pal == 1) cposz -= (18<<8); if(p->newowner >= 0) choriz = 100+sprite[p->newowner].shade; else if(p->spritebridge == 0) { if( cposz < ( p->truecz + (4<<8) ) ) cposz = cz + (4<<8); else if( cposz > ( p->truefz - (4<<8) ) ) cposz = fz - (4<<8); } if (sect >= 0) { getzsofslope(sect,cposx,cposy,&cz,&fz); if (cposz < cz+(4<<8)) cposz = cz+(4<<8); if (cposz > fz-(4<<8)) cposz = fz-(4<<8); } if(choriz > 299) choriz = 299; else if(choriz < -99) choriz = -99; #ifdef SE40 se40code(cposx,cposy,cposz,cang,choriz,smoothratio); #endif if ((gotpic[MIRROR>>3]&(1<<(MIRROR&7))) > 0) { dst = 0x7fffffff; i = 0; for(k=0;k>1) + (j>>2); drawrooms(tposx,tposy,cposz,tang,choriz,mirrorsector[i]+MAXSECTORS); display_mirror = 1; animatesprites(tposx,tposy,tang,smoothratio); display_mirror = 0; drawmasks(); completemirror(); //Reverse screen x-wise in this function visibility = j; } gotpic[MIRROR>>3] &= ~(1<<(MIRROR&7)); } drawrooms(cposx,cposy,cposz,cang,choriz,sect); animatesprites(cposx,cposy,cang,smoothratio); drawmasks(); if(screencapt == 1) { setviewback(); screencapt = 0; // walock[TILE_SAVESHOT] = 1; } else if( getrendermode() == 0 && ( ( ud.screen_tilting && p->rotscrnang) || ud.detail==0 ) ) { if (ud.screen_tilting) tang = p->rotscrnang; else tang = 0; if (getrendermode() == 0) { setviewback(); picanm[TILE_TILT] &= 0xff0000ff; i = (tang&511); if (i > 256) i = 512-i; i = sintable[i+512]*8 + sintable[i]*5L; if ((1-ud.detail) == 0) i >>= 1; i>>=(tiltcs-1); // JBF 20030807 rotatesprite(160<<16,100<<16,i,tang+512,TILE_TILT,0,0,4+2+64,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); walock[TILE_TILT] = 199; } } } restoreinterpolations(); if (totalclock < lastvisinc) { if (klabs(p->visibility-ud.const_visibility) > 8) p->visibility += (ud.const_visibility-p->visibility)>>2; } else p->visibility = ud.const_visibility; } short LocateTheLocator(short n,short sn) { short i; i = headspritestat[7]; while(i >= 0) { if( (sn == -1 || sn == SECT) && n == SLT ) return i; i = nextspritestat[i]; } return -1; } short EGS(short whatsect,long s_x,long s_y,long s_z,short s_pn,signed char s_s,signed char s_xr,signed char s_yr,short s_a,short s_ve,long s_zv,short s_ow,signed char s_ss) { short i; long p; spritetype *s; i = insertsprite(whatsect,s_ss); if( i < 0 ) gameexit(" Too many sprites spawned."); hittype[i].bposx = s_x; hittype[i].bposy = s_y; hittype[i].bposz = s_z; s = &sprite[i]; s->x = s_x; s->y = s_y; s->z = s_z; s->cstat = 0; s->picnum = s_pn; s->shade = s_s; s->xrepeat = s_xr; s->yrepeat = s_yr; s->pal = 0; s->ang = s_a; s->xvel = s_ve; s->zvel = s_zv; s->owner = s_ow; s->xoffset = 0; s->yoffset = 0; s->yvel = 0; s->clipdist = 0; s->pal = 0; s->lotag = 0; hittype[i].picnum = sprite[s_ow].picnum; hittype[i].lastvx = 0; hittype[i].lastvy = 0; hittype[i].timetosleep = 0; hittype[i].actorstayput = -1; hittype[i].extra = -1; hittype[i].owner = s_ow; hittype[i].cgg = 0; hittype[i].movflag = 0; hittype[i].tempang = 0; hittype[i].dispicnum = 0; hittype[i].floorz = hittype[s_ow].floorz; hittype[i].ceilingz = hittype[s_ow].ceilingz; T1=T3=T4=T6=T7=T8=T9=0; actorspriteflags[i] = 0; if( actorscrptr[s_pn] ) { s->extra = *actorscrptr[s_pn]; T5 = *(actorscrptr[s_pn]+1); T2 = *(actorscrptr[s_pn]+2); s->hitag = *(actorscrptr[s_pn]+3); } else { T2=T5=0; s->extra = 0; s->hitag = 0; } if (show2dsector[SECT>>3]&(1<<(SECT&7))) show2dsprite[i>>3] |= (1<<(i&7)); else show2dsprite[i>>3] &= ~(1<<(i&7)); clearbufbyte(&spriteext[i], sizeof(spriteexttype), 0); /* if(s->sectnum < 0) { s->xrepeat = s->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); } */ ResetActorGameVars(i); actorspriteflags[i] = 0; OnEvent(EVENT_EGS,i, findplayer(&sprite[i],&p), p); return(i); } char wallswitchcheck(short i) { int j; //MULTISWITCH has 4 states so deal with it separately if ((PN >= MULTISWITCH) && (PN <=MULTISWITCH+3)) return 1; // ACCESSSWITCH and ACCESSSWITCH2 are only active in 1 state so deal with them separately if ((PN == ACCESSSWITCH) || (PN == ACCESSSWITCH2)) return 1; //loop to catch both states of switches for (j=0;j<=1;j++) { switch(dynamictostatic[PN-j]) { case HANDPRINTSWITCH__STATIC: //case HANDPRINTSWITCH+1: case ALIENSWITCH__STATIC: //case ALIENSWITCH+1: case MULTISWITCH__STATIC: //case MULTISWITCH+1: //case MULTISWITCH+2: //case MULTISWITCH+3: //case ACCESSSWITCH: //case ACCESSSWITCH2: case PULLSWITCH__STATIC: //case PULLSWITCH+1: case HANDSWITCH__STATIC: //case HANDSWITCH+1: case SLOTDOOR__STATIC: //case SLOTDOOR+1: case LIGHTSWITCH__STATIC: //case LIGHTSWITCH+1: case SPACELIGHTSWITCH__STATIC: //case SPACELIGHTSWITCH+1: case SPACEDOORSWITCH__STATIC: //case SPACEDOORSWITCH+1: case FRANKENSTINESWITCH__STATIC: //case FRANKENSTINESWITCH+1: case LIGHTSWITCH2__STATIC: //case LIGHTSWITCH2+1: case POWERSWITCH1__STATIC: //case POWERSWITCH1+1: case LOCKSWITCH1__STATIC: //case LOCKSWITCH1+1: case POWERSWITCH2__STATIC: //case POWERSWITCH2+1: case DIPSWITCH__STATIC: //case DIPSWITCH+1: case DIPSWITCH2__STATIC: //case DIPSWITCH2+1: case TECHSWITCH__STATIC: //case TECHSWITCH+1: case DIPSWITCH3__STATIC: //case DIPSWITCH3+1: return 1; } } return 0; } long tempwallptr; short spawn( short j, short pn ) { short i, s, startwall, endwall, sect, clostest=0; long x, y, d, p; spritetype *sp; if(j >= 0) { i = EGS(sprite[j].sectnum,sprite[j].x,sprite[j].y,sprite[j].z ,pn,0,0,0,0,0,0,j,0); hittype[i].picnum = sprite[j].picnum; } else { i = pn; hittype[i].picnum = PN; hittype[i].timetosleep = 0; hittype[i].extra = -1; hittype[i].bposx = SX; hittype[i].bposy = SY; hittype[i].bposz = SZ; OW = hittype[i].owner = i; hittype[i].cgg = 0; hittype[i].movflag = 0; hittype[i].tempang = 0; hittype[i].dispicnum = 0; hittype[i].floorz = sector[SECT].floorz; hittype[i].ceilingz = sector[SECT].ceilingz; hittype[i].lastvx = 0; hittype[i].lastvy = 0; hittype[i].actorstayput = -1; T1 = T2 = T3 = T4 = T5 = T6 = T7 = T8 = T9 = 0; actorspriteflags[i] = 0; if( PN != SPEAKER && PN != LETTER && PN != DUCK && PN != TARGET && PN != TRIPBOMB && PN != VIEWSCREEN && PN != VIEWSCREEN2 && (CS&48) ) if( !(PN >= CRACK1 && PN <= CRACK4) ) { if(SS == 127) return i; if( wallswitchcheck(i) == 1 && (CS&16) ) { if( PN != ACCESSSWITCH && PN != ACCESSSWITCH2 && sprite[i].pal) { if( (ud.multimode < 2) || (ud.multimode > 1 && !(gametype_flags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_DMSWITCHES)) ) { sprite[i].xrepeat = sprite[i].yrepeat = 0; sprite[i].cstat = SLT = SHT = 0; return i; } } CS |= 257; if( sprite[i].pal && PN != ACCESSSWITCH && PN != ACCESSSWITCH2) sprite[i].pal = 0; return i; } if( SHT ) { changespritestat(i,12); CS |= 257; SH = impact_damage; return i; } } s = PN; if( CS&1 ) CS |= 256; if( actorscrptr[s] ) { SH = *(actorscrptr[s]); T5 = *(actorscrptr[s]+1); T2 = *(actorscrptr[s]+2); if( *(actorscrptr[s]+3) && SHT == 0 ) SHT = *(actorscrptr[s]+3); } else T2 = T5 = 0; } sp = &sprite[i]; sect = sp->sectnum; //some special cases that can't be handled through the dynamictostatic system. if (((sp->picnum >= BOLT1)&&(sp->picnum <= BOLT1+3))||((sp->picnum >= SIDEBOLT1)&&(sp->picnum <= SIDEBOLT1+3))) { T1 = sp->xrepeat; T2 = sp->yrepeat; sp->yvel = 0; changespritestat(i,6); } else if (((sp->picnum >= CAMERA1)&&(sp->picnum <= CAMERA1+3))||(sp->picnum==CAMERAPOLE)||(sp->picnum==GENERICPOLE)) { if (sp->picnum != GENERICPOLE) { sp->extra = 1; if(camerashitable) sp->cstat = 257; else sp->cstat = 0; } if( ud.multimode < 2 && sp->pal != 0 ) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); } else { sp->pal = 0; if (!(sp->picnum == CAMERAPOLE || sp->picnum == GENERICPOLE)) { sp->picnum = CAMERA1; changespritestat(i,1); } } } else switch(dynamictostatic[sp->picnum]) { default: if( actorscrptr[sp->picnum] ) { if( j == -1 && sp->lotag > ud.player_skill ) { sp->xrepeat=sp->yrepeat=0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } // Init the size if(sp->xrepeat == 0 || sp->yrepeat == 0) sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 1; if( actortype[sp->picnum] & 3) { if( ud.monsters_off == 1 ) { sp->xrepeat=sp->yrepeat=0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } makeitfall(i); if( actortype[sp->picnum] & 2) hittype[i].actorstayput = sp->sectnum; ps[myconnectindex].max_actors_killed++; sp->clipdist = 80; if(j >= 0) { if(sprite[j].picnum == RESPAWN) hittype[i].tempang = sprite[i].pal = sprite[j].pal; changespritestat(i,1); } else changespritestat(i,2); } else { sp->clipdist = 40; sp->owner = i; changespritestat(i,1); } hittype[i].timetosleep = 0; if(j >= 0) sp->ang = sprite[j].ang; } break; case FOF__STATIC: sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); break; case WATERSPLASH2__STATIC: if(j >= 0) { setsprite(i,sprite[j].x,sprite[j].y,sprite[j].z); sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 8+(TRAND&7); } else sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 16+(TRAND&15); sp->shade = -16; sp->cstat |= 128; if(j >= 0) { if(sector[sprite[j].sectnum].lotag == 2) { sp->z = getceilzofslope(SECT,SX,SY)+(16<<8); sp->cstat |= 8; } else if( sector[sprite[j].sectnum].lotag == 1) sp->z = getflorzofslope(SECT,SX,SY); } if(sector[sect].floorpicnum == FLOORSLIME || sector[sect].ceilingpicnum == FLOORSLIME) sp->pal = 7; case NEON1__STATIC: case NEON2__STATIC: case NEON3__STATIC: case NEON4__STATIC: case NEON5__STATIC: case NEON6__STATIC: case DOMELITE__STATIC: if(sp->picnum != WATERSPLASH2) sp->cstat |= 257; case NUKEBUTTON__STATIC: if(sp->picnum == DOMELITE) sp->cstat |= 257; case JIBS1__STATIC: case JIBS2__STATIC: case JIBS3__STATIC: case JIBS4__STATIC: case JIBS5__STATIC: case JIBS6__STATIC: case HEADJIB1__STATIC: case ARMJIB1__STATIC: case LEGJIB1__STATIC: case LIZMANHEAD1__STATIC: case LIZMANARM1__STATIC: case LIZMANLEG1__STATIC: case DUKETORSO__STATIC: case DUKEGUN__STATIC: case DUKELEG__STATIC: changespritestat(i,5); break; case TONGUE__STATIC: if(j >= 0) sp->ang = sprite[j].ang; sp->z -= 38<<8; sp->zvel = 256-(TRAND&511); sp->xvel = 64-(TRAND&127); changespritestat(i,4); break; case NATURALLIGHTNING__STATIC: sp->cstat &= ~257; sp->cstat |= 32768; break; case TRANSPORTERSTAR__STATIC: case TRANSPORTERBEAM__STATIC: if(j == -1) break; if(sp->picnum == TRANSPORTERBEAM) { sp->xrepeat = 31; sp->yrepeat = 1; sp->z = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorz-(40<<8); } else { if(sprite[j].statnum == 4) { sp->xrepeat = 8; sp->yrepeat = 8; } else { sp->xrepeat = 48; sp->yrepeat = 64; if(sprite[j].statnum == 10 || badguy(&sprite[j]) ) sp->z -= (32<<8); } } sp->shade = -127; sp->cstat = 128|2; sp->ang = sprite[j].ang; sp->xvel = 128; changespritestat(i,5); ssp(i,CLIPMASK0); setsprite(i,sp->x,sp->y,sp->z); break; case FRAMEEFFECT1_13__STATIC: if (PLUTOPAK) break; case FRAMEEFFECT1__STATIC: if(j >= 0) { sp->xrepeat = sprite[j].xrepeat; sp->yrepeat = sprite[j].yrepeat; T2 = sprite[j].picnum; } else sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); break; case LASERLINE__STATIC: sp->yrepeat = 6; sp->xrepeat = 32; if(lasermode == 1) sp->cstat = 16 + 2; else if(lasermode == 0 || lasermode == 2) sp->cstat = 16; else { sp->xrepeat = 0; sp->yrepeat = 0; } if(j >= 0) sp->ang = hittype[j].temp_data[5]+512; changespritestat(i,5); break; case FORCESPHERE__STATIC: if(j == -1 ) { sp->cstat = (short) 32768; changespritestat(i,2); } else { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 1; changespritestat(i,5); } break; case BLOOD__STATIC: sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 16; sp->z -= (26<<8); if( j >= 0 && sprite[j].pal == 6 ) sp->pal = 6; changespritestat(i,5); break; case BLOODPOOL__STATIC: case PUKE__STATIC: { short s1; s1 = sp->sectnum; updatesector(sp->x+108,sp->y+108,&s1); if(s1 >= 0 && sector[s1].floorz == sector[sp->sectnum].floorz) { updatesector(sp->x-108,sp->y-108,&s1); if(s1 >= 0 && sector[s1].floorz == sector[sp->sectnum].floorz) { updatesector(sp->x+108,sp->y-108,&s1); if(s1 >= 0 && sector[s1].floorz == sector[sp->sectnum].floorz) { updatesector(sp->x-108,sp->y+108,&s1); if(s1 >= 0 && sector[s1].floorz != sector[sp->sectnum].floorz) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0;changespritestat(i,5);break;} } else { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0;changespritestat(i,5);break;} } else { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0;changespritestat(i,5);break;} } else { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0;changespritestat(i,5);break;} } if( sector[SECT].lotag == 1 ) { changespritestat(i,5); break; } if(j >= 0 && sp->picnum != PUKE) { if( sprite[j].pal == 1) sp->pal = 1; else if( sprite[j].pal != 6 && sprite[j].picnum != NUKEBARREL && sprite[j].picnum != TIRE ) { if(sprite[j].picnum == FECES) sp->pal = 7; // Brown else sp->pal = 2; // Red } else sp->pal = 0; // green if(sprite[j].picnum == TIRE) sp->shade = 127; } sp->cstat |= 32; case FECES__STATIC: if( j >= 0) sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 1; changespritestat(i,5); break; case BLOODSPLAT1__STATIC: case BLOODSPLAT2__STATIC: case BLOODSPLAT3__STATIC: case BLOODSPLAT4__STATIC: sp->cstat |= 16; sp->xrepeat = 7+(TRAND&7); sp->yrepeat = 7+(TRAND&7); sp->z -= (16<<8); if(j >= 0 && sprite[j].pal == 6) sp->pal = 6; insertspriteq(i); changespritestat(i,5); break; case TRIPBOMB__STATIC: if( sp->lotag > ud.player_skill ) { sp->xrepeat=sp->yrepeat=0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } sp->xrepeat=4; sp->yrepeat=5; sp->owner = i; sp->hitag = i; sp->xvel = 16; ssp(i,CLIPMASK0); hittype[i].temp_data[0] = 17; hittype[i].temp_data[2] = 0; hittype[i].temp_data[5] = sp->ang; case SPACEMARINE__STATIC: if(sp->picnum == SPACEMARINE) { sp->extra = 20; sp->cstat |= 257; } changespritestat(i,2); break; case HYDRENT__STATIC: case PANNEL1__STATIC: case PANNEL2__STATIC: case SATELITE__STATIC: case FUELPOD__STATIC: case SOLARPANNEL__STATIC: case ANTENNA__STATIC: case GRATE1__STATIC: case CHAIR1__STATIC: case CHAIR2__STATIC: case CHAIR3__STATIC: case BOTTLE1__STATIC: case BOTTLE2__STATIC: case BOTTLE3__STATIC: case BOTTLE4__STATIC: case BOTTLE5__STATIC: case BOTTLE6__STATIC: case BOTTLE7__STATIC: case BOTTLE8__STATIC: case BOTTLE10__STATIC: case BOTTLE11__STATIC: case BOTTLE12__STATIC: case BOTTLE13__STATIC: case BOTTLE14__STATIC: case BOTTLE15__STATIC: case BOTTLE16__STATIC: case BOTTLE17__STATIC: case BOTTLE18__STATIC: case BOTTLE19__STATIC: case OCEANSPRITE1__STATIC: case OCEANSPRITE2__STATIC: case OCEANSPRITE3__STATIC: case OCEANSPRITE5__STATIC: case MONK__STATIC: case INDY__STATIC: case LUKE__STATIC: case JURYGUY__STATIC: case SCALE__STATIC: case VACUUM__STATIC: case FANSPRITE__STATIC: case CACTUS__STATIC: case CACTUSBROKE__STATIC: case HANGLIGHT__STATIC: case FETUS__STATIC: case FETUSBROKE__STATIC: case CAMERALIGHT__STATIC: case MOVIECAMERA__STATIC: case IVUNIT__STATIC: case POT1__STATIC: case POT2__STATIC: case POT3__STATIC: case TRIPODCAMERA__STATIC: case SUSHIPLATE1__STATIC: case SUSHIPLATE2__STATIC: case SUSHIPLATE3__STATIC: case SUSHIPLATE4__STATIC: case SUSHIPLATE5__STATIC: case WAITTOBESEATED__STATIC: case VASE__STATIC: case PIPE1__STATIC: case PIPE2__STATIC: case PIPE3__STATIC: case PIPE4__STATIC: case PIPE5__STATIC: case PIPE6__STATIC: sp->clipdist = 32; sp->cstat |= 257; case OCEANSPRITE4__STATIC: changespritestat(i,0); break; case FEMMAG1__STATIC: case FEMMAG2__STATIC: sp->cstat &= ~257; changespritestat(i,0); break; case DUKETAG__STATIC: case SIGN1__STATIC: case SIGN2__STATIC: if(ud.multimode < 2 && sp->pal) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); } else sp->pal = 0; break; case MASKWALL1__STATIC: case MASKWALL2__STATIC: case MASKWALL3__STATIC: case MASKWALL4__STATIC: case MASKWALL5__STATIC: case MASKWALL6__STATIC: case MASKWALL7__STATIC: case MASKWALL8__STATIC: case MASKWALL9__STATIC: case MASKWALL10__STATIC: case MASKWALL11__STATIC: case MASKWALL12__STATIC: case MASKWALL13__STATIC: case MASKWALL14__STATIC: case MASKWALL15__STATIC: j = sp->cstat&60; sp->cstat = j|1; changespritestat(i,0); break; case FOOTPRINTS__STATIC: case FOOTPRINTS2__STATIC: case FOOTPRINTS3__STATIC: case FOOTPRINTS4__STATIC: if(j >= 0) { short s1; s1 = sp->sectnum; updatesector(sp->x+84,sp->y+84,&s1); if(s1 >= 0 && sector[s1].floorz == sector[sp->sectnum].floorz) { updatesector(sp->x-84,sp->y-84,&s1); if(s1 >= 0 && sector[s1].floorz == sector[sp->sectnum].floorz) { updatesector(sp->x+84,sp->y-84,&s1); if(s1 >= 0 && sector[s1].floorz == sector[sp->sectnum].floorz) { updatesector(sp->x-84,sp->y+84,&s1); if(s1 >= 0 && sector[s1].floorz != sector[sp->sectnum].floorz) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0;changespritestat(i,5);break;} } else { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0;break;} } else { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0;break;} } else { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0;break;} sp->cstat = 32+((ps[sprite[j].yvel].footprintcount&1)<<2); sp->ang = sprite[j].ang; } sp->z = sector[sect].floorz; if(sector[sect].lotag != 1 && sector[sect].lotag != 2) sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 32; insertspriteq(i); changespritestat(i,5); break; case FEM1__STATIC: case FEM2__STATIC: case FEM3__STATIC: case FEM4__STATIC: case FEM5__STATIC: case FEM6__STATIC: case FEM7__STATIC: case FEM8__STATIC: case FEM9__STATIC: case FEM10__STATIC: case PODFEM1__STATIC: case NAKED1__STATIC: case STATUE__STATIC: case TOUGHGAL__STATIC: sp->yvel = sp->hitag; sp->hitag = -1; if(sp->picnum == PODFEM1) sp->extra <<= 1; case BLOODYPOLE__STATIC: case QUEBALL__STATIC: case STRIPEBALL__STATIC: if(sp->picnum == QUEBALL || sp->picnum == STRIPEBALL) { sp->cstat = 256; sp->clipdist = 8; } else { sp->cstat |= 257; sp->clipdist = 32; } changespritestat(i,2); break; case DUKELYINGDEAD__STATIC: if(j >= 0 && sprite[j].picnum == APLAYER) { sp->xrepeat = sprite[j].xrepeat; sp->yrepeat = sprite[j].yrepeat; sp->shade = sprite[j].shade; sp->pal = ps[sprite[j].yvel].palookup; } case DUKECAR__STATIC: case HELECOPT__STATIC: // if(sp->picnum == HELECOPT || sp->picnum == DUKECAR) sp->xvel = 1024; sp->cstat = 0; sp->extra = 1; sp->xvel = 292; sp->zvel = 360; case RESPAWNMARKERRED__STATIC: case BLIMP__STATIC: if(sp->picnum == RESPAWNMARKERRED) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 24; if(j >= 0) sp->z = hittype[j].floorz; // -(1<<4); } else { sp->cstat |= 257; sp->clipdist = 128; } case MIKE__STATIC: if(sp->picnum == MIKE) { sp->yvel = sp->hitag; sp->hitag = 0; } case WEATHERWARN__STATIC: changespritestat(i,1); break; case SPOTLITE__STATIC: T1 = sp->x; T2 = sp->y; break; case BULLETHOLE__STATIC: sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 3; sp->cstat = 16+(krand()&12); insertspriteq(i); case MONEY__STATIC: case MAIL__STATIC: case PAPER__STATIC: if( sp->picnum == MONEY || sp->picnum == MAIL || sp->picnum == PAPER ) { hittype[i].temp_data[0] = TRAND&2047; sp->cstat = TRAND&12; sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 8; sp->ang = TRAND&2047; } changespritestat(i,5); break; case VIEWSCREEN__STATIC: case VIEWSCREEN2__STATIC: sp->owner = i; sp->lotag = 1; sp->extra = 1; changespritestat(i,6); break; case SHELL__STATIC: //From the player case SHOTGUNSHELL__STATIC: if( j >= 0 ) { short snum,a; if(sprite[j].picnum == APLAYER) { snum = sprite[j].yvel; a = ps[snum].ang-(TRAND&63)+8; //Fine tune T1 = TRAND&1; if(sp->picnum == SHOTGUNSHELL) sp->z = (6<<8)+ps[snum].pyoff+ps[snum].posz-((ps[snum].horizoff+ps[snum].horiz-100)<<4); else sp->z = (3<<8)+ps[snum].pyoff+ps[snum].posz-((ps[snum].horizoff+ps[snum].horiz-100)<<4); sp->zvel = -(TRAND&255); } else { a = sp->ang; sp->z = sprite[j].z-PHEIGHT+(3<<8); } sp->x = sprite[j].x+(sintable[(a+512)&2047]>>7); sp->y = sprite[j].y+(sintable[a&2047]>>7); sp->shade = -8; if (sp->yvel == 1 || NAM) { sp->ang = a+512; sp->xvel = 30; } else { sp->ang = a-512; sp->xvel = 20; } sp->xrepeat=sp->yrepeat=4; changespritestat(i,5); } break; case RESPAWN__STATIC: sp->extra = 66-13; case MUSICANDSFX__STATIC: if( ud.multimode < 2 && sp->pal == 1) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } sp->cstat = (short)32768; changespritestat(i,11); break; case EXPLOSION2__STATIC: case EXPLOSION2BOT__STATIC: case BURNING__STATIC: case BURNING2__STATIC: case SMALLSMOKE__STATIC: case SHRINKEREXPLOSION__STATIC: case COOLEXPLOSION1__STATIC: if(j >= 0) { sp->ang = sprite[j].ang; sp->shade = -64; sp->cstat = 128|(TRAND&4); } if(sp->picnum == EXPLOSION2 || sp->picnum == EXPLOSION2BOT) { sp->xrepeat = 48; sp->yrepeat = 48; sp->shade = -127; sp->cstat |= 128; } else if(sp->picnum == SHRINKEREXPLOSION ) { sp->xrepeat = 32; sp->yrepeat = 32; } else if( sp->picnum == SMALLSMOKE ) { // 64 "money" sp->xrepeat = 24; sp->yrepeat = 24; } else if(sp->picnum == BURNING || sp->picnum == BURNING2) { sp->xrepeat = 4; sp->yrepeat = 4; } if(j >= 0) { x = getflorzofslope(sp->sectnum,sp->x,sp->y); if(sp->z > x-(12<<8) ) sp->z = x-(12<<8); } changespritestat(i,5); break; case PLAYERONWATER__STATIC: if(j >= 0) { sp->xrepeat = sprite[j].xrepeat; sp->yrepeat = sprite[j].yrepeat; sp->zvel = 128; if(sector[sp->sectnum].lotag != 2) sp->cstat |= 32768; } changespritestat(i,13); break; case APLAYER__STATIC: sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; //j = ud.coop; //if(j == 2) j = 0; j=(gametype_flags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_COOPSPAWN ) / GAMETYPE_FLAG_COOPSPAWN ; if( ud.multimode < 2 || (ud.multimode > 1 && j != sp->lotag) ) changespritestat(i,5); else changespritestat(i,10); break; case WATERBUBBLE__STATIC: if(j >= 0 && sprite[j].picnum == APLAYER) sp->z -= (16<<8); if( sp->picnum == WATERBUBBLE) { if( j >= 0 ) sp->ang = sprite[j].ang; sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 4; } else sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 32; changespritestat(i,5); break; case CRANE__STATIC: sp->cstat |= 64|257; sp->picnum += 2; sp->z = sector[sect].ceilingz+(48<<8); T5 = tempwallptr; msx[tempwallptr] = sp->x; msy[tempwallptr] = sp->y; msx[tempwallptr+2] = sp->z; s = headspritestat[0]; while(s >= 0) { if( sprite[s].picnum == CRANEPOLE && SHT == (sprite[s].hitag) ) { msy[tempwallptr+2] = s; T2 = sprite[s].sectnum; sprite[s].xrepeat = 48; sprite[s].yrepeat = 128; msx[tempwallptr+1] = sprite[s].x; msy[tempwallptr+1] = sprite[s].y; sprite[s].x = sp->x; sprite[s].y = sp->y; sprite[s].z = sp->z; sprite[s].shade = sp->shade; setsprite(s,sprite[s].x,sprite[s].y,sprite[s].z); break; } s = nextspritestat[s]; } tempwallptr += 3; sp->owner = -1; sp->extra = 8; changespritestat(i,6); break; case WATERDRIP__STATIC: if((j >= 0 && sprite[j].statnum == 10) || sprite[j].statnum == 1) { sp->shade = 32; if(sprite[j].pal != 1) { sp->pal = 2; sp->z -= (18<<8); } else sp->z -= (13<<8); sp->ang = getangle(ps[connecthead].posx-sp->x,ps[connecthead].posy-sp->y); sp->xvel = 48-(TRAND&31); ssp(i,CLIPMASK0); } else if(j == -1) { sp->z += (4<<8); T1 = sp->z; T2 = TRAND&127; } case TRASH__STATIC: if(sp->picnum != WATERDRIP) sp->ang = TRAND&2047; case WATERDRIPSPLASH__STATIC: sp->xrepeat = 24; sp->yrepeat = 24; changespritestat(i,6); break; case PLUG__STATIC: sp->lotag = 9999; changespritestat(i,6); break; case TOUCHPLATE__STATIC: T3 = sector[sect].floorz; if(sector[sect].lotag != 1 && sector[sect].lotag != 2) sector[sect].floorz = sp->z; if(sp->pal && ud.multimode > 1) { sp->xrepeat=sp->yrepeat=0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } case WATERBUBBLEMAKER__STATIC: if (sp->hitag && sp->picnum == WATERBUBBLEMAKER) { // JBF 20030913: Pisses off move(), eg. in bobsp2 OSD_Printf("WARNING: WATERBUBBLEMAKER %d @ %d,%d with hitag!=0. Applying fixup.\n", i,sp->x,sp->y); sp->hitag = 0; } sp->cstat |= 32768; changespritestat(i,6); break; //case BOLT1: //case BOLT1+1: //case BOLT1+2: //case BOLT1+3: //case SIDEBOLT1: //case SIDEBOLT1+1: //case SIDEBOLT1+2: //case SIDEBOLT1+3: // T1 = sp->xrepeat; // T2 = sp->yrepeat; case MASTERSWITCH__STATIC: if(sp->picnum == MASTERSWITCH) sp->cstat |= 32768; sp->yvel = 0; changespritestat(i,6); break; case TARGET__STATIC: case DUCK__STATIC: case LETTER__STATIC: sp->extra = 1; sp->cstat |= 257; changespritestat(i,1); break; case OCTABRAINSTAYPUT__STATIC: case LIZTROOPSTAYPUT__STATIC: case PIGCOPSTAYPUT__STATIC: case LIZMANSTAYPUT__STATIC: case BOSS1STAYPUT__STATIC: case PIGCOPDIVE__STATIC: case COMMANDERSTAYPUT__STATIC: case BOSS4STAYPUT__STATIC: hittype[i].actorstayput = sp->sectnum; case BOSS1__STATIC: case BOSS2__STATIC: case BOSS3__STATIC: case BOSS4__STATIC: case ROTATEGUN__STATIC: case GREENSLIME__STATIC: if(sp->picnum == GREENSLIME) sp->extra = 1; case DRONE__STATIC: case LIZTROOPONTOILET__STATIC: case LIZTROOPJUSTSIT__STATIC: case LIZTROOPSHOOT__STATIC: case LIZTROOPJETPACK__STATIC: case LIZTROOPDUCKING__STATIC: case LIZTROOPRUNNING__STATIC: case LIZTROOP__STATIC: case OCTABRAIN__STATIC: case COMMANDER__STATIC: case PIGCOP__STATIC: case LIZMAN__STATIC: case LIZMANSPITTING__STATIC: case LIZMANFEEDING__STATIC: case LIZMANJUMP__STATIC: case ORGANTIC__STATIC: case RAT__STATIC: case SHARK__STATIC: if(sp->pal == 0) { switch(dynamictostatic[sp->picnum]) { case LIZTROOPONTOILET__STATIC: case LIZTROOPSHOOT__STATIC: case LIZTROOPJETPACK__STATIC: case LIZTROOPDUCKING__STATIC: case LIZTROOPRUNNING__STATIC: case LIZTROOPSTAYPUT__STATIC: case LIZTROOPJUSTSIT__STATIC: case LIZTROOP__STATIC: sp->pal = 22; break; } } if( sp->picnum == BOSS4STAYPUT || sp->picnum == BOSS1 || sp->picnum == BOSS2 || sp->picnum == BOSS1STAYPUT || sp->picnum == BOSS3 || sp->picnum == BOSS4 ) { if(j >= 0 && sprite[j].picnum == RESPAWN) sp->pal = sprite[j].pal; if(sp->pal) { sp->clipdist = 80; sp->xrepeat = 40; sp->yrepeat = 40; } else { sp->xrepeat = 80; sp->yrepeat = 80; sp->clipdist = 164; } } else { if(sp->picnum != SHARK) { sp->xrepeat = 40; sp->yrepeat = 40; sp->clipdist = 80; } else { sp->xrepeat = 60; sp->yrepeat = 60; sp->clipdist = 40; } } if(j >= 0) sp->lotag = 0; if( ( sp->lotag > ud.player_skill ) || ud.monsters_off == 1 ) { sp->xrepeat=sp->yrepeat=0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } else { makeitfall(i); if(sp->picnum == RAT) { sp->ang = TRAND&2047; sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 48; sp->cstat = 0; } else { sp->cstat |= 257; if(sp->picnum != SHARK) ps[myconnectindex].max_actors_killed++; } if(sp->picnum == ORGANTIC) sp->cstat |= 128; if(j >= 0) { hittype[i].timetosleep = 0; check_fta_sounds(i); changespritestat(i,1); } else changespritestat(i,2); } if(sp->picnum == ROTATEGUN) sp->zvel = 0; break; case LOCATORS__STATIC: sp->cstat |= 32768; changespritestat(i,7); break; case ACTIVATORLOCKED__STATIC: case ACTIVATOR__STATIC: sp->cstat = (short) 32768; if(sp->picnum == ACTIVATORLOCKED) sector[sp->sectnum].lotag |= 16384; changespritestat(i,8); break; case DOORSHOCK__STATIC: sp->cstat |= 1+256; sp->shade = -12; changespritestat(i,6); break; case OOZ__STATIC: case OOZ2__STATIC: sp->shade = -12; if(j >= 0) { if( sprite[j].picnum == NUKEBARREL ) sp->pal = 8; insertspriteq(i); } changespritestat(i,1); getglobalz(i); j = (hittype[i].floorz-hittype[i].ceilingz)>>9; sp->yrepeat = j; sp->xrepeat = 25-(j>>1); sp->cstat |= (TRAND&4); break; case HEAVYHBOMB__STATIC: if(j >= 0) sp->owner = j; else sp->owner = i; sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 9; sp->yvel = 4; case REACTOR2__STATIC: case REACTOR__STATIC: case RECON__STATIC: if(sp->picnum == RECON) { if( sp->lotag > ud.player_skill ) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); return i; } ps[myconnectindex].max_actors_killed++; hittype[i].temp_data[5] = 0; if(ud.monsters_off == 1) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } sp->extra = 130; } if(sp->picnum == REACTOR || sp->picnum == REACTOR2) sp->extra = impact_damage; CS |= 257; // Make it hitable if( ud.multimode < 2 && sp->pal != 0) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } sp->pal = 0; SS = -17; changespritestat(i,2); break; case ATOMICHEALTH__STATIC: case STEROIDS__STATIC: case HEATSENSOR__STATIC: case SHIELD__STATIC: case AIRTANK__STATIC: case TRIPBOMBSPRITE__STATIC: case JETPACK__STATIC: case HOLODUKE__STATIC: case FIRSTGUNSPRITE__STATIC: case CHAINGUNSPRITE__STATIC: case SHOTGUNSPRITE__STATIC: case RPGSPRITE__STATIC: case SHRINKERSPRITE__STATIC: case FREEZESPRITE__STATIC: case DEVISTATORSPRITE__STATIC: case SHOTGUNAMMO__STATIC: case FREEZEAMMO__STATIC: case HBOMBAMMO__STATIC: case CRYSTALAMMO__STATIC: case GROWAMMO__STATIC: case BATTERYAMMO__STATIC: case DEVISTATORAMMO__STATIC: case RPGAMMO__STATIC: case BOOTS__STATIC: case AMMO__STATIC: case AMMOLOTS__STATIC: case COLA__STATIC: case FIRSTAID__STATIC: case SIXPAK__STATIC: if(j >= 0) { sp->lotag = 0; sp->z -= (32<<8); sp->zvel = -1024; ssp(i,CLIPMASK0); sp->cstat = TRAND&4; } else { sp->owner = i; sp->cstat = 0; } if( ( ud.multimode < 2 && sp->pal != 0) || (sp->lotag > ud.player_skill) ) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } sp->pal = 0; case ACCESSCARD__STATIC: if(sp->picnum == ATOMICHEALTH) sp->cstat |= 128; if(ud.multimode > 1 && !(gametype_flags[ud.coop]&GAMETYPE_FLAG_ACCESSCARDSPRITES) && sp->picnum == ACCESSCARD) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } else { if(sp->picnum == AMMO) sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 16; else sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 32; } sp->shade = -17; if(j >= 0) changespritestat(i,1); else { changespritestat(i,2); makeitfall(i); } break; case WATERFOUNTAIN__STATIC: SLT = 1; case TREE1__STATIC: case TREE2__STATIC: case TIRE__STATIC: case CONE__STATIC: case BOX__STATIC: CS = 257; // Make it hitable sprite[i].extra = 1; changespritestat(i,6); break; case FLOORFLAME__STATIC: sp->shade = -127; changespritestat(i,6); break; case BOUNCEMINE__STATIC: sp->owner = i; sp->cstat |= 1+256; //Make it hitable sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 24; sp->shade = -127; sp->extra = impact_damage<<2; changespritestat(i,2); break; case STEAM__STATIC: if(j >= 0) { sp->ang = sprite[j].ang; sp->cstat = 16+128+2; sp->xrepeat=sp->yrepeat=1; sp->xvel = -8; ssp(i,CLIPMASK0); } case CEILINGSTEAM__STATIC: changespritestat(i,6); break; case SECTOREFFECTOR__STATIC: sp->yvel = sector[sect].extra; sp->cstat |= 32768; sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; switch(sp->lotag) { case 28: T6 = 65;// Delay for lightning break; case 7: // Transporters!!!! case 23:// XPTR END if(sp->lotag != 23) { for(j=0;jcstat = 0; changespritestat(i,9); return i; case 1: sp->owner = -1; T1 = 1; break; case 18: if(sp->ang == 512) { T2 = sector[sect].ceilingz; if(sp->pal) sector[sect].ceilingz = sp->z; } else { T2 = sector[sect].floorz; if(sp->pal) sector[sect].floorz = sp->z; } sp->hitag <<= 2; break; case 19: sp->owner = -1; break; case 25: // Pistons T4 = sector[sect].ceilingz; T5 = 1; sector[sect].ceilingz = sp->z; setinterpolation(§or[sect].ceilingz); break; case 35: sector[sect].ceilingz = sp->z; break; case 27: if(ud.recstat == 1) { sp->xrepeat=sp->yrepeat=64; sp->cstat &= 32767; } break; case 12: T2 = sector[sect].floorshade; T3 = sector[sect].ceilingshade; break; case 13: T1 = sector[sect].ceilingz; T2 = sector[sect].floorz; if( klabs(T1-sp->z) < klabs(T2-sp->z) ) sp->owner = 1; else sp->owner = 0; if(sp->ang == 512) { if(sp->owner) sector[sect].ceilingz = sp->z; else sector[sect].floorz = sp->z; } else sector[sect].ceilingz = sector[sect].floorz = sp->z; if( sector[sect].ceilingstat&1 ) { sector[sect].ceilingstat ^= 1; T4 = 1; if(!sp->owner && sp->ang==512) { sector[sect].ceilingstat ^= 1; T4 = 0; } sector[sect].ceilingshade = sector[sect].floorshade; if(sp->ang==512) { startwall = sector[sect].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[sect].wallnum; for(j=startwall;j= 0) if( !(sector[x].ceilingstat&1) ) { sector[sect].ceilingpicnum = sector[x].ceilingpicnum; sector[sect].ceilingshade = sector[x].ceilingshade; break; //Leave earily } } } } break; case 17: T3 = sector[sect].floorz; //Stopping loc j = nextsectorneighborz(sect,sector[sect].floorz,-1,-1); T4 = sector[j].ceilingz; j = nextsectorneighborz(sect,sector[sect].ceilingz,1,1); T5 = sector[j].floorz; if(numplayers < 2) { setinterpolation(§or[sect].floorz); setinterpolation(§or[sect].ceilingz); } break; case 24: sp->yvel <<= 1; case 36: break; case 20: { long q; startwall = sector[sect].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[sect].wallnum; //find the two most clostest wall x's and y's q = 0x7fffffff; for(s=startwall;sx-x,sp->y-y); if( d < q ) { q = d; clostest = s; } } T2 = clostest; q = 0x7fffffff; for(s=startwall;sx-x,sp->y-y); if(d < q && s != T2) { q = d; clostest = s; } } T3 = clostest; } break; case 3: T4=sector[sect].floorshade; sector[sect].floorshade = sp->shade; sector[sect].ceilingshade = sp->shade; sp->owner = sector[sect].ceilingpal<<8; sp->owner |= sector[sect].floorpal; //fix all the walls; startwall = sector[sect].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[sect].wallnum; for(s=startwall;sshade; if( (wall[s].cstat&2) && wall[s].nextwall >= 0) wall[wall[s].nextwall].shade = sp->shade; } break; case 31: T2 = sector[sect].floorz; // T3 = sp->hitag; if(sp->ang != 1536) sector[sect].floorz = sp->z; startwall = sector[sect].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[sect].wallnum; for(s=startwall;shitag; if(sp->ang != 1536) sector[sect].ceilingz = sp->z; startwall = sector[sect].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[sect].wallnum; for(s=startwall;sowner = sector[sect].ceilingpal<<8; sp->owner |= sector[sect].floorpal; for(s=startwall;s T4) T4 = wall[s].shade; break; case 9: if( sector[sect].lotag && labs(sector[sect].ceilingz-sp->z) > 1024) sector[sect].lotag |= 32768; //If its open case 8: //First, get the ceiling-floor shade T1 = sector[sect].floorshade; T2 = sector[sect].ceilingshade; startwall = sector[sect].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[sect].wallnum; for(s=startwall;s T3) T3 = wall[s].shade; T4 = 1; //Take Out; break; case 11://Pivitor rotater if(sp->ang>1024) T4 = 2; else T4 = -2; case 0: case 2://Earthquakemakers case 5://Boss Creature case 6://Subway case 14://Caboos case 15://Subwaytype sliding door case 16://That rotating blocker reactor thing case 26://ESCELATOR case 30://No rotational subways if(sp->lotag == 0) { if( sector[sect].lotag == 30 ) { if(sp->pal) sprite[i].clipdist = 1; else sprite[i].clipdist = 0; T4 = sector[sect].floorz; sector[sect].hitag = i; } for(j = 0;j < MAXSPRITES;j++) { if( sprite[j].statnum < MAXSTATUS ) if( sprite[j].picnum == SECTOREFFECTOR && sprite[j].lotag == 1 && sprite[j].hitag == sp->hitag) { if( sp->ang == 512 ) { sp->x = sprite[j].x; sp->y = sprite[j].y; } break; } } if(j == MAXSPRITES) { Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Found lonely Sector Effector (lotag 0) at (%ld,%ld)\n",sp->x,sp->y); gameexit(tempbuf); } sp->owner = j; } startwall = sector[sect].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[sect].wallnum; T2 = tempwallptr; for(s=startwall;sx; msy[tempwallptr] = wall[s].y-sp->y; tempwallptr++; if(tempwallptr > 2047) { Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Too many moving sectors at (%ld,%ld).\n",wall[s].x,wall[s].y); gameexit(tempbuf); } } if( sp->lotag == 30 || sp->lotag == 6 || sp->lotag == 14 || sp->lotag == 5 ) { startwall = sector[sect].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[sect].wallnum; if(sector[sect].hitag == -1) sp->extra = 0; else sp->extra = 1; sector[sect].hitag = i; j = 0; for(s=startwall;s= 0 && sector[ wall[ s ].nextsector].hitag == 0 && sector[ wall[ s ].nextsector].lotag < 3 ) { s = wall[s].nextsector; j = 1; break; } } if(j == 0) { Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Subway found no zero'd sectors with locators\nat (%ld,%ld).\n",sp->x,sp->y); gameexit(tempbuf); } sp->owner = -1; T1 = s; if(sp->lotag != 30) T4 = sp->hitag; } else if(sp->lotag == 16) T4 = sector[sect].ceilingz; else if( sp->lotag == 26 ) { T4 = sp->x; T5 = sp->y; if(sp->shade==sector[sect].floorshade) //UP sp->zvel = -256; else sp->zvel = 256; sp->shade = 0; } else if( sp->lotag == 2) { T6 = sector[sp->sectnum].floorheinum; sector[sp->sectnum].floorheinum = 0; } } switch(sp->lotag) { case 6: case 14: j = callsound(sect,i); if(j == -1) j = SUBWAY; hittype[i].lastvx = j; case 30: if(numplayers > 1) break; case 0: case 1: case 5: case 11: case 15: case 16: case 26: setsectinterpolate(i); break; } switch(sprite[i].lotag) { case 40: case 41: case 42: case 43: case 44: case 45: changespritestat(i,15); break; default: changespritestat(i,3); break; } break; case SEENINE__STATIC: case OOZFILTER__STATIC: sp->shade = -16; if(sp->xrepeat <= 8) { sp->cstat = (short)32768; sp->xrepeat=sp->yrepeat=0; } else sp->cstat = 1+256; sp->extra = impact_damage<<2; sp->owner = i; changespritestat(i,6); break; case CRACK1__STATIC: case CRACK2__STATIC: case CRACK3__STATIC: case CRACK4__STATIC: case FIREEXT__STATIC: if(sp->picnum == FIREEXT) { sp->cstat = 257; sp->extra = impact_damage<<2; } else { sp->cstat |= (sp->cstat & 48) ? 1 : 17; sp->extra = 1; } if( ud.multimode < 2 && sp->pal != 0) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } sp->pal = 0; sp->owner = i; changespritestat(i,6); sp->xvel = 8; ssp(i,CLIPMASK0); break; case TOILET__STATIC: case STALL__STATIC: sp->lotag = 1; sp->cstat |= 257; sp->clipdist = 8; sp->owner = i; break; case CANWITHSOMETHING__STATIC: case CANWITHSOMETHING2__STATIC: case CANWITHSOMETHING3__STATIC: case CANWITHSOMETHING4__STATIC: case RUBBERCAN__STATIC: sp->extra = 0; case EXPLODINGBARREL__STATIC: case HORSEONSIDE__STATIC: case FIREBARREL__STATIC: case NUKEBARREL__STATIC: case FIREVASE__STATIC: case NUKEBARRELDENTED__STATIC: case NUKEBARRELLEAKED__STATIC: case WOODENHORSE__STATIC: if(j >= 0) sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 32; sp->clipdist = 72; makeitfall(i); if(j >= 0) sp->owner = j; else sp->owner = i; case EGG__STATIC: if( ud.monsters_off == 1 && sp->picnum == EGG ) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); } else { if(sp->picnum == EGG) sp->clipdist = 24; sp->cstat = 257|(TRAND&4); changespritestat(i,2); } break; case TOILETWATER__STATIC: sp->shade = -16; changespritestat(i,6); break; } OnEvent(EVENT_SPAWN,i, findplayer(&sprite[i],&p), p); return i; } #ifdef _MSC_VER // Visual C thought this was a bit too hard to optimise so we'd better // tell it not to try... such a pussy it is. //#pragma auto_inline( off ) #pragma optimize("g",off) #endif void animatesprites(long x,long y,short a,long smoothratio) { short i, j, k, p, sect; long l, t1,t3,t4; spritetype *s,*t; int switchpic; for(j=0;j < spritesortcnt; j++) { t = &tsprite[j]; i = t->owner; s = &sprite[t->owner]; //greenslime can't be handled through the dynamictostatic system due to addition on constant if ((t->picnum >= GREENSLIME)&&(t->picnum <= GREENSLIME+7)) { } else switch(dynamictostatic[t->picnum]) { case BLOODPOOL__STATIC: case PUKE__STATIC: case FOOTPRINTS__STATIC: case FOOTPRINTS2__STATIC: case FOOTPRINTS3__STATIC: case FOOTPRINTS4__STATIC: if(t->shade == 127) continue; break; case RESPAWNMARKERRED__STATIC: case RESPAWNMARKERYELLOW__STATIC: case RESPAWNMARKERGREEN__STATIC: if(ud.marker == 0) t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; continue; case CHAIR3__STATIC: #if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL) if (bpp > 8 && usemodels && md_tilehasmodel(t->picnum) >= 0) { t->cstat &= ~4; break; } #endif k = (((t->ang+3072+128-a)&2047)>>8)&7; if(k>4) { k = 8-k; t->cstat |= 4; } else t->cstat &= ~4; t->picnum = s->picnum+k; break; case BLOODSPLAT1__STATIC: case BLOODSPLAT2__STATIC: case BLOODSPLAT3__STATIC: case BLOODSPLAT4__STATIC: if(ud.lockout) t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; else if(t->pal == 6) { t->shade = -127; continue; } case BULLETHOLE__STATIC: case CRACK1__STATIC: case CRACK2__STATIC: case CRACK3__STATIC: case CRACK4__STATIC: t->shade = 16; continue; case NEON1__STATIC: case NEON2__STATIC: case NEON3__STATIC: case NEON4__STATIC: case NEON5__STATIC: case NEON6__STATIC: continue; //case GREENSLIME: //case GREENSLIME+1: //case GREENSLIME+2: //case GREENSLIME+3: //case GREENSLIME+4: //case GREENSLIME+5: //case GREENSLIME+6: //case GREENSLIME+7: // break; default: if( ( (t->cstat&16) ) || ( badguy(t) && t->extra > 0) || t->statnum == 10) continue; } if (checkspriteflags(t->owner,SPRITE_FLAG_NOSHADE)) l = sprite[t->owner].shade; else { if (sector[t->sectnum].ceilingstat&1) l = sector[t->sectnum].ceilingshade; else l = sector[t->sectnum].floorshade; if(l < -127) l = -127; if(l > 128) l = 127; } t->shade = l; } for(j=0;j < spritesortcnt; j++ ) //Between drawrooms() and drawmasks() { //is the perfect time to animate sprites t = &tsprite[j]; i = t->owner; s = &sprite[i]; switch(dynamictostatic[s->picnum]) { case SECTOREFFECTOR__STATIC: if(t->lotag == 27 && ud.recstat == 1) { t->picnum = 11+((totalclock>>3)&1); t->cstat |= 128; } else t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; break; case NATURALLIGHTNING__STATIC: t->shade = -127; break; case FEM1__STATIC: case FEM2__STATIC: case FEM3__STATIC: case FEM4__STATIC: case FEM5__STATIC: case FEM6__STATIC: case FEM7__STATIC: case FEM8__STATIC: case FEM9__STATIC: case FEM10__STATIC: case MAN__STATIC: case MAN2__STATIC: case WOMAN__STATIC: case NAKED1__STATIC: case PODFEM1__STATIC: case FEMMAG1__STATIC: case FEMMAG2__STATIC: case FEMPIC1__STATIC: case FEMPIC2__STATIC: case FEMPIC3__STATIC: case FEMPIC4__STATIC: case FEMPIC5__STATIC: case FEMPIC6__STATIC: case FEMPIC7__STATIC: case BLOODYPOLE__STATIC: case FEM6PAD__STATIC: case STATUE__STATIC: case STATUEFLASH__STATIC: case OOZ__STATIC: case OOZ2__STATIC: case WALLBLOOD1__STATIC: case WALLBLOOD2__STATIC: case WALLBLOOD3__STATIC: case WALLBLOOD4__STATIC: case WALLBLOOD5__STATIC: case WALLBLOOD7__STATIC: case WALLBLOOD8__STATIC: case SUSHIPLATE1__STATIC: case SUSHIPLATE2__STATIC: case SUSHIPLATE3__STATIC: case SUSHIPLATE4__STATIC: case FETUS__STATIC: case FETUSJIB__STATIC: case FETUSBROKE__STATIC: case HOTMEAT__STATIC: case FOODOBJECT16__STATIC: case DOLPHIN1__STATIC: case DOLPHIN2__STATIC: case TOUGHGAL__STATIC: case TAMPON__STATIC: case XXXSTACY__STATIC: if(ud.lockout) { t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; continue; } } switch(s->picnum) { case 4946: case 4947: case 693: case 2254: case 4560: case 4561: case 4562: case 4498: case 4957: if(ud.lockout) { t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; continue; } } if( t->statnum == 99 ) continue; if( s->statnum != 1 && s->picnum == APLAYER && ps[s->yvel].newowner == -1 && s->owner >= 0 ) { t->x -= mulscale16(65536-smoothratio,ps[s->yvel].posx-ps[s->yvel].oposx); t->y -= mulscale16(65536-smoothratio,ps[s->yvel].posy-ps[s->yvel].oposy); t->z = ps[s->yvel].oposz + mulscale16(smoothratio,ps[s->yvel].posz-ps[s->yvel].oposz); t->z += (40<<8); } else if( ( s->statnum == 0 && s->picnum != CRANEPOLE) || s->statnum == 10 || s->statnum == 6 || s->statnum == 4 || s->statnum == 5 || s->statnum == 1 ) { t->x -= mulscale16(65536-smoothratio,s->x-hittype[i].bposx); t->y -= mulscale16(65536-smoothratio,s->y-hittype[i].bposy); t->z -= mulscale16(65536-smoothratio,s->z-hittype[i].bposz); } sect = s->sectnum; t1 = T2;t3 = T4;t4 = T5; switchpic = s->picnum; //some special cases because dynamictostatic system can't handle addition to constants if ((s->picnum >= SCRAP6)&&(s->picnum<=SCRAP6+7)) switchpic = SCRAP5; else if ((s->picnum==MONEY+1)||(s->picnum==MAIL+1)||(s->picnum==PAPER+1)) switchpic--; switch(dynamictostatic[switchpic]) { case DUKELYINGDEAD__STATIC: t->z += (24<<8); break; case BLOODPOOL__STATIC: case FOOTPRINTS__STATIC: case FOOTPRINTS2__STATIC: case FOOTPRINTS3__STATIC: case FOOTPRINTS4__STATIC: if(t->pal == 6) t->shade = -127; case PUKE__STATIC: case MONEY__STATIC: //case MONEY+1__STATIC: case MAIL__STATIC: //case MAIL+1__STATIC: case PAPER__STATIC: //case PAPER+1__STATIC: if(ud.lockout && s->pal == 2) { t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; continue; } break; case TRIPBOMB__STATIC: continue; case FORCESPHERE__STATIC: if(t->statnum == 5) { short sqa,sqb; sqa = getangle( sprite[s->owner].x-ps[screenpeek].posx, sprite[s->owner].y-ps[screenpeek].posy); sqb = getangle( sprite[s->owner].x-t->x, sprite[s->owner].y-t->y); if( klabs(getincangle(sqa,sqb)) > 512 ) if( ldist(&sprite[s->owner],t) < ldist(&sprite[ps[screenpeek].i],&sprite[s->owner]) ) t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; } continue; case BURNING__STATIC: case BURNING2__STATIC: if( sprite[s->owner].statnum == 10 ) { if( display_mirror == 0 && sprite[s->owner].yvel == screenpeek && ps[sprite[s->owner].yvel].over_shoulder_on == 0 ) t->xrepeat = 0; else { t->ang = getangle(x-t->x,y-t->y); t->x = sprite[s->owner].x; t->y = sprite[s->owner].y; t->x += sintable[(t->ang+512)&2047]>>10; t->y += sintable[t->ang&2047]>>10; } } break; case ATOMICHEALTH__STATIC: t->z -= (4<<8); break; case CRYSTALAMMO__STATIC: t->shade = (sintable[(totalclock<<4)&2047]>>10); continue; case VIEWSCREEN__STATIC: case VIEWSCREEN2__STATIC: if(camsprite >= 0 && hittype[OW].temp_data[0] == 1) { t->picnum = STATIC; t->cstat |= (rand()&12); t->xrepeat += 8; t->yrepeat += 8; } else if (camsprite >= 0 && waloff[TILE_VIEWSCR] && walock[TILE_VIEWSCR] > 200) { t->picnum = TILE_VIEWSCR; } break; case SHRINKSPARK__STATIC: t->picnum = SHRINKSPARK+( (totalclock>>4)&3 ); break; case GROWSPARK__STATIC: t->picnum = GROWSPARK+( (totalclock>>4)&3 ); break; case RPG__STATIC: #if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL) if (bpp > 8 && usemodels && md_tilehasmodel(t->picnum) >= 0) { t->cstat &= ~4; break; } #endif k = getangle(s->x-x,s->y-y); k = (((s->ang+3072+128-k)&2047)/170); if(k > 6) { k = 12-k; t->cstat |= 4; } else t->cstat &= ~4; t->picnum = RPG+k; break; case RECON__STATIC: #if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL) if (bpp > 8 && usemodels && md_tilehasmodel(t->picnum) >= 0) { t->cstat &= ~4; break; } #endif k = getangle(s->x-x,s->y-y); if( T1 < 4 ) k = (((s->ang+3072+128-k)&2047)/170); else k = (((s->ang+3072+128-k)&2047)/170); if(k>6) { k = 12-k; t->cstat |= 4; } else t->cstat &= ~4; if( klabs(t3) > 64 ) k += 7; t->picnum = RECON+k; break; case APLAYER__STATIC: p = s->yvel; if(t->pal == 1) t->z -= (18<<8); if(ps[p].over_shoulder_on > 0 && ps[p].newowner < 0 ) { t->cstat |= 2; if ( screenpeek == myconnectindex && numplayers >= 2 ) { t->x = omyx+mulscale16((long)(myx-omyx),smoothratio); t->y = omyy+mulscale16((long)(myy-omyy),smoothratio); t->z = omyz+mulscale16((long)(myz-omyz),smoothratio)+(40<<8); t->ang = omyang+mulscale16((long)(((myang+1024-omyang)&2047)-1024),smoothratio); t->sectnum = mycursectnum; } } if( ( display_mirror == 1 || screenpeek != p || s->owner == -1 ) && ud.multimode > 1 && ud.showweapons && sprite[ps[p].i].extra > 0 && ps[p].curr_weapon > 0 ) { memcpy((spritetype *)&tsprite[spritesortcnt],(spritetype *)t,sizeof(spritetype)); tsprite[spritesortcnt].statnum = 99; tsprite[spritesortcnt].yrepeat = ( t->yrepeat>>3 ); if(t->yrepeat < 4) t->yrepeat = 4; tsprite[spritesortcnt].shade = t->shade; tsprite[spritesortcnt].cstat = 0; tsprite[spritesortcnt].picnum = (ps[p].curr_weapon==GROW_WEAPON?GROWSPRITEICON:weapon_sprites[ps[p].curr_weapon]); if(s->owner >= 0) tsprite[spritesortcnt].z = ps[p].posz-(12<<8); else tsprite[spritesortcnt].z = s->z-(51<<8); if(tsprite[spritesortcnt].picnum == HEAVYHBOMB) { tsprite[spritesortcnt].xrepeat = 10; tsprite[spritesortcnt].yrepeat = 10; } else { tsprite[spritesortcnt].xrepeat = 16; tsprite[spritesortcnt].yrepeat = 16; } tsprite[spritesortcnt].pal = 0; spritesortcnt++; } if( ( display_mirror == 1 || screenpeek != p || s->owner == -1 ) && ud.multimode > 1 && sync[p].svel == 0 && sync[p].fvel == 0 && !ud.pause_on) { memcpy((spritetype *)&tsprite[spritesortcnt],(spritetype *)t,sizeof(spritetype)); tsprite[spritesortcnt].statnum = 99; tsprite[spritesortcnt].yrepeat = ( t->yrepeat>>3 ); if(t->yrepeat < 4) t->yrepeat = 4; tsprite[spritesortcnt].cstat = 0; tsprite[spritesortcnt].picnum = RESPAWNMARKERGREEN; if(s->owner >= 0) tsprite[spritesortcnt].z = ps[p].posz-(20<<8); else tsprite[spritesortcnt].z = s->z-(96<<8); tsprite[spritesortcnt].xrepeat = 32; tsprite[spritesortcnt].yrepeat = 32; tsprite[spritesortcnt].pal = 20; spritesortcnt++; } if(s->owner == -1) { #if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL) if (bpp > 8 && usemodels && md_tilehasmodel(s->picnum) >= 0) { k = 0; t->cstat &= ~4; } else #endif { k = (((s->ang+3072+128-a)&2047)>>8)&7; if(k>4) { k = 8-k; t->cstat |= 4; } else t->cstat &= ~4; } if(sector[t->sectnum].lotag == 2) k += 1795-1405; else if( (hittype[i].floorz-s->z) > (64<<8) ) k += 60; t->picnum += k; t->pal = ps[p].palookup; goto PALONLY; } if( ps[p].on_crane == -1 && (sector[s->sectnum].lotag&0x7ff) != 1 ) { l = s->z-hittype[ps[p].i].floorz+(3<<8); if( l > 1024 && s->yrepeat > 32 && s->extra > 0 ) s->yoffset = (signed char)(l/(s->yrepeat<<2)); else s->yoffset=0; } if(ps[p].newowner > -1) { t4 = *(actorscrptr[APLAYER]+1); t3 = 0; t1 = *(actorscrptr[APLAYER]+2); } if(ud.camerasprite == -1 && ps[p].newowner == -1) if(s->owner >= 0 && display_mirror == 0 && ps[p].over_shoulder_on == 0 ) if( ud.multimode < 2 || ( ud.multimode > 1 && p == screenpeek ) ) { t->owner = -1; t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; continue; } PALONLY: if( sector[sect].floorpal && sector[sect].floorpal < numl) t->pal = sector[sect].floorpal; if(s->owner == -1) continue; if( t->z > hittype[i].floorz && t->xrepeat < 32 ) t->z = hittype[i].floorz; break; case JIBS1__STATIC: case JIBS2__STATIC: case JIBS3__STATIC: case JIBS4__STATIC: case JIBS5__STATIC: case JIBS6__STATIC: case HEADJIB1__STATIC: case LEGJIB1__STATIC: case ARMJIB1__STATIC: case LIZMANHEAD1__STATIC: case LIZMANARM1__STATIC: case LIZMANLEG1__STATIC: case DUKELEG__STATIC: case DUKEGUN__STATIC: case DUKETORSO__STATIC: if(ud.lockout) { t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; continue; } if(t->pal == 6) t->shade = -120; case SCRAP1__STATIC: case SCRAP2__STATIC: case SCRAP3__STATIC: case SCRAP4__STATIC: case SCRAP5__STATIC: if(hittype[i].picnum == BLIMP && t->picnum == SCRAP1 && s->yvel >= 0) t->picnum = s->yvel; else t->picnum += T1; t->shade -= 6; if( sector[sect].floorpal && sector[sect].floorpal < numl ) t->pal = sector[sect].floorpal; break; case WATERBUBBLE__STATIC: if(sector[t->sectnum].floorpicnum == FLOORSLIME) { t->pal = 7; break; } default: if( sector[sect].floorpal && sector[sect].floorpal < numl ) t->pal = sector[sect].floorpal; break; } if( actorscrptr[s->picnum] ) { if(t4) { l = *(long *)(t4+8); #if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL) if (bpp > 8 && usemodels && md_tilehasmodel(s->picnum) >= 0) { k = 0; t->cstat &= ~4; } else #endif switch( l ) { case 2: k = (((s->ang+3072+128-a)&2047)>>8)&1; break; case 3: case 4: k = (((s->ang+3072+128-a)&2047)>>7)&7; if(k > 3) { t->cstat |= 4; k = 7-k; } else t->cstat &= ~4; break; case 5: k = getangle(s->x-x,s->y-y); k = (((s->ang+3072+128-k)&2047)>>8)&7; if(k>4) { k = 8-k; t->cstat |= 4; } else t->cstat &= ~4; break; case 7: k = getangle(s->x-x,s->y-y); k = (((s->ang+3072+128-k)&2047)/170); if(k>6) { k = 12-k; t->cstat |= 4; } else t->cstat &= ~4; break; case 8: k = (((s->ang+3072+128-a)&2047)>>8)&7; t->cstat &= ~4; break; default: k = 0; break; } t->picnum += k + ( *(long *)t4 ) + l * t3; if(l > 0) while(tilesizx[t->picnum] == 0 && t->picnum > 0 ) t->picnum -= l; //Hack, for actors if( hittype[i].dispicnum >= 0) hittype[i].dispicnum = t->picnum; } else if(display_mirror == 1) t->cstat |= 4; } if( s->statnum == 13 || badguy(s) || checkspriteflags(t->owner,SPRITE_FLAG_SHADOW) || (s->picnum == APLAYER && s->owner >= 0) ) if(t->statnum != 99 && s->picnum != EXPLOSION2 && s->picnum != HANGLIGHT && s->picnum != DOMELITE) if(s->picnum != HOTMEAT) { if( hittype[i].dispicnum < 0 ) { hittype[i].dispicnum++; continue; } else if( ud.shadows && spritesortcnt < (MAXSPRITESONSCREEN-2)) { long daz,xrep,yrep; if( (sector[sect].lotag&0xff) > 2 || s->statnum == 4 || s->statnum == 5 || s->picnum == DRONE || s->picnum == COMMANDER ) daz = sector[sect].floorz; else daz = hittype[i].floorz; if( (s->z-daz) < (8<<8) ) if( ps[screenpeek].posz < daz ) { memcpy((spritetype *)&tsprite[spritesortcnt],(spritetype *)t,sizeof(spritetype)); tsprite[spritesortcnt].statnum = 99; tsprite[spritesortcnt].yrepeat = ( t->yrepeat>>3 ); if(t->yrepeat < 4) t->yrepeat = 4; tsprite[spritesortcnt].shade = 127; tsprite[spritesortcnt].cstat |= 2; tsprite[spritesortcnt].z = daz; xrep = tsprite[spritesortcnt].xrepeat;// - (klabs(daz-t->z)>>11); tsprite[spritesortcnt].xrepeat = xrep; tsprite[spritesortcnt].pal = 4; yrep = tsprite[spritesortcnt].yrepeat;// - (klabs(daz-t->z)>>11); tsprite[spritesortcnt].yrepeat = yrep; #if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL) if (bpp > 8 && usemodels && md_tilehasmodel(t->picnum) >= 0) { tsprite[spritesortcnt].yrepeat = 0; // 512:trans reverse //1024:tell MD2SPRITE.C to use Z-buffer hacks to hide overdraw issues tsprite[spritesortcnt].cstat |= (512+1024); } #endif spritesortcnt++; } } if( ps[screenpeek].heat_amount > 0 && ps[screenpeek].heat_on && (badguy(s) || checkspriteflags(t->owner,SPRITE_FLAG_NVG) || s->picnum == APLAYER || s->statnum == 13)) { t->pal = 6; t->shade = 0; } } switch(dynamictostatic[s->picnum]) { case LASERLINE__STATIC: if(sector[t->sectnum].lotag == 2) t->pal = 8; t->z = sprite[s->owner].z-(3<<8); if(lasermode == 2 && ps[screenpeek].heat_on == 0 ) t->yrepeat = 0; case EXPLOSION2__STATIC: case EXPLOSION2BOT__STATIC: case FREEZEBLAST__STATIC: case ATOMICHEALTH__STATIC: case FIRELASER__STATIC: case SHRINKSPARK__STATIC: case GROWSPARK__STATIC: case CHAINGUN__STATIC: case SHRINKEREXPLOSION__STATIC: case RPG__STATIC: case FLOORFLAME__STATIC: if(t->picnum == EXPLOSION2) { ps[screenpeek].visibility = -127; lastvisinc = totalclock+32; //restorepalette = 1; // JBF 20040101: why? } t->shade = -127; break; case FIRE__STATIC: case FIRE2__STATIC: case BURNING__STATIC: case BURNING2__STATIC: if( sprite[s->owner].picnum != TREE1 && sprite[s->owner].picnum != TREE2 ) t->z = sector[t->sectnum].floorz; t->shade = -127; break; case COOLEXPLOSION1__STATIC: t->shade = -127; t->picnum += (s->shade>>1); break; case PLAYERONWATER__STATIC: #if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL) if (bpp > 8 && usemodels && md_tilehasmodel(s->picnum) >= 0) { k = 0; t->cstat &= ~4; } else #endif { k = (((t->ang+3072+128-a)&2047)>>8)&7; if(k>4) { k = 8-k; t->cstat |= 4; } else t->cstat &= ~4; } t->picnum = s->picnum+k+((T1<4)*5); t->shade = sprite[s->owner].shade; break; case WATERSPLASH2__STATIC: t->picnum = WATERSPLASH2+t1; break; case REACTOR2__STATIC: t->picnum = s->picnum + T3; break; case SHELL__STATIC: t->picnum = s->picnum+(T1&1); case SHOTGUNSHELL__STATIC: t->cstat |= 12; if(T1 > 1) t->cstat &= ~4; if(T1 > 2) t->cstat &= ~12; break; case FRAMEEFFECT1_13__STATIC: if (PLUTOPAK) break; case FRAMEEFFECT1__STATIC: if(s->owner >= 0 && sprite[s->owner].statnum < MAXSTATUS) { if(sprite[s->owner].picnum == APLAYER) if(ud.camerasprite == -1) if(screenpeek == sprite[s->owner].yvel && display_mirror == 0) { t->owner = -1; break; } if( (sprite[s->owner].cstat&32768) == 0 ) { if(!hittype[s->owner].dispicnum) t->picnum = hittype[i].temp_data[1]; else t->picnum = hittype[s->owner].dispicnum; t->pal = sprite[s->owner].pal; t->shade = sprite[s->owner].shade; t->ang = sprite[s->owner].ang; t->cstat = 2|sprite[s->owner].cstat; } } break; case CAMERA1__STATIC: case RAT__STATIC: #if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL) if (bpp > 8 && usemodels && md_tilehasmodel(s->picnum) >= 0) { t->cstat &= ~4; break; } #endif k = (((t->ang+3072+128-a)&2047)>>8)&7; if(k>4) { k = 8-k; t->cstat |= 4; } else t->cstat &= ~4; t->picnum = s->picnum+k; break; } hittype[i].dispicnum = t->picnum; if(sector[t->sectnum].floorpicnum == MIRROR) t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; } } #ifdef _MSC_VER //#pragma auto_inline( ) #pragma optimize("",on) #endif static char terminx[64] = { "Undead TC still sucks." }; char cheatquotes[][MAXCHEATLEN] = { "cornholio", // 0 "stuff", // 1 "scotty###", // 2 "coords", // 3 "view", // 4 "time", // 5 "unlock", // 6 "cashman", // 7 "items", // 8 "rate", // 9 "skill#", // 10 "beta", // 11 "hyper", // 12 "monsters", // 13 "", // 14 "", // 15 "todd", // 16 "showmap", // 17 "kroz", // 18 "allen", // 19 "clip", // 20 "weapons", // 21 "inventory", // 22 "keys", // 23 "debug", // 24 "", // 25 "sfm", // 26 }; enum cheats { CHEAT_CORNHOLIO, CHEAT_STUFF, CHEAT_SCOTTY, CHEAT_COORDS, CHEAT_VIEW, CHEAT_TIME, CHEAT_UNLOCK, CHEAT_CASHMAN, CHEAT_ITEMS, CHEAT_RATE, CHEAT_SKILL, CHEAT_BETA, CHEAT_HYPER, CHEAT_MONSTERS, CHEAT_RESERVED, CHEAT_RESERVED2, CHEAT_TODD, CHEAT_SHOWMAP, CHEAT_KROZ, CHEAT_ALLEN, CHEAT_CLIP, CHEAT_WEAPONS, CHEAT_INVENTORY, CHEAT_KEYS, CHEAT_DEBUG, CHEAT_RESERVED3, CHEAT_SCREAMFORME, }; void CheatGetInventory(void) { SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 400, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex); OnEvent(EVENT_CHEATGETSTEROIDS, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex, -1); if( GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex) >=0) { ps[myconnectindex].steroids_amount = GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex); } SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 1200, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex); OnEvent(EVENT_CHEATGETHEAT, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex, -1); if( GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex) >=0) { ps[myconnectindex].heat_amount = GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex); } SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 200, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex); OnEvent(EVENT_CHEATGETBOOT, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex, -1); if( GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex) >=0) { ps[myconnectindex].boot_amount = GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex); } SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 100, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex); OnEvent(EVENT_CHEATGETSHIELD, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex, -1); if( GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex) >=0) { ps[myconnectindex].shield_amount = GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex); } SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 6400, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex); OnEvent(EVENT_CHEATGETSCUBA, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex, -1); if( GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex) >=0) { ps[myconnectindex].scuba_amount = GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex); } SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 2400, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex); OnEvent(EVENT_CHEATGETHOLODUKE, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex, -1); if( GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex) >=0) { ps[myconnectindex].holoduke_amount = GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex); } SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 1600, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex); OnEvent(EVENT_CHEATGETJETPACK, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex, -1); if( GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex) >=0) { ps[myconnectindex].jetpack_amount = GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex); } SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, max_player_health, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex); OnEvent(EVENT_CHEATGETFIRSTAID, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex, -1); if( GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex) >=0) { ps[myconnectindex].firstaid_amount = GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, ps[myconnectindex].i, myconnectindex); } } char cheatbuf[MAXCHEATLEN],cheatbuflen; void cheats(void) { short ch, i, j, k=0,x,y, weapon; static char z=0; char consolecheat = 0; // JBF 20030914 if (osdcmd_cheatsinfo_stat.cheatnum != -1) { // JBF 20030914 k = osdcmd_cheatsinfo_stat.cheatnum; osdcmd_cheatsinfo_stat.cheatnum = -1; consolecheat = 1; } if( (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_TYPE) || (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU)) return; if (VOLUMEONE && !z) { Bstrcpy(cheatquotes[2],"scotty##"); Bstrcpy(cheatquotes[6],""); z=1; } if (consolecheat && numplayers < 2 && ud.recstat == 0) goto FOUNDCHEAT; if ( ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase == 1) { while (KB_KeyWaiting()) { ch = Btolower(KB_Getch()); if( !( (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ) ) { ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; // FTA(46,&ps[myconnectindex]); return; } cheatbuf[cheatbuflen++] = ch; cheatbuf[cheatbuflen] = 0; KB_ClearKeysDown(); if(cheatbuflen > MAXCHEATLEN) { ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; return; } for(k=0;k < NUMCHEATCODES;k++) { for(j = 0;j= '0' && ch <= '9') ) { if( cheatquotes[k][j+1] == 0 ) goto FOUNDCHEAT; if(j == cheatbuflen-1) return; } else break; } } ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; return; FOUNDCHEAT: { switch(k) { case CHEAT_WEAPONS: if (VOLUMEONE) { j = 6; } else { j = 0; } for ( weapon = PISTOL_WEAPON;weapon < MAX_WEAPONS-j;weapon++ ) { addammo( weapon, &ps[myconnectindex], max_ammo_amount[weapon] ); ps[myconnectindex].gotweapon[weapon] = 1; } KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; FTA(119,&ps[myconnectindex]); return; case CHEAT_INVENTORY: KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; CheatGetInventory(); FTA(120,&ps[myconnectindex]); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; return; case CHEAT_KEYS: ps[myconnectindex].got_access = 7; KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; FTA(121,&ps[myconnectindex]); return; case CHEAT_DEBUG: debug_on = 1-debug_on; KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; { int i,j; FILE * fp=fopen("debug.con","w"); for(i=0;i= 0) { fprintf(fp,"Sprite %d (%ld,%ld,%ld) (picnum: %d)\n",j,sprite[j].x,sprite[j].y,sprite[j].z,sprite[j].picnum); for(i=0;i 0 ) { ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); return; } else if(volnume > num_volumes-1) { ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); return; } else if(volnume == 0) { if(levnume > 5) { ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); return; } } else { if(levnume >= 11) { ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); return; } } ud.m_volume_number = ud.volume_number = volnume; ud.m_level_number = ud.level_number = levnume; } else { // JBF 20030914 ud.m_volume_number = ud.volume_number = osdcmd_cheatsinfo_stat.volume; ud.m_level_number = ud.level_number = osdcmd_cheatsinfo_stat.level; } } else { i = Bstrlen(cheatquotes[k])-1; ud.m_player_skill = ud.player_skill = cheatbuf[i] - '1'; } if(numplayers > 1 && myconnectindex == connecthead) { tempbuf[0] = 5; tempbuf[1] = ud.m_level_number; tempbuf[2] = ud.m_volume_number; tempbuf[3] = ud.m_player_skill; tempbuf[4] = ud.m_monsters_off; tempbuf[5] = ud.m_respawn_monsters; tempbuf[6] = ud.m_respawn_items; tempbuf[7] = ud.m_respawn_inventory; tempbuf[8] = ud.m_coop; tempbuf[9] = ud.m_marker; tempbuf[10] = ud.m_ffire; tempbuf[11] = ud.m_noexits; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) sendpacket(i,tempbuf,12); } else ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_RESTART; ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); return; case CHEAT_COORDS: ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; ud.coords = 1-ud.coords; KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); return; case CHEAT_VIEW: if( ps[myconnectindex].over_shoulder_on ) ps[myconnectindex].over_shoulder_on = 0; else { ps[myconnectindex].over_shoulder_on = 1; cameradist = 0; cameraclock = totalclock; } FTA(22,&ps[myconnectindex]); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); return; case CHEAT_TIME: FTA(21,&ps[myconnectindex]); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); return; case CHEAT_UNLOCK: if (VOLUMEONE) return; for(i=numsectors-1;i>=0;i--) //Unlock { j = sector[i].lotag; if(j == -1 || j == 32767) continue; if( (j & 0x7fff) > 2 ) { if( j&(0xffff-16384) ) sector[i].lotag &= (0xffff-16384); operatesectors(i,ps[myconnectindex].i); } } operateforcefields(ps[myconnectindex].i,-1); FTA(100,&ps[myconnectindex]); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); return; case CHEAT_CASHMAN: ud.cashman = 1-ud.cashman; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_N); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; return; case CHEAT_ITEMS: CheatGetInventory(); ps[myconnectindex].got_access = 7; FTA(5,&ps[myconnectindex]); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); return; case CHEAT_SHOWMAP: // SHOW ALL OF THE MAP TOGGLE; ud.showallmap = 1-ud.showallmap; if(ud.showallmap) { for(i=0;i<(MAXSECTORS>>3);i++) show2dsector[i] = 255; for(i=0;i<(MAXWALLS>>3);i++) show2dwall[i] = 255; FTA(111,&ps[myconnectindex]); } else { for(i=0;i<(MAXSECTORS>>3);i++) show2dsector[i] = 0; for(i=0;i<(MAXWALLS>>3);i++) show2dwall[i] = 0; FTA(1,&ps[myconnectindex]); } ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); return; case CHEAT_TODD: FTA(99,&ps[myconnectindex]); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); return; case CHEAT_RATE: ud.tickrate = !ud.tickrate; ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); return; case CHEAT_BETA: FTA(105,&ps[myconnectindex]); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_H); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); return; case CHEAT_HYPER: ps[myconnectindex].steroids_amount = 399; ps[myconnectindex].heat_amount = 1200; ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; FTA(37,&ps[myconnectindex]); KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); return; case CHEAT_MONSTERS: if(actor_tog == 3) actor_tog = 0; actor_tog++; ps[screenpeek].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); return; case CHEAT_RESERVED: case CHEAT_RESERVED3: ud.eog = 1; ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_EOL; KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); return; } } } } else { if( KB_KeyPressed(cheatkey[0]) ) { if( ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase >= 0 && numplayers < 2 && ud.recstat == 0) ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = -1; } if( KB_KeyPressed(cheatkey[1]) ) { if( ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase == -1 ) { if(ud.player_skill == 4) { FTA(22,&ps[myconnectindex]); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; } else { ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 1; // FTA(25,&ps[myconnectindex]); cheatbuflen = 0; } KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); } else if(ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase != 0) { ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_ClearKeyDown(cheatkey[0]); KB_ClearKeyDown(cheatkey[1]); } } } } long nonsharedtimer; void nonsharedkeys(void) { short i,ch; long j; if(ud.recstat == 2) { ControlInfo noshareinfo; CONTROL_GetInput( &noshareinfo ); } if(gotvote[myconnectindex] == 0 && voting != -1 && voting != myconnectindex) { if(KB_KeyPressed(sc_F1) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_F2) || ud.autovote) { tempbuf[0] = 18; tempbuf[1] = 0; tempbuf[2] = myconnectindex; tempbuf[3] = (KB_KeyPressed(sc_F1) || ud.autovote?ud.autovote-1:0); for(i=connecthead;i >= 0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { if (i != myconnectindex) sendpacket(i,tempbuf,4); if ((!networkmode) && (myconnectindex != connecthead)) break; //slaves in M/S mode only send to master } adduserquote("VOTE CAST"); gotvote[myconnectindex] = 1; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F1); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F2); voting = -1; } } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F12 ) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F12 ); screencapture("duke0000.tga",0); FTA(103,&ps[myconnectindex]); } if( !ALT_IS_PRESSED && ud.overhead_on == 0 && (ps[myconnectindex].gm & MODE_TYPE) == 0) { if( BUTTON( gamefunc_Enlarge_Screen ) ) { CONTROL_ClearButton( gamefunc_Enlarge_Screen ); if(ud.screen_size > 0) sound(THUD); if(ud.screen_size == 8 && ud.statusbarmode == 0 && bpp > 8 && ud.statusbarscale != 100) ud.statusbarmode = 1; else ud.screen_size -= 4; vscrn(); } if( BUTTON( gamefunc_Shrink_Screen ) ) { CONTROL_ClearButton( gamefunc_Shrink_Screen ); if(ud.screen_size < 64) sound(THUD); if(ud.screen_size == 4 && ud.statusbarscale == 100 && ud.statusbarmode == 1) ud.statusbarmode = 0; if(ud.screen_size == 8 && ud.statusbarmode == 1 && bpp > 8) ud.statusbarmode = 0; else ud.screen_size += 4; vscrn(); } } if( ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase == 1 || (ps[myconnectindex].gm&(MODE_MENU|MODE_TYPE))) return; if( BUTTON(gamefunc_See_Coop_View) && ( (gametype_flags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_COOPVIEW) || ud.recstat == 2) ) { CONTROL_ClearButton( gamefunc_See_Coop_View ); screenpeek = connectpoint2[screenpeek]; if(screenpeek == -1) screenpeek = connecthead; restorepalette = 1; } if( ud.multimode > 1 && BUTTON(gamefunc_Show_Opponents_Weapon) ) { CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Show_Opponents_Weapon); ud.showweapons = 1-ud.showweapons; ShowOpponentWeapons = ud.showweapons; FTA(82-ud.showweapons,&ps[screenpeek]); } if( BUTTON(gamefunc_Toggle_Crosshair) ) { CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Toggle_Crosshair); ud.crosshair = (ud.crosshair==3)?0:ud.crosshair+1; FTA(ud.crosshair?20:21,&ps[screenpeek]); } if(ud.overhead_on && BUTTON(gamefunc_Map_Follow_Mode) ) { CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Map_Follow_Mode); ud.scrollmode = 1-ud.scrollmode; if(ud.scrollmode) { ud.folx = ps[screenpeek].oposx; ud.foly = ps[screenpeek].oposy; ud.fola = ps[screenpeek].oang; } FTA(83+ud.scrollmode,&ps[myconnectindex]); } if( SHIFTS_IS_PRESSED || ALT_IS_PRESSED ) { i = 0; if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F1) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F1);i = 1; } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F2) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F2);i = 2; } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F3) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F3);i = 3; } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F4) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F4);i = 4; } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F5) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F5);i = 5; } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F6) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F6);i = 6; } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F7) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F7);i = 7; } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F8) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F8);i = 8; } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F9) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F9);i = 9; } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F10) ) {KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F10);i = 10; } if(i) { if(SHIFTS_IS_PRESSED) { if(i == 5 && ps[myconnectindex].fta > 0 && ps[myconnectindex].ftq == 26) { i = (VOLUMEALL?num_volumes*11:6); music_select++; while(!music_fn[0][music_select][0] && music_select < i) music_select++; if(music_select == i) music_select = 0; Bsprintf(fta_quotes[26],"PLAYING %s",&music_fn[0][music_select][0]); FTA(26,&ps[myconnectindex]); playmusic(&music_fn[0][music_select][0]); return; } adduserquote(ud.ridecule[i-1]); ch = 0; tempbuf[ch] = 4; tempbuf[ch+1] = 255; tempbuf[ch+2] = 0; Bstrcat(tempbuf+2,ud.ridecule[i-1]); i = 2+strlen(ud.ridecule[i-1]); if(ud.multimode > 1) for(ch=connecthead;ch>=0;ch=connectpoint2[ch]) { if (ch != myconnectindex) sendpacket(ch,tempbuf,i); if ((!networkmode) && (myconnectindex != connecthead)) break; //slaves in M/S mode only send to master } pus = NUMPAGES; pub = NUMPAGES; return; } if(ud.lockout == 0) if(SoundToggle && ALT_IS_PRESSED && ( RTS_NumSounds() > 0 ) && rtsplaying == 0 && VoiceToggle ) { rtsptr = (char *)RTS_GetSound (i-1); if(*rtsptr == 'C') FX_PlayVOC3D( rtsptr,0,0,0,255,-i); else FX_PlayWAV3D( rtsptr,0,0,0,255,-i); rtsplaying = 7; if(ud.multimode > 1) { tempbuf[0] = 7; tempbuf[1] = i; for(ch=connecthead;ch>=0;ch=connectpoint2[ch]) { if(ch != myconnectindex) sendpacket(ch,tempbuf,2); if ((!networkmode) && (myconnectindex != connecthead)) break; //slaves in M/S mode only send to master } } pus = NUMPAGES; pub = NUMPAGES; return; } } } if(!ALT_IS_PRESSED && !SHIFTS_IS_PRESSED) { if( ud.multimode > 1 && BUTTON(gamefunc_SendMessage) ) { KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); CONTROL_ClearButton( gamefunc_SendMessage ); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_TYPE; typebuf[0] = 0; inputloc = 0; } if( KB_KeyPressed(sc_F1) || ( ud.show_help && ( KB_KeyPressed(sc_Space) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_Enter) ) ) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F1); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Space); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_Enter); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); ud.show_help ++; if( ud.show_help > 2 ) { ud.show_help = 0; if(ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) ready2send = 1; vscrn(); } else { setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if(ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 0; totalclock = ototalclock; } } } // if(ud.multimode < 2) { if(ud.recstat != 2 && KB_KeyPressed( sc_F2 ) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F2 ); if(movesperpacket == 4 && connecthead != myconnectindex) return; FAKE_F2: if(sprite[ps[myconnectindex].i].extra <= 0) { FTA(118,&ps[myconnectindex]); return; } cmenu(350); screencapt = 1; displayrooms(myconnectindex,65536); //savetemp("duke3d.tmp",waloff[TILE_SAVESHOT],160*100); screencapt = 0; FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); // setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_MENU; if(ud.multimode < 2) { ready2send = 0; totalclock = ototalclock; screenpeek = myconnectindex; } } if(KB_KeyPressed( sc_F3 )) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F3 ); if(movesperpacket == 4 && connecthead != myconnectindex) return; FAKE_F3: cmenu(300); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); // setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_MENU; if(ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 0; totalclock = ototalclock; } screenpeek = myconnectindex; } } if(KB_KeyPressed( sc_F4 ) && FXDevice >= 0 ) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F4 ); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_MENU; if(ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 0; totalclock = ototalclock; } cmenu(701); } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F6 ) && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME)) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F6 ); if(movesperpacket == 4 && connecthead != myconnectindex) return; if(lastsavedpos == -1) goto FAKE_F2; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); if(sprite[ps[myconnectindex].i].extra <= 0) { FTA(118,&ps[myconnectindex]); return; } screencapt = 1; displayrooms(myconnectindex,65536); //savetemp("duke3d.tmp",waloff[TILE_SAVESHOT],160*100); screencapt = 0; if( lastsavedpos >= 0 ) { /* inputloc = Bstrlen(&ud.savegame[lastsavedpos][0]); current_menu = 360+lastsavedpos; probey = lastsavedpos; */ if(ud.multimode > 1) saveplayer(-1-(lastsavedpos)); else saveplayer(lastsavedpos); } } if(KB_KeyPressed( sc_F7 ) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F7); if( ps[myconnectindex].over_shoulder_on ) ps[myconnectindex].over_shoulder_on = 0; else { ps[myconnectindex].over_shoulder_on = 1; cameradist = 0; cameraclock = totalclock; } FTA(109+ps[myconnectindex].over_shoulder_on,&ps[myconnectindex]); } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F5 ) && MusicDevice >= 0 ) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F5 ); Bstrcpy(fta_quotes[26],&music_fn[0][music_select][0]); Bstrcat(fta_quotes[26],". USE SHIFT-F5 TO CHANGE."); FTA(26,&ps[myconnectindex]); } if(KB_KeyPressed( sc_F8 )) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F8 ); ud.fta_on = !ud.fta_on; if(ud.fta_on) FTA(23,&ps[myconnectindex]); else { ud.fta_on = 1; FTA(24,&ps[myconnectindex]); ud.fta_on = 0; } } if(KB_KeyPressed( sc_F9 ) && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F9 ); if(movesperpacket == 4 && myconnectindex != connecthead) return; if(lastsavedpos == -1) goto FAKE_F3; if( lastsavedpos >= 0 ) { KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); KB_ClearKeysDown(); FX_StopAllSounds(); if(ud.multimode > 1) { loadplayer(-1-lastsavedpos); ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_GAME; } else { i = loadplayer(lastsavedpos); if(i == 0) ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_GAME; } } } if(KB_KeyPressed( sc_F10 )) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F10 ); cmenu(500); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_MENU; if(ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 0; totalclock = ototalclock; } } if( ud.overhead_on != 0) { j = totalclock-nonsharedtimer; nonsharedtimer += j; if ( BUTTON( gamefunc_Enlarge_Screen ) ) ps[myconnectindex].zoom += mulscale6(j,max(ps[myconnectindex].zoom,256)); if ( BUTTON( gamefunc_Shrink_Screen ) ) ps[myconnectindex].zoom -= mulscale6(j,max(ps[myconnectindex].zoom,256)); if( (ps[myconnectindex].zoom > 2048) ) ps[myconnectindex].zoom = 2048; if( (ps[myconnectindex].zoom < 48) ) ps[myconnectindex].zoom = 48; } } if( KB_KeyPressed(sc_Escape) && ud.overhead_on && ps[myconnectindex].newowner == -1 ) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_Escape ); ud.last_overhead = ud.overhead_on; ud.overhead_on = 0; ud.scrollmode = 0; vscrn(); } if( BUTTON(gamefunc_AutoRun) ) { CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_AutoRun); ud.auto_run = 1-ud.auto_run; RunMode = ud.auto_run; FTA(85+ud.auto_run,&ps[myconnectindex]); } if( BUTTON(gamefunc_Map) ) { CONTROL_ClearButton( gamefunc_Map ); if( ud.last_overhead != ud.overhead_on && ud.last_overhead) { ud.overhead_on = ud.last_overhead; ud.last_overhead = 0; } else { ud.overhead_on++; if(ud.overhead_on == 3 ) ud.overhead_on = 0; ud.last_overhead = ud.overhead_on; } restorepalette = 1; vscrn(); } if(KB_KeyPressed( sc_F11 )) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F11 ); if(SHIFTS_IS_PRESSED) ud.brightness-=4; else ud.brightness+=4; if (ud.brightness > (7<<2) ) ud.brightness = 0; else if(ud.brightness < 0) ud.brightness = (7<<2); setbrightness(ud.brightness>>2,&ps[myconnectindex].palette[0],0); if(ud.brightness < 20) FTA( 29 + (ud.brightness>>2) ,&ps[myconnectindex]); else if(ud.brightness < 40) FTA( 96 + (ud.brightness>>2) - 5,&ps[myconnectindex]); } } void comlinehelp(char **argv) { char *s = "Command line help.\n" "?, -?\t\tThis help message\n" "-l##\t\tLevel (1-11)\n" "-v#\t\tVolume (1-4)\n" "-s#\t\tSkill (1-4)\n" "-r\t\tRecord demo\n" "-dFILE\t\tStart to play demo FILE\n" "-m\t\tNo monsters\n" "-ns\t\tNo sound\n" "-nm\t\tNo music\n" "-t#\t\tRespawn, 1 = Monsters, 2 = Items, 3 = Inventory, x = All\n" "-c#\t\tMP mode, 1 = DukeMatch(spawn), 2 = Coop, 3 = Dukematch(no spawn)\n" "-q#\t\tFake multiplayer (2-8 players)\n" "-a\t\tUse player AI (fake multiplayer only)\n" "-i#\t\tNetwork mode (1/0) (multiplayer only) (default == 1)\n" "-f#\t\tSend fewer packets (1, 2, 4) (multiplayer only)\n" "-gFILE\t\tUse multiple group files (must be last on command line)\n" "-hFILE\t\tUse FILE instead of DUKE3D.DEF\n" "-xFILE\t\tUse specified CON file (default EDUKE.CON/GAME.CON)\n" "-u#########\tUser's favorite weapon order (default: 3425689071)\n" "-#\t\tLoad and run a game (slot 0-9)\n" "-map FILE\tUse a map FILE\n" "-name NAME\tFoward NAME\n" "-net\t\tNet mode game\n" "-setup\t\tDisplays the configuration dialog\n" "-nD\t\tDump game definitions to gamevars.txt\n" #if !defined(_WIN32) "-usecwd\t\tRead game data and configuration file from working directory\n" #endif "-condebug, -z#\tLine-by-line CON compilation debugging"; wm_msgbox(apptitle,s); } enum { T_EOF = -2, T_ERROR = -1, T_INTERFACE = 0, T_MODE, T_ALLOW }; signed int rancid_players = 0; char rancid_ip_strings[MAXPLAYERS][32], rancid_local_port_string[8]; typedef struct { char *text; int tokenid; } tokenlist; static tokenlist basetokens[] = { { "interface", T_INTERFACE }, { "mode", T_MODE }, { "allow", T_ALLOW }, }; static int getatoken(scriptfile *sf, tokenlist *tl, int ntokens) { char *tok; int i; if (!sf) return T_ERROR; tok = scriptfile_gettoken(sf); if (!tok) return T_EOF; for(i=0;iltextptr; switch (tokn) { case T_INTERFACE: { char *ip; if (scriptfile_getstring(script,&ip)) break; Bstrcpy(rancid_ip_strings[MAXPLAYERS],ip); Bstrcpy(rancid_ip_strings[rancid_players++],ip); strtok(ip,":"); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s",strtok(NULL,":")); if(atoi(tempbuf) > 1024) Bsprintf(rancid_local_port_string,"-p %s",tempbuf); Bfree(ip); } break; case T_MODE: { char *mode; if (scriptfile_getstring(script,&mode)) break; Bfree(mode); } break; case T_ALLOW: { char *ip; if (scriptfile_getstring(script,&ip)) break; Bstrcpy(rancid_ip_strings[rancid_players++],ip); Bfree(ip); } break; case T_EOF: return(0); default: break; } } return 0; } int load_rancid_net(char *fn) { scriptfile *script; script = scriptfile_fromfile(fn); if (!script) return -1; parse_rancid_net(script); scriptfile_close(script); scriptfile_clearsymbols(); return 0; } static int stringsort(const char *p1, const char *p2) { return Bstrcmp(&p1[0],&p2[0]); } void checkcommandline(int argc,char **argv) { short i, j; char *c; int firstnet = 0; i = 1; ud.fta_on = 1; ud.god = 0; ud.m_respawn_items = 0; ud.m_respawn_monsters = 0; ud.m_respawn_inventory = 0; ud.warp_on = 0; ud.cashman = 0; ud.m_player_skill = ud.player_skill = 2; ud.wchoice[0][0] = 3; ud.wchoice[0][1] = 4; ud.wchoice[0][2] = 5; ud.wchoice[0][3] = 7; ud.wchoice[0][4] = 8; ud.wchoice[0][5] = 6; ud.wchoice[0][6] = 0; ud.wchoice[0][7] = 2; ud.wchoice[0][8] = 9; ud.wchoice[0][9] = 1; if(argc > 1) { int keepaddr = 0; while(i < argc) { c = argv[i]; if (((*c == '/') || (*c == '-')) && (!firstnet)) { if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"nam")) { i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"setup")) { i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"keepaddr")) { keepaddr = 1; i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"stun")) { natfree = 1; //Addfaz NatFree i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"disableautoaim")) { i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"rmnet")) { if (argc > i+1) { CommandNet = argv[i+1]; i++; } if(CommandNet) { if(load_rancid_net(CommandNet) != -1) { char tmp[32]; CommandNet = 0; if(keepaddr == 0) { for(j=0;j i+1) { CommandName = argv[i+1]; i++; } i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"map")) { if (argc > i+1) { CommandMap = argv[i+1]; i++; } i++; continue; } if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"condebug")) { condebug = 1; i++; continue; } #if !defined(_WIN32) if (!Bstrcasecmp(c+1,"usecwd")) { usecwd = 1; i++; continue; } #endif } if (firstnet > 0) { if (*c == '-' || *c == '/') { c++; if (((c[0] == 'n') || (c[0] == 'N')) && (c[1] == '0')) { networkmode = 0; initprintf("Network mode: master/slave\n"); } else if (((c[0] == 'n') || (c[0] == 'N')) && (c[1] == '1')) { networkmode = 1; initprintf("Network mode: peer-to-peer\n"); } } netparam[i-firstnet-1] = argv[i]; i++; continue; } if((*c == '/') || (*c == '-')) { c++; switch(*c) { default: break; case 'x': case 'X': c++; if(*c) { Bstrcpy(confilename,c); userconfiles = 1; /* if(SafeFileExists(c) == 0) { initprintf("Could not find CON file '%s'.\n",confilename ); exit(-1); } else */ initprintf("Using CON file: '%s'\n",confilename); } break; case 'g': case 'G': c++; if(*c) { Bstrcpy(tempbuf,c); if( strchr(tempbuf,'.') == 0) Bstrcat(tempbuf,".grp"); j = initgroupfile(tempbuf); if( j == -1 ) initprintf("Could not find GRP file %s.\n",tempbuf); else { groupfile = j; initprintf("Using GRP file %s.\n",tempbuf); } } break; case 'h': case 'H': c++; if (*c) { duke3ddef = c; initprintf("Using DEF file %s.\n",duke3ddef); } break; case 'a': case 'A': ud.playerai = 1; initprintf("Other player AI.\n"); break; case 'n': case 'N': c++; if(*c == 's' || *c == 'S') { CommandSoundToggleOff = 2; initprintf("Sound off.\n"); } else if(*c == 'm' || *c == 'M') { CommandMusicToggleOff = 1; initprintf("Music off.\n"); } else if( *c == 'D') { FILE * fp=fopen("gamevars.txt","w"); InitGameVars(); DumpGameVars(fp); fclose(fp); initprintf("Game variables saved to gamevars.txt.\n"); } else { comlinehelp(argv); exit(-1); } break; case 'i': case 'I': c++; if(*c == '0') networkmode = 0; if(*c == '1') networkmode = 1; initprintf("Network Mode %d\n",networkmode); break; case 'c': case 'C': c++; //if(*c == '1' || *c == '2' || *c == '3' ) // ud.m_coop = *c - '0' - 1; //else ud.m_coop = 0; ud.m_coop = 0; while ((*c >= '0')&&(*c <= '9')) { ud.m_coop *= 10; ud.m_coop += *c - '0'; c++; } ud.m_coop--; //switch(ud.m_coop) //{ //case 0: // initprintf("Dukematch (spawn).\n"); // break; //case 1: // initprintf("Cooperative play.\n"); // break; //case 2: // initprintf("Dukematch (no spawn).\n"); // break; //} break; case 'f': case 'F': c++; if(*c == '1') movesperpacket = 1; if(*c == '2') movesperpacket = 2; if(*c == '4') { movesperpacket = 4; setpackettimeout(0x3fffffff,0x3fffffff); } break; case 't': case 'T': c++; if(*c == '1') ud.m_respawn_monsters = 1; else if(*c == '2') ud.m_respawn_items = 1; else if(*c == '3') ud.m_respawn_inventory = 1; else { ud.m_respawn_monsters = 1; ud.m_respawn_items = 1; ud.m_respawn_inventory = 1; } initprintf("Respawn on.\n"); break; case 'm': case 'M': if( *(c+1) != 'a' && *(c+1) != 'A' ) { ud.m_monsters_off = 1; ud.m_player_skill = ud.player_skill = 0; initprintf("Monsters off.\n"); } break; case 'w': case 'W': ud.coords = 1; break; case 'q': case 'Q': initprintf("Fake multiplayer mode.\n"); if( *(++c) == 0) ud.multimode = 1; else ud.multimode = atol(c)%17; ud.m_coop = ud.coop = 0; ud.m_marker = ud.marker = 1; ud.m_respawn_monsters = ud.respawn_monsters = 1; ud.m_respawn_items = ud.respawn_items = 1; ud.m_respawn_inventory = ud.respawn_inventory = 1; for(j=numplayers;j 120 && totalclock < (120+60) ) { if(soundanm == 0) { soundanm = 1; sound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE); } rotatesprite(160<<16,104<<16,(totalclock-120)<<10,0,DUKENUKEM,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else if( totalclock >= (120+60) ) rotatesprite(160<<16,(104)<<16,60<<10,0,DUKENUKEM,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else soundanm = 1; if (logoflags & LOGO_FLAG_THREEDEE) { if( totalclock > 220 && totalclock < (220+30) ) { if( soundanm == 1) { soundanm = 2; sound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE); } rotatesprite(160<<16,(104)<<16,60<<10,0,DUKENUKEM,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(160<<16,(129)<<16,(totalclock - 220 )<<11,0,THREEDEE,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else if( totalclock >= (220+30) ) rotatesprite(160<<16,(129)<<16,30<<11,0,THREEDEE,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else soundanm = 2; if (PLUTOPAK && (logoflags & LOGO_FLAG_PLUTOPAKSPRITE)) { // JBF 20030804 if( totalclock >= 280 && totalclock < 395 ) { rotatesprite(160<<16,(151)<<16,(410-totalclock)<<12,0,PLUTOPAKSPRITE+1,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if(soundanm == 2) { soundanm = 3; sound(FLY_BY); } } else if( totalclock >= 395 ) { if(soundanm == 3) { soundanm = 4; sound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE); } rotatesprite(160<<16,(151)<<16,30<<11,0,PLUTOPAKSPRITE+1,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } } OnEvent(EVENT_LOGO, -1, screenpeek, -1); handleevents(); getpackets(); nextpage(); } } KB_ClearKeysDown(); // JBF } if(ud.multimode > 1) { setgamepalette(&ps[myconnectindex], titlepal, 3); rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,BETASCREEN,0,0,2+8+16+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(160<<16,(104)<<16,60<<10,0,DUKENUKEM,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(160<<16,(129)<<16,30<<11,0,THREEDEE,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if (PLUTOPAK) // JBF 20030804 rotatesprite(160<<16,(151)<<16,30<<11,0,PLUTOPAKSPRITE+1,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); gametext(160,190,"WAITING FOR PLAYERS",14,2); nextpage(); } waitforeverybody(); flushperms(); clearview(0L); nextpage(); //ps[myconnectindex].palette = palette; setgamepalette(&ps[myconnectindex], palette, 0); // JBF 20040308 sound(NITEVISION_ONOFF); //palto(0,0,0,0); clearview(0L); } void loadtmb(void) { char tmb[8000]; long fil, l; fil = kopen4load("d3dtimbr.tmb",0); if(fil == -1) return; l = kfilelength(fil); kread(fil,(char *)tmb,l); MUSIC_RegisterTimbreBank(tmb); kclose(fil); } void freeconmem(void) { int i; for(i=0;i sizeof(sprite)/64 ) // see the arithmetic above for why gameexit("Error: too many labels defined!"); else { char *newlabel; long *newlabelcode; newlabel = (char *)malloc(labelcnt<<6); newlabelcode = (long *)malloc(labelcnt*sizeof(long)); if (!newlabel || !newlabelcode) { gameexit("Error: out of memory retaining labels\n"); } copybuf(label, newlabel, (labelcnt*64)/4); copybuf(labelcode, newlabelcode, (labelcnt*sizeof(long))/4); label = newlabel; labelcode = newlabelcode; } clearbufbyte(&sprite[0], sizeof(sprite), 0); clearbufbyte(§or[0], sizeof(sector), 0); clearbufbyte(&wall[0], sizeof(wall), 0); OnEvent(EVENT_INIT, -1, -1, -1); } void sanitizegametype() { // initprintf("ud.m_coop=%i before sanitization\n",ud.m_coop); if (ud.m_coop >= num_gametypes || ud.m_coop < 0) { ud.m_coop = 0; } Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%s\n",gametype_names[ud.m_coop]); initprintf(tempbuf); if(gametype_flags[ud.m_coop] & GAMETYPE_FLAG_ITEMRESPAWN) ud.m_respawn_items = ud.m_respawn_inventory = 1; // initprintf("ud.m_coop=%i after sanitisation\n",ud.m_coop); } extern int startwin_run(void); void Startup(void) { int i; // why the fuck aren't these part of CONFIG_ReadSetup()? CONFIG_SetupMouse(); CONFIG_SetupJoystick(); CONFIG_WriteSetup(); compilecons(); CONFIG_ReadSetup(); if (initengine()) { wm_msgbox("Build Engine Initialisation Error", "There was a problem initialising the Build engine: %s", engineerrstr); freeconmem(); exit(1); } setupdynamictostatic(); if (ud.multimode > 1) sanitizegametype(); if (CommandSoundToggleOff) SoundToggle = 0; if (CommandMusicToggleOff) MusicToggle = 0; if (CommandName) { // Bstrncpy(myname, CommandName, 9); // myname[10] = '\0'; Bstrcpy(tempbuf,CommandName); while(Bstrlen(strip_color_codes(tempbuf)) > 10) tempbuf[Bstrlen(tempbuf)-1] = '\0'; Bstrncpy(myname,tempbuf,sizeof(myname)-1); myname[sizeof(myname)] = '\0'; } if (CommandMap) { if (VOLUMEONE) { initprintf("The -map option is available in the registered version only!\n"); boardfilename[0] = 0; } else { char *dot, *slash; Bstrcpy(boardfilename, CommandMap); dot = Bstrrchr(boardfilename,'.'); slash = Bstrrchr(boardfilename,'/'); if (!slash) slash = Bstrrchr(boardfilename,'\\'); if ((!slash && !dot) || (slash && dot < slash)) Bstrcat(boardfilename,".map"); i = kopen4load(boardfilename,0); if (i!=-1) { initprintf("Using level: '%s'.\n",boardfilename); kclose(i); } else { initprintf("Level '%s' not found.\n",boardfilename); boardfilename[0] = 0; } } } if (VOLUMEONE) { initprintf("*** You have run Duke Nukem 3D %ld times. ***\n\n",ud.executions); if(ud.executions >= 50) initprintf("IT IS NOW TIME TO UPGRADE TO THE COMPLETE VERSION!!!\n"); } if (CONTROL_Startup( 1, &GetTime, TICRATE )) { uninitengine(); exit(1); } SetupGameButtons(); CONFIG_SetupMouse(); CONFIG_SetupJoystick(); CONTROL_JoystickEnabled = (UseJoystick && CONTROL_JoyPresent); CONTROL_MouseEnabled = (UseMouse && CONTROL_MousePresent); // JBF 20040215: evil and nasty place to do this, but joysticks are evil and nasty too for (i=0;i 1) initprintf("Multiplayer initialized.\n"); screenpeek = myconnectindex; ps[myconnectindex].palette = (char *) &palette[0]; if(networkmode == 255) networkmode = 1; getnames(); } void sendscore(char *s) { if(numplayers > 1) genericmultifunction(-1,s,strlen(s)+1,5); } void syncnames(void) { int i,l; buf[0] = 6; buf[1] = myconnectindex; buf[2] = BYTEVERSION; l = 3; //null terminated player name to send for(i=0;myname[i];i++) buf[l++] = Btoupper(myname[i]); buf[l++] = 0; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { ud.wchoice[myconnectindex][i] = ud.wchoice[0][i]; buf[l++] = (char)ud.wchoice[0][i]; } buf[l++] = ps[myconnectindex].aim_mode = ud.mouseaiming; buf[l++] = ps[myconnectindex].auto_aim = AutoAim; buf[l++] = ps[myconnectindex].weaponswitch = ud.weaponswitch; buf[l++] = ps[myconnectindex].palookup = ud.pcolor[myconnectindex] = ud.color; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { if (i != myconnectindex) sendpacket(i,&buf[0],l); if ((!networkmode) && (myconnectindex != connecthead)) break; //slaves in M/S mode only send to master } } void sendboardname(void) { if(ud.multimode > 1) { int j; int ch; tempbuf[0] = 9; tempbuf[1] = 0; j = Bstrlen(boardfilename); boardfilename[j] = 0; Bstrcat(tempbuf+1,boardfilename); for(ch=connecthead;ch >= 0;ch=connectpoint2[ch]) { if (ch != myconnectindex) sendpacket(ch,tempbuf,j+1); if ((!networkmode) && (myconnectindex != connecthead)) break; //slaves in M/S mode only send to master } } } void getnames(void) { int l; for(l=0;(unsigned)l 1) { syncnames(); sendboardname(); getpackets(); waitforeverybody(); } if(cp == 1 && numplayers < 2) gameexit("Please put the Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition CD in the CD-ROM drive."); } void updatenames(void) { int l; if(ud.recstat != 0) return; for(l=0;(unsigned)l 1) { syncnames(); if(sprite[ps[myconnectindex].i].picnum == APLAYER) sprite[ps[myconnectindex].i].pal = ud.color; } else { ps[myconnectindex].aim_mode = ud.mouseaiming; ps[myconnectindex].auto_aim = AutoAim; ps[myconnectindex].weaponswitch = ud.weaponswitch; ps[myconnectindex].palookup = ud.pcolor[myconnectindex] = ud.color; if(sprite[ps[myconnectindex].i].picnum == APLAYER) sprite[ps[myconnectindex].i].pal = ud.color; } } void writestring(long a1,long a2,long a3,short a4,long vx,long vy,long vz) { FILE *fp; fp = (FILE *)fopen("debug.txt","rt+"); fprintf(fp,"%ld %ld %ld %d %ld %ld %ld\n",a1,a2,a3,a4,vx,vy,vz); fclose(fp); } char testcd(char *fn, long testsiz); // JBF: various hacks here void copyprotect(void) { // FILE *fp; // char idfile[256]; cp = 0; #ifdef NOCOPYPROTECT return; #endif if (VOLUMEONE) return; if( testcd(IDFILENAME, IDFSIZE) ) { cp = 1; return; } } void backtomenu(void) { boardfilename[0] = 0; if (ud.recstat == 1) closedemowrite(); ud.warp_on = 0; ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_MENU; cmenu(0); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); } int shareware = 0; int namversion = 0; int load_script(char *szScript) { FILE* fp = fopenfrompath(szScript, "r"); if(fp != NULL) { char line[255]; OSD_Printf("Executing \"%s\"\n", szScript); while(fgets(line ,sizeof(line)-1, fp) != NULL) OSD_Dispatch(strtok(line,"\r\n")); fclose(fp); return 0; } return 1; } void app_main(int argc,char **argv) { long i, j; #ifdef RENDERTYPEWIN if (win_checkinstance()) { if (!wm_ynbox("EDuke32","Another Build game is currently running. " "Do you wish to continue starting this copy?")) return; } #endif OSD_SetLogFile("eduke32.log"); wm_setapptitle(HEAD2); initprintf("%s%s\n",apptitle," ("__DATE__" "__TIME__")"); initprintf("Copyright (c) 1996, 2003 3D Realms Entertainment\n"); initprintf("Copyright (c) 2006 EDuke32 team\n"); #if defined(_WIN32) if (!access("user_profiles_enabled", F_OK)) #else if (usecwd == 0) #endif { char cwd[BMAX_PATH]; char *homedir; int asperr; #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) addsearchpath("/usr/share/games/eduke32"); addsearchpath("/usr/local/share/games/eduke32"); #elif defined(__APPLE__) addsearchpath("/Library/Application Support/EDuke32"); #endif if (getcwd(cwd,BMAX_PATH)) addsearchpath(cwd); if ((homedir = Bgethomedir())) { Bsnprintf(cwd,sizeof(cwd),"%s/" #if defined(_WIN32) "EDuke32 Settings" #elif defined(__APPLE__) "Library/Application Support/EDuke32" #else ".eduke32" #endif ,homedir); asperr = addsearchpath(cwd); if (asperr == -2) { if (Bmkdir(cwd,S_IRWXU) == 0) asperr = addsearchpath(cwd); else asperr = -1; } if ((asperr == 0)) chdir(cwd); Bfree(homedir); } } for (i=1;i 0) _buildargc = (argc -= netparamcount+1); // crop off the net parameters RegisterShutdownFunction( Shutdown ); if (VOLUMEONE) { initprintf("Distribution of shareware Duke Nukem 3D is restricted in certain ways.\n"); initprintf("Please read LICENSE.DOC for more details.\n"); } Startup(); // a bunch of stuff including compiling cons if (!loaddefinitionsfile(duke3ddef)) initprintf("Definitions file loaded.\n"); if (quitevent) return; // initprintf("numplayers=%i\n",numplayers); if(numplayers > 1) { ud.multimode = numplayers; sendlogon(); } else if(boardfilename[0] != 0) { ud.m_level_number = 7; ud.m_volume_number = 0; ud.warp_on = 1; } getnames(); if(ud.multimode > 1) { playerswhenstarted = ud.multimode; if(ud.warp_on == 0) { ud.m_monsters_off = 1; ud.m_player_skill = 0; } } ud.last_level = -1; RTS_Init(ud.rtsname); if(numlumps) initprintf("Using .RTS file: %s\n",ud.rtsname); if( setgamemode(ScreenMode,ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight,ScreenBPP) < 0 ) { int i = 0; int xres[] = {800,640,320}; int yres[] = {600,480,240}; int bpp[] = {32,16,8}; initprintf("Failure setting video mode %dx%dx%d %s! Attempting safer mode...\n", ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight,ScreenBPP,ScreenMode?"fullscreen":"windowed"); #if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL) while(setgamemode(0,xres[i],yres[i],bpp[i]) < 0) { initprintf("Failure setting video mode %dx%dx%d windowed! Attempting safer mode...\n",xres[i],yres[i],bpp[i]); i++; } #else while(setgamemode(0,xres[i],yres[i],8) < 0) { initprintf("Failure setting video mode %dx%dx%d windowed! Attempting safer mode...\n",xres[i],yres[i],8); i++; } #endif ScreenWidth = xres[i]; ScreenHeight = yres[i]; ScreenBPP = bpp[i]; } initprintf("Initializing OSD...\n"); OSD_SetFunctions( GAME_drawosdchar, GAME_drawosdstr, GAME_drawosdcursor, GAME_getcolumnwidth, GAME_getrowheight, GAME_clearbackground, (int(*)(void))GetTime, GAME_onshowosd ); OSD_SetParameters(0,2, 0,0, 4,0); registerosdcommands(); initprintf("Checking music inits...\n"); MusicStartup(); initprintf("Checking sound inits...\n"); SoundStartup(); loadtmb(); if (VOLUMEONE) { if(numplayers > 4 || ud.multimode > 4) gameexit(" The full version of Duke Nukem 3D supports 5 or more players."); } setbrightness(ud.brightness>>2,&ps[myconnectindex].palette[0],0); // ESCESCAPE; FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); load_script("autoexec.cfg"); if(ud.warp_on > 1 && ud.multimode < 2) { clearview(0L); //ps[myconnectindex].palette = palette; //palto(0,0,0,0); setgamepalette(&ps[myconnectindex], palette, 0); // JBF 20040308 rotatesprite(320<<15,200<<15,65536L,0,LOADSCREEN,0,0,2+8+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(160,105,0,0,"LOADING SAVED GAME..."); nextpage(); j = loadplayer(ud.warp_on-2); if(j) ud.warp_on = 0; } // getpackets(); MAIN_LOOP_RESTART: if(ud.warp_on == 0) Logo(); else if(ud.warp_on == 1) { newgame(ud.m_volume_number,ud.m_level_number,ud.m_player_skill); if (enterlevel(MODE_GAME)) backtomenu(); } else vscrn(); /* if(ud.warp_on == 0) Logo(); MAIN_LOOP_RESTART: if(ud.warp_on == 1) { newgame(ud.m_volume_number,ud.m_level_number,ud.m_player_skill); if (enterlevel(MODE_GAME)) backtomenu(); } else if(ud.warp_on != 0) vscrn(); */ if( ud.warp_on == 0 && playback() ) { FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); nomorelogohack = 1; goto MAIN_LOOP_RESTART; } ud.auto_run = RunMode; ud.showweapons = ShowOpponentWeapons; ps[myconnectindex].aim_mode = ud.mouseaiming; ps[myconnectindex].auto_aim = AutoAim; ps[myconnectindex].weaponswitch = ud.weaponswitch; ps[myconnectindex].palookup = ud.pcolor[myconnectindex] = ud.color; ud.warp_on = 0; KB_KeyDown[sc_Pause] = 0; // JBF: I hate the pause key while ( !(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_END) ) //The whole loop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! { if (handleevents()) { // JBF if (quitevent) { KB_KeyDown[sc_Escape] = 1; quitevent = 0; } } AudioUpdate(); OSD_DispatchQueued(); if( ud.recstat == 2 || ud.multimode > 1 || ( ud.show_help == 0 && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) != MODE_MENU ) ) if( ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME ) if( moveloop() ) continue; if( ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_EOL || ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_RESTART ) { if( ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_EOL) { closedemowrite(); ready2send = 0; if(display_bonus_screen == 1) { i = ud.screen_size; ud.screen_size = 0; vscrn(); ud.screen_size = i; dobonus(0); } if(ud.eog) { ud.eog = 0; if(ud.multimode < 2) { if (!VOLUMEALL) { doorders(); } ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_MENU; cmenu(0); probey = 0; goto MAIN_LOOP_RESTART; } else { ud.m_level_number = 0; ud.level_number = 0; } } } display_bonus_screen = 1; ready2send = 0; if(numplayers > 1) ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_GAME; if (enterlevel(ps[myconnectindex].gm)) { backtomenu(); goto MAIN_LOOP_RESTART; } continue; } cheats(); nonsharedkeys(); if( (ud.show_help == 0 && ud.multimode < 2 && !(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) ) || ud.multimode > 1 || ud.recstat == 2) i = min(max((totalclock-ototalclock)*(65536L/TICSPERFRAME),0),65536); else i = 65536; displayrooms(screenpeek,i); displayrest(i); if(gotvote[myconnectindex] == 0 && voting != -1 && voting != myconnectindex) gametext(160,60,"PRESS F1 TO VOTE YES, F2 TO VOTE NO",0,2+8+16); // if( KB_KeyPressed(sc_F) ) // { // KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F); // addplayer(); // } if(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_DEMO) goto MAIN_LOOP_RESTART; if(debug_on) caches(); checksync(); if (VOLUMEONE) { if(ud.show_help == 0 && show_shareware > 0 && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) == 0 ) rotatesprite((320-50)<<16,9<<16,65536L,0,BETAVERSION,0,0,2+8+16+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } nextpage(); while (!(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) && ready2send && totalclock >= ototalclock+TICSPERFRAME) faketimerhandler(); } gameexit(" "); } char demo_version; char opendemoread(char which_demo) // 0 = mine { char d[13]; char ver; int32 i; Bstrcpy(d, "demo_.dmo"); if(which_demo == 10) d[4] = 'x'; else d[4] = '0' + which_demo; ud.reccnt = 0; if(which_demo == 1 && firstdemofile[0] != 0) { if ((recfilep = kopen4load(firstdemofile,loadfromgrouponly)) == -1) return(0); } else if ((recfilep = kopen4load(d,loadfromgrouponly)) == -1) return(0); if (kread(recfilep,&ud.reccnt,sizeof(long)) != sizeof(long)) goto corrupt; if (kread(recfilep,&ver,sizeof(char)) != sizeof(char)) goto corrupt; if(ver != BYTEVERSION /*&& ver != 116 && ver != 117*/) { /* old demo playback */ if (ver == BYTEVERSION_JF) initprintf("Demo %s is for Regular edition.\n", d); else if (ver == BYTEVERSION_JF+1) initprintf("Demo %s is for Atomic edition.\n", d); else if (ver == BYTEVERSION_JF+2) initprintf("Demo %s is for Shareware version.\n", d); else OSD_Printf("Demo %s is of an incompatible version (%d).\n", d, ver); kclose(recfilep); ud.reccnt=0; demo_version = 0; return 0; } else { demo_version = ver; OSD_Printf("Demo %s is of version %d.\n", d, ver); } if (kread(recfilep,(char *)&ud.volume_number,sizeof(char)) != sizeof(char)) goto corrupt; OSD_Printf("ud.volume_number: %d\n",ud.volume_number); if (kread(recfilep,(char *)&ud.level_number,sizeof(char)) != sizeof(char)) goto corrupt; OSD_Printf("ud.level_number: %d\n",ud.level_number); if (kread(recfilep,(char *)&ud.player_skill,sizeof(char)) != sizeof(char)) goto corrupt; OSD_Printf("ud.player_skill: %d\n",ud.player_skill); if (kread(recfilep,(char *)&ud.m_coop,sizeof(char)) != sizeof(char)) goto corrupt; OSD_Printf("ud.m_coop: %d\n",ud.m_coop); if (kread(recfilep,(char *)&ud.m_ffire,sizeof(char)) != sizeof(char)) goto corrupt; OSD_Printf("ud.m_ffire: %d\n",ud.m_ffire); if (kread(recfilep,(short *)&ud.multimode,sizeof(short)) != sizeof(short)) goto corrupt; OSD_Printf("ud.multimode: %d\n",ud.multimode); if (kread(recfilep,(short *)&ud.m_monsters_off,sizeof(short)) != sizeof(short)) goto corrupt; OSD_Printf("ud.m_monsters_off: %d\n",ud.m_monsters_off); if (kread(recfilep,(int32 *)&ud.m_respawn_monsters,sizeof(int32)) != sizeof(int32)) goto corrupt; OSD_Printf("ud.m_respawn_monsters: %d\n",ud.m_respawn_monsters); if (kread(recfilep,(int32 *)&ud.m_respawn_items,sizeof(int32)) != sizeof(int32)) goto corrupt; OSD_Printf("ud.m_respawn_items: %d\n",ud.m_respawn_items); if (kread(recfilep,(int32 *)&ud.m_respawn_inventory,sizeof(int32)) != sizeof(int32)) goto corrupt; OSD_Printf("ud.m_respawn_inventory: %d\n",ud.m_respawn_inventory); if (kread(recfilep,(int32 *)&ud.playerai,sizeof(int32)) != sizeof(int32)) goto corrupt; OSD_Printf("ud.playerai: %d\n",ud.playerai); if (kread(recfilep,(char *)&ud.user_name[0][0],sizeof(ud.user_name)) != sizeof(ud.user_name)) goto corrupt; OSD_Printf("ud.user_name: %s\n",ud.user_name); if (kread(recfilep,(int32 *)&i,sizeof(int32)) != sizeof(int32)) goto corrupt; if(ver == BYTEVERSION) { if (kread(recfilep,(char *)boardfilename,sizeof(boardfilename)) != sizeof(boardfilename)) goto corrupt; } else if (kread(recfilep,(char *)boardfilename,128) != 128) goto corrupt; if( boardfilename[0] != 0 ) { ud.m_level_number = 7; ud.m_volume_number = 0; } for(i=0;i=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { copybufbyte(&sync[i],&recsync[ud.reccnt],sizeof(input)); ud.reccnt++; totalreccnt++; if (ud.reccnt >= RECSYNCBUFSIZ) { dfwrite(recsync,sizeof(input)*ud.multimode,ud.reccnt/ud.multimode,frecfilep); ud.reccnt = 0; } } } void closedemowrite(void) { if (ud.recstat == 1) { if (ud.reccnt > 0) { dfwrite(recsync,sizeof(input)*ud.multimode,ud.reccnt/ud.multimode,frecfilep); fseek(frecfilep,SEEK_SET,0L); fwrite(&totalreccnt,sizeof(long),1,frecfilep); ud.recstat = ud.m_recstat = 0; } fclose(frecfilep); } } char which_demo = 1; char in_menu = 0; typedef struct { signed char avel, horz; short fvel, svel; unsigned long bits; } oldinput; oldinput oldrecsync[RECSYNCBUFSIZ]; // extern long syncs[]; long playback(void) { long i,j,k,l; char foundemo; if( ready2send ) return 0; foundemo = 0; RECHECK: in_menu = ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU; pub = NUMPAGES; pus = NUMPAGES; flushperms(); if(numplayers < 2) foundemo = opendemoread(which_demo); if(foundemo == 0) { if(which_demo > 1) { which_demo = 1; goto RECHECK; } fadepal(0,0,0, 0,63,7); setgamepalette(&ps[myconnectindex], palette, 1); // JBF 20040308 drawbackground(); menus(); //ps[myconnectindex].palette = palette; nextpage(); fadepal(0,0,0, 63,0,-7); ud.reccnt = 0; } else { ud.recstat = 2; which_demo++; if(which_demo == 10) which_demo = 1; if (enterlevel(MODE_DEMO)) return 1; } if(foundemo == 0 || in_menu || KB_KeyWaiting() || numplayers > 1) { FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_MENU; } ready2send = 0; i = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); k = 0; while (ud.reccnt > 0 || foundemo == 0) { if(foundemo) while ( totalclock >= (lockclock+TICSPERFRAME) ) { if (demo_version != BYTEVERSION) { if ((i == 0) || (i >= RECSYNCBUFSIZ)) { i = 0; l = min(ud.reccnt,RECSYNCBUFSIZ); if (kdfread(oldrecsync,sizeof(oldinput)*ud.multimode,l/ud.multimode,recfilep) != l/ud.multimode) { OSD_Printf("Demo %d is corrupt.\n", which_demo-1); foundemo = 0; ud.reccnt = 0; kclose(recfilep); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_MENU; goto RECHECK; } OSD_Printf("ud.reccnt: %d\n",ud.reccnt); } for(j=connecthead;j>=0;j=connectpoint2[j]) { OSD_Printf("ud.reccnt: %d, a:%d, h:%d, s:%d, f:%d, b:%d\n",ud.reccnt,oldrecsync[i].avel,oldrecsync[i].horz,oldrecsync[i].svel,oldrecsync[i].fvel,oldrecsync[i].bits); clearbufbyte(&inputfifo[movefifoend[j]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][j],sizeof(input),0L); copybufbyte(&oldrecsync[i],&inputfifo[movefifoend[j]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][j],sizeof(oldinput)); movefifoend[j]++; i++; ud.reccnt--; } } else { if ((i == 0) || (i >= RECSYNCBUFSIZ)) { i = 0; l = min(ud.reccnt,RECSYNCBUFSIZ); if (kdfread(recsync,sizeof(input)*ud.multimode,l/ud.multimode,recfilep) != l/ud.multimode) { OSD_Printf("Demo %d is corrupt.\n", which_demo-1); foundemo = 0; ud.reccnt = 0; kclose(recfilep); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_MENU; goto RECHECK; } } for(j=connecthead;j>=0;j=connectpoint2[j]) { copybufbyte(&recsync[i],&inputfifo[movefifoend[j]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][j],sizeof(input)); movefifoend[j]++; i++; ud.reccnt--; } } domovethings(); } if(foundemo == 0) drawbackground(); else { nonsharedkeys(); j = min(max((totalclock-lockclock)*(65536/TICSPERFRAME),0),65536); displayrooms(screenpeek,j); displayrest(j); if(ud.multimode > 1 && ps[myconnectindex].gm ) getpackets(); if(gotvote[myconnectindex] == 0 && voting != -1 && voting != myconnectindex) gametext(160,60,"PRESS F1 TO VOTE YES, F2 TO VOTE NO",0,2+8+16); } if( (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_EOL) ) goto RECHECK; if (KB_KeyPressed(sc_Escape) && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) == 0 && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_TYPE) == 0) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Escape); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_MENU; cmenu(0); intomenusounds(); } if(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_TYPE) { typemode(); if((ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_TYPE) != MODE_TYPE) ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_MENU; } else { if(ud.recstat != 2) menus(); if( ud.multimode > 1 && current_menu != 20003 && current_menu != 20005 && current_menu != 210) { ControlInfo noshareinfo; CONTROL_GetInput( &noshareinfo ); if( BUTTON(gamefunc_SendMessage) ) { KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); CONTROL_ClearButton( gamefunc_SendMessage ); ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_TYPE; typebuf[0] = 0; inputloc = 0; } } } operatefta(); if(ud.last_camsprite != ud.camerasprite) { ud.last_camsprite = ud.camerasprite; ud.camera_time = totalclock+(TICRATE*2); } if (VOLUMEONE) { if( ud.show_help == 0 && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) == 0 ) rotatesprite((320-50)<<16,9<<16,65536L,0,BETAVERSION,0,0,2+8+16+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } handleevents(); getpackets(); nextpage(); if( ps[myconnectindex].gm==MODE_END || ps[myconnectindex].gm==MODE_GAME ) { if(foundemo) kclose(recfilep); return 0; } } kclose(recfilep); #if 0 { unsigned long crcv; // sync checker + initcrc32table(); crc32init(&crcv); crc32block(&crcv, (unsigned char *)wall, sizeof(wall)); crc32block(&crcv, (unsigned char *)sector, sizeof(sector)); crc32block(&crcv, (unsigned char *)sprite, sizeof(sprite)); crc32finish(&crcv); initprintf("Checksum = %08X\n",crcv); } #endif if(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) goto RECHECK; return 1; } char moveloop() { long i; if (numplayers > 1) while (fakemovefifoplc < movefifoend[myconnectindex]) fakedomovethings(); getpackets(); if (numplayers < 2) bufferjitter = 0; while (movefifoend[myconnectindex]-movefifoplc > bufferjitter) { for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (movefifoplc == movefifoend[i]) break; if (i >= 0) break; if( domovethings() ) return 1; } return 0; } void fakedomovethingscorrect(void) { long i; struct player_struct *p; if (numplayers < 2) return; i = ((movefifoplc-1)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)); p = &ps[myconnectindex]; if (p->posx == myxbak[i] && p->posy == myybak[i] && p->posz == myzbak[i] && p->horiz == myhorizbak[i] && p->ang == myangbak[i]) return; myx = p->posx; omyx = p->oposx; myxvel = p->posxv; myy = p->posy; omyy = p->oposy; myyvel = p->posyv; myz = p->posz; omyz = p->oposz; myzvel = p->poszv; myang = p->ang; omyang = p->oang; mycursectnum = p->cursectnum; myhoriz = p->horiz; omyhoriz = p->ohoriz; myhorizoff = p->horizoff; omyhorizoff = p->ohorizoff; myjumpingcounter = p->jumping_counter; myjumpingtoggle = p->jumping_toggle; myonground = p->on_ground; myhardlanding = p->hard_landing; myreturntocenter = p->return_to_center; fakemovefifoplc = movefifoplc; while (fakemovefifoplc < movefifoend[myconnectindex]) fakedomovethings(); } void fakedomovethings(void) { input *syn; struct player_struct *p; long i, j, k, doubvel, fz, cz, hz, lz, x, y; unsigned long sb_snum; short psect, psectlotag, tempsect, backcstat; char shrunk, spritebridge; syn = (input *)&inputfifo[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][myconnectindex]; p = &ps[myconnectindex]; backcstat = sprite[p->i].cstat; sprite[p->i].cstat &= ~257; sb_snum = syn->bits; psect = mycursectnum; psectlotag = sector[psect].lotag; spritebridge = 0; shrunk = (sprite[p->i].yrepeat < 32); if( ud.clipping == 0 && ( sector[psect].floorpicnum == MIRROR || psect < 0 || psect >= MAXSECTORS) ) { myx = omyx; myy = omyy; } else { omyx = myx; omyy = myy; } omyhoriz = myhoriz; omyhorizoff = myhorizoff; omyz = myz; omyang = myang; getzrange(myx,myy,myz,psect,&cz,&hz,&fz,&lz,163L,CLIPMASK0); j = getflorzofslope(psect,myx,myy); if( (lz&49152) == 16384 && psectlotag == 1 && klabs(myz-j) > PHEIGHT+(16<<8) ) psectlotag = 0; if( p->aim_mode == 0 && myonground && psectlotag != 2 && (sector[psect].floorstat&2) ) { x = myx+(sintable[(myang+512)&2047]>>5); y = myy+(sintable[myang&2047]>>5); tempsect = psect; updatesector(x,y,&tempsect); if (tempsect >= 0) { k = getflorzofslope(psect,x,y); if (psect == tempsect) myhorizoff += mulscale16(j-k,160); else if (klabs(getflorzofslope(tempsect,x,y)-k) <= (4<<8)) myhorizoff += mulscale16(j-k,160); } } if (myhorizoff > 0) myhorizoff -= ((myhorizoff>>3)+1); else if (myhorizoff < 0) myhorizoff += (((-myhorizoff)>>3)+1); if(hz >= 0 && (hz&49152) == 49152) { hz &= (MAXSPRITES-1); if (sprite[hz].statnum == 1 && sprite[hz].extra >= 0) { hz = 0; cz = getceilzofslope(psect,myx,myy); } } if(lz >= 0 && (lz&49152) == 49152) { j = lz&(MAXSPRITES-1); if ((sprite[j].cstat&33) == 33) { psectlotag = 0; spritebridge = 1; } if(badguy(&sprite[j]) && sprite[j].xrepeat > 24 && klabs(sprite[p->i].z-sprite[j].z) < (84<<8) ) { j = getangle( sprite[j].x-myx,sprite[j].y-myy); myxvel -= sintable[(j+512)&2047]<<4; myyvel -= sintable[j&2047]<<4; } } if( sprite[p->i].extra <= 0 ) { if( psectlotag == 2 ) { if(p->on_warping_sector == 0) { if( klabs(myz-fz) > (PHEIGHT>>1)) myz += 348; } clipmove(&myx,&myy,&myz,&mycursectnum,0,0,164L,(4L<<8),(4L<<8),CLIPMASK0); } updatesector(myx,myy,&mycursectnum); pushmove(&myx,&myy,&myz,&mycursectnum,128L,(4L<<8),(20L<<8),CLIPMASK0); myhoriz = 100; myhorizoff = 0; goto ENDFAKEPROCESSINPUT; } doubvel = TICSPERFRAME; if(p->on_crane >= 0) goto FAKEHORIZONLY; if(p->one_eighty_count < 0) myang += 128; i = 40; if( psectlotag == 2) { myjumpingcounter = 0; if ( sb_snum&1 ) { if(myzvel > 0) myzvel = 0; myzvel -= 348; if(myzvel < -(256*6)) myzvel = -(256*6); } else if (sb_snum&(1<<1)) { if(myzvel < 0) myzvel = 0; myzvel += 348; if(myzvel > (256*6)) myzvel = (256*6); } else { if(myzvel < 0) { myzvel += 256; if(myzvel > 0) myzvel = 0; } if(myzvel > 0) { myzvel -= 256; if(myzvel < 0) myzvel = 0; } } if(myzvel > 2048) myzvel >>= 1; myz += myzvel; if(myz > (fz-(15<<8)) ) myz += ((fz-(15<<8))-myz)>>1; if(myz < (cz+(4<<8)) ) { myz = cz+(4<<8); myzvel = 0; } } else if(p->jetpack_on) { myonground = 0; myjumpingcounter = 0; myhardlanding = 0; if(p->jetpack_on < 11) myz -= (p->jetpack_on<<7); //Goin up if(shrunk) j = 512; else j = 2048; if (sb_snum&1) //A myz -= j; if (sb_snum&(1<<1)) //Z myz += j; if(shrunk == 0 && ( psectlotag == 0 || psectlotag == 2 ) ) k = 32; else k = 16; if(myz > (fz-(k<<8)) ) myz += ((fz-(k<<8))-myz)>>1; if(myz < (cz+(18<<8)) ) myz = cz+(18<<8); } else if( psectlotag != 2 ) { if (psectlotag == 1 && p->spritebridge == 0) { if(shrunk == 0) i = 34; else i = 12; } if(myz < (fz-(i<<8)) && (floorspace(psect)|ceilingspace(psect)) == 0 ) //falling { if( (sb_snum&3) == 0 && myonground && (sector[psect].floorstat&2) && myz >= (fz-(i<<8)-(16<<8) ) ) myz = fz-(i<<8); else { myonground = 0; myzvel += (gc+80); if(myzvel >= (4096+2048)) myzvel = (4096+2048); } } else { if(psectlotag != 1 && psectlotag != 2 && myonground == 0 && myzvel > (6144>>1)) myhardlanding = myzvel>>10; myonground = 1; if(i==40) { //Smooth on the ground k = ((fz-(i<<8))-myz)>>1; if( klabs(k) < 256 ) k = 0; myz += k; // ((fz-(i<<8))-myz)>>1; myzvel -= 768; // 412; if(myzvel < 0) myzvel = 0; } else if(myjumpingcounter == 0) { myz += ((fz-(i<<7))-myz)>>1; //Smooth on the water if(p->on_warping_sector == 0 && myz > fz-(16<<8)) { myz = fz-(16<<8); myzvel >>= 1; } } if( sb_snum&2 ) myz += (2048+768); if( (sb_snum&1) == 0 && myjumpingtoggle == 1) myjumpingtoggle = 0; else if( (sb_snum&1) && myjumpingtoggle == 0 ) { if( myjumpingcounter == 0 ) if( (fz-cz) > (56<<8) ) { myjumpingcounter = 1; myjumpingtoggle = 1; } } if( myjumpingcounter && (sb_snum&1) == 0 ) myjumpingcounter = 0; } if(myjumpingcounter) { if( (sb_snum&1) == 0 && myjumpingtoggle == 1) myjumpingtoggle = 0; if( myjumpingcounter < (1024+256) ) { if(psectlotag == 1 && myjumpingcounter > 768) { myjumpingcounter = 0; myzvel = -512; } else { myzvel -= (sintable[(2048-128+myjumpingcounter)&2047])/12; myjumpingcounter += 180; myonground = 0; } } else { myjumpingcounter = 0; myzvel = 0; } } myz += myzvel; if(myz < (cz+(4<<8)) ) { myjumpingcounter = 0; if(myzvel < 0) myxvel = myyvel = 0; myzvel = 128; myz = cz+(4<<8); } } if ( p->fist_incs || p->transporter_hold > 2 || myhardlanding || p->access_incs > 0 || p->knee_incs > 0 || (p->curr_weapon == TRIPBOMB_WEAPON && p->kickback_pic > 1 && p->kickback_pic < 4 ) ) { doubvel = 0; myxvel = 0; myyvel = 0; } else if ( syn->avel ) //p->ang += syncangvel * constant { //ENGINE calculates angvel for you long tempang; tempang = syn->avel<<1; if(psectlotag == 2) myang += (tempang-(tempang>>3))*ksgn(doubvel); else myang += (tempang)*ksgn(doubvel); myang &= 2047; } if ( myxvel || myyvel || syn->fvel || syn->svel ) { if(p->jetpack_on == 0 && p->steroids_amount > 0 && p->steroids_amount < 400) doubvel <<= 1; myxvel += ((syn->fvel*doubvel)<<6); myyvel += ((syn->svel*doubvel)<<6); if( ( p->curr_weapon == KNEE_WEAPON && p->kickback_pic > 10 && myonground ) || ( myonground && (sb_snum&2) ) ) { myxvel = mulscale16(myxvel,p->runspeed-0x2000); myyvel = mulscale16(myyvel,p->runspeed-0x2000); } else { if(psectlotag == 2) { myxvel = mulscale16(myxvel,p->runspeed-0x1400); myyvel = mulscale16(myyvel,p->runspeed-0x1400); } else { myxvel = mulscale16(myxvel,p->runspeed); myyvel = mulscale16(myyvel,p->runspeed); } } if( abs(myxvel) < 2048 && abs(myyvel) < 2048 ) myxvel = myyvel = 0; if( shrunk ) { myxvel = mulscale16(myxvel,(p->runspeed)-(p->runspeed>>1)+(p->runspeed>>2)); myyvel = mulscale16(myyvel,(p->runspeed)-(p->runspeed>>1)+(p->runspeed>>2)); } } FAKEHORIZONLY: if(psectlotag == 1 || spritebridge == 1) i = (4L<<8); else i = (20L<<8); clipmove(&myx,&myy,&myz,&mycursectnum,myxvel,myyvel,164L,4L<<8,i,CLIPMASK0); pushmove(&myx,&myy,&myz,&mycursectnum,164L,4L<<8,4L<<8,CLIPMASK0); if( p->jetpack_on == 0 && psectlotag != 1 && psectlotag != 2 && shrunk) myz += 30<<8; if ((sb_snum&(1<<18)) || myhardlanding) myreturntocenter = 9; if (sb_snum&(1<<13)) { myreturntocenter = 9; if (sb_snum&(1<<5)) myhoriz += 6; myhoriz += 6; } else if (sb_snum&(1<<14)) { myreturntocenter = 9; if (sb_snum&(1<<5)) myhoriz -= 6; myhoriz -= 6; } else if (sb_snum&(1<<3)) { if (sb_snum&(1<<5)) myhoriz += 6; myhoriz += 6; } else if (sb_snum&(1<<4)) { if (sb_snum&(1<<5)) myhoriz -= 6; myhoriz -= 6; } if (myreturntocenter > 0) if ((sb_snum&(1<<13)) == 0 && (sb_snum&(1<<14)) == 0) { myreturntocenter--; myhoriz += 33-(myhoriz/3); } if(p->aim_mode) myhoriz += syn->horz; else { if( myhoriz > 95 && myhoriz < 105) myhoriz = 100; if( myhorizoff > -5 && myhorizoff < 5) myhorizoff = 0; } if (myhardlanding > 0) { myhardlanding--; myhoriz -= (myhardlanding<<4); } if (myhoriz > 299) myhoriz = 299; else if (myhoriz < -99) myhoriz = -99; if(p->knee_incs > 0) { myhoriz -= 48; myreturntocenter = 9; } ENDFAKEPROCESSINPUT: myxbak[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = myx; myybak[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = myy; myzbak[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = myz; myangbak[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = myang; myhorizbak[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = myhoriz; fakemovefifoplc++; sprite[p->i].cstat = backcstat; } char domovethings(void) { short i, j, k; char ch; long p; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if( sync[i].bits&(1<<17) ) { multiflag = 2; multiwhat = (sync[i].bits>>18)&1; multipos = (unsigned) (sync[i].bits>>19)&15; multiwho = i; if( multiwhat ) { saveplayer( multipos ); multiflag = 0; if(multiwho != myconnectindex) { Bsprintf(fta_quotes[122],"%s SAVED A MULTIPLAYER GAME",&ud.user_name[multiwho][0]); FTA(122,&ps[myconnectindex]); } else { Bstrcpy(fta_quotes[122],"MULTIPLAYER GAME SAVED"); FTA(122,&ps[myconnectindex]); } break; } else { // waitforeverybody(); j = loadplayer( multipos ); multiflag = 0; if(j == 0) { if(multiwho != myconnectindex) { Bsprintf(fta_quotes[122],"%s LOADED A MULTIPLAYER GAME",&ud.user_name[multiwho][0]); FTA(122,&ps[myconnectindex]); } else { Bstrcpy(fta_quotes[122],"MULTIPLAYER GAME LOADED"); FTA(122,&ps[myconnectindex]); } return 1; } } } ud.camerasprite = -1; lockclock += TICSPERFRAME; if(earthquaketime > 0) earthquaketime--; if(rtsplaying > 0) rtsplaying--; for(i=0;i 1) { long sx,sy,sz; short sect,hw,hs; for(i=0;i 2) ps[screenpeek].fta -= 3; } } if( show_shareware > 0 ) { show_shareware--; if(show_shareware == 0) { pus = NUMPAGES; pub = NUMPAGES; } } everyothertime++; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) copybufbyte(&inputfifo[movefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][i],&sync[i],sizeof(input)); movefifoplc++; updateinterpolations(); j = -1; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { if ((sync[i].bits&(1<<26)) == 0) { j = i; continue; } closedemowrite(); if (i == myconnectindex) gameexit(" "); if (screenpeek == i) { screenpeek = connectpoint2[i]; if (screenpeek < 0) screenpeek = connecthead; } if (i == connecthead) connecthead = connectpoint2[connecthead]; else connectpoint2[j] = connectpoint2[i]; numplayers--; ud.multimode--; if (numplayers < 2) sound(GENERIC_AMBIENCE17); pub = NUMPAGES; pus = NUMPAGES; vscrn(); quickkill(&ps[i]); deletesprite(ps[i].i); Bsprintf(buf,"%s is history!",ud.user_name[i]); adduserquote(buf); Bstrcpy(fta_quotes[116],buf); if(voting == i) { Bmemset(votes,0,sizeof(votes)); Bmemset(gotvote,0,sizeof(gotvote)); voting = -1; } ps[myconnectindex].ftq = 116, ps[myconnectindex].fta = 180; if(j < 0 && networkmode == 0 ) gameexit( "The server/master player just quit the game; disconnected."); } if ((numplayers >= 2) && ((movefifoplc&7) == 7)) { ch = (char)(randomseed&255); for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) ch += ((ps[i].posx+ps[i].posy+ps[i].posz+ps[i].ang+ps[i].horiz)&255); syncval[myconnectindex][syncvalhead[myconnectindex]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = ch; syncvalhead[myconnectindex]++; } if(ud.recstat == 1) record(); if( ud.pause_on == 0 ) { global_random = TRAND; movedummyplayers();//ST 13 } for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { cheatkeys(i); if( ud.pause_on == 0 ) { processinput(i); checksectors(i); } } if( ud.pause_on == 0 ) { movefta(); //ST 2 moveweapons(); //ST 5 (must be last) movetransports(); //ST 9 moveplayers(); //ST 10 movefallers(); //ST 12 moveexplosions(); //ST 4 moveactors(); //ST 1 moveeffectors(); //ST 3 movestandables(); //ST 6 for (k=0;k= 0) { j = nextspritestat[i]; OnEvent(EVENT_GAME,i, findplayer(&sprite[i],&p), p); i = j; } } doanimations(); movefx(); //ST 11 } fakedomovethingscorrect(); if( (everyothertime&1) == 0) { animatewalls(); movecyclers(); pan3dsound(); } return 0; } void doorders(void) { setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); fadepal(0,0,0, 0,63,7); //ps[myconnectindex].palette = palette; setgamepalette(&ps[myconnectindex], palette, 1); // JBF 20040308 KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,ORDERING,0,0,2+8+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); fadepal(0,0,0, 63,0,-7); while( !KB_KeyWaiting() ) { handleevents(); getpackets(); } fadepal(0,0,0, 0,63,7); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,ORDERING+1,0,0,2+8+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); fadepal(0,0,0, 63,0,-7); while( !KB_KeyWaiting() ) { handleevents(); getpackets(); } fadepal(0,0,0, 0,63,7); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,ORDERING+2,0,0,2+8+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); fadepal(0,0,0, 63,0,-7); while( !KB_KeyWaiting() ) { handleevents(); getpackets(); } fadepal(0,0,0, 0,63,7); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,ORDERING+3,0,0,2+8+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); fadepal(0,0,0, 63,0,-7); while( !KB_KeyWaiting() ) { handleevents(); getpackets(); } } void dobonus(char bonusonly) { short t, tinc,gfx_offset; long i, y,xfragtotal,yfragtotal; short bonuscnt; int clockpad = 2; char *lastmapname; long breathe[] = { 0, 30,VICTORY1+1,176,59, 30, 60,VICTORY1+2,176,59, 60, 90,VICTORY1+1,176,59, 90, 120,0 ,176,59 }; long bossmove[] = { 0, 120,VICTORY1+3,86,59, 220, 260,VICTORY1+4,86,59, 260, 290,VICTORY1+5,86,59, 290, 320,VICTORY1+6,86,59, 320, 350,VICTORY1+7,86,59, 350, 380,VICTORY1+8,86,59 }; if (ud.volume_number == 0 && ud.last_level == 8 && boardfilename[0]) { lastmapname = Bstrrchr(boardfilename,'\\'); if (!lastmapname) lastmapname = Bstrrchr(boardfilename,'/'); if (!lastmapname) lastmapname = boardfilename; } else lastmapname = level_names[(ud.volume_number*11)+ud.last_level-1]; bonuscnt = 0; fadepal(0,0,0, 0,64,7); setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); clearview(0L); nextpage(); flushperms(); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); FX_SetReverb(0L); if(bonusonly) goto FRAGBONUS; if(numplayers < 2 && ud.eog && ud.from_bonus == 0) switch(ud.volume_number) { case 0: if(ud.lockout == 0) { setgamepalette(&ps[myconnectindex], endingpal, 3); // JBF 20040308 clearview(0L); rotatesprite(0,50<<16,65536L,0,VICTORY1,0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); nextpage(); //ps[myconnectindex].palette = endingpal; fadepal(0,0,0, 63,0,-1); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); totalclock = 0; tinc = 0; while( 1 ) { clearview(0L); rotatesprite(0,50<<16,65536L,0,VICTORY1,0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); // boss if( totalclock > 390 && totalclock < 780 ) for(t=0;t<35;t+=5) if( bossmove[t+2] && (totalclock%390) > bossmove[t] && (totalclock%390) <= bossmove[t+1] ) { if(t==10 && bonuscnt == 1) { sound(SHOTGUN_FIRE);sound(SQUISHED); bonuscnt++; } rotatesprite(bossmove[t+3]<<16,bossmove[t+4]<<16,65536L,0,bossmove[t+2],0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } // Breathe if( totalclock < 450 || totalclock >= 750 ) { if(totalclock >= 750) { rotatesprite(86<<16,59<<16,65536L,0,VICTORY1+8,0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if(totalclock >= 750 && bonuscnt == 2) { sound(DUKETALKTOBOSS); bonuscnt++; } } for(t=0;t<20;t+=5) if( breathe[t+2] && (totalclock%120) > breathe[t] && (totalclock%120) <= breathe[t+1] ) { if(t==5 && bonuscnt == 0) { sound(BOSSTALKTODUKE); bonuscnt++; } rotatesprite(breathe[t+3]<<16,breathe[t+4]<<16,65536L,0,breathe[t+2],0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } } handleevents(); getpackets(); nextpage(); if( KB_KeyWaiting() ) break; } } fadepal(0,0,0, 0,64,1); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); //ps[myconnectindex].palette = palette; setgamepalette(&ps[myconnectindex], palette, 3); // JBF 20040308 rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,3292,0,0,2+8+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); IFISSOFTMODE fadepal(0,0,0, 63,0,-1); else nextpage(); while( !KB_KeyWaiting() ) { handleevents(); getpackets(); } fadepal(0,0,0, 0,64,1); MUSIC_StopSong(); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); break; case 1: MUSIC_StopSong(); clearview(0L); nextpage(); if(ud.lockout == 0) { playanm("cineov2.anm",1); KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); clearview(0L); nextpage(); } sound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE); fadepal(0,0,0, 0,64,1); setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); //ps[myconnectindex].palette = palette; setgamepalette(&ps[myconnectindex], palette, 3); // JBF 20040308 rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,3293,0,0,2+8+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); IFISSOFTMODE fadepal(0,0,0, 63,0,-1); else nextpage(); while( !KB_KeyWaiting() ) { handleevents(); getpackets(); } IFISSOFTMODE fadepal(0,0,0, 0,64,1); break; case 3: setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); MUSIC_StopSong(); clearview(0L); nextpage(); if(ud.lockout == 0) { KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); playanm("vol4e1.anm",8); clearview(0L); nextpage(); playanm("vol4e2.anm",10); clearview(0L); nextpage(); playanm("vol4e3.anm",11); clearview(0L); nextpage(); } FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); sound(ENDSEQVOL3SND4); KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); //ps[myconnectindex].palette = palette; setgamepalette(&ps[myconnectindex], palette, 3); // JBF 20040308 IFISSOFTMODE palto(0,0,0,63); clearview(0L); menutext(160,60,0,0,"THANKS TO ALL OUR"); menutext(160,60+16,0,0,"FANS FOR GIVING"); menutext(160,60+16+16,0,0,"US BIG HEADS."); menutext(160,70+16+16+16,0,0,"LOOK FOR A DUKE NUKEM 3D"); menutext(160,70+16+16+16+16,0,0,"SEQUEL SOON."); nextpage(); fadepal(0,0,0, 63,0,-3); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); while(!KB_KeyWaiting()) { handleevents(); getpackets(); } fadepal(0,0,0, 0,64,3); clearview(0L); nextpage(); playanm("DUKETEAM.ANM",4); KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); while(!KB_KeyWaiting()) { handleevents(); getpackets(); } clearview(0L); nextpage(); IFISSOFTMODE palto(0,0,0,63); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); break; case 2: MUSIC_StopSong(); clearview(0L); nextpage(); if(ud.lockout == 0) { fadepal(0,0,0, 63,0,-1); playanm("cineov3.anm",2); KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); ototalclock = totalclock+200; while(totalclock < ototalclock) { handleevents(); getpackets(); } clearview(0L); nextpage(); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); } playanm("RADLOGO.ANM",3); if( ud.lockout == 0 && !KB_KeyWaiting() ) { sound(ENDSEQVOL3SND5); while(issoundplaying(-1,ENDSEQVOL3SND5)) { handleevents(); getpackets(); } if(KB_KeyWaiting()) goto ENDANM; sound(ENDSEQVOL3SND6); while(issoundplaying(-1,ENDSEQVOL3SND6)) { handleevents(); getpackets(); } if(KB_KeyWaiting()) goto ENDANM; sound(ENDSEQVOL3SND7); while(issoundplaying(-1,ENDSEQVOL3SND7)) { handleevents(); getpackets(); } if(KB_KeyWaiting()) goto ENDANM; sound(ENDSEQVOL3SND8); while(issoundplaying(-1,ENDSEQVOL3SND8)) { handleevents(); getpackets(); } if(KB_KeyWaiting()) goto ENDANM; sound(ENDSEQVOL3SND9); while(issoundplaying(-1,ENDSEQVOL3SND9)) { handleevents(); getpackets(); } } KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); totalclock = 0; while(!KB_KeyWaiting() && totalclock < 120) { handleevents(); getpackets(); } ENDANM: FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); KB_FlushKeyBoardQueue(); clearview(0L); break; } FRAGBONUS: //ps[myconnectindex].palette = palette; setgamepalette(&ps[myconnectindex], palette, 3); // JBF 20040308 IFISSOFTMODE palto(0,0,0,63); // JBF 20031228 KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); totalclock = 0; tinc = 0; bonuscnt = 0; MUSIC_StopSong(); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); if(playerswhenstarted > 1 && (gametype_flags[ud.coop]&GAMETYPE_FLAG_SCORESHEET)) { if(!(MusicToggle == 0 || MusicDevice < 0)) sound(BONUSMUSIC); rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,MENUSCREEN,16,0,2+8+16+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(160<<16,34<<16,65536L,0,INGAMEDUKETHREEDEE,0,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if (PLUTOPAK) // JBF 20030804 rotatesprite((260)<<16,36<<16,65536L,0,PLUTOPAKSPRITE+2,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); gametext(160,58+2,"MULTIPLAYER TOTALS",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,58+10,level_names[(ud.volume_number*11)+ud.last_level-1],0,2+8+16); gametext(160,165,"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE",0,2+8+16); t = 0; minitext(23,80," NAME KILLS",8,2+8+16+128); for(i=0;i 1) return; fadepal(0,0,0, 0,64,7); } if(bonusonly || ud.multimode > 1) return; switch(ud.volume_number) { case 1: gfx_offset = 5; break; default: gfx_offset = 0; break; } rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,BONUSSCREEN+gfx_offset,0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(160,20-6,0,0,lastmapname); menutext(160,36-6,0,0,"COMPLETED"); gametext(160,192,"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE",16,2+8+16); if(!(MusicToggle == 0 || MusicDevice < 0)) sound(BONUSMUSIC); nextpage(); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); fadepal(0,0,0, 63,0,-1); bonuscnt = 0; totalclock = 0; tinc = 0; { int ii, ij; for (ii=ps[myconnectindex].player_par/(26*60), ij=1; ii>9; ii/=10, ij++) ; clockpad = max(clockpad,ij); for (ii=partime[ud.volume_number*11+ud.last_level-1]/(26*60), ij=1; ii>9; ii/=10, ij++) ; clockpad = max(clockpad,ij); for (ii=designertime[ud.volume_number*11+ud.last_level-1]/(26*60), ij=1; ii>9; ii/=10, ij++) ; clockpad = max(clockpad,ij); } while( 1 ) { handleevents(); AudioUpdate(); if(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_EOL) { rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,BONUSSCREEN+gfx_offset,0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if( totalclock > (1000000000L) && totalclock < (1000000320L) ) { switch( (totalclock>>4)%15 ) { case 0: if(bonuscnt == 6) { bonuscnt++; sound(SHOTGUN_COCK); switch(rand()&3) { case 0: sound(BONUS_SPEECH1); break; case 1: sound(BONUS_SPEECH2); break; case 2: sound(BONUS_SPEECH3); break; case 3: sound(BONUS_SPEECH4); break; } } case 1: case 4: case 5: rotatesprite(199<<16,31<<16,65536L,0,BONUSSCREEN+3+gfx_offset,0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); break; case 2: case 3: rotatesprite(199<<16,31<<16,65536L,0,BONUSSCREEN+4+gfx_offset,0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); break; } } else if( totalclock > (10240+120L) ) break; else { switch( (totalclock>>5)&3 ) { case 1: case 3: rotatesprite(199<<16,31<<16,65536L,0,BONUSSCREEN+1+gfx_offset,0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); break; case 2: rotatesprite(199<<16,31<<16,65536L,0,BONUSSCREEN+2+gfx_offset,0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); break; } } menutext(160,20-6,0,0,lastmapname); menutext(160,36-6,0,0,"COMPLETED"); gametext(160,192,"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE",16,2+8+16); if( totalclock > (60*3) ) { gametext(10,59+9,"Your Time:",0,2+8+16); gametext(10,69+9,"Par time:",0,2+8+16); if (!NAM) gametext(10,78+9,"3D Realms' Time:",0,2+8+16); if(bonuscnt == 0) bonuscnt++; if( totalclock > (60*4) ) { if(bonuscnt == 1) { bonuscnt++; sound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE); } Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%0*ld:%02ld",clockpad, (ps[myconnectindex].player_par/(26*60)), (ps[myconnectindex].player_par/26)%60); gametext((320>>2)+71,60+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%0*ld:%02ld",clockpad, (partime[ud.volume_number*11+ud.last_level-1]/(26*60)), (partime[ud.volume_number*11+ud.last_level-1]/26)%60); gametext((320>>2)+71,69+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); if (!NAM) { Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%0*ld:%02ld",clockpad, (designertime[ud.volume_number*11+ud.last_level-1]/(26*60)), (designertime[ud.volume_number*11+ud.last_level-1]/26)%60); gametext((320>>2)+71,78+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); } } } if( totalclock > (60*6) ) { gametext(10,94+9,"Enemies Killed:",0,2+8+16); gametext(10,99+4+9,"Enemies Left:",0,2+8+16); if(bonuscnt == 2) { bonuscnt++; sound(FLY_BY); } if( totalclock > (60*7) ) { if(bonuscnt == 3) { bonuscnt++; sound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE); } Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%-3ld",ps[myconnectindex].actors_killed); gametext((320>>2)+70,93+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); if(ud.player_skill > 3 ) { Bsprintf(tempbuf,"N/A"); gametext((320>>2)+70,99+4+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); } else { if( (ps[myconnectindex].max_actors_killed-ps[myconnectindex].actors_killed) < 0 ) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%-3d",0); else Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%-3ld",ps[myconnectindex].max_actors_killed-ps[myconnectindex].actors_killed); gametext((320>>2)+70,99+4+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); } } } if( totalclock > (60*9) ) { gametext(10,120+9,"Secrets Found:",0,2+8+16); gametext(10,130+9,"Secrets Missed:",0,2+8+16); if(bonuscnt == 4) bonuscnt++; if( totalclock > (60*10) ) { if(bonuscnt == 5) { bonuscnt++; sound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE); } Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%-3ld",ps[myconnectindex].secret_rooms); gametext((320>>2)+70,120+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); if( ps[myconnectindex].secret_rooms > 0 ) Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%-3ld%%",(100*ps[myconnectindex].secret_rooms/ps[myconnectindex].max_secret_rooms)); Bsprintf(tempbuf,"%-3ld",ps[myconnectindex].max_secret_rooms-ps[myconnectindex].secret_rooms); gametext((320>>2)+70,130+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); } } if(totalclock > 10240 && totalclock < 10240+10240) totalclock = 1024; if( ( (MOUSE_GetButtons()&7) || KB_KeyWaiting() ) && totalclock > (60*2) ) // JBF 20030809 { MOUSE_ClearButton(7); if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F12 ) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F12 ); screencapture("eduke0000.tga",0); } if( totalclock < (60*13) ) { KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); totalclock = (60*13); } else if( totalclock < (1000000000L)) totalclock = (1000000000L); } } else break; nextpage(); } } void cameratext(short i) { char flipbits; long x , y; if(!T1) { rotatesprite(24<<16,33<<16,65536L,0,CAMCORNER,0,0,2,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); rotatesprite((320-26)<<16,34<<16,65536L,0,CAMCORNER+1,0,0,2,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); rotatesprite(22<<16,163<<16,65536L,512,CAMCORNER+1,0,0,2+4,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); rotatesprite((310-10)<<16,163<<16,65536L,512,CAMCORNER+1,0,0,2,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); if(totalclock&16) rotatesprite(46<<16,32<<16,65536L,0,CAMLIGHT,0,0,2,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); } else { flipbits = (totalclock<<1)&48; for(x=0;x<394;x+=64) for(y=0;y<200;y+=64) rotatesprite(x<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,STATIC,0,0,2+flipbits,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); } } void vglass(long x,long y,short a,short wn,short n) { long z, zincs; short sect; sect = wall[wn].nextsector; if(sect == -1) return; zincs = ( sector[sect].floorz-sector[sect].ceilingz ) / n; for(z = sector[sect].ceilingz;z < sector[sect].floorz; z += zincs ) EGS(sect,x,y,z-(TRAND&8191),GLASSPIECES+(z&(TRAND%3)),-32,36,36,a+128-(TRAND&255),16+(TRAND&31),0,-1,5); } void lotsofglass(short i,short wallnum,short n) { long j, xv, yv, z, x1, y1; short sect, a; sect = -1; if(wallnum < 0) { for(j=n-1; j >= 0 ;j--) { a = SA-256+(TRAND&511)+1024; EGS(SECT,SX,SY,SZ,GLASSPIECES+(j%3),-32,36,36,a,32+(TRAND&63),1024-(TRAND&1023),i,5); } return; } j = n+1; x1 = wall[wallnum].x; y1 = wall[wallnum].y; xv = wall[wall[wallnum].point2].x-x1; yv = wall[wall[wallnum].point2].y-y1; x1 -= ksgn(yv); y1 += ksgn(xv); xv /= j; yv /= j; for(j=n;j>0;j--) { x1 += xv; y1 += yv; updatesector(x1,y1,§); if(sect >= 0) { z = sector[sect].floorz-(TRAND&(klabs(sector[sect].ceilingz-sector[sect].floorz))); if( z < -(32<<8) || z > (32<<8) ) z = SZ-(32<<8)+(TRAND&((64<<8)-1)); a = SA-1024; EGS(SECT,x1,y1,z,GLASSPIECES+(j%3),-32,36,36,a,32+(TRAND&63),-(TRAND&1023),i,5); } } } void spriteglass(short i,short n) { long j, k, a, z; for(j=n;j>0;j--) { a = TRAND&2047; z = SZ-((TRAND&16)<<8); k = EGS(SECT,SX,SY,z,GLASSPIECES+(j%3),TRAND&15,36,36,a,32+(TRAND&63),-512-(TRAND&2047),i,5); sprite[k].pal = sprite[i].pal; } } void ceilingglass(short i,short sectnum,short n) { long j, xv, yv, z, x1, y1; short a,s, startwall,endwall; startwall = sector[sectnum].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[sectnum].wallnum; for(s=startwall;s<(endwall-1);s++) { x1 = wall[s].x; y1 = wall[s].y; xv = (wall[s+1].x-x1)/(n+1); yv = (wall[s+1].y-y1)/(n+1); for(j=n;j>0;j--) { x1 += xv; y1 += yv; a = TRAND&2047; z = sector[sectnum].ceilingz+((TRAND&15)<<8); EGS(sectnum,x1,y1,z,GLASSPIECES+(j%3),-32,36,36,a,(TRAND&31),0,i,5); } } } void lotsofcolourglass(short i,short wallnum,short n) { long j, xv, yv, z, x1, y1; short sect = -1, a, k; if(wallnum < 0) { for(j=n-1; j >= 0 ;j--) { a = TRAND&2047; k = EGS(SECT,SX,SY,SZ-(TRAND&(63<<8)),GLASSPIECES+(j%3),-32,36,36,a,32+(TRAND&63),1024-(TRAND&2047),i,5); sprite[k].pal = TRAND&15; } return; } j = n+1; x1 = wall[wallnum].x; y1 = wall[wallnum].y; xv = (wall[wall[wallnum].point2].x-wall[wallnum].x)/j; yv = (wall[wall[wallnum].point2].y-wall[wallnum].y)/j; for(j=n;j>0;j--) { x1 += xv; y1 += yv; updatesector(x1,y1,§); z = sector[sect].floorz-(TRAND&(klabs(sector[sect].ceilingz-sector[sect].floorz))); if( z < -(32<<8) || z > (32<<8) ) z = SZ-(32<<8)+(TRAND&((64<<8)-1)); a = SA-1024; k = EGS(SECT,x1,y1,z,GLASSPIECES+(j%3),-32,36,36,a,32+(TRAND&63),-(TRAND&2047),i,5); sprite[k].pal = TRAND&7; } } void SetupGameButtons( void ) { CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Move_Forward,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Move_Backward,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Turn_Left,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Turn_Right,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Strafe,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Fire,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Open,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Run,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_AutoRun,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Jump,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Crouch,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Look_Up,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Look_Down,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Look_Left,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Look_Right,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Strafe_Left,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Strafe_Right,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Aim_Up,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Aim_Down,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_1,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_2,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_3,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_4,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_5,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_6,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_7,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_8,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_9,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_10,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Inventory,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Inventory_Left,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Inventory_Right,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Holo_Duke,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Jetpack,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_NightVision,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_MedKit,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_TurnAround,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_SendMessage,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Map,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Shrink_Screen,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Enlarge_Screen,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Center_View,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Holster_Weapon,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Show_Opponents_Weapon,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Map_Follow_Mode,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_See_Coop_View,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Mouse_Aiming,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Toggle_Crosshair,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Steroids,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Quick_Kick,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Next_Weapon,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Previous_Weapon,false); } /* =================== = = GetTime = =================== */ long GetTime(void) { return totalclock; } /* =================== = = CenterCenter = =================== */ void CenterCenter(void) { initprintf("Center the joystick and press a button\n"); } /* =================== = = UpperLeft = =================== */ void UpperLeft(void) { initprintf("Move joystick to upper-left corner and press a button\n"); } /* =================== = = LowerRight = =================== */ void LowerRight(void) { initprintf("Move joystick to lower-right corner and press a button\n"); } /* =================== = = CenterThrottle = =================== */ void CenterThrottle(void) { initprintf("Center the throttle control and press a button\n"); } /* =================== = = CenterRudder = =================== */ void CenterRudder(void) { initprintf("Center the rudder control and press a button\n"); }