-- Game control module for Lunatic. local ffi = require("ffi") local ffiC = ffi.C local bit = require("bit") local math = require("math") local geom = require("geom") local setmetatable = setmetatable local error = error local type = type local player = assert(player) local defs_c = require("defs_common") local cansee = defs_c.cansee local neartag = defs_c.neartag local inside = defs_c.inside -- NOTE FOR RELEASE: the usually global stuff like "sprite" etc. ought to be -- accessed as locals here module(...) local lastid = { action=0, move=0, ai=0 } local def = { action={}, move={}, ai={} } local function forbidden() error("newindex forbidden", 2) end AC = setmetatable({}, { __index=def.action, __newindex=forbidden }) MV = setmetatable({}, { __index=def.move, __newindex=forbidden }) AI = setmetatable({}, { __index=def.ai, __newindex=forbidden }) local function check_name(name, what, errlev) if (type(name)~="string" or #name > 63) then error("bad argument #1 to "..what..": must be a string of length <= 63", errlev+1) end end local function action_or_move(what, numargs, tab, name, ...) if (lastid[what] <= -(2^31)) then error("Too many "..what.."s defined", 3); end check_name(name, what, 3) local args = {...} if (#args > numargs) then error("Too many arguments passed to "..what, 3) end for i=1,#args do local n = args[i] if (type(n)~="number" or not (n >= -32768 and n <= 32767)) then error("bad argument #".. i+1 .." to "..what.. ": must be numbers in [-32768..32767]", 3) end end -- missing fields are initialized to 0 by ffi.new -- Named actions or moves have negative ids so that non-negative ones -- can be used as (different) placeholders for all-zero ones. lastid[what] = lastid[what]-1 -- ffi.new takes either for initialization: varargs, a table with numeric -- indices, or a table with key-value pairs -- See http://luajit.org/ext_ffi_semantics.html#init_table tab[name] = ffi.new("const con_"..what.."_t", lastid[what], args) end function action(name, ...) action_or_move("action", 5, def.action, name, ...) end function move(name, ...) action_or_move("move", 2, def.move, name, ...) end local function get_action_or_move(what, val, argi) if (val == nil) then return {} -- will init the struct to all zeros elseif (type(val)=="string") then local am = def[what][val] if (am==nil) then error("no "..what.." '"..val.."' defined", 3) end return am elseif (ffi.istype("con_"..what.."_t", val)) then return val end -- TODO: literal number actions/moves? error("bad argument #"..argi.." to ai: must be string or "..what, 3) end function ai(name, action, move, flags) if (lastid.ai <= -(2^31)) then error("Too many AIs defined", 2); end check_name(name, "ai", 2) lastid.ai = lastid.ai-1 local act = get_action_or_move("action", action, 2) local mov = get_action_or_move("move", move, 3) if (flags~=nil) then if (type(flags)~="number" or not (flags>=0 and flags<=32767)) then error("bad argument #4 to ai: must be a number in [0..32767]", 2) end else flags = 0 end def.ai[name] = ffi.new("const con_ai_t", lastid.ai, act, mov, flags) end ---=== RUNTIME CON FUNCTIONS ===--- function rotatesprite(x, y, zoom, ang, tilenum, shade, pal, orientation, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2) if (type(tilenum) ~= "number" or not (tilenum >= 0 and tilenum < ffiC.MAXTILES)) then error("bad argument #5 to rotatesprite: must be number in [0.."..ffiC.MAXTILES.."]", 2) end ffiC.rotatesprite(65536*x, 65536*y, zoom, ang, tilenum, shade, pal, bit.bor(2,orientation), cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2) end function rnd(x) return (bit.rshift(ffiC.krand(), 8) >= (255-x)) end ---=== Weapon stuff ===--- --- Helper functions (might be exported later) --- local function have_weapon(ps, weap) return (bit.band(ps.gotweapon, bit.lshift(1, weap)) ~= 0) end local function have_ammo_at_max(ps, weap) return (ps:get_ammo_amount(weap) >= ps:get_max_ammo_amount(weap)) end local function P_AddAmmo(ps, weap, amount) if (not have_ammo_at_max(ps, weap)) then local curamount = ps:get_ammo_amount(weap) local maxamount = ps:get_max_ammo_amount(weap) -- NOTE: no clamping towards the bottom ps:set_ammo_amount(weap, math.min(curamount+amount, maxamount)) end end local function P_AddWeaponAmmoCommon(ps, weap, amount) P_AddAmmo(ps, weap, amount) if (ps.curr_weapon==ffiC.KNEE_WEAPON and have_weapon(weap)) then ffiC.P_AddWeaponMaybeSwitch(ps, weap); end end --- Functions that must be exported because they are used by LunaCON generated code, --- but which are off limits to users. (That is, we need to think about how to --- expose the functionality in a better fashion than merely giving access to --- the C functions.) local D = { -- TODO: dynamic tile remapping ACTIVATOR = 2, APLAYER = 1405, FIRSTAID = 53, STEROIDS = 55, AIRTANK = 56, JETPACK = 57, HEATSENSOR = 59, BOOTS = 61, HOLODUKE = 1348, } local function check_sprite_idx(i) if (i >= ffiC.MAXSPRITES+0ULL) then error("invalid argument: must be a valid sprite index", 3) end end local function check_tile_idx(tilenum) if (tilenum >= ffiC.MAXTILES+0ULL) then error("invalid argument: must be a valid tile number", 3) end end function _A_Shoot(i, atwith) check_sprite_idx(i) check_tile_idx(atwith) return ffiC.A_Shoot(i, atwith) end function _A_IncurDamage(sn) check_sprite_idx(sn) return ffiC.A_IncurDamage(sn) end function _VM_FallSprite(i) check_sprite_idx(i) ffiC.VM_FallSprite(i) end function _sizeto(i, xr, yr) local spr = sprite[i] local dr = (xr-spr.xrepeat) -- NOTE: could "overflow" (e.g. goal repeat is 256, gets converted to 0) spr.xrepeat = spr.xrepeat + ((dr == 0) and 0 or (dr < 0 and -1 or 1)) -- TODO: y stretching is conditional dr = (yr-spr.yrepeat) spr.yrepeat = spr.yrepeat + ((dr == 0) and 0 or (dr < 0 and -1 or 1)) end -- NOTE: function args have overloaded meaning function _A_Spawn(j, pn) local bound_check = sector[sprite[j].sectnum] -- two in one whack check_tile_idx(pn) return ffiC.A_Spawn(j, pn) end function _pstomp(ps, i) if (ps.knee_incs == 0 and sprite[ps.i].xrepeat >= 40) then local spr = sprite[i] if (cansee(spr^(4*256), spr.sectnum, ps.pos^(-16*256), sprite[ps.i].sectnum)) then for j=ffiC.playerswhenstarted-1,0 do if (player[j].actorsqu == i) then return end end ps.actorsqu = i ps.knee_incs = -1 if (ps.weapon_pos == 0) then ps.weapon_pos = -1 end end end end function _pkick(ps, spr) -- TODO: multiplayer branch if (spr.picnum~=D.APLAYER and ps.quick_kick==0) then ps.quick_kick = 14 end end function _VM_ResetPlayer2(snum) local bound_check = player[snum] return (ffiC.VM_ResetPlayer2(snum)~=0) end local PALBITS = { [0]=1, [21]=2, [23]=4 } local ICONS = { [ffiC.GET_FIRSTAID] = 1, -- ICON_FIRSTAID [ffiC.GET_STEROIDS] = 2, [ffiC.GET_HOLODUKE] = 3, [ffiC.GET_JETPACK] = 4, [ffiC.GET_HEATS] = 5, [ffiC.GET_SCUBA] = 6, [ffiC.GET_BOOTS] = 7, } function _addinventory(ps, inv, amount, pal) if (inv == ffiC.GET_ACCESS) then if (PALBITS[pal]) then ps.got_access = bit.bor(ps.got_access, PALBITS[pal]) end else if (ICONS[inv]) then ps.inven_icon = ICONS[inv] end if (inv == ffiC.GET_SHIELD) then amount = math.min(ps.max_shield_amount, amount) end -- NOTE: this is more permissive than CON, e.g. allows -- GET_DUMMY1 too. ps:set_inv_amount(inv, amount) end end -- For GET_ACCESS: returns logical: whether player has card given by PAL -- Else: returns inventory amount function _getinventory(ps, inv, i) if (inv == ffiC.GET_ACCESS) then if (PALBITS[sprite[i].pal]) then return (bit.band(ps.got_access, PALBITS[sprite[i].pal])~=0) end return false else return ps:get_inv_amount(inv) end end -- The return value is true iff the ammo was at the weapon's max. -- In that case, no action is taken. function _addammo(ps, weap, amount) return have_ammo_at_max(ps, weap) or P_AddWeaponAmmoCommon(ps, weap, amount) end function _addweapon(ps, weap, amount) if (weap >= ffiC.MAX_WEAPONS+0ULL) then error("Invalid weapon ID "..weap, 2) end if (not have_weapon(ps, weap)) then ffiC.P_AddWeaponMaybeSwitch(ps, weap); elseif (have_ammo_at_max(ps, weap)) then return true end P_AddWeaponAmmoCommon(ps, weap, amount) end function _A_RadiusDamage(i, r, hp1, hp2, hp3, hp4) check_sprite_idx(i) ffiC.A_RadiusDamage(i, r, hp1, hp2, hp3, hp4) end function _testkey(pli, synckey) local bound_check = player[pli] if (synckey >= 32ULL) then error("Invalid argument #2 to _testkey: must be in [0..31]", 2) end local bits = ffiC.player[pli].sync.bits return (bit.band(bits, bit.lshift(1,synckey)) ~= 0) end function _operate(spritenum) local NEAROP = { [9] = true, [15] = true, [16] = true, [17] = true, [18] = true, [19] = true, [20] = true, [21] = true, [22] = true, [23] = true, [25] = true, [26] = true, [29] = true, } local spr = sprite[spritenum] if (sector[spr.sectnum].lotag == 0) then local tag = neartag(spr^(32*256), spr.sectnum, spr.ang, 768, 4+1) if (tag.sector >= 0) then local sect = sector[tag.sector] local lotag = sect.lotag if (NEAROP[bit.band(lotag, 0xff)]) then if (lotag==23 or sect.floorz==sect.ceilingz) then if (bit.band(lotag, 32768+16384) == 0) then for j in spritesofsect(tag.sector) do if (sprite[j].picnum==D.ACTIVATOR) then return end end ffiC.G_OperateSectors(tag.sector, spritenum) end end end end end end function _endofgame(pli, timebeforeexit) player[pli].timebeforeexit = timebeforeexit player[pli].customexitsound = -1 ffiC.ud.eog = 1 end function _bulletnear(i) return (ffiC.A_Dodge(sprite[i]) == 1) end -- d is a distance function _awayfromwall(spr, d) local vec2 = geom.vec2 local vecs = { vec2(d,d), vec2(-d,-d), vec2(d,-d), vec2(-d,d) } for i=1,4 do if (not inside(vecs[i]+spr, spr.sectnum)) then return false end end return true end local function krandand(mask) return bit.band(ffiC.krand(), mask) end local BANG2RAD = math.pi/1024 local function cossinb(bang) -- XXX: better use the precalc'd arrays instead? local ang = BANG2RAD*(bang) return 16384*math.cos(ang), 16384*math.sin(ang) end local function manhatdist(v1, v2) return math.abs(v1.x-v2.x) + math.abs(v1.y-v2.y) end -- "otherspr" is either player or holoduke sprite local function A_GetFurthestVisiblePoint(aci, otherspr) if (bit.band(actor[aci].get_t_data(0), 63) ~= 0) then return end local angincs = (ud.player_skill < 3) and 1024 or 2048/(1+krandand(1)) local j = 0 repeat local c, s = cossinb(otherspr.ang + j) local hit = hitscan(otherspr^(16*256), otherspr.sectnum, c, s, 16384-krandand(32767), ffiC.CLIPMASK1) local dother = manhatdist(hit.pos, otherspr) local dactor = manhatdist(hit.pos, spr) if (dother < dactor and hit.sect >= 0) then if (cansee(hit.pos, hit.sect, otherspr^(16*256), otherspr.sectnum)) then return hit end end j = j + (angincs - krandand(511)) until (j >= 2048) end local SLEEPTIME = 1536 function _cansee(aci, ps) -- Select sprite for monster to target. local spr = sprite[aci] local s = sprite[ps.i] if (ps.holoduke_on) then -- If holoduke is on, let them target holoduke first. local hs = sprite[ps.holoduke_on] if (cansee(spr^krandand(8191), spr.sectnum, s, s.sectnum)) then s = hs end end -- Can they see player (or player's holoduke)? local can = cansee(spr^krandand(47*256), spr.sectnum, s^(24*256), s.sectnum) if (not can) then -- Search around for target player. local hit = A_GetFurthestVisiblePoint(aci, s) if (hit ~= nil) then can = true actor[aci].lastvx = hit.pos.x actor[aci].lastvy = hit.pos.y end else -- Else, they did see it. Save where we were looking... actor[aci].lastvx = s.x actor[aci].lastvy = s.y end if (can and (spr.statnum==ffiC.STAT_ACTOR or spr.statnum==ffiC.STAT_STANDABLE)) then actor[aci].timetosleep = SLEEPTIME end return can end function _canseetarget(spr, ps) -- NOTE: &41 ? return cansee(spr^krandand(41), spr.sectnum, ps.pos, sprite[ps.i].sectnum) end local function A_CheckHitSprite(spr, angadd) local zoff = (spr:isenemy() and 42*256) or (spr.picnum==D.APLAYER and 39*256) or 0 local c, s = cossinb(spr.ang+angadd) local hit = hitscan(spr^zoff, spr.sectnum, c, s, 0, ffiC.CLIPMASK1) if (hit.wall >= 0 and wall[hit.wall]:ismasked() and spr:isenemy()) then return -1, nil end local dx = hit.pos.x-spr.x local dy = hit.pos.y-spr.y return hit.sprite, math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) -- TODO: use "ldist" approximation for authenticity end function _canshoottarget(dist, aci) if (dist > 1024) then local spr = sprite[aci] local hitspr, hitdist = A_CheckHitSprite(spr, 0) if (hitdist == nil) then return true end local bigenemy = (spr:isenemy() and spr.xrepeat > 56) local sclip = bigenemy and 3084 or 768 local angdif = bigenemy and 48 or 16 local sclips = { sclip, sclip, 768 } local angdifs = { 0, angdif, -angdif } for i=1,3 do if (i > 1) then hitspr, hitdist = A_CheckHitSprite(aci, angdifs[i]) end if (hitspr >= 0 and sprite[hitspr].picnum == spr.picnum) then if (hitdist > sclips[i]) then return false end end end end return true end function _getlastpal(spritenum) local spr = sprite[spritenum] if (spr.picnum == D.APLAYER) then spr.pal = player[spr.yvel].palookup else if (spr.pal == 1 and spr.extra == 0) then -- hack for frozen spr.extra = spr.extra+1 end spr.pal = actor[spritenum].tempang end actor[spritenum].tempang = 0 end -- abs(G_GetAngleDelta(a1, a2)) function _angdiffabs(a1, a2) a1 = bit.band(a1, 2047) a2 = bit.band(a2, 2047) -- a1 and a2 are in [0, 2047] if (math.abs(a2-a1) < 1024) then return math.abs(a2-a1) end -- |a2-a1| >= 1024 if (a2 > 1024) then a2=a2-2048 end if (a1 > 1024) then a1=a1-2048 end -- a1 and a2 is in [-1023, 1024] return math.abs(a2-a1) end local SK = { CROUCH = 1, RUN = 5, } local function _ifp(flags, pli, aci) local l = flags local ps = player[pli] local vel = sprite[ps.i].xvel local band = bit.band local j = false if (band(l,8)~=0 and ps.on_ground and _testkey(pli, SK.CROUCH)) then j = true elseif (band(l,16)~=0 and ps.jumping_counter == 0 and not ps.on_ground and ps.vel.z > 2048) then j = true elseif (band(l,32)~=0 and ps.jumping_counter > 348) then j = true elseif (band(l,1)~=0 and vel >= 0 and vel < 8) then j = true elseif (band(l,2)~=0 and vel >= 8 and not _testkey(pli, SK.RUN)) then j = true elseif (band(l,4)~=0 and vel >= 8 and _testkey(pli, SK.RUN)) then j = true elseif (band(l,64)~=0 and ps.pos.z < (sprite[_aci].z-(48*256))) then j = true elseif (band(l,128)~=0 and vel <= -8 and not _testkey(pli, SK.RUN)) then j = true elseif (band(l,256)~=0 and vel <= -8 and _testkey(pli, SK.RUN)) then j = true elseif (band(l,512)~=0 and (ps.quick_kick > 0 or (ps.curr_weapon == ffiC.KNEE_WEAPON and ps.kickback_pic > 0))) then j = true elseif (band(l,1024)~=0 and sprite[ps.i].xrepeat < 32) then j = true elseif (band(l,2048)~=0 and ps.jetpack_on) then j = true elseif (band(l,4096)~=0 and ps:get_inv_amount(ffiC.GET_STEROIDS) > 0 and ps:get_inv_amount(ffiC.GET_STEROIDS) < 400) then j = true elseif (band(l,8192)~=0 and ps.on_ground) then j = true elseif (band(l,16384)~=0 and sprite[ps.i].xrepeat > 32 and sprite[ps.i].extra > 0 and ps.timebeforeexit == 0) then j = true elseif (band(l,32768)~=0 and sprite[ps.i].extra <= 0) then j = true elseif (band(l,65536)~=0) then -- TODO: multiplayer branch if (_angdiffabs(ps.ang, ffiC.getangle(sprite[_aci].x-ps.pos.x, sprite[_aci].y-ps.pos.y)) < 128) then j = true end end return j end function _checkspace(sectnum, floorp) local sect = sector[sectnum] local picnum = floorp and sect.floorpicnum or sect.ceilingpicnum local stat = floorp and sect.floorstat or sect.ceilingstat return bit.band(stat,1)~=0 and sect.ceilingpal == 0 and (picnum==D.MOONSKY1 or picnum==D.BIGORBIT1) end function _flash(spr, ps) spr.shade = -127 ps.visibility = -127 ffiC.lastvisinc = ffiC.totalclock+32 end local INVENTILE = { [D.FIRSTAID] = true, [D.STEROIDS] = true, [D.AIRTANK] = true, [D.JETPACK] = true, [D.HEATSENSOR] = true, [D.BOOTS] = true, [D.HOLODUKE] = true, } function _checkrespawn(spr) if (spr:isenemy()) then return (ud.respawn_monsters~=0) end if (INVENTILE[spr.picnum]) then return (ud.respawn_inventory~=0) end return (ud.respawn_items~=0) end --- Exported functions --- -- Non-local control flow. These ones call the original error(), not our -- redefinition in defs.ilua. function longjmp() error(false) end function killit() -- TODO: guard against deletion of player sprite? error(true) end