/* ** Softpoly backend ** Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Magnus Norddahl ** ** This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied ** warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages ** arising from the use of this software. ** ** Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, ** including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it ** freely, subject to the following restrictions: ** ** 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not ** claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software ** in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be ** appreciated but is not required. ** 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be ** misrepresented as being the original software. ** 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. ** */ #include "v_video.h" #include "m_png.h" #include "templates.h" #include "r_videoscale.h" #include "i_time.h" #include "v_text.h" #include "i_video.h" #include "v_draw.h" #include "colormaps.h" #include "hw_clock.h" #include "hw_vrmodes.h" #include "hw_cvars.h" #include "hw_skydome.h" #include "hwrenderer/data/hw_viewpointbuffer.h" #include "flatvertices.h" #include "hwrenderer/data/shaderuniforms.h" #include "hw_lightbuffer.h" #include "hwrenderer/postprocessing/hw_postprocess.h" #include "poly_framebuffer.h" #include "poly_buffers.h" #include "poly_renderstate.h" #include "poly_hwtexture.h" #include "engineerrors.h" void Draw2D(F2DDrawer *drawer, FRenderState &state); extern int rendered_commandbuffers; extern int current_rendered_commandbuffers; extern bool gpuStatActive; extern bool keepGpuStatActive; extern FString gpuStatOutput; PolyFrameBuffer::PolyFrameBuffer(void *hMonitor, bool fullscreen) : Super(hMonitor, fullscreen) { I_PolyPresentInit(); } PolyFrameBuffer::~PolyFrameBuffer() { // screen is already null at this point, but PolyHardwareTexture::ResetAll needs it during clean up. Is there a better way we can do this? auto tmp = screen; screen = this; PolyHardwareTexture::ResetAll(); PolyBuffer::ResetAll(); PPResource::ResetAll(); delete mScreenQuad.VertexBuffer; delete mScreenQuad.IndexBuffer; delete mVertexData; delete mSkyData; delete mViewpoints; delete mLights; mShadowMap.Reset(); screen = tmp; I_PolyPresentDeinit(); } void PolyFrameBuffer::InitializeState() { vendorstring = "Poly"; hwcaps = RFL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER | RFL_BUFFER_STORAGE; glslversion = 4.50f; uniformblockalignment = 1; maxuniformblock = 0x7fffffff; mRenderState.reset(new PolyRenderState()); mVertexData = new FFlatVertexBuffer(GetWidth(), GetHeight()); mSkyData = new FSkyVertexBuffer; mViewpoints = new HWViewpointBuffer; mLights = new FLightBuffer(); static const FVertexBufferAttribute format[] = { { 0, VATTR_VERTEX, VFmt_Float3, (int)myoffsetof(ScreenQuadVertex, x) }, { 0, VATTR_TEXCOORD, VFmt_Float2, (int)myoffsetof(ScreenQuadVertex, u) }, { 0, VATTR_COLOR, VFmt_Byte4, (int)myoffsetof(ScreenQuadVertex, color0) } }; uint32_t indices[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2 }; mScreenQuad.VertexBuffer = screen->CreateVertexBuffer(); mScreenQuad.VertexBuffer->SetFormat(1, 3, sizeof(ScreenQuadVertex), format); mScreenQuad.IndexBuffer = screen->CreateIndexBuffer(); mScreenQuad.IndexBuffer->SetData(6 * sizeof(uint32_t), indices, false); CheckCanvas(); } void PolyFrameBuffer::CheckCanvas() { if (!mCanvas || mCanvas->GetWidth() != GetWidth() || mCanvas->GetHeight() != GetHeight()) { FlushDrawCommands(); DrawerThreads::WaitForWorkers(); mCanvas.reset(new DCanvas(0, 0, true)); mCanvas->Resize(GetWidth(), GetHeight(), false); mDepthStencil.reset(); mDepthStencil.reset(new PolyDepthStencil(GetWidth(), GetHeight())); mRenderState->SetRenderTarget(GetCanvas(), GetDepthStencil(), true); } } PolyCommandBuffer *PolyFrameBuffer::GetDrawCommands() { if (!mDrawCommands) { mDrawCommands.reset(new PolyCommandBuffer(&mFrameMemory)); mDrawCommands->SetLightBuffer(mLightBuffer->Memory()); } return mDrawCommands.get(); } void PolyFrameBuffer::FlushDrawCommands() { mRenderState->EndRenderPass(); if (mDrawCommands) { mDrawCommands->Submit(); mDrawCommands.reset(); } } void PolyFrameBuffer::Update() { twoD.Reset(); Flush3D.Reset(); Flush3D.Clock(); Draw2D(); twod->Clear(); Flush3D.Unclock(); FlushDrawCommands(); if (mCanvas) { int w = mCanvas->GetWidth(); int h = mCanvas->GetHeight(); int pixelsize = 4; const uint8_t *src = (const uint8_t*)mCanvas->GetPixels(); int pitch = 0; uint8_t *dst = I_PolyPresentLock(w, h, cur_vsync, pitch); if (dst) { #if 1 auto copyqueue = std::make_shared<DrawerCommandQueue>(&mFrameMemory); copyqueue->Push<MemcpyCommand>(dst, pitch / pixelsize, src, w, h, w, pixelsize); DrawerThreads::Execute(copyqueue); #else for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { memcpy(dst + y * pitch, src + y * w * pixelsize, w * pixelsize); } #endif DrawerThreads::WaitForWorkers(); I_PolyPresentUnlock(mOutputLetterbox.left, mOutputLetterbox.top, mOutputLetterbox.width, mOutputLetterbox.height); } FPSLimit(); } DrawerThreads::WaitForWorkers(); mFrameMemory.Clear(); FrameDeleteList.Buffers.clear(); FrameDeleteList.Images.clear(); CheckCanvas(); Super::Update(); } void PolyFrameBuffer::RenderTextureView(FCanvasTexture* tex, std::function<void(IntRect &)> renderFunc) { auto BaseLayer = static_cast<PolyHardwareTexture*>(tex->GetHardwareTexture(0, 0)); DCanvas *image = BaseLayer->GetImage(tex, 0, 0); PolyDepthStencil *depthStencil = BaseLayer->GetDepthStencil(tex); mRenderState->SetRenderTarget(image, depthStencil, false); IntRect bounds; bounds.left = bounds.top = 0; bounds.width = std::min(tex->GetWidth(), image->GetWidth()); bounds.height = std::min(tex->GetHeight(), image->GetHeight()); renderFunc(bounds); FlushDrawCommands(); DrawerThreads::WaitForWorkers(); mRenderState->SetRenderTarget(GetCanvas(), GetDepthStencil(), true); tex->SetUpdated(true); } static uint8_t ToIntColorComponent(float v) { return clamp((int)(v * 255.0f + 0.5f), 0, 255); } void PolyFrameBuffer::PostProcessScene(bool swscene, int fixedcm, float flash, const std::function<void()> &afterBloomDrawEndScene2D) { afterBloomDrawEndScene2D(); if (fixedcm >= CM_FIRSTSPECIALCOLORMAP && fixedcm < CM_MAXCOLORMAP) { FSpecialColormap* scm = &SpecialColormaps[fixedcm - CM_FIRSTSPECIALCOLORMAP]; mRenderState->SetViewport(mScreenViewport.left, mScreenViewport.top, mScreenViewport.width, mScreenViewport.height); screen->mViewpoints->Set2D(*mRenderState, screen->GetWidth(), screen->GetHeight()); ScreenQuadVertex vertices[4] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { (float)mScreenViewport.width, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, (float)mScreenViewport.height, 0.0f, 1.0f }, { (float)mScreenViewport.width, (float)mScreenViewport.height, 1.0f, 1.0f } }; mScreenQuad.VertexBuffer->SetData(4 * sizeof(ScreenQuadVertex), vertices, false); mRenderState->SetVertexBuffer(mScreenQuad.VertexBuffer, 0, 0); mRenderState->SetIndexBuffer(mScreenQuad.IndexBuffer); mRenderState->SetObjectColor(PalEntry(255, int(scm->ColorizeStart[0] * 127.5f), int(scm->ColorizeStart[1] * 127.5f), int(scm->ColorizeStart[2] * 127.5f))); mRenderState->SetAddColor(PalEntry(255, int(scm->ColorizeEnd[0] * 127.5f), int(scm->ColorizeEnd[1] * 127.5f), int(scm->ColorizeEnd[2] * 127.5f))); mRenderState->EnableDepthTest(false); mRenderState->EnableMultisampling(false); mRenderState->SetCulling(Cull_None); mRenderState->SetScissor(-1, -1, -1, -1); mRenderState->SetColor(1, 1, 1, 1); mRenderState->AlphaFunc(Alpha_GEqual, 0.f); mRenderState->EnableTexture(false); mRenderState->SetColormapShader(true); mRenderState->DrawIndexed(DT_Triangles, 0, 6); mRenderState->SetColormapShader(false); mRenderState->SetObjectColor(0xffffffff); mRenderState->SetAddColor(0); mRenderState->SetVertexBuffer(screen->mVertexData); mRenderState->EnableTexture(true); mRenderState->ResetColor(); } } void PolyFrameBuffer::SetVSync(bool vsync) { cur_vsync = vsync; } FRenderState* PolyFrameBuffer::RenderState() { return mRenderState.get(); } void PolyFrameBuffer::PrecacheMaterial(FMaterial *mat, int translation) { if (mat->Source()->GetUseType() == ETextureType::SWCanvas) return; MaterialLayerInfo* layer; auto systex = static_cast<PolyHardwareTexture*>(mat->GetLayer(0, translation, &layer)); systex->GetImage(layer->layerTexture, translation, layer->scaleFlags); int numLayers = mat->NumLayers(); for (int i = 1; i < numLayers; i++) { auto systex = static_cast<PolyHardwareTexture*>(mat->GetLayer(i, 0, &layer)); systex->GetImage(layer->layerTexture, 0, layer->scaleFlags); // fixme: Upscale flags must be disabled for certain layers. } } IHardwareTexture *PolyFrameBuffer::CreateHardwareTexture(int numchannels) { return new PolyHardwareTexture(); } IVertexBuffer *PolyFrameBuffer::CreateVertexBuffer() { return new PolyVertexBuffer(); } IIndexBuffer *PolyFrameBuffer::CreateIndexBuffer() { return new PolyIndexBuffer(); } IDataBuffer *PolyFrameBuffer::CreateDataBuffer(int bindingpoint, bool ssbo, bool needsresize) { IDataBuffer *buffer = new PolyDataBuffer(bindingpoint, ssbo, needsresize); if (bindingpoint == LIGHTBUF_BINDINGPOINT) mLightBuffer = buffer; return buffer; } void PolyFrameBuffer::SetTextureFilterMode() { } void PolyFrameBuffer::BlurScene(float amount) { } void PolyFrameBuffer::UpdatePalette() { } FTexture *PolyFrameBuffer::WipeStartScreen() { SetViewportRects(nullptr); auto tex = new FWrapperTexture(mScreenViewport.width, mScreenViewport.height, 1); auto systex = static_cast<PolyHardwareTexture*>(tex->GetSystemTexture()); systex->CreateWipeTexture(mScreenViewport.width, mScreenViewport.height, "WipeStartScreen"); return tex; } FTexture *PolyFrameBuffer::WipeEndScreen() { Draw2D(); twod->Clear(); auto tex = new FWrapperTexture(mScreenViewport.width, mScreenViewport.height, 1); auto systex = static_cast<PolyHardwareTexture*>(tex->GetSystemTexture()); systex->CreateWipeTexture(mScreenViewport.width, mScreenViewport.height, "WipeEndScreen"); return tex; } TArray<uint8_t> PolyFrameBuffer::GetScreenshotBuffer(int &pitch, ESSType &color_type, float &gamma) { int w = SCREENWIDTH; int h = SCREENHEIGHT; TArray<uint8_t> ScreenshotBuffer(w * h * 3, true); const uint8_t* pixels = GetCanvas()->GetPixels(); int dindex = 0; // Convert to RGB for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { int sindex = y * w * 4; for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { ScreenshotBuffer[dindex ] = pixels[sindex + 2]; ScreenshotBuffer[dindex + 1] = pixels[sindex + 1]; ScreenshotBuffer[dindex + 2] = pixels[sindex ]; dindex += 3; sindex += 4; } } pitch = w * 3; color_type = SS_RGB; gamma = 1.0f; return ScreenshotBuffer; } void PolyFrameBuffer::BeginFrame() { SetViewportRects(nullptr); CheckCanvas(); #if 0 swrenderer::R_InitFuzzTable(GetCanvas()->GetPitch()); static int next_random = 0; swrenderer::fuzzpos = (swrenderer::fuzzpos + swrenderer::fuzz_random_x_offset[next_random] * FUZZTABLE / 100) % FUZZTABLE; next_random++; if (next_random == FUZZ_RANDOM_X_SIZE) next_random = 0; #endif } void PolyFrameBuffer::Draw2D() { ::Draw2D(twod, *mRenderState); } unsigned int PolyFrameBuffer::GetLightBufferBlockSize() const { return mLights->GetBlockSize(); } void PolyFrameBuffer::UpdateShadowMap() { } void PolyFrameBuffer::AmbientOccludeScene(float m5) { //mPostprocess->AmbientOccludeScene(m5); }