/* * DirectSound output code for MultiVoc * by Jonathon Fowler (jonof@edgenetwk.com) */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Duke Nukem Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 3D Realms Entertainment This file is part of Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "dsound.h" #include "dsoundout.h" #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #include #include #ifdef USE_OPENAL #include "openal.h" #endif #include "compat.h" #include "winlayer.h" #if defined(__WATCOMC__) || defined(_MSC_VER) #include #endif #ifndef RENDERTYPEWIN #error The DirectSound output module for AudioLib only works with the Windows interface. #endif static CRITICAL_SECTION mutex; static int32_t _DSOUND_CriticalSectionAlloced = FALSE; static HANDLE isrthread = NULL; static HANDLE isrfinish = NULL; static HMODULE hDSoundDLL = NULL; static LPDIRECTSOUND lpDS = NULL; static LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER lpDSBPrimary = NULL; static LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER lpDSBSecondary = NULL; static LPDIRECTSOUNDNOTIFY lpDSNotify = NULL; static HANDLE *hPosNotify = NULL; static int32_t(*_DSOUND_CallBack)(int32_t) = NULL; static int32_t _DSOUND_BufferLength = 0; static int32_t _DSOUND_NumBuffers = 0; static char *_DSOUND_MixBuffer = NULL; static int32_t DSOUND_Installed = FALSE; int32_t DSOUND_ErrorCode = DSOUND_Ok; #define DSOUND_SetErrorCode( status ) \ DSOUND_ErrorCode = ( status ); /* * DisableInterrupts * Enter the critical section. */ int32_t DisableInterrupts(void) { if (!_DSOUND_CriticalSectionAlloced) return -1; EnterCriticalSection(&mutex); return 0; } /* * RestoreInterrupts * Leave the critical section. */ int32_t RestoreInterrupts(int32_t a) { if (!_DSOUND_CriticalSectionAlloced) return -1; LeaveCriticalSection(&mutex); return 0; a=a; } /* * DSOUND_ErrorString * Returns a description of an error code. */ char *DSOUND_ErrorString(int32_t errorcode) { switch (errorcode) { case DSOUND_Warning: case DSOUND_Error: return DSOUND_ErrorString(DSOUND_ErrorCode); case DSOUND_Ok: return "DirectSound ok."; case DSOUND_NoDLL: return "Failed loading DSOUND.DLL."; case DSOUND_NoDirectSoundCreate: return "Failed getting DirectSoundCreate entry point."; case DSOUND_FailedDSC: return "DirectSoundCreate failed."; case DSOUND_FailedSetCoopLevel: return "Failed setting cooperative level."; case DSOUND_FailedCreatePrimary: return "Failed creating primary buffer."; case DSOUND_FailedSetFormat: return "Failed setting primary buffer format."; case DSOUND_FailedCreateSecondary: return "Failed creating secondary buffer."; case DSOUND_FailedCreateNotifyEvent: return "Failed creating notification event object."; case DSOUND_FailedQueryNotify: return "Failed querying notification interface."; case DSOUND_FailedSetNotify: return "Failed setting notification positions."; case DSOUND_FailedCreateFinishEvent: return "Failed creating finish event object."; case DSOUND_FailedCreateThread: return "Failed creating playback thread."; case DSOUND_FailedPlaySecondary: return "Failed playing secondary buffer."; case DSOUND_FailedGetExitCode: return "GetExitCodeThread failed."; default: return "Unknown DirectSound error code."; } } /* * DSOUND_Init * Initializes the DirectSound objects. */ int32_t DSOUND_Init(int32_t soundcard, int32_t mixrate, int32_t numchannels, int32_t samplebits, int32_t buffersize) { HRESULT(WINAPI *aDirectSoundCreate)(LPGUID,LPDIRECTSOUND*,LPUNKNOWN); HRESULT hr; DSBUFFERDESC dsbuf; WAVEFORMATEX wfex; DSBPOSITIONNOTIFY posn; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(soundcard); if (DSOUND_Installed) { DSOUND_Shutdown(); } initprintf("Initializing DirectSound...\n"); if (!_DSOUND_CriticalSectionAlloced) { // initialize the critical section object we'll use to // simulate (dis|en)abling interrupts InitializeCriticalSection(&mutex); _DSOUND_CriticalSectionAlloced = TRUE; } // initprintf(" - Loading DSOUND.DLL\n"); hDSoundDLL = LoadLibrary("DSOUND.DLL"); if (!hDSoundDLL) { DSOUND_Shutdown(); DSOUND_SetErrorCode(DSOUND_NoDLL); return DSOUND_Error; } aDirectSoundCreate = (void *)GetProcAddress(hDSoundDLL, "DirectSoundCreate"); if (!aDirectSoundCreate) { DSOUND_Shutdown(); DSOUND_SetErrorCode(DSOUND_NoDirectSoundCreate); return DSOUND_Error; } // initprintf(" - Creating DirectSound object\n"); hr = aDirectSoundCreate(NULL, &lpDS, NULL); if (hr != DS_OK) { DSOUND_Shutdown(); DSOUND_SetErrorCode(DSOUND_FailedDSC); return DSOUND_Error; } hr = IDirectSound_SetCooperativeLevel(lpDS, (HWND)win_gethwnd(), DSSCL_EXCLUSIVE); if (hr != DS_OK) { DSOUND_Shutdown(); DSOUND_SetErrorCode(DSOUND_FailedSetCoopLevel); return DSOUND_Error; } // initprintf(" - Creating primary buffer\n"); ZeroMemory(&dsbuf, sizeof(dsbuf)); dsbuf.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC); dsbuf.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFER; hr = IDirectSound_CreateSoundBuffer(lpDS, &dsbuf, &lpDSBPrimary, NULL); if (hr != DS_OK) { DSOUND_Shutdown(); DSOUND_SetErrorCode(DSOUND_FailedCreatePrimary); return DSOUND_Error; } /* initprintf(" - Setting primary buffer format\n" " Channels: %d\n" " Sample rate: %dHz\n" " Sample size: %d bits\n", numchannels, mixrate, samplebits); */ initprintf(" - Primary buffer format: %d ch, %dHz, %d bits\n", numchannels, mixrate, samplebits); ZeroMemory(&wfex, sizeof(wfex)); wfex.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; wfex.nChannels = numchannels; wfex.nSamplesPerSec = mixrate; wfex.wBitsPerSample = samplebits; wfex.nBlockAlign = (wfex.wBitsPerSample / 8) * wfex.nChannels; wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec = wfex.nBlockAlign * wfex.nSamplesPerSec; hr = IDirectSoundBuffer_SetFormat(lpDSBPrimary, &wfex); if (hr != DS_OK) { DSOUND_Shutdown(); DSOUND_SetErrorCode(DSOUND_FailedSetFormat); return DSOUND_Error; } initprintf(" - Creating secondary buffer\n"); ZeroMemory(&dsbuf, sizeof(dsbuf)); dsbuf.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC); dsbuf.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_GETCURRENTPOSITION2 | DSBCAPS_CTRLPOSITIONNOTIFY | DSBCAPS_LOCSOFTWARE; dsbuf.dwBufferBytes = buffersize; dsbuf.lpwfxFormat = &wfex; hr = IDirectSound_CreateSoundBuffer(lpDS, &dsbuf, &lpDSBSecondary, NULL); if (hr != DS_OK) { DSOUND_Shutdown(); DSOUND_SetErrorCode(DSOUND_FailedCreateSecondary); return DSOUND_Error; } hr = IDirectSoundBuffer_QueryInterface(lpDSBSecondary, &IID_IDirectSoundNotify, (LPVOID *)&lpDSNotify); if (hr != DS_OK) { DSOUND_Shutdown(); DSOUND_SetErrorCode(DSOUND_FailedQueryNotify); return DSOUND_Error; } hPosNotify = (HANDLE *)malloc(sizeof(HANDLE)); if (!hPosNotify) { DSOUND_Shutdown(); DSOUND_SetErrorCode(DSOUND_FailedSetNotify); return DSOUND_Error; } hPosNotify[0] = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (!hPosNotify) { DSOUND_Shutdown(); DSOUND_SetErrorCode(DSOUND_FailedCreateNotifyEvent); return DSOUND_Error; } _DSOUND_BufferLength = 0; _DSOUND_NumBuffers = 1; posn.dwOffset = 0; posn.hEventNotify = hPosNotify[0]; hr = IDirectSoundNotify_SetNotificationPositions(lpDSNotify, 1, &posn); if (hr != DS_OK) { DSOUND_Shutdown(); DSOUND_SetErrorCode(DSOUND_FailedSetNotify); return DSOUND_Error; } DSOUND_Installed = TRUE; DSOUND_SetErrorCode(DSOUND_Ok); return DSOUND_Ok; } /* * DSOUND_Shutdown * Shuts down DirectSound and it's associates. */ int32_t DSOUND_Shutdown(void) { int32_t i; if (DSOUND_Installed) initprintf("Uninitializing DirectSound...\n"); DSOUND_Installed = FALSE; DSOUND_StopPlayback(); if (lpDSNotify) { IDirectSoundNotify_Release(lpDSNotify); lpDSNotify = NULL; } if (hPosNotify) { for (i=0; i<_DSOUND_NumBuffers; i++) { if (hPosNotify[i]) CloseHandle(hPosNotify[i]); } free(hPosNotify); hPosNotify = NULL; } if (lpDSBSecondary) { // initprintf(" - Releasing secondary buffer\n"); IDirectSoundBuffer_Stop(lpDSBSecondary); IDirectSoundBuffer_Release(lpDSBSecondary); lpDSBSecondary = NULL; } if (lpDSBPrimary) { // initprintf(" - Releasing primary buffer\n"); IDirectSoundBuffer_Release(lpDSBPrimary); lpDSBPrimary = NULL; } if (lpDS) { // initprintf(" - Releasing DirectSound object\n"); IDirectSound_Release(lpDS); lpDS = NULL; } if (hDSoundDLL) { // initprintf(" - Unloading DSOUND.DLL\n"); FreeLibrary(hDSoundDLL); hDSoundDLL = NULL; } DSOUND_SetErrorCode(DSOUND_Ok); return DSOUND_Ok; } /* * DSOUND_SetMixMode * Bit of filler for the future. */ int32_t DSOUND_SetMixMode(int32_t mode) { return mode; } //#define DEBUGAUDIO #ifdef DEBUGAUDIO #include #endif static DWORD WINAPI isr(LPVOID parm) { HANDLE *handles; HRESULT hr; int32_t rv; #ifdef DEBUGAUDIO int32_t h; #endif int32_t p; LPVOID lockptr; DWORD lockbytes; LPVOID lockptr2; DWORD lockbytes2; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(parm); handles = (HANDLE *)malloc(sizeof(HANDLE)*(1+_DSOUND_NumBuffers)); if (!handles) return 1; handles[0] = isrfinish; for (p=0; p<_DSOUND_NumBuffers; p++) handles[p+1] = hPosNotify[p]; #ifdef DEBUGAUDIO h = creat("audio.raw",S_IREAD|S_IWRITE); #endif while (1) { #ifdef USE_OPENAL AL_Update(); #endif rv = WaitForMultipleObjects(1+_DSOUND_NumBuffers, handles, FALSE, INFINITE); if (!(rv >= WAIT_OBJECT_0 && rv <= WAIT_OBJECT_0+1+_DSOUND_NumBuffers)) return -1; if (rv == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { // we've been asked to finish up break; } // otherwise we just service the interrupt if (_DSOUND_CallBack) { DisableInterrupts(); p = _DSOUND_CallBack(rv-WAIT_OBJECT_0-1); #ifdef DEBUGAUDIO write(h, _DSOUND_MixBuffer + p*_DSOUND_BufferLength, _DSOUND_BufferLength); #endif hr = IDirectSoundBuffer_Lock(lpDSBSecondary, p*_DSOUND_BufferLength, _DSOUND_BufferLength, &lockptr, &lockbytes, &lockptr2, &lockbytes2, 0); if (hr == DSERR_BUFFERLOST) { hr = IDirectSoundBuffer_Restore(lpDSBSecondary); } if (hr == DS_OK) { /* #define copybuf(S,D,c) \ ({ void *__S=(S), *__D=(D); int32_t __c=(c); \ __asm__ __volatile__ ("rep; movsl" \ : "+S" (__S), "+D" (__D), "+c" (__c) : : "memory", "cc"); \ 0; }) */ //copybuf(_DSOUND_MixBuffer + p * _DSOUND_BufferLength, lockptr, _DSOUND_BufferLength >> 2); memcpy(lockptr, _DSOUND_MixBuffer + p * _DSOUND_BufferLength, _DSOUND_BufferLength); IDirectSoundBuffer_Unlock(lpDSBSecondary, lockptr, lockbytes, lockptr2, lockbytes2); } RestoreInterrupts(0); } } #ifdef DEBUGAUDIO close(h); #endif return 0; } /* * DSOUND_BeginBufferedPlayback * Spins off a thread that behaves somewhat like the SoundBlaster DMA ISR did. */ int32_t DSOUND_BeginBufferedPlayback(char *BufferStart, int32_t(*CallBackFunc)(int32_t), int32_t buffersize, int32_t numdivisions) { DWORD threadid; HRESULT hr; DSBPOSITIONNOTIFY *posns; int32_t i; _DSOUND_CallBack = CallBackFunc; _DSOUND_MixBuffer = BufferStart; if (!lpDSBSecondary) return DSOUND_Error; if (isrthread) { DSOUND_StopPlayback(); } isrfinish = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (!isrfinish) { DSOUND_SetErrorCode(DSOUND_FailedCreateFinishEvent); return DSOUND_Error; } isrthread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, isr, NULL, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &threadid); if (!isrthread) { DSOUND_SetErrorCode(DSOUND_FailedCreateThread); return DSOUND_Error; } hPosNotify = (HANDLE *)malloc(sizeof(HANDLE)*numdivisions); if (!hPosNotify) { DSOUND_Shutdown(); DSOUND_SetErrorCode(DSOUND_FailedSetNotify); return DSOUND_Error; } memset(hPosNotify, 0, sizeof(HANDLE)*numdivisions); for (i=0; i