local ffi = require("ffi") local C = ffi.C local bcarray = require("bcarray") local assert = assert local error = error local ipairs = ipairs local type = type local decl = assert(decl) -- comes from above (defs.ilua or defs_m32.lua) local ismapster32 = (C.LUNATIC_CLIENT == C.LUNATIC_CLIENT_MAPSTER32) ---------- decl[[ const int32_t qsetmode; int32_t getclosestcol_lim(int32_t r, int32_t g, int32_t b, int32_t lastokcol); char *palookup[256]; // MAXPALOOKUPS uint8_t palette[768]; uint8_t *basepaltable[]; const char *getblendtab(int32_t blend); void setblendtab(int32_t blend, const char *tab); int32_t setpalookup(int32_t palnum, const uint8_t *shtab); ]] if (ismapster32) then ffi.cdef[[ int32_t _getnumber16(const char *namestart, int32_t num, int32_t maxnumber, char sign, const char *(func)(int32_t)); const char *getstring_simple(const char *querystr, const char *defaultstr, int32_t maxlen, int32_t completion); typedef const char *(*luamenufunc_t)(void); void LM_Register(const char *name, luamenufunc_t funcptr, const char *description); void LM_Clear(void); ]] end ---------- -- The API table local engine = {} local shtab_t -- forward-decl local function cast_u8ptr(sth) return ffi.cast("uint8_t *", sth) end local shtab_methods = { -- Remap consecutive blocks of 16 color indices and return this new shade -- table. -- -- : table with idxs16[0] .. idxs16[15] >= 0 and <= 15 -- (i.e. 0-based indices of such 16-tuples) -- -- For example, the table -- { [0]=0,1, 2,3, 5,4, 6,7, 8,13, 10,11, 12,9, 14,15 } -- TODO (...) remap16 = function(sht, idxs16) if (type(idxs16) ~= "table") then error("invalid argument #2: must be a table", 2) end for i=0,15 do local idx = idxs16[i] if (not (idx==nil or type(idx)=="number" and idx >= 0 and idx <= 15)) then error("invalid reordering table: elements must be numbers in [0 .. 15], or nil", 2) end end local newsht = shtab_t() for sh=0,31 do for i=0,15 do ffi.copy(cast_u8ptr(newsht[sh]) + 16*i, cast_u8ptr(sht[sh]) + 16*(idxs16[i] or i), 16) end end return newsht end, } local function shtab_mt__index(sht, idx) local method = shtab_methods[idx] if (method) then return method end end local pal256_t = bcarray.new("uint8_t", 256, "color index 256-tuple") -- The shade table type, effectively a bound-checked uint8_t [32][256]: shtab_t = bcarray.new(pal256_t, 32, "shade table", nil, nil, { __index = shtab_mt__index }) local SIZEOF_SHTAB = ffi.sizeof(shtab_t) local blendtab_t = bcarray.new(pal256_t, 256, "blending table") local SIZEOF_BLENDTAB = ffi.sizeof(blendtab_t) local RESERVEDPALS = 8 -- KEEPINSYNC build.h: assure that ours is >= theirs engine.RESERVEDPALS = RESERVEDPALS local MAXBLENDTABS = 256 -- KEEPINSYNC build.h local function check_palidx(i) if (type(i) ~= "number" or not (i >= 0 and i <= 255-RESERVEDPALS)) then error("invalid argument #1: palette swap index must be in the range [0 .. "..255-RESERVEDPALS.."]", 3) end end local function check_blendidx(i) if (type(i) ~= "number" or not (i >= 0 and i <= MAXBLENDTABS-1)) then error("invalid argument #1: blending table index must be in the range [0 .. ".. MAXBLENDTABS-1 .."]", 3) end end local function err_uncommon_shade_table(ret) if (ret == -1) then error("loaded engine shade tables don't have 32 gradients of shade", 3) end end local function palookup_isdefault(palnum) -- KEEPINSYNC engine.c return (C.palookup[palnum] == nil or (palnum ~= 0 and C.palookup[palnum] == C.palookup[0])) end function engine.shadetab() return shtab_t() end function engine.blendtab() return blendtab_t() end function engine.getshadetab(palidx) check_palidx(palidx) if (palookup_isdefault(palidx)) then return nil end local ret = C.setpalookup(palidx, nil) err_uncommon_shade_table(ret) local sht = shtab_t() ffi.copy(sht, C.palookup[palidx], SIZEOF_SHTAB) return sht end function engine.getblendtab(blendidx) check_blendidx(blendidx) local ptr = C.getblendtab(blendidx) if (ptr == nil) then return nil end local tab = blendtab_t() ffi.copy(tab, ptr, SIZEOF_BLENDTAB) return tab end local function check_first_time() if (not ismapster32 and C.g_elFirstTime == 0) then error("may be called only while LUNATIC_FIRST_TIME is true", 3) end end function engine.setshadetab(palidx, shtab) check_first_time() check_palidx(palidx) if (not ffi.istype(shtab_t, shtab)) then error("invalid argument #2: must be a shade table obtained by shadetab()", 2) end if (not ismapster32 and not palookup_isdefault(palidx)) then error("attempt to override already defined shade table", 2) end local ret = C.setpalookup(palidx, cast_u8ptr(shtab)) err_uncommon_shade_table(ret) end function engine.setblendtab(blendidx, tab) check_first_time() check_blendidx(blendidx) if (not ffi.istype(blendtab_t, tab)) then error("invalid argument #2: must be a blending table obtained by blendtab()", 2) end if (not ismapster32 and C.getblendtab(blendidx) ~= nil) then error("attempt to override already defined blending table", 2) end C.setblendtab(blendidx, cast_u8ptr(tab)) end local function check_colcomp(a) if (type(a) ~= "number" or not (a >= 0 and a <= 63)) then error("color component must be in the range [0 .. 63]", 3) end end -- TODO: other base palettes? function engine.getrgb(colidx) if (type(colidx) ~= "number" or not (colidx >= 0 and colidx <= 255)) then error("color index must be in the range [0 .. 255]", 2) end -- NOTE: In the game, palette[255*{0..2}] is set to 0 in -- G_LoadExtraPalettes() via G_Startup(). However, that's after Lua state -- initialization (i.e. when LUNATIC_FIRST_TIME would be true), and in the -- editor, it's never changed from the purple color. Therefore, I think -- it's more useful to always return the fully black color here. if (colidx == 255) then return 0, 0, 0 end local rgbptr = C.palette + 3*colidx return rgbptr[0], rgbptr[1], rgbptr[2] end function engine.nearcolor(r, g, b, lastokcol) check_colcomp(r) check_colcomp(g) check_colcomp(b) if (lastokcol == nil) then lastokcol = 255 elseif (type(lastokcol)~="number" or not (lastokcol >= 0 and lastokcol <= 255)) then error("invalid argument #4 : must be in the range [0 .. 255]", 2) end return C.getclosestcol_lim(r, g, b, lastokcol) end ---------- Mapster32-only functions ---------- if (ismapster32) then local io = require("io") local math = require("math") local string = require("string") ffi.cdef[[size_t fwrite(const void * restrict ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void * restrict stream);]] local function validate_more_blendtabs(moreblends, kindname, gettabfunc) if (moreblends == nil) then return nil, nil end -- Additional blending tables: validate table. if (type(moreblends) ~= "table") then error("invalid argument #4: must be a table", 3) end local haveblend = { [0]=true } local blendnumtab, blendptrtab = {}, {} for i=1,#moreblends do local tmp = moreblends[i] local blendspec = (type(tmp) == "number") and { tmp, tmp } or tmp if (not (type(blendspec) == "table" and #blendspec == 2)) then error("invalid argument #4: must contain numbers or 2-tables", 3) end local blend1, blend2 = math.floor(blendspec[1]), math.floor(blendspec[2]) if (not (type(blend1)=="number" and blend1 >= 1 and blend1 <= 255 and type(blend2)=="number" and blend2 >= 1 and blend2 <= 255)) then error("invalid argument #4: "..kindname.." table numbers must be in [1 .. 255]", 3) end for bi=blend1,blend2 do if (haveblend[bi]) then error("invalid argument #4: duplicate "..kindname.." table number "..bi, 3) end haveblend[bi] = true local ptr = gettabfunc(bi) if (ptr == nil) then error("invalid argument #4: "..kindname.." table for number "..bi.." is void", 3) end blendnumtab[#blendnumtab+1] = bi blendptrtab[#blendptrtab+1] = ptr end end assert(#blendnumtab <= 255) return blendnumtab, blendptrtab end -- ok, errmsg, nummoreblends = engine.savePaletteDat(filename [, palnum [, blendnum [, moreblends]]]) function engine.savePaletteDat(filename, palnum, blendnum, moreblends) local sht = engine.getshadetab(palnum or 0) local tab = engine.getblendtab(blendnum or 0) if (sht == nil) then return nil, "no shade table with number "..palnum elseif (tab == nil) then return nil, "no blending table with number "..blendnum end local blendnumtab, blendptrtab = validate_more_blendtabs( moreblends, "blending", C.getblendtab) local f, errmsg = io.open(filename, "wb+") if (f == nil) then return nil, errmsg end local n1 = C.fwrite(C.palette, 3, 256, f) f:write("\032\000") -- int16_t numshades local n3 = C.fwrite(sht, 256, 32, f) local n4 = C.fwrite(tab, 256, 256, f) if (n1 ~= 256 or n3 ~= 32 or n4 ~= 256) then return nil, "failed writing classic PALETTE.DAT data" end if (blendnumtab ~= nil) then f:write("MoreBlendTab") f:write(string.char(#blendnumtab)) for i=1,#blendnumtab do f:write(string.char(blendnumtab[i])) if (C.fwrite(blendptrtab[i], 256, 256, f) ~= 256) then return nil, "failed writing additional blending table" end end end f:close() return true, nil, (blendnumtab ~= nil) and #blendnumtab or 0 end -- ok, errmsg = engine.saveLookupDat(filename, lookups) function engine.saveLookupDat(filename, lookups) if (lookups == nil) then -- set to an invalid value, validate_more_blendtabs will error lookups = 0 end local lookupnumtab, lookupptrtab = validate_more_blendtabs( lookups, "lookup", engine.getshadetab) local f, errmsg = io.open(filename, "wb+") if (f == nil) then return nil, errmsg end f:write(string.char(#lookupnumtab)) for i=1,#lookupnumtab do f:write(string.char(lookupnumtab[i])) if (C.fwrite(lookupptrtab[i], 1, 256, f) ~= 256) then return nil, "failed writing lookup table" end end -- Write five base palettes for i=1,5 do local bpi = (i==3 or i==4) and 4+3-i or i if (C.fwrite(C.basepaltable[bpi], 1, 768, f) ~= 768) then return nil, "failed writing base palette" end end f:close() return true end local hexmap = { [0] = 0, -14, -- 0, 1: gray ramp 14, 0, -- 2, 3: skin color ramp 0, 14, -- 4, 5: blue ramp (second part first) 14, 0, -- 6, 7: nightvision yellow/green 14, -- 8: red first part... 8, -- 9: yellow (slightly more red than green) 14, 0, -- 10, 11: almost gray ramp, but with a slight red hue 8, -- 12: "dirty" orange 0, -- 13: ...red second part 8, -- 14: blue-purple-red } -- Setup base palette 1 (water) to contain one color for each consecutive -- 16-tuple (which I'm calling a 'hex' for brevity), except for the last -- one with the fullbrights. function engine.setupDebugBasePal() for i=0,14 do local ptr = C.basepaltable[1] + 3*(16*i) local src = C.basepaltable[0] + 3*(16*i) + 3*hexmap[i] local r, g, b = src[0], src[1], src[2] for j=0,15 do local dst = ptr + 3*j dst[0], dst[1], dst[2] = r, g, b end end end function engine.linearizeBasePal() for _, begi in ipairs{0, 32, 96, 160} do local ptr = C.basepaltable[0] + 3*begi local refcol = ptr + 3*31 for i=0,30 do for c=0,2 do ptr[3*i + c] = i*refcol[c]/31 end end end for _, begi in ipairs{128, 144, 192, 208, 224} do local ptr = C.basepaltable[0] + 3*begi for i=0,3*15+2 do ptr[i] = 0 end end end -- Interfaces to Mapster32's status bar menu local pcall = pcall function engine.clearMenu() C.LM_Clear() end function engine.registerMenuFunc(name, func, description) if (type(name) ~= "string") then error("invalid argument #1: must be a string", 2) end if (type(func) ~= "function") then error("invalid argument #2: must be a function", 2) end if (description~=nil and type(description)~="string") then error("invalid argument #3: must be nil or a string", 2) end local safefunc = function() local ok, errmsg = pcall(func) if (not ok) then return errmsg end end C.LM_Register(name, safefunc, description) end engine.GETNUMFLAG = { NEG_ALLOWED = 1, AUTOCOMPL_NAMES = 2, AUTOCOMPL_TAGLAB = 4, RET_M1_ON_CANCEL = 8, NEXTFREE = 16, } function engine.getnumber16(namestart, num, maxnumber, flags) if (C.qsetmode == 200) then error("getnumber16 must be called from 2D mode", 2) end if (type(namestart)~="string") then error("invalid argument #1: must be a string", 2) end return C._getnumber16(namestart, num, maxnumber, flags or 8, nil) -- RET_M1_ON_CANCEL end function engine.getstring(querystr) if (type(querystr) ~= "string") then error("invalid argument #2: must be a string", 2) end local cstr = C.getstring_simple(querystr, nil, 0, 0) return cstr~=nil and ffi.string(cstr) or nil end end -- Done! return engine