//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1997, 2005 - 3D Realms Entertainment This file is part of Shadow Warrior version 1.2 Shadow Warrior is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Original Source: 1997 - Frank Maddin and Jim Norwood Prepared for public release: 03/28/2005 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" #undef MAIN #include "build.h" #include "keys.h" #include "names2.h" #include "panel.h" #include "game.h" #include "pal.h" #include "text.h" #include "colormap.h" #include "player.h" BEGIN_SW_NS //#define SAVE_EXTERN //#include "_save.h" //#undef SAVE_EXTERN extern short NormalVisibility; // indexed by gs.BorderNum 130,172 short InventoryBarXpos[] = {110, 110, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80}; short InventoryBarYpos[] = {172, 172, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130, 130}; void PlayerUpdateInventory(PLAYERp pp, short InventoryNum); void SpawnInventoryBar(PLAYERp pp); void InventoryBarUpdatePosition(PLAYERp pp); void InvBorderRefresh(PLAYERp pp); void InventoryUse(PLAYERp pp); void InventoryStop(PLAYERp pp, short InventoryNum); void KillInventoryBar(PLAYERp pp); void PlayerUpdateInventoryPercent(PLAYERp pp); void PlayerUpdateInventoryPic(PLAYERp pp); void PlayerUpdateInventoryState(PLAYERp pp); //#define INVENTORY_ICON_WIDTH 32 #define INVENTORY_ICON_WIDTH 28 void UseInventoryRepairKit(PLAYERp pp); void UseInventoryMedkit(PLAYERp pp); void UseInventoryRepairKit(PLAYERp pp); void UseInventoryCloak(PLAYERp pp); void UseInventoryEnvironSuit(PLAYERp pp); void UseInventoryNightVision(PLAYERp pp); void UseInventoryChemBomb(PLAYERp pp); void UseInventoryFlashBomb(PLAYERp pp); void UseInventoryCaltrops(PLAYERp pp); void StopInventoryRepairKit(PLAYERp pp, short); void StopInventoryMedkit(PLAYERp pp, short); void StopInventoryRepairKit(PLAYERp pp, short); void StopInventoryCloak(PLAYERp pp, short); void StopInventoryEnvironSuit(PLAYERp pp, short); void StopInventoryNightVision(PLAYERp pp, short); extern PANEL_STATE ps_PanelEnvironSuit[]; extern PANEL_STATE ps_PanelCloak[]; extern PANEL_STATE ps_PanelMedkit[]; extern PANEL_STATE ps_PanelRepairKit[]; extern PANEL_STATE ps_PanelSelectionBox[]; extern PANEL_STATE ps_PanelNightVision[]; extern PANEL_STATE ps_PanelChemBomb[]; extern PANEL_STATE ps_PanelFlashBomb[]; extern PANEL_STATE ps_PanelCaltrops[]; INVENTORY_DATA InventoryData[MAX_INVENTORY+1] = { {"PORTABLE MEDKIT", UseInventoryMedkit, NULL, ps_PanelMedkit, 0, 1, (1<<16), 0}, {"REPAIR KIT", NULL, NULL, ps_PanelRepairKit, 100, 1, (1<<16), INVF_AUTO_USE}, {"SMOKE BOMB", UseInventoryCloak, StopInventoryCloak, ps_PanelCloak, 4, 1, (1<<16), INVF_TIMED}, {"NIGHT VISION", UseInventoryNightVision, StopInventoryNightVision, ps_PanelNightVision,3, 1, (1<<16), INVF_TIMED}, {"GAS BOMB", UseInventoryChemBomb, NULL, ps_PanelChemBomb, 0, 1, (1<<16), INVF_COUNT}, {"FLASH BOMB", UseInventoryFlashBomb, NULL, ps_PanelFlashBomb, 0, 2, (1<<16), INVF_COUNT}, {"CALTROPS", UseInventoryCaltrops, NULL, ps_PanelCaltrops, 0, 3, (1<<16), INVF_COUNT}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; void PanelInvTestSuicide(PANEL_SPRITEp psp); void UpdateMiniBar(PLAYERp pp) { USERp u = User[pp->PlayerSprite]; short i; int x,y; SWBOOL found; INVENTORY_DATAp id; extern SWBOOL PanelUpdateMode; #define MINI_BAR_Y 174 #define MINI_BAR_HEALTH_BOX_PIC 2437 #define MINI_BAR_AMMO_BOX_PIC 2437 #define MINI_BAR_INVENTORY_BOX_PIC 2438 #define MINI_BAR_HEALTH_BOX_X 4 #define MINI_BAR_AMMO_BOX_X 32 #define MINI_BAR_INVENTORY_BOX_X 64 #define MINI_BAR_INVENTORY_BOX_Y MINI_BAR_Y if (!PanelUpdateMode) return; if (gs.BorderNum != BORDER_MINI_BAR) return; x = MINI_BAR_HEALTH_BOX_X; y = 200 - 26; rotatesprite(x << 16, y << 16, (1 << 16), 0, MINI_BAR_HEALTH_BOX_PIC, 0, 0, ROTATE_SPRITE_SCREEN_CLIP | ROTATE_SPRITE_CORNER, 0, 0, xdim - 1, ydim - 1); x = MINI_BAR_HEALTH_BOX_X+3; DisplayMiniBarNumber(pp, x, y+5, u->Health); if (u->WeaponNum != WPN_SWORD && u->WeaponNum != WPN_FIST) { x = MINI_BAR_AMMO_BOX_X; rotatesprite(x << 16, y << 16, (1 << 16), 0, MINI_BAR_AMMO_BOX_PIC, 0, 0, ROTATE_SPRITE_SCREEN_CLIP | ROTATE_SPRITE_CORNER, 0, 0, xdim - 1, ydim - 1); x = MINI_BAR_AMMO_BOX_X+3; DisplayMiniBarNumber(pp, x, y+5, pp->WpnAmmo[u->WeaponNum]); } if (!pp->InventoryAmount[pp->InventoryNum]) return; // Inventory Box x = MINI_BAR_INVENTORY_BOX_X; rotatesprite(x << 16, y << 16, (1 << 16), 0, MINI_BAR_INVENTORY_BOX_PIC, 0, 0, ROTATE_SPRITE_SCREEN_CLIP | ROTATE_SPRITE_CORNER, 0, 0, xdim - 1, ydim - 1); id = &InventoryData[pp->InventoryNum]; // Inventory pic x = MINI_BAR_INVENTORY_BOX_X + 2; y += 2; rotatesprite(x << 16, y << 16, (1 << 16), 0, id->State->picndx, 0, 0, ROTATE_SPRITE_SCREEN_CLIP | ROTATE_SPRITE_CORNER, 0, 0, xdim - 1, ydim - 1); // will update the AUTO and % inventory values PlayerUpdateInventory(pp, pp->InventoryNum); } void PanelInvTestSuicide(PANEL_SPRITEp psp) { if (TEST(psp->flags, PANF_SUICIDE)) { pKillSprite(psp); } } PANEL_SPRITEp SpawnInventoryIcon(PLAYERp pp, short InventoryNum) { PANEL_SPRITEp psp; short x,y; // check invalid value ASSERT(InventoryNum < MAX_INVENTORY); // check to see if its already spawned if (pp->InventorySprite[InventoryNum]) return NULL; // check for Icon panel state if (!InventoryData[InventoryNum].State) return NULL; x = InventoryBarXpos[gs.BorderNum] + (InventoryNum*INVENTORY_ICON_WIDTH); y = InventoryBarYpos[gs.BorderNum]; psp = pSpawnSprite(pp, InventoryData[InventoryNum].State, PRI_FRONT, x, y); pp->InventorySprite[InventoryNum] = psp; psp->x1 = 0; psp->y1 = 0; psp->x2 = xdim - 1; psp->y2 = ydim - 1; psp->scale = InventoryData[InventoryNum].Scale; SET(psp->flags, PANF_STATUS_AREA | PANF_SCREEN_CLIP); return psp; } void KillPanelInv(PLAYERp pp, short InventoryNum) { ASSERT(pp->InventorySprite[InventoryNum]); ASSERT(InventoryNum < MAX_INVENTORY); pp->InventoryTics[InventoryNum] = 0; SET(pp->InventorySprite[InventoryNum]->flags, PANF_SUICIDE); pp->InventorySprite[InventoryNum] = NULL; } void KillPlayerIcon(PLAYERp pp, PANEL_SPRITEp *pspp) { SET((*pspp)->flags, PANF_SUICIDE); (*pspp) = NULL; } void KillAllPanelInv(PLAYERp pp) { short i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if (!pp->InventorySprite[i]) continue; pp->InventoryTics[i] = 0; SET(pp->InventorySprite[i]->flags, PANF_SUICIDE); pp->InventorySprite[i]->numpages = 0; pp->InventorySprite[i] = NULL; } } PANEL_SPRITEp SpawnIcon(PLAYERp pp, PANEL_STATEp state) { PANEL_SPRITEp psp; short i; psp = pSpawnSprite(pp, state, PRI_FRONT, 0, 0); psp->x1 = 0; psp->y1 = 0; psp->x2 = xdim - 1; psp->y2 = ydim - 1; SET(psp->flags, PANF_STATUS_AREA | PANF_SCREEN_CLIP); return psp; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MEDKIT // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AutoPickInventory(PLAYERp pp) { int i; // auto pick only if run out of currently selected one if (pp->InventoryAmount[pp->InventoryNum] <= 0) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if (i == INVENTORY_REPAIR_KIT) continue; if (pp->InventoryAmount[i]) { pp->InventoryNum = i; return; } } // only take this if there is nothing else if (pp->InventoryAmount[INVENTORY_REPAIR_KIT]) pp->InventoryNum = INVENTORY_REPAIR_KIT; } } void UseInventoryMedkit(PLAYERp pp) { USERp u = User[pp->PlayerSprite]; short diff; short inv = INVENTORY_MEDKIT; short amt; if (!pp->InventoryAmount[inv]) return; diff = 100 - u->Health; if (diff <= 0) return; if (diff > pp->InventoryPercent[inv]) // If not enough to get to 100, use what's left amt = pp->InventoryPercent[inv]; else amt = diff; PlayerUpdateHealth(pp, amt); pp->InventoryPercent[inv] -= diff; if (pp->InventoryPercent[inv] < 0) { pp->InventoryPercent[inv] = 0; pp->InventoryAmount[inv]--; } AutoPickInventory(pp); //percent PlayerUpdateInventory(pp, pp->InventoryNum); if (pp == Player+myconnectindex) { if (amt >= 30) PlayerSound(DIGI_GETMEDKIT,&pp->posx,&pp->posy,&pp->posz,v3df_follow|v3df_dontpan,pp); else PlayerSound(DIGI_AHH,&pp->posx,&pp->posy,&pp->posz,v3df_follow|v3df_dontpan,pp); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CHEMICAL WARFARE CANISTERS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UseInventoryChemBomb(PLAYERp pp) { USERp u = User[pp->PlayerSprite]; short diff; short inv = INVENTORY_CHEMBOMB; if (!pp->InventoryAmount[inv]) return; PlayerInitChemBomb(pp); // Throw a chemical bomb out there pp->InventoryPercent[inv] = 0; if (--pp->InventoryAmount[inv] < 0) pp->InventoryAmount[inv] = 0; AutoPickInventory(pp); PlayerUpdateInventory(pp, pp->InventoryNum); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // FLASH BOMBS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UseInventoryFlashBomb(PLAYERp pp) { USERp u = User[pp->PlayerSprite]; short diff; short inv = INVENTORY_FLASHBOMB; if (!pp->InventoryAmount[inv]) return; PlayerInitFlashBomb(pp); pp->InventoryPercent[inv] = 0; if (--pp->InventoryAmount[inv] < 0) pp->InventoryAmount[inv] = 0; AutoPickInventory(pp); PlayerUpdateInventory(pp, pp->InventoryNum); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CALTROPS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UseInventoryCaltrops(PLAYERp pp) { USERp u = User[pp->PlayerSprite]; short diff; short inv = INVENTORY_CALTROPS; if (!pp->InventoryAmount[inv]) return; PlayerInitCaltrops(pp); pp->InventoryPercent[inv] = 0; if (--pp->InventoryAmount[inv] < 0) pp->InventoryAmount[inv] = 0; AutoPickInventory(pp); PlayerUpdateInventory(pp, pp->InventoryNum); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // REPAIR KIT // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UseInventoryRepairKit(PLAYERp pp) { SPRITEp sp = pp->SpriteP; short inv = INVENTORY_REPAIR_KIT; //PlaySound(DIGI_TOOLBOX, &pp->posx, &pp->posy, &pp->posz, v3df_none); if (pp == Player + myconnectindex) { if (STD_RANDOM_RANGE(1000) > 500) PlayerSound(DIGI_NOREPAIRMAN,&pp->posx,&pp->posy,&pp->posz,v3df_follow|v3df_dontpan,pp); else PlayerSound(DIGI_NOREPAIRMAN2,&pp->posx,&pp->posy,&pp->posz,v3df_follow|v3df_dontpan,pp); } pp->InventoryPercent[inv] = 0; pp->InventoryAmount[inv] = 0; AutoPickInventory(pp); //percent PlayerUpdateInventory(pp, pp->InventoryNum); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLOAK // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UseInventoryCloak(PLAYERp pp) { SPRITEp sp = pp->SpriteP; if (pp->InventoryActive[pp->InventoryNum]) { // StopInventoryCloak(pp, pp->InventoryNum); return; } pp->InventoryActive[pp->InventoryNum] = TRUE; AutoPickInventory(pp); // on/off PlayerUpdateInventory(pp, pp->InventoryNum); SET(sp->cstat, CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANSLUCENT); sp->shade = 100; PlaySound(DIGI_GASPOP, &pp->posx, &pp->posy, &pp->posz, v3df_none); //if(RANDOM_RANGE(1000) > 950) if (pp == Player+myconnectindex) PlayerSound(DIGI_IAMSHADOW,&pp->posx,&pp->posy,&pp->posz,v3df_follow|v3df_dontpan,pp); } void StopInventoryCloak(PLAYERp pp, short InventoryNum) { SPRITEp sp = pp->SpriteP; pp->InventoryActive[InventoryNum] = FALSE; if (pp->InventoryPercent[InventoryNum] <= 0) { pp->InventoryPercent[InventoryNum] = 0; if (--pp->InventoryAmount[InventoryNum] < 0) pp->InventoryAmount[InventoryNum] = 0; } // on/off PlayerUpdateInventory(pp, InventoryNum); RESET(sp->cstat, CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANSLUCENT); sp->shade = 0; PlaySound(DIGI_GASPOP, &pp->posx, &pp->posy, &pp->posz, v3df_none); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ENVIRONMENT SUIT // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if 0 void UseInventoryEnvironSuit(PLAYERp pp) { SPRITEp sp = pp->SpriteP; short inv = INVENTORY_ENVIRON_SUIT; // only activate if you have one if (pp->InventoryAmount[inv]) { pp->InventoryActive[inv] = TRUE; // on/off PlayerUpdateInventory(pp, inv); } } void StopInventoryEnvironSuit(PLAYERp pp, short InventoryNum) { SPRITEp sp = pp->SpriteP; short inv = INVENTORY_ENVIRON_SUIT; pp->InventoryActive[InventoryNum] = FALSE; if (pp->InventoryPercent[InventoryNum] <= 0) { pp->InventoryPercent[InventoryNum] = 0; if (--pp->InventoryAmount[InventoryNum] < 0) pp->InventoryAmount[InventoryNum] = 0; } // on/off PlayerUpdateInventory(pp, InventoryNum); PlaySound(DIGI_SWCLOAKUNCLOAK, &pp->posx, &pp->posy, &pp->posz, v3df_none); } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // NIGHT VISION // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static char sectorfloorpals[MAXSECTORS], sectorceilingpals[MAXSECTORS], wallpals[MAXWALLS]; void DoPlayerNightVisionPalette(PLAYERp pp) { if (pp != Player + screenpeek) return; if (pp->InventoryActive[INVENTORY_NIGHT_VISION]) { // if (pp->NightVision && pp->StartColor == 148) // return; SetFadeAmt(pp,-1005,148); // Night vision green tint pp->NightVision = TRUE; } else { // Put it all back to normal if (pp->StartColor == 148) { memcpy(pp->temp_pal, palette_data, sizeof(palette_data)); memcpy(palookup[PALETTE_DEFAULT], DefaultPalette, 256 * 32); pp->FadeAmt = 0; if (videoGetRenderMode() < REND_POLYMOST) COVERsetbrightness(0, &palette_data[0][0]); else videoFadePalette(0,0,0,0); } pp->NightVision = FALSE; } } void UseInventoryNightVision(PLAYERp pp) { SPRITEp sp = pp->SpriteP; #define NIGHT_INVENTORY_TIME 30 if (pp->InventoryActive[pp->InventoryNum]) { StopInventoryNightVision(pp, pp->InventoryNum); return; } pp->InventoryActive[pp->InventoryNum] = TRUE; // on/off PlayerUpdateInventory(pp, pp->InventoryNum); DoPlayerNightVisionPalette(pp); PlaySound(DIGI_NIGHTON, &pp->posx, &pp->posy, &pp->posz, v3df_dontpan|v3df_follow); } void StopInventoryNightVision(PLAYERp pp, short InventoryNum) { SPRITEp sp = pp->SpriteP; pp->InventoryActive[InventoryNum] = FALSE; if (pp->InventoryPercent[InventoryNum] <= 0) { pp->InventoryPercent[InventoryNum] = 0; if (--pp->InventoryAmount[InventoryNum] < 0) pp->InventoryAmount[InventoryNum] = 0; } AutoPickInventory(pp); // on/off PlayerUpdateInventory(pp, pp->InventoryNum); DoPlayerNightVisionPalette(pp); DoPlayerDivePalette(pp); PlaySound(DIGI_NIGHTOFF, &pp->posx, &pp->posy, &pp->posz, v3df_dontpan|v3df_follow); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // INVENTORY KEYS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void InventoryKeys(PLAYERp pp) { short inv_hotkey; // scroll SPELLs left if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(pp, SK_INV_LEFT)) { if (FLAG_KEY_PRESSED(pp, SK_INV_LEFT)) { FLAG_KEY_RELEASE(pp, SK_INV_LEFT); SpawnInventoryBar(pp); PlayerUpdateInventory(pp, pp->InventoryNum - 1); PutStringInfo(pp, InventoryData[pp->InventoryNum].Name); InventoryBarUpdatePosition(pp); InvBorderRefresh(pp); } } else { FLAG_KEY_RESET(pp, SK_INV_LEFT); } // scroll SPELLs right if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(pp, SK_INV_RIGHT)) { if (FLAG_KEY_PRESSED(pp, SK_INV_RIGHT)) { FLAG_KEY_RELEASE(pp, SK_INV_RIGHT); SpawnInventoryBar(pp); PlayerUpdateInventory(pp, pp->InventoryNum + 1); PutStringInfo(pp, InventoryData[pp->InventoryNum].Name); InventoryBarUpdatePosition(pp); InvBorderRefresh(pp); } } else { FLAG_KEY_RESET(pp, SK_INV_RIGHT); } if (TEST_SYNC_KEY(pp, SK_INV_USE)) { if (FLAG_KEY_PRESSED(pp, SK_INV_USE)) { FLAG_KEY_RELEASE(pp, SK_INV_USE); if (InventoryData[pp->InventoryNum].Init) { if (pp->InventoryAmount[pp->InventoryNum]) { InventoryUse(pp); } else { sprintf(ds,"No %s",InventoryData[pp->InventoryNum].Name); PutStringInfo(pp,ds); // DONT have message } } } } else { FLAG_KEY_RESET(pp, SK_INV_USE); } // get hotkey number out of input bits inv_hotkey = TEST(pp->input.bits, SK_INV_HOTKEY_MASK) >> SK_INV_HOTKEY_BIT0; if (inv_hotkey) { if (FLAG_KEY_PRESSED(pp, SK_INV_HOTKEY_BIT0)) { FLAG_KEY_RELEASE(pp, SK_INV_HOTKEY_BIT0); inv_hotkey -= 1; ////DSPRINTF(ds,"inv_hotkey %d",inv_hotkey); //MONO_PRINT(ds); // switches you to this inventory item //PlayerUpdateInventory(pp, inv_hotkey); pp->InventoryNum = inv_hotkey; if (InventoryData[pp->InventoryNum].Init && !TEST(pp->Flags, PF_CLIMBING)) { if (pp->InventoryAmount[pp->InventoryNum]) { InventoryUse(pp); } #if 0 else { sprintf(ds,"No %s",InventoryData[pp->InventoryNum].Name); PutStringInfo(pp,ds); // DONT have message } #endif } //PlayerUpdateInventory(pp, pp->InventoryNum); } } else { FLAG_KEY_RESET(pp, SK_INV_HOTKEY_BIT0); } } void InvBorderRefresh(PLAYERp pp) { int x,y; if (pp != Player + myconnectindex) return; x = InventoryBarXpos[gs.BorderNum]; y = InventoryBarYpos[gs.BorderNum]; SetRedrawScreen(pp); //BorderRefreshClip(pp, x-5, y-5, x + (MAX_INVENTORY * INVENTORY_ICON_WIDTH), y + 24); } void InventoryTimer(PLAYERp pp) { // called every time through loop short inv = 0; INVENTORY_DATAp id; // if bar is up if (pp->InventoryBarTics) { InventoryBarUpdatePosition(pp); pp->InventoryBarTics -= synctics; // if bar time has elapsed if (pp->InventoryBarTics <= 0) { // get rid of the bar KillInventoryBar(pp); // don't update bar anymore pp->InventoryBarTics = 0; InvBorderRefresh(pp); //BorderRefresh(pp); } } for (id = InventoryData; id->Name; id++, inv++) { // if timed and active if (TEST(id->Flags, INVF_TIMED) && pp->InventoryActive[inv]) { // dec tics pp->InventoryTics[inv] -= synctics; if (pp->InventoryTics[inv] <= 0) { // take off a percentage pp->InventoryPercent[inv] -= id->DecPerSec; if (pp->InventoryPercent[inv] <= 0) { // ALL USED UP pp->InventoryPercent[inv] = 0; InventoryStop(pp, inv); pp->InventoryActive[inv] = FALSE; } else { // reset 1 sec tic clock pp->InventoryTics[inv] = SEC(1); } //PlayerUpdateInventoryPercent(pp); PlayerUpdateInventory(pp, pp->InventoryNum); } } else // the idea behind this is that the USE function will get called // every time the player is in an AUTO_USE situation. // This code will decrement the timer and set the Item to InActive // EVERY SINGLE TIME. Relies on the USE function getting called! if (TEST(id->Flags, INVF_AUTO_USE) && pp->InventoryActive[inv]) { pp->InventoryTics[inv] -= synctics; if (pp->InventoryTics[inv] <= 0) { // take off a percentage pp->InventoryPercent[inv] -= id->DecPerSec; if (pp->InventoryPercent[inv] <= 0) { // ALL USED UP pp->InventoryPercent[inv] = 0; // should get rid if Amount - stop it for good InventoryStop(pp, inv); } else { // reset 1 sec tic clock pp->InventoryTics[inv] = SEC(1); // set to InActive EVERY TIME THROUGH THE LOOP! pp->InventoryActive[inv] = FALSE; } //PlayerUpdateInventoryPercent(pp); PlayerUpdateInventory(pp, pp->InventoryNum); } } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // INVENTORY BAR // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SpawnInventoryBar(PLAYERp pp) { short inv = 0; INVENTORY_DATAp id; PANEL_SPRITEp psp; // its already up if (pp->InventoryBarTics) { pp->InventoryBarTics = SEC(2); return; } pp->InventorySelectionBox = SpawnIcon(pp, ps_PanelSelectionBox); for (id = InventoryData; id->Name; id++, inv++) { psp = SpawnInventoryIcon(pp, inv); if (!pp->InventoryAmount[inv]) { //SET(psp->flags, PANF_TRANSLUCENT); //SET(psp->flags, PANF_TRANS_FLIP); psp->shade = 100; //Darken it } } pp->InventoryBarTics = SEC(2); } void KillInventoryBar(PLAYERp pp) { KillAllPanelInv(pp); KillPlayerIcon(pp, &pp->InventorySelectionBox); } // In case the BorderNum changes - move the postions void InventoryBarUpdatePosition(PLAYERp pp) { short inv = 0; short x,y; INVENTORY_DATAp id; x = InventoryBarXpos[gs.BorderNum] + (pp->InventoryNum * INVENTORY_ICON_WIDTH); y = InventoryBarYpos[gs.BorderNum]; pp->InventorySelectionBox->x = x - 5; pp->InventorySelectionBox->y = y - 5; for (id = InventoryData; id->Name && inv < MAX_INVENTORY; id++, inv++) { x = InventoryBarXpos[gs.BorderNum] + (inv * INVENTORY_ICON_WIDTH); y = InventoryBarYpos[gs.BorderNum]; pp->InventorySprite[inv]->x = x; pp->InventorySprite[inv]->y = y; } } void InventoryUse(PLAYERp pp) { INVENTORY_DATAp id = &InventoryData[pp->InventoryNum]; if (id->Init) (*id->Init)(pp); } void InventoryStop(PLAYERp pp, short InventoryNum) { INVENTORY_DATAp id = &InventoryData[InventoryNum]; if (id->Stop) (*id->Stop)(pp, InventoryNum); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Inventory Console Area // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define INVENTORY_BOX_X 231 #define INVENTORY_BOX_Y (176-8) #define INVENTORY_BOX_ERASE 2403 short InventoryBoxX; short InventoryBoxY; short InventoryXoff; short InventoryYoff; void (*InventoryDisplayString)(PLAYERp, short, short, short, const char *); #define INVENTORY_PIC_XOFF 1 #define INVENTORY_PIC_YOFF 1 #define INVENTORY_PERCENT_XOFF 19 #define INVENTORY_PERCENT_YOFF 13 #define INVENTORY_STATE_XOFF 19 #define INVENTORY_STATE_YOFF 1 void PlayerUpdateInventory(PLAYERp pp, short InventoryNum) { USERp u = User[pp->PlayerSprite]; short w,h; // Check for items that need to go translucent from use if (pp->InventoryBarTics) { short inv = 0; INVENTORY_DATAp id; PANEL_SPRITEp psp; // Go translucent if used for (id = InventoryData; id->Name && inv < MAX_INVENTORY; id++, inv++) { psp = pp->InventorySprite[inv]; if (!psp) continue; if (!pp->InventoryAmount[inv]) { //SET(psp->flags, PANF_TRANSLUCENT); //SET(psp->flags, PANF_TRANS_FLIP); psp->shade = 100; // Darken it } else { //RESET(psp->flags, PANF_TRANSLUCENT); //RESET(psp->flags, PANF_TRANS_FLIP); psp->shade = 0; } } } pp->InventoryNum = InventoryNum; if (pp->InventoryNum < 0) pp->InventoryNum = MAX_INVENTORY-1; if (pp->InventoryNum >= MAX_INVENTORY) pp->InventoryNum = 0; if (pp - Player != screenpeek) return; if (gs.BorderNum == BORDER_MINI_BAR) { InventoryBoxX = MINI_BAR_INVENTORY_BOX_X; InventoryBoxY = MINI_BAR_INVENTORY_BOX_Y; InventoryXoff = 1; InventoryYoff = 1; InventoryDisplayString = DisplayMiniBarSmString; } else { if (gs.BorderNum < BORDER_BAR) return; InventoryBoxX = INVENTORY_BOX_X; InventoryBoxY = INVENTORY_BOX_Y; InventoryXoff = 0; InventoryYoff = 0; InventoryDisplayString = DisplaySmString; // erase old info pSpawnFullScreenSprite(pp, INVENTORY_BOX_ERASE, PRI_MID, INVENTORY_BOX_X, INVENTORY_BOX_Y); // put pic if (pp->InventoryAmount[pp->InventoryNum]) PlayerUpdateInventoryPic(pp); } if (pp->InventoryAmount[pp->InventoryNum]) { // Auto/On/Off PlayerUpdateInventoryState(pp); // Percent count/Item count PlayerUpdateInventoryPercent(pp); } } void PlayerUpdateInventoryPercent(PLAYERp pp) { USERp u = User[pp->PlayerSprite]; short x,y; INVENTORY_DATAp id = &InventoryData[pp->InventoryNum]; x = InventoryBoxX + INVENTORY_PERCENT_XOFF + InventoryXoff; y = InventoryBoxY + INVENTORY_PERCENT_YOFF + InventoryYoff; if (TEST(id->Flags, INVF_COUNT)) { sprintf(ds,"%d", pp->InventoryAmount[pp->InventoryNum]); InventoryDisplayString(pp, x, y, 0, ds); } else { sprintf(ds,"%d%c", pp->InventoryPercent[pp->InventoryNum],'%'); InventoryDisplayString(pp, x, y, 0, ds); } } void PlayerUpdateInventoryPic(PLAYERp pp) { USERp u = User[pp->PlayerSprite]; PANEL_SPRITEp psp; short pic; short x,y; INVENTORY_DATAp id = &InventoryData[pp->InventoryNum]; x = InventoryBoxX + INVENTORY_PIC_XOFF + InventoryXoff; y = InventoryBoxY + INVENTORY_PIC_YOFF + InventoryYoff; pic = id->State->picndx; psp = pSpawnFullScreenSprite(pp, pic, PRI_FRONT_MAX, x, y); psp->scale = id->Scale; } void PlayerUpdateInventoryState(PLAYERp pp) { USERp u = User[pp->PlayerSprite]; short x,y; INVENTORY_DATAp id = &InventoryData[pp->InventoryNum]; x = InventoryBoxX + INVENTORY_STATE_XOFF + InventoryXoff; y = InventoryBoxY + INVENTORY_STATE_YOFF + InventoryYoff; if (TEST(id->Flags, INVF_AUTO_USE)) { sprintf(ds,"%s", "AUTO"); InventoryDisplayString(pp, x, y, 0, ds); } else if (TEST(id->Flags, INVF_TIMED)) { sprintf(ds,"%s", pp->InventoryActive[pp->InventoryNum] ? "ON" : "OFF"); InventoryDisplayString(pp, x, y, 0, ds); } } END_SW_NS