-- Loaders for various BUILD structures for LuaJIT -- TODO: bound-checking, load ART local ffi = require "ffi" local io = require "io" local assert = assert local print = print module(...) ffi.cdef[[ #pragma pack(push,1) typedef struct { int16_t wallptr, wallnum; int32_t ceilingz, floorz; int16_t ceilingstat, floorstat; int16_t ceilingpicnum, ceilingheinum; int8_t ceilingshade; uint8_t ceilingpal, ceilingxpanning, ceilingypanning; int16_t floorpicnum, floorheinum; int8_t floorshade; uint8_t floorpal, floorxpanning, floorypanning; uint8_t visibility, filler; int16_t lotag, hitag, extra; } sectortype; typedef struct { int32_t x, y; int16_t point2, nextwall, nextsector; int16_t cstat; int16_t picnum, overpicnum; int8_t shade; uint8_t pal, xrepeat, yrepeat, xpanning, ypanning; int16_t lotag, hitag, extra; } walltype; typedef struct { int32_t x, y, z; int16_t cstat, picnum; int8_t shade; uint8_t pal, clipdist, filler; uint8_t xrepeat, yrepeat; int8_t xoffset, yoffset; int16_t sectnum, statnum; int16_t ang, owner, xvel, yvel, zvel; int16_t lotag, hitag, extra; } spritetype; ]] local C = ffi.C local MAX = { SECTORS = { [7]=1024, [8]=4096, [9]=4096 }, WALLS = { [7]=8192, [8]=16384, [9]=16384 }, SPRITES = { [7]=4096, [8]=16384, [9]=16384 }, } local function doread(fh, basectype, numelts) local cd = ffi.new(basectype.."[?]", numelts) local size = ffi.sizeof(cd) if (numelts==0) then return nil end assert(size % numelts == 0) local datstr = fh:read(size) if (datstr == nil or #datstr < size) then fh:close() return nil end ffi.copy(cd, datstr, size) return cd end --== LOADBOARD ==-- -- returns: -- on failure, nil, errmsg -- on success, a table -- { -- version = , -- numsectors=, numwalls=, numsprites=, -- sector=, -- wall=, -- sprite=nil or (array of spritetype), -- start = -- { x=, y=, z=, ang=, sectnum= } -- } function loadboard(filename) local fh, errmsg = io.open(filename) if (fh==nil) then return nil, errmsg end -- The table we'll return on success local map = { start={} } local cd = doread(fh, "int32_t", 4) if (cd==nil) then return nil, "Couldn't read header" end map.version = cd[0] map.start.x = cd[1] map.start.y = cd[2] map.start.z = cd[3] if (map.version < 7 or map.version > 9) then fh:close() return nil, "Invalid map version" end cd = doread(fh, "int16_t", 3) if (cd==nil) then return nil, "Couldn't read header (2)" end map.start.ang = cd[0] map.start.sectnum = cd[1] -- sectors map.numsectors = cd[2] if (map.numsectors <= 0 or map.numsectors > MAX.SECTORS[map.version]) then fh:close() return nil, "Invalid number of sectors" end map.sector = doread(fh, "sectortype", map.numsectors) if (map.sector == nil) then return nil, "Couldn't read sectors" end -- walls cd = doread(fh, "int16_t", 1) map.numwalls = cd[0] if (map.numwalls <= 0 or map.numwalls > MAX.WALLS[map.version]) then fh:close() return nil, "Invalid number of walls" end map.wall = doread(fh, "walltype", map.numwalls) if (map.wall == nil) then return nil, "Couldn't read walls" end -- sprites cd = doread(fh, "int16_t", 1) map.numsprites = cd[0] if (map.numsprites < 0 or map.numsprites > MAX.SPRITES[map.version]) then fh:close() return nil, "Invalid number of sprites" end map.sprite = doread(fh, "spritetype", map.numsprites) if (map.numsprites~=0 and map.sprite == nil) then return nil, "Couldn't read sprites" end -- done fh:close() return map end