#ifndef polymost_h_ # define polymost_h_ #include "mdsprite.h" void Polymost_CacheHitList(uint8_t* hash); typedef struct { uint8_t r, g, b, a; } coltype; typedef struct { float r, g, b, a; } coltypef; extern int32_t rendmode; extern float gtang; extern double gxyaspect; extern float grhalfxdown10x; extern float gcosang, gsinang, gcosang2, gsinang2; extern void Polymost_prepare_loadboard(void); void polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(uint8_t severity, const char* format, ...); //void phex(char v, char *s); void polymost_drawsprite(int32_t snum); void polymost_drawmaskwall(int32_t damaskwallcnt); void polymost_dorotatespritemodel(int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t z, int16_t a, int16_t picnum, int8_t dashade, uint8_t dapalnum, int32_t dastat, uint8_t daalpha, uint8_t dablend, int32_t uniqid); void polymost_fillpolygon(int32_t npoints); void polymost_initosdfuncs(void); void polymost_drawrooms(void); void polymost_prepareMirror(int32_t dax, int32_t day, int32_t daz, fixed_t daang, fixed_t dahoriz, int16_t mirrorWall); void polymost_completeMirror(); int32_t polymost_maskWallHasTranslucency(uwalltype const * const wall); int32_t polymost_spriteHasTranslucency(tspritetype const * const tspr); int32_t polymost_spriteIsModelOrVoxel(tspritetype const * const tspr); void polymost_glreset(void); enum { INVALIDATE_ALL, INVALIDATE_ART, INVALIDATE_ALL_NON_INDEXED, INVALIDATE_ART_NON_INDEXED }; extern float curpolygonoffset; extern int16_t globalpicnum; #define POLYMOST_CHOOSE_FOG_PAL(fogpal, pal) \ ((fogpal) ? (fogpal) : (pal)) static FORCE_INLINE int32_t get_floor_fogpal(usectorptr_t const sec) { return POLYMOST_CHOOSE_FOG_PAL(sec->fogpal, sec->floorpal); } static FORCE_INLINE int32_t get_ceiling_fogpal(usectorptr_t const sec) { return POLYMOST_CHOOSE_FOG_PAL(sec->fogpal, sec->ceilingpal); } static FORCE_INLINE int32_t fogshade(int32_t const shade, int32_t const pal) { return (globalflags & GLOBAL_NO_GL_FOGSHADE) ? 0 : shade; } static constexpr inline int check_nonpow2(int32_t const x) { return (x > 1 && (x&(x-1))); } static inline float polymost_invsqrt_approximation(float x) { #if !B_BIG_ENDIAN float const haf = x * .5f; union { float f; uint32_t i; } n = { x }; n.i = 0x5f375a86 - (n.i >> 1); return n.f * (1.5f - haf * (n.f * n.f)); #else // this is the comment return 1.f / sqrtf(x); #endif } // Flags of the <dameth> argument of various functions enum { DAMETH_NOMASK = 0, DAMETH_MASK = 1, DAMETH_TRANS1 = 2, DAMETH_TRANS2 = 3, DAMETH_MASKPROPS = 3, DAMETH_CLAMPED = 4, DAMETH_MODEL = 8, DAMETH_SKY = 16, DAMETH_WALL = 32, // signals a texture for a wall (for r_npotwallmode) // used internally by polymost_domost DAMETH_BACKFACECULL = -1, }; #define DAMETH_NARROW_MASKPROPS(dameth) (((dameth)&(~DAMETH_TRANS1))|(((dameth)&DAMETH_TRANS1)>>1)) static_assert(DAMETH_NARROW_MASKPROPS(DAMETH_MASKPROPS) == DAMETH_MASK); extern float fcosglobalang, fsinglobalang; extern float fxdim, fydim, fydimen, fviewingrange; extern int32_t viewingrangerecip; #endif