/* The Lunatic Interpreter, part of EDuke32 */ #include #include #include #include #include "cache1d.h" #include "osd.h" #include "gameexec.h" #include "gamedef.h" // EventNames[] #include "lunatic.h" // this serves two purposes: // the values as booleans and the addresses as keys to the Lua registry static uint8_t g_elEvents[MAXEVENTS]; // forward-decls... static int32_t SetEvent_luacf(lua_State *L); // in lpeg.o extern int luaopen_lpeg(lua_State *L); // 0: success, <0: failure int32_t El_CreateState(El_State *estate, const char *name) { estate->name = Bstrdup(name); if (!estate->name) return -1; estate->L = luaL_newstate(); if (!estate->L) { Bfree((char *)estate->name); estate->name = NULL; return -2; } luaL_openlibs(estate->L); // XXX: only for internal use and testing, obviously luaopen_lpeg(estate->L); // create misc. global functions in the Lua state lua_pushcfunction(estate->L, SetEvent_luacf); lua_setglobal(estate->L, "setevent"); return 0; } void El_DestroyState(El_State *estate) { if (!estate->L) return; Bfree((char *)estate->name); estate->name = NULL; lua_close(estate->L); estate->L = NULL; } // -1: alloc failure // 0: success // 1: didn't find file // 2: couldn't read whole file // 3: syntax error in lua file // 4: runtime error while executing lua file int32_t El_RunOnce(El_State *estate, const char *fn) { int32_t fid, flen, i; char *buf; fid = kopen4load(fn, 0); if (fid < 0) return 1; flen = kfilelength(fid); if (flen == 0) return 0; // empty script ... buf = Bmalloc(flen+1); if (!buf) { kclose(fid); return -1; } i = kread(fid, buf, flen); kclose(fid); if (i != flen) { Bfree(buf); return 2; } buf[flen] = 0; // -- lua -- i = luaL_loadstring(estate->L, buf); Bfree(buf); if (i == LUA_ERRMEM) return -1; if (i == LUA_ERRSYNTAX) { OSD_Printf("state \"%s\" syntax error: %s\n", estate->name, lua_tostring(estate->L, 1)); // get err msg lua_pop(estate->L, 1); return 3; } // -- call the lua chunk! -- i = lua_pcall(estate->L, 0, 0, 0); if (i == LUA_ERRMEM) // XXX: should be more sophisticated. Clean up stack? Do GC? return -1; if (i == LUA_ERRRUN) { assert(lua_type(estate->L, -1)==LUA_TSTRING); OSD_Printf("state \"%s\" runtime error: %s\n", estate->name, lua_tostring(estate->L, -1)); // get err msg lua_pop(estate->L, 1); return 4; } return 0; } // setupevent(EVENT_..., lua_function) static int32_t SetEvent_luacf(lua_State *L) { int32_t eventidx = luaL_checkint(L, 1); luaL_argcheck(L, (unsigned)eventidx < MAXEVENTS, 1, "must be an event number (0 .. MAXEVENTS-1)"); luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TFUNCTION); lua_pushlightuserdata(L, &g_elEvents[eventidx]); // 3, push address lua_pushvalue(L, 2); // 4, push copy of lua function lua_settable(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // "registry[&g_elEvents[eventidx]] = " g_elEvents[eventidx] = 1; return 0; } int32_t El_CallEvent(El_State *estate, int32_t eventidx) { // XXX: estate must be the one where the events were registered... // make a global? int32_t i; if (!g_elEvents[eventidx]) return 0; lua_pushlightuserdata(estate->L, &g_elEvents[eventidx]); // push address lua_gettable(estate->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // get lua function // -- call it! -- i = lua_pcall(estate->L, 0, 0, 0); if (i == LUA_ERRMEM) // XXX: should be more sophisticated. Clean up stack? Do GC? return -1; if (i == LUA_ERRRUN) { OSD_Printf("event \"%s\" (state \"%s\") runtime error: %s\n", EventNames[eventidx].text, estate->name, lua_tostring(estate->L, 1)); // get err msg lua_pop(estate->L, 1); return 4; } return 0; }