/* ** screenjob.cpp ** ** Generic asynchronous screen display ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2020 Christoph Oelckers ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include "types.h" #include "build.h" #include "screenjob.h" #include "i_time.h" #include "v_2ddrawer.h" #include "animlib.h" #include "v_draw.h" #include "s_soundinternal.h" #include "animtexture.h" #include "gamestate.h" #include "razemenu.h" #include "raze_sound.h" #include "SmackerDecoder.h" #include "movie/playmve.h" #include "gamecontrol.h" #include <vpx/vpx_decoder.h> #include <vpx/vp8dx.h> #include "raze_music.h" IMPLEMENT_CLASS(DScreenJob, true, false) IMPLEMENT_CLASS(DImageScreen, true, false) int DBlackScreen::Frame(uint64_t clock, bool skiprequest) { int span = int(clock / 1'000'000); twod->ClearScreen(); return span < wait ? 1 : -1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int DImageScreen::Frame(uint64_t clock, bool skiprequest) { if (tilenum > 0) { tex = tileGetTexture(tilenum, true); } if (!tex) { twod->ClearScreen(); return 0; } int span = int(clock / 1'000'000); twod->ClearScreen(); DrawTexture(twod, tex, 0, 0, DTA_FullscreenEx, FSMode_ScaleToFit43, DTA_LegacyRenderStyle, STYLE_Normal, DTA_TranslationIndex, trans, TAG_DONE); // Only end after having faded out. return skiprequest ? -1 : span > waittime? 0 : 1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DAnmPlayer : public DScreenJob { // This doesn't need its own class type anim_t anim; TArray<uint8_t> buffer; int numframes = 0; int curframe = 1; int frametime = 0; int nextframetime = 0; AnimTextures animtex; const AnimSound* animSnd; const int* frameTicks; bool nostopsound; public: bool isvalid() { return numframes > 0; } DAnmPlayer(FileReader& fr, const AnimSound* ans, const int *frameticks, bool nosoundcutoff) : animSnd(ans), frameTicks(frameticks), nostopsound(nosoundcutoff) { buffer = fr.ReadPadded(1); fr.Close(); if (ANIM_LoadAnim(&anim, buffer.Data(), buffer.Size() - 1) < 0) { return; } numframes = ANIM_NumFrames(&anim); animtex.SetSize(AnimTexture::Paletted, 320, 200); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int Frame(uint64_t clock, bool skiprequest) override { int currentclock = int(clock * 120 / 1'000'000'000); if (currentclock < nextframetime - 1) { twod->ClearScreen(); DrawTexture(twod, animtex.GetFrame(), 0, 0, DTA_FullscreenEx, FSMode_ScaleToFit43, DTA_Masked, false, TAG_DONE); if (skiprequest && !nostopsound) soundEngine->StopAllChannels(); return skiprequest? -1 : 1; } animtex.SetFrame(ANIM_GetPalette(&anim), ANIM_DrawFrame(&anim, curframe)); frametime = currentclock; twod->ClearScreen(); DrawTexture(twod, animtex.GetFrame(), 0, 0, DTA_FullscreenEx, FSMode_ScaleToFit43, DTA_Masked, false, TAG_DONE); int delay = 20; if (frameTicks) { if (curframe == 1) delay = frameTicks[0]; else if (curframe < numframes - 2) delay = frameTicks[1]; else delay = frameTicks[2]; } nextframetime += delay; if (animSnd) for (int i = 0; animSnd[i].framenum >= 0; i++) { if (animSnd[i].framenum == curframe) { int sound = animSnd[i].soundnum; if (sound == -1) soundEngine->StopAllChannels(); else if (SoundEnabled()) soundEngine->StartSound(SOURCE_None, nullptr, nullptr, CHAN_AUTO, CHANF_UI, sound, 1.f, ATTN_NONE); } } if (!skiprequest && !nostopsound && curframe == numframes && soundEngine->GetSoundPlayingInfo(SOURCE_None, nullptr, -1)) return 1; curframe++; if (skiprequest && !nostopsound) soundEngine->StopAllChannels(); return skiprequest ? -1 : curframe < numframes? 1 : 0; } void OnDestroy() override { buffer.Reset(); animtex.Clean(); } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DMvePlayer : public DScreenJob { InterplayDecoder decoder; bool failed = false; public: bool isvalid() { return !failed; } DMvePlayer(FileReader& fr) : decoder(SoundEnabled()) { failed = !decoder.Open(fr); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int Frame(uint64_t clock, bool skiprequest) override { if (failed) return -1; bool playon = decoder.RunFrame(clock); twod->ClearScreen(); DrawTexture(twod, decoder.animTex().GetFrame(), 0, 0, DTA_FullscreenEx, FSMode_ScaleToFit43, TAG_DONE); return skiprequest ? -1 : playon ? 1 : 0; } void OnDestroy() override { decoder.Close(); } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DVpxPlayer : public DScreenJob { bool failed = false; FileReader fr; AnimTextures animtex; const AnimSound* animSnd; unsigned width, height; TArray<uint8_t> Pic; TArray<uint8_t> readBuf; vpx_codec_ctx_t codec{}; vpx_codec_iter_t iter = nullptr; uint32_t convnumer; uint32_t convdenom; uint64_t nsecsperframe; uint64_t nextframetime; int decstate = 0; int framenum = 0; int numframes; int lastsoundframe = -1; public: int soundtrack = -1; public: bool isvalid() { return !failed; } DVpxPlayer(FileReader& fr_, const AnimSound* animSnd_, int origframedelay) { fr = std::move(fr_); animSnd = animSnd_; if (!ReadIVFHeader(origframedelay)) { // We should never get here, because any file failing this has been eliminated before this constructor got called. Printf(PRINT_BOLD, "Failed reading IVF header\n"); failed = true; } Pic.Resize(width * height * 4); // Todo: Support VP9 as well? vpx_codec_dec_cfg_t cfg = { 1, width, height }; if (vpx_codec_dec_init(&codec, &vpx_codec_vp8_dx_algo, &cfg, 0)) { Printf(PRINT_BOLD, "Error initializing VPX codec.\n"); failed = true; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ReadIVFHeader(int origframedelay) { // IVF format: http://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=IVF uint32_t magic; fr.Read(&magic, 4); // do not byte swap! if (magic != MAKE_ID('D', 'K', 'I', 'F')) return false; uint16_t version = fr.ReadUInt16(); if (version != 0) return false; uint16_t length = fr.ReadUInt16(); if (length != 32) return false; fr.Read(&magic, 4); if (magic != MAKE_ID('V', 'P', '8', '0')) return false; width = fr.ReadUInt16(); height = fr.ReadUInt16(); uint32_t fpsdenominator = fr.ReadUInt32(); uint32_t fpsnumerator = fr.ReadUInt32(); numframes = fr.ReadUInt32(); if (numframes == 0) return false; fr.Seek(4, FileReader::SeekCur); if (fpsdenominator > 1000 || fpsnumerator == 0 || fpsdenominator == 0) { // default to 30 fps if the header does not provide useful info. fpsdenominator = 30; fpsnumerator = 1; } convnumer = 120 * fpsnumerator; convdenom = fpsdenominator * origframedelay; nsecsperframe = int64_t(fpsnumerator) * 1'000'000'000 / fpsdenominator; nextframetime = 0; return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ReadFrame() { int corrupted = 0; int framesize = fr.ReadInt32(); fr.Seek(8, FileReader::SeekCur); if (framesize == 0) return false; readBuf.Resize(framesize); if (fr.Read(readBuf.Data(), framesize) != framesize) return false; if (vpx_codec_decode(&codec, readBuf.Data(), readBuf.Size(), NULL, 0) != VPX_CODEC_OK) return false; if (vpx_codec_control(&codec, VP8D_GET_FRAME_CORRUPTED, &corrupted) != VPX_CODEC_OK) return false; return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- vpx_image_t *GetFrameData() { vpx_image_t *img; do { if (decstate == 0) // first time / begin { if (!ReadFrame()) return nullptr; decstate = 1; } img = vpx_codec_get_frame(&codec, &iter); if (img == nullptr) { decstate = 0; iter = nullptr; } } while (img == nullptr); return img->d_w == width && img->d_h == height? img : nullptr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetPixel(uint8_t* dest, uint8_t y, uint8_t u, uint8_t v) { dest[0] = y; dest[1] = u; dest[2] = v; } bool CreateNextFrame() { auto img = GetFrameData(); if (!img) return false; uint8_t const* const yplane = img->planes[VPX_PLANE_Y]; uint8_t const* const uplane = img->planes[VPX_PLANE_U]; uint8_t const* const vplane = img->planes[VPX_PLANE_V]; const int ystride = img->stride[VPX_PLANE_Y]; const int ustride = img->stride[VPX_PLANE_U]; const int vstride = img->stride[VPX_PLANE_V]; for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; y += 2) { unsigned int y1 = y + 1; unsigned int wy = width * y; unsigned int wy1 = width * y1; for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width; x += 2) { uint8_t u = uplane[ustride * (y >> 1) + (x >> 1)]; uint8_t v = vplane[vstride * (y >> 1) + (x >> 1)]; SetPixel(&Pic[(wy + x) << 2], yplane[ystride * y + x], u, v); SetPixel(&Pic[(wy + x + 1) << 2], yplane[ystride * y + x + 1], u, v); SetPixel(&Pic[(wy1 + x) << 2], yplane[ystride * y1 + x], u, v); SetPixel(&Pic[(wy1 + x + 1) << 2], yplane[ystride * y1 + x + 1], u, v); } } return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int Frame(uint64_t clock, bool skiprequest) override { if (clock == 0) { if (soundtrack > 0) { Mus_Play(nullptr, fileSystem.GetFileFullName(soundtrack, false), false); } animtex.SetSize(AnimTexture::YUV, width, height); } bool stop = false; if (clock > nextframetime) { nextframetime += nsecsperframe; if (!CreateNextFrame()) { Printf(PRINT_BOLD, "Failed reading next frame\n"); stop = true; } else { animtex.SetFrame(nullptr, Pic.Data()); } framenum++; if (framenum >= numframes) stop = true; int soundframe = convdenom ? scale(framenum, convnumer, convdenom) : framenum; if (soundframe > lastsoundframe) { if (animSnd && soundtrack == -1) for (int i = 0; animSnd[i].framenum >= 0; i++) { if (animSnd[i].framenum == soundframe) { int sound = animSnd[i].soundnum; if (sound == -1) soundEngine->StopAllChannels(); else if (SoundEnabled()) soundEngine->StartSound(SOURCE_None, nullptr, nullptr, CHAN_AUTO, CHANF_UI, sound, 1.f, ATTN_NONE); } } lastsoundframe = soundframe; } } DrawTexture(twod, animtex.GetFrame(), 0, 0, DTA_FullscreenEx, FSMode_ScaleToFit, TAG_DONE); if (stop || skiprequest) Mus_Stop(); if (stop) return 0; return skiprequest ? -1 : 1; } void OnDestroy() override { vpx_codec_destroy(&codec); } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DSmkPlayer : public DScreenJob { SmackerHandle hSMK{}; uint32_t nWidth, nHeight; uint8_t palette[768]; AnimTextures animtex; TArray<uint8_t> pFrame; int nFrameRate; int nFrames; bool fullscreenScale; uint64_t nFrameNs; int nFrame = 0; const AnimSound* animSnd; FString filename; public: bool isvalid() { return hSMK.isValid; } DSmkPlayer(const char *fn, const AnimSound* ans, bool fixedviewport) { hSMK = Smacker_Open(fn); if (!hSMK.isValid) { return; } Smacker_GetFrameSize(hSMK, nWidth, nHeight); pFrame.Resize(nWidth * nHeight + std::max(nWidth, nHeight)); nFrameRate = Smacker_GetFrameRate(hSMK); nFrameNs = 1'000'000'000 / nFrameRate; nFrames = Smacker_GetNumFrames(hSMK); Smacker_GetPalette(hSMK, palette); fullscreenScale = (!fixedviewport || (nWidth <= 320 && nHeight <= 200) || nWidth >= 640 || nHeight >= 480); animSnd = ans; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int Frame(uint64_t clock, bool skiprequest) override { int frame = clock / nFrameNs; if (clock == 0) { animtex.SetSize(AnimTexture::Paletted, nWidth, nHeight); } twod->ClearScreen(); if (frame > nFrame) { Smacker_GetPalette(hSMK, palette); Smacker_GetFrame(hSMK, pFrame.Data()); animtex.SetFrame(palette, pFrame.Data()); } if (fullscreenScale) { DrawTexture(twod, animtex.GetFrame(), 0, 0, DTA_FullscreenEx, FSMode_ScaleToFit43, TAG_DONE); } else { DrawTexture(twod, animtex.GetFrame(), 320, 240, DTA_VirtualWidth, 640, DTA_VirtualHeight, 480, DTA_CenterOffset, true, TAG_DONE); } if (frame > nFrame) { nFrame++; Smacker_GetNextFrame(hSMK); for (int i = 0; animSnd[i].framenum >= 0; i++) { if (animSnd[i].framenum == nFrame) { int sound = animSnd[i].soundnum; if (sound == -1) soundEngine->StopAllChannels(); else if (SoundEnabled()) soundEngine->StartSound(SOURCE_None, nullptr, nullptr, CHAN_AUTO, CHANF_UI, sound, 1.f, ATTN_NONE); } } } return skiprequest ? -1 : nFrame < nFrames ? 1 : 0; } void OnDestroy() override { Smacker_Close(hSMK); soundEngine->StopAllChannels(); animtex.Clean(); } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- DScreenJob* PlayVideo(const char* filename, const AnimSound* ans, const int* frameticks, bool nosoundcutoff) { auto nothing = []()->DScreenJob* { return Create<DScreenJob>(); }; if (!filename) { return nothing(); } FileReader fr; // first try as .ivf - but only if sounds are provided - the decoder is video only. if (ans) { auto fn = StripExtension(filename); DefaultExtension(fn, ".ivf"); fr = fileSystem.OpenFileReader(fn); } if (!fr.isOpen()) fr = fileSystem.OpenFileReader(filename); if (!fr.isOpen()) { int nLen = strlen(filename); // Strip the drive letter and retry. if (nLen >= 3 && isalpha(filename[0]) && filename[1] == ':' && filename[2] == '/') { filename += 3; fr = fileSystem.OpenFileReader(filename); } if (!fr.isOpen()) { Printf(PRINT_BOLD, "%s: Unable to open video\n", filename); return nothing(); } } char id[20] = {}; fr.Read(&id, 20); fr.Seek(-20, FileReader::SeekCur); if (!memcmp(id, "LPF ", 4)) { auto anm = Create<DAnmPlayer>(fr, ans, frameticks, nosoundcutoff); if (!anm->isvalid()) { Printf(PRINT_BOLD, "%s: invalid ANM file.\n", filename); anm->Destroy(); return nothing(); } return anm; } else if (!memcmp(id, "SMK2", 4)) { fr.Close(); auto anm = Create<DSmkPlayer>(filename, ans, true); // Fixme: Handle Blood's video scaling behavior more intelligently. if (!anm->isvalid()) { Printf(PRINT_BOLD, "%s: invalid SMK file.\n", filename); anm->Destroy(); return nothing(); } return anm; } else if (!memcmp(id, "Interplay MVE File", 18)) { auto anm = Create<DMvePlayer>(fr); if (!anm->isvalid()) { anm->Destroy(); return nothing(); } return anm; } else if (!memcmp(id, "DKIF\0\0 \0VP80", 12)) { auto anm = Create<DVpxPlayer>(fr, ans, frameticks? frameticks[1] : 0 ); if (!anm->isvalid()) { anm->Destroy(); return nothing(); } anm->soundtrack = LookupMusic(filename, true); return anm; } // add more formats here. else { Printf(PRINT_BOLD, "%s: Unknown video format\n", filename); } return nothing(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ScreenJobRunner { enum { State_Clear, State_Run, State_Fadeout }; TArray<JobDesc> jobs; CompletionFunc completion; int index = -1; float screenfade; bool clearbefore; int64_t startTime = -1; int64_t lastTime = -1; int actionState; int terminateState; uint64_t clock = 0; public: ScreenJobRunner(JobDesc* jobs_, int count, CompletionFunc completion_, bool clearbefore_) : completion(std::move(completion_)), clearbefore(clearbefore_) { jobs.Resize(count); memcpy(jobs.Data(), jobs_, count * sizeof(JobDesc)); // Release all jobs from the garbage collector - the code as it is cannot deal with them getting collected. This should be removed later once the GC is working. for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { jobs[i].job->Release(); } AdvanceJob(false); } ~ScreenJobRunner() { DeleteJobs(); } void DeleteJobs() { for (auto& job : jobs) { job.job->ObjectFlags |= OF_YesReallyDelete; delete job.job; } jobs.Clear(); } void AdvanceJob(bool skip) { if (index >= 0) { if (jobs[index].postAction) jobs[index].postAction(); jobs[index].job->Destroy(); } index++; while (index < jobs.Size() && (jobs[index].job == nullptr || (skip && jobs[index].ignoreifskipped))) { if (jobs[index].job != nullptr) jobs[index].job->Destroy(); index++; } actionState = clearbefore ? State_Clear : State_Run; if (index < jobs.Size()) screenfade = jobs[index].job->fadestyle & DScreenJob::fadein ? 0.f : 1.f; lastTime= startTime = -1; clock = 0; inputState.ClearAllInput(); } int DisplayFrame() { auto& job = jobs[index]; auto now = I_GetTimeNS(); bool processed = job.job->ProcessInput(); if (startTime == -1) { lastTime = startTime = now; } else if (!M_Active()) { clock += now - lastTime; if (clock == 0) clock = 1; } bool skiprequest = clock > 100'000'000 && inputState.CheckAllInput() && !processed; lastTime = now; if (screenfade < 1.f && !M_Active()) { float ms = (clock / 1'000'000) / job.job->fadetime; screenfade = clamp(ms, 0.f, 1.f); twod->SetScreenFade(screenfade); job.job->fadestate = DScreenJob::fadein; } else { job.job->fadestate = DScreenJob::visible; screenfade = 1.f; } job.job->SetClock(clock); int state = job.job->Frame(clock, skiprequest); clock = job.job->GetClock(); if (clock == 0) clock = 1; return state; } int FadeoutFrame() { auto now = I_GetTimeNS(); if (startTime == -1) { lastTime = startTime = now; } else if (!M_Active()) { clock += now - lastTime; if (clock == 0) clock = 1; } lastTime = now; float ms = (clock / 1'000'000) / jobs[index].job->fadetime; float screenfade2 = clamp(screenfade - ms, 0.f, 1.f); if (!M_Active()) twod->SetScreenFade(screenfade2); if (screenfade2 <= 0.f) { twod->Unlock(); // must unlock before displaying. return 0; } return 1; } bool RunFrame() { if (index >= jobs.Size()) { DeleteJobs(); twod->SetScreenFade(1); twod->ClearScreen(); // This must not leave the 2d buffer empty. if (completion) completion(false); return false; } if (actionState == State_Clear) { actionState = State_Run; twod->ClearScreen(); } else if (actionState == State_Run) { terminateState = DisplayFrame(); if (terminateState < 1) { // Must lock before displaying. if (jobs[index].job->fadestyle & DScreenJob::fadeout) { twod->Lock(); startTime = -1; clock = 0; jobs[index].job->fadestate = DScreenJob::fadeout; actionState = State_Fadeout; } else { AdvanceJob(terminateState < 0); } } } else if (actionState == State_Fadeout) { int ended = FadeoutFrame(); if (ended < 1) { AdvanceJob(terminateState < 0); } } return true; } }; ScreenJobRunner *runner; void RunScreenJob(JobDesc* jobs, int count, CompletionFunc completion, bool clearbefore, bool blockingui) { assert(completion != nullptr); videoclearFade(); if (count) { runner = new ScreenJobRunner(jobs, count, completion, clearbefore); gameaction = blockingui? ga_intro : ga_intermission; } else { completion(false); } } void DeleteScreenJob() { if (runner) { delete runner; runner = nullptr; } } void RunScreenJobFrame() { // we cannot recover from this because we have no completion callback to call. if (!runner) { // We can get here before a gameaction has been processed. In that case just draw a black screen and wait. if (gameaction == ga_nothing) I_Error("Trying to run a non-existent screen job"); twod->ClearScreen(); return; } auto res = runner->RunFrame(); if (!res) { assert((gamestate != GS_INTERMISSION && gamestate != GS_INTRO) || gameaction != ga_nothing); DeleteScreenJob(); } }