-- LunaCON CON to Lunatic translator -- requires LPeg, http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg.html local require = require local lpeg = require("lpeg") local bit local math = require("math") local string = require("string") local table = require("table") local arg = arg local assert = assert local ipairs = ipairs local loadstring = loadstring local pairs = pairs local pcall = pcall local print = print local setmetatable = setmetatable local tonumber = tonumber local tostring = tostring local type = type local unpack = unpack -- non-nil if running from EDuke32 -- (read_into_string~=nil iff string.dump==nil) local read_into_string = read_into_string local ffi, ffiC if (string.dump) then -- running stand-alone local ljp = pcall(function() require("ffi") end) -- "lbit" is the same module as LuaJIT's "bit" (LuaBitOp: -- http://bitop.luajit.org/), but under a different name for (IMO) less -- confusion. Useful for running with Rio Lua for cross-checking. bit = ljp and require("bit") or require("lbit") require("strict") else bit = require("bit") ffi = require("ffi") ffiC = ffi.C end module("lunacon") -- I think that the "too many pending calls/choices" is unavoidable in general. -- This limit is of course still arbitrary, but writing long if/else cascades -- in CON isn't pretty either (though sometimes necessary because nested switches -- don't work?) -- See also: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2010-03/msg00086.html lpeg.setmaxstack(1024); local Pat, Set, Range, Var = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.V local POS, Cc, Ctab = lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Ct -- CON language definitions (among other things, all keywords pattern). local conl = require("con_lang") local function match_until(matchsp, untilsp) -- (!untilsp matchsp)* in PEG -- sp: string or pattern return (matchsp - Pat(untilsp))^0 end local format = string.format local function printf(fmt, ...) print(format(fmt, ...)) end ---=== semantic action functions ===--- local inf = 1/0 local NaN = 0/0 local MAXTILES = (ffiC and ffiC.MAXTILES or 30720) -- Last keyword position, for error diagnosis. local g_lastkwpos = nil local g_lastkw = nil local g_badids = {} -- maps bad id strings to 'true' local g_recurslevel = -1 -- 0: base CON file, >0 included local g_filename = "???" local g_directory = "" -- with trailing slash if not empty local g_maxerrors = 20 local g_numerrors = 0 -- Default directory to search for GAME.CON etc. -- Stand-alone LunaCON only. local g_defaultDir = nil -- Warning options. Key names are the same as cmdline options, e.g. -- -Wno-bad-identifier for disabling the "bad identifier" warning. local g_warn = { ["not-redefined"]=true, ["bad-identifier"]=false, ["number-conversion"]=true, ["system-gamevar"]=true, ["error-bad-getactorvar"]=false, } -- Code generation and output options. local g_cgopt = { ["no"]=false, ["debug-lineinfo"]=false, ["gendir"]=nil, ["cache-sap"]=false, ["error-nostate"]=true, } local function csapp() return g_cgopt["cache-sap"] end -- How many 'if' statements are following immediately each other, -- needed to cope with CONs dangling-else resolution local g_iflevel = 0 local g_ifelselevel = 0 -- Stack with *true* on top if the innermost block is a "whilevar*n". local g_isWhile = {} -- Sequence number of 'while' statements, used to implement CON "break" inside -- whilevar*n, which really behaves like what sane languages call "continue"... local g_whilenum = 0 ---=== Code generation ===--- local GVFLAG = { PERPLAYER=1, PERACTOR=2, PERX_MASK=3, SYSTEM = 0x00000800, READONLY = 0x00001000, NODEFAULT = 0x00000400, -- don't reset on actor spawn NORESET = 0x00020000, -- don't reset when restoring map state } -- NOTE: This differs from enum GamevarFlags_t's GAMEVAR_USER_MASK GVFLAG.USER_MASK = GVFLAG.PERX_MASK + GVFLAG.NODEFAULT + GVFLAG.NORESET -- CON --> mangled Lua function name, also existence check: local g_funcname = {} -- while parsing a block, it is a table of "gencode" tables: local g_switchCode = nil -- Global number of switch statements: local g_switchCount = 0 -- [identifier] = { name=, flags= } local g_gamevar = {} -- [identifier] = { name=, size= } local g_gamearray = {} -- * nil if dynamic tile remapping disabled -- * true if enabled but no remappings made -- * else, a table { [name]= } local g_dyntilei = nil local g_have_file = {} -- [filename]=true local g_curcode = nil -- a table of string pieces or other "gencode" tables -- will be a table, see reset_codegen() local g_code = nil local function ACS(s) return (csapp() and "_a" or "actor[_aci]")..s end local function SPS(s) return (csapp() and "_spr" or "sprite[_aci]")..s end local function PLS(s) return (csapp() and "_ps" or "player[_pli]")..s end local function PLSX(s) return "player[_pli]"..s end local function getlinecol(pos) end -- fwd-decl local function new_initial_codetab() -- NOTE: Keep this one line per line to not confuse the Lua->CON line -- mapping system. return { -- Requires. "local _con, _bit, _math = require'con', require'bit', require'math'", "local _xmath, _geom = require'xmath', require'geom'", -- Cache globals into locals. "local sector, sprite, wall, spriteext, atsprite = sector, sprite, wall, spriteext, atsprite", "local actor, player, projectile = actor, player, projectile", "local gameactor, gameevent, _gv = gameactor, gameevent, gv", "local updatesector, updatesectorz, cansee = updatesector, updatesectorz, cansee", "local print, printf = print, printf", -- Cache a couple of often-used functions. "local _band, _bor, _bxor = _bit.band, _bit.bor, _bit.bxor", "local _lsh, _rsh, _arsh = _bit.lshift, _bit.rshift, _bit.arshift", -- Switch function table, indexed by global switch sequence number: "local _SW = {}", -- CON "states" (subroutines), gamevars and gamearrays (see mangle_name()) "local _F,_V,_A={},{},{}", -- Static ivec3s so that no allocations need to be made. "local _IVEC = { _geom.ivec3(), _geom.ivec3() }", "local function _IV(num, x, y, z)", " local v=_IVEC[num]; v.x=x; v.y=y; v.z=z; return v;", "end", } end -- CON global system gamevar local function CSV(var) return "_gv._csv"..var end -- Creates the table of predefined game variables. -- KEEPINSYNC gamevars.c: Gv_AddSystemVars() local function new_initial_gvartab() local wmembers = conl.wdata_members local MAX_WEAPONS = ffiC and ffiC.MAX_WEAPONS or 12 local function GamevarCreationFunc(addflags) return function(varname) return { name=varname, flags=GVFLAG.SYSTEM+addflags } end end local RW = GamevarCreationFunc(0) local RO = GamevarCreationFunc(GVFLAG.READONLY) local PRW = GamevarCreationFunc(GVFLAG.PERPLAYER) local PRO = GamevarCreationFunc(GVFLAG.READONLY+GVFLAG.PERPLAYER) local gamevar = { -- NOTE: THISACTOR can mean different things in some contexts. THISACTOR = RO "_aci", RETURN = RW "_gv.g_RETURN", HITAG = RW(CSV".HITAG"), LOTAG = RW(CSV".LOTAG"), TEXTURE = RW(CSV".TEXTURE"), -- This will warn when defining from CON, but it's the most -- straightforward implementation. LOGO_FLAGS = RW "_gv.g_logoFlags", xdim = RO "_gv.xdim", ydim = RO "_gv.ydim", windowx1 = RO "_gv.windowx1", windowy1 = RO "_gv.windowy1", windowx2 = RO "_gv.windowx2", windowy2 = RO "_gv.windowy2", yxaspect = RO "_gv._get_yxaspect()", viewingrange = RO "_gv._get_viewingrange()", numsectors = RO "_gv.numsectors", NUMSECTORS = RO "_gv.numsectors", NUMWALLS = RO "_gv.numwalls", randomseed = RW "_gv.randomseed", totalclock = RO "_gv.totalclock", framerate = RO "_gv._currentFramerate()", current_menu = RO "_gv._currentMenu()", rendmode = RO "_gv.currentRenderMode()", screenpeek = RO "_gv.screenpeek", camerax = RW "_gv.cam.pos.x", cameray = RW "_gv.cam.pos.y", cameraz = RW "_gv.cam.pos.z", cameraang = RW "_gv.cam.ang", camerahoriz = RW "_gv.cam.horiz", camerasect = RW "_gv.cam.sect", cameradist = RW "_gv.cam.dist", cameraclock = RW "_gv.cam.clock", -- HUD weapon gamevars currentweapon = RW "_gv.hudweap.cur", weaponcount = RW "_gv.hudweap.count", weapon_xoffset = RW "_gv.hudweap.gunposx", looking_angSR1 = RW "_gv.hudweap.lookhalfang", gun_pos = RW "_gv.hudweap.gunposy", looking_arc = RW "_gv.hudweap.lookhoriz", gs = RW "_gv.hudweap.shade", -- Some per-player gamevars ZRANGE = PRW(PLSX".zrange"), ANGRANGE = PRW(PLSX".angrange"), AUTOAIMANGLE = PRW(PLSX".autoaimang"), PIPEBOMB_CONTROL = PRW(PLSX".pipebombControl"), GRENADE_LIFETIME = PRW(PLSX".pipebombLifetime"), GRENADE_LIFETIME_VAR = PRW(PLSX".pipebombLifetimeVar"), TRIPBOMB_CONTROL = PRW(PLSX".tripbombControl"), STICKYBOMB_LIFETIME = PRW(PLSX".tripbombLifetime"), STICKYBOMB_LIFETIME_VAR = PRW(PLSX".tripbombLifetimeVar"), -- These are not 100% authentic (they're only updated in certain -- circumstances, see player.c: P_SetWeaponGamevars()). But IMO it's -- more useful like this. WEAPON = PRO(PLSX".curr_weapon"), WORKSLIKE = PRO(format(PLSX".weapon[%s].workslike", PLSX".curr_weapon")), VOLUME = RO "_gv.currentEpisode()", LEVEL = RO "_gv.currentLevel()", } -- Reserved bits gamevar.LOGO_FLAGS.rbits = bit.bnot(4095) for w=0,MAX_WEAPONS-1 do for i=1,#wmembers do local member = wmembers[i]:gsub(".*_t ","") -- strip e.g. "const int32_t " :gsub("^_","") -- strip potentially leading underscore local name = format("WEAPON%d_%s", w, member:upper()) gamevar[name] = PRW(format(PLSX".weapon[%d].%s", w, member)) if (member=="flags") then gamevar[name].rbits = bit.bnot(0x1ffff) end end end return gamevar end local function reset_codegen() g_funcname = {} g_switchCode = nil g_switchCount = 0 g_gamevar = new_initial_gvartab() g_gamearray = { tilesizx = { name="g_tile.sizx", size=MAXTILES, sysp=true }, tilesizy = { name="g_tile.sizy", size=MAXTILES, sysp=true }, } g_dyntilei = nil g_have_file = {} g_curcode = new_initial_codetab() -- [{actor, event, actor}num]=gencode_table g_code = { actor={}, event={}, loadactor={} } g_recurslevel = -1 g_numerrors = 0 end local function addcode(x) assert(type(x)=="string" or type(x)=="table") g_curcode[#g_curcode+1] = x end local function addcodef(fmt, ...) addcode(format(fmt, ...)) end local function paddcodef(pos, fmt, ...) addcodef(fmt.."--"..getlinecol(pos), ...) end local function add_code_and_end(codetab, endstr) assert(type(codetab)=="table") addcode(codetab) addcode(endstr) end local function get_cache_sap_code() return csapp() and "local _spr,_a,_ps=_con._getsap(_aci,_pli)" or "" end -- fwd-decls local warnprintf, errprintf, pwarnprintf, perrprintf local on = {} -- Map from CON actor usertype to SFLAGs. local MAP_ACTOR_FLAGS = { [0] = 0, [1] = conl.SFLAG.SFLAG_BADGUY, [2] = conl.SFLAG.SFLAG_BADGUY + conl.SFLAG.SFLAG_BADGUYSTAYPUT, [3] = conl.SFLAG.SFLAG_BADGUY + conl.SFLAG.SFLAG_BADGUYSTAYPUT, } for i=4,7 do MAP_ACTOR_FLAGS[i] = MAP_ACTOR_FLAGS[i-4] + conl.SFLAG.SFLAG_ROTFIXED end function on.actor_end(pos, usertype, tsamm, codetab) local tilenum = tsamm[1] local flags = 0 if (usertype ~= nil) then -- useractor if (not (bit.band(usertype, bit.bnot(7)) == 0)) then perrprintf(pos, "invalid usertype: must be bitwise OR of 1, 2 and/or 4") else flags = MAP_ACTOR_FLAGS[usertype] end end local str = flags.."," for i=2,math.min(#tsamm,4) do if ((i==3 or i==4) and tsamm[i]=="0") then -- HACK, gameactor() currently doesn't support literals for actions -- and moves. tsamm[i] = "'NO'" end str = str .. tostring(tsamm[i]).."," end if (#tsamm >= 5) then local movflags = bit.bor(unpack(tsamm, 5)) str = str .. movflags.."," end paddcodef(pos, "gameactor(%d,%sfunction(_aci, _pli, _dist)", tilenum, str) addcode(get_cache_sap_code()) add_code_and_end(codetab, "end)") if (g_code.actor[tilenum] ~= nil) then pwarnprintf(pos, "redefined actor %d", tilenum) end g_code.actor[tilenum] = codetab end local BAD_ID_CHARS0 = "_/\\*?" -- allowed 1st identifier chars local BAD_ID_CHARS1 = "_/\\*-+?" -- allowed following identifier chars -- Return the Lua code by which the CON object is referenced in the -- translated code. local function mangle_name(name, prefix) if (name:match("^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*$")) then return format("_%s.%s", prefix, name) else return format("_%s[%q]", prefix, name) end end function on.state_begin_Cmt(_subj, _pos, statename) -- We must register the state name early (Cmt) because otherwise, it won't -- be found in a recursive state. XXX: The real issue seems to be the use -- of "Cmt"s in other places, which messes up the sequence of running the -- semantic actions. local ourname = mangle_name(statename, "F") g_funcname[statename] = ourname return true, ourname end function on.state_end(pos, funcname, codetab) paddcodef(pos, "%s=function(_aci, _pli, _dist)", funcname) addcode(get_cache_sap_code()) add_code_and_end(codetab, "end") end function on.event_end(pos, eventidx, codetab) assert(type(codetab)=="table") -- 0x20000000: actor.FLAGS.chain_beg paddcodef(pos, "gameevent(%d,0x20000000,function (_aci, _pli, _dist)", eventidx) addcode(get_cache_sap_code()) addcode(codetab) addcode("end)") g_code.event[eventidx] = codetab end function on.eventloadactor_end(pos, tilenum, codetab) -- Translate eventloadactor into a chained EVENT_LOADACTOR block paddcodef(pos, "gameevent('LOADACTOR', function (_aci, _pli, _dist)") addcode(get_cache_sap_code()) addcodef("if (%s==%d) then", SPS".picnum", tilenum) addcode(codetab) addcode("end") addcode("end)") if (g_code.loadactor[tilenum] ~= nil) then -- NOTE: C-CON redefines loadactor code if encountered multiple times. pwarnprintf(pos, "chained additional loadactor %d code", tilenum) end g_code.loadactor[tilenum] = codetab end ---------- local function linecolstr(pos) local line, col = getlinecol(pos) return format("%d:%d", line, col) end local function increment_numerrors() g_numerrors = g_numerrors+1 if (g_numerrors == g_maxerrors) then g_numerrors = inf printf("Too many errors (%d), aborting...", g_maxerrors) end end function perrprintf(pos, fmt, ...) printf("%s %s: error: "..fmt, g_filename, linecolstr(pos), ...) increment_numerrors() end function errprintf(fmt, ...) if (g_lastkwpos) then perrprintf(g_lastkwpos, fmt, ...) else printf("%s ???: error: "..fmt, g_filename, ...) increment_numerrors() end end function pwarnprintf(pos, fmt, ...) printf("%s %s: warning: "..fmt, g_filename, linecolstr(pos), ...) end function warnprintf(fmt, ...) if (g_lastkwpos) then pwarnprintf(g_lastkwpos, fmt, ...) else printf("%s ???: warning: "..fmt, g_filename, ...) end end local function parse_number(pos, numstr) -- is a full number string, potentially prefixed with a minus sign. local num = tonumber((numstr:gsub("h$", ""))) -- local onum = num local hex = numstr:match("0[xX]([^h]*)h?") -- get hex digits, if any -- num==nil for Rio Lua, which doesn't handle large hex literals. if (num==nil or not (num >= -0x80000000 and num <= 0xffffffff)) then -- number is UINT32_MAX or NaN if (hex and #hex>8 and hex:sub(1,#hex-8):match("^[fF]$")) then -- Too many hex digits, but they're all Fs. pwarnprintf(pos, "number %s truncated to 32 bits", numstr) num = bit.band(num, 0xffffffff) else perrprintf(pos, "number %s out of the range of a 32-bit integer", numstr) -- Be careful not to write bound checks like -- "if (iHIGHBOUND) then error('...') end": num = NaN end elseif (num >= 0x80000000) then if (not hex and g_warn["number-conversion"]) then pwarnprintf(pos, "number %s converted to a negative one", numstr) end num = bit.band(num, 0xffffffff) end -- printf("numstr:%s, num=%d (0x%s) '%s', resnum=%d (0x%s)", -- numstr, onum, bit.tohex(onum), hex, num, bit.tohex(num)) return num end -- returns: OK? local function check_tilenum(tilenum) if (not (tilenum >= 0 and tilenum < MAXTILES)) then errprintf("invalid tile number %d", tilenum) return false end return true end -- Mapping of various "define" types to the respective number of members and -- vice versa local LABEL = { MOVE=2, AI=3, ACTION=5, [2]="move", [3]="ai", [5]="action", NUMBER=1, [1]="number" } -- Function names in the 'con' module local LABEL_FUNCNAME = { [2]="move", [3]="ai", [5]="action" } local g_labeldef = {} -- Lua numbers for numbers, strings for composites local g_labeltype = {} local function reset_labels() g_badids = {} -- NO is also a valid `move', `ai' or `action', but they are handled -- separately in lookup.composite(). g_labeldef = { NO = 0, -- NOTE: these are read-only gamevars in C-CON CLIPMASK0 = 65536+1, -- blocking CLIPMASK1 = (256*65536)+64, -- hittable -- TODO_MP COOP = 0, MULTIMODE = 0, numplayers = 1, myconnectindex = 0, } for varname,_ in pairs(g_labeldef) do g_labeltype[varname] = LABEL.NUMBER end -- Initialize default defines. for i=1,#conl.labels do for label, val in pairs(conl.labels[i]) do g_labeldef[label] = val g_labeltype[label] = LABEL.NUMBER end end end -- Table of functions doing various lookups (label, gamevar, ...) local lookup = {} function lookup.defined_label(pos, maybe_minus_str, identifier) local num = g_labeldef[identifier] if (num == nil) then perrprintf(pos, "label \"%s\" is not defined", identifier) return -inf -- return a number for type cleanness end if (g_labeltype[identifier] ~= LABEL.NUMBER) then perrprintf(pos, "label \"%s\" is not a `define'd number", identifier) return -inf end assert(type(num)=="number") return (maybe_minus_str=="" and 1 or -1) * num end local function check_sysvar_def_attempt(identifier) if (identifier=="actorvar") then errprintf("cannot define reserved symbol `actorvar'") return true end end local function do_define_label(identifier, num) if (check_sysvar_def_attempt(identifier)) then return end local oldtype = g_labeltype[identifier] local oldval = g_labeldef[identifier] if (oldval) then if (oldtype ~= LABEL.NUMBER) then errprintf("refusing to overwrite `%s' label \"%s\" with a `define'd number", LABEL[oldtype], identifier) else -- conl.labels[...]: don't warn for wrong PROJ_ redefinitions if (g_warn["not-redefined"]) then if (oldval ~= num and conl.PROJ[identifier]==nil) then warnprintf("label \"%s\" not redefined with new value %d (old: %d)", identifier, num, oldval) end end end else if (g_gamevar[identifier]) then warnprintf("symbol `%s' already used for game variable", identifier) end if (ffi and g_dyntilei and (num>=0 and num g_dynTileList index mapping g_dyntilei = {} for i=0,math.huge do local str = ffiC.g_dynTileList[i].str if (str==nil) then break end g_dyntilei[ffi.string(str)] = i end end -- Potentially process one dynamic tile remapping if (g_dyntilei[identifier]) then local di = ffiC.g_dynTileList[g_dyntilei[identifier]] if (ffiC._DEBUG_LUNATIC~=0 and di.staticval~=num) then printf("REMAP %s (%d) --> %d", ffi.string(di.str), di.staticval, num) end di.dynvalptr[0] = num end end -- New definition of a label g_labeldef[identifier] = num g_labeltype[identifier] = LABEL.NUMBER end end local function check_composite_literal(labeltype, pos, num) if (num==0 or num==1) then return (num==0) and "0" or "1" else perrprintf(pos, "literal `%s' number must be either 0 or 1", LABEL[labeltype]) return "_INVALIT" end end function lookup.composite(labeltype, pos, identifier) if (identifier=="NO") then -- NO is a special case and is valid for move, action and ai, -- being the same as passing a literal 0. return "0" end local val = g_labeldef[identifier] if (val == nil) then perrprintf(pos, "label \"%s\" is not defined", identifier) return "_NOTDEF" elseif (g_labeltype[identifier] ~= labeltype) then if (identifier=="randomangle" and labeltype==LABEL.MOVE) then pwarnprintf(pos, "label \"randomangle\" is not a `move' value, assuming 0") return "0" else perrprintf(pos, "label \"%s\" is not a%s `%s' value", identifier, labeltype==LABEL.MOVE and "" or "n", LABEL[labeltype]) return "_WRONGTYPE" end end -- Generate a quoted identifier name. val = format("%q", identifier) return val end local function do_define_composite(labeltype, identifier, ...) local oldtype = g_labeltype[identifier] local oldval = g_labeldef[identifier] if (oldval) then if (oldtype ~= labeltype) then errprintf("refusing to overwrite `%s' label \"%s\" with a `%s' value", LABEL[oldtype], identifier, LABEL[labeltype]) else warnprintf("duplicate `%s' definition of \"%s\" ignored", LABEL[labeltype], identifier) end return end -- Fill up omitted arguments denoting composites with zeros. local isai = (labeltype == LABEL.AI) local args = {...} for i=#args+1,labeltype do -- Passing nil/nothing as remaining args to con.ai will make the -- action/move the null one. args[i] = (isai and i<=2) and "nil" or 0 end if (isai) then assert(type(args[1])=="string") assert(type(args[2])=="string") -- OR together the flags for i=#args,LABEL.AI+1, -1 do -- TODO: check? args[LABEL.AI] = bit.bor(args[LABEL.AI], args[i]) args[i] = nil end end -- Make a string out of that. for i=1+(isai and 2 or 0),#args do args[i] = format("%d", args[i]) end addcodef("_con.%s(%q,%s)", LABEL_FUNCNAME[labeltype], identifier, table.concat(args, ",")) g_labeldef[identifier] = "" g_labeltype[identifier] = labeltype end local function parse(contents) end -- fwd-decl local function do_include_file(dirname, filename) assert(type(filename)=="string") if (g_have_file[filename] ~= nil) then printf("[%d] Fatal error: infinite loop including \"%s\"", filename) g_numerrors = inf return end local contents if (read_into_string) then -- running from EDuke32 contents = read_into_string(filename) else -- running stand-alone local io = require("io") local fd, msg = io.open(dirname..filename) if (fd == nil) then -- strip up to and including first slash: filename = filename:gsub("^.-/", "") fd, msg = io.open(dirname..filename) -- As a last resort, try the "default directory" if (fd==nil and g_defaultDir) then -- strip up to and including last slash (if any): filename = filename:gsub("^.*/", "") dirname = g_defaultDir.."/" fd, msg = io.open(dirname..filename) end if (fd == nil) then printf("[%d] Fatal error: couldn't open %s", g_recurslevel, msg) g_numerrors = inf return end end contents = fd:read("*all") fd:close() end if (contents == nil) then -- maybe that file name turned out to be a directory or other -- special file accidentally printf("[%d] Fatal error: couldn't read from \"%s\"", g_recurslevel, dirname..filename) g_numerrors = inf return end printf("%s[%d] Translating file \"%s\"", (g_recurslevel==-1 and "\n---- ") or "", g_recurslevel+1, dirname..filename); local oldfilename = g_filename g_filename = filename parse(contents) g_filename = oldfilename end -- Table of various outer command handling functions. local Cmd = {} function Cmd.NYI(msg) return function() errprintf(msg.." not yet implemented") end end function Cmd.nyi(msg) return function() warnprintf(msg.." not yet implemented") end end function Cmd.include(filename) do_include_file(g_directory, filename) end --- Per-module game data local g_data = {} local EPMUL = conl.MAXLEVELS local function reset_gamedata() g_data = {} -- [EPMUL*ep + lev] = { ptime=, dtime=, fn=, name= } g_data.level = {} -- [ep] = g_data.volname = {} -- [skillnum] = g_data.skillname = {} -- [quotenum] = g_data.quote = {} -- table of length 26 or 30 containg numbers g_data.startup = {} -- [soundnum] = { fn=, params= } g_data.sound = {} -- [volnum] =
> g_data.music = {} end function Cmd.definelevelname(vol, lev, fn, ptstr, dtstr, levname) if (not (vol >= 0 and vol < conl.MAXVOLUMES)) then errprintf("volume number exceeds maximum volume count.") return end if (not (lev >= 0 and lev < conl.MAXLEVELS)) then errprintf("level number exceeds maximum number of levels per episode.") return end -- TODO: Bcorrectfilename(fn) local function secs(tstr) local m, s = string.match(tstr, ".+:.+") m, s = tonumber(m), tonumber(s) return (m and s) and m*60+s or 0 end local map = { ptime=secs(ptstr), dtime=secs(dtstr), fn="/"..fn, name=levname } if (ffi) then ffiC.C_DefineLevelName(vol, lev, map.fn, map.ptime, map.dtime, map.name) end g_data.level[EPMUL*vol+lev] = map end local function defineXname(what, ffiCfuncname, X, name) name = name:upper() if (ffi) then ffiC[ffiCfuncname](X, name) if (#name > 32) then warnprintf("%s %d name truncated to 32 characters.", what, X) end end return name end function Cmd.defineskillname(skillnum, name) if (not (skillnum >= 0 and skillnum < conl.MAXSKILLS)) then errprintf("skill number is negative or exceeds maximum skill count.") return end name = defineXname("skill", "C_DefineSkillName", skillnum, name) g_data.skillname[skillnum] = name end function Cmd.definevolumename(vol, name) if (not (vol >= 0 and vol < conl.MAXVOLUMES)) then errprintf("volume number is negative or exceeds maximum volume count.") return end name = defineXname("volume", "C_DefineVolumeName", vol, name) g_data.volname[vol] = name end function Cmd.definegamefuncname(idx, name) local NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS = (ffi and ffiC.NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS or 56) if (not (idx >= 0 and idx < NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS)) then errprintf("function number exceeds number of game functions.") return end assert(type(name)=="string") -- XXX: in place of C-CON's "invalid character in function name" report: name = name:gsub("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "_") if (ffi) then ffiC.C_DefineGameFuncName(idx, name) end end -- strip whitespace from front and back local function stripws(str) return str:match("^%s*(.*)%s*$") end function Cmd.definequote(qnum, quotestr) if (not (qnum >= 0 and qnum < conl.MAXQUOTES)) then errprintf("quote number is negative or exceeds limit of %d.", conl.MAXQUOTES-1) return "" end quotestr = stripws(quotestr) if (#quotestr >= conl.MAXQUOTELEN) then -- NOTE: Actually, C_DefineQuote takes care of this! That is, -- standalone, the string isn't truncated. warnprintf("quote %d truncated to %d characters.", qnum, conl.MAXQUOTELEN-1) end if (ffi) then ffiC.C_DefineQuote(qnum, quotestr) end g_data.quote[qnum] = quotestr return "" end function Cmd.defineprojectile(tilenum, what, val) local ok = check_tilenum(tilenum) if (ffi and ok) then -- TODO: potentially bound-check some members? ffiC.C_DefineProjectile(tilenum, what, val) end end -- flags: if string, look up in ffiC and OR, else set number directly. function Cmd.xspriteflags(tilenum, flags) local ok = check_tilenum(tilenum) if (ffi and ok) then if (type(flags)=="number") then ffiC.g_tile[tilenum].flags = flags else assert(type(flags)=="string") ffiC.g_tile[tilenum].flags = bit.bor(ffiC.g_tile[tilenum].flags, ffiC[flags]) end end end function Cmd.cheatkeys(sc1, sc2) if (ffi) then ffiC.CheatKeys[0] = sc1 ffiC.CheatKeys[1] = sc2 end end function Cmd.setdefname(filename) assert(type(filename)=="string") if (ffi) then if (ffiC.C_SetDefName(filename) ~= 0) then error("OUT OF MEMORY", 0) end end end function Cmd.gamestartup(...) local args = {...} if (#args ~= 26 and #args ~= 30) then errprintf("must pass either 26 (1.3D) or 30 (1.5) values") return end if (ffi) then -- running from EDuke32 if (#args == 30) then ffiC.g_scriptVersion = 14 end local params = ffi.new("int32_t [30]", args) ffiC.G_DoGameStartup(params) end g_data.startup = args -- TODO: sanity-check them end function Cmd.definesound(sndnum, fn, ...) if (not (sndnum >= 0 and sndnum < conl.MAXSOUNDS)) then errprintf("sound number is negative or exceeds sound limit of %d", conl.MAXSOUNDS-1) return end local params = {...} -- TODO: sanity-check them if (ffi) then local cparams = ffi.new("int32_t [5]", params) assert(type(fn)=="string") ffiC.C_DefineSound(sndnum, fn, cparams) end g_data.sound[sndnum] = { fn=fn, params=params } end function Cmd.music(volnum, ...) local envmusicp = (volnum==0) if (not (volnum >= 0 and volnum <= conl.MAXVOLUMES)) then -- NOTE: Don't allow MAXVOLUMES+1 for now. errprintf("volume number must be between 0 and MAXVOLUMES=%d", conl.MAXVOLUMES) return end local filenames = {...} local MAXFNS = envmusicp and conl.MAXVOLUMES or conl.MAXLEVELS if (#filenames > MAXFNS) then warnprintf("ignoring extraneous %d music file names", #filenames-MAXFNS) for i=MAXFNS+1,#filenames do filenames[i] = nil end end if (ffi) then for i=1,#filenames do assert(type(filenames[i])=="string") ffiC.C_DefineMusic(volnum-1, i-1, "/"..filenames[i]) end end g_data.music[volnum] = filenames end --- GAMEVARS / GAMEARRAYS function Cmd.gamearray(identifier, initsize) if (check_sysvar_def_attempt(identifier)) then return end if (not (initsize >= 0 and initsize < 0x7fffffff)) then errprintf("invalid initial size %d for gamearray `%s'", initsize, identifier) return end local oga = g_gamearray[identifier] if (oga) then if (oga.sysp) then errprintf("attempt to define system gamearray `%s'", identifier) return elseif (initsize ~= oga.size) then errprintf("duplicate gamearray definition `%s' has different size", identifier) return else warnprintf("duplicate gamearray definition `%s' ignored", identifier) return end end if (g_gamevar[identifier]) then warnprintf("symbol `%s' already used for game variable", identifier) end local ga = { name=mangle_name(identifier, "A"), size=initsize } g_gamearray[identifier] = ga addcodef("%s=_con._gamearray(%d)", ga.name, initsize) end function Cmd.gamevar(identifier, initval, flags) if (check_sysvar_def_attempt(identifier)) then return end -- TODO: handle user bits like NORESET or NODEFAULT if (bit.band(flags, bit.bnot(GVFLAG.USER_MASK)) ~= 0) then -- TODO: a couple of the presumably safe ones errprintf("gamevar flags other than 1, 2, 1024 or 131072: NYI or forbidden") return end if (flags==GVFLAG.PERPLAYER+GVFLAG.PERACTOR) then errprintf("invalid gamevar flags: must be either PERPLAYER or PERACTOR, not both") return end local ogv = g_gamevar[identifier] if (ogv ~= nil) then local oflags = ogv.flags if (oflags ~= flags) then if (bit.band(oflags, GVFLAG.SYSTEM) ~= 0) then -- Attempt to override a system gamevar. See if it's read-only... if (bit.band(oflags, GVFLAG.READONLY) ~= 0) then errprintf("attempt to override read-only system gamevar `%s'", identifier) return end local flagsnosys = bit.band(oflags, bit.bnot(GVFLAG.SYSTEM)) if (flagsnosys ~= flags and g_warn["system-gamevar"]) then warnprintf("overrode initial value of `%s', but kept ".. "flags (%d)", identifier, flagsnosys) end if (ogv.rbits and bit.band(ogv.rbits, initval)~=0) then warnprintf("set one or more reserved bits (0x%s) in overriding `%s'", bit.tohex(bit.band(ogv.rbits, initval)), identifier) end local linestr = "--"..getlinecol(g_lastkwpos) -- Emit code to set the variable at Lua parse time. if (bit.band(oflags, GVFLAG.PERPLAYER) ~= 0) then -- Replace player index by 0. -- TODO_MP: init for all players. local pvar, numrepls = ogv.name:gsub("_pli", "0") assert(numrepls>=1) addcodef("%s=%d%s", pvar, initval, linestr) else addcodef("%s=%d%s", ogv.name, initval, linestr) end return end errprintf("duplicate gamevar definition `%s' has different flags", identifier) return else warnprintf("duplicate gamevar definition `%s' ignored", identifier) return end end local ltype = g_labeltype[identifier] if (ltype ~= nil) then warnprintf("symbol `%s' already used for a defined %s", identifier, LABEL[ltype]) end local gv = { name=mangle_name(identifier, "V"), flags=flags } g_gamevar[identifier] = gv -- TODO: Write gamevar system on the Lunatic side and hook it up. -- TODO: per-player gamevars if (bit.band(flags, GVFLAG.PERX_MASK)==GVFLAG.PERACTOR) then addcodef("%s=_con.peractorvar(%d)", gv.name, initval) else addcodef("%s=%d", gv.name, initval) end end function lookup.gamearray(identifier) local ga = g_gamearray[identifier] if (ga == nil) then errprintf("symbol `%s' is not a game array", identifier) return "_INVALIDGA" end return ga.name end -- : code for actor or player index function lookup.gamevar(identifier, aorpvar, writable) local gv = g_gamevar[identifier] if (gv == nil) then errprintf("symbol `%s' is not a game variable", identifier) return "_INVALIDGV" end if (writable and bit.band(gv.flags, GVFLAG.READONLY) ~= 0) then errprintf("gamevar `%s' is read-only", identifier) return "_READONLYGV" end if (bit.band(gv.flags, GVFLAG.PERACTOR)~=0) then return format("%s[%s]", gv.name, aorpvar) else return gv.name end end local function maybe_gamevar_Cmt(subj, pos, identifier) if (g_gamevar[identifier]) then return true, lookup.gamevar(identifier, "_aci", false) end end ----==== patterns ====---- ---- basic ones -- Windows, *nix and Mac newlines all exist in the wild! local newline = "\r"*Pat("\n")^-1 + "\n" local EOF = Pat(-1) local anychar = Pat(1) -- comments local comment = "/*" * match_until(anychar, "*/") * "*/" local linecomment = "//" * match_until(anychar, newline) local whitespace = Var("whitespace") local sp0 = whitespace^0 -- This "WS+" pattern matches EOF too, so that a forgotten newline at EOF is -- properly handled local sp1 = whitespace^1 + EOF local alpha = Range("AZ", "az") -- locale? local alphanum = alpha + Range("09") --local alnumtok = alphanum + Set("{}/\\*-_.") -- see isaltok() in gamedef.c --- Basic lexical elements ("tokens"). See the final grammar ("Grammar") for --- their definitions. local tok = { maybe_minus = (Pat("-") * sp0)^-1, number = Var("t_number"), -- Valid identifier names are disjunct from keywords! -- XXX: CON is more permissive with identifier name characters: identifier = Var("t_identifier"), -- This one matches keywords, too: identifier_all = Var("t_identifier_all"), define = Var("t_define"), move = Var("t_move"), ai = Var("t_ai"), action = Var("t_action"), -- NOTE: no chance to whitespace and double quotes in filenames: filename = lpeg.C((anychar-Set(" \t\r\n\""))^1), newline_term_str = match_until(anychar, newline), rvar = Var("t_rvar"), wvar = Var("t_wvar"), gamearray = Var("t_gamearray"), -- for definelevelname time = lpeg.C(alphanum*alphanum^-1*":"*alphanum*alphanum^-1), state_ends = Pat("ends") + POS() * "else" * sp1 * "ends" / function(pos) pwarnprintf(pos, "stray `else' at end of state") end, } ---- helper patterns / pattern constructing functions local maybe_quoted_filename = ('"' * tok.filename * '"' + tok.filename) -- empty string is handled too; we must not eat the newline then! local newline_term_string = (#newline + EOF)*lpeg.Cc("") + (whitespace-newline)^1 * lpeg.C(tok.newline_term_str) -- (sp1 * tok.define) repeated exactly n times local function n_defines(n) -- works well only for small n local pat = Pat(true) for i=1,n do pat = sp1 * tok.define * pat end return pat end local D, R, W, I, GARI, AC, MV, AI = -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8 local TOKEN_PATTERN = { [D]=tok.define, [R]=tok.rvar, [W]=tok.wvar, [I]=tok.identifier, [GARI]=tok.gamearray, [AC]=tok.action, [MV]=tok.move, [AI]=tok.ai } -- Generic command pattern, types given by varargs. -- The command name to be matched is attached later. -- Example: -- "command" writtenvar readvar def def: gencmd(W,R,D,D) -- --> sp1 * tok.wvar * sp1 * tok.rvar * sp1 * tok.define * sp1 * tok.define -- "command_with_no_args": gencmd() -- --> Pat(true) local function cmd(...) local pat = Pat(true) local vartypes = {...} for i=1,#vartypes do pat = pat * sp1 * assert(TOKEN_PATTERN[vartypes[i]]) end return pat end -- The command names will be attached to the front of the patterns later! --== Top level CON commands ==-- -- XXX: many of these are also allowed inside actors/states/events in CON. local Couter = { --- 1. Preprocessor include = sp1 * maybe_quoted_filename / Cmd.include, includedefault = cmd() / Cmd.NYI("`includedefault'"), define = cmd(I,D) / do_define_label, --- 2. Defines and Meta-Settings dynamicremap = cmd() / function() print("Using dynamic tile remapping"); g_dyntilei=true; end, setcfgname = sp1 * tok.filename / Cmd.nyi("`setcfgname'"), setdefname = sp1 * tok.filename / Cmd.setdefname, setgamename = newline_term_string / Cmd.nyi("`setgamename'"), precache = cmd(D,D,D) , -- / Cmd.nyi("`precache'"), scriptsize = cmd(D) / "", -- no-op cheatkeys = cmd(D,D) / Cmd.cheatkeys, definecheat = newline_term_string -- XXX: actually tricker syntax (TS) , -- / Cmd.nyi("`definecheat'"), definegamefuncname = sp1 * tok.define * newline_term_string -- XXX: TS? / Cmd.definegamefuncname, definegametype = n_defines(2) * newline_term_string / Cmd.NYI("`definegametype'"), -- TODO_MP definelevelname = n_defines(2) * sp1 * tok.filename * sp1 * tok.time * sp1 * tok.time * newline_term_string / Cmd.definelevelname, defineskillname = sp1 * tok.define * newline_term_string / Cmd.defineskillname, definevolumename = sp1 * tok.define * newline_term_string / Cmd.definevolumename, definequote = sp1 * tok.define * newline_term_string / Cmd.definequote, defineprojectile = cmd(D,D,D) / Cmd.defineprojectile, definesound = sp1 * tok.define * sp1 * maybe_quoted_filename * n_defines(5) / Cmd.definesound, -- NOTE: gamevar.ogg and the like is OK, too music = sp1 * tok.define * match_until(sp1 * tok.filename, sp1 * conl.keyword * sp1) / Cmd.music, --- 3. Game Settings -- gamestartup has 26/30 fixed defines, depending on 1.3D/1.5 version: gamestartup = (sp1 * tok.define)^26 / Cmd.gamestartup, spritenopal = cmd(D) / function(tilenum, flags) Cmd.xspriteflags(tilenum, "SFLAG_NOPAL") end, spritenoshade = cmd(D) / function(tilenum, flags) Cmd.xspriteflags(tilenum, "SFLAG_NOSHADE") end, spritenvg = cmd(D) / function(tilenum, flags) Cmd.xspriteflags(tilenum, "SFLAG_NVG") end, spriteshadow = cmd(D) / function(tilenum, flags) Cmd.xspriteflags(tilenum, "SFLAG_SHADOW") end, spriteflags = cmd(D,D) -- also see inner / function(tilenum, flags) Cmd.xspriteflags(tilenum, flags) end, --- 4. Game Variables / Arrays gamevar = cmd(I,D,D) / Cmd.gamevar, gamearray = cmd(I,D) / Cmd.gamearray, --- 5. Top level commands that are also run-time commands move = sp1 * tok.identifier * (sp1 * tok.define)^-2 -- hvel, vvel / function(...) do_define_composite(LABEL.MOVE, ...) end, -- startframe, numframes, viewtype, incval, delay: action = sp1 * tok.identifier * (sp1 * tok.define)^-5 / function(...) do_define_composite(LABEL.ACTION, ...) end, -- action, move, flags...: ai = sp1 * tok.identifier * (sp1 * tok.action * (sp1 * tok.move * (sp1 * tok.define)^0)^-1 )^-1 / function(...) do_define_composite(LABEL.AI, ...) end, --- 6. Deprecated TLCs betaname = newline_term_string, enhanced = cmd(D), } --== Run time CON commands ==-- --- 1. Gamevar Operators local varop = cmd(W,D) local varvarop = cmd(W,R) local function varopf(op) if (#op <= 2) then return varop / ("%1=%1"..op.."%2") else return varop / ("%1="..op.."(%1,%2)") end end local function varvaropf(op) if (#op <= 2) then return varvarop / ("%1=%1"..op.."%2") else return varvarop / ("%1="..op.."(%1,%2)") end end -- Allow nesting... stuff like -- ifvarl actorvar[sprite[THISACTOR].owner].burning 0 -- is kinda breaking the classic "no array nesting" rules -- (if there ever were any) but making our life harder else. local arraypat = sp0 * "[" * sp0 * tok.rvar * sp0 * "]" -- Have to bite the bullet here and list actor/player members with second -- parameters, even though it's ugly to make it part of the syntax. Also, -- stuff like -- actor[xxx].loogiex parm2 x -- will be wrongly accepted at the parsing stage (loogiex is player's member) -- because we don't discriminate between actor and player here. local parm2memberpat = lpeg.C(Pat("htg_t") + "loogiex" + "loogiey" + "ammo_amount" + "weaprecs" + "gotweapon" + "pals" + "max_ammo_amount") * sp1 * tok.rvar -- The member name must match keywords, too (_all), because e.g. cstat is a member -- of sprite[]. local bothmemberpat = sp0 * "." * sp0 * lpeg.Ct(parm2memberpat + tok.identifier_all) local singlememberpat = sp0 * "." * sp0 * tok.identifier_all local getstructcmd = -- get[]. ()? <> arraypat * bothmemberpat * sp1 * tok.wvar local setstructcmd = -- set[].<> ()? arraypat * bothmemberpat * sp1 * tok.rvar local getperxvarcmd = -- getvar[]. <> arraypat * singlememberpat * sp1 * tok.wvar local setperxvarcmd = -- setvar[].<> arraypat * singlememberpat * sp1 * tok.rvar local function thisactor_to_pli(var) return (var=="_aci") and "_pli" or var end -- Function generating code for a struct read/write access. local function StructAccess(Structname, writep, index, membertab) assert(type(membertab)=="table") -- Lowercase the member name for CON compatibility local member, parm2 = membertab[1]:lower(), membertab[2] local MemberCode = conl.StructAccessCode[Structname] or conl.StructAccessCode2[Structname] -- Look up array+member name first, e.g. "spriteext[%s].angoff". local armembcode = MemberCode[member] if (armembcode == nil) then errprintf("%s: invalid %s member `.%s'", g_lastkw, Structname, member) return "_MEMBINVALID" end if (type(armembcode)=="table") then -- Read and write accesses differ. armembcode = armembcode[writep and 2 or 1] if (armembcode==nil) then errprintf("%s access to %s[].%s is not available", writep and "write" or "read", Structname, member) return "_MEMBNOACCESS" end end if (Structname~="userdef") then -- Count number of parameters ("%s"), don't count "%%s". local _, numparms = armembcode:gsub("[^%%]%%s", "", 2) if (#membertab ~= numparms) then local nums = { "one", "two" } errprintf("%s[].%s has %s parameter%s, but %s given", Structname, member, nums[numparms], numparms==1 and "" or "s", nums[#membertab]) return "_MEMBINVPARM" end end -- THISACTOR special meanings if (Structname=="player" or Structname=="input") then index = thisactor_to_pli(index) elseif (Structname=="sector") then if (index=="_aci") then index = SPS".sectnum" end end -- METHOD_MEMBER local ismethod = (armembcode:find("%%s",1,true)~=nil) -- If ismethod is true, then the formatted string will now have an "%s" local code if (Structname=="userdef") then -- assert(index==nil) assert(parm2==nil) code = format(armembcode, parm2) else code = format(armembcode, index, parm2) end if (csapp()) then if (Structname=="player") then code = code:gsub("^player%[_pli%]", "_ps") elseif (Structname=="sprite") then code = code:gsub("^actor%[_aci%]", "_a") code = code:gsub("^sprite%[_aci%]", "_spr") end end return code, ismethod end function lookup.array_expr(writep, structname, index, membertab) if (conl.StructAccessCode[structname] == nil) then -- Try a gamearray local ganame = g_gamearray[structname] and lookup.gamearray(structname) if (ganame == nil) then if (structname=="actorvar") then -- actorvar[] inline array expr -- XXX: kind of CODEDUP with GetOrSetPerxvarCmd() factory local gv = g_gamevar[structname] if (gv and bit.band(gv.flags, GVFLAG.PERX_MASK)~=GVFLAG.PERACTOR) then errprintf("gamevar `%s' is not per-actor", structname, "actor") end if (membertab == nil) then errprintf("actorvar[] requires a pseudo member (gamevar) name") return "_INVALIDAV" end if (#membertab > 1) then errprintf("actorvar[] cannot be used with a second parameter") return "_INVALIDAV" end assert(#membertab == 1) return lookup.gamevar(membertab[1], index, writep) end errprintf("symbol `%s' is neither a struct nor a gamearray", structname) return "_INVALIDAR" end if (membertab ~= nil) then errprintf("gamearrays cannot be indexed with member names") return "_INVALIDAR" end assert(type(ganame)=="string") return format("%s[%s]", ganame, index) end local membercode, ismethod = StructAccess(structname, writep, index, membertab) -- Written METHOD_MEMBER syntax not supported as "qwe:method(asd) = val" -- isn't valid Lua syntax. assert(not (writep and ismethod)) return membercode end local Access = { sector = function(...) return StructAccess("sector", ...) end, wall = function(...) return StructAccess("wall", ...) end, xsprite = function(...) return StructAccess("sprite", ...) end, player = function(...) return StructAccess("player", ...) end, tspr = function(...) return StructAccess("tspr", ...) end, projectile = function(...) return StructAccess("projectile", ...) end, thisprojectile = function(...) return StructAccess("thisprojectile", ...) end, userdef = function(...) return StructAccess("userdef", ...) end, input = function(...) return StructAccess("input", ...) end, } local function GetStructCmd(accessfunc, pattern) return (pattern or getstructcmd) / function(idx, memb, var) return format("%s=%s", var, accessfunc(false, idx, memb)) end end local function SetStructCmd(accessfunc, pattern) local function capfunc(idx, memb, var) local membercode, ismethod = accessfunc(true, idx, memb) --[[ local member = memb[1]:lower() if (type(var)=="number" and var<0 and member:match("picnum")) then warnprintf("member '.%s' is set to a negative value", member) end --]] if (ismethod) then -- METHOD_MEMBER syntax -- BE EXTRA CAREFUL! We must be sure that percent characters have -- not been smuggled into the member code string via variable names -- etc. local _, numpercents = membercode:gsub("%%", "", 2) assert(numpercents==1) return format(membercode, var) else return format("%s=%s", membercode, var) end end return (pattern or setstructcmd) / capfunc end -- : whether the perxvar is set local function GetOrSetPerxvarCmd(Setp, Actorp) local EXPECTED_PERX_BIT = Actorp and GVFLAG.PERACTOR or GVFLAG.PERPLAYER local pattern = (Setp and setperxvarcmd or getperxvarcmd) local function capfunc(idx, perxvarname, var) local gv = g_gamevar[perxvarname] if (gv and bit.band(gv.flags, GVFLAG.PERX_MASK)~=EXPECTED_PERX_BIT) then -- [gs]set*var for wrong gamevar type. See if it's a getactorvar, -- in which case we may only warn and get the global gamevar -- (TODO_MP) instead. local warnp = not Setp and Actorp and not g_warn["error-bad-getactorvar"] local xprintf = warnp and warnprintf or errprintf xprintf("gamevar `%s' is not per-%s", perxvarname, Actorp and "actor" or "player") end if (not Actorp) then -- THISACTOR -> player index for {g,s}etplayervar idx = thisactor_to_pli(idx) end if (Setp) then return format("%s=%s", lookup.gamevar(perxvarname, idx, true), var) else return format("%s=%s", var, lookup.gamevar(perxvarname, idx, false)) end end return pattern / capfunc end local function n_s_fmt(n) return string.rep("%s,", n-1).."%s" end -- Various inner command handling functions / string capture strings. local handle = { NYI = function() errprintf("command `%s' not yet implemented", g_lastkw) return "" end, dynNYI = function() -- XXX: what if file name contains a double quote? (Similarly commands below.) return format([[print("%s:%d: `%s' not yet implemented")]], g_filename, getlinecol(g_lastkwpos), g_lastkw) end, addlog = function() return format("print('%s:%d: addlog')", g_filename, getlinecol(g_lastkwpos)) end, addlogvar = function(val) return format("printf('%s:%d: addlogvar %%s', %s)", g_filename, getlinecol(g_lastkwpos), val) end, debug = function(val) return format("print('%s:%d: debug %d')", g_filename, getlinecol(g_lastkwpos), val) end, getzrange = function(...) local v = {...} assert(#v == 10) -- 4R 4W 2R return format("%s,%s,%s,%s=_con._getzrange(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", v[5], v[6], v[7], v[8], -- outargs v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[9], v[10]) -- inargs end, hitscan = function(...) local v = {...} assert(#v == 14) -- 7R 6W 1R local vals = { v[8], v[9], v[10], v[11], v[12], v[13], -- outargs v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5], v[6], v[7], v[14] -- inargs } return format("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s=_con._hitscan(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", unpack(vals)) end, neartag = function(...) local v = {...} assert(#v == 11) -- 5R 4W 2R local vals = { v[6], v[7], v[8], v[9], -- outargs v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5], v[10], v[11] -- inargs } return format("%s,%s,%s,%s=_con._neartag(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", unpack(vals)) end, palfrom = function(...) local v = {...} return format(PLS":_palfrom(%d,%d,%d,%d)", v[1] or 0, v[2] or 0, v[3] or 0, v[4] or 0) end, qsprintf = function(qdst, qsrc, ...) local codes = {...} return format("_con._qsprintf(%d,%d%s%s)", qdst, qsrc, #codes>0 and "," or "", table.concat(codes, ',')) end, move = function(mv, ...) local flags = {...} return format(ACS":set_move(%s,%d)", mv, (flags[1] and bit.bor(...)) or 0) end, rotatesprite = function(...) return format("_con.rotatesprite(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,0,%s,%s,%s,%s)", ...) end, rotatesprite16 = function(...) -- (orientation|ROTATESPRITE_FULL16) return format("_con.rotatesprite(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,_bor(%s,2048),0,%s,%s,%s,%s)", ...) end, rotatespritea = function(...) return format("_con.rotatesprite(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", ...) end, -- readgamevar or savegamevar RSgamevar = function(identifier, dosave) -- check identifier for sanity if (not identifier:match("^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_%-]*$")) then errprintf("%s: bad identifier `%s' for config file persistence", g_lastkw, identifier) return "_BADRSGV()" end local gv = g_gamevar[identifier] -- For per-actor or per-player gamevars, the value at the current actor or -- player index gets saved / loaded. local gvkind = bit.band(gv.flags, GVFLAG.PERX_MASK) local index = (gvkind==GVFLAG.PERACTOR) and "_aci" or (gvkind==GVFLAG.PERPLAYER) and "_pli" or nil -- NOTE: more strict than C-CON: we require the gamevar being writable -- even if we're saving it. local code = lookup.gamevar(identifier, index, true) if (dosave) then return format("_con._savegamevar(%q,%s)", identifier, code) else return format("%s=_con._readgamevar(%q)", code, identifier) end end, state = function(statename) if (g_funcname[statename]==nil) then local warn = not g_cgopt["error-nostate"] local xprintf = warn and warnprintf or errprintf xprintf("state `%s' not found.", statename) return warn and "" or "_NULLSTATE()" end return format("%s(_aci,_pli,_dist)", g_funcname[statename]) end, addweapon = format("if (%s) then _con.longjmp() end", PLS":addweapon(%1,%2)"), -- Sound commands sound = "_con._sound(_aci,%1)", globalsound = "_con._globalsound(_pli,%1)", stopsound = "_con._stopsound(_aci,%1)", soundonce = "_con._soundonce(_aci,%1)", } local userdef_common_pat = (arraypat + sp1)/{} * lpeg.Cc(0) * lpeg.Ct(singlememberpat) * sp1 -- NOTE about prefixes: most is handled by all_alt_pattern(), however commands -- that have no arguments and that are prefixes of other commands MUST be -- suffixed with a "* #sp1" pattern. local Cinner = { -- these can appear anywhere in the script ["break"] = cmd() / function() return g_isWhile[#g_isWhile] and format("goto l%d", #g_isWhile) or "do return end" end, ["return"] = cmd() -- NLCF / "_con.longjmp()", state = cmd(I) / handle.state, --- 1. get*, set* getsector = GetStructCmd(Access.sector), getwall = GetStructCmd(Access.wall), getactor = GetStructCmd(Access.xsprite), getplayer = GetStructCmd(Access.player), getinput = GetStructCmd(Access.input), getprojectile = GetStructCmd(Access.projectile), getthisprojectile = GetStructCmd(Access.thisprojectile), gettspr = GetStructCmd(Access.tspr), -- NOTE: {get,set}userdef is the only struct that can be accessed without -- an "array part", e.g. H266MOD has "setuserdef .weaponswitch 0" (space -- between keyword and "." is mandatory). -- NOTE2: userdef has at least three members with a second parameter: -- user_name, ridecule, savegame. Then there's wchoice. Given that they're -- arrays, I highly doubt that they worked (much less were safe) in CON. -- We disallow them, recent EDuke32 versions didn't expose them either. getuserdef = GetStructCmd(Access.userdef, userdef_common_pat * tok.wvar), getplayervar = GetOrSetPerxvarCmd(false, false), -- THISACTOR getactorvar = GetOrSetPerxvarCmd(false, true), setsector = SetStructCmd(Access.sector), setwall = SetStructCmd(Access.wall), setactor = SetStructCmd(Access.xsprite), setplayer = SetStructCmd(Access.player), setinput = SetStructCmd(Access.input), setprojectile = SetStructCmd(Access.projectile), setthisprojectile = SetStructCmd(Access.thisprojectile), settspr = SetStructCmd(Access.tspr), setuserdef = SetStructCmd(Access.userdef, userdef_common_pat * tok.rvar), setplayervar = GetOrSetPerxvarCmd(true, false), -- THISACTOR setactorvar = GetOrSetPerxvarCmd(true, true), setvarvar = varvarop / "%1=%2", addvarvar = varvaropf "+", -- NOTE the space after the minus sign so that e.g. "subvar x -1" won't get -- translated to "x=x--1" (-- being the Lua line comment start). subvarvar = varvaropf "- ", mulvarvar = varvaropf "*", divvarvar = varvaropf "_con._div", modvarvar = varvaropf "_con._mod", andvarvar = varvaropf "_band", orvarvar = varvaropf "_bor", xorvarvar = varvaropf "_bxor", randvarvar = varvarop / "%1=_con._rand(%2)", setvar = varop / "%1=%2", addvar = varopf "+", subvar = varopf "- ", mulvar = varopf "*", divvar = varopf "_con._div", modvar = varopf "_con._mod", andvar = varopf "_band", orvar = varopf "_bor", xorvar = varopf "_bxor", randvar = varop / "%1=_con._rand(%2)", shiftvarl = varopf "_lsh", shiftvarr = varopf "_arsh", --- 2. Math operations sqrt = cmd(R,W) / "%2=_gv.ksqrt(%1)", calchypotenuse = cmd(W,R,R) / "%1=_con._hypot(%2,%3)", sin = cmd(W,R) / "%1=_xmath.ksin(%2)", cos = cmd(W,R) / "%1=_xmath.kcos(%2)", mulscale = cmd(W,R,R,R) / "%1=_gv.Mulscale(%2,%3,%4)", getangle = cmd(W,R,R) / "%1=_gv.getangle(%2,%3)", getincangle = cmd(W,R,R) / "%1=_con._angdiff(%2,%3)", --- 3. Actors action = cmd(AC) / ACS":set_action(%1)", ai = cmd(AI) / ACS":set_ai(%1)", move = sp1 * tok.move * (sp1 * tok.define)^0 / handle.move, cactor = cmd(D) / SPS":set_picnum(%1)", count = cmd(D) / ACS":set_count(%1)", cstator = cmd(D) / (SPS".cstat=_bor(%1,"..SPS".cstat)"), cstat = cmd(D) / SPS".cstat=%1", clipdist = cmd(D) / SPS".clipdist=%1", sizeto = cmd(D,D) / "_con._sizeto(_aci,%1,%2)", -- TODO: see control.lua:_sizeto sizeat = cmd(D,D) / (SPS".xrepeat,"..SPS".yrepeat=%1,%2"), strength = cmd(D) / SPS".extra=%1", addstrength = cmd(D) / (SPS".extra="..SPS".extra+%1"), spritepal = cmd(D) / SPS".pal=%1", hitradius = cmd(D,D,D,D,D) / "_con._A_RadiusDamage(_aci,%1,%2,%3,%4,%5)", hitradiusvar = cmd(R,R,R,R,R) / "_con._A_RadiusDamage(_aci,%1,%2,%3,%4,%5)", -- some commands taking read vars operaterespawns = cmd(R) / "_con._G_OperateRespawns(%1)", operatemasterswitches = cmd(R) / "_con._G_OperateMasterSwitches(%1)", checkactivatormotion = cmd(R) / "_gv.g_RETURN=_con._checkactivatormotion(%1)", time = cmd(R) -- no-op / "", inittimer = cmd(R) / "_con._inittimer(%1)", lockplayer = cmd(R) / PLS".transporter_hold=%1", quake = cmd(R) / "_gv.doQuake(%1,81)", -- EARTHQUAKE jump = cmd(R) / handle.NYI, -- will never be cmenu = cmd(R) / "_gv._changeMenu(%1)", checkavailweapon = cmd(R) -- THISACTOR / function(pli) return format("_con._checkavailweapon(%s)", thisactor_to_pli(pli)) end, checkavailinven = cmd(R) -- THISACTOR / function(pli) return format("_con._selectnextinv(player[%s])", thisactor_to_pli(pli)) end, guniqhudid = cmd(R) / "_gv._set_guniqhudid(%1)", echo = cmd(R) / "_con._echo(%1)", activatecheat = cmd(R) / handle.NYI, setgamepalette = cmd(R) / "_con._setgamepalette(_pli,%1)", -- Sound commands sound = cmd(D) / handle.sound, soundvar = cmd(R) / handle.sound, globalsound = cmd(D) / handle.globalsound, globalsoundvar = cmd(R) / handle.globalsound, stopsound = cmd(D) / handle.stopsound, stopsoundvar = cmd(R) / handle.stopsound, soundonce = cmd(D) / handle.soundonce, soundoncevar = cmd(R) / handle.soundonce, stopactorsound = cmd(R,R) / "_con._stopactorsound(%1,%2)", stopallsounds = cmd() / "_con._stopallsounds()", mikesnd = cmd() / format("_con._soundonce(_aci,%s)", SPS".yvel"), setactorsoundpitch = cmd(R,R,R) / "_con._setactorsoundpitch(%1,%2,%3)", -- some commands taking defines addammo = cmd(D,D) -- NLCF / format("if (%s) then _con.longjmp() end", PLS":addammo(%1,%2)"), addweapon = cmd(D,D) -- NLCF / handle.addweapon, debris = cmd(D,D) / "_con._debris(_aci, %1, %2)", addinventory = cmd(D,D) / format("_con._addinventory(%s,%%1,%%2,_aci)", PLS""), guts = cmd(D,D) / "_con._A_DoGuts(_aci,%1,%2)", spawn = cmd(D) / "_con.spawn(_aci,%1)", espawn = cmd(D) / "_gv.g_RETURN=_con.spawn(_aci,%1)", espawnvar = cmd(R) / "_gv.g_RETURN=_con.spawn(_aci,%1)", qspawn = cmd(D) / "_con.spawn(_aci,%1,true)", qspawnvar = cmd(R) / "_con.spawn(_aci,%1,true)", eqspawn = cmd(D) / "_gv.g_RETURN=_con.spawn(_aci,%1,true)", eqspawnvar = cmd(R) / "_gv.g_RETURN=_con.spawn(_aci,%1,true)", angoff = cmd(D) / "spriteext[_aci].angoff=%1", angoffvar = cmd(R) / "spriteext[_aci].angoff=%1", -- cont'd addkills = cmd(D) / (PLS".actors_killed="..PLS".actors_killed+%1;"..ACS".actorstayput=-1"), addphealth = cmd(D) / format("_con._addphealth(%s,_aci,%%1)", PLS""), debug = cmd(D) / handle.debug, endofgame = cmd(D) / "_con._endofgame(_pli,%1)", lotsofglass = cmd(D) / "_con._A_SpawnGlass(_aci,%1)", mail = cmd(D) / "_con._spawnmany(_aci,4410,%1)", -- TODO: dyntile money = cmd(D) / "_con._spawnmany(_aci,1233,%1)", -- TODO: dyntile paper = cmd(D) / "_con._spawnmany(_aci,4460,%1)", -- TODO: dyntile sleeptime = cmd(D) / ACS".timetosleep=%1", eshoot = cmd(D) / "_gv.g_RETURN=_con._shoot(_aci,%1)", eshootvar = cmd(R) / "_gv.g_RETURN=_con._shoot(_aci,%1)", ezshoot = cmd(R,D) / "_gv.g_RETURN=_con._shoot(_aci,%2,%1)", ezshootvar = cmd(R,R) / "_gv.g_RETURN=_con._shoot(_aci,%2,%1)", shoot = cmd(D) / "_con._shoot(_aci,%1)", shootvar = cmd(R) / "_con._shoot(_aci,%1)", zshoot = cmd(R,D) / "_con._shoot(_aci,%2,%1)", zshootvar = cmd(R,R) / "_con._shoot(_aci,%2,%1)", fall = cmd() / "_con._VM_FallSprite(_aci)", flash = cmd() / format("_con._flash(%s,%s)", SPS"", PLS""), getlastpal = cmd() / "_con._getlastpal(_aci)", insertspriteq = cmd() / "_con._addtodelqueue(_aci)", killit = cmd() -- NLCF / "_con.killit()", nullop = cmd() / "", -- NOTE: really generate no code pkick = cmd() / format("_con._pkick(%s,%s)", PLS"", ACS""), pstomp = cmd() / PLS":stomp(_aci)", resetactioncount = cmd() / ACS":reset_acount()", resetcount = cmd() / ACS":set_count(0)", resetplayer = cmd() -- NLCF / "if (_con._VM_ResetPlayer2(_pli,_aci)) then _con.longjmp() end", respawnhitag = cmd() / format("_con._respawnhitag(%s)", SPS""), tip = cmd() / PLS".tipincs=26", tossweapon = cmd() / "", -- TODO_MP wackplayer = cmd() / PLS":wack()", -- player/sprite searching findplayer = cmd(W) / "_gv.g_RETURN,%1=_con._findplayer(_pli,_aci)", -- player index, distance findotherplayer = cmd(W) / "_gv.g_RETURN,%1=0,0x7fffffff", -- TODO_MP findnearspritezvar = cmd(D,R,R,W) / "%4=_con._findnear(_aci,true,'z',%1,%2,%3)", findnearspritez = cmd(D,D,D,W) / "%4=_con._findnear(_aci,true,'z',%1,%2,%3)", findnearsprite3dvar = cmd(D,R,W) / "%3=_con._findnear(_aci,true,'d3',%1,%2)", findnearsprite3d = cmd(D,D,W) / "%3=_con._findnear(_aci,true,'d3',%1,%2)", findnearspritevar = cmd(D,R,W) / "%3=_con._findnear(_aci,true,'d2',%1,%2)", findnearsprite = cmd(D,D,W) / "%3=_con._findnear(_aci,true,'d2',%1,%2)", findnearactorzvar = cmd(D,R,R,W) / "%4=_con._findnear(_aci,false,'z',%1,%2,%3)", findnearactorz = cmd(D,D,D,W) / "%4=_con._findnear(_aci,false,'z',%1,%2,%3)", findnearactor3dvar = cmd(D,R,W) / "%3=_con._findnear(_aci,false,'d3',%1,%2)", findnearactor3d = cmd(D,D,W) / "%3=_con._findnear(_aci,false,'d3',%1,%2)", findnearactorvar = cmd(D,R,W) / "%3=_con._findnear(_aci,false,'d2',%1,%2)", findnearactor = cmd(D,D,W) / "%3=_con._findnear(_aci,false,'d2',%1,%2)", -- quotes qsprintf = sp1 * tok.rvar * sp1 * tok.rvar * (sp1 * tok.rvar)^-32 / handle.qsprintf, qgetsysstr = cmd(R,R) / "_con._qgetsysstr(%1,%2,_pli)", qstrcat = cmd(R,R) / "_con._qstrcat(%1,%2)", qstrcpy = cmd(R,R) / "_con._qstrcpy(%1,%2)", qstrlen = cmd(W,R) / "%1=_con._qstrlen(%2)", qstrncat = cmd(R,R) / handle.NYI, qsubstr = cmd(R,R) / handle.NYI, quote = cmd(D) / "_con._quote(_pli,%1)", userquote = cmd(R) / "_con._userquote(%1)", getkeyname = cmd(R,R,R) / "_con._getkeyname(%1,%2,%3)", getpname = cmd(R,R) -- THISACTOR / handle.NYI, -- array stuff -- TODO: handle system gamearrays. Right now, the generated code will be wrong. copy = sp1 * tok.gamearray * arraypat * sp1 * tok.gamearray * arraypat * sp1 * tok.rvar / "%1:copyto(%2,%3,%4,%5)", setarray = sp1 * tok.gamearray * arraypat * sp1 * tok.rvar / "%1[%2]=%3", resizearray = cmd(GARI,R) / "%1:resize(%2)", getarraysize = cmd(GARI,W) / "%2=%1._size", readarrayfromfile = cmd(GARI,D) / "%1:read(%2,nil)", -- false: error on no file, nil: don't. writearraytofile = cmd(GARI,D) / "%1:write(%2)", -- Persistence clearmapstate = cmd(R) / handle.dynNYI, loadmapstate = cmd() / handle.dynNYI, savemapstate = cmd() / handle.dynNYI, savegamevar = cmd(I) / function(id) return handle.RSgamevar(id, true) end, readgamevar = cmd(I) / function(id) return handle.RSgamevar(id, false) end, savenn = cmd(D) / handle.dynNYI, save = cmd(D) / handle.dynNYI, addlogvar = cmd(R) / handle.addlogvar, addlog = cmd() * #sp1 / handle.addlog, addweaponvar = cmd(R,R) -- NLCF / handle.addweapon, cansee = cmd(R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,W) / "%9=cansee(_IV(1,%1,%2,%3),%4, _IV(2,%5,%6,%7),%8) and 1 or 0", canseespr = cmd(R,R,W) / "%3=_con._canseespr(%1,%2)", changespritesect = cmd(R,R) / "sprite.changesect(%1,%2,true)", changespritestat = cmd(R,R) / "sprite.changestat(%1,%2,true)", displayrand = cmd(W) / "%1=_con._displayrand(32767)", displayrandvar = cmd(W,D) / "%1=_con._displayrand(%2)", displayrandvarvar = cmd(W,R) / "%1=_con._displayrand(%2)", dist = cmd(W,R,R) / "%1=_xmath.dist(sprite[%2],sprite[%3])", ldist = cmd(W,R,R) / "%1=_xmath.ldist(sprite[%2],sprite[%3])", dragpoint = cmd(R,R,R) / handle.NYI, rotatepoint = cmd(R,R,R,R,R,W,W) / "%6,%7=_con._rotatepoint(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5)", -- collision detection etc. hitscan = cmd(R,R,R,R,R,R,R,W,W,W,W,W,W,R) -- 7R 6W 1R / handle.hitscan, clipmove = cmd(W,W,W,R,W,R,R,R,R,R,R) / handle.NYI, clipmovenoslide = cmd(W,W,W,R,W,R,R,R,R,R,R) / handle.NYI, lineintersect = cmd(R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,W,W,W,W) -- 10R 4W / handle.NYI, rayintersect = cmd(R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,W,W,W,W) -- 10R 4W / handle.NYI, movesprite = cmd(R,R,R,R,R,W) / "%6=_con._movesprite(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5)", neartag = cmd(R,R,R,R,R,W,W,W,W,R,R) -- 5R 4W 2R / handle.neartag, getzrange = cmd(R,R,R,R,W,W,W,W,R,R) / handle.getzrange, -- screen text and numbers display gametext = cmd(R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R) -- 11 R / function(...) return format("_con._gametext("..n_s_fmt(11)..",65536)", ...) end, gametextz = cmd(R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R) -- 12 R / function(...) return format("_con._gametext("..n_s_fmt(12)..")", ...) end, digitalnumber = cmd(R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R) -- 11R / function(...) return format("_con._digitalnumber("..n_s_fmt(11)..",65536)", ...) end, digitalnumberz = cmd(R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R) -- 12R / function(...) return format("_con._digitalnumber("..n_s_fmt(12)..")", ...) end, minitext = cmd(R,R,R,R,R) / "_con._minitext(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5)", palfrom = (sp1 * tok.define)^-4 / handle.palfrom, activatebysector = cmd(R,R) / "_con._activatebysector(%1,%2)", operateactivators = cmd(R,R) -- THISACTOR / function(tag, pli) return format("_con._operateactivators(%s,%s)", tag, thisactor_to_pli(pli)) end, operatesectors = cmd(R,R) / "_con._operatesectors(%1,%2)", operate = cmd() * #sp1 / "_con._operate(_aci)", myos = cmd(R,R,R,R,R) / "_con._myos(%1,%2,65536,%3,%4,%5)", myosx = cmd(R,R,R,R,R) / "_con._myos(%1,%2,32768,%3,%4,%5)", myospal = cmd(R,R,R,R,R,R) / "_con._myos(%1,%2,65536,%3,%4,%5,%6)", myospalx = cmd(R,R,R,R,R,R) / "_con._myos(%1,%2,32768,%3,%4,%5,%6)", headspritesect = cmd(W,R) / "%1=sprite._headspritesect[%2]", headspritestat = cmd(W,R) / "%1=sprite._headspritestat[%2]", nextspritesect = cmd(W,R) / "%1=sprite._nextspritesect[%2]", nextspritestat = cmd(W,R) / "%1=sprite._nextspritestat[%2]", prevspritesect = cmd(W,R) / "%1=sprite._prevspritesect[%2]", prevspritestat = cmd(W,R) / "%1=sprite._prevspritestat[%2]", -- NOTE: Yup, it's also an inner command. Do this one concession to -- cleanness for backward compatibility (e.g. Sonic3D v0.3). definequote = sp1 * tok.define * newline_term_string / Cmd.definequote, redefinequote = sp1 * tok.define * newline_term_string / function(qnum, qstr) return format("_con._definequote(%d,%q)", qnum, stripws(qstr)) end, rotatesprite = cmd(R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R) -- 12R / handle.rotatesprite, rotatesprite16 = cmd(R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R) -- 12R / handle.rotatesprite16, rotatespritea = cmd(R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R) -- 13R / handle.rotatespritea, sectorofwall = cmd(W,R,R) / handle.NYI, sectclearinterpolation = cmd(R) / "_con._togglesectinterp(%1,0)", sectsetinterpolation = cmd(R) / "_con._togglesectinterp(%1,1)", sectgethitag = cmd() / (CSV".HITAG=sector["..SPS".sectnum].hitag"), sectgetlotag = cmd() / (CSV".LOTAG=sector["..SPS".sectnum].lotag"), spgethitag = cmd() / (CSV".HITAG="..SPS".hitag"), spgetlotag = cmd() / (CSV".LOTAG="..SPS".lotag"), gettextureceiling = cmd() / (CSV".TEXTURE=sector["..SPS".sectnum].ceilingpicnum"), gettexturefloor = cmd() / (CSV".TEXTURE=sector["..SPS".sectnum].floorpicnum"), startlevel = cmd(R,R) / "_con._startlevel(%1,%2)", starttrack = cmd(D) / "_con._starttrack(%1)", starttrackvar = cmd(R) / "_con._starttrack(%1)", setaspect = cmd(R,R) / "_con._setaspect(%1,%2)", showview = cmd(R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R) -- 10R / "", -- TODO showviewunbiased = cmd(R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R) -- 10R / "", -- TODO smaxammo = cmd(R,R) / PLS".max_ammo_amount[%1]=%2", gmaxammo = cmd(R,W) / ("%2="..PLS".max_ammo_amount[%1]"), spriteflags = cmd(R) -- also see outer / ACS".flags=%1", ssp = cmd(R,R) / handle.NYI, setsprite = cmd(R,R,R,R) / "sprite[%1]:setpos(_IV(1,%2,%3,%4))", updatesector = cmd(R,R,W) / format("%%3=updatesector(_IV(1,%%1,%%2,0),%s)", SPS".sectnum"), updatesectorz = cmd(R,R,R,W) / format("%%4=updatesectorz(_IV(1,%%1,%%2,%%3),%s)", SPS".sectnum"), getactorangle = cmd(W) / ("%1="..SPS".ang"), setactorangle = cmd(R) / SPS".ang=_band(%1,2047)", getplayerangle = cmd(W) / ("%1="..PLS".ang"), setplayerangle = cmd(R) / PLS".ang=_band(%1,2047)", getangletotarget = cmd(W) / "%1=_con._angtotarget(_aci)", getceilzofslope = cmd(R,R,R,W) / "%4=sector[%1]:ceilingzat(_IV(1,%2,%3,0))", getflorzofslope = cmd(R,R,R,W) / "%4=sector[%1]:floorzat(_IV(1,%2,%3,0))", getcurraddress = cmd(W) / handle.NYI, -- will never be getticks = cmd(W) / "%1=_gv.getticks()", gettimedate = cmd(W,W,W,W,W,W,W,W) / "%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8=_con._gettimedate()", } local Cif = { ifai = cmd(AI) / ACS":has_ai(%1)", ifaction = cmd(AC) / ACS":has_action(%1)", ifmove = cmd(MV) / ACS":has_move(%1)", ifrnd = cmd(D) / "_con.rnd(%1)", ifpdistl = cmd(D) -- DEFER / function(val) return { "_dist<"..val, nil, "_con._sleepcheck(_aci,_dist)" } end, ifpdistg = cmd(D) -- DEFER / function(val) return { "_dist>"..val, nil, "_con._sleepcheck(_aci,_dist)" } end, ifactioncount = cmd(D) / ACS":get_acount()>=%1", ifcount = cmd(D) / ACS":get_count()>=%1", ifactor = cmd(D) / SPS".picnum==%1", ifstrength = cmd(D) / SPS".extra<=%1", ifspawnedby = cmd(D) / ACS".picnum==%1", ifwasweapon = cmd(D) / ACS".picnum==%1", ifgapzl = cmd(D) -- factor into a con.* function? / format("_arsh(%s-%s,8)<%%1", ACS".floorz", ACS".ceilingz"), iffloordistl = cmd(D) / format("(%s-%s)<=256*%%1", ACS".floorz", SPS".z"), ifceilingdistl = cmd(D) / format("(%s-%s)<=256*%%1", SPS".z", ACS".ceilingz"), ifphealthl = cmd(D) / format("sprite[%s].extra<%%1", PLS".i"), ifspritepal = cmd(D) / SPS".pal==%1", ifgotweaponce = cmd(D) / "false", -- TODO_MP ifangdiffl = cmd(D) / format("_con._angdiffabs(%s,%s)<=%%1", PLS".ang", SPS".ang"), ifsound = cmd(D) / "_con._soundplaying(_aci,%1)", ifpinventory = cmd(D,D) / format("_con._checkpinventory(%s,%%1,%%2,_aci)", PLS""), ifvarl = cmd(R,D) / "%1<%2", ifvarg = cmd(R,D) / "%1>%2", ifvare = cmd(R,D) / "%1==%2", ifvarn = cmd(R,D) / "%1~=%2", ifvarand = cmd(R,D) / "_band(%1,%2)~=0", ifvaror = cmd(R,D) / "_bor(%1,%2)~=0", ifvarxor = cmd(R,D) / "_bxor(%1,%2)~=0", ifvareither = cmd(R,D) / "%1~=0 or %2~=0", ifvarvarl = cmd(R,R) / "%1<%2", ifvarvarg = cmd(R,R) / "%1>%2", ifvarvare = cmd(R,R) / "%1==%2", ifvarvarn = cmd(R,R) / "%1~=%2", ifvarvarand = cmd(R,R) / "_band(%1,%2)~=0", ifvarvaror = cmd(R,R) / "_bor(%1,%2)~=0", ifvarvarxor = cmd(R,R) / "_bxor(%1,%2)~=0", ifvarvareither = cmd(R,R) / "%1~=0 or %2~=0", ifactorsound = cmd(R,R) / "_con._soundplaying(%1,%2)", ifp = (sp1 * tok.define)^1 / function (...) return format("_con._ifp(%d,_pli,_aci)", bit.bor(...)) end, ifsquished = cmd() / "_con._squished(_aci,_pli)", ifserver = cmd() / "false", -- TODO_MP ifrespawn = cmd() / format("_con._checkrespawn(%s)", SPS""), ifoutside = cmd() / format("_band(sector[%s].ceilingstat,1)~=0", SPS".sectnum"), ifonwater = cmd() / format("sector[%s].lotag==1 and _math.abs(%s-sector[%s].floorz)<32*256", SPS".sectnum", SPS".z", SPS".sectnum"), ifnotmoving = cmd() / "_band(actor[_aci]._movflag,49152)>16384", ifnosounds = cmd() / "not _con._ianysound(_aci)", ifmultiplayer = cmd() / "false", -- TODO_MP ifinwater = cmd() / format("sector[%s].lotag==2", SPS".sectnum"), ifinspace = cmd() / format("_con._checkspace(%s,false)", SPS".sectnum"), ifinouterspace = cmd() / format("_con._checkspace(%s,true)", SPS".sectnum"), ifhitweapon = cmd() / "_con._A_IncurDamage(_aci)>=0", ifhitspace = cmd() / "_con._testkey(_pli,29)", -- XXX ifdead = cmd() / SPS".extra<=0", ifclient = cmd() / "false", -- TODO_MP ifcanshoottarget = cmd() / "_con._canshoottarget(_dist,_aci)", ifcanseetarget = cmd() -- DEFER -- XXX: 1536 is SLEEPTIME / function() return { format("_con._canseetarget(%s,%s)", SPS"", PLS""), ACS".timetosleep=1536" } end, ifcansee = cmd() * #sp1 / format("_con._cansee(_aci,%s)", PLS""), ifbulletnear = cmd() / "_con._bulletnear(_aci)", ifawayfromwall = cmd() / format("_con._awayfromwall(%s,108)", SPS""), ifactornotstayput = cmd() / ACS".actorstayput==-1", } ----==== Tracing and reporting ====---- -- g_newlineidxs will contain the 1-based file offsets to "\n" characters local g_newlineidxs = {} -- Returns index into the sorted table tab such that -- tab[index] <= searchelt < tab[index+1]. -- Preconditions: -- tab[i] < tab[i+1] for 0 <= i < #tab -- tab[0] <= searchelt < tab[#tab] -- If #tab is less than 2, returns 0. This plays nicely with newline index -- tables like { [0]=0, [1]=len+1 }, e.g. if the file doesn't contain any. local function bsearch(tab, searchelt) -- printf("bsearch(tab, %d)", searchelt) local l, r = 0, #tab local i if (r < 2) then return 0 end while (l ~= r) do i = l + math.ceil((r-l)/2) -- l < i <= r assert(l < i and i <= r) local elt = tab[i] -- printf("l=%d tab[%d]=%d r=%d", l, i, elt, r) if (searchelt == elt) then return i end if (searchelt < elt) then r = i-1 else -- (searchelt > elt) l = i end end -- printf("return tab[%d]=%d", l, tab[l]) return l end function getlinecol(pos) -- local assert(type(pos)=="number") local line = bsearch(g_newlineidxs, pos) assert(line and g_newlineidxs[line]<=pos and pos [ [ [ [... ]]]] common.actor_end = sp1 * lpeg.Ct(tok.define * (sp1 * tok.define * (sp1 * tok.action * (sp1 * tok.move * (sp1 * tok.define)^0 )^-1 )^-1 )^-1) * sp1 * stmt_list_or_eps * "enda" common.block_begin = lpeg.Cc(nil) / function() g_switchCode = {} end common.block_end = lpeg.Cc(nil) / function() if (#g_switchCode > 0) then addcode(g_switchCode) end g_switchCode = nil end --== block delimiters (no syntactic recursion) ==-- local Cblock = { -- actor (...) actor = POS() * lpeg.Cc(nil) * common.actor_end / on.actor_end, -- useractor (...) useractor = POS() * sp1 * tok.define * common.actor_end / on.actor_end, -- eventloadactor eventloadactor = POS() * sp1 * tok.define * sp1 * stmt_list_or_eps * "enda" / on.eventloadactor_end, onevent = POS() * sp1 * tok.define * sp1 * stmt_list_or_eps * "endevent" / on.event_end, state = POS() * sp1 * (lpeg.Cmt(tok.identifier, on.state_begin_Cmt)) * sp1 * stmt_list_or_eps * tok.state_ends / on.state_end, } for cmdname, cmdpat in pairs(Cblock) do Cblock[cmdname] = common.block_begin * cmdpat * common.block_end end attachnames(Cblock, after_cmd_Cmt) local t_good_identifier = Range("AZ", "az", "__") * Range("AZ", "az", "__", "09")^0 -- CON isaltok also has chars in "{}.", but these could potentially -- interfere with *CON* syntax. The "]" is so that the number in e.g. array[80] -- isn't considered a broken identifier. -- "-" is somewhat problematic, but we allow it only as 2nd and up character, so -- there's no ambiguity with unary minus. (Commands must be separated by spaces -- in CON, so a trailing "-" is "OK", too.) -- This is broken in itself, so we ought to make a compatibility/modern CON switch. local t_broken_identifier = BadIdent(-((tok.number + t_good_identifier) * (sp1 + Set("[]:"))) * (alphanum + Set(BAD_ID_CHARS0)) * (alphanum + Set(BAD_ID_CHARS1))^0) --- local function do_flatten_codetab(code, intotab) for i=1,math.huge do local elt = code[i] if (type(elt)=="string") then intotab[#intotab+1] = elt elseif (type(elt)=="table") then do_flatten_codetab(elt, intotab) else assert(elt==nil) return end end end -- Return a "string buffer" table that can be table.concat'ed -- to get the code string. local function flatten_codetab(codetab) local tmpcode = {} do_flatten_codetab(codetab, tmpcode) return tmpcode end function on.if_else_end(ifconds, ifstmt, elsestmt, ...) assert(#{...}==0) assert(type(ifconds)=="table" and #ifconds>=1) -- A condition may be a table carrying "deferred" code to add either -- [1] after the 'if' or -- [2] after the whole if/else block. -- In CON, it's always the same code for the same kind of "deferedness", -- and it's always idempotent (executing it multiple times has the same -- effect as executing it once), so generate code for it only once, too. local deferred = { nil, nil } local linenum = "" local ifcondstr = {} for i=1,#ifconds do local cond = ifconds[i] local hasmore = type(cond=="table") ifcondstr[i] = hasmore and cond[1] or cond assert(type(ifcondstr[i])=="string") -- IF_LINE_NUMBERING local tlinum = assert(ifcondstr[i]:match("^.*(%-%-[0-9]+)$")) ifcondstr[i] = assert(ifcondstr[i]:match("^(.*)%-%-[0-9]+$")) if (linenum == "") then linenum = tlinum end if (hasmore) then for i=1,2 do if (deferred[i]==nil) then deferred[i] = cond[i+1] end end end end -- Construct a string of ANDed conditions local conds = "(" .. table.concat(ifcondstr, ")and(") .. ")" local code = { format("if %s then%s", conds, linenum), assert(ifstmt), } code[#code+1] = deferred[1] if (elsestmt~=nil) then local elseifp = false if (type(elsestmt)=="table") then elsestmt = flatten_codetab(elsestmt) if (#elsestmt>=2 and elsestmt[1]:match("^if ") and elsestmt[#elsestmt]=="end") then elsestmt[1] = elsestmt[1]:sub(4) elsestmt[#elsestmt] = nil elseifp = true end end code[#code+1] = elseifp and "elseif" or "else" code[#code+1] = elsestmt end code[#code+1] = "end" code[#code+1] = deferred[2] return code end function on.while_begin(v1, v2) table.insert(g_isWhile, true) return format("while (%s~=%s) do", v1, v2) end function on.while_end() local whilenum = #g_isWhile table.remove(g_isWhile) return format("::l%d:: end", whilenum) end function on.switch_begin() table.insert(g_isWhile, false) end function on.switch_end(testvar, blocks) local SW = format("_SW[%d]", g_switchCount) local swcode = { format("%s={", SW) } local have = {} local havedefault = false table.remove(g_isWhile) for i=1,#blocks do local block = blocks[i] assert(#block >= 1) local isdefault = (#block==1) local index = isdefault and "'default'" or tostring(block[1]) if (have[index]) then if (isdefault) then errprintf("duplicate 'default' block in switch statement") return "_INVALIDSW()" else warnprintf("duplicate case %s in switch statement", index) end end have[index] = true swcode[#swcode+1] = format("[%s]=function(_aci,_pli,_dist)", index) swcode[#swcode+1] = get_cache_sap_code() -- insert the case/default code: swcode[#swcode+1] = block[#block] swcode[#swcode+1] = "end," end swcode[#swcode+1] = "}" -- insert additional case test numbers (e.g. case 0: >>> case 1 <<<: ) for i=1,#blocks do local block = blocks[i] for j=2,#block-1 do local index = tostring(block[j]) swcode[#swcode+1] = format("%s[%d]=%s[%d]", SW, index, SW, tostring(block[1])) end end assert(g_switchCode ~= nil) g_switchCode[#g_switchCode+1] = swcode -- The code for the switch statement itself: local code = format("_con._switch(_SW[%d], %s, _aci,_pli,_dist)", g_switchCount, testvar) g_switchCount = g_switchCount+1 return code end --- The final grammar! local Grammar = Pat{ -- The starting symbol. -- A translation unit is a (possibly empty) sequence of outer CON -- commands, separated by at least one whitespace which may be -- omitted at the EOF. sp0 * (all_alt_pattern(Couter, Cblock) * sp1)^0, -- Some often-used terminals follow. These appear here because we're -- hitting a limit with LPeg else. -- http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2008-11/msg00462.html -- NOTE: NW demo (NWSNOW.CON) contains a Ctrl-Z char (decimal 26) whitespace = Set(" \t\r\26") + newline + Set("(),;") + comment + linecomment, t_number = POS() * lpeg.C( tok.maybe_minus * ((Pat("0x") + "0X") * Range("09", "af", "AF")^1 * Pat("h")^-1 + Range("09")^1) ) / parse_number, t_identifier_all = lpeg.C(t_broken_identifier + t_good_identifier), -- NOTE: -conl.keyword alone would be wrong, e.g. "state breakobject": -- NOTE 2: The + "[" is so that stuff like -- getactor[THISACTOR].x x -- getactor[THISACTOR].y y -- is parsed correctly. (Compared with this:) -- getactor[THISACTOR].x x -- getactor [THISACTOR].y y -- This is in need of cleanup! t_identifier = -(conl.keyword * (sp1 + "[")) * tok.identifier_all, -- TODO?: SST TC has e.g. "1267AT", relying on it to be parsed as a number "1267". -- However, this conflicts with bad-identifiers, so it should be checked last. -- This would also handle LNGA2's "00000000h", though would give problems with -- e.g. "800h" (hex 0x800 or decimal 800?). t_define = (POS() * lpeg.C(tok.maybe_minus) * tok.identifier / lookup.defined_label) + tok.number, -- Defines and constants can take the place of vars that are only read. -- XXX: now, when tok.rvar fails, the tok.define failure message is printed. t_rvar = Var("t_botharrayexp") + lpeg.Cmt(tok.identifier, maybe_gamevar_Cmt) + tok.define, -- For written-to vars, only (non-parm2) array exprs and writable gamevars -- are permitted. NOTE: C-CON doesn't support inline array exprs here. t_wvar = Var("t_singlearrayexp") / function() errprintf("t_wvar: array exprs NYI") return "_NYIVAR" end + (tok.identifier / function(id) return lookup.gamevar(id, "_aci", true) end), t_gamearray = Var("t_identifier") / lookup.gamearray, t_move = POS()*tok.identifier / function(...) return lookup.composite(LABEL.MOVE, ...) end + POS()*tok.number / function(...) return check_composite_literal(LABEL.MOVE, ...) end, t_ai = POS()*tok.identifier / function(...) return lookup.composite(LABEL.AI, ...) end + POS()*tok.number / function(...) return check_composite_literal(LABEL.AI, ...) end, t_action = POS()*tok.identifier / function(...) return lookup.composite(LABEL.ACTION, ...) end + POS()*tok.number / function(...) return check_composite_literal(LABEL.ACTION, ...) end, -- New-style inline arrays and structures. t_botharrayexp = tok.identifier * arraypat * bothmemberpat^-1 / function(...) return lookup.array_expr(false, ...) end, t_singlearrayexp = tok.identifier * arraypat * singlememberpat^-1, -- SWITCH switch_stmt = Keyw("switch") * sp1 * tok.rvar * (lpeg.Cc(nil)/on.switch_begin) * lpeg.Ct((Var("case_block") + Var("default_block"))^0) * sp1 * "endswitch" / on.switch_end, -- NOTE: some old DNWMD has "case: PIGCOP". I don't think I'll allow that. case_block = lpeg.Ct((sp1 * Keyw("case") * sp1 * tok.define * (sp0*":")^-1)^1 * sp1 * stmt_list_nosp_or_eps), -- * "break", default_block = lpeg.Ct(sp1 * Keyw("default") * (sp0*":"*sp0 + sp1) * stmt_list_nosp_or_eps), -- * "break", if_stmt = lpeg.Ct((con_if_begs * sp1)^1) * Var("single_stmt") * (sp1 * Keyw("else") * sp1 * Var("single_stmt"))^-1 / on.if_else_end, while_stmt = Keyw("whilevarvarn") * sp1 * tok.rvar * sp1 * tok.rvar / on.while_begin * sp1 * Var("single_stmt") * (lpeg.Cc(nil) / on.while_end) + Keyw("whilevarn") * sp1 * tok.rvar * sp1 * tok.define / on.while_begin * sp1 * Var("single_stmt") * (lpeg.Cc(nil) / on.while_end), stmt_common = Keyw("{") * sp1 * "}" / "" -- space separation of commands in CON is for a reason! + Keyw("{") * sp1 * lpeg.Ct(stmt_list) * sp1 * "}" + con_inner_command + Var("switch_stmt") + lpeg.Ct(Var("while_stmt")), single_stmt = Stmt( lone_else^-1 * (Var("stmt_common") + Var("if_stmt")) ), -- a non-empty statement/command list stmt_list = Var("single_stmt") * (sp1 * Var("single_stmt"))^0, } local function setup_newlineidxs(contents) local newlineidxs = {} for i in string.gmatch(contents, "()\n") do newlineidxs[#newlineidxs+1] = i end if (#newlineidxs == 0) then -- try CR only (old Mac) for i in string.gmatch(contents, "()\r") do newlineidxs[#newlineidxs+1] = i end -- if (#newlineidxs > 0) then print('CR-only lineends detected.') end end -- dummy newlines at beginning and end newlineidxs[#newlineidxs+1] = #contents+1 newlineidxs[0] = 0 return newlineidxs end --== Lua -> CON line number mapping for error messages ==-- local lineinfo_mt = { __index = { -- Get CON file name and CON line number from Lua line number. getfline = function(self, lualine) local llines, lfiles = self.llines, self.lfiles assert(lualine >= 1 and lualine <= #llines) -- Get the CON line number: a simple lookup. local conline = llines[lualine] -- Find the CON file name next. local confile = nil for i=1,#lfiles do if (lfiles[i].line > lualine) then break end -- Shorten the file name by stripping the directory parts. confile = lfiles[i].name:match("[^/]+$") end return confile or "???", conline end, }, __metatable = true, } -- Construct Lua->CON line mapping info. This walks the generated code and -- looks for our inserted comment strings, so it's kind of hackish. local function get_lineinfo(flatcode) local curline, curfile = { 0 }, { "" } -- stacks -- llines: [] = -- lfiles: [] = { line=, name= } local llines, lfiles = {}, {} for i=1,#flatcode do local code = flatcode[i] local lnumstr = code:match("%-%-([0-9]+)$") local begfn = lnumstr and nil or code:match("^%-%- BEGIN (.+)$") local endfn = lnumstr and nil or code:match("^%-%- END (.+)$") if (lnumstr) then curline[#curline] = assert(tonumber(lnumstr)) elseif (begfn) then curfile[#curfile+1] = begfn curline[#curline+1] = 1 -- Begin an included file. lfiles[#lfiles+1] = { line=i, name=begfn } elseif (endfn) then assert(endfn==curfile[#curfile]) -- assert proper nesting curfile[#curfile] = nil curline[#curline] = nil -- End an included file, so reset the name to the includer's one. lfiles[#lfiles+1] = { line=i, name=curfile[#curfile] } end llines[i] = assert(curline[#curline]) end return setmetatable({ llines=llines, lfiles=lfiles }, lineinfo_mt) end -- : Get line info? local function get_code_string(codetab, lineinfop) local flatcode = flatten_codetab(codetab) local lineinfo = lineinfop and get_lineinfo(flatcode) return table.concat(flatcode, "\n"), lineinfo end function on.parse_begin() g_iflevel = 0 g_ifelselevel = 0 g_isWhile = {} g_have_file[g_filename] = true -- set up new state -- TODO: pack into one "parser state" table? g_lastkw, g_lastkwpos, g_numerrors = nil, nil, 0 g_recurslevel = g_recurslevel+1 end ---=== EXPORTED FUNCTIONS ===--- function parse(contents) -- local -- save outer state local lastkw, lastkwpos, numerrors = g_lastkw, g_lastkwpos, g_numerrors local newlineidxs = g_newlineidxs on.parse_begin() g_newlineidxs = setup_newlineidxs(contents) addcodef("-- BEGIN %s", g_filename) local idx = lpeg.match(Grammar, contents) if (not idx) then printf("[%d] Match failed.", g_recurslevel) g_numerrors = inf elseif (idx == #contents+1) then if (g_numerrors ~= 0) then printf("[%d] Matched whole contents (%d errors).", g_recurslevel, g_numerrors) elseif (g_recurslevel==0) then printf("[0] Matched whole contents.") end else local i, col = getlinecol(idx) local bi, ei = g_newlineidxs[i-1]+1, g_newlineidxs[i]-1 printf("[%d] Match succeeded up to line %d, col %d (pos=%d, len=%d)", g_recurslevel, i, col, idx, #contents) g_numerrors = inf -- printf("Line goes from %d to %d", bi, ei) local suffix = "" if (ei-bi > 76) then ei = bi+76 suffix = " (...)" end printf("%s%s", string.sub(contents, bi, ei), suffix) if (g_lastkwpos) then i, col = getlinecol(g_lastkwpos) printf("Last keyword was at line %d, col %d: %s", i, col, g_lastkw) end end addcodef("-- END %s", g_filename) g_recurslevel = g_recurslevel-1 -- restore outer state g_lastkw, g_lastkwpos = lastkw, lastkwpos g_numerrors = math.max(g_numerrors, numerrors) g_newlineidxs = newlineidxs end local function handle_cmdline_arg(str) if (str:sub(1,1)=="-") then if (#str == 1) then printf("Warning: input from stdin not supported") else local ok = false local kind = str:sub(2,2) -- -W(no-)*: warnings if (kind=="W" and #str >= 3) then local val = true local warnstr = str:sub(3) if (warnstr:sub(1,3)=="no-") then val = false warnstr = warnstr:sub(4) end if (type(g_warn[warnstr])=="boolean") then g_warn[warnstr] = val ok = true end -- -fno* special handling elseif (str:sub(2)=="fno") then -- Disable printing code entirely. g_cgopt["no"] = true ok = true elseif (str:sub(2)=="fno=onlycheck") then -- Disable printing code, only do syntax check of gen'd code. g_cgopt["no"] = "onlycheck" ok = true -- -fgendir=: specify directory for generated code elseif (str:sub(2,9)=="fgendir=" and #str >= 10) then g_cgopt["gendir"] = str:sub(10) ok = true -- -f(no-)*: code generation options elseif (kind=="f" and #str >= 3) then local val = true local cgstr = str:sub(3) if (cgstr:sub(1,3)=="no-") then val = false cgstr = cgstr:sub(4) end if (type(g_cgopt[cgstr])=="boolean") then g_cgopt[cgstr] = val ok = true end -- -I: default search directory (only ONCE, not search path) elseif (kind=="I" and #str >= 3) then g_defaultDir = str:sub(3) ok = true end if (not ffi and not ok) then printf("Warning: Unrecognized option %s", str) end end return true end end local function reset_all() reset_labels() reset_gamedata() reset_codegen() end local function print_on_failure(msg) if (g_lastkwpos ~= nil) then printf("LAST KEYWORD POSITION: %s, %s", linecolstr(g_lastkwpos), g_lastkw) end print(msg) end if (string.dump) then -- running stand-alone local io = require("io") -- Handle command-line arguments and remove those that have been processed. local i = 1 while (arg[i]) do if (handle_cmdline_arg(arg[i])) then table.remove(arg, i) else i = i+1 end end local function compile(filename) reset_all() -- Construct file name for the output code: (...)/xxx/qwe.con --> -- xxx_qwe.con, so that common root CON file names like EDUKE.CON will -- result in distinct file names for different mods. From that name, -- strip the extension. local codedir = g_cgopt["gendir"] local codefn = codedir and codedir.."/"..filename:match("[^/]+/[^/]+$"):gsub('/','_')..".lua" -- Get the directory part... g_directory = filename:match(".*/") or "" -- ...and the file name alone. filename = filename:sub(#g_directory+1, -1) -- NOTE: xpcall isn't useful here since the traceback won't give us -- anything inner to the lpeg.match call local ok, msg = pcall(do_include_file, g_directory, filename) -- ^v Swap commenting (comment top, uncomment bottom line) to get backtraces -- local ok, msg = true, do_include_file(g_directory, filename) if (not ok) then print_on_failure(msg) end if (not (g_cgopt["no"]==true)) then local onlycheck = (g_cgopt["no"] == "onlycheck") -- The file for the output messages: local msgfile = onlycheck and io.stdout or io.stderr local code, lineinfo = get_code_string(g_curcode, g_cgopt["debug-lineinfo"]) local func, errmsg = loadstring(code, "CON") -- msgfile:write(format("-- GENERATED CODE for \"%s\":\n", filename)) if (func == nil) then msgfile:write(format("-- INVALID Lua CODE: %s\n", errmsg)) end if (lineinfo) then for i=1,#lineinfo.llines do msgfile:write(format("%d -> %s:%d\n", i, lineinfo:getfline(i))) end elseif (not onlycheck) then -- The file for the generated code: local codefile = codefn and assert(io.open(codefn, "w+")) or msgfile codefile:write(code) codefile:write("\n") end end end local havelists = false for argi=1,#arg do local filename = arg[argi] if (filename=="@") then -- Start file list processing from the next positional argument on. havelists = true elseif (havelists) then printf("\n------ Handling list of CON files \"%s\"", filename) for fn in io.lines(filename) do -- A hash at the beginning of a line denotes a comment, an -- empty line is skipped. if (#fn>0 and not fn:match("^#")) then compile(fn) end end else compile(filename) end end else local i=0 while (ffiC.g_argv[i] ~= nil) do handle_cmdline_arg(ffi.string(ffiC.g_argv[i])) i = i+1 end -- running from EDuke32 function compile(filenames) -- TODO: pathsearchmode=1 set in G_CompileScripts reset_all() for _, fname in ipairs(filenames) do local ok, msg = pcall(do_include_file, "", fname) if (not ok or g_numerrors > 0) then if (not ok) then -- Unexpected error in the Lua code (i.e. a bug here). print_on_failure(msg) end return nil end end return get_code_string(g_curcode, true) end end