/* ** listmenu.zs ** The main menu class ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2010-2020 Christoph Oelckers ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ class ListMenuDescriptor : MenuDescriptor native { enum EScale { CleanScale = -1, OptCleanScale = -2 }; native Array<ListMenuItem> mItems; native int mSelectedItem; native double mSelectOfsX; native double mSelectOfsY; native TextureID mSelector; native int mDisplayTop; native double mXpos, mYpos; native int mWLeft, mWRight; native int mLinespacing; // needs to be stored for dynamically created menus native int mAutoselect; // this can only be set by internal menu creation functions native Font mFont; native int mFontColor; native int mFontColor2; native bool mCenter; native bool mAnimatedTransition; native int mVirtWidth, mVirtHeight; native void Reset(); int DisplayWidth() { if (mVirtWidth == OptCleanScale) return m_cleanscale ? CleanScale : 320; return mVirtWidth; } int DisplayHeight() { if (mVirtWidth == OptCleanScale) return m_cleanscale ? CleanScale : 200; return mVirtHeight; } } //============================================================================= // // list menu class runs a menu described by a DListMenuDescriptor // //============================================================================= class ListMenu : Menu { ListMenuDescriptor mDesc; MenuItemBase mFocusControl; virtual void Init(Menu parent = NULL, ListMenuDescriptor desc = NULL) { Super.Init(parent); mDesc = desc; AnimatedTransition = mDesc.mAnimatedTransition; if (desc.mCenter) { double center = 160; for(int i=0; i < mDesc.mItems.Size(); i++) { double xpos = mDesc.mItems[i].GetX(); int width = mDesc.mItems[i].GetWidth(); double curx = mDesc.mSelectOfsX; if (width > 0 && mDesc.mItems[i].Selectable()) { double left = 160 - (width - curx) / 2 - curx; if (left < center) center = left; } } for(int i=0;i<mDesc.mItems.Size(); i++) { int width = mDesc.mItems[i].GetWidth(); if (width > 0) { mDesc.mItems[i].SetX(center); } } } // notify all items that the menu was just created. for(int i=0;i<mDesc.mItems.Size(); i++) { mDesc.mItems[i].OnMenuCreated(); } } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= ListMenuItem GetItem(Name name) { for(int i = 0; i < mDesc.mItems.Size(); i++) { Name nm = mDesc.mItems[i].GetAction(); if (nm == name) return mDesc.mItems[i]; } return NULL; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= override bool OnUIEvent(UIEvent ev) { if (ev.Type == UIEvent.Type_KeyDown && ev.KeyChar > 0) { // tolower int ch = ev.KeyChar; ch = ch >= 65 && ch < 91 ? ch + 32 : ch; for(int i = mDesc.mSelectedItem + 1; i < mDesc.mItems.Size(); i++) { if (mDesc.mitems[i].Selectable() && mDesc.mItems[i].CheckHotkey(ch)) { mDesc.mSelectedItem = i; MenuSound("menu/cursor"); return true; } } for(int i = 0; i < mDesc.mSelectedItem; i++) { if (mDesc.mitems[i].Selectable() && mDesc.mItems[i].CheckHotkey(ch)) { mDesc.mSelectedItem = i; MenuSound("menu/cursor"); return true; } } } return Super.OnUIEvent(ev); } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= override bool MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller) { int oldSelect = mDesc.mSelectedItem; int startedAt = max(0, mDesc.mSelectedItem); switch (mkey) { case MKEY_Up: do { if (--mDesc.mSelectedItem < 0) mDesc.mSelectedItem = mDesc.mItems.Size()-1; } while (!mDesc.mItems[mDesc.mSelectedItem].Selectable() && mDesc.mSelectedItem != startedAt); if (mDesc.mSelectedItem == startedAt) mDesc.mSelectedItem = oldSelect; MenuSound("menu/cursor"); return true; case MKEY_Down: do { if (++mDesc.mSelectedItem >= mDesc.mItems.Size()) mDesc.mSelectedItem = 0; } while (!mDesc.mItems[mDesc.mSelectedItem].Selectable() && mDesc.mSelectedItem != startedAt); if (mDesc.mSelectedItem == startedAt) mDesc.mSelectedItem = oldSelect; MenuSound("menu/cursor"); return true; case MKEY_Enter: if (mDesc.mSelectedItem >= 0 && mDesc.mItems[mDesc.mSelectedItem].Activate()) { MenuSound("menu/advance"); } return true; default: return Super.MenuEvent(mkey, fromcontroller); } } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= override bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y) { int sel = -1; int w = mDesc.DisplayWidth(); double sx, sy; if (w == ListMenuDescriptor.CleanScale) { // convert x/y from screen to virtual coordinates, according to CleanX/Yfac use in DrawTexture x = ((x - (screen.GetWidth() / 2)) / CleanXfac) + 160; y = ((y - (screen.GetHeight() / 2)) / CleanYfac) + 100; } else { // for fullscreen scale, transform coordinates so that for the given rect the coordinates are within (0, 0, w, h) int h = mDesc.DisplayHeight(); double fx, fy, fw, fh; [fx, fy, fw, fh] = Screen.GetFullscreenRect(w, h, FSMode_ScaleToFit43); x = int((x - fx) * w / fw); y = int((y - fy) * h / fh); } if (mFocusControl != NULL) { mFocusControl.MouseEvent(type, x, y); return true; } else { if ((mDesc.mWLeft <= 0 || x > mDesc.mWLeft) && (mDesc.mWRight <= 0 || x < mDesc.mWRight)) { for(int i=0;i<mDesc.mItems.Size(); i++) { if (mDesc.mItems[i].CheckCoordinate(x, y)) { if (i != mDesc.mSelectedItem) { //MenuSound("menu/cursor"); } mDesc.mSelectedItem = i; mDesc.mItems[i].MouseEvent(type, x, y); return true; } } } } mDesc.mSelectedItem = -1; return Super.MouseEvent(type, x, y); } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= override void Ticker () { Super.Ticker(); for(int i=0;i<mDesc.mItems.Size(); i++) { mDesc.mItems[i].Ticker(); } } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= override void Drawer () { for(int i=0;i<mDesc.mItems.Size(); i++) { if (mDesc.mItems[i].mEnabled) mDesc.mItems[i].Draw(mDesc.mSelectedItem == i, mDesc); } if (mDesc.mSelectedItem >= 0 && mDesc.mSelectedItem < mDesc.mItems.Size()) { if (!menuDelegate.DrawSelector(mDesc)) mDesc.mItems[mDesc.mSelectedItem].DrawSelector(mDesc.mSelectOfsX, mDesc.mSelectOfsY, mDesc.mSelector, mDesc); } Super.Drawer(); } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= override void SetFocus(MenuItemBase fc) { mFocusControl = fc; } override bool CheckFocus(MenuItemBase fc) { return mFocusControl == fc; } override void ReleaseFocus() { mFocusControl = NULL; } }