local require = require local con = require "con" local gv = gv local sprite = sprite local actor = actor local player = player local assert = assert local printf = printf local gameevent = gameevent local spritesofstat = spritesofstat local Inf = 0/1 module(...) -- Insert MUSICANDSFX? (Delete it otherwise.) insp = false -- Hitag and lotag of last deleted MUSICANDSFX sprite. tag = {} tag.hi, tag.lo = 0, 0 -- Preliminary dummy of a local gamevar. local ournumjumps = 0 require "end_gamevars" -- We may cache globals defined in the gamevar section afterwards, but not -- refer to locals defined prior to the gamevar section in it. local tag = tag gameevent("JUMP", actor.FLAGS.chain_beg, function(aci, pli) local ps = player[pli] ournumjumps = ournumjumps+1 if (insp) then -- Insert MUSICANDSFX sprite with same lo-/hitag as last deleted one. printf("delmusicsfx: jump count=%d, inserting", ournumjumps) local spr = sprite[con.spawn(aci, 5)] spr.lotag, spr.hitag = tag.lo, tag.hi else -- Delete nearest MUSICANDSFX sprite. local nearestdst = Inf local nearesti = -1 for i in spritesofstat(actor.STAT.FX) do local dst = (sprite[i]-ps.pos):len2() if (nearesti == -1 or (dst < nearestdst and dst < sprite[i].hitag)) then printf("MSFX %d dist %d", i, dst) nearesti = i nearestdst = dst end end if (nearesti >= 0) then local spr = sprite[nearesti] tag.lo, tag.hi = spr.lotag, spr.hitag actor.delete(nearesti) end assert(nearesti < 0 or sprite[nearesti].picnum==5) printf("delmusicsfx: jump count=%d, deleting sprite %d", ournumjumps, nearesti) end insp = not insp end)