//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors Copyright (C) 2019 Nuke.YKT This file is part of NBlood. NBlood is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma once #include "compat.h" #include "build.h" #include "fix16.h" #include "common_game.h" #include "actor.h" #include "blood.h" #include "config.h" #include "controls.h" #include "db.h" #include "dude.h" #include "levels.h" #include "qav.h" BEGIN_BLD_NS // life modes of the player enum { kModeHuman = 0, kModeBeast = 1, kModeHumanShrink = 2, kModeHumanGrown = 3, kModeMax = 4, }; // postures enum { kPostureStand = 0, kPostureCrouch = 1, kPostureSwim = 2, kPostureMax = 3, }; struct PACKINFO { bool isActive; // is active (0/1) int curAmount = 0; // remaining percent }; struct PLAYER { spritetype *pSprite; XSPRITE *pXSprite; DUDEINFO *pDudeInfo; GINPUT input; //short input; // INPUT //char moveFunc; // forward //short at11; // turn //char hearDist; // strafe //int bobV; // buttonFlags //unsigned int bobH; // keyFlags //char swayV; // useFlags; //char swayH; // newWeapon //char at21; // mlook int used1; // something related to game checksum int weaponQav; int qavCallback; bool isRunning; int posture; // stand, crouch, swim int sceneQav; // by NoOne: used to keep qav id int bobPhase; int bobAmp; int bobHeight; int bobWidth; int swayPhase; int swayAmp; int swayHeight; int swayWidth; int nPlayer; // Connect id int nSprite; int lifeMode; int bloodlust; // ---> useless int zView; int zViewVel; int zWeapon; int zWeaponVel; fix16_t q16look; int q16horiz; // horiz int q16slopehoriz; // horizoff int slope; bool isUnderwater; bool hasKey[8]; char hasFlag; short used2[8]; // ?? int damageControl[7]; char curWeapon; char nextWeapon; int weaponTimer; int weaponState; int weaponAmmo; //rename bool hasWeapon[14]; int weaponMode[14]; int weaponOrder[2][14]; //int at149[14]; int ammoCount[12]; bool qavLoop; int fuseTime; int throwTime; int throwPower; Aim aim; // world //int at1c6; Aim relAim; // relative //int relAim; //int at1ce; //int at1d2; int aimTarget; // aim target sprite int aimTargetsCount; short aimTargets[16]; int deathTime; int pwUpTime[kMaxPowerUps]; int fragCount; int fragInfo[8]; int teamId; int fraggerId; int underwaterTime; int bloodTime; // --> useless int gooTime; // --> useless int wetTime; // --> useless int bubbleTime; int at306; // --> useless int restTime; int kickPower; int laughCount; int spin; // turning around bool godMode; bool fallScream; bool cantJump; int packItemTime; // pack timer int packItemId; // pack id 1: diving suit, 2: crystal ball, 3: beast vision 4: jump boots PACKINFO packSlots[5]; // at325 [1]: diving suit, [2]: crystal ball, [3]: beast vision [4]: jump boots int armor[3]; // armor //int at342; //int at346; int voodooTarget; int voodooTargets; // --> useless int voodooVar1; // --> useless int vodooVar2; // --> useless int flickerEffect; int tiltEffect; int visibility; int painEffect; int blindEffect; int chokeEffect; int handTime; bool hand; // if true, there is hand start choking the player int pickupEffect; bool flashEffect; // if true, reduce pPlayer->visibility counter int quakeEffect; fix16_t q16ang; int angold; int player_par; int nWaterPal; }; // by NoOne: defaut player movement speeds of all move states for gPosture extern int gDefaultAccel[12]; // by NoOne: defaut player jump heights of all move states for gPosture extern int gDefaultJumpZ[24]; struct POSTURE { int frontAccel; int sideAccel; int backAccel; int pace[2]; int bobV; int bobH; int swayV; int swayH; int eyeAboveZ; int weaponAboveZ; int xOffset; int zOffset; int normalJumpZ; int pwupJumpZ; }; extern POSTURE gPosture[kModeMax][kPostureMax]; struct PROFILE { int nAutoAim; int nWeaponSwitch; int skill; char name[MAXPLAYERNAME]; }; struct AMMOINFO { int max; signed char vectorType; }; struct POWERUPINFO { short picnum; bool pickupOnce; int bonusTime; int maxTime; }; #define kQavSceneStackSize 16 // by NoOne: this one stores qavs anims that can be played by trigger struct QAVSCENE { short index = -1; // index of sprite which triggered qav scene QAV* qavResrc = NULL; short causedBy = -1; // TO-DO: Stack of animations which allows to pop and push (restoring previous animation instead of weapon once current animation is played) }; // by NoOne: this one for controlling the player using triggers (movement speed, jumps and other stuff) struct TRPLAYERCTRL { QAVSCENE qavScene; }; extern TRPLAYERCTRL gPlayerCtrl[kMaxPlayers]; extern PLAYER gPlayer[kMaxPlayers]; extern PLAYER *gMe, *gView; extern bool gBlueFlagDropped; extern bool gRedFlagDropped; extern PROFILE gProfile[kMaxPlayers]; extern int dword_21EFB0[kMaxPlayers]; extern ClockTicks dword_21EFD0[kMaxPlayers]; extern AMMOINFO gAmmoInfo[]; extern POWERUPINFO gPowerUpInfo[kMaxPowerUps]; inline bool IsTargetTeammate(PLAYER* pSourcePlayer, spritetype* pTargetSprite) { if (pSourcePlayer == NULL) return false; if (!IsPlayerSprite(pTargetSprite)) return false; if (gGameOptions.nGameType == 1 || gGameOptions.nGameType == 3) { PLAYER* pTargetPlayer = &gPlayer[pTargetSprite->type - kDudePlayer1]; if (pSourcePlayer != pTargetPlayer) { if (gGameOptions.nGameType == 1) return true; if (gGameOptions.nGameType == 3 && (pSourcePlayer->teamId & 3) == (pTargetPlayer->teamId & 3)) return true; } } return false; } inline bool IsTargetTeammate(spritetype* pSourceSprite, spritetype* pTargetSprite) { if (!IsPlayerSprite(pSourceSprite)) return false; PLAYER* pSourcePlayer = &gPlayer[pSourceSprite->type - kDudePlayer1]; return IsTargetTeammate(pSourcePlayer, pTargetSprite); } int powerupCheck(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nPowerUp); char powerupActivate(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nPowerUp); void powerupDeactivate(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nPowerUp); void powerupSetState(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nPowerUp, char bState); void powerupProcess(PLAYER *pPlayer); void powerupClear(PLAYER *pPlayer); void powerupInit(void); int packItemToPowerup(int nPack); int powerupToPackItem(int nPowerUp); char packAddItem(PLAYER *pPlayer, unsigned int nPack); int packCheckItem(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nPack); char packItemActive(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nPack); void packUseItem(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nPack); void packPrevItem(PLAYER *pPlayer); void packNextItem(PLAYER *pPlayer); char playerSeqPlaying(PLAYER * pPlayer, int nSeq); void playerSetRace(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nLifeMode); void playerSetGodMode(PLAYER *pPlayer, char bGodMode); void playerResetInertia(PLAYER *pPlayer); void playerCorrectInertia(PLAYER* pPlayer, vec3_t const *oldpos); void playerStart(int nPlayer); void playerReset(PLAYER *pPlayer); void playerInit(int nPlayer, unsigned int a2); char sub_3A158(PLAYER *a1, spritetype *a2); char PickupItem(PLAYER *pPlayer, spritetype *pItem); char PickupAmmo(PLAYER *pPlayer, spritetype *pAmmo); char PickupWeapon(PLAYER *pPlayer, spritetype *pWeapon); void PickUp(PLAYER *pPlayer, spritetype *pSprite); void CheckPickUp(PLAYER *pPlayer); int ActionScan(PLAYER *pPlayer, int *a2, int *a3); void ProcessInput(PLAYER *pPlayer); void playerProcess(PLAYER *pPlayer); spritetype *playerFireMissile(PLAYER *pPlayer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6); spritetype *playerFireThing(PLAYER *pPlayer, int a2, int a3, int thingType, int a5); void playerFrag(PLAYER *pKiller, PLAYER *pVictim); void FragPlayer(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nSprite); int playerDamageArmor(PLAYER *pPlayer, DAMAGE_TYPE nType, int nDamage); spritetype *sub_40A94(PLAYER *pPlayer, int a2); int playerDamageSprite(int nSource, PLAYER *pPlayer, DAMAGE_TYPE nDamageType, int nDamage); int UseAmmo(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nAmmoType, int nDec); void sub_41250(PLAYER *pPlayer); void playerLandingSound(PLAYER *pPlayer); void PlayerSurvive(int, int nXSprite); void PlayerKneelsOver(int, int nXSprite); bool isGrown(spritetype* pSprite); bool isShrinked(spritetype* pSprite); bool shrinkPlayerSize(PLAYER* pPlayer, int divider); bool growPlayerSize(PLAYER* pPlayer, int multiplier); bool resetPlayerSize(PLAYER* pPlayer); void deactivateSizeShrooms(PLAYER* pPlayer); PLAYER* getPlayerById(short id); QAV* qavSceneLoad(int qavId); void qavScenePlay(PLAYER* pPlayer); void qavSceneDraw(PLAYER* pPlayer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5); void playerResetMoveSpeed(PLAYER* pPlayer); void playerResetJumpHeight(PLAYER* pPlayer); void playerResetQavScene(PLAYER* pPlayer); END_BLD_NS