//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1997, 2005 - 3D Realms Entertainment This file is part of Shadow Warrior version 1.2 Shadow Warrior is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Original Source: 1997 - Frank Maddin and Jim Norwood Prepared for public release: 03/28/2005 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" // scriplib.c #include "build.h" #include "keys.h" #include "names2.h" #include "panel.h" #include "game.h" #include "parse.h" #include "sprite.h" #include "jsector.h" #include "parent.h" #include "scriptfile.h" #include "menu/menu.h" #include "quotemgr.h" #include "mapinfo.h" BEGIN_SW_NS #define PATHSEPERATOR '\\' //#define COMPUTE_TOTALS 1 ParentalStruct aVoxelArray[MAXTILES]; /* ============================================================================= PARSING STUFF ============================================================================= */ char token[MAXTOKEN]; char *scriptbuffer,*script_p,*scriptend_p; int grabbed; int scriptline; SWBOOL endofscript; SWBOOL tokenready; // only TRUE if UnGetToken was just called /* ============== = = LoadScriptFile = ============== */ SWBOOL LoadScriptFile(const char *filename) { size_t size, readsize; FileReader fp; if (!(fp = fileSystem.OpenFileReader(filename, 0)).isOpen()) { // If there's no script file, forget it. return FALSE; } size = fp.GetLength(); scriptbuffer = (char *)AllocMem(size+1); ASSERT(scriptbuffer != NULL); readsize = fp.Read(scriptbuffer, size); ASSERT(readsize == size); scriptbuffer[readsize] = '\0'; script_p = scriptbuffer; scriptend_p = script_p + size; scriptline = 1; endofscript = FALSE; tokenready = FALSE; return TRUE; } /* ============== = = UnGetToken = = Signals that the current token was not used, and should be reported = for the next GetToken. Note that GetToken (TRUE); UnGetToken (); GetToken (FALSE); = could cross a line boundary. = ============== */ void UnGetToken(void) { tokenready = TRUE; } /* ============== = = GetToken = ============== */ void GetToken(SWBOOL crossline) { char *token_p; if (tokenready) // is a token already waiting? { tokenready = FALSE; return; } if (script_p >= scriptend_p) { if (!crossline) initprintf("Error: Line %i is incomplete\n",scriptline); endofscript = TRUE; return; } // // skip space // skipspace: while (*script_p <= 32) { if (script_p >= scriptend_p) { if (!crossline) initprintf("Error: Line %i is incomplete\n",scriptline); endofscript = TRUE; return; } if (*script_p++ == '\n') { if (!crossline) initprintf("Error: Line %i is incomplete\n",scriptline); scriptline++; } } if (script_p >= scriptend_p) { if (!crossline) initprintf("Error: Line %i is incomplete\n",scriptline); endofscript = TRUE; return; } if (*script_p == '#') // # is comment field { if (!crossline) initprintf("Error: Line %i is incomplete\n",scriptline); while (*script_p++ != '\n') if (script_p >= scriptend_p) { endofscript = TRUE; return; } goto skipspace; } // // copy token // token_p = token; while (*script_p > 32 && *script_p != '#') { *token_p++ = *script_p++; if (script_p == scriptend_p) break; ASSERT(token_p != &token[MAXTOKEN]); // initprintf("Error: Token too large on line %i\n",scriptline); } *token_p = 0; } /* ============== = = TokenAvailable = = Returns true if there is another token on the line = ============== */ SWBOOL TokenAvailable(void) { char *search_p; search_p = script_p; if (search_p >= scriptend_p) return FALSE; while (*search_p <= 32) { if (*search_p == '\n') return FALSE; search_p++; if (search_p == scriptend_p) return FALSE; } if (*search_p == '#') return FALSE; return TRUE; } // Load all the voxel files using swvoxfil.txt script file // Script file format: // # - Comment // spritenumber (in artfile), voxel number, filename // Ex. 1803 0 medkit2.kvx // 1804 1 shotgun.kvx // etc.... void LoadKVXFromScript(const char *filename) { int lNumber=0,lTile=0; // lNumber is the voxel no. and lTile is the editart tile being // replaced. char *sName; // KVS file being loaded in. int grabbed=0; // Number of lines parsed sName = (char *)AllocMem(256); // Up to 256 bytes for path ASSERT(sName != NULL); // zero out the array memory with -1's for pics not being voxelized memset(&aVoxelArray[0],-1,sizeof(struct TILE_INFO_TYPE)*MAXTILES); for (grabbed = 0; grabbed < MAXTILES; grabbed++) { aVoxelArray[grabbed].Voxel = -1; aVoxelArray[grabbed].Parental = -1; } grabbed = 0; // Load the file if (!LoadScriptFile(filename)) ASSERT(TRUE==FALSE); do { GetToken(TRUE); // Crossing a line boundary on the end of line to first token // of a new line is permitted (and expected) if (endofscript) break; lTile = atol(token); GetToken(FALSE); lNumber = atol(token); GetToken(FALSE); strcpy(sName,token); // Copy the whole token as a file name and path // Load the voxel file into memory if (!qloadkvx(lNumber,sName)) { // Store the sprite and voxel numbers for later use aVoxelArray[lTile].Voxel = lNumber; // Voxel num } if (lNumber >= nextvoxid) // JBF: so voxels in the def file append to the list nextvoxid = lNumber + 1; grabbed++; ASSERT(grabbed < MAXSPRITES); } while (script_p < scriptend_p); FreeMem(scriptbuffer); FreeMem(sName); script_p = NULL; } // Load in info for all Parental lock tile targets // # - Comment // tilenumber (in artfile), replacement tile offset (if any) // Ex. 1803 -1 -1 = No tile replacement // 1804 2000 // etc.... void LoadPLockFromScript(const char *filename) { int lNumber=0,lTile=0; // lNumber is the voxel no. and lTile is the editart tile being // replaced. char *sName; // KVS file being loaded in. int grabbed=0; // Number of lines parsed sName = (char *)AllocMem(256); // Up to 256 bytes for path ASSERT(sName != NULL); // Load the file if (!LoadScriptFile(filename)) ASSERT(TRUE==FALSE); do { GetToken(TRUE); // Crossing a line boundary on the end of line to first token // of a new line is permitted (and expected) if (endofscript) break; lTile = atoi(token); GetToken(FALSE); lNumber = atoi(token); // Store the sprite and voxel numbers for later use aVoxelArray[lTile].Parental = lNumber; // Replacement to tile, -1 for none grabbed++; ASSERT(grabbed < MAXSPRITES); } while (script_p < scriptend_p); FreeMem(scriptbuffer); FreeMem(sName); script_p = NULL; } /* * Here begins JonoF's modding enhancement stuff */ enum { CM_MAP, CM_EPISODE, CM_TITLE, CM_FILENAME, CM_SONG, CM_CDATRACK, CM_BESTTIME, CM_PARTIME, CM_SUBTITLE, CM_SKILL, CM_TEXT, CM_COOKIE, CM_GOTKEY, CM_NEEDKEY, CM_INVENTORY, CM_AMOUNT, CM_WEAPON, CM_AMMONAME, CM_MAXAMMO, CM_DAMAGEMIN, CM_DAMAGEMAX, CM_THEME, CM_SECRET, CM_QUIT, }; static const struct _tokset { const char *str; int tokn; } cm_tokens[] = { { "map", CM_MAP }, { "level", CM_MAP }, { "episode", CM_EPISODE }, { "skill", CM_SKILL }, { "cookie", CM_COOKIE }, { "fortune", CM_COOKIE }, { "gotkey", CM_GOTKEY }, { "inventory", CM_INVENTORY }, { "weapon", CM_WEAPON }, { "needkey", CM_NEEDKEY }, { "theme", CM_THEME }, { "secret", CM_SECRET }, { "quit", CM_QUIT }, }, cm_map_tokens[] = { { "title", CM_TITLE }, { "name", CM_TITLE }, { "description", CM_TITLE }, { "filename", CM_FILENAME }, { "file", CM_FILENAME }, { "fn", CM_FILENAME }, { "levelname", CM_FILENAME }, { "song", CM_SONG }, { "music", CM_SONG }, { "songname", CM_SONG }, { "cdatrack", CM_CDATRACK }, { "cdtrack", CM_CDATRACK }, { "besttime", CM_BESTTIME }, { "partime", CM_PARTIME }, }, cm_episode_tokens[] = { { "title", CM_TITLE }, { "name", CM_TITLE }, { "description", CM_TITLE }, { "subtitle", CM_SUBTITLE }, }, cm_skill_tokens[] = { { "title", CM_TITLE }, { "name", CM_TITLE }, { "description", CM_TITLE }, }, cm_inventory_tokens[] = { { "title", CM_TITLE }, { "name", CM_TITLE }, { "description", CM_TITLE }, { "amount", CM_AMOUNT }, }, cm_weapons_tokens[] = { { "title", CM_TITLE }, { "name", CM_TITLE }, { "description", CM_TITLE }, { "ammoname", CM_AMMONAME }, { "maxammo", CM_MAXAMMO }, { "mindamage", CM_DAMAGEMIN }, { "maxdamage", CM_DAMAGEMAX }, { "pickup", CM_AMOUNT }, { "weaponpickup",CM_WEAPON }, }, cm_theme_tokens[] = { { "song", CM_SONG }, { "music", CM_SONG }, { "cdatrack", CM_CDATRACK }, { "cdtrack", CM_CDATRACK }, }; #define cm_numtokens (sizeof(cm_tokens)/sizeof(cm_tokens[0])) #define cm_map_numtokens (sizeof(cm_map_tokens)/sizeof(cm_map_tokens[0])) #define cm_episode_numtokens (sizeof(cm_episode_tokens)/sizeof(cm_episode_tokens[0])) #define cm_skill_numtokens (sizeof(cm_skill_tokens)/sizeof(cm_skill_tokens[0])) #define cm_inventory_numtokens (sizeof(cm_inventory_tokens)/sizeof(cm_inventory_tokens[0])) #define cm_weapons_numtokens (sizeof(cm_weapons_tokens)/sizeof(cm_weapons_tokens[0])) #define cm_theme_numtokens (sizeof(cm_theme_tokens)/sizeof(cm_theme_tokens[0])) static int cm_transtok(const char *tok, const struct _tokset *set, const unsigned num) { unsigned i; for (i=0; iltextptr; if (scriptfile_getbraces(script, &braceend)) break; // first map entry may not be used, max. amount needs investigation if (curmap < 1 || curmap > MAX_LEVELS_REG) { initprintf("Error: map number %d not in range 1-%d on line %s:%d\n", curmap, MAX_LEVELS_REG, script->filename, scriptfile_getlinum(script,mapnumptr)); script->textptr = braceend; break; } while (script->textptr < braceend) { if (!(token = scriptfile_gettoken(script))) break; if (token == braceend) break; switch (cm_transtok(token, cm_map_tokens, cm_map_numtokens)) { case CM_FILENAME: { char *t; if (scriptfile_getstring(script, &t)) break; mapList[curmap].SetFileName(t); break; } case CM_SONG: { char *t; if (scriptfile_getstring(script, &t)) break; mapList[curmap].music = t; break; } case CM_TITLE: { char *t; if (scriptfile_getstring(script, &t)) break; mapList[curmap].SetName(t); break; } case CM_BESTTIME: { int n; if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &n)) break; mapList[curmap].designerTime = n; break; } case CM_PARTIME: { int n; if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &n)) break; mapList[curmap].parTime = n; break; } case CM_CDATRACK: { int n; if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &n)) break; mapList[curmap].cdSongId = n; break; } default: initprintf("Error on line %s:%d\n", script->filename, scriptfile_getlinum(script,script->ltextptr)); break; } } break; } case CM_EPISODE: { char *epnumptr; if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &curmap)) break; epnumptr = script->ltextptr; if (scriptfile_getbraces(script, &braceend)) break; if ((unsigned)--curmap >= 2u) { initprintf("Error: episode number %d not in range 1-2 on line %s:%d\n", curmap, script->filename, scriptfile_getlinum(script,epnumptr)); script->textptr = braceend; break; } while (script->textptr < braceend) { if (!(token = scriptfile_gettoken(script))) break; if (token == braceend) break; switch (cm_transtok(token, cm_episode_tokens, cm_episode_numtokens)) { case CM_TITLE: { char *t; if (scriptfile_getstring(script, &t)) break; gVolumeNames[curmap] = t; break; } case CM_SUBTITLE: { char *t; if (scriptfile_getstring(script, &t)) break; gVolumeSubtitles[curmap] = t; break; } default: initprintf("Error on line %s:%d\n", script->filename, scriptfile_getlinum(script,script->ltextptr)); break; } } break; } case CM_SKILL: { char *epnumptr; if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &curmap)) break; epnumptr = script->ltextptr; if (scriptfile_getbraces(script, &braceend)) break; if ((unsigned)--curmap >= 4u) { initprintf("Error: skill number %d not in range 1-4 on line %s:%d\n", curmap, script->filename, scriptfile_getlinum(script,epnumptr)); script->textptr = braceend; break; } while (script->textptr < braceend) { if (!(token = scriptfile_gettoken(script))) break; if (token == braceend) break; switch (cm_transtok(token, cm_skill_tokens, cm_skill_numtokens)) { case CM_TITLE: { char *t; if (scriptfile_getstring(script, &t)) break; gSkillNames[curmap] = t; break; } default: initprintf("Error on line %s:%d\n", script->filename, scriptfile_getlinum(script,script->ltextptr)); break; } } break; } case CM_COOKIE: { char *t; int fc = 0; if (scriptfile_getbraces(script, &braceend)) break; while (script->textptr < braceend) { if (scriptfile_getstring(script, &t)) break; if (fc == MAX_FORTUNES) continue; quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(QUOTE_COOKIE + fc, t); fc++; } break; } case CM_GOTKEY: { char *t; int fc = 0; if (scriptfile_getbraces(script, &braceend)) break; while (script->textptr < braceend) { if (scriptfile_getstring(script, &t)) break; if (fc == MAX_KEYS) continue; quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(QUOTE_KEYMSG + fc, t); fc++; } break; } case CM_NEEDKEY: { char *t; int fc = 0; if (scriptfile_getbraces(script, &braceend)) break; while (script->textptr < braceend) { if (scriptfile_getstring(script, &t)) break; if (fc == MAX_KEYS) continue; quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(QUOTE_DOORMSG + fc, t); fc++; } break; } case CM_INVENTORY: { char *invnumptr; int in; char *name = NULL; int amt = -1; if (scriptfile_getsymbol(script, &in)) break; invnumptr = script->ltextptr; if (scriptfile_getbraces(script, &braceend)) break; if ((unsigned)--in >= (unsigned)InvDecl_TOTAL) { initprintf("Error: inventory item number not in range 1-%d on line %s:%d\n", InvDecl_TOTAL, script->filename, scriptfile_getlinum(script,invnumptr)); script->textptr = braceend; break; } while (script->textptr < braceend) { if (!(token = scriptfile_gettoken(script))) break; if (token == braceend) break; switch (cm_transtok(token, cm_inventory_tokens, cm_inventory_numtokens)) { case CM_TITLE: if (scriptfile_getstring(script, &name)) break; break; case CM_AMOUNT: if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &amt)) break; break; default: initprintf("Error on line %s:%d\n", script->filename, scriptfile_getlinum(script,script->ltextptr)); break; } } if (name) { quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(QUOTE_INVENTORY + in, name); } if (amt >= 0) { InventoryDecls[in].amount = amt; } break; } case CM_WEAPON: { char *wpnnumptr; char *name = NULL, *ammo = NULL; int maxammo = -1, damagemin = -1, damagemax = -1, pickup = -1, wpickup = -1; int in,id; if (scriptfile_getsymbol(script, &in)) break; wpnnumptr = script->ltextptr; if (scriptfile_getbraces(script, &braceend)) break; if ((unsigned)--in >= (unsigned)SIZ(weaponmap)) { initprintf("Error: weapon number not in range 1-%d on line %s:%d\n", (int)SIZ(weaponmap), script->filename, scriptfile_getlinum(script,wpnnumptr)); script->textptr = braceend; break; } while (script->textptr < braceend) { if (!(token = scriptfile_gettoken(script))) break; if (token == braceend) break; switch (cm_transtok(token, cm_weapons_tokens, cm_weapons_numtokens)) { case CM_TITLE: if (scriptfile_getstring(script, &name)) break; break; case CM_AMMONAME: if (scriptfile_getstring(script, &ammo)) break; break; case CM_MAXAMMO: if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &maxammo)) break; break; case CM_DAMAGEMIN: if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &damagemin)) break; break; case CM_DAMAGEMAX: if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &damagemax)) break; break; case CM_AMOUNT: if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &pickup)) break; break; case CM_WEAPON: if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &wpickup)) break; break; default: initprintf("Error on line %s:%d\n", script->filename, scriptfile_getlinum(script,script->ltextptr)); break; } } id = weaponmap[in].dmgid; if (weaponmap[in].editable & WM_DAMAGE) { if (damagemin >= 0) DamageData[id].damage_lo = damagemin; if (damagemax >= 0) DamageData[id].damage_hi = damagemax; } if (weaponmap[in].editable & WM_WEAP) { if (maxammo >= 0) DamageData[id].max_ammo = maxammo; if (name) { quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(QUOTE_WPNFIST + in, name); } if (wpickup >= 0) DamageData[id].weapon_pickup = wpickup; } if (weaponmap[in].editable & WM_AMMO) { if (ammo) { quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(QUOTE_AMMOFIST + in, ammo); } if (pickup >= 0) DamageData[id].ammo_pickup = pickup; } break; } case CM_THEME: { char *epnumptr; char *name = NULL; int trak = -1; if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &curmap)) break; epnumptr = script->ltextptr; if (scriptfile_getbraces(script, &braceend)) break; if ((unsigned)--curmap >= 6u) { initprintf("Error: theme number %d not in range 1-6 on line %s:%d\n", curmap, script->filename, scriptfile_getlinum(script,epnumptr)); script->textptr = braceend; break; } while (script->textptr < braceend) { if (!(token = scriptfile_gettoken(script))) break; if (token == braceend) break; switch (cm_transtok(token, cm_theme_tokens, cm_theme_numtokens)) { case CM_SONG: if (scriptfile_getstring(script, &name)) break; break; case CM_CDATRACK: if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &trak)) break; break; default: initprintf("Error on line %s:%d\n", script->filename, scriptfile_getlinum(script,script->ltextptr)); break; } } if (name) { ThemeSongs[curmap] = name; } if (trak >= 2) { ThemeTrack[curmap] = trak; } break; } case CM_SECRET: case CM_QUIT: default: initprintf("Error on line %s:%d\n", script->filename, scriptfile_getlinum(script,script->ltextptr)); break; } } scriptfile_close(script); scriptfile_clearsymbols(); } END_SW_NS