#pragma once

#include <stdint.h>
#include "tarray.h"
#include "name.h"

// Actions
struct FButtonStatus
	enum { MAX_KEYS = 6 };	// Maximum number of keys that can press this button

	uint16_t Keys[MAX_KEYS];
	bool bDown;				// Button is down right now
	bool bWentDown;			// Button went down this tic
	bool bWentUp;			// Button went up this tic
	bool bReleaseLock;		// Lock ReleaseKey call in ResetButtonStates
	void (*PressHandler)();		// for optional game-side customization
	void (*ReleaseHandler)();

	bool PressKey (int keynum);		// Returns true if this key caused the button to be pressed.
	bool ReleaseKey (int keynum);	// Returns true if this key is no longer pressed.
	void ResetTriggers () { bWentDown = bWentUp = false; }
	void Reset () { bDown = bWentDown = bWentUp = false; }

class ButtonMap

	TArray<FButtonStatus> Buttons;
	TArray<FString> NumToName;		// The internal name of the button
	TMap<FName, int> NameToNum;

	void SetButtons(const char** names, int count);

	int NumButtons() const
		return Buttons.Size();

	int FindButtonIndex(const char* func, int funclen = -1) const;

	FButtonStatus* FindButton(const char* func, int funclen = -1)
		int index = FindButtonIndex(func, funclen);
		return index > -1 ? &Buttons[index] : nullptr;

	FButtonStatus* GetButton(int index)
		return &Buttons[index];

	void ResetButtonTriggers();	// Call ResetTriggers for all buttons
	void ResetButtonStates();		// Same as above, but also clear bDown
	int ListActionCommands(const char* pattern);
	void AddButtonTabCommands();

	bool ButtonDown(int x) const
		return Buttons[x].bDown;

	bool ButtonPressed(int x) const
		return Buttons[x].bWentDown;

	bool ButtonReleased(int x) const
		return Buttons[x].bWentUp;

	void ClearButton(int x)

extern ButtonMap buttonMap;