# GNU Makefile to prepare source and binary distributions. # make -f MakeDistributions [source|binary] SOURCEFILES=GNU.TXT \ Makefile Makefile.deps Makefile.msvc Makefile.watcom MakeDistributions \ makemsc.bat makew.bat ChangeLog.html duke3d.def.sample \ SEHELP.HLP STHELP.HLP ChangeLog enhance.con.sample BINARYFILES=mapster32.exe eduke32.exe GNU.TXT \ ChangeLog.html setup.exe duke3d.def.sample SEHELP.HLP STHELP.HLP \ ChangeLog enhance.con.sample duke3d_w32.exe .PHONY: source binary datenow=$(shell date +%Y%m%d) sourcedir=eduke32_src_$(datenow) binarydir=eduke32_$(datenow) all: source binary source: rm -rf $(sourcedir) $(sourcedir).zip mkdir -p $(sourcedir) $(sourcedir)/eobj $(sourcedir)/obj mkdir -p $(sourcedir)/eobj.nix $(sourcedir)/obj.nix touch $(sourcedir)/eobj/keep.me $(sourcedir)/obj/keep.me touch $(sourcedir)/eobj.nix/keep.me $(sourcedir)/obj.nix/keep.me cp $(SOURCEFILES) $(sourcedir) find . -name "*~" -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'; find . -name "*.orig" -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'; find . -name "*.rej" -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'; find . -name "*.mine" -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'; find . -name "*.c.r*" -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'; find . -name "*.h.r*" -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'; cp -R source rsrc watcomhax $(sourcedir) find $(sourcedir) | grep -i svn | xargs rm -rf kzip -r $(sourcedir).zip $(sourcedir) binary: make RELEASE=1 upx -9 mapster32.exe eduke32.exe duke3d_w32.exe setup.exe rm -rf $(binarydir) mkdir $(binarydir) # mkdir $(binarydir) $(binarydir)/models cp $(BINARYFILES) $(binarydir) # cp models/* $(binarydir)/models kzip -r $(binarydir).zip $(binarydir)