local bit = require("bit") local band = bit.band local tostring = tostring local gv = gv local actor = actor local sector, wall, sprite = sector, wall, sprite local printf = printf local sectorsofbunch = sectorsofbunch local con = require("con") local D = require("CON.DEFS") ---------- local TROR_GLASSBREAKER = 2959 -- red 'T' -- Actor controlling the timing of a TROR hplane breaking. gameactor { TROR_GLASSBREAKER, function(aci, pli, dist) local spr = sprite[aci] if (not (spr.lotag == 712 and spr.hitag == 119)) then -- check BREAKER_MAGIC sprite.changestat(aci, actor.STAT.DEFAULT) return end local cnt = actor[aci]:get_count() local finish = (cnt >= 6) if (cnt == 0) then -- NOTE: INTERNAL interface, DON'T USE! con._sound(aci, D.GLASS_BREAKING) end local bunchnum = spr.extra for sectnum, what in sectorsofbunch(bunchnum, gv.BOTH_CF) do local cf = sector[sectnum][what] cf:set_picnum(D.GLASS2 + cnt) cf.statbits:clear(sector.STAT.BLOCK + sector.STAT.HITSCAN) if (finish) then cf.statbits:clear(sector.STAT.TRANS_BITMASK) end end if (finish) then con.killit() end end } local DHP = sector.DAMAGEHPLANE gameevent { "DAMAGEHPLANE", function(aci, pli, RETURN) local what, sectnum = sector.damagehplane_whatsect(RETURN) local sec = sector[sectnum] -- Part I: make various screens breakable when it's a ceiling picnum. if (what == "ceiling") then -- hit ceiling if (sec.ceilingpicnum >= 263 and sec.ceilingpicnum <= 275) then sec:set_ceilingpicnum(D.W_SCREENBREAK + gv.krand()%3) gv.RETURN = DHP.GLASSBREAK return con.longjmp() end end gv.RETURN = DHP.DEFAULT end } gameevent { "DAMAGEHPLANE", function(aci, pli, RETURN) local what, sectnum = sector.damagehplane_whatsect(RETURN) local sec = sector[sectnum] -- Part II: breakable TROR hplanes local cf = sec[what] -- printf("damage %s of sector %d (pic %d, bunch %d, hittable: %s)", what, sectnum, -- cf.picnum, cf.bunch, tostring(cf.statbits:test(sector.STAT.HITSCAN))) if (cf.bunch >= 0 and (cf.picnum==198 or cf.picnum==D.GLASS2) and cf.statbits:test(sector.STAT.HITSCAN)) then local bi = con.insertsprite(TROR_GLASSBREAKER, wall[sec.wallptr], sectnum, aci, actor.STAT.ACTOR) local breaker = sprite[bi] breaker.cstat = sprite.CSTAT.INVISIBLE breaker.lotag, breaker.hitag = 712, 119 -- BREAKER_MAGIC breaker.extra = cf.bunch gv.RETURN = DHP.SUPPRESS return con.longjmp() end gv.RETURN = DHP.DEFAULT end }