#pragma once #include <stdint.h> #include "vectors.h" #include "floatrect.h" #include "refcounted.h" #include "xs_Float.h" #include "palentry.h" #include "zstring.h" #include "textureid.h" // 15 because 0th texture is our texture #define MAX_CUSTOM_HW_SHADER_TEXTURES 15 class FTexture; class ISoftwareTexture; class FMaterial; struct SpritePositioningInfo { uint16_t trim[4]; int spriteWidth, spriteHeight; float mSpriteU[2], mSpriteV[2]; FloatRect mSpriteRect; uint8_t mTrimResult; float GetSpriteUL() const { return mSpriteU[0]; } float GetSpriteVT() const { return mSpriteV[0]; } float GetSpriteUR() const { return mSpriteU[1]; } float GetSpriteVB() const { return mSpriteV[1]; } const FloatRect &GetSpriteRect() const { return mSpriteRect; } }; struct MaterialLayers { float Glossiness; float SpecularLevel; FGameTexture* Brightmap; FGameTexture* Normal; FGameTexture* Specular; FGameTexture* Metallic; FGameTexture* Roughness; FGameTexture* AmbientOcclusion; FGameTexture* CustomShaderTextures[MAX_CUSTOM_HW_SHADER_TEXTURES]; }; enum EGameTexFlags { GTexf_NoDecals = 1, // Decals should not stick to texture GTexf_WorldPanning = 2, // Texture is panned in world units rather than texels GTexf_FullNameTexture = 4, // Name is taken from the file system. GTexf_Glowing = 8, // Texture emits a glow GTexf_AutoGlowing = 16, // Glow info is determined from texture image. GTexf_RenderFullbright = 32, // always draw fullbright GTexf_DisableFullbrightSprites = 64, // This texture will not be displayed as fullbright sprite GTexf_BrightmapChecked = 128, // Check for a colormap-based brightmap was already done. GTexf_AutoMaterialsAdded = 256, // AddAutoMaterials has been called on this texture. }; // Refactoring helper to allow piece by piece adjustment of the API class FGameTexture { friend class FMaterial; friend class GLDefsParser; // this needs access to set up the texture properly // Material layers. These are shared so reference counting is used. RefCountedPtr<FTexture> Base; RefCountedPtr<FTexture> Brightmap; RefCountedPtr<FTexture> Detailmap; RefCountedPtr<FTexture> Glowmap; RefCountedPtr<FTexture> Normal; // Normal map texture RefCountedPtr<FTexture> Specular; // Specular light texture for the diffuse+normal+specular light model RefCountedPtr<FTexture> Metallic; // Metalness texture for the physically based rendering (PBR) light model RefCountedPtr<FTexture> Roughness; // Roughness texture for PBR RefCountedPtr<FTexture> AmbientOcclusion; // Ambient occlusion texture for PBR RefCountedPtr<FTexture> CustomShaderTextures[MAX_CUSTOM_HW_SHADER_TEXTURES]; // Custom texture maps for custom hardware shaders FString Name; FTextureID id; uint16_t TexelWidth, TexelHeight; int16_t LeftOffset[2], TopOffset[2]; float DisplayWidth, DisplayHeight; float ScaleX, ScaleY; int8_t shouldUpscaleFlag = 1; ETextureType UseType = ETextureType::Wall; // This texture's primary purpose SpritePositioningInfo* spi = nullptr; ISoftwareTexture* SoftwareTexture = nullptr; FMaterial* Material[5] = { }; // Material properties FVector2 detailScale = { 1.f, 1.f }; float Glossiness = 10.f; float SpecularLevel = 0.1f; float shaderspeed = 1.f; int shaderindex = 0; int flags = 0; uint8_t warped = 0; int8_t expandSprite = -1; uint16_t GlowHeight = 128; PalEntry GlowColor = 0; int16_t SkyOffset = 0; uint16_t Rotations = 0xffff; public: float alphaThreshold = 0.5f; FGameTexture(FTexture* wrap, const char *name); ~FGameTexture(); void Setup(FTexture* wrap); FTextureID GetID() const { return id; } void SetID(FTextureID newid) { id = newid; } // should only be called by the texture manager const FString& GetName() const { return Name; } void SetName(const char* name) { Name = name; } // should only be called by setup code. float GetScaleX() { return ScaleX; } float GetScaleY() { return ScaleY; } float GetDisplayWidth() const { return DisplayWidth; } float GetDisplayHeight() const { return DisplayHeight; } int GetTexelWidth() const { return TexelWidth; } int GetTexelHeight() const { return TexelHeight; } void CreateDefaultBrightmap(); void AddAutoMaterials(); bool ShouldExpandSprite(); void SetupSpriteData(); void SetSpriteRect(); ETextureType GetUseType() const { return UseType; } void SetUpscaleFlag(int what) { shouldUpscaleFlag = what; } int GetUpscaleFlag() { return shouldUpscaleFlag == 1; } FTexture* GetTexture() { return Base.get(); } int GetSourceLump() const { return Base->GetSourceLump(); } void SetBrightmap(FGameTexture* tex) { Brightmap = tex->GetTexture(); } int GetTexelLeftOffset(int adjusted = 0) const { return LeftOffset[adjusted]; } int GetTexelTopOffset(int adjusted = 0) const { return TopOffset[adjusted]; } float GetDisplayLeftOffset(int adjusted = 0) const { return LeftOffset[adjusted] / ScaleX; } float GetDisplayTopOffset(int adjusted = 0) const { return TopOffset[adjusted] / ScaleY; } bool isMiscPatch() const { return GetUseType() == ETextureType::MiscPatch; } // only used by the intermission screen to decide whether to tile the background image or not. bool isFullbrightDisabled() const { return !!(flags & GTexf_DisableFullbrightSprites); } bool isFullbright() const { return !!(flags & GTexf_RenderFullbright); } bool isFullNameTexture() const { return !!(flags & GTexf_FullNameTexture); } bool expandSprites() { return expandSprite == -1? ShouldExpandSprite() : !!expandSprite; } bool useWorldPanning() const { return !!(flags & GTexf_WorldPanning); } void SetWorldPanning(bool on) { if (on) flags |= GTexf_WorldPanning; else flags &= ~GTexf_WorldPanning; } bool allowNoDecals() const { return !!(flags & GTexf_NoDecals); } void SetNoDecals(bool on) { if (on) flags |= GTexf_NoDecals; else flags &= ~GTexf_NoDecals; } bool isValid() const { return UseType != ETextureType::Null; } int isWarped() { return warped; } void SetWarpStyle(int style) { warped = style; } bool isMasked() { return Base->Masked; } bool isHardwareCanvas() const { return Base->isHardwareCanvas(); } // There's two here so that this can deal with software canvases in the hardware renderer later. bool isSoftwareCanvas() const { return Base->isCanvas(); } void SetTranslucent(bool on) { Base->bTranslucent = on; } void SetUseType(ETextureType type) { UseType = type; } int GetRotations() const { return Rotations; } void SetRotations(int rot) { Rotations = int16_t(rot); } void SetSkyOffset(int offs) { SkyOffset = offs; } int GetSkyOffset() const { return SkyOffset; } ISoftwareTexture* GetSoftwareTexture() { return SoftwareTexture; } void SetSoftwareTexture(ISoftwareTexture* swtex) { SoftwareTexture = swtex; } FMaterial* GetMaterial(int num) { return Material[num]; } int GetShaderIndex() const { return shaderindex; } float GetShaderSpeed() const { return shaderspeed; } void SetShaderSpeed(float speed) { shaderspeed = speed; } void SetShaderIndex(int index) { shaderindex = index; } void SetShaderLayers(MaterialLayers& lay) { // Only update layers that have something defind. if (lay.Glossiness > -1000) Glossiness = lay.Glossiness; if (lay.SpecularLevel > -1000) SpecularLevel = lay.SpecularLevel; if (lay.Brightmap) Brightmap = lay.Brightmap->GetTexture(); if (lay.Normal) Normal = lay.Normal->GetTexture(); if (lay.Specular) Specular = lay.Specular->GetTexture(); if (lay.Metallic) Metallic = lay.Metallic->GetTexture(); if (lay.Roughness) Roughness = lay.Roughness->GetTexture(); if (lay.AmbientOcclusion) AmbientOcclusion = lay.AmbientOcclusion->GetTexture(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CUSTOM_HW_SHADER_TEXTURES; i++) { if (lay.CustomShaderTextures[i]) CustomShaderTextures[i] = lay.CustomShaderTextures[i]->GetTexture(); } } float GetGlossiness() const { return Glossiness; } float GetSpecularLevel() const { return SpecularLevel; } void CopySize(FGameTexture* BaseTexture) { Base->CopySize(BaseTexture->Base.get()); SetDisplaySize(BaseTexture->GetDisplayWidth(), BaseTexture->GetDisplayHeight()); SetOffsets(0, BaseTexture->GetTexelLeftOffset(0), BaseTexture->GetTexelTopOffset(0)); SetOffsets(1, BaseTexture->GetTexelLeftOffset(1), BaseTexture->GetTexelTopOffset(1)); } // Glowing is a pure material property that should not filter down to the actual texture objects. void GetGlowColor(float* data); bool isGlowing() const { return !!(flags & GTexf_Glowing); } bool isAutoGlowing() const { return !!(flags & GTexf_AutoGlowing); } int GetGlowHeight() const { return GlowHeight; } void SetAutoGlowing() { flags |= (GTexf_AutoGlowing | GTexf_Glowing | GTexf_RenderFullbright); } void SetGlowHeight(int v) { GlowHeight = v; } void SetFullbright() { flags |= GTexf_RenderFullbright; } void SetDisableFullbright(bool on) { if (on) flags |= GTexf_DisableFullbrightSprites; else flags &= ~GTexf_DisableFullbrightSprites; } void SetGlowing(PalEntry color) { flags = (flags & ~GTexf_AutoGlowing) | GTexf_Glowing; GlowColor = color; } bool isUserContent() const; int CheckRealHeight() { return xs_RoundToInt(Base->CheckRealHeight() / ScaleY); } void SetSize(int x, int y) { TexelWidth = x; TexelHeight = y; SetDisplaySize(float(x), float(y)); } void SetDisplaySize(float w, float h) { DisplayWidth = w; DisplayHeight = h; ScaleX = TexelWidth / w; ScaleY = TexelHeight / h; // compensate for roundoff errors if (int(ScaleX * w) != TexelWidth) ScaleX += (1 / 65536.); if (int(ScaleY * h) != TexelHeight) ScaleY += (1 / 65536.); } void SetBase(FTexture* Tex) { Base = Tex; } void SetOffsets(int which, int x, int y) { LeftOffset[which] = x; TopOffset[which] = y; } void SetOffsets(int x, int y) { LeftOffset[0] = x; TopOffset[0] = y; LeftOffset[1] = x; TopOffset[1] = y; } void SetScale(float x, float y) { ScaleX = x; ScaleY = y; DisplayWidth = TexelWidth / x; DisplayHeight = TexelHeight / y; } const SpritePositioningInfo& GetSpritePositioning(int which) { if (spi == nullptr) SetupSpriteData(); return spi[which]; } int GetAreas(FloatRect** pAreas) const; bool GetTranslucency() { return Base->GetTranslucency(); } int GetClampMode(int clampmode) { if (GetUseType() == ETextureType::SWCanvas) clampmode = CLAMP_NOFILTER; else if (isHardwareCanvas()) clampmode = CLAMP_CAMTEX; else if ((isWarped() || shaderindex >= FIRST_USER_SHADER) && clampmode <= CLAMP_XY) clampmode = CLAMP_NONE; return clampmode; } void CleanHardwareData(bool full = true); void GetLayers(TArray<FTexture*>& layers) { layers.Clear(); for (auto tex : { Base.get(), Brightmap.get(), Detailmap.get(), Glowmap.get(), Normal.get(), Specular.get(), Metallic.get(), Roughness.get(), AmbientOcclusion.get() }) { if (tex != nullptr) layers.Push(tex); } for (auto& tex : CustomShaderTextures) { if (tex != nullptr) layers.Push(tex.get()); } } FVector2 GetDetailScale() const { return detailScale; } void SetDetailScale(float x, float y) { detailScale.X = x; detailScale.Y = y; } FTexture* GetBrightmap() { if (Brightmap.get() || (flags & GTexf_BrightmapChecked)) return Brightmap.get(); CreateDefaultBrightmap(); return Brightmap.get(); } FTexture* GetGlowmap() { return Glowmap.get(); } FTexture* GetDetailmap() { return Detailmap.get(); } void SetGlowmap(FTexture *T) { Glowmap = T; } void SetDetailmap(FTexture* T) { Detailmap = T; } void SetNormalmap(FTexture* T) { Normal = T; } void SetSpecularmap(FTexture* T) { Specular = T; } }; inline FGameTexture* MakeGameTexture(FTexture* tex, const char *name, ETextureType useType) { if (!tex) return nullptr; auto t = new FGameTexture(tex, name); t->SetUseType(useType); return t; } enum EUpscaleFlags { UF_None = 0, UF_Texture = 1, UF_Sprite = 2, UF_Font = 4 }; extern int upscalemask; void UpdateUpscaleMask(); void calcShouldUpscale(FGameTexture* tex); inline int shouldUpscale(FGameTexture* tex, EUpscaleFlags UseType) { // This only checks the global scale mask and the texture's validation for upscaling. Everything else has been done up front elsewhere. if (!(upscalemask & UseType)) return 0; return tex->GetUpscaleFlag(); } struct FTexCoordInfo { int mRenderWidth; int mRenderHeight; int mWidth; FVector2 mScale; FVector2 mTempScale; bool mWorldPanning; float FloatToTexU(float v) const { return v / mRenderWidth; } float FloatToTexV(float v) const { return v / mRenderHeight; } float RowOffset(float ofs) const; float TextureOffset(float ofs) const; float TextureAdjustWidth() const; void GetFromTexture(FGameTexture* tex, float x, float y, bool forceworldpanning); };