# # EDuke32 Makefile for GNU Make # ### Global Profiles ifeq ($(FURY),1) APPNAME := Ion Fury APPBASENAME := fury STANDALONE := 1 POLYMER := 0 USE_LIBVPX := 0 NETCODE := 0 SIMPLE_MENU := 1 endif ### Platform and Toolchain Configuration include Common.mak ### File Extensions asm := nasm o := o ### Directories source := source obj := obj ### Functions define parent $(word 1,$(subst _, ,$1)) endef define expandobjs $$(addprefix $$($$(call parent,$1)_obj)/,$$(addsuffix .$$o,$$(basename $$($1_objs) $$($1_rsrc_objs) $$($1_gen_objs)))) endef define expandsrcs $(addprefix $($(call parent,$1)_src)/,$($1_objs)) $(addprefix $($(call parent,$1)_rsrc)/,$($1_rsrc_objs)) $(addprefix $($(call parent,$1)_obj)/,$($1_gen_objs)) endef define expanddeps $(strip $1 $(foreach j,$1,$(call $0,$($j_deps)))) endef define getdeps $(call expanddeps,$1_$2 $(common_$2_deps) engine) endef ##### External Library Definitions #### libxmp-lite libxmplite := libxmp-lite libxmplite_objs := \ control.c \ dataio.c \ effects.c \ filter.c \ format.c \ hio.c \ lfo.c \ load.c \ load_helpers.c \ memio.c \ mixer.c \ mix_all.c \ period.c \ player.c \ read_event.c \ scan.c \ smix.c \ virtual.c \ common.c \ itsex.c \ it_load.c \ mod_load.c \ mtm_load.c \ s3m_load.c \ sample.c \ xm_load.c \ win32.c \ libxmplite_root := $(source)/$(libxmplite) libxmplite_src := $(libxmplite_root)/src libxmplite_inc := $(libxmplite_root)/include libxmplite_obj := $(obj)/$(libxmplite) libxmplite_cflags := -DHAVE_ROUND -DLIBXMP_CORE_PLAYER -DBUILDING_STATIC -I$(libxmplite_inc)/libxmp-lite -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare #### LPeg lpeg := lpeg lpeg_objs := \ lpcap.c \ lpcode.c \ lpprint.c \ lptree.c \ lpvm.c \ lpeg_root := $(source)/$(lpeg) lpeg_src := $(lpeg_root)/src lpeg_inc := $(lpeg_root)/include lpeg_obj := $(obj)/$(lpeg) #### PhysicsFS physfs := physfs physfs_objs := \ physfs.c \ physfs_archiver_7z.c \ physfs_archiver_dir.c \ physfs_archiver_grp.c \ physfs_archiver_hog.c \ physfs_archiver_iso9660.c \ physfs_archiver_mvl.c \ physfs_archiver_qpak.c \ physfs_archiver_slb.c \ physfs_archiver_unpacked.c \ physfs_archiver_vdf.c \ physfs_archiver_wad.c \ physfs_archiver_zip.c \ physfs_byteorder.c \ physfs_unicode.c \ ifeq ($(PLATFORM),APPLE) physfs_objs += physfs_platform_apple.m else ifeq ($(PLATFORM),WINDOWS) physfs_objs += physfs_platform_windows.c else physfs_objs += physfs_platform_unix.c endif physfs_root := $(source)/$(physfs) physfs_src := $(physfs_root)/src physfs_inc := $(physfs_root)/include physfs_obj := $(obj)/$(physfs) physfs_cflags := #### ENet enet := enet enet_objs := \ callbacks.c \ host.c \ list.c \ packet.c \ peer.c \ protocol.c \ compress.c \ enet_root := $(source)/$(enet) enet_src := $(enet_root)/src enet_inc := $(enet_root)/include enet_obj := $(obj)/$(enet) enet_cflags := ifeq ($(PLATFORM),WINDOWS) enet_objs += win32.c else enet_objs += unix.c enet_cflags += -DHAS_SOCKLEN_T endif #### glad glad := glad glad_objs := \ glad.c \ glad_root := $(source)/$(glad) glad_src := $(glad_root)/src glad_inc := $(glad_root)/include glad_obj := $(obj)/$(glad) glad_cflags := ifeq ($(RENDERTYPE),WIN) glad_objs += glad_wgl.c endif ##### Component Definitions #### EBacktrace ifndef ebacktrace_dll ebacktrace_dll := ebacktrace1.dll ifeq ($(findstring x86_64,$(COMPILERTARGET)),x86_64) ebacktrace_dll := ebacktrace1-64.dll endif endif #### BUILD Engine engine := build engine_root := $(source)/$(engine) engine_src := $(engine_root)/src engine_inc := $(engine_root)/include engine_obj := $(obj)/$(engine) engine_cflags := -I$(engine_src) engine_deps := ifneq (0,$(USE_PHYSFS)) engine_deps += physfs endif engine_objs := \ rev.cpp \ baselayer.cpp \ vfs.cpp \ cache1d.cpp \ klzw.cpp \ common.cpp \ compat.cpp \ crc32.cpp \ defs.cpp \ engine.cpp \ tiles.cpp \ clip.cpp \ 2d.cpp \ hash.cpp \ palette.cpp \ polymost1Frag.glsl \ polymost1Vert.glsl \ polymost.cpp \ texcache.cpp \ dxtfilter.cpp \ hightile.cpp \ textfont.cpp \ smalltextfont.cpp \ kplib.cpp \ lz4.c \ osd.cpp \ pragmas.cpp \ scriptfile.cpp \ softsurface.cpp \ mmulti_null.cpp \ mutex.cpp \ timer.cpp \ xxhash.c \ md4.cpp \ colmatch.cpp \ screenshot.cpp \ mhk.cpp \ pngwrite.cpp \ miniz.c \ miniz_tinfl.c \ miniz_tdef.c \ fix16.cpp \ fix16_str.cpp \ sjson.cpp \ engine_editor_objs := \ build.cpp \ config.cpp \ defs.cpp \ engine_tools_objs := \ compat.cpp \ pragmas.cpp \ kplib.cpp \ cache1d.cpp \ klzw.cpp \ crc32.cpp \ colmatch.cpp \ lz4.cpp \ ifeq (0,$(NOASM)) engine_objs += a.nasm else engine_objs += a-c.cpp ifneq (0,$(USE_ASM64)) engine_objs += a64.yasm endif endif ifeq (1,$(USE_OPENGL)) engine_objs += glsurface.cpp voxmodel.cpp mdsprite.cpp tilepacker.cpp engine_deps += glad ifeq (1,$(POLYMER)) engine_objs += glbuild.cpp polymer.cpp endif endif ifneq (0,$(LUNATIC)) engine_objs += lunatic.cpp endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),DARWIN) engine_objs += osxbits.mm engine_tools_objs += osxbits.mm ifeq ($(STARTUP_WINDOW),1) engine_editor_objs += startosx.editor.mm endif ifeq ($(SDL_TARGET),1) ifneq ($(SDL_FRAMEWORK),0) engine_objs += SDLMain.mm endif endif endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),WINDOWS) engine_objs += winbits.cpp ifeq ($(STARTUP_WINDOW),1) engine_editor_objs += startwin.editor.cpp endif endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),WII) engine_objs += wiibits.cpp LINKERFLAGS += -Wl,-wrap,c_default_exceptionhandler endif ifeq ($(RENDERTYPE),SDL) engine_objs += sdlayer.cpp ifeq (1,$(HAVE_GTK2)) engine_objs += gtkbits.cpp dynamicgtk.cpp ifeq ($(STARTUP_WINDOW),1) engine_editor_objs += startgtk.editor.cpp endif endif endif ifeq ($(RENDERTYPE),WIN) engine_objs += winlayer.cpp rawinput.cpp endif ifneq ($(USE_LIBVPX),0) engine_objs += animvpx.cpp endif #### mact mact := mact mact_root := $(source)/$(mact) mact_src := $(mact_root)/src mact_inc := $(mact_root)/include mact_obj := $(obj)/$(mact) mact_objs := \ control.cpp \ keyboard.cpp \ joystick.cpp \ scriplib.cpp \ animlib.cpp \ #### AudioLib audiolib := audiolib audiolib_objs := \ drivers.cpp \ fx_man.cpp \ multivoc.cpp \ mix.cpp \ mixst.cpp \ pitch.cpp \ formats.cpp \ vorbis.cpp \ flac.cpp \ xa.cpp \ xmp.cpp \ driver_nosound.cpp \ al_midi.cpp \ gmtimbre.cpp \ opl3.cpp \ audiolib_root := $(source)/$(audiolib) audiolib_src := $(audiolib_root)/src audiolib_inc := $(audiolib_root)/include audiolib_obj := $(obj)/$(audiolib) audiolib_cflags := audiolib_deps := ifeq ($(PLATFORM),WINDOWS) ifeq ($(MIXERTYPE),WIN) audiolib_objs += driver_directsound.cpp music.cpp midi.cpp mpu401.cpp endif endif ifeq ($(MIXERTYPE),SDL) ifeq (,$(filter $(PLATFORM),DARWIN WINDOWS WII)) audiolib_cflags += `$(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags vorbis` endif audiolib_objs += driver_sdl.cpp sdlmusic.cpp endif ifneq (0,$(HAVE_XMP)) audiolib_cflags += -I$(libxmplite_inc) audiolib_deps += libxmplite endif #### Tools tools := tools tools_objs := \ compat_tools.cpp \ tools_root := $(source)/$(tools) tools_src := $(tools_root)/src tools_obj := $(obj)/$(tools) tools_cflags := $(engine_cflags) tools_deps := engine_tools tools_targets := \ kextract \ kgroup \ transpal \ wad2art \ wad2map \ kmd2tool \ md2tool \ generateicon \ cacheinfo \ arttool \ givedepth \ mkpalette \ unpackssi \ bsuite \ ivfrate \ map2stl \ ifeq ($(PLATFORM),WINDOWS) tools_targets += enumdisplay getdxdidf endif ifeq ($(RENDERTYPE),SDL) tools_targets += makesdlkeytrans endif #### KenBuild (Test Game) kenbuild := kenbuild kenbuild_root := $(source)/$(kenbuild) kenbuild_src := $(kenbuild_root)/src kenbuild_rsrc := $(kenbuild_root)/rsrc kenbuild_obj := $(obj)/$(kenbuild) kenbuild_cflags := -I$(kenbuild_src) kenbuild_game := ekenbuild kenbuild_editor := ekenbuild-editor kenbuild_game_proper := EKenBuild kenbuild_editor_proper := EKenBuild Editor kenbuild_game_objs := \ game.cpp \ sound_stub.cpp \ common.cpp \ config.cpp \ kenbuild_editor_objs := \ bstub.cpp \ common.cpp \ kenbuild_game_rsrc_objs := kenbuild_editor_rsrc_objs := kenbuild_game_gen_objs := kenbuild_editor_rsrc_objs := ifeq (1,$(HAVE_GTK2)) kenbuild_game_objs += startgtk.game.cpp kenbuild_game_gen_objs += game_banner.c kenbuild_editor_gen_objs += build_banner.c endif ifeq ($(RENDERTYPE),SDL) kenbuild_game_rsrc_objs += game_icon.c kenbuild_editor_rsrc_objs += build_icon.c endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),WINDOWS) kenbuild_game_objs += startwin.game.cpp kenbuild_game_rsrc_objs += gameres.rc kenbuild_editor_rsrc_objs += buildres.rc endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),DARWIN) ifeq ($(STARTUP_WINDOW),1) kenbuild_game_objs += StartupWinController.game.mm endif endif #### Duke Nukem 3D duke3d := duke3d duke3d_game_ldflags := duke3d_editor_ldflags := duke3d_game_stripflags := duke3d_editor_stripflags := duke3d_root := $(source)/$(duke3d) duke3d_src := $(duke3d_root)/src duke3d_rsrc := $(duke3d_root)/rsrc duke3d_obj := $(obj)/$(duke3d) ifeq ($(FURY),1) ifeq ($(PLATFORM),WINDOWS) duke3d_rsrc := $(duke3d_root)/rsrc/fury endif duke3d_obj := $(obj)/fury endif duke3d_cflags := -I$(duke3d_src) common_editor_deps := duke3d_common_editor engine_editor duke3d_game_deps := audiolib mact duke3d_editor_deps := audiolib ifneq (0,$(NETCODE)) duke3d_game_deps += enet endif ifneq (0,$(LUNATIC)) duke3d_game_deps += lunatic lunatic_game lpeg duke3d_editor_deps += lunatic lunatic_editor lpeg endif duke3d_game := eduke32 duke3d_editor := mapster32 ifneq (,$(APPBASENAME)) duke3d_game := $(APPBASENAME) endif duke3d_game_proper := EDuke32 duke3d_editor_proper := Mapster32 duke3d_common_editor_objs := \ m32common.cpp \ m32def.cpp \ m32exec.cpp \ m32vars.cpp \ duke3d_game_objs := \ game.cpp \ global.cpp \ actors.cpp \ gamedef.cpp \ gameexec.cpp \ gamevars.cpp \ player.cpp \ premap.cpp \ sector.cpp \ anim.cpp \ common.cpp \ config.cpp \ demo.cpp \ input.cpp \ menus.cpp \ namesdyn.cpp \ network.cpp \ savegame.cpp \ rts.cpp \ osdfuncs.cpp \ osdcmds.cpp \ grpscan.cpp \ sounds.cpp \ soundsdyn.cpp \ cheats.cpp \ sbar.cpp \ screentext.cpp \ screens.cpp \ cmdline.cpp \ duke3d_editor_objs := \ astub.cpp \ common.cpp \ grpscan.cpp \ sounds_mapster32.cpp \ duke3d_game_rsrc_objs := duke3d_editor_rsrc_objs := duke3d_game_gen_objs := duke3d_editor_gen_objs := duke3d_game_miscdeps := duke3d_editor_miscdeps := duke3d_game_orderonlydeps := duke3d_editor_orderonlydeps := ## Lunatic devel lunatic := lunatic lunatic_src := $(duke3d_src)/$(lunatic) lunatic_obj := $(duke3d_obj) ifneq (0,$(LUNATIC)) COMPILERFLAGS += -I$(lunatic_src) -DLUNATIC # Determine size of _defs*.lua bytecode once. ifndef DEFS_BC_SIZE DEFS_BC_SIZE := $(shell $(LUAJIT) -bg -t h $(lunatic_src)/_defs_game.lua -) DEFS_BC_SIZE := $(word 3, $(DEFS_BC_SIZE)) endif ifndef DEFS_M32_BC_SIZE DEFS_M32_BC_SIZE := $(shell $(LUAJIT) -bg -t h $(lunatic_src)/_defs_editor.lua -) DEFS_M32_BC_SIZE := $(word 3, $(DEFS_M32_BC_SIZE)) endif duke3d_cflags += -DLUNATIC_DEFS_BC_SIZE=$(DEFS_BC_SIZE) -DLUNATIC_DEFS_M32_BC_SIZE=$(DEFS_M32_BC_SIZE) # Lunatic object base names. These are not used in targets directly. lunatic_objs := \ defs_common.lua \ engine_maptext.lua \ engine.lua \ bcarray.lua \ bcheck.lua \ bitar.lua \ xmath.lua \ v.lua \ dump.lua \ dis_x86.lua \ dis_x64.lua \ lunatic_game_objs := \ lunatic_game.cpp \ _defs_game.lua \ con_lang.lua \ lunacon.lua \ randgen.lua \ stat.lua \ control.lua \ lunasave.lua \ fs.lua \ lunatic_editor_objs := \ lunatic_editor.cpp \ _defs_editor.lua \ # TODO: remove debugging modules from release build # now, take care of having the necessary symbols (sector, wall, etc.) in the # executable no matter what the debugging level ifeq ($(PLATFORM),DARWIN) # strip on OSX says: removing global symbols from a final linked no longer supported. # Use -exported_symbols_list at link time when building # But, following _their_ directions does not give us the symbols! wtf? # Instead of using -alias_list and -exported_symbols_list, prevent stripping them. duke3d_game_stripflags += -s $(duke3d_obj)/lunatic_dynsymlist_game_osx duke3d_editor_stripflags += -s $(duke3d_obj)/lunatic_dynsymlist_editor_osx duke3d_game_orderonlydeps += $(duke3d_obj)/lunatic_dynsymlist_game_osx duke3d_editor_orderonlydeps += $(duke3d_obj)/lunatic_dynsymlist_editor_osx LINKERFLAGS += -pagezero_size 10000 -image_base 100000000 endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),WINDOWS) override STRIP := duke3d_game_miscdeps += $(duke3d_obj)/lunatic_dynsymlist_game.def duke3d_editor_miscdeps += $(duke3d_obj)/lunatic_dynsymlist_editor.def endif ifeq ($(SUBPLATFORM),LINUX) override STRIP := duke3d_game_ldflags += -Wl,--dynamic-list=$(lunatic_src)/dynsymlist_game.lds duke3d_editor_ldflags += -Wl,--dynamic-list=$(lunatic_src)/dynsymlist_editor.lds endif endif ifeq ($(SUBPLATFORM),LINUX) LIBS += -lFLAC -lvorbisfile -lvorbis -logg endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),BSD) LIBS += -lFLAC -lvorbisfile -lvorbis -logg -lexecinfo endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),DARWIN) LIBS += -lFLAC -lvorbisfile -lvorbis -logg -lm \ -Wl,-framework,Cocoa -Wl,-framework,Carbon -Wl,-framework,OpenGL \ -Wl,-framework,CoreMIDI -Wl,-framework,AudioUnit \ -Wl,-framework,AudioToolbox -Wl,-framework,IOKit -Wl,-framework,AGL ifneq (00,$(DARWIN9)$(DARWIN10)) LIBS += -Wl,-framework,QuickTime -lm endif ifeq ($(STARTUP_WINDOW),1) duke3d_game_objs += GrpFile.game.mm GameListSource.game.mm startosx.game.mm endif endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),WINDOWS) LIBS += -lFLAC -lvorbisfile -lvorbis -logg duke3d_game_objs += winbits.cpp duke3d_game_rsrc_objs += gameres.rc duke3d_editor_rsrc_objs += buildres.rc ifeq ($(STARTUP_WINDOW),1) duke3d_game_objs += startwin.game.cpp endif ifeq ($(MIXERTYPE),WIN) LIBS += -ldsound endif endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),WII) LIBS += -lvorbisidec endif ifeq (11,$(HAVE_GTK2)$(STARTUP_WINDOW)) duke3d_game_objs += startgtk.game.cpp duke3d_game_gen_objs += game_banner.c duke3d_editor_gen_objs += build_banner.c endif ifeq ($(RENDERTYPE),SDL) duke3d_game_rsrc_objs += game_icon.c duke3d_editor_rsrc_objs += build_icon.c endif #### Blood blood := blood blood_game_ldflags := blood_game_stripflags := blood_root := $(source)/$(blood) blood_src := $(blood_root)/src blood_rsrc := $(blood_root)/rsrc blood_obj := $(obj)/$(blood) blood_cflags := -I$(blood_src) blood_game_deps := audiolib mact libsmackerdec ifneq (0,$(NETCODE)) blood_game_deps += enet endif blood_game := nblood ifneq (,$(APPBASENAME)) blood_game := $(APPBASENAME) endif blood_game_proper := NBlood blood_game_objs := \ blood.cpp \ actor.cpp \ ai.cpp \ aibat.cpp \ aibeast.cpp \ aiboneel.cpp \ aiburn.cpp \ aicaleb.cpp \ aicerber.cpp \ aicult.cpp \ aigarg.cpp \ aighost.cpp \ aigilbst.cpp \ aihand.cpp \ aihound.cpp \ aiinnoc.cpp \ aipod.cpp \ airat.cpp \ aispid.cpp \ aitchern.cpp \ aiunicult.cpp \ aizomba.cpp \ aizombf.cpp \ asound.cpp \ callback.cpp \ choke.cpp \ common.cpp \ config.cpp \ controls.cpp \ credits.cpp \ db.cpp \ demo.cpp \ dude.cpp \ endgame.cpp \ eventq.cpp \ fire.cpp \ fx.cpp \ gamemenu.cpp \ gameutil.cpp \ getopt.cpp \ gib.cpp \ globals.cpp \ inifile.cpp \ iob.cpp \ levels.cpp \ loadsave.cpp \ map2d.cpp \ menu.cpp \ messages.cpp \ mirrors.cpp \ misc.cpp \ network.cpp \ osdcmd.cpp \ player.cpp \ pqueue.cpp \ qav.cpp \ qheap.cpp \ replace.cpp \ resource.cpp \ screen.cpp \ sectorfx.cpp \ seq.cpp \ sfx.cpp \ sound.cpp \ tile.cpp \ trig.cpp \ triggers.cpp \ view.cpp \ warp.cpp \ weapon.cpp \ blood_game_rsrc_objs := blood_game_gen_objs := blood_game_miscdeps := blood_game_orderonlydeps := ifeq ($(PLATFORM),DARWIN) ifeq ($(STARTUP_WINDOW),1) blood_game_objs += startosx.game.mm endif endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),WINDOWS) blood_game_objs += winbits.cpp blood_game_rsrc_objs += gameres.rc ifeq ($(STARTUP_WINDOW),1) blood_game_objs += startwin.game.cpp endif endif ifeq (11,$(HAVE_GTK2)$(STARTUP_WINDOW)) blood_game_objs += startgtk.game.cpp blood_game_gen_objs += game_banner.c endif ifeq ($(RENDERTYPE),SDL) blood_game_rsrc_objs += game_icon.c endif #### Redneck Rampage rr := rr rr_game_ldflags := rr_editor_ldflags := rr_game_stripflags := rr_editor_stripflags := rr_root := $(source)/$(rr) rr_src := $(rr_root)/src rr_rsrc := $(rr_root)/rsrc rr_obj := $(obj)/$(rr) rr_cflags := -I$(rr_src) common_editor_deps := rr_common_editor engine_editor rr_game_deps := audiolib mact rr_editor_deps := audiolib ifneq (0,$(NETCODE)) rr_game_deps += enet endif ifneq (0,$(LUNATIC)) rr_game_deps += lunatic lunatic_game lpeg rr_editor_deps += lunatic lunatic_editor lpeg endif rr_game := rednukem rr_editor := rrmapster32 ifneq (,$(APPBASENAME)) rr_game := $(APPBASENAME) endif rr_game_proper := Rednukem rr_editor_proper := RRMapster32 rr_common_editor_objs := \ m32common.cpp \ m32def.cpp \ m32exec.cpp \ m32vars.cpp \ rr_game_objs := \ game.cpp \ global.cpp \ actors.cpp \ gamedef.cpp \ gameexec.cpp \ gamevars.cpp \ player.cpp \ premap.cpp \ sector.cpp \ anim.cpp \ common.cpp \ config.cpp \ demo.cpp \ input.cpp \ menus.cpp \ namesdyn.cpp \ net.cpp \ savegame.cpp \ rts.cpp \ osdfuncs.cpp \ osdcmds.cpp \ grpscan.cpp \ sounds.cpp \ soundsdyn.cpp \ cheats.cpp \ sbar.cpp \ screentext.cpp \ screens.cpp \ cmdline.cpp \ rr_editor_objs := \ astub.cpp \ common.cpp \ grpscan.cpp \ sounds_mapster32.cpp \ rr_game_rsrc_objs := rr_editor_rsrc_objs := rr_game_gen_objs := rr_editor_gen_objs := rr_game_miscdeps := rr_editor_miscdeps := rr_game_orderonlydeps := rr_editor_orderonlydeps := ifeq ($(PLATFORM),DARWIN) ifeq ($(STARTUP_WINDOW),1) rr_game_objs += GrpFile.game.mm GameListSource.game.mm startosx.game.mm endif endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),WINDOWS) rr_game_objs += winbits.cpp rr_game_rsrc_objs += gameres.rc rr_editor_rsrc_objs += buildres.rc ifeq ($(STARTUP_WINDOW),1) rr_game_objs += startwin.game.cpp endif endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),WII) LIBS += -lvorbisidec endif ifeq (11,$(HAVE_GTK2)$(STARTUP_WINDOW)) rr_game_objs += startgtk.game.cpp rr_game_gen_objs += game_banner.c rr_editor_gen_objs += build_banner.c endif ifeq ($(RENDERTYPE),SDL) rr_game_rsrc_objs += game_icon.c rr_editor_rsrc_objs += build_icon.c endif #### Shadow Warrior sw := sw sw_root := $(source)/$(sw) sw_src := $(sw_root)/src sw_rsrc := $(sw_root)/rsrc sw_obj := $(obj)/$(sw) sw_cflags := -I$(sw_src) sw_game_deps := audiolib mact sw_editor_deps := audiolib sw_game := voidsw sw_editor := wangulator sw_game_proper := VoidSW sw_editor_proper := Wangulator sw_game_objs := \ actor.cpp \ ai.cpp \ anim.cpp \ border.cpp \ break.cpp \ bunny.cpp \ cache.cpp \ cheats.cpp \ colormap.cpp \ common.cpp \ config.cpp \ console.cpp \ coolg.cpp \ coolie.cpp \ copysect.cpp \ demo.cpp \ draw.cpp \ eel.cpp \ game.cpp \ girlninj.cpp \ goro.cpp \ grpscan.cpp \ hornet.cpp \ interp.cpp \ interpsh.cpp \ inv.cpp \ jplayer.cpp \ jsector.cpp \ jweapon.cpp \ lava.cpp \ light.cpp \ mclip.cpp \ mdastr.cpp \ menus.cpp \ miscactr.cpp \ morph.cpp \ network.cpp \ ninja.cpp \ panel.cpp \ player.cpp \ predict.cpp \ quake.cpp \ ripper.cpp \ ripper2.cpp \ rooms.cpp \ rotator.cpp \ rts.cpp \ save.cpp \ scrip2.cpp \ sector.cpp \ serp.cpp \ setup.cpp \ skel.cpp \ skull.cpp \ slidor.cpp \ sounds.cpp \ spike.cpp \ sprite.cpp \ sumo.cpp \ swconfig.cpp \ sync.cpp \ text.cpp \ track.cpp \ vator.cpp \ vis.cpp \ wallmove.cpp \ warp.cpp \ weapon.cpp \ zilla.cpp \ zombie.cpp \ saveable.cpp \ sw_editor_objs := \ jnstub.cpp \ brooms.cpp \ bldscript.cpp \ jbhlp.cpp \ colormap.cpp \ grpscan.cpp \ common.cpp \ sw_game_rsrc_objs := sw_editor_rsrc_objs := sw_game_gen_objs := sw_editor_gen_objs := ifeq (1,$(HAVE_GTK2)) sw_game_objs += startgtk.game.cpp sw_game_gen_objs += game_banner.c sw_editor_gen_objs += build_banner.c endif ifeq ($(RENDERTYPE),SDL) sw_game_rsrc_objs += game_icon.c sw_editor_rsrc_objs += game_icon.c endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM),WINDOWS) sw_game_objs += startwin.game.cpp sw_game_rsrc_objs += gameres.rc sw_editor_rsrc_objs += buildres.rc endif #### Final setup COMPILERFLAGS += -I$(engine_inc) -I$(mact_inc) -I$(audiolib_inc) -I$(enet_inc) -I$(glad_inc) -MP -MMD ifneq (0,$(USE_PHYSFS)) COMPILERFLAGS += -I$(physfs_inc) -DUSE_PHYSFS endif ##### Recipes games := \ kenbuild \ duke3d \ rr \ sw \ libraries := \ engine \ audiolib \ mact \ enet \ libxmplite \ lpeg \ glad \ ifneq (0,$(USE_PHYSFS)) libraries += physfs endif components := \ $(games) \ $(libraries) \ tools \ roles := \ game \ editor \ ifeq ($(PRETTY_OUTPUT),1) .SILENT: endif .PHONY: \ all \ start \ $(addprefix clean,$(games) test utils tools) \ veryclean \ clean \ printutils \ printtools \ rev \ $(engine_obj)/rev.$o \ clang-tools \ .SUFFIXES: .SECONDEXPANSION: #### Targets all: duke3d start: $(BUILD_STARTED) tools: $(addsuffix $(EXESUFFIX),$(tools_targets)) | start @$(call LL,$^) $(games): $$(foreach i,$(roles),$$($$@_$$i)$(EXESUFFIX)) | start @$(call LL,$^) ebacktrace: $(ebacktrace_dll) | start @$(call LL,$^) ifeq ($(PLATFORM),WII) ifneq ($(ELF2DOL),) %$(DOLSUFFIX): %$(EXESUFFIX) endif endif define BUILDRULE $$($1_$2)$$(EXESUFFIX): $$(foreach i,$(call getdeps,$1,$2),$$(call expandobjs,$$i)) $$($1_$2_miscdeps) | $$($1_$2_orderonlydeps) $$(LINK_STATUS) $$(RECIPE_IF) $$(LINKER) -o $$@ $$^ $$(GUI_LIBS) $$($1_$2_ldflags) $$(LIBDIRS) $$(LIBS) $$(RECIPE_RESULT_LINK) ifeq ($$(PLATFORM),WII) ifneq ($$(ELF2DOL),) $$(ELF2DOL) $$@ $$($1_$2)$$(DOLSUFFIX) endif endif ifneq ($$(STRIP),) $$(STRIP) $$@ $$($1_$2_stripflags) endif ifeq ($$(PLATFORM),DARWIN) cp -RPf "platform/Apple/bundles/$$($1_$2_proper).app" "./" $(call MKDIR,"$$($1_$2_proper).app/Contents/MacOS") cp -f "$$($1_$2)$$(EXESUFFIX)" "$$($1_$2_proper).app/Contents/MacOS/" endif endef $(foreach i,$(games),$(foreach j,$(roles),$(eval $(call BUILDRULE,$i,$j)))) include $(lpeg_root)/Dependencies.mak include $(engine_root)/Dependencies.mak include $(duke3d_root)/Dependencies.mak include $(blood_root)/Dependencies.mak include $(rr_root)/Dependencies.mak include $(sw_root)/Dependencies.mak #### Rules $(ebacktrace_dll): platform/Windows/src/backtrace.c $(COMPILE_STATUS) $(RECIPE_IF) $(CC) $(CONLYFLAGS) -O2 -ggdb -shared -Wall -Wextra -static-libgcc -I$(engine_inc) -o $@ $^ -lbfd -liberty -limagehlp $(RECIPE_RESULT_COMPILE) libklzw$(DLLSUFFIX): $(engine_src)/klzw.cpp $(COMPILE_STATUS) $(RECIPE_IF) $(COMPILER_C) -shared -fPIC $< -o $@ $(RECIPE_RESULT_COMPILE) # to debug the tools link phase, make a copy of this rule explicitly replacing % with the name of a tool, such as kextract %$(EXESUFFIX): $(tools_obj)/%.$o $(foreach i,tools $(tools_deps),$(call expandobjs,$i)) $(LINK_STATUS) $(RECIPE_IF) $(LINKER) -o $@ $^ $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS) $(RECIPE_RESULT_LINK) enumdisplay$(EXESUFFIX): $(tools_obj)/enumdisplay.$o $(LINK_STATUS) $(RECIPE_IF) $(LINKER) -o $@ $^ $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS) -lgdi32 $(RECIPE_RESULT_LINK) getdxdidf$(EXESUFFIX): $(tools_obj)/getdxdidf.$o $(LINK_STATUS) $(RECIPE_IF) $(LINKER) -o $@ $^ $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS) -ldinput $(RECIPE_RESULT_LINK) ### Lunatic # Create object files directly with luajit $(duke3d_obj)/%.$o: $(lunatic_src)/%.lua | $(duke3d_obj) $(COMPILE_STATUS) $(RECIPE_IF) $(LUAJIT) -bg $(LUAJIT_BCOPTS) $< $@ $(RECIPE_RESULT_COMPILE) $(duke3d_obj)/%.$o: $(lunatic_src)/%.cpp | $(duke3d_obj) $(COMPILE_STATUS) $(RECIPE_IF) $(COMPILER_CXX) $(duke3d_cflags) -c $< -o $@ $(RECIPE_RESULT_COMPILE) # List of exported symbols, OS X $(duke3d_obj)/lunatic_%_osx: $(lunatic_src)/%.lds | $(duke3d_obj) sed 's/[{};]//g;s/[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*/_&/g' $< > $@ # List of exported symbols, Windows $(duke3d_obj)/lunatic_%.def: $(lunatic_src)/%.lds | $(duke3d_obj) echo EXPORTS > $@ sed 's/[{};]//g' $< >> $@ ### Main Rules define OBJECTRULES include $(wildcard $($1_obj)/*.d) $$($1_obj)/%.$$o: $$($1_src)/%.nasm | $$($1_obj) $$(COMPILE_STATUS) $$(RECIPE_IF) $$(AS) $$(ASFLAGS) $$< -o $$@ $$(RECIPE_RESULT_COMPILE) $$($1_obj)/%.$$o: $$($1_src)/%.yasm | $$($1_obj) $$(COMPILE_STATUS) $$(RECIPE_IF) $$(AS) $$(ASFLAGS) $$< -o $$@ $$(RECIPE_RESULT_COMPILE) $$($1_obj)/%.$$o: $$($1_src)/%.c | $$($1_obj) $$(COMPILE_STATUS) $$(RECIPE_IF) $$(COMPILER_C) $$($1_cflags) -c $$< -o $$@ $$(RECIPE_RESULT_COMPILE) $$($1_obj)/%.$$o: $$($1_src)/%.cpp | $$($1_obj) $$(COMPILE_STATUS) $$(RECIPE_IF) $$(COMPILER_CXX) $$($1_cflags) -c $$< -o $$@ $$(RECIPE_RESULT_COMPILE) $$($1_obj)/%.$$o: $$($1_src)/%.m | $$($1_obj) $$(COMPILE_STATUS) $$(RECIPE_IF) $$(COMPILER_OBJC) $$($1_cflags) -c $$< -o $$@ $$(RECIPE_RESULT_COMPILE) $$($1_obj)/%.$$o: $$($1_src)/%.mm | $$($1_obj) $$(COMPILE_STATUS) $$(RECIPE_IF) $$(COMPILER_OBJCXX) $$($1_cflags) -c $$< -o $$@ $$(RECIPE_RESULT_COMPILE) $$($1_obj)/%.$$o: $$($1_obj)/%.c | $$($1_obj) $$(COMPILE_STATUS) $$(RECIPE_IF) $$(COMPILER_C) $$($1_cflags) -c $$< -o $$@ $$(RECIPE_RESULT_COMPILE) $$($1_obj)/%.$$o: $$($1_src)/%.glsl | $$($1_obj) @echo Creating $$($1_obj)/$$( $$($1_obj)/$$(> $$($1_obj)/$$(> $$($1_obj)/$$(> $$($1_obj)/$$( $$@ gdk-pixbuf-csource --extern --struct --raw --name=startbanner_pixdata $$^ | sed 's/load_inc//' >> $$@ endef $(foreach i,$(components),$(eval $(call OBJECTRULES,$i))) ### Other special cases # Comment out the following rule to debug a-c.o $(engine_obj)/a-c.$o: $(engine_src)/a-c.cpp | $(engine_obj) $(COMPILE_STATUS) $(RECIPE_IF) $(subst -O$(OPTLEVEL),-O2,$(subst $(ASAN_FLAGS),,$(COMPILER_CXX))) $(engine_cflags) -c $< -o $@ $(RECIPE_RESULT_COMPILE) $(engine_obj)/rev.$o: $(engine_src)/rev.cpp | $(engine_obj) $(COMPILE_STATUS) $(RECIPE_IF) $(COMPILER_CXX) $(engine_cflags) $(REVFLAG) -c $< -o $@ $(RECIPE_RESULT_COMPILE) ### Directories $(foreach i,$(components),$($i_obj)): -$(call MKDIR,$@) ### Phonies clang-tools: $(filter %.c %.cpp,$(foreach i,$(call getdeps,duke3d,game),$(call expandsrcs,$i))) echo $^ -- -x c++ $(CXXONLYFLAGS) $(COMPILERFLAGS) $(CWARNS) $(foreach i,$(components),$($i_cflags)) $(addprefix clean,$(games)): -$(call RM,$(foreach i,$(roles),$($(subst clean,,$@)_$i)$(EXESUFFIX))) -$(call RMDIR,$($(subst clean,,$@)_obj)) ifeq ($(PLATFORM),DARWIN) -$(call RMDIR,$(foreach i,$(roles),"$($(subst clean,,$@)_$i_proper).app")) endif cleantools: -$(call RM,$(addsuffix $(EXESUFFIX),$($(subst clean,,$@)_targets))) -$(call RMDIR,$($(subst clean,,$@)_obj)) clean: cleanduke3d cleantools -$(call RMDIR,$(obj)) -$(call RM,$(ebacktrace_dll)) printtools: echo "$(addsuffix $(EXESUFFIX),$(tools_targets))" rev: $(engine_obj)/rev.$o ### Compatibility test: kenbuild utils: tools printutils: printtools veryclean: clean cleanutils: cleantools cleantest: cleankenbuild