//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2004, 2007 - EDuke32 developers This file is part of EDuke32 EDuke32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define TICSPERFRAME 3 // #define VULGARITY char *defsfilename = "duke3d.def"; extern char keystatus[]; extern short defaultspritecstat; extern int posx, posy, posz, horiz, qsetmode; extern short ang, cursectnum; extern short ceilingheinum, floorheinum; extern char names[MAXTILES][25]; extern int ydim16, xdimgame, ydimgame, bppgame, xdim2d, ydim2d; extern int zmode, kensplayerheight, zlock; extern short editstatus, searchit; extern int searchx, searchy, osearchx, osearchy; //search input extern short searchsector, searchwall, searchstat; //search output extern short temppicnum, tempcstat, templotag, temphitag, tempextra; extern unsigned char tempshade, temppal, tempvis, tempxrepeat, tempyrepeat, somethingintab; static int ototalclock = 0, clockval[16], clockcnt = 0; #define NUMOPTIONS 9 #define NUMKEYS 19 char option[NUMOPTIONS] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0}; unsigned char keys[NUMBUILDKEYS] = { 0xc8,0xd0,0xcb,0xcd,0x2a,0x9d,0x1d,0x39, 0x1e,0x2c,0xd1,0xc9,0x47,0x49, 0x9c,0x1c,0xd,0xc,0xf,0x29 }; int nextvoxid = 0; extern int whitecol; extern char vgapal16[4*256]; extern void AutoAlignWalls(int nWall0, int ply); extern char changechar(char dachar, int dadir, char smooshyalign, char boundcheck); extern void _printmessage16(char name[82]); extern void updatenumsprites(void); extern int lastpm16time, synctics; extern int halfxdim16, midydim16, zoom; extern void fixrepeats(short i); char autospritehelp=0,autosecthelp=0; short MinRate=24, MinD=3; int xoldtimerhandler, lastmessagetime; char tempbuf[1024]; //1024 int numsprite[MAXSPRITES]; int multisprite[MAXSPRITES]; char lo[32]; char levelname[255]; short curwall=0,curwallnum=0; short cursearchsprite=0,cursearchspritenum=0,cursector_lotag=0,cursectornum=0; short search_lotag=0,search_hitag=0; char wallsprite=0; char helpon=0; //static char onwater=0; unsigned char onnames=4, usedcount=1; short cursprite; int mousxplc, mousyplc, ppointhighlight; int counter=0; unsigned char nosprites=0,purpleon=0,skill=4; unsigned char framerateon=1,tabgraphic=2,shadepreview=0,autosave=1,sidemode=0; extern int vel, svel, hvel, angvel; int xvel, yvel, timoff; static void SearchSectorsForward(); static void SearchSectorsBackward(); static inline void SpriteName(short spritenum, char *lo2); static int ActorMem(int i); static void PrintStatus(char *string,int num,char x,char y,char color); static void SetBOSS1Palette(); static void SetSLIMEPalette(); static void SetWATERPalette(); static void SetGAMEPalette(); static void kensetpalette(char *vgapal); extern short grid; static void EditSpriteData(short spritenum); static void EditWallData(short wallnum); static void EditSectorData(short sectnum); static void FuncMenu(void); char GAMEpalette[768]; char WATERpalette[768]; char SLIMEpalette[768]; char TITLEpalette[768]; char REALMSpalette[768]; char BOSS1palette[768]; char num_tables; int updownunits=1024; extern short highlightsector[MAXSECTORS], highlightsectorcnt; extern short highlight[MAXWALLS]; extern short pointhighlight, linehighlight, highlightcnt; extern short asksave; char getmessage[162], getmessageleng; int getmessagetimeoff, charsperline; extern int startposx, startposy, startposz; extern short startang, startsectnum; int autosavetimer; extern int numsprites; extern char spritecol2d[MAXTILES][2]; extern char custom2dcolors; extern char mlook; int intro=0; extern int frameplace, ydim16, halfxdim16, midydim16, zoom; extern char pow2char[8]; static int acurpalette=0; extern void showsectordata(short sectnum); extern void showwalldata(short wallnum); extern void showspritedata(short spritenum); extern int checksectorpointer(short i, short sectnum); extern double msens; void ContextHelp(short spritenum); void ResetKeys(); extern void fixspritesectors(void); #define KEY_PRESSED(sc) KB_KeyPressed((sc)) // REM : This file should be included in file BUILD.C _ONLY_ #include "names.h" // This table defines the various zoom levels, the numbers being the pixel width // and height of the sprite when plotted on the screen. Probably zooms in too far // for some, but I'm a blind old git :-( #define FUCKING_GOOD_EYESIGHT 16 static const int ZoomToThumbSize[] = { FUCKING_GOOD_EYESIGHT, 32, 64, 128, 192, 256, 384, 512 } ; #define NUM_ZOOMS (sizeof(ZoomToThumbSize)/sizeof(ZoomToThumbSize[0])) #define INITIAL_ZOOM 2 typedef struct { int *pIds ; // ptr to list of tile Ids int nIds ; // num of tile ids char key1 ; // key1 and key2 are two alternative keypresses used to char key2 ; // select tile set. Bodge to do eary upper/lower case handling char *szText ; // description to present to user. } TileGroup; #define MAX_TILE_GROUPS 32 #define MAX_TILE_GROUP_ENTRIES 1024 TileGroup s_TileGroups[MAX_TILE_GROUPS]; static unsigned int tile_groups = 0; #define FIRST_USER_ART_TILE 3584 // Some atomic tiles are sprinkled in the V1.3d's area but // this is where the main atomic tiles start :- #define FIRST_ATOMIC_TILE 4096 #define FIRST_EXTENDED_TILE 6144 #define SECOND_EXTENDED_TILE 9216 extern short localartfreq[MAXTILES]; extern short localartlookup[MAXTILES], localartlookupnum; extern int lockclock; extern void clearkeys(void);