// Assembly-language function wrappers for a.asm functions // for the Build Engine // by Jonathon Fowler (jf@jonof.id.au) #ifndef a_h_ #define a_h_ #include "compat.h" #define CLASSIC_SLICE_BY_4 #define A_C_RESTRICT __restrict #define CLASSIC_NONPOW2_YSIZE_SPRITES #ifdef LUNATIC # define CLASSIC_NONPOW2_YSIZE_WALLS #endif #define SLOPTABLESIZ 32768 #define HALFSLOPTABLESIZ (SLOPTABLESIZ>>1) extern int32_t sloptable[SLOPTABLESIZ]; /** Definitions of high-precision integer types. **/ // Should be used for values that represent coordinates with which calculations // like dot product are carried out. Substituting 32-bit ints for these will // very likely yield issues in border cases: typedef int64_t coord_t; // Should be used for values that may overflow if 32-bit arithmetic were used, // but where no other adverse effect (except being undefined behavior, // obviously) is expected to result: typedef int64_t inthi_t; #define inthi_rintf llrintf #define ENGINE_USING_A_C #define prevlineasm1 vlineasm1 void setvlinebpl(int32_t dabpl); void fixtransluscence(intptr_t datransoff); void settransnormal(void); void settransreverse(void); void sethlinesizes(int32_t logx, int32_t logy, intptr_t bufplc); void setpalookupaddress(char *paladdr); void setuphlineasm4(int32_t bxinc, int32_t byinc); void hlineasm4(bssize_t cnt, int32_t skiploadincs, int32_t paloffs, uint32_t by, uint32_t bx, intptr_t p); void setupslopevlin(int32_t logylogx, intptr_t bufplc, int32_t pinc); void slopevlin(intptr_t p, int32_t i, intptr_t slopaloffs, bssize_t cnt, int32_t bx, int32_t by); void setupvlineasm(int32_t neglogy); int32_t vlineasm1(int32_t vinc, intptr_t paloffs, bssize_t cnt, uint32_t vplc, intptr_t bufplc, intptr_t p); void vlineasm4(bssize_t cnt, char *p); void setupmvlineasm(int32_t neglogy, int32_t dosaturate); int32_t mvlineasm1(int32_t vinc, intptr_t paloffs, bssize_t cnt, uint32_t vplc, intptr_t bufplc, intptr_t p); void mvlineasm4(bssize_t cnt, char *p); void setuptvlineasm(int32_t neglogy, int32_t dosaturate); int32_t tvlineasm1(int32_t vinc, intptr_t paloffs, bssize_t cnt, uint32_t vplc, intptr_t bufplc, intptr_t p); void setuptvlineasm2(int32_t neglogy, intptr_t paloffs1, intptr_t paloffs2); void tvlineasm2(uint32_t vplc2, int32_t vinc1, intptr_t bufplc1, intptr_t bufplc2, uint32_t vplc1, intptr_t p); void msethlineshift(int32_t logx, int32_t logy); void mhline(intptr_t bufplc, uint32_t bx, int32_t cntup16, int32_t junk, uint32_t by, intptr_t p); void tsethlineshift(int32_t logx, int32_t logy); void thline(intptr_t bufplc, uint32_t bx, int32_t cntup16, int32_t junk, uint32_t by, intptr_t p); void setupspritevline(intptr_t paloffs, int32_t bxinc, int32_t byinc, int32_t ysiz); void spritevline(int32_t bx, int32_t by, bssize_t cnt, intptr_t bufplc, intptr_t p); void msetupspritevline(intptr_t paloffs, int32_t bxinc, int32_t byinc, int32_t ysiz); void mspritevline(int32_t bx, int32_t by, bssize_t cnt, intptr_t bufplc, intptr_t p); void tsetupspritevline(intptr_t paloffs, int32_t bxinc, int32_t byinc, int32_t ysiz); void tspritevline(int32_t bx, int32_t by, bssize_t cnt, intptr_t bufplc, intptr_t p); void setupdrawslab (int32_t dabpl, intptr_t pal); void drawslab (int32_t dx, int32_t v, int32_t dy, int32_t vi, intptr_t vptr, intptr_t p); void stretchhline (intptr_t p0, int32_t u, bssize_t cnt, int32_t uinc, intptr_t rptr, intptr_t p); void mmxoverlay(); #endif // a_h_