-- Statistics module for Lunatic. local ffi = require("ffi") local math = require("math") local string = require("string") module(...) ffi.cdef[[ typedef struct { double n; // vvv internal vvv double m, s; double min, max; } runningstat_t; typedef struct { const double n; const double mean, var, std; const double min, max; } runningstat_res_t; ]] local NaN = 0/0 local res_mt = { __tostring = function(s) return string.format("N=%d; mean=%.5g, std=%.5g; min=%.5g, max=%.5g", s.n, s.mean, s.std, s.min, s.max) end } local rstatres = ffi.metatype("runningstat_res_t", res_mt) local mt = { __tostring = function(s) -- XXX: with this and the other serializing of ffi types, take care of -- NaN and Infs when reading back (e.g. by "nan=0/0" in that context) return "stat.new("..s.n..","..s.m..","..s.s..","..s.min..","..s.max..")" end, -- See: Accurately computing running variance, by John D. Cook -- http://www.johndcook.com/standard_deviation.html __index = { add = function(s, num) if (s.n > 0) then -- N>0, recurrence s.n = s.n+1 local lastm = s.m s.m = lastm + (num-lastm)/s.n s.s = s.s + (num-lastm)*(num-s.m) if (num < s.min) then s.min = num end if (num > s.max) then s.max = num end else -- N==0, initialization s.n = 1 s.m = num s.s = 0 s.min = num s.max = num end end, getstats = function(s) local var = s.n > 1 and s.s/(s.n-1) or NaN return rstatres(s.n, s.m, var, math.sqrt(var), s.min, s.max) end, reset = function(s) s.n = 0 s.m, s.s, s.min, s.max = NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN end, }, } local rstat = ffi.metatype("runningstat_t", mt) function new(n,m,s, min,max) if (n == nil) then -- initialization containing no elements return rstat(0, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN) elseif (m == nil) then -- same as initialization with N==0 above (one element) return rstat(1, n, 0, n, n) else -- generic initialization (internal use only) return rstat(n,m,s, min,max) end end