// here lies the GREAT JUSTICE RENDERER // TODO : // - CORE STUFF // o there's also the texture alignment problem Hunter reported (san andreas fault) // o also sliding doors are still fucked up sometimes (like under the bar in E1L2) // o shading needs a lot of work // o planeinfrustum // o RTT portals (water) // o clip mirrors/portals to their planes // o merge mirrors/portals from the same plane // - SPRITES // o sprite panning // - SKIES // o skyview // - MDSPRITES // o need full translation and rotation support from CON to attach to game world or tags // // the renderer should hopefully be pretty solid after all that // the rest will be a bliss :) #ifndef _polymer_h_ # define _polymer_h_ # include "compat.h" # include "baselayer.h" # include "build.h" # include "glbuild.h" # include "osd.h" # include "hightile.h" # include "mdsprite.h" # include "polymost.h" # include "pragmas.h" # include // CVARS extern int32_t pr_occlusionculling; extern int32_t pr_fov; extern int32_t pr_billboardingmode; extern int32_t pr_verbosity; extern int32_t pr_wireframe; extern int32_t pr_vbos; extern int32_t pr_gpusmoothing; extern int32_t glerror; // MATERIAL typedef enum { PR_BIT_HEADER, // must be first PR_BIT_ANIM_INTERPOLATION, PR_BIT_LIGHTING_PASS, PR_BIT_NORMAL_MAP, PR_BIT_DIFFUSE_MAP, PR_BIT_DIFFUSE_DETAIL_MAP, PR_BIT_DIFFUSE_MODULATION, PR_BIT_DIFFUSE_MIRROR_MAP, PR_BIT_DIFFUSE_GLOW_MAP, PR_BIT_SHADOW_MAP, PR_BIT_SPOT_LIGHT, PR_BIT_POINT_LIGHT, PR_BIT_FOOTER, // must be just before last PR_BIT_COUNT // must be last } prbittype; typedef struct s_prmaterial { // PR_BIT_ANIM_INTERPOLATION GLfloat frameprogress; GLfloat* nextframedata; GLsizei nextframedatastride; // PR_BIT_NORMAL_MAP GLuint normalmap; // PR_BIT_DIFFUSE_MAP GLuint diffusemap; GLfloat diffusescale[2]; // PR_BIT_DIFFUSE_DETAIL_MAP GLuint detailmap; GLfloat detailscale[2]; // PR_BIT_DIFFUSE_MODULATION GLfloat diffusemodulation[4]; // PR_BIT_DIFFUSE_MIRROR_MAP GLuint mirrormap; // PR_BIT_DIFFUSE_GLOW_MAP GLuint glowmap; // PR_BIT_SHADOW_MAP GLboolean mdspritespace; } _prmaterial; typedef struct s_prrograminfo { GLhandleARB handle; // PR_BIT_ANIM_INTERPOLATION GLint attrib_nextFrameData; GLint attrib_nextFrameNormal; GLint uniform_frameProgress; // PR_BIT_NORMAL_MAP GLint uniform_normalMap; GLint attrib_T; GLint attrib_B; GLint attrib_N; // PR_BIT_DIFFUSE_MAP GLint uniform_diffuseMap; GLint uniform_diffuseScale; // PR_BIT_DIFFUSE_DETAIL_MAP GLint uniform_detailMap; GLint uniform_detailScale; // PR_BIT_DIFFUSE_MIRROR_MAP GLint uniform_mirrorMap; // PR_BIT_DIFFUSE_GLOW_MAP GLint uniform_glowMap; // PR_BIT_SHADOW_MAP GLint uniform_shadowMap; GLint uniform_shadowProjMatrix; // PR_BIT_SPOT_LIGHT GLint uniform_spotDir; GLint uniform_spotRadius; // PR_BIT_POINT_LIGHT // GLint uniform_lightCount; } _prprograminfo; #define PR_INFO_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE 16384 typedef struct s_prprogrambit { int32_t bit; char* vert_def; char* vert_prog; char* frag_def; char* frag_prog; } _prprogrambit; // LIGHTS #define PR_MAXLIGHTS 128 #define SHADOW_DEPTH_OFFSET 30 typedef struct s_prlight { int32_t x, y, z, horiz, range; int16_t angle, faderadius, radius, sector; char color[3]; GLfloat proj[16]; GLfloat transform[16]; float frustum[5 * 4]; int32_t rtindex; } _prlight; // RENDER TARGETS typedef struct s_prrt { GLenum target; GLuint color; GLuint z; GLuint fbo; int32_t xdim, ydim; } _prrt; // BUILD DATA typedef struct s_prplane { // geometry GLfloat* buffer; int32_t vertcount; GLuint vbo; // attributes GLfloat t[3]; GLfloat b[3]; GLfloat n[3]; GLfloat plane[4]; _prmaterial material; // elements GLushort* indices; int32_t indicescount; GLuint ivbo; // lights char lights[PR_MAXLIGHTS]; char lightcount; } _prplane; typedef struct s_prsector { // polymer data GLdouble* verts; _prplane floor; _prplane ceil; int16_t curindice; int32_t indicescount; int32_t oldindicescount; // stuff float wallsproffset; float floorsproffset; // build sector data int32_t ceilingz, floorz; int16_t ceilingstat, floorstat; int16_t ceilingpicnum, ceilingheinum; int8_t ceilingshade; char ceilingpal, ceilingxpanning, ceilingypanning; int16_t floorpicnum, floorheinum; int8_t floorshade; char floorpal, floorxpanning, floorypanning; char controlstate; // 1: up to date, 2: just allocated uint32_t invalidid; } _prsector; typedef struct s_prwall { _prplane wall; _prplane over; _prplane mask; // stuff GLfloat* bigportal; GLfloat* cap; GLuint stuffvbo; // build wall data int16_t cstat, nwallcstat; int16_t picnum, overpicnum, nwallpicnum; int8_t shade; char pal, xrepeat, yrepeat, xpanning, ypanning; char nwallxpanning, nwallypanning; char underover; uint32_t invalidid; char controlstate; } _prwall; typedef struct s_prmirror { _prplane *plane; int16_t sectnum; int16_t wallnum; } _prmirror; typedef void (*animatespritesptr)(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t); typedef struct s_pranimatespritesinfo { animatespritesptr animatesprites; int32_t x, y, a, smoothratio; } _pranimatespritesinfo; // PROGRAMS // CONTROL extern int32_t updatesectors; // EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS int32_t polymer_init(void); void polymer_glinit(void); void polymer_loadboard(void); void polymer_drawrooms(int32_t daposx, int32_t daposy, int32_t daposz, int16_t daang, int32_t dahoriz, int16_t dacursectnum); void polymer_drawmasks(void); void polymer_rotatesprite(int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t z, int16_t a, int16_t picnum, int8_t dashade, char dapalnum, char dastat, int32_t cx1, int32_t cy1, int32_t cx2, int32_t cy2); void polymer_drawmaskwall(int32_t damaskwallcnt); void polymer_drawsprite(int32_t snum); void polymer_setanimatesprites(animatespritesptr animatesprites, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t a, int32_t smoothratio); void polymer_resetlights(void); void polymer_addlight(_prlight light); # ifdef POLYMER_C // CORE static void polymer_displayrooms(int16_t sectnum); static void polymer_drawplane(_prplane* plane); static void polymer_inb4mirror(GLfloat* buffer, GLfloat* plane); static void polymer_animatesprites(void); // SECTORS static int32_t polymer_initsector(int16_t sectnum); static int32_t polymer_updatesector(int16_t sectnum); void PR_CALLBACK polymer_tesserror(GLenum error); void PR_CALLBACK polymer_tessedgeflag(GLenum error); void PR_CALLBACK polymer_tessvertex(void* vertex, void* sector); static int32_t polymer_buildfloor(int16_t sectnum); static void polymer_drawsector(int16_t sectnum); // WALLS static int32_t polymer_initwall(int16_t wallnum); static void polymer_updatewall(int16_t wallnum); static void polymer_drawwall(int16_t sectnum, int16_t wallnum); // HSR static void polymer_buffertoplane(GLfloat* buffer, GLushort* indices, int32_t indicecount, GLfloat* plane, GLfloat* t, GLfloat* b, GLfloat* n); static GLfloat polymer_dotproduct(GLfloat* in_a, GLfloat* in_b); static void polymer_crossproduct(GLfloat* in_a, GLfloat* in_b, GLfloat* out); static void polymer_transformpoint(float* inpos, float* pos, float* matrix); static void polymer_pokesector(int16_t sectnum); static void polymer_extractfrustum(GLfloat* modelview, GLfloat* projection, float* frustum); static int32_t polymer_planeinfrustum(_prplane *plane, float* frustum); static void polymer_scansprites(int16_t sectnum, spritetype* tsprite, int32_t* spritesortcnt); // SKIES static void polymer_getsky(void); static void polymer_drawsky(int16_t tilenum); static void polymer_initartsky(void); static void polymer_drawartsky(int16_t tilenum); static void polymer_drawartskyquad(int32_t p1, int32_t p2, GLfloat height); static void polymer_drawskybox(int16_t tilenum); // MDSPRITES static void polymer_drawmdsprite(spritetype *tspr); static void polymer_loadmodelvbos(md3model_t* m); // MATERIALS static void polymer_getscratchmaterial(_prmaterial* material); static void polymer_getbuildmaterial(_prmaterial* material, int16_t tilenum, char pal, int8_t shade); static int32_t polymer_bindmaterial(_prmaterial material, char* lights, int lightcount); static void polymer_unbindmaterial(int32_t programbits); static void polymer_compileprogram(int32_t programbits); // LIGHTS static int32_t polymer_planeinlight(_prplane* plane, _prlight* light); static void polymer_culllight(char lightindex); static void polymer_prepareshadows(void); // RENDER TARGETS static void polymer_initrendertargets(int32_t count); # endif // !POLYMER_C #endif // !_polymer_h_