#include "baselayer.h" #include "build.h" #include "lz4.h" #include "hightile.h" #include "polymost.h" #include "scriptfile.h" #include "xxhash.h" #include "kplib.h" #include "vfs.h" #include "textures.h" #include "bitmap.h" #include "../../glbackend/glbackend.h" // External CVARs. extern int r_detailmapping, r_glowmapping, usehightile, r_useindexedcolortextures; extern int fixpalette, fixpalswap; template void FlipNonSquareBlock(T* dst, const T* src, int x, int y, int srcpitch) { for (int i = 0; i < x; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < y; ++j) { dst[i * y + j] = src[i + j * srcpitch]; } } } //=========================================================================== // // Create an indexed version of the requested texture // //=========================================================================== FHardwareTexture* GLInstance::CreateIndexedTexture(FTexture* tex) { auto siz = tex->GetSize(); bool npoty = false; const uint8_t* p = tex->Get8BitPixels(); TArray store(siz.x * siz.y, true); if (!p) { tex->Create8BitPixels(store.Data()); p = store.Data(); } auto glpic = GLInterface.NewTexture(); glpic->CreateTexture(siz.x, siz.y, true, false); TArray flipped(siz.x * siz.y, true); FlipNonSquareBlock(flipped.Data(), p, siz.y, siz.x, siz.y); glpic->LoadTexture(flipped.Data()); return glpic; } //=========================================================================== // // Create a true color version of the requested tile // //=========================================================================== FHardwareTexture* GLInstance::CreateTrueColorTexture(FTexture* tex, int palid, bool checkfulltransparency) { auto siz = tex->GetSize(); bool npoty = false; auto palette = palid < 0? nullptr : palmanager.GetPaletteData(palid); auto texbuffer = tex->CreateTexBuffer(palette, CTF_ProcessData); // Check if the texture is fully transparent. When creating a brightmap such textures can be discarded. if (checkfulltransparency) { int siz = texbuffer.mWidth * texbuffer.mHeight * 4; bool found = false; for (int i = 3; i < siz; i+=4) { if (texbuffer.mBuffer[i] > 0) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) return nullptr; } auto glpic = GLInterface.NewTexture(); glpic->CreateTexture(texbuffer.mWidth, texbuffer.mHeight, false, true); glpic->LoadTexture(texbuffer.mBuffer); return glpic; } //=========================================================================== // // Retrieve the texture to be used. // //=========================================================================== FHardwareTexture* GLInstance::LoadTexture(FTexture* tex, int textype, int palid) { if (textype == TT_INDEXED) palid = -1; auto phwtex = tex->GetHardwareTexture(palid); if (phwtex) return *phwtex; FHardwareTexture *hwtex; if (textype == TT_INDEXED) hwtex = CreateIndexedTexture(tex); else hwtex = CreateTrueColorTexture(tex, textype == TT_HICREPLACE? -1 : palid, textype == TT_BRIGHTMAP); tex->SetHardwareTexture(palid, hwtex); return hwtex; } //=========================================================================== // // Sets a texture for rendering. This should be the ONLY place to bind in-game textures // //=========================================================================== bool GLInstance::SetTextureInternal(int picnum, FTexture* tex, int palette, int method, int sampleroverride, float xpanning, float ypanning, FTexture *det, float detscale, FTexture *glow) { if (picnum == 3692) { int a = 0; } if (tex->GetWidth() <= 0 || tex->GetHeight() <= 0) return false; int usepalette = fixpalette >= 1 ? fixpalette - 1 : curbasepal; int usepalswap = fixpalswap >= 1 ? fixpalswap - 1 : palette; GLInterface.SetPalette(usepalette); GLInterface.SetPalswap(usepalswap); TextureType = r_useindexedcolortextures? TT_INDEXED : TT_TRUECOLOR; int lookuppal = 0; VSMatrix texmat; auto rep = usehightile? tex->FindReplacement(palette) : nullptr; if (rep) { // Hightile replacements have only one texture representation and it is always the base. tex = rep->faces[0]; TextureType = TT_HICREPLACE; } else { // Only look up the palette if we really want to use it (i.e. when creating a true color texture of an ART tile.) if (!r_useindexedcolortextures) lookuppal = palmanager.LookupPalette(usepalette, usepalswap, false); } // Load the main texture auto mtex = LoadTexture(tex, TextureType, lookuppal); if (mtex) { auto sampler = (method & DAMETH_CLAMPED) ? (sampleroverride != -1 ? sampleroverride : SamplerClampXY) : SamplerRepeat; BindTexture(0, mtex, sampler); if (rep && (rep->scale.x != 1.0f || rep->scale.y != 1.0f || xpanning != 0 || ypanning != 0)) { texmat.loadIdentity(); texmat.translate(xpanning, ypanning, 0); texmat.scale(rep->scale.x, rep->scale.y, 1.0f); GLInterface.SetMatrix(Matrix_Texture, &texmat); MatrixChange |= 1; } // Also load additional layers needed for this texture. if (r_detailmapping && usehightile) { float detscalex = detscale, detscaley = detscale; if (!(method & DAMETH_MODEL)) { auto drep = tex->FindReplacement(DETAILPAL); if (drep) { det = drep->faces[0]; detscalex = drep->scale.x; detscaley = drep->scale.y; } } if (det) { auto htex = LoadTexture(det, TT_HICREPLACE, 0); UseDetailMapping(true); BindTexture(3, htex, SamplerRepeat); // Q: Pass the scale factor as a separate uniform to get rid of the additional matrix? if (MatrixChange & 1) MatrixChange |= 2; else texmat.loadIdentity(); if ((detscalex != 1.0f) || (detscaley != 1.0f)) { texmat.scale(detscalex, detscaley, 1.0f); MatrixChange |= 2; } if (MatrixChange & 2) GLInterface.SetMatrix(Matrix_Detail, &texmat); } } if (r_glowmapping && usehightile) { if (!(method & DAMETH_MODEL)) { auto drep = tex->FindReplacement(DETAILPAL); if (drep) { glow = drep->faces[0]; } } if (glow) { auto htex = LoadTexture(glow, TT_HICREPLACE, 0); UseGlowMapping(true); BindTexture(4, htex, SamplerRepeat); } } if (!(tex->PicAnim.sf & PICANM_NOFULLBRIGHT_BIT) && !(globalflags & GLOBAL_NO_GL_FULLBRIGHT)) { if (TextureType == TT_HICREPLACE) { auto brep = tex->FindReplacement(BRIGHTPAL); if (brep) { auto htex = LoadTexture(brep->faces[0], TT_HICREPLACE, 0); // UseBrightmapping(true); BindTexture(5, mtex, sampler); } } else if (TextureType == TT_TRUECOLOR) { lookuppal = palmanager.LookupPalette(usepalette, usepalswap, true); if (lookuppal >= 0) { auto htex = LoadTexture(tex, TT_BRIGHTMAP, lookuppal); // UseBrightmapping(true); BindTexture(5, mtex, sampler); } } } } else return false; float al = 0; if (TextureType == TT_HICREPLACE) { al = ((unsigned)picnum < MAXTILES && alphahackarray[picnum] != 0) ? alphahackarray[picnum] * (1.f / 255.f) : (tex->alphaThreshold >= 0.f ? tex->alphaThreshold : 0.f); } GLInterface.SetAlphaThreshold(al); return true; }