#!/usr/bin/env luajit local io = require("io") local os = require("os") local string = require("string") local format = string.format local table = require("table") local B = require("build") local ffi = require("ffi") local C = ffi.C ffi.cdef[[ int memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n); ]] local fn1, fn2 = arg[1], arg[2] local noOnlyLeft = (arg[3]=="-l") -- don't show diff lines where left has tile, right hasn't local function err(str) io.stderr:write(str, "\n") os.exit(1) end local function printf(fmt, ...) io.stdout:write(string.format(fmt, ...), "\n") end if (not fn1 or not fn2) then err("Usage: "..arg[0].." </path/to/tilesXXX.ART> </path/to/tilesYYY.ART> [-l]") end local af1, errmsg = B.artfile(fn1) if (errmsg) then err(errmsg) end local af2, errmsg = B.artfile(fn2) if (errmsg) then err(errmsg) end -- Check for same start/end if (af1.tbeg ~= af2.tbeg) then err("tile starts differ: "..af1.tbeg.." "..af2.tbeg) end if (af1.tend ~= af2.tend) then err("tile ends differ: "..af1.tend.." "..af2.tend) end -- Compare the two ART files local SIZEOF_PICANM = ffi.sizeof(af1.picanm[0]) for i=0,af1.numtiles-1 do local sx1, sx2 = af1.sizx[i], af2.sizx[i] local sxdif = (sx1 ~= sx2) local sy1, sy2 = af1.sizy[i], af2.sizy[i] local sydif = (sy1 ~= sy2) local sizedif = (sxdif or sydif) local picanmdif = (C.memcmp(af1.picanm[i], af2.picanm[i], SIZEOF_PICANM) ~= 0) local datadif = false -- compare data if (not sizedif) then local pic1 = af1:getpic(i) local pic2 = af2:getpic(i) if (pic1 and pic2 and C.memcmp(pic1, pic2, sx1*sy1) ~= 0) then datadif = true end end if (sizedif or picanmdif or datadif) then local strbuf = {} local s1str = sx1*sy1==0 and "none" or format("(%d,%d)", sx1, sy1) local s2str = sx2*sy2==0 and "none" or format("(%d,%d)", sx2, sy2) if ((sxdif or sydif) and (not noOnlyLeft or s2str ~= "none")) then strbuf[#strbuf+1] = format("size %s %s", s1str, s2str) end if (picanmdif) then strbuf[#strbuf+1] = "picanm" end if (not sizedif and datadif) then strbuf[#strbuf+1] = "data" end if (#strbuf > 0) then io.stdout:write(i..": "..table.concat(strbuf, ", "), "\n") end end end