#pragma once

#include <algorithm>
#include <stdint.h>

// Beware of windows.h :(
#ifdef max
#undef min
#undef max

struct PalEntry
	PalEntry() = default;
	constexpr PalEntry (uint32_t argb) : d(argb) { }
	operator uint32_t () const { return d; }
	void SetRGB(PalEntry other)
		d = other.d & 0xffffff;
	PalEntry Modulate(PalEntry other) const
		if (isWhite())
			return other;
		else if (other.isWhite())
			return *this;
			other.r = (r * other.r) / 255;
			other.g = (g * other.g) / 255;
			other.b = (b * other.b) / 255;
			return other;
	constexpr int Luminance() const 
		return (r * 77 + g * 143 + b * 37) >> 8;

	constexpr int Amplitude() const
		return std::max(r, std::max(g, b));

	constexpr void Decolorize()	// this for 'nocoloredspritelighting' and not the same as desaturation. The normal formula results in a value that's too dark.
		int v = (r + g + b);
		r = g = b = ((255*3) + v + v) / 9;
	constexpr bool isBlack() const
		return (d & 0xffffff) == 0;
	constexpr bool isWhite() const
		return (d & 0xffffff) == 0xffffff;
	PalEntry &operator= (const PalEntry &other) = default;
	constexpr PalEntry &operator= (uint32_t other) { d = other; return *this; }
	constexpr PalEntry InverseColor() const { PalEntry nc(a, 255 - r, 255 - g, 255 - b); return nc; }
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
	constexpr PalEntry (uint8_t ir, uint8_t ig, uint8_t ib) : a(0), r(ir), g(ig), b(ib) {}
	constexpr PalEntry (uint8_t ia, uint8_t ir, uint8_t ig, uint8_t ib) : a(ia), r(ir), g(ig), b(ib) {}
			uint8_t a,r,g,b;
		uint32_t d;
	constexpr PalEntry (uint8_t ir, uint8_t ig, uint8_t ib) : b(ib), g(ig), r(ir), a(0) {}
	constexpr PalEntry (uint8_t ia, uint8_t ir, uint8_t ig, uint8_t ib) : b(ib), g(ig), r(ir), a(ia) {}
			uint8_t b,g,r,a;
		uint32_t d;

constexpr inline int Luminance(int r, int g, int b)
	return (r * 77 + g * 143 + b * 37) >> 8;

#define APART(c)			(((c)>>24)&0xff)
#define RPART(c)			(((c)>>16)&0xff)
#define GPART(c)			(((c)>>8)&0xff)
#define BPART(c)			((c)&0xff) 
#define MAKERGB(r,g,b)		uint32_t(((r)<<16)|((g)<<8)|(b))
#define MAKEARGB(a,r,g,b)	uint32_t(((a)<<24)|((r)<<16)|((g)<<8)|(b))