//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010 EDuke32 developers and contributors This file is part of EDuke32. EDuke32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef menus_h_ #define menus_h_ #include "compat.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #if defined EDUKE32_TOUCH_DEVICES # define DROIDMENU #endif // #define DROIDMENU enum MenuIndex_t { MENU_NULL = INT32_MIN, // sentinel for "do nothing" MENU_CLOSE = -2, // sentinel for "close the menu"/"no menu" MENU_PREVIOUS = -1, // sentinel for "go to previous menu" MENU_MAIN = 0, MENU_MAIN_INGAME = 50, MENU_EPISODE = 100, MENU_USERMAP = 101, MENU_SKILL = 110, MENU_GAMESETUP = 200, MENU_OPTIONS = 202, MENU_VIDEOSETUP = 203, MENU_KEYBOARDSETUP = 204, MENU_MOUSESETUP = 205, MENU_JOYSTICKSETUP = 206, MENU_JOYSTICKBTNS = 207, MENU_JOYSTICKAXES = 208, MENU_KEYBOARDKEYS = 209, MENU_MOUSEBTNS = 210, MENU_MOUSEADVANCED = 212, MENU_JOYSTICKAXIS = 213, MENU_TOUCHSETUP = 214, MENU_CONTROLS = 220, MENU_RENDERERSETUP = 230, MENU_COLCORR = 231, MENU_COLCORR_INGAME = 232, MENU_SCREENSETUP = 233, MENU_DISPLAYSETUP = 234, MENU_LOAD = 300, MENU_SAVE = 350, MENU_STORY = 400, MENU_F1HELP = 401, MENU_QUIT = 500, MENU_QUITTOTITLE = 501, MENU_QUIT_INGAME = 502, MENU_NETSETUP = 600, MENU_NETWAITMASTER = 601, MENU_NETWAITVOTES = 603, MENU_SOUND = 700, MENU_SOUND_INGAME = 701, MENU_ADVSOUND = 702, MENU_CHEATS = 800, MENU_CHEATENTRY = 801, MENU_CHEAT_WARP = 802, MENU_CHEAT_SKILL = 803, MENU_CREDITS = 990, MENU_CREDITS2 = 991, MENU_CREDITS3 = 992, MENU_CREDITS4 = 993, MENU_CREDITS5 = 994, MENU_LOADVERIFY = 1000, MENU_NEWVERIFY = 1500, MENU_SAVEVERIFY = 2000, MENU_ADULTPASSWORD = 10001, MENU_RESETPLAYER = 15000, MENU_BUYDUKE = 20000, MENU_NETWORK = 20001, MENU_PLAYER = 20002, MENU_MACROS = 20004, MENU_NETHOST = 20010, MENU_NETOPTIONS = 20011, MENU_NETUSERMAP = 20012, MENU_NETJOIN = 20020, }; typedef int32_t MenuID_t; typedef enum MenuAnimationType_t { // Note: This enum is for logical categories, not visual types. MA_None, MA_Return, MA_Advance, } MenuAnimationType_t; // a subset of screentext parameters, restricted because menus require accessibility typedef struct MenuFont_t { int32_t tilenum; int32_t shade_deselected; // selected entries are mandated to glow int32_t pal, pal_disabled; int32_t xspace, yline; int32_t xbetween, ybetween; int32_t textflags; } MenuFont_t; typedef enum MenuEntryType_t { Dummy, Link, Option, Custom2Col, RangeInt32, RangeFloat, RangeDouble, String, Spacer, } MenuEntryType_t; typedef struct MenuEntryFormat_t { int32_t marginBottom; int32_t indent; int32_t width; // 0: center, >0: width of the label column (left-aligned options), <0: -width of everything (right-aligned) int32_t cursorPosition, cursorScale; } MenuEntryFormat_t; typedef struct MenuMenuFormat_t { vec2_t pos; int32_t bottomcutoff; // >0: the bottom edge of the menu before automatic scrolling kicks in, <0: -total height for vertical justification } MenuMenuFormat_t; typedef struct MenuLink_t { // traits MenuID_t linkID; MenuAnimationType_t animation; } MenuLink_t; typedef struct MenuOptionSet_t { // traits char **optionNames; int32_t *optionValues; // If NULL, the identity of currentOption is assumed. // pop-up list appearance MenuMenuFormat_t *menuFormat; MenuEntryFormat_t *entryFormat; MenuFont_t *font; // traits int32_t numOptions; // pop-up list state int32_t currentEntry; int32_t scrollPos; // appearance uint8_t features; // bit 1 = disable left/right arrows, bit 2 = disable list } MenuOptionSet_t; typedef struct MenuOption_t { // appearance MenuFont_t *font; // traits MenuOptionSet_t *options; // so that common sets such as Yes/No, On/Off can be reused // effect int32_t *data; // state int32_t currentOption; } MenuOption_t; typedef struct MenuCustom2Col_t { // effect uint8_t *column[2]; char **key; // appearance MenuFont_t *font; // effect size_t numvalid; // appearance int32_t columnWidth; // state int8_t screenOpen; } MenuCustom2Col_t; enum MenuRangeFlags_t { DisplayTypeInteger = 1, DisplayTypePercent = 2, DisplayTypeNormalizedDecimal = 3, DisplayTypeMask = (1<<0)|(1<<1), EnforceIntervals = 1<<7, }; typedef struct MenuRangeInt32_t { // effect int32_t *variable; // appearance MenuFont_t *font; // traits int32_t min; int32_t max; int32_t onehundredpercent; // 0 implies max int32_t steps; uint8_t flags; } MenuRangeInt32_t; typedef struct MenuRangeFloat_t { // effect float *variable; // appearance MenuFont_t *font; // traits float min; float max; float onehundredpercent; // 0 implies 1.0 int32_t steps; uint8_t flags; } MenuRangeFloat_t; typedef struct MenuRangeDouble_t { // effect double *variable; // appearance MenuFont_t *font; // traits double min; double max; double onehundredpercent; // 0 implies 1.0 int32_t steps; uint8_t flags; } MenuRangeDouble_t; typedef struct MenuString_t { // state char* editfield; // effect char* variable; // appearance MenuFont_t *font; // effect int32_t maxlength; int32_t flags; } MenuString_t; typedef struct MenuSpacer_t { int32_t height; } MenuSpacer_t; // For internal use only. enum MenuEntryFlags_t { Disabled = 1, }; typedef struct MenuEntry_t { // traits const char *name; // appearance MenuFont_t *font; MenuEntryFormat_t *format; void *entry; MenuEntryType_t type; // state int32_t flags; int32_t ytop, ybottom; } MenuEntry_t; typedef enum MenuType_t { Menu, Panel, Verify, Message, TextForm, FileSelect, } MenuType_t; typedef struct MenuMenu_t { const char *title; MenuMenuFormat_t *format; MenuEntry_t **entrylist; int32_t numEntries; // state int32_t currentEntry, currentColumn; int32_t totalHeight, scrollPos; } MenuMenu_t; typedef struct MenuPanel_t { const char *title; MenuID_t previousID; MenuAnimationType_t previousAnimation; MenuID_t nextID; MenuAnimationType_t nextAnimation; } MenuPanel_t; typedef struct MenuVerify_t { vec2_t cursorpos; MenuID_t linkID; MenuAnimationType_t animation; } MenuVerify_t; typedef struct MenuMessage_t { vec2_t cursorpos; MenuID_t linkID; MenuAnimationType_t animation; } MenuMessage_t; enum MenuTextFormFlags_t { MTF_Password = 1<<0, }; typedef struct MenuTextForm_t { // state char *input; // traits const char *instructions; int32_t maxlength; uint8_t flags; } MenuTextForm_t; typedef struct MenuFileSelect_t { const char *title; // appearance MenuMenuFormat_t *format[2]; MenuFont_t *font[2]; // traits const char *pattern; char *destination; // state CACHE1D_FIND_REC *findhigh[2]; int32_t scrollPos[2]; // appearance int32_t marginBottom[2]; // state fnlist_t fnlist; int32_t currentList; } MenuFileSelect_t; typedef struct Menu_t { void *object; MenuID_t menuID; MenuID_t parentID; MenuAnimationType_t parentAnimation; MenuType_t type; } Menu_t; extern MenuID_t g_currentMenu; extern Menu_t *m_currentMenu; extern int32_t g_lastSaveSlot; extern int32_t g_quitDeadline; extern int32_t voting; int32_t menutext_(int32_t x,int32_t y,int32_t s,int32_t p,char *t,int32_t bits); void M_ChangeMenu(int32_t cm); void M_ChangeMenuAnimate(int32_t cm, MenuAnimationType_t animtype); int32_t M_IsTextInput(Menu_t *cm); void G_CheckPlayerColor(int32_t *color,int32_t prev_color); void M_Init(void); void M_OpenMenu(size_t playerID); void M_CloseMenu(size_t playerID); void M_DisplayMenus(void); #define M_MOUSETIMEOUT 210 extern int32_t m_mouselastactivity; #if defined EDUKE32_TOUCH_DEVICES # define MOUSEALPHA 0 # define MOUSEACTIVECONDITIONAL(condition) (condition) # define MOUSEWATCHPOINTCONDITIONAL(condition) (condition) #else extern int32_t m_mousewake_watchpoint, m_menuchange_watchpoint; // alpha increments of 3 --> 255 / 3 = 85 --> round up to power of 2 --> 128 --> divide by 2 --> 64 alphatabs required # define MOUSEALPHA ((getrendermode() == REND_CLASSIC && numalphatabs < 64) ? 0 : clamp((totalclock - m_mouselastactivity - 90)*3, 0, 255)) # define MOUSEACTIVECONDITION (totalclock - m_mouselastactivity < M_MOUSETIMEOUT) # define MOUSEACTIVECONDITIONAL(condition) (MOUSEACTIVECONDITION && (condition)) # define MOUSEINACTIVECONDITIONAL(condition) (!MOUSEACTIVECONDITION && (condition)) # define MOUSEWATCHPOINTCONDITIONAL(condition) ((condition) || m_mousewake_watchpoint || m_menuchange_watchpoint == 3) #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif