/* ** hw_draw2d.cpp ** 2d drawer Renderer interface ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2018-2019 Christoph Oelckers ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include "v_video.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "hwrenderer/data/buffers.h" #include "flatvertices.h" #include "hwrenderer/data/hw_viewpointbuffer.h" #include "hw_clock.h" #include "hw_cvars.h" #include "hw_renderstate.h" #include "r_videoscale.h" #include "v_draw.h" //=========================================================================== // // Vertex buffer for 2D drawer // //=========================================================================== class F2DVertexBuffer { IVertexBuffer *mVertexBuffer; IIndexBuffer *mIndexBuffer; public: F2DVertexBuffer() { mVertexBuffer = screen->CreateVertexBuffer(); mIndexBuffer = screen->CreateIndexBuffer(); static const FVertexBufferAttribute format[] = { { 0, VATTR_VERTEX, VFmt_Float3, (int)myoffsetof(F2DDrawer::TwoDVertex, x) }, { 0, VATTR_TEXCOORD, VFmt_Float2, (int)myoffsetof(F2DDrawer::TwoDVertex, u) }, { 0, VATTR_COLOR, VFmt_Byte4, (int)myoffsetof(F2DDrawer::TwoDVertex, color0) } }; mVertexBuffer->SetFormat(1, 3, sizeof(F2DDrawer::TwoDVertex), format); } ~F2DVertexBuffer() { delete mIndexBuffer; delete mVertexBuffer; } void UploadData(F2DDrawer::TwoDVertex *vertices, int vertcount, int *indices, int indexcount) { mVertexBuffer->SetData(vertcount * sizeof(*vertices), vertices, false); mIndexBuffer->SetData(indexcount * sizeof(unsigned int), indices, false); } std::pair<IVertexBuffer *, IIndexBuffer *> GetBufferObjects() const { return std::make_pair(mVertexBuffer, mIndexBuffer); } }; //=========================================================================== // // Draws the 2D stuff. This is the version for OpenGL 3 and later. // //=========================================================================== CVAR(Bool, gl_aalines, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE) void Draw2D(F2DDrawer *drawer, FRenderState &state) { twoD.Clock(); const auto &mScreenViewport = screen->mScreenViewport; state.SetViewport(mScreenViewport.left, mScreenViewport.top, mScreenViewport.width, mScreenViewport.height); screen->mViewpoints->Set2D(state, twod->GetWidth(), twod->GetHeight()); state.EnableDepthTest(false); state.EnableMultisampling(false); state.EnableLineSmooth(gl_aalines); auto &vertices = drawer->mVertices; auto &indices = drawer->mIndices; auto &commands = drawer->mData; if (commands.Size() == 0) { twoD.Unclock(); return; } if (drawer->mIsFirstPass) { for (auto &v : vertices) { // Change from BGRA to RGBA std::swap(v.color0.r, v.color0.b); } } F2DVertexBuffer vb; vb.UploadData(&vertices[0], vertices.Size(), &indices[0], indices.Size()); state.SetVertexBuffer(&vb); state.EnableFog(false); state.SetScreenFade(drawer->screenFade); for(auto &cmd : commands) { int gltrans = -1; state.SetRenderStyle(cmd.mRenderStyle); state.EnableBrightmap(!(cmd.mRenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_ColorIsFixed)); state.EnableFog(2); // Special 2D mode 'fog'. state.SetTextureMode(cmd.mDrawMode); int sciX, sciY, sciW, sciH; if (cmd.mFlags & F2DDrawer::DTF_Scissor) { // scissor test doesn't use the current viewport for the coordinates, so use real screen coordinates // Note that the origin here is the lower left corner! sciX = screen->ScreenToWindowX(cmd.mScissor[0]); sciY = screen->ScreenToWindowY(cmd.mScissor[3]); sciW = screen->ScreenToWindowX(cmd.mScissor[2]) - sciX; sciH = screen->ScreenToWindowY(cmd.mScissor[1]) - sciY; // If coordinates turn out negative, clip to sceen here to avoid undefined behavior. if (sciX < 0) sciW += sciX, sciX = 0; if (sciY < 0) sciH += sciY, sciY = 0; } else { sciX = sciY = sciW = sciH = -1; } state.SetScissor(sciX, sciY, sciW, sciH); if (cmd.mSpecialColormap[0].a != 0) { state.SetTextureMode(TM_FIXEDCOLORMAP); state.SetObjectColor(cmd.mSpecialColormap[0]); state.SetAddColor(cmd.mSpecialColormap[1]); } state.SetFog(cmd.mColor1, 0); state.SetColor(1, 1, 1, 1, cmd.mDesaturate); state.SetSoftLightLevel(cmd.mLightLevel); state.SetLightParms(0, 0); state.AlphaFunc(Alpha_GEqual, 0.f); if (cmd.mTexture != nullptr && cmd.mTexture->isValid()) { auto flags = cmd.mTexture->GetUseType() >= ETextureType::Special? UF_None : cmd.mTexture->GetUseType() == ETextureType::FontChar? UF_Font : UF_Texture; auto scaleflags = cmd.mFlags & F2DDrawer::DTF_Indexed ? CTF_Indexed : 0; state.SetMaterial(cmd.mTexture, flags, scaleflags, cmd.mFlags & F2DDrawer::DTF_Wrap ? CLAMP_NONE : CLAMP_XY_NOMIP, cmd.mTranslationId, -1); state.EnableTexture(true); // Canvas textures are stored upside down if (cmd.mTexture->isHardwareCanvas()) { state.mTextureMatrix.loadIdentity(); state.mTextureMatrix.scale(1.f, -1.f, 1.f); state.mTextureMatrix.translate(0.f, 1.f, 0.0f); state.EnableTextureMatrix(true); } if (cmd.mFlags & F2DDrawer::DTF_Burn) { state.SetEffect(EFF_BURN); } } else { state.EnableTexture(false); } switch (cmd.mType) { default: case F2DDrawer::DrawTypeTriangles: state.DrawIndexed(DT_Triangles, cmd.mIndexIndex, cmd.mIndexCount); break; case F2DDrawer::DrawTypeLines: state.Draw(DT_Lines, cmd.mVertIndex, cmd.mVertCount); break; case F2DDrawer::DrawTypePoints: state.Draw(DT_Points, cmd.mVertIndex, cmd.mVertCount); break; } state.SetObjectColor(0xffffffff); state.SetObjectColor2(0); state.SetAddColor(0); state.EnableTextureMatrix(false); state.SetEffect(EFF_NONE); } state.SetScissor(-1, -1, -1, -1); state.SetRenderStyle(STYLE_Translucent); state.SetVertexBuffer(screen->mVertexData); state.EnableTexture(true); state.EnableBrightmap(true); state.SetTextureMode(TM_NORMAL); state.EnableFog(false); state.SetScreenFade(1); state.ResetColor(); drawer->mIsFirstPass = false; twoD.Unclock(); }