#!/bin/sh # some paths top=/var/www/synthesis/eduke32 lockfile=$top/synthesis_building source=eduke32 output=/var/www/dukeworld.duke4.net/eduke32/synthesis make=( make PLATFORM=WINDOWS CC='wine gcc' CXX='wine g++' AS='wine nasm' RC='wine windres' STRIP='wine strip' AR='wine ar' RANLIB='wine ranlib' PRETTY_OUTPUT=0 NEDMALLOC=0 ) clean=veryclean # the following file paths are relative to $source targets=( eduke32.exe mapster32.exe ) bin_packaged=( eduke32.exe eduke32.debug.exe mapster32.exe mapster32.debug.exe backtrace.dll libiconv2.dll libintl3.dll SEHELP.HLP STHELP.HLP names.h buildlic.txt GNU.TXT m32help.hlp nedmalloc.dll samples/* ) not_src_packaged=( psd source/jaudiolib/third-party/vorbis.framework/Versions/A/vorbis Apple ) # group that owns the resulting packages group=dukeworld # some variables dobuild= # controls resulting package filenames... will support linux later basename=eduke32 platform=win32 # if the output dir doesn't exist, create it if [ ! -e $output ] then mkdir -p $output fi if [ -f $lockfile ] then echo "Build already in progress!" exit else touch $lockfile fi cd $top # update the code repository and get the last revision number from SVN head=`svn update | tail -n1 | awk '{ print $NF }' | cut -d. -f1` echo "HEAD is revision $head." lastrevision=`ls -A1 $output | tail -n1 | cut -d- -f2` # if the output dir is empty, we build no matter what if [ ! $lastrevision ] then echo "No builds yet." dobuild=1 else echo "Last built revision is $lastrevision." # if the last built revision is less than HEAD, we also build if [ $lastrevision -lt $head ] then echo "Need a new build." dobuild=1 fi fi if [ $dobuild ] then echo "Launching a build..." cd $top/$source # remove possible old debug binaries echo rm eduke32.debug.exe rm eduke32.debug.exe echo rm mapster32.debug.exe rm mapster32.debug.exe # clean the tree and build debug first echo "${make[@]}" RELEASE=0 $clean all "${make[@]}" RELEASE=0 $clean all # make sure all the targets were produced for i in "${targets[@]}"; do if [ ! -e $i ] then echo "Build failed! Bailing out..." rm -r $lockfile exit fi done # move the debug binaries out of the way echo mv eduke32.exe eduke32.debug.exe mv eduke32.exe eduke32.debug.exe echo mv mapster32.exe mapster32.debug.exe mv mapster32.exe mapster32.debug.exe # clean the tree and build release echo "${make[@]}" $clean all "${make[@]}" $clean all # make sure all the targets were produced for i in "${targets[@]}"; do if [ ! -e $i ] then echo "Build failed! Bailing out..." rm -r $lockfile exit fi done # get the date in the YYYYMMDD format (ex: 20091001) date=`date +%Y%m%d` # create the output directory mkdir $output/$date-$head # package the binary snapshot echo zip -9 $output/$date-$head/${basename}_${platform}_$date-$head.zip ${bin_packaged[@]} zip -9 $output/$date-$head/${basename}_${platform}_$date-$head.zip ${bin_packaged[@]} # hack to restore [e]obj/keep.me echo svn update -r $head svn update -r $head # export the source tree into the output directory svn export . $output/$date-$head/${basename}_$date-$head echo svn export . $output/$date-$head/${basename}_$date-$head # package the source cd $output/$date-$head # first remove the unnecessary files for i in "${not_src_packaged[@]}"; do echo rm -r ${basename}_$date-$head/$i rm -r ${basename}_$date-$head/$i done echo tar cjf ${basename}_src_$date-$head.tar.bz2 ${basename}_$date-$head tar cjf ${basename}_src_$date-$head.tar.bz2 ${basename}_$date-$head rm -r ${basename}_$date-$head # output the changelog since last snapshot in the output directory if [ $lastrevision ] then cd $top/$source svn log -r $head:$lastrevision > $output/$date-$head/ChangeLog.txt fi # hack for our served directory structure... really belongs elsewhere, # like in whatever script executes this one chmod -R g+w $output/$date-$head chown -R :$group $output/$date-$head rm -r $lockfile else echo "Nothing to do." rm -r $lockfile fi