local ffi = require("ffi") local C = ffi.C local bcarray = require("bcarray") local error = error local type = type local decl = assert(decl) -- comes from above (defs.ilua or defs_m32.lua) local ismapster32 = (C.LUNATIC_CLIENT == C.LUNATIC_CLIENT_MAPSTER32) ---------- decl[[ int32_t getclosestcol(int32_t r, int32_t g, int32_t b); char *palookup[256]; // MAXPALOOKUPS uint8_t palette[768]; int32_t setpalookup(int32_t palnum, const uint8_t *shtab); ]] ---------- -- The API table local engine = {} local shtab_t -- forward-decl local function cast_u8ptr(pal256) return ffi.cast("uint8_t *", pal256) end local shtab_methods = { -- Remap consecutive blocks of 16 color indices and return this new shade -- table. -- -- : table with idxs16[1] .. idxs16[16] >= 1 and <= 16 -- (i.e. 1-based indices of such 16-tuples) -- -- For example, the table -- { [0]=0,1, 2,3, 5,4, 6,7, 8,13, 10,11, 12,9, 14,15 } -- TODO (...) remap16 = function(sht, idxs16) if (type(idxs16) ~= "table" or idxs16[0]==nil or #idxs16 ~= 15) then error("invalid argument #2: must be a [0]-table with 16 elements", 2) end for i=0,15 do if (not (idxs16[i] >= 0 and idxs16[i] <= 15)) then error("invalid reordering table: elements must be in [0 .. 15]", 2) end end local newsht = shtab_t() for sh=0,31 do for i=0,15 do ffi.copy(cast_u8ptr(newsht[sh]) + 16*i, cast_u8ptr(sht[sh]) + 16*idxs16[i], 16) end end return newsht end, } local function shtab_mt__index(sht, idx) local method = shtab_methods[idx] if (method) then return method end end local pal256_t = bcarray.new("uint8_t", 256, "shade table 256-tuple") -- The shade table type, effectively a bound-checked uint8_t [32][256]: shtab_t = bcarray.new(pal256_t, 32, "shade table", nil, nil, { __index = shtab_mt__index }) local SIZEOF_SHTAB = ffi.sizeof(shtab_t) local RESERVEDPALS = 8 -- KEEPINSYNC build.h: assure that ours is >= theirs engine.RESERVEDPALS = RESERVEDPALS local function check_palidx(i) if (type(i) ~= "number" or not (i >= 0 and i <= 255-RESERVEDPALS)) then error("invalid argument #1: palette index must be in the range [0 .. "..255-RESERVEDPALS.."]", 3) end end local function err_uncommon_shade_table(ret) if (ret == -1) then error("loaded engine shade tables don't have 32 gradients of shade", 3) end end local function palookup_isdefault(palnum) -- KEEPINSYNC engine.c return (C.palookup[palnum] == nil or (palnum ~= 0 and C.palookup[palnum] == C.palookup[0])) end function engine.shadetab() return shtab_t() end function engine.getshadetab(palidx) check_palidx(palidx) if (palookup_isdefault(palidx)) then return nil end local ret = C.setpalookup(palidx, nil) err_uncommon_shade_table(ret) local sht = shtab_t() ffi.copy(sht, C.palookup[palidx], SIZEOF_SHTAB) return sht end function engine.setshadetab(palidx, shtab) if (not ismapster32 and C.g_elFirstTime == 0) then error("setshadetab() may be run only while LUNATIC_FIRST_TIME is true", 2) end check_palidx(palidx) if (not ffi.istype(shtab_t, shtab_t)) then error("invalid argument #2: must be a shade table obtained by shadetab()", 2) end if (not ismapster32 and not palookup_isdefault(palidx)) then error("attempt to override already defined shade table", 2) end local ret = C.setpalookup(palidx, ffi.cast("uint8_t *", shtab)) err_uncommon_shade_table(ret) end local function check_colcomp(a) if (type(a) ~= "number" or not (a >= 0 and a <= 63)) then error("color component must be in the range [0 .. 63]", 3) end end -- TODO: other base palettes? function engine.getrgb(colidx) if (type(colidx) ~= "number" or not (colidx >= 0 and colidx <= 255)) then error("color index must be in the range [0 .. 255]", 2) end local rgbptr = C.palette + 3*colidx return rgbptr[0], rgbptr[1], rgbptr[2] end -- TODO: flag whether fullbrights are OK function engine.nearcolor(r, g, b) check_colcomp(r) check_colcomp(g) check_colcomp(b) return C.getclosestcol(r, g, b) end -- Done! return engine