#include "colmatch.h" #define FASTPALCOLDEPTH 256 #define FASTPALRIGHTSHIFT 3 #define FASTPALRGBDIST (FASTPALCOLDEPTH*2+1) static int32_t rdist[FASTPALRGBDIST], gdist[FASTPALRGBDIST], bdist[FASTPALRGBDIST]; #define FASTPALGRIDSIZ (FASTPALCOLDEPTH>>FASTPALRIGHTSHIFT) static char colhere[((FASTPALGRIDSIZ+2)*(FASTPALGRIDSIZ+2)*(FASTPALGRIDSIZ+2)+7)>>3]; static char colhead[(FASTPALGRIDSIZ+2)*(FASTPALGRIDSIZ+2)*(FASTPALGRIDSIZ+2)]; static int32_t colnext[256]; #define FASTPALCOLDIST (1<=0; i--) { //j = (i-64)*(i-64); rdist[i] = rdist[FASTPALCOLDEPTH*2-i] = j*rscale; gdist[i] = gdist[FASTPALCOLDEPTH*2-i] = j*gscale; bdist[i] = bdist[FASTPALCOLDEPTH*2-i] = j*bscale; j += FASTPALRGBDIST-(i<<1); } } void paletteInitClosestColorMap(uint8_t const * const pal) { Bmemset(colhere,0,sizeof(colhere)); Bmemset(colhead,0,sizeof(colhead)); colmatch_palette = pal; char const *pal1 = (char const *)&pal[768-3]; for (bssize_t i=255; i>=0; i--,pal1-=3) { int32_t const j = (pal1[0]>>FASTPALRIGHTSHIFT)*FASTPALGRIDSIZ*FASTPALGRIDSIZ + (pal1[1]>>FASTPALRIGHTSHIFT)*FASTPALGRIDSIZ + (pal1[2]>>FASTPALRIGHTSHIFT) + FASTPALGRIDSIZ*FASTPALGRIDSIZ + FASTPALGRIDSIZ + 1; if (colhere[j>>3]&pow2char(j&7)) colnext[i] = colhead[j]; else colnext[i] = -1; colhead[j] = i; colhere[j>>3] |= pow2char(j&7); } paletteFlushClosestColor(); } void paletteInitClosestColorGrid(void) { int i = 0; int32_t x, y, z; for (x=-FASTPALGRIDSIZ*FASTPALGRIDSIZ; x<=FASTPALGRIDSIZ*FASTPALGRIDSIZ; x+=FASTPALGRIDSIZ*FASTPALGRIDSIZ) for (y=-FASTPALGRIDSIZ; y<=FASTPALGRIDSIZ; y+=FASTPALGRIDSIZ) for (z=-1; z<=1; z++) colscan[i++] = x+y+z; i = colscan[13]; colscan[13] = colscan[26]; colscan[26] = i; for (i = 0; i < FASTPALCOLDIST/2; i++) coldist[i] = i; for (; i < FASTPALCOLDIST; i++) coldist[i] = FASTPALCOLDIST-i; } #define COLRESULTSIZ 4096 static uint32_t colmatchresults[COLRESULTSIZ]; static int32_t numcolmatchresults; void paletteFlushClosestColor(void) { Bmemset(colmatchresults, 0, COLRESULTSIZ * sizeof(uint32_t)); numcolmatchresults = 0; } // Finds a color index in [0 .. lastokcol] closest to (r, g, b). // must be in [0 .. 255]. int32_t paletteGetClosestColorUpToIndex(int32_t const r, int32_t const g, int32_t const b, int32_t const lastokcol) { #ifdef DEBUGGINGAIDS Bassert(lastokcol >= 0 && lastokcol <= 255); #endif uint32_t const col = r | (g<<8) | (b<<16); int mindist = -1; int const k = (numcolmatchresults > COLRESULTSIZ) ? COLRESULTSIZ : numcolmatchresults; if (!numcolmatchresults) goto skip; if (col == (colmatchresults[(numcolmatchresults-1) & (COLRESULTSIZ-1)] & 0x00ffffff)) return colmatchresults[(numcolmatchresults-1) & (COLRESULTSIZ-1)]>>24; int i; for (i = 0; i <= k-4; i+=4) { if (col == (colmatchresults[i] & 0x00ffffff)) { mindist = i; break; } if (col == (colmatchresults[i+1] & 0x00ffffff)) { mindist = i+1; break; } if (col == (colmatchresults[i+2] & 0x00ffffff)) { mindist = i+2; break; } if (col == (colmatchresults[i+3] & 0x00ffffff)) { mindist = i+3; break; } } if (mindist == -1) for (; i < k; i++) if (col == (colmatchresults[i] & 0x00ffffff)) { mindist = i; break; } if (mindist != -1 && colmatchresults[mindist]>>24 < (unsigned)lastokcol) return colmatchresults[mindist]>>24; skip: i = paletteGetClosestColorUpToIndexNoCache(r, g, b, lastokcol); colmatchresults[numcolmatchresults++ & (COLRESULTSIZ-1)] = col | (i << 24); return i; } int32_t paletteGetClosestColorUpToIndexNoCache(int32_t r, int32_t g, int32_t b, int32_t const lastokcol) { #ifdef DEBUGGINGAIDS Bassert(lastokcol >= 0 && lastokcol <= 255); #endif int const j = (r>>FASTPALRIGHTSHIFT)*FASTPALGRIDSIZ*FASTPALGRIDSIZ + (g>>FASTPALRIGHTSHIFT)*FASTPALGRIDSIZ + (b>>FASTPALRIGHTSHIFT) + FASTPALGRIDSIZ*FASTPALGRIDSIZ + FASTPALGRIDSIZ + 1; int const minrdist = rdist[coldist[r&FASTPALCOLDISTMASK]+FASTPALCOLDEPTH]; int const mingdist = gdist[coldist[g&FASTPALCOLDISTMASK]+FASTPALCOLDEPTH]; int const minbdist = bdist[coldist[b&FASTPALCOLDISTMASK]+FASTPALCOLDEPTH]; int mindist = min(minrdist, mingdist); mindist = min(mindist, minbdist) + 1; r = FASTPALCOLDEPTH-r, g = FASTPALCOLDEPTH-g, b = FASTPALCOLDEPTH-b; int retcol = -1; for (bssize_t k=26; k>=0; k--) { int i = colscan[k]+j; if ((colhere[i>>3]&pow2char(i&7)) == 0) continue; i = colhead[i]; do { char const * const pal1 = (char const *)&colmatch_palette[i*3]; int dist = gdist[pal1[1]+g]; if (dist >= mindist || i > lastokcol) continue; if ((dist += rdist[pal1[0]+r]) >= mindist) continue; if ((dist += bdist[pal1[2]+b]) >= mindist) continue; mindist = dist; retcol = i; } while ((i = colnext[i]) >= 0); } if (retcol >= 0) return retcol; mindist = INT32_MAX; for (bssize_t i = 0; i < lastokcol; ++i) { char const * const pal1 = (char const *)&colmatch_palette[i*3]; int dist = gdist[pal1[1]+g]; if (dist >= mindist) continue; if ((dist += rdist[pal1[0]+r]) >= mindist) continue; if ((dist += bdist[pal1[2]+b]) >= mindist) continue; mindist = dist; retcol = i; } return retcol; }