//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1997, 2005 - 3D Realms Entertainment This file is part of Shadow Warrior version 1.2 Shadow Warrior is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Original Source: 1997 - Frank Maddin and Jim Norwood Prepared for public release: 03/28/2005 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" #include "build.h" #include "names2.h" #include "panel.h" #include "game.h" #include "tags.h" #include "sector.h" #include "sprite.h" #include "interpolate.h" BEGIN_SW_NS short DoSpikeMatch(short match); bool TestSpikeMatchActive(short match); int DoVatorMove(short SpriteNum, int *lptr); void InterpSectorSprites(short sectnum, bool state); void ReverseSpike(short SpriteNum) { USERp u = User[SpriteNum].Data(); SPRITEp sp = u->SpriteP; // if paused go ahead and start it up again if (u->Tics) { u->Tics = 0; SetSpikeActive(SpriteNum); return; } // moving toward to OFF pos if (u->z_tgt == u->oz) { if (sp->z == u->oz) u->z_tgt = u->sz; else if (u->sz == u->oz) u->z_tgt = sp->z; } else if (u->z_tgt == u->sz) { if (sp->z == u->oz) u->z_tgt = sp->z; else if (u->sz == u->oz) u->z_tgt = u->sz; } u->vel_rate = -u->vel_rate; } bool SpikeSwitch(short match, short setting) { SPRITEp sp; int i; bool found = false; StatIterator it(STAT_DEFAULT); while ((i = it.NextIndex()) >= 0) { sp = &sprite[i]; if (sp->lotag == TAG_SPRITE_SWITCH_VATOR && sp->hitag == match) { found = true; AnimateSwitch(sp, setting); } } return found; } void SetSpikeActive(short SpriteNum) { USERp u = User[SpriteNum].Data(); SPRITEp sp = u->SpriteP; SECTORp sectp = §or[sp->sectnum]; if (TEST(sp->cstat, CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP)) StartInterpolation(sp->sectnum, Interp_Sect_Ceilingheinum); else StartInterpolation(sp->sectnum, Interp_Sect_Floorheinum); InterpSectorSprites(sp->sectnum, true); // play activate sound DoSoundSpotMatch(SP_TAG2(sp), 1, SOUND_OBJECT_TYPE); SET(u->Flags, SPR_ACTIVE); u->Tics = 0; // moving to the ON position if (u->z_tgt == sp->z) VatorSwitch(SP_TAG2(sp), ON); else // moving to the OFF position if (u->z_tgt == u->sz) VatorSwitch(SP_TAG2(sp), OFF); } void SetSpikeInactive(short SpriteNum) { USERp u = User[SpriteNum].Data(); SPRITEp sp = u->SpriteP; SECTORp sectp = §or[sp->sectnum]; if (TEST(sp->cstat, CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP)) StopInterpolation(sp->sectnum, Interp_Sect_Ceilingheinum); else StopInterpolation(sp->sectnum, Interp_Sect_Floorheinum); InterpSectorSprites(sp->sectnum, false); // play activate sound DoSoundSpotMatch(SP_TAG2(sp), 2, SOUND_OBJECT_TYPE); RESET(u->Flags, SPR_ACTIVE); } // called for operation from the space bar short DoSpikeOperate(short sectnum) { SPRITEp fsp; short match; int i; SectIterator it(sectnum); while ((i = it.NextIndex()) >= 0) { fsp = &sprite[i]; if (fsp->statnum == STAT_SPIKE && SP_TAG1(fsp) == SECT_SPIKE && SP_TAG3(fsp) == 0) { sectnum = fsp->sectnum; match = SP_TAG2(fsp); if (match > 0) { if (TestSpikeMatchActive(match)) return -1; else return DoSpikeMatch(match); } SetSpikeActive(i); break; } } return i; } // called from switches and triggers // returns first spike found short DoSpikeMatch(short match) { USERp fu; SPRITEp fsp; short first_spike = -1; int i; //SpikeSwitch(match, ON); StatIterator it(STAT_SPIKE); while ((i = it.NextIndex()) >= 0) { fsp = &sprite[i]; if (SP_TAG1(fsp) == SECT_SPIKE && SP_TAG2(fsp) == match) { fu = User[i].Data(); if (first_spike == -1) first_spike = i; if (TEST(fu->Flags, SPR_ACTIVE)) { ReverseSpike(i); continue; } SetSpikeActive(i); } } return first_spike; } bool TestSpikeMatchActive(short match) { USERp fu; SPRITEp fsp; int i; StatIterator it(STAT_SPIKE); while ((i = it.NextIndex()) >= 0) { fsp = &sprite[i]; if (SP_TAG1(fsp) == SECT_SPIKE && SP_TAG2(fsp) == match) { fu = User[i].Data(); // door war if (TEST_BOOL6(fsp)) continue; if (TEST(fu->Flags, SPR_ACTIVE) || fu->Tics) return true; } } return false; } int DoSpikeMove(short SpriteNum, int *lptr) { USERp u = User[SpriteNum].Data(); int zval; zval = *lptr; // if LESS THAN goal if (zval < u->z_tgt) { // move it DOWN zval += (synctics * u->jump_speed); u->jump_speed += u->vel_rate * synctics; // if the other way make it equal if (zval > u->z_tgt) zval = u->z_tgt; } // if GREATER THAN goal if (zval > u->z_tgt) { // move it UP zval -= (synctics * u->jump_speed); u->jump_speed += u->vel_rate * synctics; if (zval < u->z_tgt) zval = u->z_tgt; } *lptr = zval; return 0; } void SpikeAlign(short SpriteNum) { USERp u = User[SpriteNum].Data(); SPRITEp sp = u->SpriteP; // either work on single sector or all tagged in SOBJ if ((int8_t)SP_TAG7(sp) < 0) { if (TEST(sp->cstat, CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP)) alignceilslope(sp->sectnum, sp->x, sp->y, u->zclip); else alignflorslope(sp->sectnum, sp->x, sp->y, u->zclip); } else { if (TEST(sp->cstat, CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP)) SOBJ_AlignCeilingToPoint(&SectorObject[SP_TAG7(sp)], sp->x, sp->y, u->zclip); else SOBJ_AlignFloorToPoint(&SectorObject[SP_TAG7(sp)], sp->x, sp->y, u->zclip); } } void MoveSpritesWithSpike(short sectnum) { SPRITEp sp; int i; int cz,fz; SectIterator it(sectnum); while ((i = it.NextIndex()) >= 0) { sp = &sprite[i]; if (User[i].Data()) continue; if (TEST(sp->extra, SPRX_STAY_PUT_VATOR)) continue; getzsofslope(sectnum, sp->x, sp->y, &cz, &fz); sp->z = fz; } } int DoSpike(short SpriteNum) { USERp u = User[SpriteNum].Data(); SPRITEp sp = u->SpriteP; int *lptr; // zclip = floor or ceiling z // oz = original z // z_tgt = target z - on pos // sz = starting z - off pos lptr = &u->zclip; DoSpikeMove(SpriteNum, lptr); MoveSpritesWithSpike(sp->sectnum); SpikeAlign(SpriteNum); // EQUAL this entry has finished if (*lptr == u->z_tgt) { // in the ON position if (u->z_tgt == sp->z) { // change target u->z_tgt = u->sz; u->vel_rate = -u->vel_rate; SetSpikeInactive(SpriteNum); if (SP_TAG6(sp)) DoMatchEverything(nullptr, SP_TAG6(sp), -1); } else // in the OFF position if (u->z_tgt == u->sz) { short match = SP_TAG2(sp); // change target u->jump_speed = u->vel_tgt; u->vel_rate = (short)abs(u->vel_rate); u->z_tgt = sp->z; SetSpikeInactive(SpriteNum); // set owner swith back to OFF // only if ALL spikes are inactive if (!TestSpikeMatchActive(match)) { //SpikeSwitch(match, OFF); } if (SP_TAG6(sp) && TEST_BOOL5(sp)) DoMatchEverything(nullptr, SP_TAG6(sp), -1); } // operate only once if (TEST_BOOL2(sp)) { SetSpikeInactive(SpriteNum); KillSprite(SpriteNum); return 0; } // setup to go back to the original z if (*lptr != u->oz) { if (u->WaitTics) u->Tics = u->WaitTics; } } else // if (*lptr == u->z_tgt) { // if heading for the OFF (original) position and should NOT CRUSH if (TEST_BOOL3(sp) && u->z_tgt == u->oz) { int i; SPRITEp bsp; USERp bu; bool found = false; SectIterator it(sp->sectnum); while ((i = it.NextIndex()) >= 0) { bsp = &sprite[i]; bu = User[i].Data(); if (bu && TEST(bsp->cstat, CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK) && TEST(bsp->extra, SPRX_PLAYER_OR_ENEMY)) { ReverseSpike(SpriteNum); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { short pnum; PLAYERp pp; // go ahead and look for players clip box bounds TRAVERSE_CONNECT(pnum) { pp = Player + pnum; if (pp->lo_sectp == §or[sp->sectnum] || pp->hi_sectp == §or[sp->sectnum]) { ReverseSpike(SpriteNum); found = true; } } } } } return 0; } int DoSpikeAuto(short SpriteNum) { USERp u = User[SpriteNum].Data(); SPRITEp sp = u->SpriteP; int *lptr; lptr = &u->zclip; DoSpikeMove(SpriteNum, lptr); MoveSpritesWithSpike(sp->sectnum); SpikeAlign(SpriteNum); // EQUAL this entry has finished if (*lptr == u->z_tgt) { // in the UP position if (u->z_tgt == sp->z) { // change target u->z_tgt = u->sz; u->vel_rate = -u->vel_rate; u->Tics = u->WaitTics; if (SP_TAG6(sp)) DoMatchEverything(nullptr, SP_TAG6(sp), -1); } else // in the DOWN position if (u->z_tgt == u->sz) { // change target u->jump_speed = u->vel_tgt; u->vel_rate = (short)abs(u->vel_rate); u->z_tgt = sp->z; u->Tics = u->WaitTics; if (SP_TAG6(sp) && TEST_BOOL5(sp)) DoMatchEverything(nullptr, SP_TAG6(sp), -1); } } return 0; } #include "saveable.h" static saveable_code saveable_spike_code[] = { SAVE_CODE(ReverseSpike), SAVE_CODE(SpikeSwitch), SAVE_CODE(SetSpikeActive), SAVE_CODE(SetSpikeInactive), SAVE_CODE(DoSpikeOperate), SAVE_CODE(DoSpikeMatch), SAVE_CODE(TestSpikeMatchActive), SAVE_CODE(DoSpikeMove), SAVE_CODE(SpikeAlign), SAVE_CODE(MoveSpritesWithSpike), SAVE_CODE(DoSpike), SAVE_CODE(DoSpikeAuto), }; saveable_module saveable_spike = { // code saveable_spike_code, SIZ(saveable_spike_code), // data nullptr,0 }; END_SW_NS