-- test script for ELua/Lunatic Interpreter print('--- ELua Test script ---') local function checkfail(funcstr) local status, res = pcall(DBG_.loadstring(funcstr)) if (status) then print('ERROR: '..funcstr.." DIDN'T fail") else print('SUCCESS: '..funcstr.." failed: "..res) end end local i print('tweaking sector pals') ---[[ for i = 0, gv.numsectors/2 do sector[i].floorpal = 1; sector[i].ceilingpal = 2; end checkfail('gv.sprite[0].yrepeat = 100') -- direct gv array access forbidden print('tweaking some sprites') for spr in spritesofsect(307) do -- some fence sprites in E1L1 print('spr', spr) sprite[spr].pal = 6 end for spr in spritesofsect(236) do print('#spr', spr) end --]] print('_G contains:') for k,v in pairs(_G) do print(k, v) end checkfail('print(sprite[100000].ceilingpal)') -- oob read access checkfail('setmetatable(sprite, {})') -- set metatable forbidden checkfail('sector[-1].ceilingpal = 4') -- oob write access checkfail('sector[0].wallnum = 0') -- wallnum member is read-only checkfail('gv.numsectors = 4') -- gv.numsectors is read-only checkfail('sector[4] = sector[6]') -- direct sector write access forbidden checkfail("require('os')") -- 'require' has been thrown away to be replaced by -- something more restricted later print('--- end test script ---')