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synced 2025-03-10 02:21:41 +00:00
In-progress POLYMOST2 work
git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@6658 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 797 additions and 0 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
"POLYMOST" code originally written by Ken Silverman
Ken Silverman's official web site: http://www.advsys.net/ken
"POLYMOST2" changes Copyright (c) 2018, Alex Dawson
@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ static float dxb1[MAXWALLSB], dxb2[MAXWALLSB];
float shadescale = 1.0f;
int32_t shadescale_unbounded = 0;
int32_t r_enablepolymost2 = 0;
int32_t r_usenewshading = 4;
int32_t r_usetileshades = 2;
int32_t r_npotwallmode = 0;
@ -118,6 +121,20 @@ int32_t r_downsizevar = -1;
static float fogresult, fogresult2;
coltypef fogcol, fogtable[MAXPALOOKUPS];
static GLuint blankTextureID = 0;
static GLuint quadVertsID = 0;
static GLuint shaderProgramID = 0;
static GLint texSamplerLoc = -1;
static GLint fullBrightSamplerLoc = -1;
static GLint projMatrixLoc = -1;
static GLint mvMatrixLoc = -1;
static GLint texOffsetLoc = -1;
static GLint texScaleLoc = -1;
static GLint tintLoc = -1;
static GLint alphaLoc = -1;
static GLint fogRangeLoc = -1;
static GLint fogColorLoc = -1;
static inline float float_trans(uint32_t maskprops, uint8_t blend)
switch (maskprops)
@ -279,6 +296,98 @@ float glox1, gloy1, glox2, gloy2;
//Use this for both initialization and uninitialization of OpenGL.
static int32_t gltexcacnum = -1;
//in-place multiply m0=m0*m1
static float* multiplyMatrix4f(float m0[4*4], float m1[4*4])
float mR[4*4];
#define multMatrix4RowCol(r, c) mR[r*4+c] = m0[r*4]*m1[c] + m0[r*4+1]*m1[c+4] + m0[r*4+2]*m1[c+8] + m0[r*4+3]*m1[c+12]
multMatrix4RowCol(0, 0);
multMatrix4RowCol(0, 1);
multMatrix4RowCol(0, 2);
multMatrix4RowCol(0, 3);
multMatrix4RowCol(1, 0);
multMatrix4RowCol(1, 1);
multMatrix4RowCol(1, 2);
multMatrix4RowCol(1, 3);
multMatrix4RowCol(2, 0);
multMatrix4RowCol(2, 1);
multMatrix4RowCol(2, 2);
multMatrix4RowCol(2, 3);
multMatrix4RowCol(3, 0);
multMatrix4RowCol(3, 1);
multMatrix4RowCol(3, 2);
multMatrix4RowCol(3, 3);
Bmemcpy(m0, mR, sizeof(float)*4*4);
return m0;
#undef multMatrix4RowCol
static void calcmat(vec3f_t a0, const vec2f_t *offset, float f, float mat[16], int16_t angle)
float g;
float k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7;
k0 = a0.y;
k1 = a0.x;
a0.x += offset->x;
a0.z += offset->y;
f = gcosang2*gshang;
g = gsinang2*gshang;
k4 = (float)sintable[(angle+1024)&2047] * (1.f/16384.f);
k5 = (float)sintable[(angle+512)&2047] * (1.f/16384.f);
k2 = k0*(1-k4)+k1*k5;
k3 = k1*(1-k4)-k0*k5;
k6 = f*gstang - gsinang*gctang; k7 = g*gstang + gcosang*gctang;
mat[0] = k4*k6 + k5*k7; mat[4] = gchang*gstang; mat[ 8] = k4*k7 - k5*k6; mat[12] = k2*k6 + k3*k7;
k6 = f*gctang + gsinang*gstang; k7 = g*gctang - gcosang*gstang;
mat[1] = k4*k6 + k5*k7; mat[5] = gchang*gctang; mat[ 9] = k4*k7 - k5*k6; mat[13] = k2*k6 + k3*k7;
k6 = gcosang2*gchang; k7 = gsinang2*gchang;
mat[2] = k4*k6 + k5*k7; mat[6] =-gshang; mat[10] = k4*k7 - k5*k6; mat[14] = k2*k6 + k3*k7;
mat[12] = (mat[12] + a0.y*mat[0]) + (a0.z*mat[4] + a0.x*mat[ 8]);
mat[13] = (mat[13] + a0.y*mat[1]) + (a0.z*mat[5] + a0.x*mat[ 9]);
mat[14] = (mat[14] + a0.y*mat[2]) + (a0.z*mat[6] + a0.x*mat[10]);
static GLuint polymost2_compileShader(GLenum shaderType, const char* const source)
GLuint shaderID = glCreateShader(shaderType);
if (shaderID == 0)
return 0;
const char* const sources[1] = {source};
int compileStatus[1];
glGetShaderiv(shaderID, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, compileStatus);
OSD_Printf("Compile Status: %u\n", compileStatus[0]);
int logLength[1];
glGetShaderiv(shaderID, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, logLength);
if (logLength[0] > 0)
char infoLog[logLength[0]];
glGetShaderInfoLog(shaderID, logLength[0], NULL, infoLog);
OSD_Printf("Log:\n%s\n", infoLog);
return shaderID;
void polymost_glreset()
for (bssize_t i=0; i<=MAXPALOOKUPS-1; i++)
@ -380,6 +489,117 @@ void polymost_glinit()
const char blankTex[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
glGenTextures(1, &blankTextureID);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, blankTextureID);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, 2, 2, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, blankTex);
GLuint ids[1];
glGenBuffers(1, ids);
quadVertsID = ids[0];
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, quadVertsID);
const float quadVerts[] =
-0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, //top-left
-0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, //bottom-left
0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, //top-right
0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f //bottom-right
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(quadVerts), quadVerts, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
//specify format/arrangement for vertex positions:
glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, false, sizeof(float) * 5, 0);
//specify format/arrangement for vertex texture coords:
glVertexAttribPointer(1, 2, GL_FLOAT, false, sizeof(float) * 5, (const void*) (sizeof(float) * 3));
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
const char* const BASIC_VERTEX_SHADER_CODE =
"#version 110\n\
// input\n\
attribute vec3 i_vertPos;\n\
attribute vec2 i_texCoord;\n\
uniform mat4 u_mvMatrix;\n\
uniform mat4 u_projMatrix;\n\
uniform vec2 u_texOffset;\n\
uniform vec2 u_texScale;\n\
// output\n\
varying vec2 v_texCoord;\n\
varying float v_distance;\n\
void main()\n\
vec4 eyeCoordPosition = u_mvMatrix * vec4(i_vertPos, 1.0);\n\
gl_Position = u_projMatrix * eyeCoordPosition;\n\
//POGOTODO: temporary z-fighting hack for GL2 approach fighting with GL1\n\
// Eventually adapt this into better decal z-buffer adjustment approach\n\
//gl_Position.z -= (u_projMatrix * vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.011, 1.0)).z;\n\
eyeCoordPosition.xyz /= eyeCoordPosition.w;\n\
v_texCoord = i_texCoord * u_texScale + u_texOffset;\n\
v_distance = eyeCoordPosition.z;\n\
const char* const BASIC_FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE =
"#version 110\n\
varying vec2 v_texCoord;\n\
uniform sampler2D s_texture;\n\
uniform sampler2D s_fullBright;\n\
uniform vec4 u_tint;\n\
uniform float u_alpha;\n\
varying float v_distance;\n\
uniform vec2 u_fogRange;\n\
uniform vec4 u_fogColor;\n\
const float c_zero = 0.0;\n\
const float c_one = 1.0;\n\
void main()\n\
vec4 color = texture2D(s_texture, v_texCoord);\n\
vec4 fullBrightColor = texture2D(s_fullBright, v_texCoord);\n\
float fogFactor = clamp((u_fogRange.y-v_distance)/(u_fogRange.y-u_fogRange.x), c_zero, c_one);\n\
color.rgb = mix(u_fogColor.rgb, color.rgb, fogFactor);\n\
color.rgb *= u_tint.rgb * u_tint.a * color.a;\n\
color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, fullBrightColor.rgb, fullBrightColor.a);\n\
color.a *= u_alpha;\n\
gl_FragColor = color;\n\
shaderProgramID = glCreateProgram();
GLuint basicVertexShaderID = polymost2_compileShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, BASIC_VERTEX_SHADER_CODE);
GLuint basicFragmentShaderID = polymost2_compileShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, BASIC_FRAGMENT_SHADER_CODE);
glBindAttribLocation(shaderProgramID, 0, "i_vertPos");
glBindAttribLocation(shaderProgramID, 1, "i_texCoord");
glAttachShader(shaderProgramID, basicVertexShaderID);
glAttachShader(shaderProgramID, basicFragmentShaderID);
// Get the attribute/uniform locations
texSamplerLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgramID, "s_texture");
fullBrightSamplerLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgramID, "s_fullBright");
projMatrixLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgramID, "u_projMatrix");
mvMatrixLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgramID, "u_mvMatrix");
texOffsetLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgramID, "u_texOffset");
texScaleLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgramID, "u_texScale");
tintLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgramID, "u_tint");
alphaLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgramID, "u_alpha");
fogRangeLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgramID, "u_fogRange");
fogColorLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgramID, "u_fogColor");
#ifdef USE_GLEXT
if (glmultisample > 0 && glinfo.multisample)
@ -509,6 +729,34 @@ static inline void fogcalc(int32_t tile, int32_t shade, int32_t vis, int32_t pal
#define GL_FOG_MAX 1.0e37f
void polymost2_calc_fog(int32_t shade, int32_t vis, int32_t pal)
if (nofog) return;
fogresult = 0.f;
fogresult2 = -GL_FOG_MAX; // hide fog behind the camera
fogcol = fogtable[pal];
if (((uint8_t)(vis + 16)) > 0 && g_visibility > 0)
GLfloat glfogconstant = 262144.f;
GLfloat fogrange = (frealmaxshade * glfogconstant) / (((uint8_t)(vis + 16)) * globalvisibility);
GLfloat normalizedshade = shade / frealmaxshade;
GLfloat fogshade = normalizedshade * fogrange;
fogresult = -fogshade;
fogresult2 = fogrange - fogshade;
// substract shade from fog
if (shade > 0 && shade < realmaxshade)
fogresult = 1.f - (fogresult2 / (fogresult2 - fogresult));
fogresult = (fogresult - normalizedshade) / (1.f - normalizedshade);
fogresult = -((fogresult2 / (1.f - fogresult)) - fogresult2) ;
void calc_and_apply_fog(int32_t tile, int32_t shade, int32_t vis, int32_t pal)
if (nofog) return;
@ -1742,6 +1990,169 @@ static inline pthtyp *our_texcache_fetch(int32_t dameth)
return texcache_fetch(globalpicnum, globalpal, getpalookup((r_usetileshades == 1 && !(globalflags & GLOBAL_NO_GL_TILESHADES)) ? globvis>>3 : 0, globalshade), dameth);
static void polymost2_drawVBO(GLenum mode,
int32_t vertexBufferID,
int32_t indexBufferID,
const int32_t numElements,
float projectionMatrix[4*4],
float modelViewMatrix[4*4],
int32_t dameth,
float texScale[2],
float texOffset[2],
char cullFaces)
if (dameth == DAMETH_BACKFACECULL ||
g_nodraw ||
(uint32_t)globalpicnum >= MAXTILES)
if (cullFaces)
//POGOTODO: this is temporary, the permanent fix is to not allow the transform to affect the windings in the first place in polymost2_drawSprite()
if (cullFaces == 1)
} else
//POGOTODO: in the future, state changes like binding these buffers can be batched. For now, just switch on every VBO rendered
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBufferID);
glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBufferID);
if (palookup[globalpal] == NULL)
globalpal = 0;
//Load texture (globalpicnum)
if (!waloff[globalpicnum])
pthtyp *pth = our_texcache_fetch(dameth);
if (!pth)
if (editstatus)
Bsprintf(ptempbuf, "pth==NULL! (bad pal?) pic=%d pal=%d", globalpicnum, globalpal);
polymost_printext256(8,8, editorcolors[15],editorcolors[5], ptempbuf, 0);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, (pth && pth->flags & PTH_HASFULLBRIGHT && r_fullbrights) ? pth->ofb->glpic : blankTextureID);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pth ? pth->glpic : blankTextureID);
//POGOTODO: handle tinting & shading completely with fragment shader
//POGOTODO: handle fullbright & glow completely with fragment shader
//POGOTODO: glAlphaFunc is deprecated, move this into the fragment shader
float const al = waloff[globalpicnum] ? alphahackarray[globalpicnum] != 0 ? alphahackarray[globalpicnum] * (1.f/255.f):
(pth && pth->hicr && pth->hicr->alphacut >= 0.f ? pth->hicr->alphacut : 0.f) : 0.f;
glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, al);
//POGOTODO: batch this, only apply it to sprites that actually need blending
handle_blend((dameth & DAMETH_MASKPROPS) > DAMETH_MASK, drawpoly_blend, (dameth & DAMETH_MASKPROPS) == DAMETH_TRANS2);
//POGOTODO: batch uniform binding
float tint[4] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
polytint_t const & polytint = hictinting[globalpal];
//POGOTODO: full bright pass uses its own globalshade...
tint[0] = (1.f-(polytint.sr*(1.f/255.f)))*getshadefactor(globalshade)+(polytint.sr*(1.f/255.f));
tint[1] = (1.f-(polytint.sg*(1.f/255.f)))*getshadefactor(globalshade)+(polytint.sg*(1.f/255.f));
tint[2] = (1.f-(polytint.sb*(1.f/255.f)))*getshadefactor(globalshade)+(polytint.sb*(1.f/255.f));
// spriteext full alpha control
float alpha = float_trans(dameth & DAMETH_MASKPROPS, drawpoly_blend) * (1.f - drawpoly_alpha);
if (pth)
// tinting
polytintflags_t const tintflags = hictinting[globalpal].f;
if (!(tintflags & HICTINT_PRECOMPUTED))
if (pth->flags & PTH_HIGHTILE)
if (pth->palnum != globalpal || (pth->effects & HICTINT_IN_MEMORY) || (tintflags & HICTINT_APPLYOVERALTPAL))
hictinting_apply(tint, globalpal);
hictinting_apply(tint, globalpal);
// global tinting
if ((pth->flags & PTH_HIGHTILE) && have_basepal_tint())
hictinting_apply(tint, MAXPALOOKUPS-1);
glUniformMatrix4fv(projMatrixLoc, 1, false, projectionMatrix);
glUniformMatrix4fv(mvMatrixLoc, 1, false, modelViewMatrix);
glUniform1i(texSamplerLoc, 0);
glUniform1i(fullBrightSamplerLoc, 1);
glUniform2fv(texOffsetLoc, 1, texOffset);
glUniform2fv(texScaleLoc, 1, texScale);
glUniform4fv(tintLoc, 1, tint);
glUniform1f(alphaLoc, alpha);
const float fogRange[2] = {fogresult, fogresult2};
glUniform2fv(fogRangeLoc, 1, fogRange);
glUniform4fv(fogColorLoc, 1, (GLfloat*) &fogcol);
if (indexBufferID == 0)
} else
//POGOTODO: again, these state changes should be batched in the future, rather than on each VBO rendered
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
static void polymost_drawpoly(vec2f_t const * const dpxy, int32_t const n, int32_t method)
if (method == DAMETH_BACKFACECULL ||
@ -4517,8 +4928,393 @@ int32_t polymost_lintersect(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2,
#define TSPR_OFFSET_FACTOR .000008f
#define TSPR_OFFSET(tspr) ((TSPR_OFFSET_FACTOR + ((tspr->owner != -1 ? tspr->owner & 63 : 1) * TSPR_OFFSET_FACTOR)) * (float)sepdist(globalposx - tspr->x, globalposy - tspr->y, globalposz - tspr->z) * 0.025f)
void polymost2_drawsprite(int32_t snum)
uspritetype *const tspr = tspriteptr[snum];
if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(bad_tspr(tspr)))
const usectortype *sec;
int32_t spritenum = tspr->owner;
DO_TILE_ANIM(tspr->picnum, spritenum + 32768);
globalpicnum = tspr->picnum;
globalshade = tspr->shade;
globalpal = tspr->pal;
globalorientation = tspr->cstat;
globvis = globalvisibility;
if (sector[tspr->sectnum].visibility != 0)
globvis = mulscale4(globvis, (uint8_t)(sector[tspr->sectnum].visibility + 16));
vec2f_t off = { 0.f, 0.f };
if ((globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT) != CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_SLAB) // only non-voxel sprites should do this
int const flag = usehightile && h_xsize[globalpicnum];
off.x = (int32_t)tspr->xoffset + (flag ? h_xoffs[globalpicnum] : picanm[globalpicnum].xofs);
off.y = (int32_t)tspr->yoffset + (flag ? h_yoffs[globalpicnum] : picanm[globalpicnum].yofs);
int32_t method = DAMETH_MASK | DAMETH_CLAMPED;
handle_blend(!!(tspr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANSLUCENT), tspr->blend, !!(tspr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANSLUCENT_INVERT));
drawpoly_alpha = spriteext[spritenum].alpha;
drawpoly_blend = tspr->blend;
sec = (usectortype *)§or[tspr->sectnum];
polymost2_calc_fog(fogshade(globalshade, globalpal), sec->visibility, get_floor_fogpal(sec));
//POGOTODO: this while is an if statement
while (!(spriteext[spritenum].flags & SPREXT_NOTMD))
//POGOTODO: switch these to if/else for readability and rearrange for performance
if (usemodels && tile2model[Ptile2tile(tspr->picnum, tspr->pal)].modelid >= 0 &&
tile2model[Ptile2tile(tspr->picnum, tspr->pal)].framenum >= 0)
if (polymost_mddraw(tspr)) return;
break; // else, render as flat sprite
if (usevoxels && (tspr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT) != CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_SLAB && tiletovox[tspr->picnum] >= 0 && voxmodels[tiletovox[tspr->picnum]])
if (polymost_voxdraw(voxmodels[tiletovox[tspr->picnum]], tspr)) return;
break; // else, render as flat sprite
if ((tspr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT) == CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_SLAB && voxmodels[tspr->picnum])
polymost_voxdraw(voxmodels[tspr->picnum], tspr);
//POGO: some comments seem to indicate that spinning sprites were intended to be supported before the
// decision was made to implement that behaviour with voxels.
// Skip SPIN aligned sprites when not rendering as voxels.
vec2_t pos = *(vec2_t *)tspr;
if (spriteext[spritenum].flags & SPREXT_AWAY1)
pos.x += (sintable[(tspr->ang + 512) & 2047] >> 13);
pos.y += (sintable[(tspr->ang) & 2047] >> 13);
else if (spriteext[spritenum].flags & SPREXT_AWAY2)
pos.x -= (sintable[(tspr->ang + 512) & 2047] >> 13);
pos.y -= (sintable[(tspr->ang) & 2047] >> 13);
vec2s_t const oldsiz = tilesiz[globalpicnum];
vec2_t tsiz = { oldsiz.x, oldsiz.y };
if (usehightile && h_xsize[globalpicnum])
tsiz.x = h_xsize[globalpicnum];
tsiz.y = h_ysize[globalpicnum];
if (tsiz.x <= 0 || tsiz.y <= 0)
vec2f_t const ftsiz = { (float) tsiz.x, (float) tsiz.y };
//POGOTODO: some of these cases where we return could be done further up in order to skip doing throw away computation
if ((globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_FLOOR) &&
(globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_ONE_SIDED) != 0 &&
(globalposz > tspr->z) == (!(globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP)))
//POGOTODO: in polymost1 any sprites that are too close are pre-clipped here before any calculation
tilesiz[globalpicnum].x = tsiz.x;
tilesiz[globalpicnum].y = tsiz.y;
float texScale[2] = {1.0f, -1.0f};
float texOffset[2] = {((float) (spriteext[spritenum].xpanning) * (1.0f / 255.f)),
((float) (spriteext[spritenum].ypanning) * (1.0f / 255.f))};
float transformMatrix[4*4] =
1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f
float modelViewMatrix[4*4] =
1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f
float f = (65536.f*512.f) / (fxdimen*viewingrange);
float g = 32.f / (fxdimen*gxyaspect);
float horzScale = ftsiz.x*(1.f/64.f);
float vertScale = ftsiz.y*(1.f/64.f);
horzScale *= ((float)tspr->xrepeat) * (1.f/64.f);
vertScale *= ((float)tspr->yrepeat) * (1.f/64.f);
horzScale *= 256.f/320.f;
//POGOTODO: fix floor sprites to be scaled up slightly by the right amount, and note their tex is slightly clipped on the leading edges
vertScale += 1.f/320.f;
horzScale *= f;
vertScale *= g;
//handle sprite flipping
horzScale *= -2.f*((globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP) != 0) + 1.f;
vertScale *= -2.f*((globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT) != CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_FLOOR &
(globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP) != 0) + 1.f;
//POGOTODO: replace this with simply using off.x and a different float for z offsets
// switching that over should fix floor sprite offsets so that they flip properly when yflip/xflip is applied
//handle orientation offsets
vec2f_t orientationOffset = {0.f, 0.f};
vec3f_t offs = { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f };
off.x = 0.2f * ((float)tspr->xrepeat) * (((float) off.x) + (tsiz.x & 1)*0.5f*(((globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP) == 0)*-2.f + 1.f));
off.y = 4.f * ((float)tspr->yrepeat) * (((float) off.y) + (((globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER) != 0) & tsiz.y & 1)*0.5f);
int16_t angle = globalang;
float combinedClipScale = 1.f;
int const ang = (getangle(tspr->x - globalposx, tspr->y - globalposy) + 1024) & 2047;
float const foffs = TSPR_OFFSET(tspr);
offs = { (float) (sintable[(ang + 512) & 2047] >> 6) * foffs,
(float) (sintable[(ang) & 2047] >> 6) * foffs,
angle = (tspr->ang+1024)&2047;
/*float const foffs = TSPR_OFFSET(tspr);
offs = { (float) (sintable[(tspr->ang + 512) & 2047] >> 6) * foffs,
(float) (sintable[(tspr->ang) & 2047] >> 6) * foffs};*/
//POGOTODO: For now, just handle this exactly the same way as in polymost1.
// Eventually, I should change how all sprites avoid z-fighting by offsetting the z-buffer depth
// rather than offsetting the entire object in space.
vec2f_t const extent = { (float)tspr->xrepeat * (float)sintable[(tspr->ang) & 2047] * (1.0f / 65536.f),
(float)tspr->xrepeat * (float)sintable[(tspr->ang + 1536) & 2047] * (1.0f / 65536.f) };
//POGOTODO: this needs to be calculated before I make my adjustments to off.x above!
float f = (float)(tsiz.x >> 1) + (float)off.x;
vec2f_t const vf = { extent.x * f, extent.y * f };
int32_t const s = tspr->owner;
int32_t walldist = 1;
int32_t w = (s == -1) ? -1 : wsprinfo[s].wall;
// find the wall most likely to be what the sprite is supposed to be ornamented against
// this is really slow, so cache the result
if (s == -1 || !wsprinfo[s].wall || (spritechanged[s] != wsprinfo[s].srev) ||
(w != -1 && wallchanged[w] != wsprinfo[s].wrev))
w = polymost_findwall(tspr, &tsiz, &walldist);
if (s != -1)
wallspriteinfo_t *ws = &wsprinfo[s];
ws->wall = w;
if (w != -1)
ws->wdist = walldist;
ws->wrev = wallchanged[w];
ws->srev = spritechanged[s];
else if (s != -1)
walldist = wsprinfo[s].wdist;
// detect if the sprite is either on the wall line or the wall line and sprite intersect
if (w != -1)
vec2_t v = { /*Blrintf(vf.x)*/(int)vf.x, /*Blrintf(vf.y)*/(int)vf.y };
if (walldist <= 2 || ((pos.x - v.x) + (pos.x + v.x)) == (wall[w].x + POINT2(w).x) ||
((pos.y - v.y) + (pos.y + v.y)) == (wall[w].y + POINT2(w).y) ||
polymost_lintersect(pos.x - v.x, pos.y - v.y, pos.x + v.x, pos.y + v.y, wall[w].x, wall[w].y,
POINT2(w).x, POINT2(w).y))
int32_t const ang = getangle(wall[w].x - POINT2(w).x, wall[w].y - POINT2(w).y);
float const foffs = TSPR_OFFSET(tspr);
offs = { -(float)(sintable[(ang + 1024) & 2047] >> 6) * foffs,
-(float)(sintable[(ang + 512) & 2047] >> 6) * foffs,
//POGO: for full compatibility, facing sprites should also clip similarly (see polymost_drawsprite())
// Clip sprites to ceilings/floors when no parallaxing
float fullCenterYOff = off.y + (((globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER) != 0) * 2.f)
* ftsiz.y * ((float)tspr->yrepeat);
if ((!(sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingstat & 1)) &&
sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingz > tspr->z + fullCenterYOff - ((tspr->yrepeat * tsiz.y) << 2))
float clipScale = ((float) (tspr->z + fullCenterYOff - sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingz))/((float)((tspr->yrepeat * tsiz.y) << 2));
if (clipScale <= 0.f)
//don't draw sprites fully clipped by the ceiling
texScale[1] *= clipScale;
texOffset[1] += (1.f-clipScale)*(-1.f*((globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP) == CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP));
vertScale *= clipScale;
combinedClipScale *= clipScale;
if ((!(sector[tspr->sectnum].floorstat & 1)) &&
sector[tspr->sectnum].floorz < tspr->z + fullCenterYOff)
float span = ((tspr->yrepeat * tsiz.y) << 2) - (tspr->z + fullCenterYOff - sector[tspr->sectnum].floorz);
float clipScale = span/((float)((tspr->yrepeat * tsiz.y) << 2));
if (clipScale <= 0.f)
//don't draw sprites fully clipped by the floor
texScale[1] *= clipScale;
texOffset[1] += (1.f-clipScale)*(-1.f*((globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP) != CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP));
vertScale *= clipScale;
combinedClipScale *= clipScale;
off.y += (float) (((tspr->yrepeat * tsiz.y) << 2) - span);
if (globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER)
combinedClipScale = 1.f;
off.x *= ((float) ((globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP) != 0))*-2.f + 1.f;
off.y *= ((float) ((globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT) != CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_FACING &
(globalorientation & (CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP)) != 0))*-2.f + 1.f;
vertScale = -vertScale;
orientationOffset.x += ftsiz.y*((float) tspr->yrepeat)*(1.f/8.f);
// unfortunately, offsetting by only 1 isn't enough on most Android devices
if (tspr->z == sec->ceilingz || tspr->z == sec->ceilingz + 1)
tspr->z = sec->ceilingz + 2, orientationOffset.y += (tspr->owner & 31);
if (tspr->z == sec->floorz || tspr->z == sec->floorz - 1)
tspr->z = sec->floorz - 2, orientationOffset.y -= ((tspr->owner & 31));
angle = tspr->ang;
} else
off.y -= (((globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER) != 0) * 2.f +
((globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP) != 0)*-4.f)
* combinedClipScale * ftsiz.y * ((float)tspr->yrepeat);
vec3f_t a0;
a0.x = ((float)(pos.y-globalposy)+offs.y) * -(1.f/1024.f)*-f;
a0.y = ((float)(pos.x-globalposx)+offs.x) * (1.f/1024.f)*f;
a0.z = ((float)(tspr->z-globalposz)+offs.z) * -(1.f/16384.f)*g;
orientationOffset.x *= -(1.f/1024.f)*-f;
orientationOffset.y *= -(1.f/16384.f)*g;
calcmat(a0, &orientationOffset, f, modelViewMatrix, angle);
float temp = modelViewMatrix[4]; modelViewMatrix[4] = modelViewMatrix[8]*16.f; modelViewMatrix[8] = -temp*(1.f/16.f);
temp = modelViewMatrix[5]; modelViewMatrix[5] = modelViewMatrix[9]*16.f; modelViewMatrix[9] = -temp*(1.f/16.f);
temp = modelViewMatrix[6]; modelViewMatrix[6] = modelViewMatrix[10]*16.f; modelViewMatrix[10] = -temp*(1.f/16.f);
// mirrors
if (grhalfxdown10x < 0)
modelViewMatrix[0] = -modelViewMatrix[0]; modelViewMatrix[4] = -modelViewMatrix[4]; modelViewMatrix[8] = -modelViewMatrix[8]; modelViewMatrix[12] = -modelViewMatrix[12];
float ratio = 1.0f/get_projhack_ratio();
float projectionMatrix[4*4] =
fydimen * ratio, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, fxdimen, 1.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, fydimen * ratio,
0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f
float scaleMatrix[4*4] =
horzScale, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, vertScale, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f
float offsetMatrix[4*4] =
1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
-off.x*(1.f/1024.f)*f, off.y * (1.f/16384.f)*g, 0.0f, 1.0f
multiplyMatrix4f(transformMatrix, scaleMatrix);
multiplyMatrix4f(transformMatrix, offsetMatrix);
//POGOTODO: for later optimization purposes (batching/caching), I need to split the modelViewMatrix into modelMatrix and viewMatrix
multiplyMatrix4f(transformMatrix, modelViewMatrix);
//POGOTODO: I should instead implement one-sided sprites & culling by switching the xflip/yflip from flipping scale to instead flipping texScale
// Doing that will allow me to simplify a lot of this code, but it will require a lot of changes
((globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_ONE_SIDED) != 0)*3 & ((globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP) != 0 ^ (globalorientation & CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP) != 0)+1);
drawpoly_srepeat = 0;
drawpoly_trepeat = 0;
tilesiz[globalpicnum] = oldsiz;
void polymost_drawsprite(int32_t snum)
if (r_enablepolymost2)
uspritetype *const tspr = tspriteptr[snum];
if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(bad_tspr(tspr)))
@ -6170,6 +6966,7 @@ void polymost_initosdfuncs(void)
static osdcvardata_t cvars_polymost[] =
{ "r_enablepolymost2","enable/disable polymost2",(void *) &r_enablepolymost2, CVAR_BOOL, 0, 1 },
{ "r_animsmoothing","enable/disable model animation smoothing",(void *) &r_animsmoothing, CVAR_BOOL, 0, 1 },
{ "r_downsize","controls downsizing factor (quality) for hires textures",(void *) &r_downsize, CVAR_INT|CVAR_FUNCPTR, 0, 5 },
{ "r_fullbrights","enable/disable fullbright textures",(void *) &r_fullbrights, CVAR_BOOL, 0, 1 },
Reference in a new issue