mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 02:50:54 +00:00
- removed all remains of projection math weirdness from the automap code in the games plus a bit more cleanup of the engine code.
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 68 additions and 185 deletions
@ -48,11 +48,6 @@ enum
MAXXDIM = 7680,
MAXYDIM = 3200,
MINXDIM = 640,
MINYDIM = 480,
@ -100,24 +95,11 @@ enum {
enum {
SPR_WALL = 16,
#include "buildtypes.h"
using usectortype = sectortype;
using uwalltype = walltype;
using uspritetype = spritetype;
using uspriteptr_t = uspritetype const *;
using uwallptr_t = uwalltype const *;
using usectorptr_t = usectortype const *;
using uspriteptr_t = spritetype const *;
using uwallptr_t = walltype const *;
using usectorptr_t = sectortype const *;
using tspriteptr_t = tspritetype *;
@ -150,17 +132,11 @@ typedef struct {
#define NEG_ALPHA_TO_BLEND(alpha, blend, orientation) do { \
if ((alpha) < 0) { (blend) = -(alpha); (alpha) = 0; (orientation) |= RS_TRANS1; } \
} while (0)
// using the clipdist field
EXTERN int32_t guniqhudid;
@ -176,25 +152,6 @@ struct usermaphack_t
EXTERN spriteext_t *spriteext;
EXTERN spritesmooth_t *spritesmooth;
// Wrapper that makes an array of pointers look like an array of references. (Refactoring helper.)
template<class T, int size>
class ReferenceArray
T* data[size];
T& operator[](size_t index)
assert(index < size);
return *data[index];
void set(int pos, T* spr)
data[pos] = spr;
EXTERN sectortype *sector;
EXTERN walltype *wall;
EXTERN spritetype *sprite;
@ -222,7 +179,6 @@ static inline tspriteptr_t renderAddTSpriteFromSprite(uint16_t const spritenum)
EXTERN int16_t maskwall[MAXWALLSB], maskwallcnt;
EXTERN tspriteptr_t tspriteptr[MAXSPRITESONSCREEN + 1];
EXTERN int32_t xdim, ydim;
@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ void polymost_completeMirror();
void polymost_precache(int32_t dapicnum, int32_t dapalnum, int32_t datype);
void polymost_deletesprite(int num);
int32_t polymost_maskWallHasTranslucency(uwalltype const * const wall);
int32_t polymost_spriteHasTranslucency(tspritetype const * const tspr);
int32_t polymost_spriteIsModelOrVoxel(tspritetype const * const tspr);
int32_t polymost_maskWallHasTranslucency(walltype const * const wall);
int32_t polymost_spriteHasTranslucency(spritetype const * const tspr);
int32_t polymost_spriteIsModelOrVoxel(spritetype const * const tspr);
void polymost_glreset(void);
void polymost_scansector(int32_t sectnum);
@ -27,41 +27,9 @@ static uint8_t clipignore[(MAXCLIPNUM+7)>>3];
int32_t quickloadboard=0;
static int32_t numclipmaps;
static int32_t numclipsects; // number in sectq[]
static int16_t *sectoidx;
static int16_t *sectq; // [numsectors]
static int16_t pictoidx[MAXTILES]; // maps tile num to clipinfo[] index
static int16_t *tempictoidx;
static usectortype *loadsector;
static uwalltype *loadwall, *loadwallinv;
static uspritetype *loadsprite;
vec2_t hitscangoal = { (1<<29)-1, (1<<29)-1 };
int32_t hitallsprites = 0;
void engineInitClipMaps()
numclipmaps = 0;
numclipsects = 0;
// two's complement trick, -1 = 0xff
memset(&pictoidx, -1, sizeof(pictoidx));
numsectors = 0;
numwalls = 0;
////////// CLIPMOVE //////////
int32_t clipmoveboxtracenum = 3;
@ -530,7 +498,7 @@ int32_t clipmove(vec3_t * const pos, int16_t * const sectnum, int32_t xvect, int
if (clipyou)
int16_t const objtype = curspr ? (int16_t)(curspr - (uspritetype *)sprite) + 49152 : (int16_t)j + 32768;
int16_t const objtype = curspr ? (int16_t)(curspr - sprite) + 49152 : (int16_t)j + 32768;
//Add 2 boxes at endpoints
int32_t bsz = walldist; if (diff.x < 0) bsz = -bsz;
@ -1214,22 +1182,22 @@ static int32_t hitscan_trysector(const vec3_t *sv, usectorptr_t sec, hitdata_t *
if (tmp==NULL)
if (inside(x1,y1,sec-(usectortype *)sector) == 1)
if (inside(x1,y1,sec-sector) == 1)
hit_set(hit, sec-(usectortype *)sector, -1, -1, x1, y1, z1);
hit_set(hit, sec-sector, -1, -1, x1, y1, z1);
hitscan_hitsectcf = (how+1)>>1;
const int32_t curidx=(int32_t)tmp[0];
auto const curspr=(uspritetype *)tmp[1];
auto const curspr=(spritetype *)tmp[1];
const int32_t thislastsec = tmp[2];
if (!thislastsec)
if (inside(x1,y1,sec-(usectortype *)sector) == 1)
hit_set(hit, curspr->sectnum, -1, curspr-(uspritetype *)sprite, x1, y1, z1);
if (inside(x1,y1,sec-sector) == 1)
hit_set(hit, curspr->sectnum, -1, curspr-sprite, x1, y1, z1);
@ -161,7 +161,6 @@ int16_t globalpicnum;
static int32_t globaly1, globalx2;
int16_t sectorborder[256];
int16_t pointhighlight=-1, linehighlight=-1, highlightcnt=0;
static int16_t numhits;
@ -1526,35 +1525,10 @@ int findwallbetweensectors(int sect1, int sect2)
void updatesector(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, int16_t * const sectnum)
#if 0
if (enginecompatibility_mode != ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_NONE)
if (inside_p(x, y, *sectnum))
if ((unsigned)*sectnum < (unsigned)numsectors)
const uwalltype *wal = (uwalltype *)&wall[sector[*sectnum].wallptr];
int wallsleft = sector[*sectnum].wallnum;
int const next = wal->nextsector;
if (inside_p(x, y, next))
SET_AND_RETURN(*sectnum, next);
while (--wallsleft);
int16_t sect = *sectnum;
if (sect != -1)
SET_AND_RETURN(*sectnum, sect);
int16_t sect = *sectnum;
if (sect != -1)
SET_AND_RETURN(*sectnum, sect);
// we need to support passing in a sectnum of -1, unfortunately
@ -1570,7 +1544,6 @@ void updatesector(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, int16_t * const sectnum)
// as starting sector and the 'initial' z check is skipped
// (not initial anymore because it follows the sector updating due to TROR)
// NOTE: This comes from Duke, therefore it's GPL!
void updatesectorz(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, int32_t const z, int16_t * const sectnum)
if (enginecompatibility_mode != ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_NONE)
@ -1593,7 +1566,7 @@ void updatesectorz(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, int32_t const z, int16_t *
if (inside_p(x, y, *sectnum))
uwalltype const * wal = (uwalltype *)&wall[sector[*sectnum].wallptr];
walltype const * wal = &wall[sector[*sectnum].wallptr];
int wallsleft = sector[*sectnum].wallnum;
@ -1733,32 +1706,11 @@ void videoSetViewableArea(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2)
ydimen = (y2-y1)+1;
fxdimen = (float) xdimen;
fydimen = (float) ydimen;
// setaspect
void renderSetAspect(int32_t daxrange, int32_t daaspect)
if (daxrange == 65536) daxrange--; // This doesn't work correctly with 65536. All other values are fine. No idea where this is evaluated wrong.
viewingrange = daxrange;
viewingrangerecip = DivScale(1,daxrange, 32);
fviewingrange = (float) daxrange;
yxaspect = daaspect;
xyaspect = DivScale(1,yxaspect, 32);
xdimenscale = Scale(xdimen,yxaspect,320);
xdimscale = Scale(320,xyaspect,xdimen);
#include "v_2ddrawer.h"
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
extern int16_t maskwall[MAXWALLSB], maskwallcnt;
extern tspriteptr_t tspriteptr[MAXSPRITESONSCREEN + 1];
extern int32_t xdimen, xdimenscale, xdimscale, ydimen;
extern float fxdimen;
@ -31,7 +30,6 @@ extern int32_t globalorientation;
extern char inpreparemirror;
extern int16_t sectorborder[256];
extern int32_t hitallsprites;
int32_t animateoffs(int tilenum, int fakevar);
@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ static int16_t bunchp2[MAXWALLSB], thesector[MAXWALLSB];
static int16_t bunchfirst[MAXWALLSB], bunchlast[MAXWALLSB];
static float rollang;
static int16_t numscans, numbunches;
static int16_t maskwall[MAXWALLSB], maskwallcnt;
static int16_t sectorborder[256];
@ -250,7 +252,7 @@ static int32_t pow2xsplit = 0, skyzbufferhack = 0, flatskyrender = 0;
static float drawpoly_alpha = 0.f;
static uint8_t drawpoly_blend = 0;
int32_t polymost_maskWallHasTranslucency(uwalltype const * const wall)
int32_t polymost_maskWallHasTranslucency(walltype const * const wall)
if (wall->cstat & CSTAT_WALL_TRANSLUCENT)
return true;
@ -258,7 +260,7 @@ int32_t polymost_maskWallHasTranslucency(uwalltype const * const wall)
return checkTranslucentReplacement(tileGetTexture(wall->picnum)->GetID(), wall->pal);
int32_t polymost_spriteHasTranslucency(tspritetype const * const tspr)
int32_t polymost_spriteHasTranslucency(spritetype const * const tspr)
if ((tspr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_TRANSLUCENT) || (tspr->clipdist & TSPR_FLAGS_DRAW_LAST) ||
((unsigned)tspr->owner < MAXSPRITES && spriteext[tspr->owner].alpha))
@ -2604,7 +2606,7 @@ void polymost_deletesprite(int num)
static inline int32_t polymost_findwall(tspritetype const * const tspr, vec2_t const * const tsiz, int32_t * rd)
int32_t dist = 4, closest = -1;
auto const sect = (usectortype * )§or[tspr->sectnum];
auto const sect = §or[tspr->sectnum];
vec2_t n;
for (bssize_t i=sect->wallptr; i<sect->wallptr + sect->wallnum; i++)
@ -3610,7 +3612,7 @@ void renderDrawMasks(void)
maskwallcnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numMaskWalls; i++)
if (Polymost::polymost_maskWallHasTranslucency((uwalltype*)&wall[thewall[maskwall[i]]]))
if (Polymost::polymost_maskWallHasTranslucency(&wall[thewall[maskwall[i]]]))
maskwall[maskwallcnt] = maskwall[i];
@ -3779,3 +3781,21 @@ void videoSetCorrectedAspect()
renderSetAspect(vr, yx);
// setaspect
void renderSetAspect(int32_t daxrange, int32_t daaspect)
if (daxrange == 65536) daxrange--; // This doesn't work correctly with 65536. All other values are fine. No idea where this is evaluated wrong.
viewingrange = daxrange;
viewingrangerecip = DivScale(1, daxrange, 32);
fviewingrange = (float)daxrange;
yxaspect = daaspect;
xyaspect = DivScale(1, yxaspect, 32);
xdimenscale = Scale(xdimen, yxaspect, 320);
xdimscale = Scale(320, xyaspect, xdimen);
@ -157,7 +157,6 @@ void hudDraw(PLAYER *gView, int nSectnum, double bobx, double boby, double zDelt
viewingRange = viewingrange;
yxAspect = yxaspect;
r otatesprite(IntToFixed(280), IntToFixed(35), 53248, 512, 4077, v10, v14, 512 + 6, gViewX0, gViewY0, gViewX1, gViewY1);
r otatesprite(IntToFixed(280), IntToFixed(35), 53248, 0, 1683, v10, 0, 512 + 35, gViewX0, gViewY0, gViewX1, gViewY1);
@ -868,8 +868,6 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int x, int y, int z, int a, double const s
// [MR]: Confirm that this is correct as math doesn't match the variable names.
int nCos = z * -bsin(a);
int nSin = z * -bcos(a);
int nCos2 = MulScale(nCos, yxaspect, 16);
int nSin2 = MulScale(nSin, yxaspect, 16);
int nPSprite = gView->pSprite->index;
for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i])
@ -886,7 +884,7 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int x, int y, int z, int a, double const s
GetZRange(pSprite, &ceilZ, &ceilHit, &floorZ, &floorHit, (pSprite->clipdist << 2) + 16, CLIPMASK0, PARALLAXCLIP_CEILING | PARALLAXCLIP_FLOOR);
int nTop, nBottom;
GetSpriteExtents(pSprite, &nTop, &nBottom);
int nScale = MulScale((pSprite->yrepeat + ((floorZ - nBottom) >> 8)) * z, yxaspect, 16);
int nScale = (pSprite->yrepeat + ((floorZ - nBottom) >> 8)) * z;
nScale = ClipRange(nScale, 8000, 65536 << 1);
// Players on automap
double x = xdim / 2. + x1 / double(1 << 12);
@ -399,15 +399,13 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int cposx, int cposy, int czoom, int cang,
int i, j, k, l, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, ox, oy, xoff, yoff;
int dax, day, cosang, sinang, xspan, yspan, sprx, spry;
int xrepeat, yrepeat, tilenum, daang;
int xvect, yvect, xvect2, yvect2;
int xvect, yvect;
int p;
PalEntry col;
spritetype* spr;
xvect = -bsin(cang) * czoom;
yvect = -bcos(cang) * czoom;
xvect2 = MulScale(xvect, yxaspect, 16);
yvect2 = MulScale(yvect, yxaspect, 16);
//Draw sprites
auto pactor = ps[screenpeek].GetActor();
@ -435,15 +433,15 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int cposx, int cposy, int czoom, int cang,
ox = sprx - cposx;
oy = spry - cposy;
x1 = DMulScale(ox, xvect, -oy, yvect, 16);
y1 = DMulScale(oy, xvect2, ox, yvect2, 16);
y1 = DMulScale(oy, xvect, ox, yvect, 16);
ox = bcos(spr->ang, -7);
oy = bsin(spr->ang, -7);
x2 = DMulScale(ox, xvect, -oy, yvect, 16);
y2 = DMulScale(oy, xvect, ox, yvect, 16);
x3 = MulScale(x2, yxaspect, 16);
y3 = MulScale(y2, yxaspect, 16);
x3 = x2;
y3 = y2;
drawlinergb(x1 - x2 + (xdim << 11), y1 - y3 + (ydim << 11),
x1 + x2 + (xdim << 11), y1 + y3 + (ydim << 11), col);
@ -475,12 +473,12 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int cposx, int cposy, int czoom, int cang,
ox = x1 - cposx;
oy = y1 - cposy;
x1 = DMulScale(ox, xvect, -oy, yvect, 16);
y1 = DMulScale(oy, xvect2, ox, yvect2, 16);
y1 = DMulScale(oy, xvect, ox, yvect, 16);
ox = x2 - cposx;
oy = y2 - cposy;
x2 = DMulScale(ox, xvect, -oy, yvect, 16);
y2 = DMulScale(oy, xvect2, ox, yvect2, 16);
y2 = DMulScale(oy, xvect, ox, yvect, 16);
drawlinergb(x1 + (xdim << 11), y1 + (ydim << 11),
x2 + (xdim << 11), y2 + (ydim << 11), col);
@ -521,22 +519,22 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int cposx, int cposy, int czoom, int cang,
ox = x1 - cposx;
oy = y1 - cposy;
x1 = DMulScale(ox, xvect, -oy, yvect, 16);
y1 = DMulScale(oy, xvect2, ox, yvect2, 16);
y1 = DMulScale(oy, xvect, ox, yvect, 16);
ox = x2 - cposx;
oy = y2 - cposy;
x2 = DMulScale(ox, xvect, -oy, yvect, 16);
y2 = DMulScale(oy, xvect2, ox, yvect2, 16);
y2 = DMulScale(oy, xvect, ox, yvect, 16);
ox = x3 - cposx;
oy = y3 - cposy;
x3 = DMulScale(ox, xvect, -oy, yvect, 16);
y3 = DMulScale(oy, xvect2, ox, yvect2, 16);
y3 = DMulScale(oy, xvect, ox, yvect, 16);
ox = x4 - cposx;
oy = y4 - cposy;
x4 = DMulScale(ox, xvect, -oy, yvect, 16);
y4 = DMulScale(oy, xvect2, ox, yvect2, 16);
y4 = DMulScale(oy, xvect, ox, yvect, 16);
drawlinergb(x1 + (xdim << 11), y1 + (ydim << 11),
x2 + (xdim << 11), y2 + (ydim << 11), col);
@ -571,7 +569,7 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int cposx, int cposy, int czoom, int cang,
j = abs(pp.truefz - pp.posz) >> 8;
j = MulScale(czoom * (pspr->yrepeat + j), yxaspect, 16);
j = czoom * (pspr->yrepeat + j);
if (j < 22000) j = 22000;
else if (j > (65536 << 1)) j = (65536 << 1);
@ -77,8 +77,6 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int x, int y, int z, int a, double const s
// [MR]: Confirm that this is correct as math doesn't match the variable names.
int nCos = z * -bsin(a);
int nSin = z * -bcos(a);
int nCos2 = MulScale(nCos, yxaspect, 16);
int nSin2 = MulScale(nSin, yxaspect, 16);
for (int i = connecthead; i >= 0; i = connectpoint2[i])
@ -94,7 +92,7 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int x, int y, int z, int a, double const s
getzrange_old(pSprite->x, pSprite->y, pSprite->z, pSprite->sectnum, &ceilZ, &ceilHit, &floorZ, &floorHit, (pSprite->clipdist << 2) + 16, CLIPMASK0);
int nTop, nBottom;
GetSpriteExtents(pSprite, &nTop, &nBottom);
int nScale = MulScale((pSprite->yrepeat + ((floorZ - nBottom) >> 8)) * z, yxaspect, 16);
int nScale = (pSprite->yrepeat + ((floorZ - nBottom) >> 8)) * z;
nScale = clamp(nScale, 8000, 65536 << 1);
// Players on automap
double x = xdim / 2. + x1 / double(1 << 12);
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ extern short f_c;
extern ParentalStruct aVoxelArray[MAXTILES];
int ConnectCopySprite(uspritetype const * tsp);
int ConnectCopySprite(spritetype const * tsp);
void PreDrawStackedWater(void);
void SW_InitMultiPsky(void)
@ -794,8 +794,7 @@ analyzesprites(int viewx, int viewy, int viewz, bool mirror)
if (OverlapDraw && FAF_ConnectArea(tsp->sectnum) && tsp->owner >= 0)
static_assert(sizeof(uspritetype) == sizeof(tspritetype)); // see TSPRITE_SIZE
@ -902,7 +901,6 @@ post_analyzesprites(void)
if (tu->ID == FIREBALL_FLAMES && tu->Attach >= 0)
//uspritetype * const atsp = &sprite[tu->Attach];
tspriteptr_t const atsp = get_tsprite(tu->Attach);
if (!atsp)
@ -1281,7 +1279,7 @@ PostDraw(void)
int CopySprite(uspritetype const * tsp, short newsector)
int CopySprite(spritetype const * tsp, short newsector)
short New;
@ -1310,7 +1308,7 @@ int CopySprite(uspritetype const * tsp, short newsector)
return New;
int ConnectCopySprite(uspritetype const * tsp)
int ConnectCopySprite(spritetype const * tsp)
short newsector;
int testz;
@ -1375,7 +1373,7 @@ void PreDrawStackedWater(void)
sp = &sprite[i];
u = User[i];
New = ConnectCopySprite((uspritetype const *)sp);
New = ConnectCopySprite((spritetype const *)sp);
if (New >= 0)
// spawn a user
@ -1706,7 +1704,7 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int cposx, int cposy, int czoom, int cang,
int i, j, k, l, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, ox, oy, xoff, yoff;
int dax, day, cosang, sinang, xspan, yspan, sprx, spry;
int xrepeat, yrepeat, z1, z2, startwall, endwall, tilenum, daang;
int xvect, yvect, xvect2, yvect2;
int xvect, yvect;
walltype* wal, * wal2;
spritetype* spr;
short p;
@ -1716,8 +1714,6 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int cposx, int cposy, int czoom, int cang,
xvect = -bsin(cang) * czoom;
yvect = -bcos(cang) * czoom;
xvect2 = MulScale(xvect, yxaspect, 16);
yvect2 = MulScale(yvect, yxaspect, 16);
// Draw sprites
@ -1784,7 +1780,7 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int cposx, int cposy, int czoom, int cang,
double xd = ((x1 << 4) + (xdim << 15)) / 65536.;
double yd = ((y1 << 4) + (ydim << 15)) / 65536.;
double sc = MulScale(czoom * (spr->yrepeat), yxaspect, 16) / 32768.;
double sc = czoom * (spr->yrepeat) / 32768.;
if (spnum >= 0)
DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(1196 + pspr_ndx[myconnectindex], true), xd, yd, DTA_ScaleX, sc, DTA_ScaleY, sc, DTA_Rotate, daang * (-360. / 2048),
@ -1815,12 +1811,12 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int cposx, int cposy, int czoom, int cang,
ox = x1 - cposx;
oy = y1 - cposy;
x1 = MulScale(ox, xvect, 16) - MulScale(oy, yvect, 16);
y1 = MulScale(oy, xvect2, 16) + MulScale(ox, yvect2, 16);
y1 = MulScale(oy, xvect, 16) + MulScale(ox, yvect, 16);
ox = x2 - cposx;
oy = y2 - cposy;
x2 = MulScale(ox, xvect, 16) - MulScale(oy, yvect, 16);
y2 = MulScale(oy, xvect2, 16) + MulScale(ox, yvect2, 16);
y2 = MulScale(oy, xvect, 16) + MulScale(ox, yvect, 16);
drawlinergb(x1 + (xdim << 11), y1 + (ydim << 11),
x2 + (xdim << 11), y2 + (ydim << 11), col);
@ -1863,22 +1859,22 @@ bool GameInterface::DrawAutomapPlayer(int cposx, int cposy, int czoom, int cang,
ox = x1 - cposx;
oy = y1 - cposy;
x1 = MulScale(ox, xvect, 16) - MulScale(oy, yvect, 16);
y1 = MulScale(oy, xvect2, 16) + MulScale(ox, yvect2, 16);
y1 = MulScale(oy, xvect, 16) + MulScale(ox, yvect, 16);
ox = x2 - cposx;
oy = y2 - cposy;
x2 = MulScale(ox, xvect, 16) - MulScale(oy, yvect, 16);
y2 = MulScale(oy, xvect2, 16) + MulScale(ox, yvect2, 16);
y2 = MulScale(oy, xvect, 16) + MulScale(ox, yvect, 16);
ox = x3 - cposx;
oy = y3 - cposy;
x3 = MulScale(ox, xvect, 16) - MulScale(oy, yvect, 16);
y3 = MulScale(oy, xvect2, 16) + MulScale(ox, yvect2, 16);
y3 = MulScale(oy, xvect, 16) + MulScale(ox, yvect, 16);
ox = x4 - cposx;
oy = y4 - cposy;
x4 = MulScale(ox, xvect, 16) - MulScale(oy, yvect, 16);
y4 = MulScale(oy, xvect2, 16) + MulScale(ox, yvect2, 16);
y4 = MulScale(oy, xvect, 16) + MulScale(ox, yvect, 16);
drawlinergb(x1 + (xdim << 11), y1 + (ydim << 11),
x2 + (xdim << 11), y2 + (ydim << 11), col);
@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ TrackSetup(void)
if (t->NumPoints == 0)
int i;
auto const sp = (uspritetype const *)&sprite[StatIterator::First(STAT_TRACK+ndx)];
auto const sp = (spritetype const *)&sprite[StatIterator::First(STAT_TRACK+ndx)];
Printf("WARNING: Did not find first point of Track Number %d, x %d, y %d\n", ndx, sp->x, sp->y);
StatIterator it(STAT_TRACK + ndx);
while ((i = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
Reference in a new issue