mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 02:50:54 +00:00
- statistics output
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 95 additions and 135 deletions
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ int connecthead, connectpoint2[MAXMULTIPLAYERS];
int32_t xres = -1, yres = -1, bpp = 0;
auto vsnprintfptr = vsnprintf; // This is an inline in Visual Studio but we need an address for it to satisfy the MinGW compiled libraries.
glcycle_t thinktime, actortime;
glcycle_t thinktime, actortime, gameupdatetime, drawtime;
MapRecord mapList[512]; // Due to how this gets used it needs to be static. EDuke defines 7 episode plus one spare episode with 64 potential levels each and relies on the static array which is freely accessible by scripts.
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ void GameInterface::MenuClosed()
g_cameraDistance = 65536;
@ -42,6 +42,51 @@ BEGIN_DUKE_NS
FFont* IndexFont;
FFont* DigiFont;
// debug output
FString GameInterface::GetCoordString()
int snum = screenpeek;
FString out;
out.Format("pos= %d, %d, %d - angle = %2.3f - sector = %d, lotag = %d, hitag = %d",
ps[snum].posx, ps[snum].posy, ps[snum].posz, ps[snum].q16ang / 65536., ps[snum].cursectnum,
sector[ps[snum].cursectnum].lotag, sector[ps[snum].cursectnum].hitag);
return out;
GameStats GameInterface::getStats()
struct player_struct* p = &ps[myconnectindex];
return { p->actors_killed, p->max_actors_killed, p->secret_rooms, p->max_secret_rooms, p->player_par / REALGAMETICSPERSEC, p->frag };
FString GameInterface::statFPS()
FString output;
output.AppendFormat("Actor think time: %.3f ms\n", actortime.TimeMS());
output.AppendFormat("Total think time: %.3f ms\n", thinktime.TimeMS());
output.AppendFormat("Game Update: %.3f ms\n", gameupdatetime.TimeMS());
output.AppendFormat("Draw time: %.3f ms\n", drawtime.TimeMS());
return output;
// game specific command line args go here.
@ -171,7 +216,8 @@ void genspriteremaps(void)
// This now redirects the messagew to the console's notification display
// which has all the features to reasonably do this in Duke style.
@ -392,6 +392,11 @@ inline int PlayerInputForwardVel(int pl)
return g_player[pl].input->fvel;
inline fixed_t PlayerInputAngVel(int pl)
return g_player[pl].input->q16avel;
kHitTypeMask = 0xC000,
@ -2602,12 +2602,12 @@ void processinput_d(int snum)
g_player[snum].horizAngleAdjust = 0;
g_player[snum].horizSkew = 0;
if (p->cheat_phase <= 0) sb_snum = g_player[snum].input->bits;// sync[snum].bits;
if (p->cheat_phase <= 0) sb_snum = PlayerInputBits(snum, ~0);
else sb_snum = 0;
auto sb_fvel = g_player[snum].input->fvel; // TRANSITIONAL
auto sb_svel = g_player[snum].input->svel;
auto sb_avel = g_player[snum].input->q16avel;
auto sb_fvel = PlayerInputForwardVel(snum);
auto sb_svel = PlayerInputSideVel(snum);
auto sb_avel = PlayerInputAngVel(snum);
psect = p->cursectnum;
if (psect == -1)
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include "namesdyn.h"
#include "stats.h"
extern glcycle_t actortime, thinktime;
extern glcycle_t drawtime, actortime, thinktime, gameupdatetime;
@ -2006,7 +2006,8 @@ MAIN_LOOP_RESTART:
char gameUpdate = false;
double const gameUpdateStartTime = timerGetHiTicks();
while (((g_netClient || g_netServer) || !(g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm & (MODE_MENU|MODE_DEMO))) && (int)(totalclock - ototalclock) >= TICSPERFRAME)
@ -2043,10 +2044,7 @@ MAIN_LOOP_RESTART:
gameUpdate = true;
g_gameUpdateTime = timerGetHiTicks()-gameUpdateStartTime;
if (g_gameUpdateAvgTime < 0.f)
g_gameUpdateAvgTime = g_gameUpdateTime;
g_gameUpdateAvgTime = ((GAMEUPDATEAVGTIMENUMSAMPLES-1.f)*g_gameUpdateAvgTime+g_gameUpdateTime)/((float) GAMEUPDATEAVGTIMENUMSAMPLES);
@ -2071,17 +2069,14 @@ MAIN_LOOP_RESTART:
int const smoothRatio = calc_smoothratio(totalclock, ototalclock);
G_DrawRooms(screenpeek, smoothRatio);
if (videoGetRenderMode() >= REND_POLYMOST)
if (gameUpdate)
g_gameUpdateAndDrawTime = g_beforeSwapTime/* timerGetHiTicks()*/ - gameUpdateStartTime;
if (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm&MODE_DEMO)
@ -159,121 +159,6 @@ static inline void G_MoveClouds(void)
FString G_PrintCoords(int32_t snum)
const int32_t x = g_Debug ? 288 : 0;
int32_t y = 0;
auto const ps = g_player[snum].ps;
const int32_t sectnum = ps->cursectnum;
if ((g_gametypeFlags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_FRAGBAR))
if (ud.multimode > 4)
y = 32;
else if (g_netServer || ud.multimode > 1)
y = 24;
FString out;
out.AppendFormat("XYZ= (%d, %d, %d)\n", ps->pos.x, ps->pos.y, ps->pos.z);
char ang[16], horiz[16], horizoff[16];
fix16_to_str(ps->q16ang, ang, 2);
fix16_to_str(ps->q16horiz, horiz, 2);
fix16_to_str(ps->q16horizoff, horizoff, 2);
out.AppendFormat("A/H/HO= %s, %s, %s\n", ang, horiz, horizoff);
out.AppendFormat("VEL= (%d, %d, %d) + (%d, %d, 0)\n", ps->vel.x >> 14, ps->vel.y >> 14, ps->vel.z, ps->fric.x >> 5, ps->fric.y >> 5);
out.AppendFormat("OG= %d SBRIDGE=%d SBS=%d\n", ps->on_ground, ps->spritebridge, ps->sbs);
if (sectnum >= 0)
out.AppendFormat("SECT= %d (LO=%d EX=%d)\n", sectnum, TrackerCast(sector[sectnum].lotag), TrackerCast(sector[sectnum].extra));
out.AppendFormat("SECT= %d\n", sectnum);
out.AppendFormat("\nTHOLD= %d ", ps->transporter_hold);
out.AppendFormat("GAMETIC= %u, TOTALCLOCK=%d\n", g_moveThingsCount, (int32_t)totalclock);
out.AppendFormat("\nVR=%.03f YX=%.03f", (double)dr_viewingrange / 65536.0, (double)dr_yxaspect / 65536.0);
return out;
FString GameInterface::GetCoordString()
return G_PrintCoords(screenpeek);
FString GameInterface::statFPS()
FString output;
static int32_t frameCount;
static double cumulativeFrameDelay;
static double lastFrameTime;
static float lastFPS, minFPS = FLT_MAX, maxFPS;
static double minGameUpdate = DBL_MAX, maxGameUpdate;
double frameTime = timerGetHiTicks();
double frameDelay = frameTime - lastFrameTime;
cumulativeFrameDelay += frameDelay;
if (frameDelay >= 0)
int32_t x = (xdim <= 640);
//if (r_showfps)
output.AppendFormat("%.1f ms, %5.1f fps\n", frameDelay, lastFPS);
if (r_showfps > 1)
output.AppendFormat("max: %5.1f fps\n", maxFPS);
output.AppendFormat("min: %5.1f fps\n", minFPS);
if (r_showfps > 2)
if (g_gameUpdateTime > maxGameUpdate) maxGameUpdate = g_gameUpdateTime;
if (g_gameUpdateTime < minGameUpdate) minGameUpdate = g_gameUpdateTime;
output.AppendFormat("Game Update: %2.2f ms + draw: %2.2f ms\n", g_gameUpdateTime, g_gameUpdateAndDrawTime - g_gameUpdateTime);
output.AppendFormat("GU min/max/avg: %5.2f/%5.2f/%5.2f ms\n", minGameUpdate, maxGameUpdate, g_gameUpdateAvgTime);
output.AppendFormat("actor think time: %.3f ms\n", actortime.TimeMS());
output.AppendFormat("total think timn: %.3f ms\n", thinktime.TimeMS());
if (cumulativeFrameDelay >= 1000.0)
lastFPS = 1000.f * frameCount / cumulativeFrameDelay;
g_frameRate = Blrintf(lastFPS);
frameCount = 0;
cumulativeFrameDelay = 0.0;
if (r_showfps > 1)
if (lastFPS > maxFPS) maxFPS = lastFPS;
if (lastFPS < minFPS) minFPS = lastFPS;
static int secondCounter;
if (++secondCounter >= r_showfpsperiod)
maxFPS = (lastFPS + maxFPS) * .5f;
minFPS = (lastFPS + minFPS) * .5f;
maxGameUpdate = (g_gameUpdateTime + maxGameUpdate) * 0.5;
minGameUpdate = (g_gameUpdateTime + minGameUpdate) * 0.5;
secondCounter = 0;
lastFrameTime = frameTime;
return output;
GameStats GameInterface::getStats()
DukePlayer_t* p = g_player[myconnectindex].ps;
return { p->actors_killed, p->max_actors_killed, p->secret_rooms, p->max_secret_rooms, p->player_par / REALGAMETICSPERSEC, p->frag };
void displayweapon(int snum);
@ -415,12 +415,41 @@ void renderFinishScene()
CVAR(Bool, vid_fps, false, 0)
static FString statFPS()
static int32_t frameCount;
static double lastFrameTime;
static double cumulativeFrameDelay;
static double lastFPS;
FString output;
double frameTime = I_msTimeF();
double frameDelay = frameTime - lastFrameTime;
cumulativeFrameDelay += frameDelay;
if (frameDelay >= 0)
output.AppendFormat("%5.1f fps (%.1f ms)\n", lastFPS, frameDelay);
if (cumulativeFrameDelay >= 1000.0)
lastFPS = 1000.f * frameCount / cumulativeFrameDelay;
frameCount = 0;
cumulativeFrameDelay = 0.0;
lastFrameTime = frameTime;
return output;
void DrawRateStuff()
// Draws frame time and cumulative fps
if (vid_fps)
FString fpsbuff = gi->statFPS();
FString fpsbuff = statFPS();
int textScale = active_con_scale(twod);
int rate_x = screen->GetWidth() / textScale - NewConsoleFont->StringWidth(&fpsbuff[0]);
Reference in a new issue